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6.06<strong>50th</strong> <strong>anniversary</strong><strong>celebrations</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Paris</strong> 06<strong>First</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>trophy</strong><strong>for</strong> Sevilla FC 08No 50 – June 2006Victory <strong>for</strong> theRussian Under-17s 11Spanish stranglehold <strong>in</strong>the UEFA Futsal Cup 12

COVERFifty years after the first<strong>European</strong> Champion Clubs’ Cup f<strong>in</strong>al,another Spanish team liftsthe <strong>trophy</strong>, FC Barcelona beat<strong>in</strong>gArsenal FC <strong>in</strong> <strong>Paris</strong>.PHOTO: UEFA-BOZZANIIN THIS ISSUEReferees ready<strong>for</strong> the World Cup 04UEFA Champions Leaguef<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong> <strong>Paris</strong> 06UEFA Cup f<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong> E<strong>in</strong>dhoven 08Eleven questions <strong>for</strong> Marios N. Lefkaritis 09Under-17 f<strong>in</strong>al round 11Boomerang w<strong>in</strong> the Futsal Cup 12News from member associations 16EditorialThe pr<strong>in</strong>ciple of universalityThirty-two years ago, the World Cup was staged <strong>in</strong> Germany. This year, thesame country will be host<strong>in</strong>g the 18th f<strong>in</strong>als of that competition, start<strong>in</strong>g on 9 June.The 1974 tournament was the last timethat the f<strong>in</strong>alists <strong>in</strong>cluded two Germanrepresentatives: East Germanyand West Germanyboth competed, with thelatter go<strong>in</strong>g on to lift the <strong>trophy</strong>.The Slovenian, Croatian and Bosnian playerswho took part were wear<strong>in</strong>g the colours of Yugoslavia.At that time, UEFA had only 34 member associations.Whether as a result of violent conflict or peacefulchange, borders disappeared or were redrawn, chang<strong>in</strong>g theface of Europe as the 20th century drew to a close. In themidst of all this upheaval, sport played a major role <strong>in</strong> preserv<strong>in</strong>gthe <strong>European</strong> unity which it had helped to construct s<strong>in</strong>ce the 1950s, basedas it is not on purely political, economic and f<strong>in</strong>ancial considerations but on pr<strong>in</strong>ciplesof a more universal nature.Towards this end, <strong>European</strong> football has always placed the focus on solidarity.One manifestation of this was the sett<strong>in</strong>g up of the East <strong>European</strong> AssistanceBureau, aimed at ensur<strong>in</strong>g the best possible <strong>in</strong>tegration of the new national associationsand enabl<strong>in</strong>g them to achieve parity of status as soon as possible with theother national federations, <strong>for</strong> the sake of ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a healthy balance <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternationalcompetitions. It was the same concern that led UEFA to extend its assistanceprogramme to all member associations.The presence of Ukra<strong>in</strong>e and Croatia <strong>in</strong> the upcom<strong>in</strong>g World Cup f<strong>in</strong>als,the victory of CSKA Moscow <strong>in</strong> the UEFA Cup f<strong>in</strong>al last year and the qualificationof a number of Eastern <strong>European</strong> clubs <strong>for</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al stages of this season’scompetition show that the ef<strong>for</strong>ts made all round are beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g to bear fruit.It would there<strong>for</strong>e be a pity to see those ef<strong>for</strong>ts ru<strong>in</strong>ed as a result of rifts causedby <strong>in</strong>dividualism that is driven purely by economic and f<strong>in</strong>ancial considerations.Football must rema<strong>in</strong> a universal sport which is open to all.The World Cup is a wonderful manifestation of this and I hope it will get yoursummer off to the nicest possible start.Ukra<strong>in</strong>e (Sergiy Shyshenko, right) aretak<strong>in</strong>g part <strong>in</strong> the World Cup f<strong>in</strong>als <strong>for</strong> thevery first time. Among the opponentsthey elim<strong>in</strong>ated along the way was anothernew nation, Georgia (David Odikadze).SHLAMOV/AFP/GETTY IMAGESLars-Christer OlssonChief Executivewe care about football02 uefadirect 6.06

World Cup<strong>in</strong> GermanyA monthof football feverFLORIN/AFP/GETTY IMAGESGerd Müller scores <strong>for</strong> WestGermany aga<strong>in</strong>st the Netherlands<strong>in</strong> the 1974 World Cup f<strong>in</strong>al.Germany were the first w<strong>in</strong>nersof the present <strong>trophy</strong>.EMPICSEIGHT YEARS AFTER IT WAS STAGED IN FRANCE, THE WORLD CUP WILLAGAIN BE PLAYED ON EUROPEAN SOIL, FOR THE TENTH TIME IN ITS HISTORY,WHEN IT RETURNS TO GERMANY THIS SUMMER FROM 9 JUNE TO 9 JULY.On the even<strong>in</strong>g of 9 June, thetournament will kick off with the matchbetween Germany and Costa Rica atthe spectacular stadium <strong>in</strong> Munich, thef<strong>in</strong>al be<strong>in</strong>g due a month later <strong>in</strong> Berl<strong>in</strong>.Among the 32 nations compet<strong>in</strong>g<strong>for</strong> the title of world champions,currently held by Brazil s<strong>in</strong>ce their victory<strong>in</strong> South Korea/Japan <strong>in</strong> 2002, therewill be 14 representatives from Europe:apart from Germany, who qualifiedautomatically as the host nation, the<strong>European</strong> competitors will be Croatia,England, France, Italy, the Netherlands,Poland, Portugal, Serbia & Montenegro,Sweden and Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, who all won theirqualify<strong>in</strong>g groups or f<strong>in</strong>ished best runners-up,plus the Czech Republic, Spa<strong>in</strong>and Switzerland, the three play-offw<strong>in</strong>ners.The stadiums of 12 citieswill stage the 64 matches of this f<strong>in</strong>alround. Six of the cities – Dortmund,Frankfurt, Gelsenkirchen, Hanover,Munich and Stuttgart – already actedas hosts <strong>for</strong> the 1974 World Cup <strong>in</strong>West Germany, the year when thecurrent <strong>trophy</strong> made its first appearance,follow<strong>in</strong>g Brazil’s third victory <strong>in</strong>1970, which gave them the right tokeep the Jules Rimet <strong>trophy</strong>. The otherhost cities <strong>for</strong> 2006 are Berl<strong>in</strong>, Cologne,Hamburg, Kaiserslautern, Leipzig andNuremberg.The group matches will be playedbetween 9 and 23 June. The top twofrom each group will go through to theround of 16, which will be played from24 to 27 June. The quarter-f<strong>in</strong>als are set<strong>for</strong> 30 June and 1 July, after which thesemi-f<strong>in</strong>als will take place on 4 and 5 July.The match <strong>for</strong> third place will be played<strong>in</strong> Stuttgart on 8 July and the f<strong>in</strong>al willbe <strong>in</strong> Berl<strong>in</strong> on Sunday, 9 July at 8 pm.In 17 editions of the World Cup,only seven different nations have liftedthe <strong>trophy</strong>: Brazil (1958, 1962, 1970,1994 and 2002), Germany (1954, 1974and 1990), Italy (1934, 1938 and 1982),Uruguay (1930 and 1950), Argent<strong>in</strong>a(1978 and 1986), England (1966) andFrance (1998).03

EMPICSMarkus Merkgets ready to refereethe f<strong>in</strong>alof EURO 2004.HEIMANN/BONGARTS/GETTY IMAGESPhysical fitnessis a crucial aspectof referee<strong>in</strong>g.World Cup refereesMarkus Merk: enthusiasm is the keyREFEREES PLAY A VITAL ROLE IN FOOTBALL BUT THEY WILL NEVER WIN AWARDS FOR POPULARITY. WORKING INA GAME WHICH GETS FASTER AND FASTER WHILE THE STAKES GET HIGHER AND HIGHER, AND SURROUNDED BY CAMERASWHICH REPLAY EVERY INCIDENT AND DECISION, REFEREES ARE UNDER EVER-GROWING PRESSURE.EMPICSUEFA and FIFA provide elite refereeswith <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly professional tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g and supervision.Dur<strong>in</strong>g major tournaments, they stay<strong>in</strong> the same hotel and are a team <strong>in</strong> their ownright, united by the same passion and the samework<strong>in</strong>g language (English), but once they areout on the pitch, they are alone, exposed topublic scrut<strong>in</strong>y and criticism.Markus Merk will be officiat<strong>in</strong>gat his fourth major <strong>in</strong>ternational tournaments<strong>in</strong>ce EURO2000. Tak<strong>in</strong>g placeon his home turf,this World Cup hasextra piquancy <strong>for</strong> him, especiallyas he will soon reach the retirement age <strong>for</strong>referees. A Bundesliga referee <strong>for</strong> 18 years, hehas officiated at many top events, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g theEURO 2004 f<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong> Portugal. Apart from hisexperience and talent, what is strik<strong>in</strong>g is his almostboyish enthusiasm, his <strong>in</strong>fectious passion,made even keener by the prospect of participat<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> the World Cup <strong>in</strong> his own country.“Few referees have an opportunity like this: I willbe fulfill<strong>in</strong>g the dream of officiat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a majortournament <strong>in</strong> my own country.”– How has the build-up to theWorld Cup been <strong>for</strong> you?– It feels as though time has been mov<strong>in</strong>gfaster <strong>in</strong> recent weeks and months. As soonas one milestone is reached, you start th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>gof the next one. In 1988, when I started out <strong>in</strong>the Bundesliga, I said that anyth<strong>in</strong>g else thatcame would be a bonus, and that’s still true.I’ve been th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g about this World Cup <strong>for</strong> along time but without neglect<strong>in</strong>g other events:the f<strong>in</strong>al stretch <strong>in</strong> the Bundesliga,the clos<strong>in</strong>g stages of theUEFA Cup and ChampionsLeague … I can’tprepare myself justwith an eye to theWorld Cup. I’m approach<strong>in</strong>g it witha lot of concentration and excitement,while keep<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> m<strong>in</strong>d that everyth<strong>in</strong>gcan change <strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>stant but withoutdwell<strong>in</strong>g on the worst th<strong>in</strong>gs that canhappen or the problems that might arisewhen you go out on the pitch.– What do you hope toachieve at the World Cup?– The tournament is a teamevent <strong>for</strong> the officials too. It will onlybe a success if people can say at theend that all the referees were excellent,as was the case with EURO 2004 <strong>in</strong>Portugal. We all have to produce goodper<strong>for</strong>mances, we also have to be oneof the w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g teams. In a World Cup,we are an even more cosmopolitangroup than <strong>in</strong> a <strong>European</strong> Championshipf<strong>in</strong>al round and there are twiceas many of us.– S<strong>in</strong>ce you started out as areferee, what are the ma<strong>in</strong> changesthat have taken place <strong>for</strong> officials?– The game has become fasterand more athletic, the one-on-oneshave got tougher. Everyth<strong>in</strong>g is analysedand rehearsed. I won’t say that we’vebecome more professional – that wouldbe <strong>in</strong>sult<strong>in</strong>g to our predecessors. Inmental terms, we are all professional.Over the last 15 years or so, refereeshave become more athletic and havehad to cope with grow<strong>in</strong>g pressure.There aga<strong>in</strong>, we receive the best possibletra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g. But we always have tobe on our toes to progress and be alertto where we can still make small improvements.Otherwise, we start regress<strong>in</strong>g.F<strong>in</strong>ally, experience counts <strong>for</strong>noth<strong>in</strong>g if you don’t work on yourself,if you don’t get excited about th<strong>in</strong>gs.04 uefadirect 6.06

Laurent Blanc surrounded by someof those who took part.ChampionsFestivalReturn<strong>in</strong>g to the place wherethe first <strong>European</strong> Champion Clubs’Cup f<strong>in</strong>al took place, UEFA commemoratedthe <strong>50th</strong> <strong>anniversary</strong> of itsflagship club competition by offer<strong>in</strong>g<strong>Paris</strong> a five-day football carnival.The Emile Antho<strong>in</strong>e stadium and theTrocadero gardens were the venues<strong>for</strong> the UEFA Young Champions tournament,<strong>in</strong> which 744 youngstersaged between ten and 16 played <strong>in</strong>a five-a-side round-rob<strong>in</strong> competition<strong>in</strong>volv<strong>in</strong>g 128 teams, amount<strong>in</strong>g toa total of 216 matches. Laurent Blanc,the <strong>for</strong>mer capta<strong>in</strong> of France,dropped <strong>in</strong> to encourage the participants<strong>in</strong> their ef<strong>for</strong>ts.Supported by the official UEFAChampions League sponsors andthe French Football Federation, thefestival attracted some 60,000 visitors.Its highlight was a 50-hour non-stopfive-a-side match <strong>in</strong> which 500 playerstook part, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong>mer tennischampion Boris Becker.As it has done throughout theseason, UEFA also paid tribute, dur<strong>in</strong>gthe official d<strong>in</strong>ner the day be<strong>for</strong>ethe UEFA Champions League f<strong>in</strong>al, tosome of the <strong>in</strong>strumental figures ofthe competition, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g UEFA’s <strong>for</strong>merchief executive, Gerhard Aigner.PHOTOS: UEFA/BOZZANIGerhard Aigner was honoured bythe UEFA President, Lennart Johansson.06 uefadirect 6.06

SolCampbell’stower<strong>in</strong>gheadergivesArsenalthe lead.JulianoBellettiscoresthew<strong>in</strong>ner<strong>for</strong>Barcelona.Ronald<strong>in</strong>horeceiveshis medal froma smil<strong>in</strong>gUEFA presidentand CEO.UEFAChampionsLeagueBarcelona victory<strong>in</strong> jubilee yearIT WAS 50 YEARS AGO IN PARIS THAT THE FIRSTEUROPEAN CHAMPION CLUBS’ CUP FINAL WAS HELD. THIS YEAR,THE FRENCH CAPITAL AGAIN HOSTED THE CROWNING EVENTOF THE EUROPEAN CLUB COMPETITION SEASON.As was the case 50 years ago,it was a brand-new <strong>trophy</strong> which waspresented this year to the capta<strong>in</strong> of thew<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g team, the previous cup hav<strong>in</strong>gbecome the property of Liverpool FClast season after they won the competition<strong>for</strong> the fifth time. And, just like <strong>in</strong>1956, it was a Spanish club which wasvictorious now.Otherwise, many th<strong>in</strong>gs havechanged, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g the new stadium <strong>in</strong>St-Denis replac<strong>in</strong>g the Parc des Pr<strong>in</strong>ces.Instructions concern<strong>in</strong>g the Laws of theGame have also changed, and the strictand immediate application of the ruleshad a significant impact on this f<strong>in</strong>al:Arsenal had to play most of the matchwith ten men, after goalkeeper JensLehmann was sent off <strong>for</strong> a last-ditchfoul <strong>in</strong> the 18th m<strong>in</strong>ute.Initially, the English team notonly coped with the setback but eventook the lead, thanks to a perfectlydirected header by defender Sol Campbell.After that, however, this <strong>anniversary</strong>match saw the repetition of a familiarscenario from the earlier years of thecompetition: one-way traffic and totaldom<strong>in</strong>ation by one team, <strong>in</strong>terruptedonly by occasional, though dangerous,counter-attacks. Arsenal created anumber of chances <strong>for</strong> deal<strong>in</strong>g the killerblow to the Catalans but were unableto convert them. So ultimately they paidthe price, with the ra<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the secondhalf literally putt<strong>in</strong>g a damper on th<strong>in</strong>gsafter the pleasant conditions at kickofftime.Hav<strong>in</strong>g kept a clean sheet <strong>for</strong>nearly 1,000 m<strong>in</strong>utes of <strong>European</strong>football, the English club conceded twogoals <strong>in</strong> less than five m<strong>in</strong>utes, SamuelEto’o and Juliano Belletti thus secur<strong>in</strong>ga second f<strong>in</strong>al triumph <strong>for</strong> the Spanishclub to add to their 1992 victory <strong>in</strong> thecompetition. Arsenal no longer hadthe ways and means – or the time – todeny success to a team who have perfectedthe art of keep<strong>in</strong>g possession.Unbeaten throughout thisseason’s UEFA Champions League campaign,Barcelona’s triumph gave Spa<strong>in</strong>its second victory this season <strong>in</strong> <strong>European</strong>club competitions, a week afterSevilla’s victory over Middlesbrough<strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al of the UEFA Cup. The nextUEFA Super Cup will thus be an all-Spanish affair – though of course withmany players of other nationalities.In this respect too, times have changed!17 May 2006<strong>Paris</strong> St-Denis – Stade de France –77,500 spectatorsFC Barcelona – Arsenal FC 2-1 (0-1)Goals: Campbell (37), Eto’o (76),Belletti (81)Referee: Terje Hauge (Norway)07PHOTOS: UEFA-BOZZANI

GETTY IMAGESGoals fromMarescaand Kanoute.EMPICSThe f<strong>in</strong>alwas stagedunder the“unite aga<strong>in</strong>stracism”banner.BOZZANIUEFA Cup goesto SevillaBest possible centenary presentTHE UEFA CUP LIKES TO RING THE CHANGES. NOT ONLY DID IT ADOPTA NEW FORMAT TWO SEASONS AGO, COMBINING GROUP AND KNOCKOUTMATCHES, BUT IT HAS ALSO BEEN WON ON THE LAST TWO OCCASIONSBY CLUBS WHICH HAD NEVER WON A SINGLE UEFA COMPETITION BEFORE.This year, it was known evenbe<strong>for</strong>e the f<strong>in</strong>al that the list ofw<strong>in</strong>ners of the competition wouldbe extended, s<strong>in</strong>ce neither ofthe two f<strong>in</strong>alists had ever got thatfar <strong>in</strong> the competition be<strong>for</strong>e.It was also reasonable toassume – and hope – that thef<strong>in</strong>al would not be short on goals,s<strong>in</strong>ce, <strong>in</strong> their 14 matches on theway to the f<strong>in</strong>al, Sevilla andMiddlesbrough had notched uprespectable goal tallies of 21and 20 respectively. The only otherprevious Spanish-English UEFA Cupf<strong>in</strong>al – the 2001 f<strong>in</strong>al between Liverpooland Deportivo Alavès (5-4) – alsoaugured well <strong>for</strong> an enterta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gand excit<strong>in</strong>g match.And goals there <strong>in</strong>deedwere, but not very evenlyspread, with four <strong>for</strong> Sevillaand none <strong>for</strong> Middlesbrough,though Sevilla did not havean easy ride, notably at the startof the second half,when goalkeeperPalop’s quick reflexesdeflected Viduka’s volley. At thatpo<strong>in</strong>t Sevilla had only a one goal lead,thanks to a f<strong>in</strong>ely angled headerby Luis Fabiano.Even when Maresca scoredSevilla’s second goal, the English fansdid not give up, despite there be<strong>in</strong>gbarely ten m<strong>in</strong>utes left on the clock.After their team’s exploits <strong>in</strong> quarterf<strong>in</strong>alsaga<strong>in</strong>st FC Basel and <strong>in</strong> thesemi-f<strong>in</strong>als aga<strong>in</strong>st Steaua Bucharest,when Middlesbrough had turnedthe matches round <strong>in</strong> unbelievablefashion, anyth<strong>in</strong>g was still possible.However, Sevilla were notunprepared and did not let up; on the10 May 2006E<strong>in</strong>dhoven – PSV stadium – 32,100 spectatorsMiddlesbrough FC v Sevilla FC 0-4 (0-1)Goals: Luis Fabiano (27’), Maresca (78’, 84’),Kanoute (89’).Referee: Herbert Fandel (Germany)ROCA/AFP/GETTY IMAGEScontrary, they cont<strong>in</strong>ued to sh<strong>in</strong>e andeven managed to score a fourthgoal and well and truly bag their firstUEFA <strong>trophy</strong>, and <strong>in</strong> their club’s centenaryyear at that.The f<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong> E<strong>in</strong>dhoven wasthe 35th <strong>in</strong> the history of the UEFACup, which Spanish clubs have nowwon four times <strong>in</strong> seven f<strong>in</strong>als, previousSpanish w<strong>in</strong>ners be<strong>in</strong>g RealMadrid (<strong>in</strong> 1985 and 1986) andValencia (<strong>in</strong> 2004). Italy still holds therecord, with n<strong>in</strong>e titles to its name.08 uefadirect 6.06

MACDOUGALL/AFPSteaua(Nicolae Dica,<strong>in</strong> red)versusHertha Berl<strong>in</strong>(SofianChahed).MIHAILESCU/AFPRapid’s VasileMafteioutpacesHamburg’sRafaelvan der Vaart<strong>in</strong> the last16 of theUEFA Cup.POUJOULAT/AFPD<strong>in</strong>amo (SilvioMargaritescu,<strong>in</strong> red) only justmissed outon a place <strong>in</strong>the next round,pipped byOlympiquede Marseille.The Bucharestclubs <strong>in</strong> UEFA CupA fabulous seasonAS ONE OF THE BEST-REPRESENTED EUROPEAN CAPITAL CITIES IN THE UEFACUP AT THE START OF THE SEASON, WITH THREE CLUBS TAKING PART,BUCHAREST MADE ITS MARK ON THE COMPETITION, EVEN THOUGH NONE OF ITSTEAMS REACHED THE FINAL.Steaua came very close to do<strong>in</strong>gso, though. After w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g the home leg oftheir semi-f<strong>in</strong>al tie aga<strong>in</strong>st Middlesbrough,they were well on the way to cl<strong>in</strong>ch<strong>in</strong>gthe return leg, only to let qualification slipthrough their f<strong>in</strong>gers <strong>in</strong> the dy<strong>in</strong>g m<strong>in</strong>utesafter an utterly astound<strong>in</strong>g second half.As <strong>for</strong> Rapid, despite be<strong>in</strong>gknocked out <strong>in</strong> the quarter-f<strong>in</strong>als by theirlocal rivals, they wrote the f<strong>in</strong>est chapter<strong>in</strong> their <strong>European</strong> competition history,contest<strong>in</strong>g 16 matches and claim<strong>in</strong>g thescalps of heavyweights such as Feyenoord,Rennes, Shakhtar Donetsk, PAOK, HerthaBerl<strong>in</strong> and Hamburg.F<strong>in</strong>ally, only one goal separatedD<strong>in</strong>amo from qualification <strong>for</strong> the last 32 ofthe competition.It might also be said that theremarkable run by Cluj <strong>in</strong> the UEFAA party atmosphere <strong>for</strong> the <strong>European</strong> derbybetween Steaua and Rapid Bucharest.Intertoto Cup provided a <strong>for</strong>etasteof the future exploits of the Bucharest“big guns”!The three Bucharest clubs playeda total of 42 matches, the results ofwhich have propelled Romania <strong>in</strong>to firstplace <strong>in</strong> this season’s UEFA rank<strong>in</strong>gs,yield<strong>in</strong>g a total over five seasons whichwill allow Romania to enter two clubs <strong>for</strong>the 2007/08 Champions League.Economic boomApart from the media impact,the per<strong>for</strong>mances of the Bucharest clubs<strong>in</strong> <strong>European</strong> competitions have createda real economic boom, with gate receiptssupplement<strong>in</strong>g TV revenue. Stadiumswere full <strong>for</strong> most of the <strong>European</strong>fixtures and the result<strong>in</strong>g revenue hasbeen substantial.PRO SPORTBecause of renovation workat their stadium, Steaua played theirlast four <strong>European</strong> matches at theLia Manoliu stadium (the largest <strong>in</strong> thecountry) and the club set a new record<strong>for</strong> gate receipts from the crunch matchaga<strong>in</strong>st Middlesbrough – some EUR500,000. Steaua’s total revenue fromtheir <strong>European</strong> campaign (tickets, TVrights and advertis<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the stadium) isestimated at EUR 3.5 million.The Bucharest clubs have alwayshad a strong follow<strong>in</strong>g and the recentresults have further enhanced their imagethroughout Romania and even abroad.Steaua and Rapid have their own wellorganisedfan clubs, which follow theirteams’ progress closely.The good results and biggercrowds have been accompanied bya boost on the market<strong>in</strong>g front. In additionto the sales generated by the bigmatches, the clubs have conductedadvertis<strong>in</strong>g campaigns and further revenuehas been generated. Apart fromopen<strong>in</strong>g shops <strong>in</strong> the capital, theBucharest clubs are also sell<strong>in</strong>g theirproducts <strong>in</strong> other towns and cities viamobile shops (which cover a large partof the country), as well as onl<strong>in</strong>e. Thesevirtual shops often display “sold out”signs <strong>for</strong> a number of popular items!Role modelsThe ripple effect from theimpressive results achieved by theBucharest clubs has been considerable.Enthusiasm was so great that the TVchannels made great ef<strong>for</strong>ts to rebroadcastthe matches, lead<strong>in</strong>g to a priceexplosion and technical improvements <strong>in</strong>this area. Apart from that, discussionsabout the atmosphere surround<strong>in</strong>g thetwo derby matches have had a clear educationalvalue.The per<strong>for</strong>mances of Steaua andRapid <strong>in</strong> particular will enable other clubsto have more opportunities to take part<strong>in</strong> future editions of the UEFA club competitions,which are real showcases <strong>for</strong>emerg<strong>in</strong>g talent. Children are also return<strong>in</strong>gto the stadiums and it is to be hopedthat facilities will cont<strong>in</strong>ue to improveto give them the welcome they deserve.George Gîsca10 uefadirect 6.06

Spa<strong>in</strong> scoreaga<strong>in</strong>stGermany<strong>in</strong> the matchto decidethird place.JakubHeidenreich(CzechRepublic) outmanoeuvresRussia’sVadimGagloev<strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al.Theoutcomerestedon penaltykicks.<strong>European</strong> Under-17Championship <strong>in</strong>LuxembourgTriumph <strong>for</strong> RussiaIN A THRILLING FINAL AGAINST THE CZECH REPUBLIC, RUSSIA WONTHEIR FIRST EUROPEAN YOUTH TITLE SINCE THE BREAK-UPOF THE FORMER SOVIET UNION. TOURNAMENT FAVOURITES GERMANY AND SPAINCAME TO GRIEF IN THE SEMI-FINALS.After a tentative start, the f<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong>the Josy Barthel stadium was extremelyexcit<strong>in</strong>g and took a number of unexpectedturns. Tak<strong>in</strong>g the leadshortly after half-time, Russialooked likely w<strong>in</strong>ners, until theCzechs managed to equalise<strong>in</strong> the dy<strong>in</strong>g seconds of stoppagetime. In extra time, the Russianswent ahead <strong>for</strong> a second time, aga<strong>in</strong>conceded the lead, but f<strong>in</strong>ally came outon top <strong>in</strong> the penalty shoot-out.Satisfied coachesThe coaches of both f<strong>in</strong>alistswere full of positives after the nervejangl<strong>in</strong>ggame. “It was an amaz<strong>in</strong>g, fantasticmatch. This tournament was veryhard <strong>for</strong> our team and I must congratulatethe players. I really th<strong>in</strong>k that at thebeg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of the f<strong>in</strong>als we were not <strong>in</strong>good shape but we’ve managed to buildourselves up and we were <strong>in</strong> the shapewe wanted to be,“ said Russian coachIgor Kolyvanov. His Czech opposite number,Jakub Dovalil, was gracious <strong>in</strong> defeat.“I said be<strong>for</strong>e the match that it is difficultto lose on penalties – and it happened.But my team put on a good per<strong>for</strong>mance.Russia defended as expected and playedwell on the counter, they were strongerand won, so I congratulate them on theirper<strong>for</strong>mance.“w<strong>in</strong>ners Russia. Be<strong>for</strong>e the semi-f<strong>in</strong>al,Germany had gone 14 successive matcheswithout defeat and had won Group Bwithout conced<strong>in</strong>g a goal. Butthis f<strong>in</strong>al round showed once aga<strong>in</strong>that the teams that triumph <strong>in</strong> theend may not get off to the best startbut are able to raise their gameas the tournament progresses.Germany and Spa<strong>in</strong> each found theiropponent’s compact and solid defencea hard nut to crack, the <strong>for</strong>mer los<strong>in</strong>g1-0 aga<strong>in</strong>st Russia and the latter suffer<strong>in</strong>ga 2-0 defeat aga<strong>in</strong>st the Czech Republic.So the two favourites ended up contest<strong>in</strong>gthe match <strong>for</strong> third place, whichthe Spaniards won on penalties after a1-1 draw <strong>in</strong> normal time.Positive outcomeApart from the Russian team,the organisers also had every reasonto be happy. Luxembourg are theResultsGroup AHungary – Russia 0-1Luxembourg – Spa<strong>in</strong> 1-7Spa<strong>in</strong> – Russia 3-0Luxembourg – Hungary 0-4Russia – Luxembourg 2-0Spa<strong>in</strong> – Hungary 2-0Group BBelgium – Germany 0-4Serbia and Montenegro – Czech Rep. 1-2Belgium – Serbia and Montenegro 1-1Germany – Czech Republic 0-0Germany – Serbia and Montenegro 4-0Czech Republic – Belgium 3-1Semi-f<strong>in</strong>alsGermany – Russia 0-1Spa<strong>in</strong> – Czech Republic 0-2Match <strong>for</strong> third placeSpa<strong>in</strong> – GermanyF<strong>in</strong>alCzech Rep. – Russia1-1, 3-2 pens.1-1, 2-2 a.e.t.,3-5 pens.smallest nation so far to have stagedthe Under-17 Championship f<strong>in</strong>alround and UEFA Youth and AmateurCommittee chairman Jim Boyce was fullof praise <strong>for</strong> the Grand Duchy when hespoke to uefa.com. “The LuxembourgFA and local organis<strong>in</strong>g committee havedone a super job. The stadiums havebeen clean and tidy and the pitcheshave been first class, and they mustbe very pleased with the numberof spectators at the games. The numberof people I’ve seen with footballshirts, they know it’s a big th<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong>Luxembourg.”The fair play award was wonby Germany.Surprises <strong>in</strong> the semi-f<strong>in</strong>alsThe group matches had suggestedthat a Germany v. Spa<strong>in</strong> f<strong>in</strong>al wason the cards. The Spaniards won Group Awith maximum po<strong>in</strong>ts, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a3-0 victory over subsequent tournamentPHOTOS: UEFA11

APHOTO SPAIN/LNFSThe three goallead that theytook away fromthe first leg putBoomerangInterviú <strong>in</strong> a com<strong>for</strong>tablepositionbe<strong>for</strong>e theirtrip to Moscow.UEFAA clashof BraziliansbetweenMoscow’s Pelé(<strong>in</strong> white) andBoomerangInterviú’sSchumacher.UEFAThe Madridside celebratevictory.2005/06 UEFAFutsal CupSpa<strong>in</strong> takes the honours aga<strong>in</strong>WITH AN AGGREGATE SCORE OF 9-7, BOOMERANG INTERVIÚ TRIUMPHEDOVER DINAMO MOSCOW AND RECLAIMED THE UEFA FUTSAL CUP TITLETHEY WON IN 2004, LEAVING DINAMO MOSCOW TO SWALLOW DEFEAT IN THEFINAL FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW.In the five years that the UEFAFutsal Cup has been played, Spa<strong>in</strong>has virtually made the competition itsown, with four titles to its name.Action 21 Charleroi from Belgiumare the only club to have brokenthe Spanish strangleholdso far, w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g the competition<strong>in</strong> 2004/05. The same Spanishclub, Playas de Castellón, won thefirst two editions.Thriller of a f<strong>in</strong>alIn the first leg of the f<strong>in</strong>al,Boomerang Interviú had the home advantage,which they made the most of tohead <strong>in</strong>to the second leg with a 6-3 w<strong>in</strong>already under their belts. The match gotoff to a thrill<strong>in</strong>g start: D<strong>in</strong>amo twice cameback from beh<strong>in</strong>d to go ahead 3-2, only<strong>for</strong> the Spanish side to put the ball <strong>in</strong>tothe back of the net twice <strong>in</strong> the spaceof 12 seconds just be<strong>for</strong>e half-timeto take the score to 4-3 <strong>in</strong> theirfavour. In the second half, bothteams lost their cool somewhat.However, Boomerang managedto keep a better grip on the gameand extended their lead to 5-3 midwaythrough the second half. Then just be<strong>for</strong>ethe f<strong>in</strong>al whistle, their Brazilian player,Schumacher, cl<strong>in</strong>ched his hat-trick and athree-goal cushion <strong>for</strong> his club.Boomerang feel the pressureThe return leg <strong>in</strong> the Russiancapital was even more of a thriller thanthe first leg <strong>in</strong> Madrid. D<strong>in</strong>amo, withseveral strong Brazilians <strong>in</strong> their l<strong>in</strong>e-up,put on the pressure from the very start.However, a brilliant per<strong>for</strong>mance fromthe Spanish side’s goalkeeper, Rafa, keptthe score at 1-1 until half-time. TheRussian side tried to step up the pressureand staked everyth<strong>in</strong>g on one card fivem<strong>in</strong>utes be<strong>for</strong>e the end, when they tookoff their goalkeeper and replaced himwith a fifth outfield player. A real onslaughtfollowed, result<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> five goals<strong>in</strong> the last five m<strong>in</strong>utes. Two m<strong>in</strong>utesbe<strong>for</strong>e the f<strong>in</strong>al whistle, D<strong>in</strong>amo took a4-2 lead, which, on account of the awaygoalsrule, left them need<strong>in</strong>g one moregoal to w<strong>in</strong> the <strong>trophy</strong>, but a shot fromthe other half of the field <strong>in</strong>to the emptyRussian goal left the Spanish team withthe upper hand <strong>in</strong> the end.New <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong> 2006/07Next season, the UEFA FutsalCup takes on a new look, with the29 April, Pabellón Caja, MadridBoomerang Interviú v D<strong>in</strong>amo Moscow, 6–3Referees: Ivan Novak (CRO), Károly Török (HUN)Scorers: 5’ Gabriel 1–0, 8’ Sirilo 1–1, 10’ Schumacher 2–1,12’ Pelé 2–2, 15’ Malyshev 2–3, 18’ Daniel 3–3,18’ Schumacher 4–3, 31’ Marqu<strong>in</strong>ho 5–3, 40’ Schumacher 6–3.APHOTO SPAIN/LNFSabolition of semi-f<strong>in</strong>als and the f<strong>in</strong>al overtwo legs and the <strong>in</strong>troduction of a “FutsalCup F<strong>in</strong>als” over several days, hostedby one of the semi-f<strong>in</strong>alists. The change is<strong>in</strong>tended to make the f<strong>in</strong>al phase of thecompetition more attractive. The 2006/07competition kicks off <strong>in</strong> Nyon on 6 July,when the draws are made <strong>for</strong> the prelim<strong>in</strong>aryand ma<strong>in</strong> rounds.7 May, Druzhba sports hall, MoscowD<strong>in</strong>amo Moscow v Boomerang Interviú, 4–3Referees: Giuseppe Buluggiu (ITA), Massimo Cumbo (ITA)Scorers: 8’ Sirilo 1–0, 12’ Julio 1–1, 36’ Joan 2–1,36’ Daniel 2–2, 37’ Maevski 3–2, 39’ Tatu 4–2, 40’ Neto 4–3.12 uefadirect 6.06

BARON/BONGARTS/GETTY IMAGESThe newclub competitionseasongets underway whenthe WorldCup is <strong>in</strong>full sw<strong>in</strong>g.UEFAAt the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gof May, UEFAorganised itssixth sem<strong>in</strong>ar <strong>for</strong>referee talentsand mentors aspart of its refereedevelopmentprogramme.Meet<strong>in</strong>gsand other activitiesClub competitionsresumeTHE REVAMPED UEFA INTERTOTO CUP GETS UNDER WAY ON 17/18 JUNE,WHEN THE FIRST LEGS IN THE FIRST ROUND TAKE PLACE.The return matches are scheduled<strong>for</strong> 25/26 June. The secondround matches take place on 1/2 and8/9 July, and the third and last roundon 15/16 and 22 July.Meanwhile, the draw <strong>for</strong> thefirst and second qualify<strong>in</strong>g rounds of the2006/07 UEFA Champions League willbe made at UEFA’s headquarters <strong>in</strong>Nyon at 12.00 on 23 June. On the sameoccasion, the draw <strong>for</strong> the first qualify<strong>in</strong>ground of the UEFA Cup will alsobe made.Germany (Nathalie Bock, No 8,aga<strong>in</strong>st Spela Vehar of Slovenia)have made it through to the<strong>European</strong> Women’s Under-19Championship f<strong>in</strong>als aga<strong>in</strong>.DOBRIN/BONGARTS/GETTY IMAGESFair play draw <strong>in</strong> PortugalUEFA’s fair play rank<strong>in</strong>gs,which entitle three national associationsto each enter an additional club<strong>for</strong> the UEFA Cup, will be wrappedup on 31 May.The association that tops therank<strong>in</strong>gs automatically gets an additionalUEFA Cup place, whereas all the otherassociations which have achieved an averageof eight po<strong>in</strong>ts or more (and playedenough matches) will go <strong>in</strong>to a drawto decide who gets the other two places.This draw will be made <strong>in</strong> Portoon 4 June at half-time <strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al of the<strong>European</strong> Under-21 Championship.The three clubs from the associations<strong>in</strong> question will start out <strong>in</strong> the UEFACup 2006/07 <strong>in</strong> the first qualify<strong>in</strong>g round.Women’s Under-19 f<strong>in</strong>alround <strong>in</strong> SwitzerlandThe qualify<strong>in</strong>g phaseof the <strong>European</strong>Women’s Under-19Championship concludedat the endof April and the f<strong>in</strong>alistsare now await<strong>in</strong>g thedraw <strong>in</strong> Basle on 27 May which willplace them <strong>in</strong>to two groups.Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany,the Netherlands, title-holders Russia,and Sweden have qualified <strong>for</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>alround, where they will be jo<strong>in</strong>ed by the hostnation <strong>for</strong> a tournament runn<strong>in</strong>g from 11 to22 July and be<strong>in</strong>g staged at six venues:Berne, Langenthal, Schaffhausen,Solothurn, Wil and W<strong>in</strong>terthur.Report fromBrusselsTwo committees of the <strong>European</strong>Parliament are battl<strong>in</strong>g each other<strong>for</strong> the right to draft a report on theregulation of professional football.The dispute opens a new chapter <strong>in</strong>the long-stand<strong>in</strong>g debate on the<strong>European</strong> Union’s <strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong> therunn<strong>in</strong>g of sport.On the one hand sits the liberal,free-market approach, which arguesthat professional football has becomeso commercialised and its topclubs so wealthy that thesport should be treated likeany other normal bus<strong>in</strong>ess.The Dutch liberal MEPTo<strong>in</strong>e Manders most visiblyrepresents this philosophy,and Manders has alreadyproduced a work<strong>in</strong>g document, whichcalls on FIFA and UEFA to br<strong>in</strong>g theirstatutes and regulations <strong>in</strong>to l<strong>in</strong>ewith the basic pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of EU law.On the other hand, the Parliament’sCulture Committeeargues that sport, and football<strong>in</strong> particular, plays asocial and educational rolethat demands special treatmentfrom politicians andregulators. Sport belongs tothe Culture Committee’s variousresponsibilities, and the Committee’smembers are determ<strong>in</strong>ed thatthey should produce the report.If the Culture Committee is successful,the Belgian MEP Ivo Belet will draftthe document.In his work<strong>in</strong>g document, Mandersargues that a level play<strong>in</strong>g fielddoes not exist <strong>in</strong> <strong>European</strong> football:some clubs enjoy significant economicadvantages over their rivals becausethey operate <strong>in</strong> bigger televisionmarkets or because their governmentsoffer various <strong>for</strong>ms of f<strong>in</strong>ancialsupport. The only way to create truecompetition, accord<strong>in</strong>g to Manders,is to apply the full range of EU lawsso that, <strong>for</strong> example, clubs are free tooperate <strong>in</strong> different leagues, justas companies are free to trade acrossborders.UEFA believes that this <strong>in</strong>ternalmarketphilosophy conta<strong>in</strong>s severalbasic weaknesses. <strong>First</strong>, it <strong>in</strong>sists onseparat<strong>in</strong>g the professional elite fromthe rest of the sport; it does notrecognise that the grass roots andTo<strong>in</strong>e MandersIvo Belet13➜

➜the professional game need and supporteach other. It refuses to see that <strong>European</strong>football is essentially a social movementthat has organised itself freely andopenly from the very beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g.Second, it fails to understand that itis impossible to create perfect competition<strong>in</strong> sport. Success on the pitch is<strong>in</strong>fluenced by numerous factors, notleast the size and prosperity of the localor national population. No governmentcan legislate aga<strong>in</strong>st these factors;they are a fact of geography and history.Third, it ignores UEFA’s ef<strong>for</strong>ts topromote competitive balance through arange of sport<strong>in</strong>g and adm<strong>in</strong>istrativemeasures. UEFA’s new rules to promotethe local tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g of players, the recently<strong>in</strong>troduced club licens<strong>in</strong>g system, andthe well-established solidarity mechanismsall aim to keep the sport balancedand competitive.So far, the Parliament has still notagreed which of the two committeesshould write the report. Once thedecision is taken, MEPs will debate thetwo philosophies, liberal and social, overa period of several months. The f<strong>in</strong>alreport, requir<strong>in</strong>g the approval of theParliament as a whole, will not have anylegally-b<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g effect; neither UEFAnor any other govern<strong>in</strong>g body willbe obliged to take any action. But itwill send a clear political signal abouthow the <strong>European</strong> Parliament sees thedevelopment of our sport, and howit should be governed.Special Olympicssem<strong>in</strong>ar <strong>in</strong> TurkeySpecial Olympics Turkeyhosted the fourth Special OlympicsEurope/Eurasia (SOEE) coachassistant programme sem<strong>in</strong>ar from6 to 9 April at the seaside resortof Kusadasi.Seventeen Special Olympicsfootballers and ten coaches represent<strong>in</strong>gn<strong>in</strong>e Special Olympics clubs <strong>in</strong> Turkey,Bulgaria and Romania participated.The sem<strong>in</strong>ar <strong>in</strong>cluded theoreticaland practical sessions and propertests. The sem<strong>in</strong>ar was followed bya Unified Football tournament withpartners from the Kusadasi footballclub. “My schoolfriends and I usuallyplay football <strong>in</strong> the street after schoolbut this is the first time that I’ve had<strong>for</strong>mal tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g. I found it very <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g.Maybe my first session as a coachassistant will be a bit stressful, butI am look<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong>ward to it!” said coachSOEESpecialOlympicssem<strong>in</strong>ar<strong>for</strong> coachassistants.Slovakia’sUnifiedSpecialOlympicsteam.assistant Julian Ciortan, 16, from SpecialOlympics Romania.Gabriel Varescu, a coach withthe Romanian Football Federation, whohas coached <strong>in</strong> the US, Japan andRomania, said: “I have been to manysem<strong>in</strong>ars <strong>in</strong> my career and this is one ofthe best I have attended. The assistantcoach sem<strong>in</strong>ar gives a lot of practical<strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mation and offers new opportunities<strong>for</strong> coaches and coach assistants.The visuals and slideshows at thesem<strong>in</strong>ar were very helpful. I am veryimpressed with the quality I saw dur<strong>in</strong>gthe event.”Nolwen Grass<strong>in</strong>, regional athleteleadership programme manager,and Andre Peeters, regional footballand Unified Sports adviser, conductedthe sem<strong>in</strong>ar.In the past two years, threecoach assistant sem<strong>in</strong>ars have beenheld, <strong>in</strong> Belgium, Denmark and Poland;45 coaches and 75 coach assistantshave been tra<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> the process.SO SLOVAKIAPREPARING FOR EURO2008Like lift<strong>in</strong>g ten Boe<strong>in</strong>g 747s all at once...●●● On 6 May, renovation work <strong>for</strong> UEFA EURO 2008began at Salzburg’s Wals-Siezenheim stadium. The hydrauliclift<strong>in</strong>g of the roof promises to be particularly spectacular.In bridge-build<strong>in</strong>g, such lifts are quite normal, but this techniquehas never previously been used <strong>in</strong> stadium construction.The roof, with a total surface area of 17,000 m 2 andweigh<strong>in</strong>g more than1,900 tonnes,will be raised bya total of 10.5 metres.Rather than conventionalcranes,12 large and 56 smalljack lifts will beused, along with steelcables with exceptionalload-bear<strong>in</strong>gcapacity. The roofWork has started at Salzburg’s stadium.weighs the equivalent of ten Boe<strong>in</strong>g 747s or 270 fully grownelephants.It will take between eight and ten hours to raise the roof,probably on 29 June 2006. Good weather (no w<strong>in</strong>d) is a necessity.At first, the 1,900 tonne roof will be lifted by just a few centimetres,then the process will be <strong>in</strong>terrupted <strong>for</strong> a day or two <strong>in</strong> order to carryout the necessary structuralchecks. A total ofaround 25 people will be<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the operation.“The ma<strong>in</strong> advantage of this method,”expla<strong>in</strong>ed architectAlbert Wimmer,“ is thatthe fixtures of firstdivision club Salzburgwill not be disrupted.”ALBERT WIMMER ZT-GMBH14 uefadirect 6.06

SO RUSSIADasha AliyevaAlapayersk:a star <strong>in</strong> themak<strong>in</strong>g.SO TURKEYTournament<strong>in</strong> Turkey.SO FINLANDKeithArmstrong,coach ofHJK Hels<strong>in</strong>ki,gives someadvice toyoung players.Special OlympicsFootball WeekRecordnumber of participantsTHE SIXTH ANNUAL SPECIAL OLYMPICS EUROPEAN FOOTBALL WEEK WASHELD FROM 24 APRIL TO 3 MAY. A RECORD 50,000 PLAYERSWITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES PARTICIPATED IN EVENTS IN OVER50 COUNTRIES THROUGHOUT EUROPE/EURASIA.This year the focus was onyouth participation. In Austria, Poland,Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, andSlovakia, a pilot project, started <strong>in</strong> 2005,cont<strong>in</strong>ued dur<strong>in</strong>g Football Week. Theproject comb<strong>in</strong>es SO Get Into It, theSpecial Olympics school curriculum thatencourages understand<strong>in</strong>g and acceptanceamong young people, and “UnifiedFootball“, <strong>in</strong> which players with andwithout disabilities play on the sameteam. Some of the new Unified teamsresult<strong>in</strong>g from the project will compete<strong>in</strong> the Special Olympics <strong>European</strong> YouthGames to be held from 30 Septemberto 5 October <strong>in</strong> Rome. Milan Palencar,16, a Special Olympics footballer <strong>in</strong> Slovakiawhose team was selected to goto the Youth Games and who was compet<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> a local tournament dur<strong>in</strong>gFootball Week, said, “I like my Unifiedteam because boys from ma<strong>in</strong>streamand special schools get to play footballtogether and become friends.”Tournament<strong>in</strong> Tbilisi.In Lithuania, 650 young playersfrom special schools competed <strong>in</strong> localevents. In Georgia, a tournament washeld <strong>in</strong> Tbilisi <strong>for</strong> four teenage teams,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g one from Quality SchoolsInternational. In Spa<strong>in</strong>, 150 SpecialOlympics young players competed <strong>in</strong>a tournament <strong>in</strong> Madrid.YOURY MECHITOVIn F<strong>in</strong>land, over 600 SpecialOlympics footballers participated <strong>in</strong>competitions <strong>in</strong> four cities; <strong>in</strong> Hels<strong>in</strong>kithey met players from HJK Hels<strong>in</strong>ki.In Belgium, 300 Special Olympicsplayers competed <strong>in</strong> “Happy FootballDay” and met René Vandereycken,Belgium’s head coach. In Iceland,<strong>for</strong>mer national goalkeeper BirkirKrist<strong>in</strong>sson presented medals to SpecialOlympics players at a tournament <strong>in</strong>Reykjavik organised <strong>in</strong> cooperationwith the FA. In Luxembourg, thenew Special Olympics football ambassadorManuel Cardoni, the JeunesseEsch midfielder, and all first divisionteams and referees participated<strong>in</strong> a solidarity weekend <strong>for</strong> SpecialOlympics Luxembourg. In Turkey,tournaments were held <strong>in</strong> seven cities<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Istanbul, where 16 teamsplayed <strong>in</strong> an event supported bythe FA. In Azerbaijan, 150 playerstook part <strong>in</strong> a national tournamentsupported by the FA. In Kazakhstan,1,500 players participated <strong>in</strong>14 regional tournaments while250 players took part <strong>in</strong> a nationalevent. In Uzbekistan, 5,000 spectatorsgathered <strong>in</strong> Tashkent to welcometeams to a national tournament.In Tajikistan, 400 players competed<strong>in</strong> tournaments <strong>in</strong> four cities.Female players cont<strong>in</strong>ued toimpress everyone with their skills. Forexample, among the 300-player tournament<strong>in</strong> St Petersburg, Russia, DashaAliyeva Alapayersk, 13, was a def<strong>in</strong>itestar. “Dasha is one of the best playersI have ever seen,” said Victor Lebiediev,the ma<strong>in</strong> tournament referee.The Johan Cruyff Foundationcont<strong>in</strong>ued its support of Football Week<strong>for</strong> the fifth year.As usual, UEFA took part <strong>in</strong> Special Olympics Football Weekby play<strong>in</strong>g a Swiss Special Olympics team <strong>in</strong> Nyon on 24 April. Afterwards,the teams went back to UEFA headquarters, where they were able tolook at photos of the match.UEFA15

Newsfrom member associationsARMENIAVisit by the UEFA CEOOn 3 April, UEFA chief executiveLars-Christer Olsson travelled to Yerevanto meet the president of the Football Federationof Armenia (FFA), Ruben Hayrapetyan,and the head of the FFA sports committee,The UEFA Chief Executive was able to see <strong>for</strong> himselfhow much Armenians of all ages love football.Ishkhan Zakaryan, be<strong>for</strong>e go<strong>in</strong>g on to meetother federation staff. Present<strong>in</strong>g the keyareas of UEFA policy, Lars-Christer Olssonunderl<strong>in</strong>ed the cooperation with nationalfootball associations of the <strong>for</strong>mer USSR,referr<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> particular to UEFA’s assistanceprogrammes and solidarity between nationalassociations. He also answered questionsabout the club licens<strong>in</strong>g system, and aboutthe <strong>in</strong>volvement of the national associations<strong>in</strong> UEFA committees and work<strong>in</strong>g groups.In reply to questions concern<strong>in</strong>g thesituation of Armenia and Azerbaijan, theUEFA CEO <strong>in</strong>dicated UEFA’s read<strong>in</strong>ess tosend a group of officials to Armenia andAzerbaijan to analyse the situation and seekFFAa solution. UEFA hoped that these gamescould be played <strong>in</strong> the host countries,but was aware of the many problems relat<strong>in</strong>gto security.After the meet<strong>in</strong>g, Olsson visitedthe Matenadaran, one of the world’s oldestlibraries, where over 17,000 ancient manuscriptsare stored. After the visit, our guestmet the head of the Armenian Church,Gareg<strong>in</strong> II, be<strong>for</strong>e mov<strong>in</strong>g on to the Parajanovmuseum.The follow<strong>in</strong>g day, the UEFA CEOopened a second m<strong>in</strong>i-pitch <strong>in</strong> Yerevan,accompanied by the FFA president and thedeputy mayor of Yerevan.Under the HatTrick m<strong>in</strong>i-pitchproject, UEFA had already given the ArmenianFA one pitch, which was <strong>in</strong>auguratedby UEFA vice-president Per Ravn Omdal<strong>in</strong> November 2004. A total of 20 pitcheswill be built <strong>in</strong> the capital and another20 <strong>in</strong> the regions.After the ceremony, Lars-ChristerOlsson visited the headquarters of Banantsto see an example of work be<strong>in</strong>g done atclub level. Grass pitches have been relaidand an artificial pitch is almost f<strong>in</strong>ished.Reconstruction work has been carried outon an <strong>in</strong>door hall, which will house anotherartificial surface. Our guest was also shownthe hotel, tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g halls and dress<strong>in</strong>g-rooms.He then went on to visit theNairi stadium, scheduled to be a venue <strong>for</strong>the <strong>European</strong> Under-17 Championshipqualify<strong>in</strong>g group matches <strong>in</strong> Armenia, andthe Pyunik club, where extensive renovationwork is under way.The UEFA CEO also had a meet<strong>in</strong>gwith the Armenian prime m<strong>in</strong>ister, AndranikMargaryan, who expressed hisappreciation of UEFA programmes implemented<strong>in</strong> Armenia and underl<strong>in</strong>edthe importance attached to football bythe government. The prime m<strong>in</strong>ister gavean assurance that the Azerbaijan delegationwould be well received and thatsecurity would be tight <strong>for</strong> the Armeniav. Azerbaijan EURO 2008 qualifier.In a press conference the sameday, Lars-Christer Olsson aga<strong>in</strong> referred tothe matches to be played between Armeniaand Azerbaijan. “We have decided to createa work<strong>in</strong>g group consist<strong>in</strong>g of representativesfrom UEFA, Armenia and Azerbaijanto discuss this matter and f<strong>in</strong>d the bestway <strong>for</strong>ward. The meet<strong>in</strong>g will be <strong>in</strong> Mayand we will discuss all possible solutions.The top priority is, of course, security.UEFA would like the games to be played <strong>in</strong>the host countries and hopes that they willbe,” he said.In reply to a question aboutwhether he was satisfied with his visit toArmenia, he added, “It’s my first visitto Armenia and it’s very important <strong>for</strong> me.Apart from deal<strong>in</strong>g with football matters,I have met the head of the ArmenianChurch and visited many cultural places.I welcome the prime m<strong>in</strong>ister’s position onfootball development <strong>in</strong> the country.And who could <strong>for</strong>get the happy faces ofthe children at the <strong>in</strong>auguration of them<strong>in</strong>i-pitch? I feel positive about the developmentof Armenian football. It’s important<strong>for</strong> me to be sure that UEFA fund<strong>in</strong>g isbe<strong>in</strong>g put to good use.”Arayik ManukyanBELGIUMThe “Open Stadium Fund”The image of football has been<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly tarnished <strong>in</strong> recent years byacts of violence, anti-social behaviour andexpressions of racism which poison theatmosphere <strong>in</strong> the stadiums. Un<strong>for</strong>tunatelythis situation is not conf<strong>in</strong>ed to our mostpopular national sport but extends to dailylife <strong>in</strong> general. People everywhere are oftenplagued by feel<strong>in</strong>gs of unease and <strong>in</strong>security,which will cont<strong>in</strong>ue to grow if noth<strong>in</strong>gis done. So it is time to take action torestore the image of football and of societyas a whole.This is the context <strong>in</strong> which Els VanWeert, Secretary of State <strong>for</strong> Susta<strong>in</strong>ableDevelopment and Social Economy, presentedthe “Open Stadium Fund” <strong>in</strong> the auditoriumof the Belgian FA on 25 April. All firstand second division clubs across the countryare be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>vited to tender projectsURBSFA16 uefadirect 6.06

aimed at us<strong>in</strong>g the impact of football toachieve social objectives. The schemeis managed by the K<strong>in</strong>g Baudou<strong>in</strong> Foundationand chaired by Michel Preud’homme,member of the Belgian FA’s executive andtechnical committees. Bids must be submittedto the Foundation by 15 August andmust demonstrate the added value ofthe respective programmes <strong>in</strong> social, environmental,democratic and/or participatoryterms. An <strong>in</strong>dependent panel will thenevaluate the projects and select those theyconsider the best. The candidates willbe <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>med of the outcome <strong>in</strong> earlySeptember and successful applicants willqualify <strong>for</strong> f<strong>in</strong>ancial assistance.As this <strong>in</strong>itiative gets under way,there are high hopes <strong>for</strong> change, with theprospect of our clubs becom<strong>in</strong>g sociallycommitted enterprises which stand to ga<strong>in</strong>from their new status. Indeed, their imagewill be enhanced and this will enable themto attract sponsors and supporters moreeasily, their security costs will be lower, etc.Now, the ball is <strong>in</strong> their court.Pierre CornezBOSNIA ANDHERZEGOVINANK Orasje w<strong>in</strong> the cupIt has been a busy time <strong>in</strong> footballrecently, especially on the domestic front.The premier league stepped up a gear, withmatches on both Saturday and Wednesday,a change of pace that the players acceptedbetter than expected.The domestic cup competitionwas also still <strong>in</strong> full sw<strong>in</strong>g. In the two-legf<strong>in</strong>al, NK Orasje beat NK Siroki Brijeg aftera goal-less first leg at the Pecara stadiumand a 3-0 w<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong> the second leg at theGoal stadium <strong>in</strong> Orasje. It was a doublecelebration <strong>for</strong> NK Orasje, as the clubis also mark<strong>in</strong>g its tenth year of existence.“This is a great success <strong>for</strong> ourteam. It wasn’t easy. But we beat the newpremier league champions and havewon a place <strong>in</strong> the UEFA Cup,” said DavorMlad<strong>in</strong>a, head coach.In the women’s cup, ZNK SFK2000 met ZFK Borac from Banja Luka<strong>in</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>al, played at the Grbavica stadium<strong>in</strong> Sarajevo. ZNK SFK 2000 won 2-0.Indoors, the futsal cup was wonby MFK Partizan from Sarajevo, whobeat MFK Leotar from Treb<strong>in</strong>je 5-2 at theSkenderija hall.The futsal league competition hasalso f<strong>in</strong>ished. Three teams took part <strong>in</strong> thef<strong>in</strong>al tournament, which took place <strong>in</strong>Bihac: MNK Seljak from Livno, MNK Partizanfrom Sarajevo and MNK Banja Luka.F.KRVAVACCup w<strong>in</strong>ners NK Orasje.MNK Partizan emerged as champions,ahead of MNK Seljak and MFK Banja Luka.In the youth sector, the Under-21splayed a friendly <strong>in</strong> Modrica aga<strong>in</strong>st Slovenia,which they won 1-0. The Under-18s,led by Nikola Nikic, did not do so well,los<strong>in</strong>g three of their four recent matches,one aga<strong>in</strong>st FYR Macedonia (2-0) and twoaga<strong>in</strong>st Croatia (3-0 and 4-1). In theirsecond match aga<strong>in</strong>st FYR Macedonia,they managed a goal-less draw.The Under-16s met their counterpartsfrom the same two countries, butwith slightly better results, one w<strong>in</strong> and onedraw. They lost their first match aga<strong>in</strong>stFYR Macedonia 2-0 but won the returnmatch 2-1. Aga<strong>in</strong>st Croatia, they manageda 1-1 draw to beg<strong>in</strong> with, but then lost thesecond match 2-1.These results are cause <strong>for</strong> concern<strong>for</strong> those responsible <strong>for</strong> youth football<strong>in</strong> Bosnia and Herzegov<strong>in</strong>a; however, it wasdecided that only players from domesticclubs would be fielded <strong>for</strong> these matches.Not to be left out, the seniornational team play South Korea <strong>in</strong> Seouland Iran <strong>in</strong> Teheran at the end of May <strong>in</strong>preparation <strong>for</strong> the EURO 2008 qualifiers.Fuad KrvavacCROATIACroatian football celebratesits deep rootsSpr<strong>in</strong>g has been a busy time <strong>in</strong>Croatian football <strong>in</strong> all respects. The greatestfocus of attention has been preparations<strong>for</strong> the third consecutive participationof the Croatian national team <strong>in</strong> the WorldCup. Amid this atmosphere of optimism<strong>for</strong> a successful per<strong>for</strong>mance by our nationalteam, an ord<strong>in</strong>ary general meet<strong>in</strong>g hasbeen held. The gather<strong>in</strong>g was also anopportunity to put on an impressive presentationcelebrat<strong>in</strong>g the history of Croatianfootball, 125 years s<strong>in</strong>ce the first footballarrived <strong>in</strong> the town of Zupanja fromEngland, and 100 years s<strong>in</strong>ce Zagrebbasedclub PNISK played their first match,which was aga<strong>in</strong>st Hungarian club FTC <strong>in</strong>Budapest. It is also 66 years s<strong>in</strong>ce the firstmatch of the Croatian national team,which played Switzerland <strong>in</strong> Zagreb on2 April 1940, a match they won 4-0. Thegeneral meet<strong>in</strong>g was attended by the onlysurviv<strong>in</strong>g participant from that match,Milan Antolkovic, an excellent <strong>in</strong>ternationalplayer <strong>in</strong> his day, not to mention a successfulcoach, long-stand<strong>in</strong>g president of theassociation of Croatian coaches and alwaysa promoter of fair play <strong>in</strong> sport. Eventoday, at 91, his vitality still shows through.Milan Antolkovic received a very warmwelcome from the participants, andVlatko Markovic, president of the CroatianFA, presented him with a specialnational team shirt.Just one month after that firstsenior national team match, Croatia’sUnder-18 team played their first matchaga<strong>in</strong>st their Hungarian counterparts.This shows that great attention has alwaysbeen paid to youth <strong>in</strong> Croatian football.Return<strong>in</strong>g to the present, we are gratefulto UEFA <strong>for</strong> entrust<strong>in</strong>g us with the organisationof an elite round m<strong>in</strong>i-tournament <strong>in</strong>the 2005/06 <strong>European</strong> Under-19 Championship,when our team will be pitt<strong>in</strong>gtheir skills aga<strong>in</strong>st Israel, Portugal andFYR Macedonia. The tournament is be<strong>in</strong>gplayed <strong>in</strong> the Zagreb region. To date, wehave received noth<strong>in</strong>g but praise <strong>for</strong> all thetournaments we have hosted.Vlatko Markovic, president of the Croatian FA,presents a souvenir shirt to Milan Antolkovic.At grassroots level, a new Veterans’Football Committee has been appo<strong>in</strong>ted.Veterans’ football has a long tradition andhuge follow<strong>in</strong>g. The aim is to br<strong>in</strong>g veteransfootball under the umbrella of theassociation and its regional organisationsand make it an <strong>in</strong>tegral part of our grassrootsactivities and of UEFA’s goals <strong>in</strong> thisrespect. Further good cooperation hasbeen achieved with the Open Fun Footballschool, especially <strong>in</strong> terms of gett<strong>in</strong>g girls<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> football. This area is a priorityconcern <strong>for</strong> the association, with aview to accelerat<strong>in</strong>g the developmentof women’s football.Ante PavlovicHNS17

CYPRUSBusy times <strong>for</strong> the associationA wide range of activities andevents were organised recently by theCyprus Football Association (CFA) as partof ongo<strong>in</strong>g ef<strong>for</strong>ts to enhance the statusof football on the island.One of the most successful tournamentsever staged by the CFA was thetenth <strong>in</strong>ternational tournament <strong>for</strong> seniornational teams, which took place from27 February to 2 March and featured eightsenior squads divided <strong>in</strong>to two groups.The group w<strong>in</strong>ners were Romania (aheadof Slovenia, Cyprus and Armenia) and the2004 <strong>European</strong> Champions Greece (aheadof Kazakhstan, F<strong>in</strong>land and Belarus).An Under-17 elite round m<strong>in</strong>itournamentwas hosted <strong>in</strong> Larnaca from23 to 27 March with the participationof Cyprus, Spa<strong>in</strong>, Wales and Moldova.Interest was high until the last matchday, when Spa<strong>in</strong> emerged as the team toqualify <strong>for</strong> the f<strong>in</strong>als <strong>in</strong> Luxembourg.AE Kok<strong>in</strong>ochorion, w<strong>in</strong>ner of the 2005/06women’s championship.The coach<strong>in</strong>g front has seenplenty of activity too. A UEFA B licencecourse with 36 participants was heldfrom 27 February to 17 March. This wasfollowed by a youth development sem<strong>in</strong>arfrom 17 to 21 April, which was attendedby 75 youth coaches, all of whom werekeen participants. Next, the first sessionof a 12-day UEFA A licence coursewill beg<strong>in</strong> on 5 June.The 2005/06 women’s championship,which featured eight clubs <strong>for</strong>the first time <strong>in</strong> this eighth edition, is nowover, AE Kok<strong>in</strong>ochorion w<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g thecompetition <strong>for</strong> the second consecutiveseason. Back <strong>in</strong> February, the completionof the 7th futsal championship yieldeda new champion <strong>for</strong> 2005/06, ParnassosStrovolou putt<strong>in</strong>g an end to the reignof AGBU Ararat, who won the title fivetimes <strong>in</strong> the last six seasons.The schedule <strong>for</strong> next season’sfirst division matches has now beenf<strong>in</strong>alised. For the first time ever, the leagueCFAwill comprise 14 clubs. It starts on theweekend of 12/13 August, with the traditionalSuper Cup match to be staged aweek earlier, on 5 August.Kyriacos GeorgallisENGLANDPromotional campaignThe FA is launch<strong>in</strong>g a campaignat the end of May to encourage Englishfans watch<strong>in</strong>g the World Cup this summerto get actively <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> football. This isThe FA’s first campaign to promote itsfootball development <strong>in</strong>itiatives to all childrenand parents.HRH Pr<strong>in</strong>ce William, Patron ofThe FA and a keen football player, has becomean ambassador <strong>for</strong> Get <strong>in</strong>to Football.The FA is aim<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>spire, <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mand engage football fans dur<strong>in</strong>g theWorld Cup by us<strong>in</strong>g a poster-led campaign,featur<strong>in</strong>g real people from football– from local coaches, volunteers, mums,young players, to three England players –Michael Owen, Eniola Aluko and a memberof the England bl<strong>in</strong>d team. It aims toappeal to parents by promot<strong>in</strong>g the storiesof those people <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the grassrootsgame, show<strong>in</strong>g how football can makea positive difference to people’s live.There will be a separate illustrated designaimed at 5-11-year-old children to promoteclub football and a fair play message.The promotional materials willdirect fans to TheFA.com, which willsee a relaunch of its grassroots sectionto have all the support <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>mationneeded <strong>for</strong> putt<strong>in</strong>g people <strong>in</strong> touch withtheir local play<strong>in</strong>g, coach<strong>in</strong>g or volunteer<strong>in</strong>gopportunity.Promotional material will beused to push the campaign <strong>in</strong> schools,through the support of commercialpartners, media advertis<strong>in</strong>g and alsothrough a strong PR strategy.F<strong>in</strong>d out more at TheFA.com/get<strong>in</strong>tofootballBeverley WardFINLANDUEFA site visit <strong>in</strong> AprilA UEFA delegation conducteda site visit <strong>in</strong> April with a view to theWomen’s <strong>European</strong> Championship f<strong>in</strong>altournament <strong>in</strong> 2009, <strong>for</strong> which F<strong>in</strong>land isone of the candidate host associations.Dur<strong>in</strong>g the four-day visit, the facts presented<strong>in</strong> the bidd<strong>in</strong>g documents were studied,and the hotels, stadiums and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gSite visit to assess the F<strong>in</strong>nish bid on the spot.grounds <strong>in</strong> the centres of Hels<strong>in</strong>ki, Tampereand Turku were <strong>in</strong>spected.In its favour as prospectivetournament hosts, F<strong>in</strong>land can boast thetotal support of the whole football family;excellent cooperation with the government,cities and stadiums; and considerablemedia <strong>in</strong>terest; not to mention thegrow<strong>in</strong>g popularity of women’s football <strong>in</strong>the wake of the success of the senior nationalteam (semi-f<strong>in</strong>als of Women’s EURO2005) and the Under-19s (semi-f<strong>in</strong>als ofthe 2004/05 <strong>European</strong> Women’s Under-19Championship and qualification <strong>for</strong> theU-20 Women’s World Cup). Successful<strong>in</strong>dividual players like Anne Mäk<strong>in</strong>en andLaura Kalmari, who have both representedtheir country at senior level more than100 times, have also helped raise the profileof women’s football <strong>in</strong> F<strong>in</strong>land. Dur<strong>in</strong>gthe last five years, the numbers of playersand spectatorshave risen steadily at all levels of the game.F<strong>in</strong>land promises that it wouldorganise an all-time <strong>European</strong> Women’sChampionship f<strong>in</strong>al round <strong>in</strong> 2009, withmodern and well-designed <strong>in</strong>frastructure,top-class and reliable organisation andgood cooperation with all parties, a solideconomy based on sold-out stadiums,and, above all, a relaxed and friendlyatmosphere. If selected as hosts, F<strong>in</strong>landwould set itself the target of break<strong>in</strong>gall the records by stag<strong>in</strong>g top-level matches<strong>in</strong> an excellent atmosphere, ensur<strong>in</strong>g thebest media coverage ever and attempt<strong>in</strong>gto draw 300,000 spectators altogether,which would constitute a new record<strong>in</strong> <strong>European</strong> women’s football. The tournamentwould be promoted as an event<strong>for</strong> all the family and a legacy <strong>for</strong> <strong>European</strong>football characterised by the F<strong>in</strong>nish spiritof equality.The UEFA Executive Committeewill decide on the host association at itsmeet<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> July.Outi Saar<strong>in</strong>enSPL18 uefadirect 6.06

GERMANYExecutive president Theo Zwanziger.DFBtion will ask us about it. We will have to seewhether the sports associations can worktogether to build on the progress alreadymade <strong>in</strong> com<strong>in</strong>g to terms with the past.”Stephan BrauseKAZAKHSTANNew youth tournamentOn 5 April, the “Coca-Cola BylgaryDop” was launched <strong>in</strong> Kazakhstan. Organisedby the Football Union of Kazakhstan,the M<strong>in</strong>istry of Education and Science,and Coca-Cola, teams from 8,000 schools<strong>in</strong> all parts of the country will take part<strong>in</strong> this tournament.A new youth tournament.It is open to young footballers whowere born <strong>in</strong> 1991/92, 1993/94 and1995/96. The f<strong>in</strong>al rounds will take place <strong>in</strong>Taraz <strong>in</strong> June, Karagandy <strong>in</strong> July and Almaty<strong>in</strong> August.At the open<strong>in</strong>g ceremony, the firsttouch of the ball was made by <strong>for</strong>merFC Kairat Almaty defender and USSR <strong>in</strong>ternationalSeilda Baishakov and FC KairatAlmaty KTZH capta<strong>in</strong> and <strong>in</strong>ternationaldefender Samat Smakov.“It’s a great idea. I hope that the“Coca-Cola Bylgary Dop” will help us to f<strong>in</strong>dnew talents,” said Samat Smakov.Alexander Kepl<strong>in</strong>LATVIAThe way ahead <strong>for</strong> the federationThe conclusions of a three-dayCom-Unity sem<strong>in</strong>ar jo<strong>in</strong>tly organised by FIFAand the Latvian Football Federation (LFF)clearly po<strong>in</strong>ted the way ahead <strong>for</strong> the developmentof football <strong>in</strong> Latvia. Apart fromsett<strong>in</strong>g itself the goals of improv<strong>in</strong>g coach<strong>in</strong>gstandards at all levels, scout<strong>in</strong>g <strong>for</strong> newtalent more efficiently and obta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g advice<strong>in</strong> relation to the everyday work of theassociation, the LFF has hired a professionalS.KUZNETCOV“Football under the Swastika”symposium is a great successOn 7 and 8 April, the GermanFootball Association (DFB) held a symposium<strong>in</strong> Bad Boll entitled “Football under theSwastika – Learn<strong>in</strong>g from History”. At theconference, organised with the help of theBad Boll Protestant Academy, leaders fromthe fields of sport, bus<strong>in</strong>ess, politics and thechurches debated how associations andfederations should go about remember<strong>in</strong>gthe period from 1933 to 1945. The DFB executivepresident, Theo Zwanziger, waspleased with how it all went. “Dur<strong>in</strong>g thetwo days, we wanted to have a closer lookat this dark chapter from the past. Thanks tolots of discussions, many of which werecontroversial and critical, we managed thisvery successfully. I would like to emphasise,however, that deal<strong>in</strong>g with the DFB’s pastdur<strong>in</strong>g the time of National Socialism is anongo<strong>in</strong>g process and this conference markedneither the start nor the end of that.”In a panel discussion, Germany’sInterior M<strong>in</strong>ister, Wolfgang Schäuble, madeit clear he was pleased to see the DFBputt<strong>in</strong>g its past under scrut<strong>in</strong>y. “It is goodthat the DFB is fac<strong>in</strong>g its past. This k<strong>in</strong>d ofth<strong>in</strong>g can even be a liberat<strong>in</strong>g experience.”In his speech, the m<strong>in</strong>ister went on to po<strong>in</strong>tout that football has always had to set anexample, and that it still has this role to playtoday. “I don’t know of any area <strong>in</strong> societythat does as much as football <strong>in</strong> terms ofreally <strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g people. Even so, I still th<strong>in</strong>kthat the concept of fair play should be givenmore prom<strong>in</strong>ence <strong>in</strong> today’s game.”Manfred von Richthofen, the presidentof the German Sports Confederation(DSB), agreed that the symposium representeda step <strong>in</strong> the right direction. “The DFBneeds to tackle its past <strong>in</strong> connection withtwo totalitarian regimes, National Socialismand the <strong>for</strong>mer East Germany. Deal<strong>in</strong>gwith such th<strong>in</strong>gs is not as easy as it maysometimes seem, but we must keep try<strong>in</strong>gbecause at some po<strong>in</strong>t the younger generafootballconsultant from the United K<strong>in</strong>gdom,Les Reed. At his first meet<strong>in</strong>g with theLFF’s communications department and otherassociation employees, Reed said thathe plans to concentrate on three ma<strong>in</strong> areaswhich are all designed to improve playerdevelopment <strong>in</strong> Latvia. The first is to boostcoach<strong>in</strong>g qualifications, the second is toenhance the development of new players,and the third is to draw up guidel<strong>in</strong>es <strong>for</strong>youth academies. After meet<strong>in</strong>g LFF generalsecretary Janis Mezeckis and other officialsdur<strong>in</strong>g two fact-f<strong>in</strong>d<strong>in</strong>g visits to Latvia,the British consultant will establish criteria<strong>for</strong> further development <strong>in</strong> the contextof his contracted 90 days’ work per yearon LFF matters.Under UEFA’s Top Executive Programme,delegates from the KazakhstanFootball Federation (KFF) and UEFA came toRiga on a two-day visit <strong>in</strong> early May to exchangeexperiences with the KFF generalsecretary and officials from the youth developmentand market<strong>in</strong>g departments. TheKFF delegates were <strong>in</strong><strong>for</strong>med about theLFF’s vision and plans, media work, websiteconstruction and other activities. Their visitco<strong>in</strong>cided with the Latvia Under-17 teamsecur<strong>in</strong>g the runners-up spot <strong>in</strong> the “TorneoEuropa Unita” and the senior nationalteam’s friendly match aga<strong>in</strong>st the USA.The open<strong>in</strong>g of the Latvianpremier league (“LMT Virsliga”) season thisyear saw F<strong>in</strong>nish referees officiat<strong>in</strong>g, witha Latvian referee reciprocat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> F<strong>in</strong>landLes Reed and Janis Mezeckis.on 25 May. On the same day, a Latvianreferee was <strong>in</strong> charge of Pakhtakor’s<strong>50th</strong> <strong>anniversary</strong> game aga<strong>in</strong>st TorpedoMoscow <strong>in</strong> Tashkent. In addition, <strong>for</strong> a twodaytournament start<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Kyiv on 12 May,the only <strong>for</strong>eign referee <strong>in</strong>volved was topLatvian official Romans Lajuks.F<strong>in</strong>ally, a sem<strong>in</strong>ar <strong>in</strong> coach<strong>in</strong>gpsychology was held at the end of April <strong>for</strong>Latvian coaches to enable them to honetheir skills <strong>for</strong> work<strong>in</strong>g with youth players.Mart<strong>in</strong>s HartmanisLFF19

LIECHTENSTEINInternational football VIPs<strong>in</strong> Liechtenste<strong>in</strong>On 27 April, the new premises ofthe Liechtenste<strong>in</strong> Football Association(LFV) <strong>in</strong> Schaan were officially opened.In attendance at the <strong>in</strong>auguration wereFIFA president Joseph S. Blatter, FIFA andUEFA Executive Committee member MichelPlat<strong>in</strong>i, UEFA chief executive Lars-ChristerOlsson and UEFA Executive Committeemember Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelder. Numerousother lead<strong>in</strong>g figures were representedat the solemn ceremony conducted byRev. Markus Kellenberger.Lars-Christer Olsson, Joseph S. Blatter,Michel Plat<strong>in</strong>i and Gerhard Mayer-Vorfelderat the <strong>in</strong>auguration.Thanks to generous f<strong>in</strong>ancialsupport from FIFA and UEFA, the LFV hasacquired one floor of an office block atLandstrasse 149 as its headquarters. LFVpresident Re<strong>in</strong>hard Walser was pleased towelcome the VIP guests and was visiblyproud to be able to show them the state-ofthe-artoffices. “We want to be a seriouspartner, to do everyth<strong>in</strong>g we can to collaborate<strong>in</strong> an efficient and reliable way,” he said.The FIFA president was highlyimpressed with the latest developmentsat LFV headquarters. Joseph Blatter saidthat he had been deeply moved by theceremony, which was an expression of thehope that we can achieve someth<strong>in</strong>gthrough football. He added that there areno longer any small associations <strong>in</strong> FIFA,only members.Lars-Christer Olsson welcomed theimprovements to the <strong>in</strong>frastructure of theLFVLFV. “This is a classic example of whatcan be achieved through teamwork,” saidUEFA’s chief executive.Judith FrommeltMALTASolid foundationsIndoor five-a-side football, nowknown universally as futsal, has become<strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>gly popular <strong>in</strong> recent years.In many countries the rapid growth ofthis sport and a more streaml<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong>sight<strong>in</strong>to the coach<strong>in</strong>g, referee<strong>in</strong>g and adm<strong>in</strong>istrativesectors have enhanced <strong>in</strong>doorfootball.Conscious of new developments<strong>in</strong> this sport, the Malta FA, through itsfutsal department, has held comprehensivecourses <strong>for</strong> coaches and referees.This event, organised under the auspicesof FIFA, was opened by the MFA president,Joseph Mifsud, who spoke aboutthe way futsal was grow<strong>in</strong>g and the importanceof such courses.The courses, scheduled over fourdays, were conducted by Mico Martic andPerry Gautier, FIFA officials who specialise<strong>in</strong> coach<strong>in</strong>g and referee<strong>in</strong>g respectively.The <strong>in</strong>tensive programme comprisedtheoretical and practical sessions <strong>in</strong>both the coach<strong>in</strong>g and referee<strong>in</strong>g fields,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a thorough study of technicaldevelopments <strong>in</strong> this sport.A dist<strong>in</strong>guished speaker wasPetr Fousek, chairman of the UEFA FutsalCommittee, who gave spoke aboutadm<strong>in</strong>istrative and organisational matters.His talk was very useful <strong>for</strong> the futsal clubadm<strong>in</strong>istrators, who were very keen toknow more about runn<strong>in</strong>g their set-ups <strong>in</strong>a modern and more efficient way.The participation <strong>in</strong> these courseswas very encourag<strong>in</strong>g and provided evidencethat futsal <strong>in</strong> Malta is be<strong>in</strong>g laid onsolid foundations.Alex VellaPetr Fousek gives his presentation.D.AQUILINAMOLDOVACoach<strong>in</strong>g school foundedCoach and club licens<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>Moldova has received a great boost s<strong>in</strong>cethe executive committee of the FA ofMoldova founded a coach<strong>in</strong>g school <strong>in</strong>B licence course.February under the leadership of theexperienced Ivan Daniliants. The younggeneration of Moldovan coaches nowhave vast opportunities to improvetheir knowledge and subsequently toapply them <strong>in</strong> practice.S<strong>in</strong>ce February, the school’sdirector, Ivan Daniliants, has alreadyconducted three UEFA B licence coursesat the national team technical centre<strong>in</strong> the city of Vadul-lui-Voda. The fourthsuch course began on 18 May.UEFA sent experienced lecturersSivek Zdenek, a member of its TechnicalInstructors Panel, and Mircea Radulescu,director of the Romanian Football Federation’scoach<strong>in</strong>g school, to help run thesecourses, both of them mak<strong>in</strong>g valuablecontributions. In tackl<strong>in</strong>g differentsubjects with the course participants,the lecturers emphasised the mentalityand positive qualities that coaches needto achieve good results.Very <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g and usefulwere the lectures given by the FA ofMoldova’s own lecturers, who <strong>in</strong>cludedBoris Bogus, doctor of psychology,Vladimir Antonov, a member ofUEFA’s Referee Observers Panel, PavelPobornyi, a lecturer at the national<strong>in</strong>stitute of physical and sports education,and Valent<strong>in</strong> Veselov, nationalteam doctor.Another two similar coursesare planned be<strong>for</strong>e the end of the year.At the moment, the FAof Moldova is await<strong>in</strong>g permission tostage UEFA A licence courses.Vasile VatamanuB.HARCENCO20 uefadirect 6.06

NORWAYConference aga<strong>in</strong>st racismOne of Norwegian football’spriorities is to kick racism, <strong>in</strong>tolerance andviolence out of football. To this end,a conference was organised with the topclub Vålerenga to equip the clubs <strong>for</strong> thischallenge.The Norwegian FA (NFF) has by farthe largest number of youth members of anyorganisation <strong>in</strong> Norway, with approximately250,000 active boys and girls <strong>in</strong> a countryof a population of 4.5 million. Like manyother countries <strong>in</strong> Europe, Norwegian societyconsists of many different ethnic groups.This fact is also reflected on the footballpitch, and the NFF is work<strong>in</strong>g with the footballclubs to ensure that every boy and girl,regardless of colour, religion or sexual orientation,feels welcome <strong>in</strong> the football family.The M<strong>in</strong>ister of Culture and ChurchAffairs, Trond Giske, opened the conference,which was held at the Ullevaal stadium <strong>in</strong>Oslo <strong>in</strong> March.“Sport is an important arena <strong>for</strong>equality and fellowship, as demonstratedby the NFF <strong>in</strong> tak<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>itiative toorganise this conference,” said Mr Giske<strong>in</strong> his open<strong>in</strong>g speech.The general secretary of the NFF,Karen Espelund, left no room <strong>for</strong> mis<strong>in</strong>terpretation:“There is no place <strong>for</strong> racists <strong>in</strong>our organisation. The NFF will use the necessarysanctions to wipe out racism, <strong>in</strong>toleranceand violence. I’m confident thatwe will achieve our goal with the help ofthe 1,822 football clubs <strong>in</strong> Norway,” she said.The conference brought togethermore than 100 participants and was alsobroadcast live on web TV, where it wasfollowed by 9,000 viewers. The Anti-RacismCentre <strong>in</strong> Oslo po<strong>in</strong>ted out some of thechallenges ahead.“It’s on a day-to-day basis thatthe fight <strong>for</strong> tolerance must be won.It’s there<strong>for</strong>e important that the NFF makesit clear that the work aga<strong>in</strong>st racism mustbe given high priority throughout the organisation,”said the centre’s director of communications,Henrik Lunde.Roger SolheimROMANIAPartnership with Special OlympicsThe Romanian FA is gett<strong>in</strong>g moreand more <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> cooperation withvarious bodies, some of them governmental,others non-governmental or even fromother countries.After the huge success of themeet<strong>in</strong>g organised by the Romanian FAahead of the UEFA Cup quarter-f<strong>in</strong>almatches between two of Bucharest’s lead<strong>in</strong>gclubs, Rapid and Steaua, which <strong>in</strong>volvedseveral Romanian agencies whose aim is totackle racism and violence <strong>in</strong> sport, theRomanian FA has become a partner of thewide-rang<strong>in</strong>g and important <strong>in</strong>ternationalSpecial Olympics movement. As is wellknown, this organisation, which is supportedby UEFA and USAID (the US Agency <strong>for</strong>International Development), has among itspromoters famous names from the worldof football and sport, such as Johan Cruyffand Nadia Comaneci.Recently, a jo<strong>in</strong>t press conferencewas given at the FA’s headquarters <strong>in</strong>Bucharest by our association, represented byFlor<strong>in</strong> Prunea (director of the <strong>for</strong>eign relationsdepartment), Special Olympics Romaniaand USAID. Mr Prunea said: “When wewere asked if we would like to jo<strong>in</strong> the noblecause of support<strong>in</strong>g sportsmen and sportswomenwith disabilities, we jumped atthe opportunity, because we are well awareof the importance of such action. We areall sportsmen. The only differences betweenus are of God’s mak<strong>in</strong>g. But we are allhuman be<strong>in</strong>gs and we have to respect andhelp less able-bodied athletes”.For several days, Bucharest was thecentre of activities dur<strong>in</strong>g <strong>European</strong> SpecialOlympics Football Week, one of the highlightsof which was an exhibition match on3 May <strong>in</strong> which several high officials ofthe FA participated, all of them famous <strong>for</strong>mer<strong>in</strong>ternational players, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g IonutLupescu (general director), Flor<strong>in</strong> Prunea,Daniel Prodan (sports director) and MiodragBelodedici (technical director of the nationalyouth teams).These activities are just the startof th<strong>in</strong>gs to come, because <strong>in</strong> the future,the Romanian FA plans to become far more<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> all k<strong>in</strong>ds of social activities.Paul ZahariaSLOVAKIAFormer stars serv<strong>in</strong>g the associationFrantisek Laur<strong>in</strong>ec was re-elected aspresident of the Slovak Football Association(SFZ) <strong>for</strong> another four-year term by the SFZcongress <strong>in</strong> February 2006, while three-timesSlovak “Player of the Year” and <strong>for</strong>mernational team capta<strong>in</strong> Dusan Tittel cont<strong>in</strong>uesas the SFZ general secretary. In the referee<strong>in</strong>gdepartment, the new man <strong>in</strong> charge is IgorSramka, who is well known <strong>for</strong> his workwith Lubos Michel, who has officiated<strong>in</strong> UEFA and FIFA competitions. Slovak football<strong>in</strong>glegend Joe Venglos, the <strong>for</strong>mercoach of the Czechoslovakia and Slovakianational teams and, at club level, of AstonVilla, Benfica, Celtic, Fenerbahce and SlovanBratislava, as well as be<strong>in</strong>g the currentvice-chairman of UEFA’s Technical DevelopmentCommittee, was voted <strong>in</strong> as the technicalstudy committee’s representative onthe SFZ executive committee.In a few months’ time, anothergreat name <strong>in</strong> Slovak football will beback. One of the most popular Slovakplayers ever, with spells at Nitra, St-Etienneand Celtic, Lubos Moravcik has beenappo<strong>in</strong>ted as coach of the national Under-17team. Apart from hav<strong>in</strong>g great talentas a coach, he is also a huge icon <strong>for</strong> manyyoung players.This is another example of themajor ef<strong>for</strong>t that the SFZ is putt<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to thedevelopment of youth football. Last year,more than 70 m<strong>in</strong>i-pitches were built aspart of the project of that name and by theend of 2006, another 40 will have beenbuilt. As a further part of the m<strong>in</strong>i-pitchproject, the “Slovakia M<strong>in</strong>i-ChampionsLeague” has been set up. The SFZ is also<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> the organisation of anothereight tournaments <strong>for</strong> primary schools andyouth clubs. Meanwhile, <strong>for</strong> some of theolder youth players, the ma<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>ternationalevent this year is the elite round of the<strong>European</strong> Under-19 Championship, whichtook place <strong>in</strong> Bratislava, Trnava and Senecfrom 19 to 23 May.In other news, the nationalstadium <strong>in</strong> Bratislava is due to undergomajor reconstruction. The modernisation,which will be completed by 2008, willgive the 28,000-seat Tehelne Pole stadiumUEFA four-star status, with an <strong>in</strong>creasedcapacity of 30,000, improved safety, andextra com<strong>for</strong>t and amenities.Klaudo SlancoSLOVENIAWomen’s football takes centre stageAt the end of April, the FootballAssociation of Slovenia hosted a secondqualify<strong>in</strong>g round m<strong>in</strong>i-tournament <strong>in</strong> the2005/06 <strong>European</strong> Women’s Under-19Championship. Apart from the host nation,the other participants were Germany,the Republic of Ireland and Scotland. Thematches were played <strong>in</strong> Murska Sobotaand Krizevci, <strong>in</strong> the northeast of Slovenia,which is known <strong>for</strong> its good football players– men and women – and especially <strong>for</strong>enthusiastic football fans. Those fans wereable to see some great women’s footballdur<strong>in</strong>g the m<strong>in</strong>i-tournament; however,21

they weren’t quite as visible as the Irishfans, who came to Slovenia fully adornedand truly dom<strong>in</strong>ated the tournament offthe field of play.The matches were also refereedby women: besides referees from Slovenia(Ana Fajic and Tanja Subotic), there weretwo referees from Turkey (Dilan Gokcekand Necla Akdogan), two referees fromthe Czech Republic (Mart<strong>in</strong>a Blahova andDagmar Zakova) and two referees fromF<strong>in</strong>land (Emilia Parvia<strong>in</strong>en and SaijaRaatika<strong>in</strong>en). The UEFA delegate and UEFAreferee observer were Svetlana Shkil fromUkra<strong>in</strong>e and Jozef Marko from Slovakia.The favourites and w<strong>in</strong>ners of thetournament were Germany, ahead of Scotland,the Republic of Ireland and Slovenia,all of whom demonstrated, however, thatthe quality of women’s football is steadilyimprov<strong>in</strong>g. The positive “side effect” of sucha tournament is also the popularisationof women’s football <strong>in</strong> Slovenia, which isone of the goals of the Football Associationof Slovenia.Irena Ilesic CujovicThe women’s Under-19 team.SWEDENOverwhelm<strong>in</strong>g demand <strong>for</strong> ticketsSweden will have a new nationalstadium by 2010/2011. The current, almost70-year-old Råsunda stadium <strong>in</strong> Stockholmwill be replaced by a new venue a fewblocks away <strong>in</strong> the Solna station area.What is wasteland at present will betrans<strong>for</strong>med with the build<strong>in</strong>g of the newarena, which will be a state-of-the-artconstruction project.The new national stadium, equippedwith a retractable roof, will accommodate50,000 spectators on football nightsand 57,500 <strong>for</strong> concerts. Construction costsare estimated at around EUR 200 millionNZSWhat the new stadium will look like.and the assignment of construction rights ispart of the f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g. With this solution,the national team and local club AIK Solnawill be able to use the old Råsunda while thenew stadium is be<strong>in</strong>g built.“This decision is an important landmark<strong>in</strong> Swedish football history. The newarena meets our demands and providesfacilities <strong>for</strong> concerts and other major events<strong>in</strong> the Stockholm area,” said Lars-ÅkeLagrell, the Swedish FA president. “I takegreat pride <strong>in</strong> the fact that Solna will housethe most modern events arena <strong>in</strong> Europe,”added Lars-Erik Salm<strong>in</strong>en, chairman of Solnacity council.Otherwise, World Cup fever hasgripped Sweden s<strong>in</strong>ce January, when thepublic were offered the chance to applyonl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>for</strong> tickets to the 2006 World Cup.The response was astound<strong>in</strong>g, with 133,961people request<strong>in</strong>g a total of 304,366 tickets.For the Sweden v. Paraguay game alone,98,039 fans wanted a ticket – mean<strong>in</strong>gthat more than one percent of the country’sentire population wanted to see the game<strong>in</strong> person.In fact, Swedish fans could easilyhave filled the entire stadium at all of theircountry’s matches this summer. But giventhe harsh reality of ticket quotas, it wasa lottery draw which decided the luckyrecipients of the 28,000 tickets allocated toSweden.Thomas Saleteg/Andreas NilssonUKRAINEA football festivalOn 29 April, the traditional“All-Ukra<strong>in</strong>ian Day of Football” was celebratedthroughout the country. It wason this day 14 years ago that the Ukra<strong>in</strong>esenior national team played its first <strong>in</strong>ternationalmatch.SvFFCities and districts everywherehosted more than 1,000 football tournamentsand competitions <strong>for</strong> children’steams, school and street teams, and alsosides composed of amateurs, veterans,disabled people, fans and supporters.Coaches, professional players and variousother football<strong>in</strong>g personalities took part<strong>in</strong> the events.In Kyiv, the football festival atthe children’s club was opened byGrygoriy Surkis, president of the FootballFederation of Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, Yuriy Pavlenko,M<strong>in</strong>ister <strong>for</strong> Family, Youth and Sport,and senior officials from the M<strong>in</strong>istry ofEducation and Science and the NationalOlympic Committee.Donetsk also celebrated theday <strong>in</strong> style. The festival of street football<strong>in</strong>volved many youth and adult playersplay<strong>in</strong>g matches on the artificial turf m<strong>in</strong>ipitches<strong>in</strong> the central square of the city.In Sevastopol, <strong>in</strong> the contextof a tournament <strong>for</strong> street teams playedon the city’s m<strong>in</strong>i-pitches, the localfootball association made a contributionto charity. Medical equipment worthUSD 10,000 was presented to theSevastopol sports centre and dispensary.The Volyn region staged aparade and tournament <strong>for</strong> board<strong>in</strong>gschool orphans. The event was publicisedand the FFU president’s message wasrelayed at the stadiums where professional,amateur and children’s/youth teammatches were be<strong>in</strong>g played.Valeriy NykonenkoThe All-Ukra<strong>in</strong>ian Football Day was a popularevent across the generations.FFU22 uefadirect 6.06

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