iSource+™ Low Cost HPFRS Manual - Spectratime

iSource+™ Low Cost HPFRS Manual - Spectratime

iSource+™ Low Cost HPFRS Manual - Spectratime


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iSource+ <strong>Low</strong> <strong>Cost</strong> <strong>HPFRS</strong> <strong>Manual</strong>4.4 PIN FUNCTION LAYOUTThe complete pin layout for the sub-D connector is given in figure 4.4.<strong>HPFRS</strong>-01<strong>HPFRS</strong>-0210K1 : Lock monitor2 : Frequency adj.3 : GND4 : Lamp monitor5 : RxD (TTL)6 : Heating +24V7 : Xtal monitor8 : +5Vref.9 : Power +24V10 : Power returnA1 : Frequency Output10K1 : Lock monitor2 : Frequency adj.3 : GND4 : TxD (TTL)5 : RxD (TTL)6 : Power +24V (12V)7 : NC8 : +5Vref.9 : Power +24V (12V)10 : GNDA1 : Frequency OutputFig. 4.4 (connector front view)IMPORTANT NOTE:The standard version of the <strong>HPFRS</strong> is equipped with sub-D type Cannon 11W1 male togetherwith male coaxial connector.This configuration reduces the risks of damage to the coaxial <strong>HPFRS</strong> connector by incorrectmanipulations.4.5 NORMAL OPERATIONWhen 24 Vdc is applied to pins 6, 9 (+) and 3, 10 (-), the unit will immediately begin to generate a 10 MHzsignal from the crystal oscillator. Within approximately 8 minutes (standard version) after application of inputpower the unit will "lock". Hence the crystal is now stabilised by the atomic resonant frequency.The unit is able to provide a single signal called ‘lock monitor’ (pin 1) which toggles when the internal crystaloscillator is locked to the Rb atomic resonance. (see chapter 4.7).The centre frequency can be adjusted by external trimmer according to fig. 4.4 or by a stable DC voltageprovided by the user.ANALOG FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENTThe <strong>HPFRS</strong> is equipped with an analog frequency adjustment circuit which provides center frequencyadjustment by applying an external voltage of 0 to 5V on Pin 2.This analog voltage can be generated with an external potentiometer connected to Vref and GND (see pinfunction layout).©SpectraTime Europe Headquarters North America Sales Offices Page 10 of 13sales@spectratime.com +41.32.732.16.66 +1.512.470.3980spectratime.com

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