MAGIC? - Centerpoint Research Institute

MAGIC? - Centerpoint Research Institute

MAGIC? - Centerpoint Research Institute


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FEBRUARY 2006Welcome to Issue #157 (February 2005) of MIND CHATTERMind Chatter is published once a month, on or about the 16th of each month.Please send Mind Chatter to a friend, and please send usyour questions, comments, and suggestions.03 MINDQUOTESShort quotes from various sourcesoffering succinct nuggets of wisdom04 RECOMMENDATIONSA few recommendations to benefit you11 DO YOU BELEIVEIN <strong>MAGIC</strong>? PART 2By Bill Harris, Director16 GLOWING TESTIMONIALSWhat our participants are saying!17 BOOK REVIEWStalking the Wild Pendulum:On the Mechanics of Consciousnessby Itzhak BentovReview by Marc Gilson19 ANNOUNCEMENTS»MIND CHATTER contains articles about:How you create your life—and how youcan stop unconsciously creatingexperiences and outcomes you do notwant, and instead begin to createexactly what you do want2 MINDCHATTER February 2006»»»»Personal and spiritual growth in generalMeditation (high—and low-tech)Recovery from emotional traumaPretty much any other subject I getexcited about and want to write about.After all, it’s my company and mynewsletter, and I can do whateverI want with it. So there.

MINDQUOTESYou never find yourself untilyou face the truth.I’ve been absolutely terrifiedevery moment of my life—andI’ve never let it keep me fromdoing a single thing I wantedto do.- Georgia O’Keefe- Pearl BaileyNo man is free who is notmaster of himself.The chief cause of failure andunhappiness is trading whatwe want most for what wewant at the moment.- Epictetus(Greek philospher, c. 100 C.E.)- unknownMINDCHATTER February 20063

Recommendations that may benefit you» BY BILL HARRISAncient practice tied to amazing health benefits...Want to live longer? Meditate!Unless youve been living in a cave lately, you must have seensome of the recent news about the health benefits of meditation.IT’S EVERYWHERE...An article published in the American Heart Associationjournal, Stroke, recently reported that meditation canreduce cholesterol buildup and the associated risk of heartattack and stroke.And another study found that meditation reduces thedeath rate among the elderly.The National <strong>Institute</strong>s of Health reports that regularmeditation reduces chronic pain, anxiety, high blood pressure,cholesterol, and cortisol (sometimes called the “stresshormone”) production.A University of Wisconsin-Madison study discoveredmeditation boosts brain function and the immune system.A recent issue of the American Journal of Hypertensionfeatured the results of a study showing a significant loweringof blood pressure in a group of meditators comparedto a control group of people who didn’t meditate. Thestudy also reported a 23% decrease in usage of antihypertensivedrugs between the group of meditators and theother group.A Harvard study also concluded that regular meditationcan reduce pain, lower blood pressure, and cut productionof the stress hormone, cortisol.The most recent study by The American Heart Associationshows heart and artery health improved 69 percent intest groups practicing meditation.AND THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING.Practically every time you turn around there’s anotherstudy documenting and supporting fantastic health andwellness benefits of meditation.So, what’s the quickest way to actually achieve theseamazing benefits?If there’s a downside to meditation it’s this... Traditionalmeditation can take years, even decades to master.THE HOLOSYNC SOLUTION CHANGES ALL THAT.Holosync uses advanced scientific technology to inducedeep states of meditation virtually at the push of a button.Most regular users of Holosync report fabulous results inweeks rather than years.Try Holosync for yourself—for FREE!Visit http://www.centerpointe.com/ to get a FREEHolosync demo CD so you can see for yourself how thispowerful technology can improve your life.Here’s an even better idea. Go ahead and order AwakeningPrologue (the first level of The Holosync Solution) andget started with the real thing.With our One-Year 100% Iron-Clad Guarantee, youcan do so with no risk whatsoever.Use Holosync for up to a full year and enjoy all the powerfuland lasting benefits this kind of meditation bringsyou. And if you decide that Holosync isn’t everything wepromise, simple let us know and you can return it for a fullrefund. It’s just that simple.If you have any interest at all in increased health andvigor, increased longevity, lower blood pressure, peace ofmind, and all the other great benefits of meditation, atleast give Holosync a try.Remember you can get a FREE demo CD by going tohttp://www.centerpointe.com/And to learn all about the science behind Holosync,check out our extensive articles section here:http://www.centerpointe.com/about/articles.php4 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Recommendations that may benefit you» BY BILL HARRIS“Moment by moment, you create exactlyhow you feel, what happens to you, andwhat you attract into your life...“Unfortunately, you’re probablydoing all of this on autopilot...I want to show you how to create the exact life you want—inside and out! Heres how to experience a FREE preview...IKNOW THAT MANY PEOPLE MAY HAVEpromised that they can teach you how to create thelife you want. I promise you that I really can—andhave for thousands of people.I’VE ALSO ARRANGED FOR YOU TO BE ABLE TOEXPERIENCE A SAMPLE OF HOW I DO IT, FREE.So, here’s a very special opportunity for you...somethingthat can totally turn your life around. And, it could beworth a considerable amount of money to you, as well.JUST FOR A MOMENT, IMAGINE:WHAT IF you could be IN CHARGE of what happensto you—including your feelings and emotions and otherinternal states, as well as your external results?...Wouldn’t that be a lot better than waiting for life to “justhappen,” where you sometimes get what you want, andsometimes you get what you don’t want?ARE YOU WILLING TO LEARNEXACTLY HOW YOU CAN DO THIS?For the last year and a half, I’ve been teaching three 12-lesson online courses called the Life Principles IntegrationProcess, or LPIP, that teach you all of this, and more. I’vereceived thousands of emails and letters from the peoplein these courses telling me how what they’ve learned hastransformed their lives, even saved their lives.So more people could afford the LPIP courses, and as anintroductory offer, I’m offering them for an incredibly low$249 per course.AND, IF YOU SIGN UP FOR ALL THREE,I’LL GIVE YOU THE THIRD COURSE FOR FREE.This actually made each course $166 each, about $13.83per lesson. If I taught the LPIP material in seminar form,it would probably take at least ten long intense days toteach each course. And with all the personal follow-upI include I’d have to charge several thousand dollars percourse for you to attend.AND EVEN AT THAT LOFTY PRICE,IT WOULD BE WORTH IT, I PROMISE YOU.Not only that, there is an iron-clad money back guaranteeon these courses. Take the course and do the homework,and if you don’t think this is the most transformationalexperience you’ve ever had, I’ll immediately refundyour entire tuition.In other words, you have nothing to lose but whateverways you have been automatically creating what you don’tMINDCHATTER February 20065

Create the Exact Life you want continued...want in life.I will warn you, though. These LPIP courses are notyour typical pablum-filled feel-good seminars where youfeel high at the end but realize three weeks later that littleif anything really changed.If you take these three courses, EVERYTHING willchange—and, for the better.Your life will be transformed. You will have all thetools you need to be in direct control of your life—yourfeelings, your internal state, your external results, yourbehavior.And, you will gain a huge insight into who you reallyare, why you’re here, and what life is all about.Plus you’ll learn, step-by-step, the exact strategies, internaland external, used by the most successful people in theworld to get anything they want. And, I’ll show you howto make sure you use them and make them work for you.And, as I said, if you don’tget what you want from thesecourses, for any reason, youcan get a refund. I’m taking allthe risk, other than your timeinvestment in actually doingthe lessons.If you’re not serious aboutchanging your life, if you aren’twilling to do what it takes tooperate at the highest level andreally be happy, peaceful, andsuccessful ALL THE TIME,this isn’t for you.But if you’re serious, if you’resincere, these three courses will utterly and completelychange your life.Here’s a huge and very unique benefit you’ll get fromthese LPIP online courses:In addition to everything else, all LPIP course participantsget unlimited email access to me for any questionsthey have about course content. I answer every one ofthese emails personally—no staff members are involved—and some of my answers, when necessary, are sometimesthree, five, even seven pages long.I put everything into this course, because I really, sincerelywant you to get everything I’m promising.You though, have a part in the success of these courses—in fact, a big part. I don’t wave a magic want over you andchange you into a happy, peaceful, successful person incomplete control of his or her life.You can read more abouteach course and what itincludes, and even listen toa free preview lesson, justby visiting the URL below:http://www.centerpointe.com/life/previewI JUST TELL YOU HOW TO DO IT,AND GIVE YOU AN EASY WAY TO MAKE THECHANGE.Because I have such a huge personal time investment inanswering all your questions, I want to make one thingvery clear, though. Please DO NOT take these courses unlessyou’re willing to do your part. I do not have the timeto waste on those who aren’t sincere and aren’t willing topay the price to create the internal changes they want.But if you ARE sincere, and you really do want tochange your life, I want to show you how to do it, and Iwill take you, step by step, through everything you need toknow.You CAN create an entirely new life for yourself, regardlessof your past or present circumstances.You can read more about each course and what itincludes, and even listen toa free preview lesson, just byvisiting http://www.centerpointe.com/life/preview.So please, go listen to thefree preview lesson, and if youreally are ready to change yourlife, enroll in this amazingcourses risk-free.I look forward to havingyou in these courses andshowing you that the possibilitiesfor what your lifecan be really are limitless...regardless of your present orpast circumstances.Just visit http://www.centerpointe.com/life/preview tolisten to the free preview lesson and to take advantage ofthe old low price before we’re forced to raise it onMarch 1st.Be well,Bill Harris, Director.6 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Recommendations that may benefit youWhen I actually SAW my brainwaves,I just about fell off my chair!IRECENTLY EXPERIENCED SOMETHING SOincredible—something that affected me in such anamazing way—that I just had to tell you about it. Ifyou’re at all serious about your emotional and spiritualgrowth, this is going to absolutely blow your mind!HERE’S WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT:I recently had the good fortune to meet an amazingman. Dr. James Hardt is probably the world’s greatestexpert on human brain waves, their connection to variousbeneficial states (especially all kinds of spiritual states),and—this is the best part!—how, using a very sophisticatedform of brain wave biofeedback tested over 30 years,you can learn to create states of happiness, joy, feelings ofconnection and love, and many other beneficial mental,emotional, and spiritual states, at will.A couple of months ago, I traveled to San Jose, Californiato attend one of Dr. Hardt’s alpha brain wave trainings.The purpose of the training is to use feedback fromyour own brain to learn how to intentionally make lotsand lots of alpha waves, associated with......MEDITATION, CREATIVITY, EMOTIONALHEALING, INCREDIBLE JOYFULNESS,AND A LOT MORE!The first morning, electrodes were gently attached tocertain key locations on my head. I entered a sound-proofbooth and sank into a comfortable chair. Speakers oneither side of my head played back special tones, one foreach electrode location. These tones, and the music theycreated, came from alpha waves......CREATED BY MY OWN BRAIN!When I made more alpha waves, the tones became louder.When I created less alpha, the tones became quieter.Over the seven days of the training, this feedback allowedme to create more and more alpha waves, and as I did so......I BEGAN TO FEEL MORE AND MORE JOY...MORE INNER PEACE...AND MORE AND MORECONNECTION TO THE UNIVERSE!It was amazing. All the training participants had profoundmeditative and spiritual experiences, which Dr.Hardt helped us understand. Emotional and spiritual issuesneeding resolution came to the surface, and Dr. Hardtshowed us how to resolve them (which is much easierwhen you’re making a lot of alpha waves). As issues wereresolved, we were able to make more and more alpha, andour experience of joy and connection......INCREASED AND INCREASED AND INCREASED!By the end of the week, everyone was transformed (moreabout that below).Dr. Hardt, over 30 years, has trained Zen masters (whotold him his training was better than Zen because, unlikewith a Zen master, your brain can give you feedback everysecond!) and other advanced spiritual seekers. He’s alsotrained high-level Special Forces troops...business andartistic geniuses...and people like you and me who areinterested in rapid spiritual and emotional growth.Dr. Hardt has published his findings in peer-reviewjournals and is considered to be the world’s most respectedauthority on brain wave biofeedback training. As youknow, I already know a lot about brain waves and spiritualstates, but Dr. Hardt had a lot to teach even me!HERE’S SOMETHING THAT I FOUNDTO BE PARTICULARLY AMAZING:The Alpha I brain wave training I attended teaches youhow to make the same brain waves made by those whohave practiced Zen meditation (or something comparable)MINDCHATTER February 20067

Brainwaves continued...VISITwww.biocybernaut.comfor more information.for 21 to 40 years or more—but it does so injust seven days!Dr. Hardt’s brainwave training is a hugeshortcut!SOUNDS GOOD,BUT DO THE CHANGES LAST, YOU ASK?Yes, they do. Studies show that those whohave taken this training are making even morealpha waves a year later! Just as with Holosync,this training creates a momentum for growththat continues long after you stop.The trainings are small, with lots of personalattention—a maximum of 5 students per training.Two people in my training arrived depressedand confused about their lives, and witha significant amount of emotional baggage (inone case, quite severe emotional baggage).At the end of seven days, though, these twolooked and behaved like the long-time Holosyncusers I see at <strong>Centerpoint</strong>e retreats. Theywere happy, bubbly, focused, joyful, and radiant.They smiled. Their posture was more confidentand their attitude upbeat. They lookedyou in the eye when they talked to you, whereasbefore the training......THEY COULD NOT DO SO.I’ve kept in touch with both of these people,and the positive changes they experienced havedefinitely lasted—even accelerated—in thecouple of months since the training.Would you like to know what happened forme? I thought you would! When I arrived at thetraining, I was coming out of a period where Ihad been working 16-hour-days (working onthe lessons for my three online courses) for overa year and a half. I was, quite frankly, prettywiped out. I handle stress very well, but even so,I was pretty worn down.I left the training renewed and uplifted, andwith even more awareness about how I createcertain parts of my life. As you may know,I already have a very high awareness of thesethings, but this training accentuated that awareness—alot.IN A WORD, IT WAS REMARKABLE.But something even more amazing happenedfor me at the training. Check this out:On Day 5 of the training, I began makinghuge amounts of a very unique type ofbrain waves Dr. Hardt identified as thosesignifying......HUGE AMOUNTS OFKUNDALINI ENERGY!You may know that in traditional yoga andmeditation schools, kundalini is the spiritualenergy lying dormant (in most people)at the base of the spine, and a “kundaliniawakening” is an incredible spiritual event.When awakened by spiritual practices suchas meditation, this energy travels up thespine, moving through and awakening eachof the chakras—awakening various spiritualenergies and abilities.Based on Dr. Hardt’s 30 years of research,it turns out that kundalini energy has a veryspecific brain wave signature! And, on Day 5, Ibegan to make LOTS of it! (I was supposed tobe making alpha waves, but who cares!)As I experienced the brain waves of kundalini,I also experienced incredible bliss!Dr. Hardt also told me that the small numberof people he has studied who were able to createsuch kundalini brain waves all seem to have theability......TO MANIFEST ANYTHINGTHEY WANT IN LIFE!If you’d like to see what the brain waves ofkundalini energy looks like, click here to view aportion of my EEG record from Day 5:http://www.centerpointe.com/kundaliniALL SPIRITUAL STATES HAVEBRAIN WAVE SIGNATURES!In fact, Dr. Hardt has identified the brainwave signatures corresponding to many spiritualstates and stages of increasingly advancedmeditation, including states of egolessness, out8 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Brainwaves continued...of body experiences, profound visionary experiences, andeven the brain wave signature of the ability to make halos!But that not all! It’s what Dr. Hardt has done with these“spiritual brain wave signatures” that really has me excited!HERE’S WHAT HE DID:Once Dr. Hardt observed certain high spiritual statesin the brain waves of Zen masters and other advancedmeditators, he was then able to design specific biofeedbacktraining programs to teach others how to create these samestates—often in as little as seven days! (It often takes severaldecades to learn to experience these high states!)Once you complete the Alpha I training I attended, youcan take Dr. Hardt’s Alpha II training. In this more advancedtraining you gain the ability to exercise even morecontrol over which part of the brain is generating alpha(yes, it makes a difference), while also further increasingyour ability to create more.After Alpha II, you can take Dr. Hardt’s Theta I trainingwhere you learn to make what he calls mystical theta (verydifferent from sleep theta).I’m told that in the Theta training trainees experiencesome very profound spiritual states. Then, you can takethe more advanced Theta II training.There are also Delta brain wave trainings (this is whereyou get into learning how to make the kundalini brainwaves I was making) and Dr. Hardt even has trainingswhere......YOU AND A PARTNER LEARN TOMAKE BRAIN WAVES TOGETHER(WHAT DR. HARDT CALLS SHARED FEEDBACK)!As you can probably tell,I’m very excited about all ofthis. In fact, along with Holosync, I consider Dr. Hardt’swork to be perhaps the most ground-breaking work inspiritual growth on this planet.HERE’S WHY BIOFEEDBACK IS SO POWERFUL:From the time you were an infant, everything you’velearned has involved your ability to receive feedback aboutyour progress. When you first learned to walk, or pick upan object with your hand, you could see and feel whatwas going on. This feedback allowed you to refine yourtechnique until you could do the task perfectly.Can you guess which part of you does NOT receivefeedback about how it is doing?That’s right. It’s your brain wave activity. But what ifyou could receive feedback about your brain wave activity?What if you could receive direct feedback telling you whenyou were making the beginnings of high spiritual states,happiness, joy, heightened creativity—or any other state?With that feedback, you could also quickly master theseabilities, too.And that’s exactly what happens in these trainings.In fact, Dr. Hardt is fond of saying, “The introductionof feedback to any system will elevate that system to ahigher level of functioning.”DO YOU SEE HOW EXCITING THIS IS?Dr. Hardt has spent the last 30 years creating the mostsophisticated technological methods for giving the braindirect and accurate feedback about its electrical activity.Since that electrical activity is directly related to your happiness,the amount of joy you experience, and the level ofspiritual connection you feel in any given moment......DR. HARDT’S TRAININGS WILL DRAMATICALLYACCELERATE YOUR ABILITY TO CREATE ALL OFTHESE THINGS, AND A LOT MORE!And, in my opinion, when used in conjunction withHolosync, these trainings are even more powerful!If you aren’t super-excited about this by now, you probablyjust don’t care that much about your spiritual growth.But if you are excited—as I certainly am—you’ll want tocheck out Dr. Hardt’s website and then give him a call tofind out when his next training will be.When you visit his website (www.biocybernaut.com)be sure to read his description of his own first experiencewith biofeedback, where he had an incredibly profoundspiritual experience. This description is called “A Tale ofSelf-Discovery”, you can find it through the Site Map linkon his site—and, I guarantee you......IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND.There is one drawback to these trainings (other thanhaving to deal with the fact that your life will changedramatically in just seven days). First, because the trainingsinvolve incredibly expensive and proprietary computerand equipment systems developed by Dr. Hardt and hisMINDCHATTER February 20069

Brainwaves continued...colleagues over 30 years of research, and because Dr. Hardtcan train only five people at one time, the costs of deliveringthese trainings are unfortunately fairly high.On the other hand, what price can you place on theability to learn, in just seven days, how to make the samebrain waves as a Zen master—and to deeply feel the happinessand joy I believe are your birthright as a humanbeing?Not to worry, though, because I figured out a way foryou to save 20% on your tuition.HERE’S HOW:Dr. Hardt would pay me a 20% affiliate fee for eachperson who takes his Alpha I training because of myrecommendation. However, to help you take advantage ofthis incredible training and everything it will do for yourhappiness and your spiritual growth, I’m going to giveyou the 20% fee if you take Dr. Hardt’s Alpha I trainingduring July, August, or September of this year. That meansyou get 20% off the regular tuition.Please, right now, visit Dr. Hardt’s website (www.biocybernaut.com).There’s a ton of fascinating informationabout biofeedback, brain waves and how they relate tospiritual states, and a lot more. After you educate yourself,give Dr. Hardt a call (use the Training Center phone numberlisted in the “Contact” section) with any questions andto find out about training dates (the phone number is onhis website).When you call, be sure to tell him you are from <strong>Centerpoint</strong>eand that I sent you, as this will save you a significantamount of money. (I want to be clear that I’m takingno money for recommending this—I’m doing it solelybecause I strongly believe in it.)HERE’S ANOTHER WAY TO MAKE ITFINANCIALLY EASIER TO PARTICIPATE:Dr. Hardt has arranged a special program with WellsFargo Bank, specifically created for those who attend histrainings. This program will allow you to finance the entireamount of the training at very reasonable terms. You canask Dr. Hardt about this program when you speak to him.Or, try the 2-Day Sample...Finally, if you’re not sure about the 7-day training, andwant a “taste” before you decide, there is also a 2-day“sample” you can take at a much-reduced cost. And, atthe conclusion of these two days, you can opt to continuewith the full training if you want to and apply the entire2-day fee to the full training.Finally, Dr. Hardt fully guarantees the 7-day training.If, at the end of the 7th day you don’t think it deliveredeverything you were promised, and a lot more, just tell Dr.Hardt before you leave the training facility, and he’ll giveyou a full refund.Even if you’re unsure, please visit www.biocybernaut.com.At the very least, I want you to have the education you’llget from this website. When you get there, I suggest thatyou read the whole site (though there’s a lot to read). I did.At least be sure to read “A Tale of Self-Discovery”, Dr.Hardt’s description of his first experience with brain wavebiofeedback. Then, call Dr. Hardt (again, use the TrainingCenter phone number listed in the “Contact” section ofthe website) with any questions. Be sure to tell him youheard about this from Bill Harris and <strong>Centerpoint</strong>e.If you’re at all interested, please move quickly, though.Because the trainings are small, and because many spotsin upcoming trainings are already taken—and because I’mtelling a LOT of people about this—act now before thetrainings are booked up beyond the three months duringwhich you can receive the 20% discount.And finally, after you take the training, please write to<strong>Centerpoint</strong>e and tell us about your experience at thetraining!So, go visit www.biocybernaut.com right now, whileyou’re thinking about it!Be well.Bill HarrisPS: Don’t forget, I believe in this so much I’ve arrangedto give you a 20% scholarship if you decide to take Dr.Hardt’s Alpha I training during July, August, or Septemberof this year. Don’t wait. Go check out www.biocybernaut.comright now, and when you call be sure to tell him that youheard about it from me, so you can get your scholarship.10 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Feature ArticleD O Y O U B E L I E V E I N<strong>MAGIC</strong>?2BY BILL HARRIS, DIRECTORAs I suspected it would, my article in last month’s Mind Chatter “Do You Believe in Magic?” stirred up a lot of people.As you probably know, I sent out an apology by email to everyone who subscribes to Mind Chatter regarding mycomments in that article about Bob Doyle. In case you did not receive or read that email, I highly suggest that youread it (see a copy of the letter below). Not only does it contain some important qualifications to my commentsabout Bob Doyle, it contains significant additional explanation of what I meant by “believing in magic” and whydoing so is not the way to get what you want.(If you have already read my email please continue reading “Do You Believe in Magic”, part 2 on page 13)I made a significant goof in the January issue of MindChatter, and this short letter to you is to set the recordstraight. Please take a moment to read it.As you probably know, the most recent issue containedan article titled “Do You Believe in Magic?” in which Idescribed why you cannot create money—or any otherkind of success—merely by wishing, hoping, “raisingyour vibration”, or through any other kind of “New Agemagic.”To create wealth, or to achieve anything, there is alwaysa price to pay. In some way you must provide somethingof value to the world, which always involves taking action.Wishing and hoping alone will not do it.I was moved to write this article because I see so manypeople struggling financially, unsuccessfully using what Icall “magic” in the hope of creating money or other success,and who really need to know what really works.I feel bad when I see these people going in circles usingmethods that clearly do not and will not work.The motivation to write the article NOW, however, wasa letter I received from a woman who was taking a coursecalled Wealth Beyond Reason created by a man namedBob Doyle.I was not too kind to Bob and his course in my article,and I have to confess that I should have done a little moreresearch before I opened my big fat mouth. Instead, Irelied on what the letter writer told me about the course,and based on that, made some incorrect assumptions.In doing so, I did Bob Doyle and his Wealth BeyondReason course a disservice.So let me state that Bob does NOT advocate methodsthat I would describe as “believing in magic,” and in fact,MINDCHATTER February 200611

Do you Believe in Magic? Part 2 continued...IF YOU ARE INTERESTEDIN THIS SUBJECT,HERE IS BOB’S WEBSITE:WEALTHBEYONDREASON.COMnow that I have looked it over, his course looksvery good to me.People who take my Life Principles IntegrationProcess online courses—which deal withthe subject of creating success in the world,along with many other topics—sometimesmisinterpret what I say as meaning that all youhave to do is “focus your mind” and what youwant will come to you.It’s clear to me now that the letter writer was,to some extent, misinterpreting Bob’s coursematerial, just as people sometimes misinterpretmine, and instead of looking at the coursebefore I opened my big mouth, I took her interpretationat face value.I spoke to Bob Doyle yesterday, and we hada very nice conversation, in which I apologizedand also gave him some business help with hiswebsite.So, I want you to know that I think WealthBeyond Reason is a good course for anyone whowants to learn how to create money and successin the world. Bob has a good handle on howthat is done, and his course is very reasonablypriced.Plus, he gives you a ton of valuable extraswith the course, including a copy of Joe Vitale’sgreat book The Attractor Factor.One more thing before I let you go. I knewthat my article about not believing in magicwould be controversial. I knew that it would stirup a lot of people. Many people really do believethat prosperity and success can be achievedjust by thinking, wishing, believing, hoping,“putting it out to the universe,” and other suchnonsense.Well, just as I suspected, it WAS controversial,and I am already getting a lot of mail aboutit. Below is one such letter, and my answer,which I think clarifies and expands on what Iwas saying in the article.Dear Bill,After listening to lesson 1 and 2 [from yourfirst online course] and reading your article aboutmagic in Mind Chatter, I want to ask yousomething about the “taking action part”. First,I believe it. However, I have (on your advice, Ithink) also taken the Sedona Method course andread a lot about Lester Levenson [creator of theSedona Method]. He said that if one has reacheda certain state of awareness or consciousness, hecould sit in a cave and wish for something and itwould just come to him, no action needed. What’syour opinion about that?StefanStefan,Good question.If you can pull it off by doing it Lester’s way,do it. I would suggest, though, that you beginwith the basics of taking action and providingbenefit to others.There is a price to pay for any outcome youdesire. The person sitting in the cave has PRE-PAID that price. Though it doesn’t look as if heis paying any price or doing anything, he eitheris or has paid it. There is no way to get anythingin this universe without in one way or anotherpaying the price to have it.I’m trying to wake people up to the idea thatyou MUST pay this price. That’s all. The bestand easiest way to pay it is to take action and todo something that is of value to others. Actionis essential. As they say, “pray and move yourfeet.”I am able to manifest, very quickly, almostanything I put my mind to. I can do this partlybecause I continually take action and do thingsthat benefit others.But the reason I can manifest what I wantalmost INSTANTLY is because I have takenso much action (mental and behavioral) for solong that I have built up what you might call “ahuge bank account” with the universe.I can draw on that account whenever I wantsomething. In other words, I have paid in advancefor those things I want to manifest. Thisis what Lester was talking about.It’s like having money saved up. I have givenvalue to the universe in various ways, and nowthe universe pays me back when I want some-12 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Do you Believe in Magic? Part 2 continued...thing. And, I keep giving more value to the universe all thetime, because I’ve found that it is a very fulfilling thing todo, in and of itself.Because of this, my account is always growing and I’malways way ahead.Some people call this “being aligned with the universe.”When you are doing something for the good of others, theuniverse lines up behind youand helps make it happen. Butyou have to DO something.This is partly what I meantwhen I said in my Mind Chatterarticle that to make moneyyou must give others somethingof value first.Lester Levinson did allkinds of things that were ofgreat value to a lot of people.In this way he built up a hugeaccount, just as I have. Oncehe did that, he COULD sitin a cave and manifest things,because he’d already paid theprice.In some ways this IS related to consciousness, but Ithink it is even more related to having pre-paid the pricenecessary to be able to manifest what you want.The problem I have with people who are trying to sit intheir cave and manifest things is that they have not createdthe “bank account” with the universe that is needed if onewants this sort of creative power. Lester knew how to createsuch an account, and did create one, which is why hewas so spiritually (and materially) powerful.I’m trying to show you how to be powerful in the sameway, but you MUST pay the price to get that way. Therejust isn’t any other way.You might say that this universe keeps a set of booksand, as Emerson said in his essay On Compensation, “the“You can wait for grace if youlike. And, you may get it. Butas Emerson reminds us, if youreceive without having given,there still will be a price to pay,and paying later adds interestto the debt. ”universe’s books are always balanced.” Unfortunately manypeople who are NOT powerful in their ability to manifestare out there teaching people how to do it, and they actuallyhave not done it themselves. They’ve just read about itand don’t really understand it from experience.As a result, the people who hear them become confused.I promise that if you apply yourself to REALLY learningand mastering what I’mteaching in my Life PrinciplesIntegration Process onlinecourses [visit www.centerpointe.com/life/previewfor more information and tolisten to a free preview lesson],you will be able to manifestwhatever you want in life,inside and out.I’m not kidding about this.However, there is a price topay to get to that point. Youhave to master your ability tofocus your mind, intentionallyand consciously, and stopallowing your mind to run along on autopilot, focusingunconsciously on this and that and running all over theplace.This takes some work. I am showing you the easiestway to learn how to do this, but unfortunately few peoplereally want this ability badly enough to do what it takes tohave it.So, how much do you want it? Are you willing to paythe price? I hope so. How to do it is sitting right in frontof you, but you have to take the reins and be willing to dothe work. Done right, it’s fun work, but there’s no gettingaround it—if you want to manifest anything, there is aprice, and that price involves creating something of valuefor the universe.[...CONTINUED FROM PAGE 11]In this article, I’d like to expand on this idea of believingin magic a bit more, because I see so many people whostruggle to create what they want in the world and, whatI call believing in magic is largely responsible for theirstruggle and their inability to get what they want.By way of doing that, here is a letter I received regardingthe last article, and my response.Bill,I read your theory about manifesting and was about toagree with you until I remembered a couple of things which Ithink are important.First, your model of manifestation seems strangely tied tothe traditional, Anglo-Saxon notion of a work ethic—youMINDCHATTER February 200613

Do you Believe in Magic? Part 2 continued...get what you pay for. I find it difficult to think of the vastUniverse doing that kind of accounting.Secondly, where does the idea of “grace” fit in your model—by “God’s grace be it done unto you.” (to paraphrase)—theredoes not seem to be any concept of payment or prepayment.Grace as I understand it is simply the result of being part ofGod’s spiritual family. Gifts are given for no apparent reason—earnedor not.I do agree that we need to continually challenge airy, fairy,shallow thinking that is sometimes attributed to those withouta deeper understanding of “New Age” thought.Yours Truly,Bob R.Bob,But you DO get what you pay for. All you have to dois look around you to see that this is true. And it makessense that it works this way. Why should one person getless than what their contribution deserves, while anothergets more than their contribution deserves? Just evokingsomething you see as a negative, the “Anglo Saxon workethic”, and connecting it to the Law of Attraction does notrevoke that law.I actually find it difficult to imagine a universe WITH-OUT this kind of accounting. Should people not becompensated based on what they contribute? Would it befair if compensation was random, irregardless of what contributiona person makes to the world? Would it be fair ifsomeone who contributed a lot received less than someonewho uttered certain magic spells?And ultimately it doesn’t matter what we think aboutit, the universe works in this balanced manner. Even if wedidn’t think it was fair, it happens to be true that you getwhat you give out.And, there is real data to confirm this. I work in anarena where I help people improve their ability to createwhat they want in life which, among other things (emotionaland spiritual health, for instance) includes improvingmaterial abundance. So do many of my good friends,people like Jack Canfield, John Assaraf, Marshall Thurber,Chris and Janet Attwood, Harv Eker, and many others.Being in that business, we pay attention to what worksand what doesn’t. We study successful people to see howthey do it, and then adopt (and teach) what we’ve foundreally works. Believe me, there IS a direct relationshipbetween what a person gives and what they get. This iswhy Emerson said that the universe’s books are alwaysbalanced. This isn’t, then, an expression of ProtestantWork Ethic, it’s an observation about the universe. It’s thebasis of what every success teacher worth his salt teaches,including Napoleon Hill, Mark Victor Hansen, Jack Canfieldand, me.You might want to take the time to read Emerson’sfamous essay, On Compensation. (http://www.rwe.org/works/Essays-1st_Series_03_Compensation.htm)I’ve read it many times, spaced over thirty years, but I wentback to read it again before writing this so I could find afew of my favorite passages to share with you in this article.I was surprised to find that reading it actually broughttears to my eyes—partly because Emerson is such amagnificent communicator (his eloquence reminds meof Martin Luther King, Jr.)—but also because what hedescribes is so touching and such a clear expression of themagnificence and awesomeness of this universe and theindescribable privilege of being a living human being.Here are a few passages from that essay (the italics are mine):A perfect equity adjusts its balance in all parts oflife. The dice of God are always loaded. The worldlooks like a multiplication-table, or a mathematicalequation, which, turn it how you will, balancesitself. Take what figure you will, its exact value, notmore nor less, still returns to you. Every secret is told,every crime is punished, every virtue rewarded, everywrong redressed, in silence and certainty.And Another:Benefit is the end of nature. [Here is your“Grace”.] But for every benefit which you receive, atax is levied. He is great who confers the most benefits.He is base and that is the one base thing in the universeto receive favors and render none. In the orderof nature we cannot render benefits to those fromwhom we receive them, or only seldom. But the benefitwe receive must be rendered again, line for line,deed for deed, cent for cent, to somebody. Bewareof too much good staying in your hand. It will fastcorrupt and worm worms. Pay it away quickly insome sort.And perhaps one of the most exquisite paragraphs ever written:Men suffer all their life long, under the foolishsuperstition that they can be cheated. But it is asimpossible for a man to be cheated by any one buthimself, as for a thing to be and not to be at the sametime. There is a third silent party to all our bargains.The nature and soul of things takes on itself the guarantyof the fulfillment of every contract, so that honestservice cannot come to loss. If you serve an ungratefulmaster, serve him the more. Put God in your debt.14 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Do you Believe in Magic? Part 2 continued...Every stroke shall be repaid. The longer the payment iswithholden, the better for you; for compound interest oncompound interest is the rate and usage of this exchequer.There is a reason why the following proverbs and sayingshave survived for hundreds and in some cases thousandsof years. Proverbs that survive do so because theyreflect reality, in this case the reality is that there is a pricefor everything, and that you must pay it:Tit for tat; an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth;blood for blood; measure for measure; love for love.Give and it shall be given you. He that watereth shallbe watered himself. What will you have? quoth God;pay for it and take it. Nothing venture, nothing have.Thou shalt be paid exactly for what thou hast done,no more, no less. Who doth not work shall not eat.Harm watch, harm catch. Curses always recoil on thehead of him who imprecates them. If you put a chainaround the neck of a slave, the other end fastens itselfaround your own. Bad counsel confounds the adviser.When you give something, what you get in return isn’talways of a material nature. It depends what you give. AsJohn Lennon said, “The love you get is equal to the loveyou give.” Mother Teresa, for instance, did not give materialthings. She gave love and comfort. As a result, she wasloved and comforted in turn.So you can wait for grace if you like. And, you may getit. But as Emerson reminds us, if you receive without havinggiven, there still will be a price to pay, and paying lateradds interest to the debt.This is why those who win big in the lottery are almostalways broke again within a few years. They have not paidthe price to have all that wealth, and as a result it finds away to leave them.People turn to me for help because they perceive thatI have some expertise, some wisdom. Some of this is dueto the fact that I have created happiness and prosperity inmy own life, despite some huge, and in some cases terrible,challenges.It is also because I know many, many people who arealso successfully creating prosperity and success. Youcan trust me or not, but all the people I know who areprosperous and successful have given to the world in oneway or another, and to the degree they have, wealth andgoodness and fulfillment have come back to them.On the other hand, I receive letters every day frompeople who struggle to make ends meet, who never haveenough, who seem to have the worst possible “luck” whenit comes to money and prosperity. If they do accumulatesome wealth, they somehow lose it.Not all of these people are believers in what I havetermed “magic,” but a great deal of them are. On the otherhand, none of the friends I have who are prosperous wouldthink of wanting riches without having paid the appropriateprice, because they know how the Law of Attractionworks. You get back what you give, and when you getwithout having given first, there is still a price to pay.It’s your life. You can live it any way you want. You canwait for grace. You can wish, hope, visualize, and “raiseyour vibration.” You can “put it out to the universe” continually.But unless what you put out to the universe hasvalue, you won’t get anything of value back.And why this aversion to what you call “the work ethic”?Are you looking for something for nothing? I hope not,because I have seen from long experience, of my own andmany others, that this sort of wish is never fulfilled, andI want you to have what you want. As you say, God takescare of us, yes, but to have abundance you must give. Youmust pay the price.I say this not to chastise anyone, but to alert you to thefact that prosperity isn’t difficult to attain. But to attain it,you must create value for others. There is no other way.You don’t necessarily have to work hard, or for a long time.If you can create value in a second, with little effort, thatvalue is just as good as the value created by decades of difficultand effortful work.If you want grace, you must put yourself in its path, andthe way to do that is to figure out how to be of value. Toreceive love, give love. To receive wealth, give something ofvalue to others, because wealth is crystallized value.And the most amazing thing of all is that the giving ofvalue to others, in and of itself, turns out to be the greatestreward of all, even without the compensation that willinevitably follow. If you want a fulfilling life, focus on howyou can be of value, and take action to do so. If you do,everything you want and need will come to you, as surelyas water runs downhill.There is more to be said about believing in magic. Inthe next issue of Mind Chatter I want to discuss where thebelief in magic comes from developmentally, to give youa larger perspective on this subject, and to give you someideas about how to move from a developmental stage thatbelieves in magic to one where you can create everythingyou want in life.Be well.Bill HarrisMINDCHATTER February 200615

Glowing TestimonialsI have been a member for 3 years now, on AwakeningLevel 4 and taking your course. Back in late July I hadseveral incidences happen causing an emotional dominoeeffect. Initially, I spoke with Dr. Taub, but being in thefinancial situation I’m presently in, she turned me over toNancy.There aren’t enough words of praise for you and yourpeople. Insightful, caring, compassionate, spiritual, andobviously very well trained.Dr. Taub got the ball going, but it was Nancy whohelped me carry that ball to completion. She helped me toget in touch with my unconscious storage symbols behindwhat I like to call my unconscious buttons and for the firsttime in my life I can honestlysay and think andfeel that I’m going to beable to live the life I camehere to live and finally beable to share that withothers.Please consider this mytestimonial for Nancyand her methods forhelping others and mysoulfelt thanks for beingthere for me and thethousands of others whoyou and your staff havehelped and I know willcontinue to help in thefuture.Light, Life, Love & Laughter—LuannaThe more I evolve, the more strongly I see and believethat Holosync is still light years ahead of any other methodof personal/spiritual/psychological development. Yourmodel of folks having a stress threshold, and that ALL dysfunctionalfeelings and behaviors stem from being pushedover this threshold is brilliant, and I have not found toomany exceptions. Increasingly I see that it is not the contentof folks’ past traumas that are the problem, but thethe effect of that trauma in lowering their threshold.—Dr. Eric Robins“There aren’t enough wordsof praise for you and your people.Insightful, caring, compassionate,spiritual, and obviously very welltrained.”Since I breathe a deep and sincere thanks to you almostevery day of my life I’m taking this opportunity to conveyit in words. I’m such an altered person since I began yourholosync--altered in ways I never dreamed possible.Know that my gratitude beams your way on a very regularbasis with only the best of wishes.—GillianFor the past ten years or so I’d been seeking a breakthroughpersonal growth solution. If I’d list the names of the famousgurus, coaches and success experts whose (very expensive)seminars and retreats I attended, and whose products I filledmy mind with, you’d recognizeall or at least mostof them. Unfortunately,in spite of my dedicationand commitment, none ofthese otherwise well-meaningapproaches produceda permanent shift inmy awareness. It wasn’tbefore I chanced upon<strong>Centerpoint</strong>e’s Holosyncmediation technology andin addition started to studyand apply the materialBill Harris teaches in hisonline personal growthcourse, that I finally,finally, FINALLY understood why all other approaches hadfallen short. I’ll tell you the secret. It is this. One, none ofthe gurus and experts provided a long-term approach. Two,none of them followed up their clients personally. Three, andmost important, their approaches DID NOT DIG DEEPENOUGH INTO THE PSYCHE to produce lasting change.The approach Bill Harris takes, however, satisfies all threecriteria. You will get a long-term solution. You will get personalattention from Bill himself. And Bill’s more enlightened andintegral approach WILL prod you deep enough to give youthe permanent shift you so yearn for, given your own commitment.I therefore strongly suggest that you do two things, anddo them now. One, go to the <strong>Centerpoint</strong>e.com website andorder the free demo. Two, once you’re in the program, take theonline course. You will be glad you did. And you are safe totrust me on this one.—Tom16 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Book Reviews» BY MARC GILSONStalking the Wild Pendulum:On the Mechanics of ConsciousnessBy Itzhak Bentov1977 E.P. Dutton1988 Destiny Books (Currently Available Paperback)WHEN I FIRST BEGAN READINGBentov’s Stalking the Wild Pendulum I hadno idea the time that the book was writtenalmost 30 years ago. Had I known that Imight not have bothered to read it, thinking the materialwas simply far too outdated to be relevant. After all, thedominant theories in the field of consciousness studies livebrief lives before being replaced by a newer or more refinedconcept. What was accepted as objective knowledge justten years ago about ideas like “mind, “consciousness,”“memory,” etc., are today barely remembered relics of arapidly evolving science.But if I had ignored Bentov’s book, I would have missedout on one of the most profound and influential books Iown regarding our understanding of the nature and functionof consciousness. This book was not only ahead ofits time when written, but most thinkers in consciousnessstudies are still working to catch up with Bentov decadeslater.Regarded by his most of his colleagues as a bona fidegenius, Bentov was something of a scientific savant, havingnever received much in the way of formal education, scientificor otherwise. In fact he was expelled from kindergartenat the age of four and, as he admits, “never managedto resume normal studies since, not to mention graduatingfrom anyplace.”Yet Bentov demonstrated an understanding of complexand diverse topics related to consciousness and physicswith a much deeper and broader scope than most of hishighly educated colleagues (perhaps, it’s been speculated,because his knowledge of science developed outside theinfluence of the orthodox paradigms). Bentov’s untimelyand tragic death in 1979 marked an abrupt halt to a careerwhich, with time, would have certainly made him a householdname.If you aren’t familiar with Bentov, a reasonable comparisonmight be made to Richard Feynmann. Both men weredriven by a simple, almost obsessive desire to learn the innerworkings of things. Both relied heavily on humor andcommon sense to describe otherwise dauntingly complexideas. Both were decidedly unconventional in their approach.But whereas Feynmann dissected old radios andIf you would like toread more about ororder this book visit:HTTP://WWW.AMAZON.COM/EXEC/OBIDOS/ASIN/0892812028/CENTERPOINTER-20atoms, Bentov worked to develop a kind of anatomy ofconsciousness.In Stalking the Wild Pendulum, Bentov uses his considerablewit and wisdom to take the reader on what onereviewer called, “a brilliantly executed theoretical rompthrough the universe.”For Bentov, the universe is comprised of sound vibrations,light rays, subtle energies, and packets of consciousness.These elements, and others, make up the paints andMINDCHATTER February 200617

Book Reviews continued...brushes with which Bentov creates a stunning portrait ofthe universe. Among the ideas Bentov discusses in Stalkingthe Wild Pendulum: that our brains are thought amplifiers,not thought’s source; that the universe is a hologram, as isthe brain; that we can instantly reclaim any informationever known.These ideas of the non-locality of consciousness andthe holographic nature of the brain, while not necessarilymainstream science, are now commonly discussed issuesin the field of consciousness studies. But it was Bentov’swork that brought these kinds of issues to the forefront ofconsciousness exploration and made them worthy of considerationusing well-constructed reasoning and inspiredspeculation.Bentov is clearly viewed as a “fringe scientist” by themore established scientific community. But, as Bentov’sfriend, William A. Tiller pointed out in the book’s Preface,“The present scientific establishment has grown somewhatfossilized by its current ‘world picture’ and is locked into aview of reality that has outlived its usefulness.”Bentov must be credited, at least in part, with bringinga fresh and striking view of the universe to that “fossilizedestablishment,” and with producing a remarkable theoryof mind and matter. It would be a mistake to think thatBentov is merely repackaging fringe metaphysical notionsof mind and energy into a pseudo-science. His work isfounded on solid, common-sense reasoning.But Stalking the Wild Pendulum reads less like a scientifictreatise and more like an adventure of the mind. Einsteinonce said, “Imagination is ultimately more important thanknowledge.” No one embodies and applies that maximbetter then Bentov. His tools of teaching are clever analogy,compelling metaphor, and—unexpectedly perhaps—his own cartoons and illustrations.Those who have already read The Tao of Physics, by Capra,or The Dancing Wu Li Masters, by Zukav, will noticethe influence of Bentov’s work in those popular works.Of particular interest to <strong>Centerpoint</strong>e Participants isBentov’s explanations of the nature and ability of soundwaves to influence matter and mind, as well as a superbdiscussion on the concepts of rhythmic entrainment, beatfrequencies, and holograms.Bentov also discusses the role of meditation as means ofopening a channel of awareness capable of tapping intothe vast knowledge of the entire universe. Bentov clearlyunderstands meditation to be potentially transformativeon all levels of human existence. Unlike many contemporaryauthors in this field, Bentov manages to seamlesslyintegrate some rather innovative ideas about the nature ofconsciousness with our still evolving knowledge of quantumphysics.With the influx of books about consciousness research oflate it’s easy to get lost, intellectually. Among the quantumphysicists, eastern mystics, unified systems theorists,neuroscientists, and self-help gurus, all seemingly intenton revising our ideas of mind, it’s often difficult to sort outone theory from another. Bentov stands out among them,not only for his theories, but also for the imaginative andunique manner in which he expresses them. Indeed, anyoneinterested in consciousness, quantum, or the nature ofthe universe will find Stalking the Wild Pendulum challenging,enlightening, entertaining, and often dazzling.If you would like to read more about or order this book visit:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0892812028/centerpointer-2018 MINDCHATTER February 2006

Announcements:The Amazing 5-Day Transformationfor those who don’t have the time towait for Tremendous change!Six Spots Left For Spring Retreat!Space is running out for <strong>Centerpoint</strong>es spring retreat, held atThe Omega <strong>Institute</strong> at the Crossings in Austin, Texas from April 9-15, 2006.If you have a big issue you’d like toresolve, if you’re in a transition periodin your life and you just can’t seem tocomplete it, or if you just want to takethings to a higher level—one whereyou understand more completely howyou’re creating your life—please, doyourself a favor and come spend a weekwith me at The Omega <strong>Institute</strong>.I promise that you’ll have an incredibleexperience you’ll never forget.I tell people they’ll receive six monthsof growth in just 5 days at these retreats,but they keep improving everytime, and people now tell me they’rereceived much more than that.I tailor each retreat to the needs ofthe specific people who attend (whichmeans YOU). My goal is to help yousee the ways you may be unconsciouslyand unintentionally creating your internaland external reality, and how easy itactually is to consciously and intentionallycreate the life you want, both insideand out.This is your chance to make a bigchange, and to work with me personally.So visit this URL for more information:www.centerpointe.com/retreatsAnd, I guarantee results! Here’s theguarantee: Attend the entire retreat.If by the end of the retreat you don’tthink it was the most incredible growthexperience you’ve ever had, just see mebefore you leave, and I’ll refund yourtuition.You do not need to be a programparticipant to attend (though mostpeople who attend are). (And if you’renot a program participant, why theheck aren’t you? Quit procrastinatingand join.)Visit this URL for more information:www.centerpointe.com/retreatsOr, you can call retreat coordinatorKatie Sparks at 503-906-6027 to learnmore about <strong>Centerpoint</strong>e’s retreats.“As I watched and listened during my experience, I sensed throughout that I was safe and thatI could go deeper and deeper because of the love and confidence and strength I felt aroundme. Without that, I probably could not have released, what I believe to have been major lifetime blockages.Although I have been able to create so much happiness in my life, I was always aware thatsomething was blocked and I did not have a clue how to access it. Something very big happenedto me and I am still processing it.”—DoriMINDCHATTER February 200619

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