AFP/ZBOROWSKIREPUBLICOF IRELANDThe Republic ofIreland (John O’Shea)cont<strong>in</strong>ued theirgood run with adraw aga<strong>in</strong>st Poland.FRFROMANIAD<strong>in</strong>amoBucarest are<strong>in</strong> therunn<strong>in</strong>g forthe domesticchampionshiptitle.on various committees go back more thantwo decades, and this reflects well on theuntir<strong>in</strong>g efforts of this 54-year-old lawyerto face the future challenges of the gameof football, both <strong>in</strong> Malta and worldwide.Alex VellaNETHERLANDSFirst woman coachfor national teamVera Pauw was appo<strong>in</strong>tedhead coach of the nationalwomen’s team <strong>in</strong> April. Pauw (41) succeedsFrans de Kat, who will end his termwith the national side <strong>in</strong> June. She isthe first woman to take the position ashead coach of the national women’s team<strong>in</strong> the Netherlands. Pauw has a longhistory <strong>in</strong> football. She won 87 caps forthe Dutch national team over a periodstretch<strong>in</strong>g from 1983 until 1998. Sheplayed as central defender and evencapta<strong>in</strong>ed the side. In the 1988/89 season,she played professional footballfor Modena <strong>in</strong> Italy, but she returnedto the Netherlands after just one seasonto pursue her <strong>in</strong>ternational career.Vera Pauw studied physicaleducation and was awarded the highestcoach<strong>in</strong>g certificate <strong>in</strong> 1987. She workedfor the Dutch FA from 1986 until 1998on the football development staff.For the last six years she has workedfor the Scottish FA as technical directorof women’s football and national teammanager. The Scots were promoted toNETHERLANDSVera Pauw, newcoach of the Dutchwomen’s team.KNVBdivision one under her guidance. VeraPauw will not start to work <strong>in</strong> the Netherlandsuntil the Scots have f<strong>in</strong>ishedtheir qualify<strong>in</strong>g campaign for the 2005European championship. Meanwhilean <strong>in</strong>terim coach will be <strong>in</strong> charge ofthe Dutch women.Pauw is a member of the FIFATechnical Study Group and attended thelast two FIFA Women’s World Cups <strong>in</strong>that capacity. Last year she was the firstwoman ever to jo<strong>in</strong> Michel Plat<strong>in</strong>i’s FIFATechnical Committee.Her determ<strong>in</strong>ation and dedicationto the cause of women’s footballhave yet to pay off <strong>in</strong> the Netherlands.The Dutch team are still await<strong>in</strong>g theirfirst appearance <strong>in</strong> a major <strong>in</strong>ternationaltournament. However, there is talentloom<strong>in</strong>g on the horizon. The Under-19side were the first ever Dutch women’sside to qualify for the f<strong>in</strong>al round of theEuropean Championship <strong>in</strong> 20<strong>03</strong>. Unfortunatelythey were knocked out of the2004 campaign by European championsFrance <strong>in</strong> April. Still, with boys and girlsplay<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the same leagues up to theage of 18 and the female membershipof KNVB still grow<strong>in</strong>g, Vera Pauw couldbe the first coach to lead the Dutchwomen’s side to the f<strong>in</strong>al round of aEuropean Championship or even the FIFAWorld Cup.Rob de LeedePORTUGALPraise from <strong>UEFA</strong>Portugal’s efforts to organisethe com<strong>in</strong>g EURO 2004tournament have beenpraised once aga<strong>in</strong>, dur<strong>in</strong>g the recent<strong>XXVIII</strong> Ord<strong>in</strong>ary <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>in</strong> Limassol,<strong>Cyprus</strong>. In his clos<strong>in</strong>g speech, the<strong>UEFA</strong> president underl<strong>in</strong>ed the workperformed by the Portuguese FootballFederation and the Portuguese Government,<strong>in</strong> order to stage the best EuropeanChampionship ever.FPF President Gilberto Madaíl,who <strong>in</strong>tended to stand as a candidate<strong>in</strong> the elections for the <strong>UEFA</strong> and FIFAExecutive Committees, decided towithdraw both candidatures, bear<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>m<strong>in</strong>d “the higher <strong>in</strong>terests of Portuguesefootball and the sports-political relationshipbetween the FPF and FIFA and<strong>UEFA</strong>.” Not<strong>in</strong>g the Portuguese official’sdecision, the <strong>UEFA</strong> president issued asupportive statement say<strong>in</strong>g that thedecision "was driven by the need to concentrateon and give priority to the mattersthat have occurred recently <strong>in</strong> Portugal”.The statement further recognisedMadaíl’s “outstand<strong>in</strong>g” role and acknowledgedthat “he has been active onmany fronts over the past few years”,for which reason he “will be offered avery prom<strong>in</strong>ent position with<strong>in</strong> <strong>UEFA</strong><strong>in</strong> order to utilise his talents and vastexperience for the benefit of Europeanfootball <strong>in</strong> future years."A similar position was adoptedby the FIFA president, dur<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>Congress</strong>.Joseph Blatter saw the withdrawalof Gilberto Madaíl as an attitude ofgreatdignity.With EURO 2004 loom<strong>in</strong>g evercloser (12 June to 4 July), these wordsare a great <strong>in</strong>centive for football and forPortugal.João Paulo D<strong>in</strong>izREPUBLICOF IRELANDOnly one defeat<strong>in</strong> 14 matchesFootball supporters <strong>in</strong>the Republic of Ireland had high hopesthat Roy Keane would make a spectacularreturn to the <strong>in</strong>ternational team for thefriendly game aga<strong>in</strong>st Poland <strong>in</strong> Bydgoszczat the end of April.The Manchester United midfielderhad <strong>in</strong>dicated that he planned toput his dramatic withdrawal from the2002 World Cup f<strong>in</strong>als <strong>in</strong> Japan beh<strong>in</strong>dhim and make a return to the <strong>in</strong>ternationalscene.Keane reported to the team hotel<strong>in</strong> Dubl<strong>in</strong> to prepare for the game aga<strong>in</strong>stthe Poles but was forced to withdrawbecause of a hamstr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>jury susta<strong>in</strong>eddur<strong>in</strong>g a tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g session with the squadon the morn<strong>in</strong>g of their <strong>in</strong>tended departurefor Poland.The player had compla<strong>in</strong>ed of ahamstr<strong>in</strong>g problem follow<strong>in</strong>g ManchesterUnited's English Premiership gameaga<strong>in</strong>st Liverpool the previous weekendand the <strong>in</strong>jury was confirmed follow<strong>in</strong>gthe run-out <strong>in</strong> Dubl<strong>in</strong> under Irish teammanager Brian Kerr.There is now a chance thatKeane may be ready to make his reappearance<strong>in</strong> the Irish team <strong>in</strong> some of thefriendly games that have been arrangedfor the weeks ahead.Ireland have games com<strong>in</strong>g upaga<strong>in</strong>st Romania, Nigeria, Jamaica and theNetherlands before the summer break.For the game aga<strong>in</strong>st the Polesmanager Kerr had a difficult time with anumber of players withdraw<strong>in</strong>g from hissquad for various reasons.From an orig<strong>in</strong>al list of 24players he named for the game, no fewerthan 11 withdrew. So, <strong>in</strong> the circumstances,with his depleted squad,manager Kerr was happy with the factthat the Irish managed a scoreless drawaga<strong>in</strong>st the Poles.There was a further sense ofsatisfaction for him <strong>in</strong> that the resultof the game (0-0) brought Kerr's records<strong>in</strong>ce he took over as manager of the<strong>in</strong>ternational team almost 18 monthsago to just one defeat <strong>in</strong> 14 matches.20 uefadirect 6.04
NZSSLOVENIABorut Semlerwas ableto show offhis talent dur<strong>in</strong>gthe Under-19qualify<strong>in</strong>gtourament.PHOTOS: FFUUKRAINEThe Ukra<strong>in</strong>ianhouse offootball anda co<strong>in</strong> commemorat<strong>in</strong>gthe 20<strong>06</strong> WorldCup f<strong>in</strong>als.Results and records like these areall help<strong>in</strong>g to build up and strengthen theconfidence of the team, which shouldstand them <strong>in</strong> good stead when thequalify<strong>in</strong>g games for the 20<strong>06</strong> World Cupbeg<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the autumn.Brendan McKennaROMANIAPlaces <strong>in</strong> Europeat stakeIn the race for the 2004title, the two biggestclubs are neck and neck as the championshipreaches its climax. After the23rd match day (out of 30) FC D<strong>in</strong>amoBucarest (now coached by Ioan Andone)are just two po<strong>in</strong>ts ahead of FC SteauaBucarest (coached by Victor Piturca) butthe results of their direct encounters are <strong>in</strong>FC Steaua’s favour, thanks to an away w<strong>in</strong>(1-0 at home and 2-1 on D<strong>in</strong>amo’s turf).At the halfway po<strong>in</strong>t, three teamswere <strong>in</strong> the runn<strong>in</strong>g for the title, but aftera few unexpected defeats, reign<strong>in</strong>g championsFC Rapid Bucarest lost any chanceof reta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g their crown. Rapid, who dispensedwith the services of coach MirceaRednic <strong>in</strong> January, even risk los<strong>in</strong>g their currentthird place to FC Universitatea Craiova,now be<strong>in</strong>g coached successfully by…Mircea Rednic (s<strong>in</strong>ce the 19th match day).Rednic’s replacement at FC Rapid– former <strong>in</strong>ternational and Chelsea playerDan Petrescu – lasted only six match daysbefore hand<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> his notice. FC Rapidbrought <strong>in</strong> Viorel Hizo to help them out oftheir crisis, but success is still elud<strong>in</strong>gthem.On 6 June, the 20<strong>03</strong>/04 cup f<strong>in</strong>alwill be played out between FC D<strong>in</strong>amoBucarest and Otelul Galati (coached by Sor<strong>in</strong>Cartu), who are hop<strong>in</strong>g that FC D<strong>in</strong>amowill w<strong>in</strong> the championship and leave thema place <strong>in</strong> the 2004/05 <strong>UEFA</strong> Cup.The possible comb<strong>in</strong>ationsfor <strong>UEFA</strong> club competition places arenumerous, but it is likely that outgo<strong>in</strong>gchampions FC Rapid Bucarest will notbe <strong>in</strong> the picture.Dan CristeaSLOVENIASuccessful Under-19 qualify<strong>in</strong>gtournamentWhile Slovenia was becom<strong>in</strong>g a fullysigned-up member of the EU (on 1 May),the Football Association of Slovenia wasbusy organis<strong>in</strong>g another <strong>in</strong>ternationaltournament, this time the second-roundqualify<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>i-tournament for the2004 European Under-19 Championship.Together with Slovenian football clubsNK CMC Publikum, Nk Rudar Velenje,NK Maribor PL and NK Alum<strong>in</strong>ij Kidricevo,<strong>in</strong> whose stadiums the six tournamentmatches took place, and with the helpof the perfect accommodation facilitiesof the Hotel Sava <strong>in</strong> Rogaska Slat<strong>in</strong>a, whereall the teams stayed, the host associationensured that everyth<strong>in</strong>g ran smoothly.The draw set Slovenia a verydifficult task, putt<strong>in</strong>g them <strong>in</strong> the samegroup as England, Ukra<strong>in</strong>e and Denmark,all of whose teams are highly rated <strong>in</strong> thatage group. However, the young Slovenianswere determ<strong>in</strong>ed to put on good performancesand f<strong>in</strong>ish <strong>in</strong> a good position,although it was clear from the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gthat their chances of qualify<strong>in</strong>g for thef<strong>in</strong>al tournament were small (only groupw<strong>in</strong>ners would qualify).Th<strong>in</strong>gs got off to a very goodstart. In their very first match, the Slovenianyouth players, under the guidance ofcoach Branko Zupan, showed that theyknew how to play. Aga<strong>in</strong>st the muchrespected England they showed no fear –on the contrary – Bayern striker BorutSemler scored two goals and decidedthe w<strong>in</strong>ner already <strong>in</strong> the first half. Theenthusiastic atmosphere <strong>in</strong> the new stadium<strong>in</strong> Celje rose to an undreamed-of level.Although Slovenia then lost theirsecond match aga<strong>in</strong>st the best team andfuture w<strong>in</strong>ners of the tournament,Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, they managed to f<strong>in</strong>ish <strong>in</strong> secondplace, after a draw aga<strong>in</strong>st Denmark.Irena Ilesic CujovicUKRAINEMedia meet<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> KievThe first all-Ukra<strong>in</strong>ianmeet<strong>in</strong>g for media andpress officers of the top league professional clubs was organised by theFootball Federation of Ukra<strong>in</strong>e on24/25 April. The two-hour meet<strong>in</strong>gtook place <strong>in</strong> the press centre ofFC Dynamo Kyiv, where the presidentof the FFU, Grigoriy Surkis, addressed75 guests from all regions of our countryand then answered numerous questions.FFU Executive Director OlexandrBandurko, First Vice-President SergiyStorozhenko and the Head of Referees’Committee, Viktor Derdo, took part<strong>in</strong> the forum as well.The participants put flowersat the monument to ValeriyLobanovskyi and on the graveof legendary player and the firstFFU president, Viktor Bannikov.A vist to the children’s/youthfootball school of FC Dynamo Kyiv<strong>in</strong> Koncha-Zaspa was also on theprogramme. The participantssaw the modern artificialm<strong>in</strong>i-pitch and heardabout the Ukra<strong>in</strong>ianfootball centre project. The m<strong>in</strong>i-pitch,which was built with a grant from <strong>UEFA</strong>,was opened by journalists, who took part<strong>in</strong> an exhibition match on it afterwards.At the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of April, theFFU, jo<strong>in</strong>tly with the national bank ofUkra<strong>in</strong>e, issued two co<strong>in</strong>s commemorat<strong>in</strong>gthe 20<strong>06</strong> FIFA World Cup.To mark the anniversary of thedeath of Yuriy Voynov, the FFU, <strong>in</strong> cooperationwith the professional league ofUkra<strong>in</strong>e, unveiled a monument to thelegendary footballer on his grave <strong>in</strong> theBaikove cemetery.On 16 April, a time capsule wasput <strong>in</strong>to the foundations of the Ukra<strong>in</strong>ianhouse of football. The ceremony wasattended by <strong>UEFA</strong> Executive Committeemember Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder, <strong>UEFA</strong>Treasurer Mathieu Sprengers and thehead of <strong>UEFA</strong>’s Assistance Programmes,Andreas Kuhn.Valeriy NykonenkoREPUBLICOF IRELANDA deferred returnto the nationalteam forRoy Keane.EMPICS21