The network - Towards Unity For Health

The network - Towards Unity For Health

The network - Towards Unity For Health


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MEMBER AND ORGANISATIONAL NEWSABOUT OUR MEMBERSTASKFORCESD E C E M B E R 2 0 0 8N E W S L E T T E R N U M B E R 0 2 | V O L U M E 2 726Family Medicineand Primary <strong>Health</strong>care in Africa• Primafamed is a two-year projectwith a mission to improve the healthof the population of Africa and toreach equity in healthcare deliveryby strengthening community-orientedprimary healthcare. Primafamed is coordinatedfrom Ghent University andtries to support African universitiesin their efforts to establish and improveprimary healthcare education.More information can be found at thewebsite: www.primafamed.ugent.beKey activities include:- In July 2008, a meeting was held betweenPrimafamed and the two partneruniversities in Sudan to establishfamily medicine training.Gezira University has developed aone-year family medicine trainingprogramme that started in August2008.Ahfad University is working on afour-year family medicine curriculumwith the Arab Board of Medicine tobe initiated in December 2008.- Primafamed also organised a conferencein Uganda (17-21 November,2008) to share experiences, ideas,knowledge and skills on training Africanfamily physicians.- During the Primafamed conference,the African Journal of Primary <strong>Health</strong>Care and Family Medicine waslaunched. This open access journalserves as a repository for cuttingedge,peer-reviewed research in allfields of primary healthcare and familymedicine (PHCFM) in a uniquelyAfrican context.Encouraging scholarly exchange betweenfamily medicine and primaryhealthcare researchers and practitionersacross Africa, PHCFM provides acontextual and holistic view of familymedicine as practised across thecontinent. <strong>The</strong> journal is availableonline at www.phcfm.org- <strong>The</strong> Flemish Government and Primafamedhave been key supports in theprocess of Defining Family Medicinein Africa. Networking and communicationis a key project outcome.<strong>The</strong>refore a Google Group has beenstarted (http://groups.google.com/group/african-family-medicine).It provides an opportunity to <strong>network</strong>across Africa in a closed forum,communicate and shape key issuesin these developments.- <strong>The</strong> Network: TUFH has become amember of the International InterdisciplinaryAdvisory Board of Primafamed.Dr. Bishan Swarup Garg(member of the Network: TUFH ExecutiveCommittee) will be the representative.• <strong>The</strong> WONCA Africa Regional Conferenceis planned for 25-28 October2009, in Johannesburg, South Africa:Family Medicine in the African Context.INTERPROFESSIONAL EDUCATIONTASKFORCE: AN UPDATE<strong>The</strong>re seems to be a resurgence of interest inIPE internationally this year as more countriesgrapple with:• an increasing ageing population;• a decreasing youth to take up traditionalhealthcare professional education and positions;• the 70% shortage internationally of healthprofessionals which is becoming more apparent;• the brain-drain from developing countriesto westernised countries which continues;• the focus on prevention, primary and communitycare which continues.<strong>Health</strong> professionals are now being educatedto work more flexible hours, and encouragednot to think they will be operating in thesame profession for the rest of their lives (aswas once the case).<strong>The</strong> way in which healthcare personnel are educatedis constantly under review. In the UKnow the professional bodies require a proportionof the curriculum to be multiprofessional,and often this means interprofessional.Changes in legislation in Canada have meantthat litigation is not just the concern of thosemedically qualified, and that the leader - orthe person responsible within the interprofessionalteam - is legally responsible.<strong>The</strong> All Together Better <strong>Health</strong> Conferenceheld in Stockholm this year was attended byover 300 people interested in IPE developmentsinternationally, and the collaborationbetween the IPE <strong>network</strong>s continues to grow.<strong>The</strong> World <strong>Health</strong> Organization will launchtheir Framework for Action of Inter-professionalCollaboration and Practice. I hope thisstimulates colleagues into thinking throughother ways in which we can encourage thesharing of good practice in IPE.Dawn <strong>For</strong>man | Chair of the taskforce IPEEmail: dawn.forman@btinternet.com

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