Constitution - Governo de Timor-Leste

Constitution - Governo de Timor-Leste

Constitution - Governo de Timor-Leste


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d) To propose to the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Republic the submission to referendum ofrelevant issues of national interest;e) To propose to the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Republic the appointment of ambassadors,permanent representatives and special envoys;3. The Government has exclusive legislative powers on matters concerning its ownorganisation and functioning, as well as on the direct and indirect management of theState.Section 116(Competencies of the Council of Ministers)It is incumbent upon the Council of Ministers:a) To <strong>de</strong>fine the general gui<strong>de</strong>lines of the government policy as well as those forits implementation;b) To <strong>de</strong>liberate on a request for a vote of confi<strong>de</strong>nce from the NationalParliament;c) To approve bills and draft resolutions;d) To approve statutes, as well as international agreements that are not requiredto be submitted to the National Parliament;e) To approve actions by the Government that involve an increase or <strong>de</strong>crease inpublic revenues or expenditures;f) To approve plans.Section 117(Competencies of members of the Government)1. 1.It is incumbent upon the Prime Minister:a) To be the Head of Government;b) To chair the Council of Ministers;c) To lead and gui<strong>de</strong> the general policy of the Government and co-ordinate theactivities of all Ministers, without prejudice to the direct responsibility of eachMinister for his or her respective governmental <strong>de</strong>partment.d) To keep the Presi<strong>de</strong>nt of the Republic informed on matters of domestic andforeign policy of the Government;

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