MESSMER TODAY Sum - Messmer Catholic Schools

MESSMER TODAY Sum - Messmer Catholic Schools

MESSMER TODAY Sum - Messmer Catholic Schools

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SCHOOL NEWSFAITH AND SERVICERobert F. Purcell, S.J. Gesu Parish Peacemaker AwardsChurch of the Gesu annually recognizes a select group of middle and highschool students with the Robert F. Purcell, S.J. Gesu Parish Peacemaker Award.Award winning students are honored in a Mass dedicated to furthering peaceand justice. <strong>Messmer</strong> High School senior Chabeli Romero and St. Rose andSt. Leo eighth grade student Cindy Cortes were among this year’s awardrecipients. Following is more information about these extraordinary youngwomen.Cindy Cortes (left) and Chabeli RomeroCindy Cortes, 2011 Robert F. Purcell, S.J.Gesu Peacemaker Award RecipientCindy Cortes leads by example.She values her education, works hardand stays focused. Because of hercommitment to education and hardwork, Cindy is an honor student.By modeling peacefulness and focusin the classroom and beyond, Cindyhas demonstrated to others how to usecommunication to resolve problems.Cindy’s family highly valueseducation and faith. To her youngersiblings, Cindy has passed on the valuesof being active in church, showingkindness to others, and seeing the goodin all people. Cindy demonstratesthe true meaning of turning the othercheek, demonstrating to others thecorrect path. Cindy attends St. Roseof Lima <strong>Catholic</strong> Church and plays anactive role in her parish.Chabeli Romero, 2011 Robert F. Purcell, S.J.Gesu Peacemaker Award RecipientA senior at <strong>Messmer</strong> High School,Chabeli Romero has been a positiverole model as a peacemaker for thepast four years. This year, Chabelimobilized student participation inimmigration marches with the groupYouth Empowered in the Struggle. Thestudents raise their voices and live Jesus’message to welcome the stranger, “For Iwas hungry and you gave me food, I wasthirsty and you gave me drink, a strangerand you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35With homicide pervasive inMilwaukee, Chabeli saw the need foraction. She assisted in planning a prayerservice to remember those who losttheir lives, and heightened awareness ofvigils that are held at homicide sites inMilwaukee.Fire destroys student’s home,but not her faith<strong>Messmer</strong> High School student AyannaMurrell and her mother, Akella Kency arehappy to be alive and recovering after afire destroyed their apartment buildingthis May. When the flames erupted,Ayanna and Ms. Kency found themselvestrapped in their apartment. They jumpedfrom a third floor window to avoidthe flames. Ayanna was taken to thehospital, where she received 45 stitches.Ms. Kency broke several bones and hashad a painful recovery.While in the hospital, Ayanna called<strong>Messmer</strong> to thank her theology teacher,Anne Haines. Ayanna explained that shewas afraid to jump from the window, butas she looked down at the height, shesaw that she was wearing the rosary thatMs. Haines had given to her students.Ayanna described clutching the rosary,and as she did so, being filled with thefaith and courage to take the leap thatwould save her life.During her recovery, Ms. Hainestold Ayanna, “I hope you have felt ourprayers.”Ayanna responded, “I have. I have notfelt any pain!”Ayanna and her mother lost all oftheir personal possessions in the fire. Inresponse, staff members led fundraisingefforts to assist the family. Studentand private donations totaled $500. Inaddition, <strong>Messmer</strong> put out the call fordonations of furniture, and our <strong>Messmer</strong>family responded. <strong>Messmer</strong> staffmembers also volunteered their time tocollect and move donated furniture intoAyanna and Ms. Kency’s new apartment.Ayanna and Ms. Kency are verygrateful for all of the prayers and supportthey have received from the <strong>Messmer</strong>family.Robert F. Purcell, S.J. Gesu Parish Peacemaker Award Recipients14 <strong>MESSMER</strong> <strong>TODAY</strong>

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