2013-2014 SSFC Application (pdf) - Student Services Fees
2013-2014 SSFC Application (pdf) - Student Services Fees
2013-2014 SSFC Application (pdf) - Student Services Fees
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<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee Committee <strong>Application</strong>(For the <strong>Student</strong> Group Committee and the Administrative Unit Committees)General InformationQualified applicants are sought for the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee Committee which will determine the student servicesfee allocation for the <strong>2014</strong>-2015 fiscal year. The Board of Regents require that a representative process beestablished to recommend the level of student services fee funding and the specific allocations to requestingorganizations. Two committees will be established:1. The <strong>Student</strong> Group Committee:This committee is comprised of ten (10) students and two (2) administrative representatives, as well as upto four (4) student alternates, to review the Fee applications of all registered student groups applying for<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee funding.2. The Administrative Unit Committee:This committee is comprised of six (6) students and two (2) administrative representatives, as well as upto four (4) student alternates, to review the Fee applications of University administrative units (the AuroraCenter for Advocacy and Education, Boynton Health Service, the Learning Abroad Center, NorthropConcerts and Lectures, Radio K, <strong>Student</strong> Conflict Resolution Center, <strong>Student</strong> Unions and Activities,University Recreation and Wellness and University <strong>Student</strong> Legal <strong>Services</strong>) and the Minnesota Dailyapplying for <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee funding.Time CommitmentTo serve on the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee Committee, selected participants are expected to participate in two or threetraining sessions and all Fee-related meetings, deliberations, and hearings beginning in early November andlasting through approximately the end of April. A total commitment of approximately 60-80 hours is expected.CompensationFor compensation for service on the Committee, each committee member (and alternate) will receive a stipend atthe conclusion of the Fee allocation process. The stipend levels are as follows: $750 for general committeemembers and alternates, $850 for sub-committee chairs, and $1,000 for committee chairs (sub-committee chairsand committee chairs will be determined at the first training session). Each participant will sign a contract andmust abide by all aspects of the contract throughout the entire <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee process in order to receivethe stipend.Committee Approval (tentative)If selected to be on the Committee or serve as an alternate, each person is required to attend the joint meeting ofthe Minnesota <strong>Student</strong> Association and the Graduate and Professional <strong>Student</strong> Assembly on October 22 nd at 4:00p.m., location TBA. At this meeting, MSA and GAPSA will have the opportunity to remove up to 4 members totaland/or approve the Committee as a slate.<strong>Application</strong> DeadlineInterested applicants should fill out the attached application and return to Megan Sweet, Assistant to theAssistant Dean of <strong>Student</strong>s, Office for <strong>Student</strong> Affairs, no later than 4:30 p.m. on September 20, <strong>2013</strong>.<strong>Application</strong>s can be emailed to vande104@umn.edu or mailed to 300 Washington Avenue S.E., CMU 500,Minneapolis, MN 55455. Questions can be directed to Megan at the above email or to 612-625-8266.
<strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong> <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee Committee <strong>Application</strong>Fill out the application in its entirety. Typed applications are preferred. Providing misleading or false informationas part of the application process, including during any interviews, may result in a <strong>Student</strong> Conduct Code violation.Name:College of Enrollment:Address:City, State, Zip:Year in School:Degree Program:Phone:Email:Indicate which committee(s) you are applying for:<strong>Student</strong> Group: Administrative Unit: Both:(Note: Members may serve on only one committee, but may apply for both if interested.)On a separate document, please answer the following questions:oooooooAre you currently, or have you been in the past, a member of any student group or administrative unitthat receives <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> <strong>Fees</strong>? If yes, please list them, as well as any leadership positions held inthese organizations.Please list other activities in which you are currently involved including employment, volunteering,internships, leadership positions, etc. State the amount of time per week devoted to each activity andpositions currently held.What do you hope to gain from being a member of the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee Committee?What experience, if any, do you have working with budget matters or other finance-related activities thatwould benefit the Committee’s performance?What other experiences or skills do you have that would assist the Committee?Please explain your understanding of the concept of “viewpoint neutrality” and the role it plays in the<strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee allocation process.Do you have any conflicts of interest (including personal involvement, familial relationships, friendships,etc. with the leadership or staff of student groups or administrative units) to disclose to the selectioncommittee prior to your placement/service on the <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee Committee? Please note thatsaid disclosure does not preclude you from being a member of the <strong>SSFC</strong>, but may affect your appointmentto either the <strong>Student</strong> Groups or Administrative Units Committee.Please visit http://www.studentservicesfees.umn.edu/ to review the tentative <strong>Student</strong> <strong>Services</strong> Fee timelines forboth student groups and administrative units. Please be aware of the important dates and meeting times.Committee applications will be reviewed and interviews will be scheduled between September 23 rd and October13 th , <strong>2013</strong>.