October'07 - Greyhounds Queensland

October'07 - Greyhounds Queensland

October'07 - Greyhounds Queensland

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Logan: A Perfect HomeIt is fantastic news to hear there is interestfrom the Logan City Council about having agreyhound track within its borders.For a long time many within the industryhave been crying out for a track in the Loganarea and it was also the most popularprospective location for a new track in theQGBOTA survey earlier in the year.The swell of popular opinion now seemsto be synchronising with views shared by theGRAQ and Logan City Council.Hopefully the planets are finally aligningfor <strong>Queensland</strong> greyhound racing and we canforge a new era for our sport.The QGBOTA actively supports anymoves towards a greyhound track in Loganand we consider it the correct path ourindustry must take to insure its future.The ideal greyhound facilityI have written an article on the idealgreyhound facility, drawing upon thefeedback from the industry from the surveythe QGBOTA conducted on Albion Park andwhat participants want from a new track.This article can be read in the latest issueof our newsletter, which can be found at tracksor on our website. I hope the industry finds itat the least thought provoking.It covers not only discussion on designbut also topics such as promotion,entertainment and business ventures.It highlights the industry’s desire for boththe ideal racing venue but also the idealtraining and support facility.We encourage owners and trainers to writeto the QGBOTA or The Journal to give theirown thoughts and ideas on this issue.With the Gold Coast track to be relocatedand Albion Park either being redeveloped orrelocated, it is vital that we give this issue alot of thought.GRAQ Board MeetingThe QGBOTA attended the latest GRAQboard meeting.POSTMAN'S RIDGEGreyhound ComplexTrialling Daily(Closed Tues & Wed)Winter (May 1- Sept 30) 7.30am to 9amSummer (Oct 1 - April 30) 7am to 9amContact John and Sharyn Collins0437 789076 or 0408 789076Ph (07) 46303688Corey PearcePhotographyBrad NewmanGBOTA NewsThe QGBOTA was represented by myselfand Kevin Galloway. Issues we addressedinclude the future of Albion Park, therelocation of the Gold Coast track, the horseflu and governance.A lot of these issues will no doubt becovered in more detail and depth by theGRAQ in this publication, but we came awayfrom the meeting being very satisfied withprogress.While the Albion Park issue still remainsat a status quo, at least publicly, our main topicof discussion was the future of the Gold Coasttrack with the State Government taking theland for their future Gold Coast hospital.Moving inside the harness track isn’t anoption and with genuine interest from theLogan City Council on having a greyhoundtrack, a greyhound facility in Logan is adistinct possibility.The GRAQ has been shown land thatwould be more than adequate to house agreyhound facility but with plenty of roomfor other sports.This would please many who believe anynew greyhound track should be a multi usefacility to make it more viable and to attract adiverse cliental.The GRAQ hopes it can extract somecompensation from the State Government anduse these funds to build new facilities inLogan.On the subject of the horse flu, while theSaturday meetings at Albion Park have beena fun novelty and a great success, (we need areturn of a Saturday night meeting in QLD)the greyhound industry is really feeling thepinch of the crisis.With our income tied to a share of theoverall turnover of all racing, the absence ofthese horse meetings is hurting us.While <strong>Queensland</strong> horse racing is shutdown, <strong>Queensland</strong> greyhounds race on, butwe also carry the burden of paying out fullprizemoney, plus the Saturday meetings whilestill being drained by the crisis. The soonerthis is over the better for all.The draft governance for theincorporation of the GRAQ has been finalizedand the QGBOTA is satisfied with the results.Feedback was supplied by all race clubs andour Association and we feel these concernshave been taken on board.The governance has now been submittedto the State Government for approval andthere shouldn’t be any hold up.The GRAQ, which is currently a statutorybody, will incorporate into a new entity to beknown as <strong>Greyhounds</strong> <strong>Queensland</strong> in themiddle of next year. This governance isactually the constitution of the new entity.A full report of our meeting with theGRAQ can be found in the September issueof our newsletter.I would like to thank the GRAQ for onceagain extending their courtesy towards us inallowing us to attend the early Septemberboard meeting.Capalaba Trial DiscountRemember that QGBOTA membersreceive $1 off trials at Capalaba whenpresenting their membership card.Anyone interested in saving some moneyon trialing who isn’t a member, I invite youto join the QGBOTA.MembershipMembership forms are available on ourwebsite QGBOTA.com, in our monthlynewsletter, at our weekly BBQ at Albion Parkon Fridays or by contacting a committeemember. Cost is $10 for individualmembership or $15 for a family.For further membership details pleasecontact out Secretary Pat Marchant on 3901-0932.STEWARDSINQUIRIESAUGUST 20Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), CClifford (deputy chairman).Stewards opened an inquiry into the urinesample taken from Like My Dad on July 6 atAlbion Park (Race 3, placed 2nd) whichsubsequently returned positive to Theobromine.Stewards took evidence from Mrs DHuddleston of Morningside.She was charged under AR 122 which states:“The owner, trainer or person in charge of agreyhound nominated to compete in an eventshall produce the greyhound for the event free ofany drug”.Huddleston pleaded not guilty but was foundguilty and fined $250. Like My Dad wasdisqualified under AR 124 (1). Huddleston wasdirected to return the prizemoney to the GRA.She was read her rights of appeal.AUGUST 27Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), CMcLune (Investigations).Stewards opened an inquiry into the urinesample taken from Typhoon Bandit on July 6 atAlbion Park (Race 10, placed 1st) whichsubsequently returned positive to Theobromine.Stewards took evidence from trainer Mrs JHose of Chambers Flat and vet Mac CharlesWelch.Hose was charged under AR 122 which states:“The owner, trainer or person in charge of agreyhound nominated to compete in an eventshall produce the greyhound for the event free ofany drug”.She pleaded not guilty but was found guiltyand fined $250. Typhoon Bandit was disqualifiedunder AR 124 (1). Hose was directed to returnthe prizemoney to the GRA. She was read herrights of appeal.AUGUST 27Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), CMcLune (Investigations).Stewards opened an inquiry in relation to acomplaint lodged by Mr G Greensill over anincident at the Ipswich trials on August 16.Trainer Mr S Parker, and club officials Mr EDenman and Greensill gave evidence.Stewards charged Parker under Rule125(1)(f)(iv) which states: “Any person (includingan official) who engages in, publishes or causesto be published broadcasts or causes to bebroadcast, the use of any contemptuous,unseemly, improper, insulting or offensivelanguage, conduct or behaviour in any manneror form or in relation to (iv) any other personhaving official duties in relation to greyhoundracing”.Parker pleaded guilty and was fined $250. Hewas read his rights of appeal.AUGUST 30Stewards present: DM Ryan (chairman), GThorsby (steward).Stewards opened an inquiry into the urinesample taken from Crescent Blackie on July 13and July 20 at Albion Park (Race 10, placed 7th;Race 3, placed 7th) which subsequently returnedpositive to Theobromine, Paraxanathine andTheophylline on both occasions.Stewards took evidence from trainer Mr CNowlan of Woodridge and Mr T Billin.Nolan was charged under AR 122 which states:“The owner, trainer or person in charge of agreyhound nominated to compete in an eventshall produce the greyhound for the event free ofany drug”.He pleaded guilty, was suspended for twomonths and fined $500. Crescent Blackie wasdisqualified under AR 124 (1). Nowlan was readhis rights of appeal.For all your race photos atAlbion Park (Mon, Thurs, Fri)andIpswich (Tues, Wed)Ask us about specialised photosof your champion.0417 000130The (October, 2007) Journal Page 34

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