Design of a Semantic Web-based Brokerage ... - Icee.usm.edu

Design of a Semantic Web-based Brokerage ... - Icee.usm.edu

Design of a Semantic Web-based Brokerage ... - Icee.usm.edu


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making use <strong>of</strong> different devices, such as personal or portablecomputers, pocket computers or advanced mobile telephones.Figure 1 shows the functional elements <strong>of</strong> a scalable andadaptable <strong>Semantic</strong> E-learning <strong>Brokerage</strong> architecture. Itmakes use <strong>of</strong> particular ontologies (described in Section 3) andinference rules that can be refined without structural changesin the infrastructure as new statements are identified. Next, themost important elements in the architecture are brieflydescribed (for a deeper description see [10]):• Knowledge Base: This is the basic and core element <strong>of</strong>the intermediation system. Here, it is available all theinformation collected and inferred by the Broker, bothfrom the ESP and from the different types <strong>of</strong> Clients. It isa repository where Ontologies, Inference Rules,Educational Resources and Course Descriptions, ServiceProvider Pr<strong>of</strong>iles, User Pr<strong>of</strong>iles and E-learning PlatformDescriptions are stored.• Search Engine. It is the s<strong>of</strong>tware component thatprovides an API with methods for querying theKnowledge Base. Although there are many ontologyquery languages, currently RDQL [9] is the most us<strong>edu</strong>ntil a recommended language will be issued by the W3C.• Inference Engine. This component is responsible forinferring new facts (new OWL statements) from a set <strong>of</strong>previous OWL facts taking into account additionalinformation defined by a particular ontology and in a set<strong>of</strong> inference rules (or axioms).• Data Collector. It is the component that gathersinformation from the registered ESPs automatically.FIGURE 1CONCEPTUAL BROKERAGE ARCHITECTURESession S3H• Services. Different services are <strong>of</strong>fered by the describedinfrastructure. Some <strong>of</strong> them are Anonymous Searches,Personalized Searches, Notification Service, CourseAnnotation, Relevance Estimation Service, TaxonomyManagement and Supporting Services.• Access Interfaces. Different interfaces are provided tothe clients in order to support different access devices(PCs, PALMs, Pocket PCs, WAP devices, etc.).Administrators <strong>of</strong> academic institutions are provided withparticular access interfaces to register and modify theirdata. Likewise, in Figure 1 it is shown an access entrypoint for s<strong>of</strong>tware agents. This Agent Interface consists <strong>of</strong>a set <strong>of</strong> <strong>Web</strong> Services [11] that conforms to a standardizedaccess model [12].THE ONTOLOGYSeveral organizations and institutions (e.g. IMS, ADL, AICC,IEEE’s LTSC, CEN/ISSS/LT, ARIADNE, etc.) have beenworking towards the development <strong>of</strong> standards andrecommendations aimed at solving the interoperabilityproblems currently found in the e-learning domain [13]. Theresult <strong>of</strong> this effort is a basic set <strong>of</strong> information models thatallow the representation <strong>of</strong> several entities involved in the e-learning area. Several <strong>of</strong> these standards, like the metadatamodels for describing learning resources, formats for definingcompetencies, schemas for represent learner information, datamodels for describing accessibility issues, are the basis for thedefinition <strong>of</strong> ELEARNING-ONT, a set <strong>of</strong> interconnectedOWL ontologies that facilitate the automatic management <strong>of</strong>the implicit semantic present in the instances <strong>of</strong> thestandardized data models.ELEARNING-ONT, which is briefly depicted in thisSection, includes the definition <strong>of</strong> the concepts, and their interrelations,necessary to develop brokerage services in the e-learning domain. Due to the great quantity <strong>of</strong> identified terms,the ontology is organized in a range <strong>of</strong> namespaces (or subontologies).There exists a basic namespace, wherefundamental concepts such as “Educational Resource”,“Course” or “Educational Services Provider” are defined. Aseries <strong>of</strong> sub-ontologies include the properties, with theircorresponding vocabularies, that can be used to describe indetail the instances <strong>of</strong> the most basic classes.MethodologyIn order to identify the most suitable terms to be included in adraft proposal <strong>of</strong> a domain OWL Ontology for <strong>edu</strong>cationalbrokerage, we defined a systematic methodology. Thismethodology is <strong>based</strong> on the guidelines proposed by Noy andMcGuinness in [14] and the recommendations described in theUnified S<strong>of</strong>tware Development Process [15].The first stage <strong>of</strong> the development process involves thecapture and documentation <strong>of</strong> the most basic functionalrequirements from clients' viewpoint. Starting from a set <strong>of</strong>core requirements, we successively redefine the “Search forCourse in Broker” use case (c.f. Figure 2) in order to capturenew and different query possibilities. For each stage we applythe steps proposed by Noy and McGuinness:0-7803-9077-6/05/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE October 19 – 22, 2005, Indianapolis, IN35 th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education ConferenceS3H-20

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