Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

Golden Jubilee celebrations in Cyprus 03 XXVIII UEFA Congress 06 ...

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LennartJohanssonpresentsthe Orderof Meritto JosephS. Blatter...... GyörgySzilagyi...<strong>UEFA</strong><strong>UEFA</strong><strong>UEFA</strong>Faithful servants<strong>UEFA</strong> owes its prosperity toits competitions and players, but alsoto all those who work with<strong>in</strong> its committees,panels and work<strong>in</strong>g groups aswell as its adm<strong>in</strong>istration and thenational associations, not forgett<strong>in</strong>gthose people who, outside these <strong>in</strong>stitutions,have also played an active role<strong>in</strong> promot<strong>in</strong>g football and its wellbe<strong>in</strong>g.The <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Jubilee</strong> <strong>celebrations</strong>were an ideal opportunity to pay tributeto some of these <strong>in</strong>valuable friendsof football. For those who have servedon its committees and panels for12 years or more, <strong>UEFA</strong> has created a“Circle of former committee members”who, follow<strong>in</strong>g their retirement fromthe European bodies, are <strong>in</strong>vited toeach <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>in</strong> order to ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>their l<strong>in</strong>ks with the European footballcommunity and to rediscover theatmosphere of these large <strong>in</strong>ternationalgather<strong>in</strong>gs. This year, 26 <strong>in</strong>dividualsbecame eligible for membership of theCircle once they step down from <strong>UEFA</strong>committees (see box).<strong>UEFA</strong> Order of MeritIn 1998, for people who do notnecessarily belong to the <strong>UEFA</strong> bodies,but who have given outstand<strong>in</strong>g serviceto football, <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>in</strong>troduced its Orderof Merit, which is split <strong>in</strong>to three categories:diamond, ruby and emerald.Diamond is reserved for peoplewho have assumed the highestfunctions <strong>in</strong> football or have servedthe game with particular dist<strong>in</strong>ction.On these grounds, FIFA PresidentJoseph S. Blatter (Switzerland) has beenadded to the list of recipients, alongwith Egidius Braun (Germany), formerpresident of the German FootballAssociation and <strong>UEFA</strong> vice-presidentand treasurer; Antero da Silva Resende(Portugal), former member of the<strong>UEFA</strong> Executive Committee, presidentof the Portuguese Football Associationand member of the committee responsiblefor revis<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>UEFA</strong> Statutes;Erw<strong>in</strong> Himmelseher (Germany), whohas participated <strong>in</strong> the organisationof all major <strong>in</strong>ternational footballevents s<strong>in</strong>ce the 1974 World Cup;Klaus Hempel and Jürgen Lenz (Germany),co-founders of TEAM Market<strong>in</strong>gAG, <strong>UEFA</strong>’s commercial partners<strong>in</strong>ce the creation of the <strong>UEFA</strong> ChampionsLeague; and Léon Straessle(Switzerland), Chairman of the <strong>UEFA</strong>Appeals Body from 1988 to 2002.The ruby award, for peoplewho have enjoyed a long career asa top-level official or technician,was presented to Rudolf Bata (CzechLennart JohanssonpresentsGerhard Aignerwith his honorarymembership certificate.<strong>UEFA</strong>Republic), former general secretary ofthe Czechoslovakian and Czech federations,former member of the <strong>UEFA</strong>Control and Discipl<strong>in</strong>ary Body, F<strong>in</strong>anceCommittee and Stadium Committee;Valent<strong>in</strong> Ivanov (Russia), former playerfor Torpedo Moscow, Soviet <strong>in</strong>ternational(59 caps), gold medallist atthe 1956 Olympic Games, coach ofTorpedo Moscow and Razha Casablanca;Joseph<strong>in</strong>e K<strong>in</strong>g (New Zealand),general secretary of the OceanianConfederation from 1987 to 2004,who has always ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong>ed excellentrelations with <strong>UEFA</strong>; Edgar Obertüfer(Switzerland), former general secretaryof the Swiss Football Association,member of the <strong>UEFA</strong> Control andDiscipl<strong>in</strong>ary Committee from 1982to 1998 and current Discipl<strong>in</strong>aryInspector; Joseph A. Sacco (Malta),general secretary of the Maltese FootballAssociation from 1983 to 2000and former member of the <strong>UEFA</strong> FairPlay Committee; Torleif Sigurdsson(Faroe Islands), president of the FaroeIslands Football Association from 1981to 2002 and member of the Youthand Amateur Football Panel; GyörgySzilagyi (Hungary), member of various<strong>UEFA</strong> panels and committees s<strong>in</strong>ce1972, an expert <strong>in</strong> the Laws of theGame and fervent advocate of fair play.The <strong>UEFA</strong> emerald Order ofMerit was awarded for the first timeand its first two recipients are JacquesFerran (France), former chief editorof France Football magaz<strong>in</strong>e and, asa journalist for L’Equipe, a pioneer ofthe Champion Clubs’ Cup, for whichhe drafted the rules; and Miljan Miljanic(Serbia and Montenegro), formerplayer and coach of, among others,Red Star Belgrade, Real Madrid, Valenciaand the Yugoslavian nationalteam, former president and currenthonorary president of the YugoslavianFootball Association, director of thefootball coaches’ school of the Serbiaand Montenegro Football Association.04 uefadirect 6.04

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