Prabha Phunde,Maharashtra essay - .pdf - Diksha

Prabha Phunde,Maharashtra essay - .pdf - Diksha

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LAB TO LAND COLLOQUIUM 03.08.12 to 05.08.12I am a president of village panchayat Tavash Thasil Lakhandur, Dist.Bandera, <strong>Maharashtra</strong>. My self Mrs. <strong>Prabha</strong> Chopramn <strong>Phunde</strong> has beenselected "Bharat Nirman Sevak" in my village.I was informed by the Panchayat Samiti Lakhandur about the concept ofthe BNVs. The Gram Sevika of our village Panchayat at miss. Mamakan wasresourceful in erplanivmy the idea. The Rural Development officer of ourbhoele Mr. Rajesh Ratwod and his wlleaghves gunideel me alert how BNVs canbecome an in shumeut in disseniuatny various guar. Scheme and punches tothe Rural masses. I realised that by this I can become beneficial for my ourvillage.A process of mvcvo- planning had bee conducted in our village dummywhich operson from our village attributed without having any remuneration. Iwas fascinated from this incidence our chief raxeumtire officer Mr. Arun Dubealso guhvided me and this regular pevsuahian rewords our B.D.O. has yieldedgood results. As days training was also organised at "Sevagram" in wavdhadistrni Ct. Dr. Pande sir from Yashada run led the training curves at"Sevagram".Aceradigtny, '5' BNVs were formed from our village. Along with myselfnowadn '35' BNVs have been enrolled from our village Tawashi.After completion of the in caption training at "Sevagram" 9 started myactivities in the village along with my other colleay me BNVs. We had at thedoor of each and every funny in the village. We did it in our leisure.Initially, the people were resistant. They did not respond to us. But we knowthat the success is definite if we do consistent efforts. We did not loose ourheant and continued our endeavours. At last we succeeded in our campaign.The gram sabha of our village was become powerful from day. We werenot very sure whether. We can get a positive response from them. The peoplewere to eveate some constrain when we were visitiy their homes. They wed tocriticise us by saying that. 'They have become BNVs recently how can theymake our village an idea village?' But we never surrendered and ourcontinuous efforts Trans formed our village into a 'Nirmal Gramm'. We helpedthe people by guiding them in filling the joint forest management & joint forest

management commune there. We also inspired our local 'bachat gat' and bnnlftheir calamity. We examined that if any Bachat gat from another village themwhy can pvadive 'Ahar' to our village them why bachat gat from our villagecannot performed? This is how, the bachat gat from village was awarded withthis job.At is said that 'An ocean is under by wops. Acwordighy .We whid winsidethe frequencies with our villagers. We could transform our village into a liquorfever village a 'NIrmal Gram', Mahatuna 'Tanta Mukti Abhiyan', employmentunder NREGA, and a reward under Pavyawaram Savnrndhm yojana. Therecovery of local taxes has been always partial. But now we achieved 85 %recovery of taxes in our village. Most of the persons including liberate oneswere not knowing about filling up forums for 'Shrawan Bal Yojana'. We helpedthe nearly families in filling the forms of 'Sharwan Bal Yojana'. Now a day themid day meal food and anganwad Ahar have trended by local bachat gat. Wealso helped the studied studying in 1 st to 4 th std to extend them specialbenefits.We were facilitated by the process of micro-planning conducted in ourvillage. Behave this process. Our village had so man problems. We werebenefited from the micro-planning process as we could learn about how theseproblems could be solved.Cell No. 7875689071Mrs. <strong>Prabha</strong> <strong>Phunde</strong>A. Post. Tawashita.Lakhandur, Dist. Bhandare

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