Virgin Atlantic Airways Case Study - Send Word Now

Virgin Atlantic Airways Case Study - Send Word Now

Virgin Atlantic Airways Case Study - Send Word Now


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staff members to provide current contact detailson their own by clicking a dedicated link. Using<strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong>’s comprehensive groupingfeatures, the crisis management team is then ableto organize these contacts into three distinct, yetflexible, groups. “We maintain a crisis managementgroup, a support team group, and a customerservice team group,” explains Thiagarajah. “Someevents, such as a customerrelations issue, may only apply toone specific team, but wheneverthere is a major event we caneasily target all three. Having thatflexibility is invaluable.”Why <strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong>“In the coming years, I lookforward to expanding the <strong>Send</strong><strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> system within ourorganization,” says Thiagarajah.“As we integrate the platform into our normalbusiness operations, our staff members willbecome even more familiar with it, therebyallowing us to use it more effectively during acrisis.”Thiagarajah explains that <strong>Virgin</strong> <strong>Atlantic</strong> selected<strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> for many reasons that also made itstand apart from its competitors. One of those wasreliability: “<strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> is the only companyoffering a 100% uptime guarantee. Many othersystems don’t offer that, but this peace of mind isvery important to me.”“Our old notification system was much slowerand was much more difficult to manage,” he adds.“<strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> is incredibly fast and easy to use.“<strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> is the onlycompany offering a 100%uptime guarantee. Many othersystems don’t offer that, but thispeace of mind is very importantto me.”-Tiggy ThiagarajahResilience Manager<strong>Virgin</strong> <strong>Atlantic</strong> <strong>Airways</strong>It’s an incredibly easy way to notify many peoplewithin a short time, and it is the most user-friendlynotification platform on the market.”The <strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> AdvantageBy tailoring its services to the needs of itscustomers, <strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> consistently providesinnovative notification solutions that outmatch itscompetitor’s offerings. Through itsBlackBerry and iPhone integrations,Conference Bridge functionality,and unique features such as multilingualalerts, customers can takeadvantage of <strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong>’scustomizable platform to maximizetheir communication efforts. And ontop of its robust software features,<strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> offers best-in-classcustomer support services that justcan’t be beat.<strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong> is the leading provider of ondemandalerting and response services for bothroutine and emergency communication. Theeasy-to-use, web-based emergency notificationservice is used by government agencies,municipalities, universities, non-profit organizationsand businesses, including many Fortune 500companies, to ensure fast, effective, two-waycommunication in real-time. <strong>Send</strong> <strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong>’s AlertTracer® provides a full audit trail of messages sentand received for after-action reporting and followup.Designed to reach anyone, anywhere, anytime,with any device over any type of connection, <strong>Send</strong><strong>Word</strong> <strong>Now</strong>’s mass notification system is capable oftransmitting hundreds of thousands of voice andtext messages in minutes.(800) 388-4796 • www.sendwordnow.com • info@sendwordnow.com

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