Introduction to Personal Fitness Plans - Let's Move In Point
Introduction to Personal Fitness Plans - Let's Move In Point
Introduction to Personal Fitness Plans - Let's Move In Point
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Stevens <strong>Point</strong> School District Curriculum Planning TemplateContent Area: Physical EducationContent Theme or Strand: <strong>Fitness</strong>Sub-Theme or Sub-Strand Component: <strong><strong>In</strong>troduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Personal</strong> <strong>Fitness</strong> <strong>Plans</strong>Grade Level: 7 thPrimary Contact: Randy ShirekStage 1 – Desired ResultsSTANDARDS (National Standards/Wisconsin Model Academic Standards / District benchmarks):A. Leading an Active Lifestyle- Students in Wisconsin will exhibit a physically active lifestyle.B. Physical Skill Development- Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate competency in many forms of movement and proficiency in some.C. Learned Skill- Students in Wisconsin will apply concepts and principles of movement <strong>to</strong> thelearning and development of physical skills.D. Understanding Physical Activity and Well-being- Students in Wisconsin will understand that physical activity provides opportunities enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.E. Health-Enhancing <strong>Fitness</strong>- Students in Wisconsin will achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.F. Respectful Behavior- Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical-activity settings.G. Understanding Diversity- Students in Wisconsin will demonstrate understanding and respect for differences among people in physical-activity settings.Enduring Understandings:Students will understand that… Life long fitness program will include flexibility, cardiovascular and strength components. There are a variety of activities <strong>to</strong> choose that meet life long fitness goals. Safe use of equipment is important in preventing injury and developing fitness (muscular strength &Cardiovascular). Assessing personal fitness results is important in managing overall health.Essential Questions:Students will understand that….• Why is having a personal fitness plan important?• How does personal choice of fitness activities affect your attitude and involvement in regular exercise?• How does the safe use of exercise equipment & activities promote personal fitness?• How does analyzing personal fitness assessment results help you manage your personal fitness program?
Knowledge:Students will know…• Which activities coorespond with specific fitness components.• How <strong>to</strong> safely prepare and be involved in fitness activities and use of equipment.• How each component of the 7 th grade program meets individual fitness goals.Skills:Students will be able <strong>to</strong>… Analyze personal fitness assessment results. Safely utilize exercise equipment and proper techniques. Modify individual activities <strong>to</strong> meet personal fitness goals.Stage 2 – Assessment EvidencePerformance Tasks (Consider connection <strong>to</strong> Enduring Understandings):• Students ability <strong>to</strong> safely use fitness & strength equipment assessed through teacher observation and safetychecklists.• Students will write a fitness goal based on individual needs & results of fitness testing.
Other Evidence of Learning:Stage 3 – Learning ActivitiesLearning Activities:• Formal fitness testing and analysis of pre/post results• <strong>Fitness</strong> stations and safety pro<strong>to</strong>cols of fitness equipment.• Development of fitness goals.• Participation in model fitness program developed by instruc<strong>to</strong>rs through prescribed classes.