The network - Towards Unity For Health

The network - Towards Unity For Health

The network - Towards Unity For Health


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THE NETWORK: TUFH IN ACTIONANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCENo Teachers or Students,Just ParticipantsD E C E M B E R 2 0 0 8N E W S L E T T E R N U M B E R 0 2 | V O L U M E 2 76Paulo Marcondes Carvalho surrounded by students during the Dinner & DanceIn the past I had the opportunity to attend Mayor, always kind and supportive in theirthe Network: TUFH Conferences in New yellow jackets. <strong>The</strong> visit to University of LaMexico and in Londrina. This year I was Sabana showed us an audacious university,invited by FAIMER; I was very happy with this fully prepared to face new millennium needs,invitation, because attending previous but settled and in respect of their tradition.Network: TUFH Conferences had been highly My group also visited the health facilities ofvaluable to my career as a medical educator; Ciudad Bolivar, a large place with a lot ofI am still using several skills and insights poverty and problems, but also with manyacquired there, mainly when I am part of an people who are concerned with helping eachorganising scientific committee (for example, other and meeting local health needs.the poster session that we included recently <strong>The</strong> parties, dinners and reception offeredat the Brazilian Medical Education Congress). delicious food and were a lot of fun. Here wecould strengthen our friendships.I participated in a pre-conference workshop.<strong>The</strong>re were few participants, but still it was At the Bogotá Conference I met many oldan amazing day! Because it lasted a whole friends, but I also interacted with many newday, we had the opportunity to discuss and people from all around the world. I also gotexplore the topic in-depth. And I made to know students, in my role as a mentor orfriends with whom I interacted during the just through casual conversation. It seems towhole Conference.me that this Conference knows no teachers orstudents, just participants. <strong>The</strong>re is no hierarchyand all connections are made easily.In essence, the Network: TUFH Conferenceprogramme is intense and mixed. It coversmany key topics of the health sciences curricula,such as medical education, project cussed how to increase participation ofDuring the Latin-American meeting we dis-management, partnership, et cetera. Collectivediscussions and reflection moments are I think we must fight together to increaseschools from this region in a structural way.privileged; this is one of the few conferences Latin-American participation into <strong>The</strong>that I attended where concepts of active Network: TUFH. Let’s hope that many of uslearning are being used in practice. All participantsare responsible for the sessions, notcan be in Amman in 2009, including myself!only facilitators and key-note speakers.Paulo Marcondes Carvalho Junior |Other very strong key points this year were Marilia Medical School, Marilia, Brazilthe site visits and parties. All site visits were Email: paulo@famema.brsupported by the youth service of BogotáTHE 2009 CONFERENCEDuring October 10-15, 2009 <strong>The</strong> Network:TUFH will organise its annual Conference incollaboration with the Faculty of Medicine,University of Jordan. This Conference will beheld in Amman, Jordan.<strong>The</strong> theme of the Conference is Achieving Qualityin <strong>Health</strong> Care: Challenges for Education,Research and Service Delivery.After the Conference (October 16, 2009) youcan participate in the following Post-ConferenceExcursion: Mu’tah University, Karak, Jordan.Available from early 2009:Conference site:www.the-<strong>network</strong>tufh.org/conferencePreliminary programme:www.the-<strong>network</strong>tufh.org/conference/programme.aspRegistration:www.the-<strong>network</strong>tufh.org/conference/registration.aspAbstract submission (for <strong>The</strong>matic PosterSessions):www.the-<strong>network</strong>tufh.org/conference/abstractchoice.aspProposal submission (for Mini-workshops orDidactic Sessions):www.the-<strong>network</strong>tufh.org/conference/abstractchoice.asp

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