weekly bulletin - McLean Bible Church

weekly bulletin - McLean Bible Church

weekly bulletin - McLean Bible Church


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The vision of <strong>McLean</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Church</strong> is to make an impacton secular Washington with the message of Jesus Christ.mbcprincewilliam.org10002 Battleview ParkwayManassas, VA 20109703-639-2000Mark Davis, Campus PastorSundays: 9 & 10:45 amWELCOME TOMBC PRINCE WILLIAMJuly 14, 2013Overcoming Sinful FearPsalm 27Will Pavone, MBC Tysons Pastor of Young AdultsCOMING UP AT MBC PRINCE WILLIAMBaptismAugust 18For more information and upcoming events, visit mbcprincewilliam.org/calendarWelcome, we’re glad you are here. We invite you to attend ourNewcomer’s Reception on Sunday, August 4 after both services to hearfrom our campus pastor and other staff members (refreshments will beserved). In the meantime, please visit the Welcome Desk after the serviceto pick up our newcomer packet.Outreach Ministry - rick.helein@mcleanbible.org• The next Operation Kindness packing night is this Tuesday, July 16 at 7 pm in TheRock at MBC Tysons. To help in other ways, volunteer to help at the table in thelobby before or after one of the services. You can also pick up a flag and return thesuggested donation this month or fill out a postcard to encourage our troops.INFO: Kathryn Scott, jfkascott@verizon.net or cityimpactdc.org/operationkindness• Please join us for “Ready, Set, Grow” on Wednesdays, July 17, 24, and 31 from9 am until noon at the Summertree condos. We will begin each day with akid-friendly lesson, demonstration on gardening techniques, and facts providedby a real master gardener. On Saturday, Aug. 3 from 9 am–1 pm we will have ourfirst “dig in” and break ground on a vegetable and fruit garden for the fall andsubsequent planting seasons. All family members (no matter the age) are welcometo participate, especially your high-school students who are off for the summer.Access Ministry - sheena.austria@mcleanbible.org• Do you want to have fun on Fridays? Join “Fun Fridays” at Soaring Over Sevensummer camp at MBC Tysons. Volunteer at our day camp for children withdisabilities on Fridays, July 19 and July 26. Enjoy field trips, swimming and games.Must be 13+ years old.INFO: mbctysons.org/volunteerataccessKid’s Quest - mary.scott@mcleanbible.org• Next week’s summer fun day is Sports Day. Come dressed to show everyone yourfavorite team!INFO: mbcprincewilliam.org/kqsummer• Elementary families—please pick up your Family Enteraction Guide at the ParentResource area of your child’s class. This booklet is designed with eight weeks ofsummer ideas and activities you can do as a family to reinforce what your child istaught each week in Kid’s Quest.INFO: Ana Rojas, 703-639-2000 x3119• It isn’t too late to sign your 3rd through 5th grade child up for Camp Quest,Aug. 11-16. We are excited about the program and activities and know your childwill benefit greatly from attending.INFO: mbcprincewilliam.org/kqsummer

CONTACT CARDSign me up for the e-newsletterName: ____________________________________________________________Address: __________________________________________________________City: ___________________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________Email: ____________________________Phone: ________________________Prayer Request: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Comment: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Please tear off this panel and place in the offering plate or turn in at the Welcome Center.The Rock - keith.seymour@mcleanbible.org• All students are invited to join us on Wednesday, July 17 from 7–9 pm at The Rockfor a night of Prayer and Praise. We will spend time singing worship songs, praisingGod and praying for the upcoming Dominican Republic Missions Trip.• Join us for Junior High Summer Camp open to all 6th–8th graders. Camp isThursday–Sunday, Aug. 8–11, at North Bay Camp in Maryland. Register online.REGISTER: mbctysons.org/summercampYoung Adult and Young Couples Community- caroline.seymour@mcleanbible.org• The Young Adult Community (YAC) is pleased to have Joanne Tang, MBC PWDirector of Women’s Discipleship, as our guest speaker today and Sunday, July 21.Joanne will speak on “Following God’s plan from IRE to India to IAD” as she reflectsupon the Lord’s leading through three different countries. Please plan to join us at12:15 pm in the Community Room as Joanne shares with us!• Young Couples Community (YCC) is currently on summer break. Remember to grow, investin your local community and use the summer break to relax and recharge your marriage!ENCORE! Senior Adults - jamie.jackson@mcleanbible.org• ENCORE! is a community group of mature adults (age 55+) who meet together forfellowship and <strong>Bible</strong> study on Sundays at 10:30 am in the Community Room.Adult Ministry- angel.vogg@mcleanbible.org or larry.gray@mcleanbible.org• The Open Door community group invites you to view a five-session video series ondiscipleship in the early church. Beginning on Tuesday, July 23 at 7:30 pm inRoom 215, we’ll watch the Focus on the Family Ray Vanderlaan series entitled “In theDust of the Rabbi” followed by dessert.INFO: Pete Buczynski, buczynski@cox.net• The next Ladies Craft Night is Saturday, July 27 from 6–10 pm. You can stop byanytime. Please bring any craft or project to work on as well as a snack to share.INFO: Sara Phelan, saraphelan06@yahoo.com.July 6–8: Mike KelseyJuly 13–15: Will PavoneJuly 20–22: Will PavoneJuly 27–29: James BrownAug. 3–5: Nate KeelerAug. 10–12: Ken SunAug. 17–19: Jim SuppAug. 24–26 andAug. 31–Sept. 2:Campus Pastorspreaching locallyat each campusHelp Special Children, Get Fit, and Have Fun!Run the Marine Corps Marathonor 10K with Team Jill’s House.Deadline is July 31, or until our limited number ofremaining slots are filled, so register today atjillshouse.org/marathon. For more information,email events@jillshouse.org or contactTeresa Lee at 703.639.5670.

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