Intergenerational Voter Preference Survey - Preliminary Results ...

Intergenerational Voter Preference Survey - Preliminary Results ...

Intergenerational Voter Preference Survey - Preliminary Results ...


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proportion of “Other” votes in Demeny Voting Block. We asked the respondents towrite what “Other” and they mostly wrote “Osaka Ishin no Toh”.The survey took placein December, after that Osaka double election.Last General ElectionNow we turn to PARTLAST(Q9), how the survey respondents had voted in the lastgeneral election. This is summarized in Figure 10. In Table 9, we also present the actualbreakdown of party votes in the last election. This suggests that the respondents arenot representative in terms of party preference. Most notably, interpreting only thosethat chose a party went to vote and those that answered None did no, The actual resultsof Proportional Representation in the last general election were JDP 42.41% and LDP26.73%. The survey respondents voted more pro-JDP than the general voterpopulation. Min-nano Toh which had the third largest number of votes among surveyrespondents only had 4.27% among all the voters in the election. This was only the 6 thlargest share. Komei Toh had the third largest share in the general election had thethird largest share in the last election.Figure 10: Vote in last general election (PARTLAST (Q9))16

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