Lars-ChristerOlssonpresentsthe budgetfor 2004–05.The <strong>Congress</strong> washonoured with the presenceof the FIFA Presidentand representativesof other confederations.Left, Mohamed B<strong>in</strong> Hamman(AFC) and Joseph S. Blatter;right, Mustapha Fahmy (CAF)and Jack Warner(CONCACAF).<strong>XXVIII</strong> <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong>Stability <strong>in</strong> the Executive CommitteeAFTER THE JUBILEE FESTIVITIES, THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION DELEGATES TURNED THEIR ATTENTION TO THE ORDINARYCONGRESS BUSINESS OF REPORTS, APPROVAL OF ACCOUNTS, THE BUDGET, ELECTIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE STATUTES.All 52 <strong>UEFA</strong> member associationswere represented at the generalassembly on 23 April, which the <strong>UEFA</strong>President opened by pay<strong>in</strong>g tributeto the organisation’s late HonoraryPresident, Jacques Georges, and othermembers of the European footballfamily who had passed away s<strong>in</strong>ce thelast <strong>Congress</strong>. He also summed up thema<strong>in</strong> activities of 20<strong>03</strong>, which hedescribed as a “year of consolidationfor European football”. The correspond<strong>in</strong>gactivity reports of the ExecutiveCommittee and Chief Executive wereboth approved by the assembly.Treasurer Mathieu Sprengerswas able to present the delegates witha positive f<strong>in</strong>ancial picture show<strong>in</strong>ga net result of CHF 5.774 million for2002/<strong>03</strong>. But he also stressed that“a vast sum of money is not only anopportunity but also represents a challengeand obligations”. He identifiedthree priorities: help<strong>in</strong>g the nationalassociations to develop football at alllevels and to become more professional,ensur<strong>in</strong>g that the national associationscould take part <strong>in</strong> all <strong>UEFA</strong> competitions,and safeguard<strong>in</strong>g <strong>UEFA</strong>’s future.Regard<strong>in</strong>g the budget for2004/05, Chief Executive Lars-ChristerOlsson po<strong>in</strong>ted out that <strong>UEFA</strong>’s f<strong>in</strong>anceswere less dependent on <strong>UEFA</strong> ChampionsLeague revenue thanks to <strong>in</strong>creasedEuropean Championship revenue.Before actually proceed<strong>in</strong>g withthe elections, the Executive Committeealready knew that its cont<strong>in</strong>uity wasensured s<strong>in</strong>ce there were fewer newcandidates than <strong>in</strong> previous years andthat number had been reducedfurther by the withdrawal of GilbertoMadail (Portugal), while an eighthseat had also become vacantfollow<strong>in</strong>g the appo<strong>in</strong>tment of HenriRoemer (Luxembourg) as <strong>UEFA</strong>special adviser on EU and othermatters and his subsequent departurefrom the Committee.All candidates obta<strong>in</strong>ed anabsolute majority (27 votes) andall members stand<strong>in</strong>g for re-electionwere successful. They are jo<strong>in</strong>edon the Committee by Franco Carraro(Italy), a special adviser to theExecutive Committee until now,who was elected for a four-year term.The members re-elected for fouryearterms are Marios N. Lefkaritis(<strong>Cyprus</strong>), Geoffrey ThompsonThe Executive Committee for the 2004–<strong>06</strong> period: (left to right) (front row) Lars-Christer Olsson,Angel Maria Villar Llona, Senes Erzik, Lennart Johansson, Per Ravn Omdal, Geoffrey Thompson, Mathieu Sprengers; (stand<strong>in</strong>g) Giangiorgio Spiess,Eggert Magnusson, Marios N. Lefkaritis, Viacheslav Koloskov, Joseph Mifsud, Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder, Michel Plat<strong>in</strong>i, Franco Carraro.PHOTOS: <strong>UEFA</strong><strong>06</strong> uefadirect 6.04
PHOTOS: <strong>UEFA</strong>-WOODS(England), Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder(Germany), Mathieu Sprengers (Netherlands),Viacheslav Koloskov (Russia)and Per Ravn Omdal (Norway). It tooka second ballot to separate Mr Omdaland Joseph Mifsud (Malta), who willtake over the seat vacated by HenriRoemer for a two-year term. VlatkoMarkovic (Croatia) was not elected.In a brief meet<strong>in</strong>g the sameafternoon, the Committee confirmedits exist<strong>in</strong>g structure with Senes Erzik(Turkey) as first vice-president, Per RavnOmdal as second vice-president,Angel Maria Villar Llona (Spa<strong>in</strong>) thirdvice-president, Geoffrey Thompsonfourth vice-president and MathieuSprengers as treasurer.The <strong>Congress</strong> also had to electfour <strong>UEFA</strong> representatives for the FIFAExecutive Committee, which it didby acclamation, as only four candidatesrema<strong>in</strong>ed after the withdrawalof Mr Madail. Michel D’Hooghe (Belgium),Senes Erzik, Viacheslav Koloskovand Michel Plat<strong>in</strong>i (France) will thereforeserve on the FIFA Executive Committeefor a further four years each.After the elections, the assemblywas presented with the changesmade by the Executive Committee tothe HatTrick assistance programme(see page 14) and voted on a proposedamendment to the Statutes (article 36,paragraph 4). The revised text wasapproved unanimously. It stipulatesthat “A Committee shall comprisea m<strong>in</strong>imum of 11 and a maximumof 13 members”. This new clause concernsonly those committees whichdo not require experts, which excludesthe Professional Football Committee,the Women’s Football Committee,the Futsal Committee, the RefereesCommittee, the Stadium and SecurityCommittee and the Medical Committee,all of which will cont<strong>in</strong>ue to becomposed of 11 expert members.Enlarg<strong>in</strong>g the other committeeswill allow a wider representation ofmember associations <strong>in</strong> <strong>UEFA</strong> bodies.Two booksfor one jubileeTHE BOOK 25 YEARS OF <strong>UEFA</strong>, PUBLISHED IN 1979, WAS THE ONLY POINT OF REFERENCEFOR ANYONE LOOKING FOR AN OVERVIEW OF THE ORIGINS AND ACTIVITIES OF <strong>UEFA</strong>.With the accelerat<strong>in</strong>g growthof the past few years, the reform ofthe competitions, the creation of newtournaments and a transformed footballenvironment, it was high time thisbook was updated and the <strong>Golden</strong><strong>Jubilee</strong> was the ideal occasion to doso. Back <strong>in</strong> December 1999, the ExecutiveCommittee approved an <strong>in</strong>itialbudget for the creation of a book byRudolph Rothenbühler, a man witha detailed knowledge of <strong>UEFA</strong>, wherehe had worked s<strong>in</strong>ce 1973, first aspress officer and later as personalassistant to the President and then tothe Chief Executive. He had also beenresponsible for the book commemorat<strong>in</strong>gthe Silver <strong>Jubilee</strong>.Assisted by a small editorialcommittee, Rudolph Rothenbühlerquickly prepared a draft, but it verysoon became clear that the subjectmatterwas so vast that it could easilyfill two volumes, the first deal<strong>in</strong>g with<strong>UEFA</strong> itself and the second with itscompetitions.The two volumes, presentedas a boxed set, were unveiled at the<strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Congress</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Cyprus</strong>. Together,they conta<strong>in</strong> around 700 pages andweigh 6 kg!The first volume, edited byRudolph Rothenbühler and, after hisdeath, by Keith Cooper, beg<strong>in</strong>s byplac<strong>in</strong>g <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>in</strong> Europe’s political,economic and sociological context ofthe past 50 years, as described byrenowned academics. The focus thenfalls upon the history of <strong>UEFA</strong> itselfand a presentation of the nationalassociations, before specific topicsare covered, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g tactical developments,women’s football, fair playand even an attempt to describe theEuropean player. Chapters on <strong>UEFA</strong>’srelations with television and themedia are also <strong>in</strong>cluded.In the second volume, FritsAhlstrøm asked several journalistswell versed <strong>in</strong>the <strong>UEFA</strong>competitions toretrace the history ofthese competitions from a perspectiveof their choos<strong>in</strong>g. World Cups andOlympic tournaments are not ignored<strong>in</strong> this publication, which is full ofanecdotes and <strong>in</strong>formation often notknown to many. This second book alsodeals with the Laws of the Game,equipment, floodlights, the ball andnumerous other aspects of football.It is also superbly illustrated.The two volumes have beenpublished <strong>in</strong> the three official<strong>UEFA</strong> languages (French, Englishand German).A limited number of copiesof the <strong>UEFA</strong> <strong>Jubilee</strong> books will bemade available for sale later <strong>in</strong> theyear, accord<strong>in</strong>g to demand.Price: 100 euros (plus postage).Requests should be addressed <strong>in</strong>writ<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>UEFA</strong> (attn. <strong>Jubilee</strong> Office),46 route de Genève, P.O. Box,1260 Nyon 2, Switzerland.07