Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

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FINLANDThe Olympicstadiumis go<strong>in</strong>g tobe renovated.GEORGIAA prestigiousname to coachthe national team:Ala<strong>in</strong> Giresse.EMPICSAFP/FISCHERFINLANDF<strong>in</strong>land(AlexeiEremenko,white)hostedCanada atthe Rat<strong>in</strong>astadium.renovated venue, as the constructionwork should be f<strong>in</strong>ished <strong>in</strong> late May 2005.In the meantime, the nationalteam has found a new home <strong>in</strong> Tampere,about 180 kilometres from Hels<strong>in</strong>ki.S<strong>in</strong>ce host<strong>in</strong>g the FIFA Under-17 WorldChampionship <strong>in</strong> 20<strong>03</strong>, the Rat<strong>in</strong>a stadiumhosted Canada last October and willwitness the arrival of Sweden on 28 May.However, the necessary departure fromHels<strong>in</strong>ki is not affect<strong>in</strong>g F<strong>in</strong>land’s game,accord<strong>in</strong>g to Muur<strong>in</strong>en.“Play<strong>in</strong>g at the Rat<strong>in</strong>a stadiumis not only a great experience for thenational team; it also serves F<strong>in</strong>nish football.Tampere has everyth<strong>in</strong>g it takes toarrange an <strong>in</strong>ternational match. Moreover,we can spread top football furtherby play<strong>in</strong>g outside Hels<strong>in</strong>ki,” he says.Sami TeräväFRANCEFair playchallengeThe Centre-Westleague has launchedthe "Esprit Foot Jeunes" Challenge, aproject aimed at youth teams from theregion, reward<strong>in</strong>g clubs for their players'good behaviour.Fair play, respect for opponents,referees and everyone <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> football:this is the pr<strong>in</strong>ciple beh<strong>in</strong>d the new<strong>in</strong>itiative designed to promote sport<strong>in</strong>gbehaviour <strong>in</strong> the Centre-West region.Inspired by the "Esprit Foot" Challengewhich has enjoyed success over the lastdecade or so, "Esprit Foot Jeunes" wasthe idea of the Regional Youth Council,a committee set up with<strong>in</strong> the Centre-West league and composed of leadersaged between 18 and 26.It is aimed at teams <strong>in</strong> three differentcategories: under-18s, under-15sand under-13s. "Our primary objectiveis to try to reduce the number of actsof <strong>in</strong>discipl<strong>in</strong>e," expla<strong>in</strong>ed Sébastien Gay,Deputy General Secretary of the Centre-West league and the driv<strong>in</strong>g force beh<strong>in</strong>dthe Regional Youth Council."We were<strong>in</strong>spired by the "Esprit Foot" Challenge,which has been very successful but whichonly <strong>in</strong>volves the region's senior teams."The project was launched verysmoothly, with the help of League President,Henri Monteil, who is particularly<strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> all coach<strong>in</strong>g-related matters.Various Centre-West committees werealso actively <strong>in</strong>volved, particularly theDiscipl<strong>in</strong>ary Committee, which has beenwork<strong>in</strong>g closely with the Regional YouthCouncil.Three of the 15 people work<strong>in</strong>gon the project are members of the league'sDiscipl<strong>in</strong>ary Committee. Members of theReferees' Committee, Technical Committeeand Youth Committee are also <strong>in</strong>volved.The rewards available are veryattractive for the teams concerned: "Atthe end of the season, we will awardprizes to 18 clubs from the region: sixfrom each category," said Sébastien Gay."There will be f<strong>in</strong>ancial rewards as wellas equipment. Shirts, shorts, parkas,w<strong>in</strong>dcheaters, T-shirts, etc.". In total, theequivalent of more than EUR 10,000 willbe distributed to the best behaved clubs.J. TAMMINENAt the end of the season, a grandceremony will be held at the "TechnopoleEster" <strong>in</strong> Limoges, where the prizes willbe handed out under the watchful eyeof some well-known personalities. "Weare expect<strong>in</strong>g ex- <strong>in</strong>ternational MaximeBossis and national referee Bruno Derriento attend," said a delighted SébastienGay. "There will also be professionalplayers who grew up <strong>in</strong> the region, suchas Nantes' Loïc Guion and Laurent Peyreladefrom Le Mans. We are hop<strong>in</strong>g that200 people will be here."A great even<strong>in</strong>g is <strong>in</strong> store,one which will highlight the effortsmade over many years <strong>in</strong> the Centre-West region to promote fair play.Roman MarthienGEORGIAW<strong>in</strong>d of change. . .At its meet<strong>in</strong>g on 15 April,the executive committeeof the Georgian FFdiscussed different important issues.After a long search and negotiationswith candidates, the Georgiannational team has a new coach <strong>in</strong> theperson of well-known former player Ala<strong>in</strong>Giresse. It is the second time a foreigncoach has been put <strong>in</strong> charge of thenational team s<strong>in</strong>ce the country became an<strong>in</strong>dependent state. The GFF managementis confident that Mr Giresse will fulfil thehopes of Georgian supporters, overcomethe crises and take the national teamthrough to the 20<strong>06</strong> World Cup f<strong>in</strong>als.Important personnel and organisationalchanges have also taken placewith<strong>in</strong> the federation. In particular,follow<strong>in</strong>g the retirement of ValeriCholaria as General Secretary, AndriaAbashidze has been appo<strong>in</strong>ted newChief Executive of the GFF. Despite hisyoung age (27), Mr Abashidze alreadyhas ample experience of work<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>such supervisory positions.The executive committee alsoset the date for the VII GFF Ord<strong>in</strong>ary<strong>Congress</strong>, which will beheld on 17 June.F<strong>in</strong>ally, another importantdecision has been taken, the logo of thefederation has been changed. Thepolitical events at the end of last yearbrought about serious changes <strong>in</strong> theentire country, and the scent of the“Revolution of Roses” <strong>in</strong>fluenced the GFFoffice as well – follow<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>troductionof a new state symbol, the GFF decidedto follow suit and change its logo too.From several proposals submittedto the GFF, the GFF executive committeechose the logo designed by Georgianjournalist Alexander Tonia.So, the changes are important,and we hope that the w<strong>in</strong>d of change willblow some good th<strong>in</strong>gs our way.Bakar Jordania18 uefadirect 6.04

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