Chapter 3 - Design Requirements for Sanitary Sewers - The City of ...

Chapter 3 - Design Requirements for Sanitary Sewers - The City of ...

Chapter 3 - Design Requirements for Sanitary Sewers - The City of ...


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<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteria3.03.03 Bedding<strong>The</strong> project Plans and Project Specifications shall indicate the specific type ortypes <strong>of</strong> bedding, cradling, or encasement required in the various parts <strong>of</strong> thesanitary sewer construction if different than the current <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleStandard Specifications and Construction Details.Special provisions shall be made <strong>for</strong> pipes laid under or over fills orembankments in shallow or partial trenches either by specifying extrastrength pipe <strong>for</strong> the additional loads due to differential settlement, or byspecial construction methods, including ninety (90) percent modified proctorcompaction <strong>of</strong> fill, to prevent or to minimize such additional loads.Compacted granular backfill shall be required in all trench excavation withinpublic (or private) rights-<strong>of</strong>-way or areas where street rights-<strong>of</strong>-way areanticipated to be dedicated <strong>for</strong> public use. Under areas to be paved, thecompacted granular backfill shall be placed to the sub-grade <strong>of</strong> thepavement. Under unpaved areas, the compacted granular backfill shall beplaced to within two (2) feet <strong>of</strong> the finished surface.Pipes having a cover <strong>of</strong> less than three (3) feet shall be encased in concrete,unless otherwise directed by the <strong>City</strong>.If the storm and sanitary sewers are parallel and in the same trench, theupper pipe shall be placed on a shelf and the lower pipe shall be bedded incompacted granular fill to the flow line <strong>of</strong> the upper pipe.3.03.04 Pipe or Conduit Under Streets and Pavements3.03.05 JointsAny pipe or conduit material beneath a highway, road, street, or pavement, orwith reasonable probability <strong>of</strong> being so located, shall have ample strength <strong>for</strong>all vertical loads, including the live load required by the highway authorityhaving jurisdiction, and in no case shall provide <strong>for</strong> less than an AASHTOHS-20 loading. For other locations, the minimum live load shall be the HS-10loading. Special considerations may be required <strong>for</strong> adverse conditions.Granular backfill, consisting <strong>of</strong> 1” clean stone, shall be utilized in utilitytrenches <strong>for</strong> fill, up to the base <strong>of</strong> the pavement.<strong>The</strong> joint type required <strong>for</strong> the type <strong>of</strong> pipe used and the application shallcon<strong>for</strong>m to the latest standards set <strong>for</strong>th in the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Wentzville StandardSpecifications and Construction Details or as approved by the <strong>City</strong> Engineer.3.03.06 Monolithic StructuresMonolithic rein<strong>for</strong>ced concrete structures shall be designed structurally ascontinuous rigid units.3 -4 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteria3.03.07 Alignment3.03.08 Location<strong>Sanitary</strong> sewer alignments are normally limited by the available easementswhich in turn should reflect proper alignment requirements.<strong>Sanitary</strong> sewers shall be aligned:1. To be in straight line between structures <strong>for</strong> all pipe sewers thirty (30)inches in diameter and smaller.2. To be parallel with or perpendicular to the centerline <strong>of</strong> straight streetsunless otherwise unavoidable. Deviations may be made only withapproval <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>.3. To avoid meandering, <strong>of</strong>f-setting and unnecessary angular changes.4. To make angular changes in alignment <strong>for</strong> sewers thirty (30) inches indiameter or smaller in a manhole located at an angle point and <strong>for</strong>sewers thirty-three (33) inches in diameter or larger, by a uni<strong>for</strong>mcurve between two tangents. Curves shall have a minimum radius <strong>of</strong>ten times the pipe diameter.5. To avoid angular changes in direction greater than necessary and anyexceeding ninety (90) degrees.<strong>Sanitary</strong> sewer locations are determined primarily by the requirements <strong>of</strong>service and purpose. It is also necessary to consider accessibility <strong>for</strong>construction and maintenance, site availability and competing uses, andeffects <strong>of</strong> easements on private property.<strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Sewers</strong> shall be located:1. To serve all property conveniently and to best advantage.2. In public streets, roads, alleys, rights-<strong>of</strong>-way, or in sewer easementsdedicated to the <strong>City</strong>.3. In easements on private property only when unavoidable.4. On private property along property lines or immediately adjacent topublic streets, avoiding crossing through the property.5. At a sufficient distance from existing and/or proposed buildings(including footings) and underground utilities or other sewers to avoidencroachment and reduce construction hazards.6. To avoid interference between house connections to foul water orsanitary sewers and stormwater sewers.3 -5 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteria3.03.09 Flowline3.03.10 Manholes7. In unpaved or unimproved areas whenever possible.8. To avoid, whenever possible, any locations known to be or probablyto be beneath curbs, paving or other improvements particularly whenlaid parallel to centerlines.9. To avoid sinkholes and creeks.<strong>The</strong> flowline <strong>of</strong> sanitary sewers shall meet the following requirements:1. <strong>The</strong> flowline shall be straight or without gradient change between theinner walls <strong>of</strong> connected structures.2. Gradient changes in successive reaches normally shall be consistentand regular, with small or insignificant differences in successivereaches. Gradient designations <strong>of</strong> less than the nearest 0.001 foot perfoot, except under special circumstances and <strong>for</strong> larger sewers, shallbe avoided.3. Sewer depths shall be determined primarily by the requirements <strong>of</strong>pipe or conduit size, utility obstructions, required connection, futureextensions, and adequate cover.4. For sanitary, the hydraulic grade line shall not rise above the intrados<strong>of</strong> the pipe.5. When the grade <strong>of</strong> a sewer is twenty (20) percent or greater, aconcrete cradle or collars are required. For grades exceeding fifty (50)percent a special design and Project Specifications are required.6. A 0.2’ drop shall be provided from the incoming to outgoing flowline <strong>of</strong>manholes.Manholes provide access to sewers <strong>for</strong> purposes <strong>of</strong> inspection, maintenanceand repair. <strong>The</strong>y also serve as junction structures <strong>for</strong> connecting lines.<strong>Requirements</strong> <strong>of</strong> sewer maintenance determine the main characteristics <strong>of</strong>manholes.1. Manholes shall be located at changes in direction, changes <strong>of</strong> pipesize, flowline gradient, and at junction points with connecting sewers.For sewers thirty-three (33) inches in diameter and larger, manholesshall be located on special structures, at junction points with othersewers, and at changes <strong>of</strong> size or gradient.3 -6 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteria2. Spacing <strong>of</strong> manholes shall not exceed four hundred (400) feet <strong>for</strong> pipesewers thirty-six (36) inches in diameter and smaller and five hundred(500) feet <strong>for</strong> pipe sewers <strong>for</strong>ty-two (42) inches in diameter and larger,except under special approved conditions. Spacing shall beapproximately equal, whenever possible.3. At stream and channel crossings, manholes shall be located on bothsides <strong>of</strong> the crossing at changes in pipe material. <strong>The</strong> manhole shallbe located a minimum <strong>of</strong> twenty (20) feet from the top <strong>of</strong> the bank onboth sides <strong>of</strong> the crossing.4. All manholes on sanitary sewers that are built within the 100-yearflood limits, in the Stormwater overflow path, or in areas determined tobe subject to flooding shall be provided with lock-type watertightmanhole covers.5. Manholes located on 8” sanitary sewers shall be 42” diameter,minimum size. Manholes located on 10” sanitary sewers and largershall be 48” diameter, minimum size. Manholes having one (1) insidedrop shall be 48” diameter, minimum size. Manholes having two (2)inside drops shall be 60” diameter, minimum size. Terminal manholesthat could facilitate a future extension <strong>of</strong> the sanitary system shall be48” diameter manholes, minimum.3.03.11 Sewage Treatment Facilities3.04 <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong>3.04.01 General3.04.02 GradientsNew treatment plants will not be allowed.All <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Sewers</strong> shall be so designed and constructed as to con<strong>for</strong>m tothese design requirements. Hydraulic Calculations shall be submitted whenrequested by the <strong>City</strong>. Calculations must include existing and ultimateupstream development conditions.<strong>The</strong> following minimum slopes <strong>of</strong> sanitary pipe sewers are those giving atleast 3 feet per second velocities flowing full, based on Manning's <strong>for</strong>mulausing an "n" value <strong>of</strong> 0.013 unless otherwise directed by the <strong>City</strong>. Slopesgreater than these minimums shall be used wherever possible.Pipe SizeMinimum Slope in Ft.per 100 Ft. (% Grade)8 1.010 0.63 -7 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteria12 0.615 0.418 0.321 0.324 0.227 0.230 0.236 0.1Pipes larger than thirty (36) inches in diameter shall maintain a cleansingvelocity <strong>of</strong> three (3) feet per second.<strong>Sanitary</strong> Sewer laterals, which shall be a minimum size <strong>of</strong> 6”, shall have aminimum slope <strong>of</strong> 2%. (2 feet per 100 feet)3.04.03 Depth and Minimum Cover3.04.04 Flow <strong>Design</strong><strong>The</strong> minimum depth <strong>of</strong> collecting and lateral sewers should be nine (9) feetbelow the finish street grade to flowline except where the topographyindicates this depth is not necessary. Where the nine (9) feet depth is notrequired, the minimum vertical distance from the low point <strong>of</strong> a basement orlow floor to the flowline <strong>of</strong> a sanitary sewer at the corresponding houseconnection shall be not less than the diameter <strong>of</strong> the sewer plus a verticaldistance <strong>of</strong> two and one-half (2 l/2) feet. This minimum vertical distance shallbe increased, if the length <strong>of</strong> the lateral requires, obtaining a minimum slope<strong>of</strong> two (2) percent <strong>for</strong> six (6) inch house laterals. <strong>The</strong>se minimum depths willnot apply to interceptor sewers in low areas whose only function is to carry <strong>of</strong>fthe accumulated flow to existing or proposed trunk sewers.All collecting and outfall, sub-trunk and trunk line sewers in low areas in closeproximity to natural watercourses shall be constructed at depths low enoughto permit all proposed and existing connecting lateral sewers to make thechannel crossing so as to have at least two (2) feet <strong>of</strong> cover over the top <strong>of</strong>the lateral pipe. All sanitary sewers shall have a minimum <strong>of</strong> two (2) feet <strong>of</strong>cover where crossing streams or channels. All sanitary sewers shall be laiddeep enough to allow <strong>for</strong> future extension <strong>of</strong> the system to fully serve thewatershed. <strong>The</strong> <strong>for</strong>egoing depth requirements may be modified in specialcases when such modifications are feasible and will not jeopardize the designwhen considered as an integral part <strong>of</strong> an overall system. <strong>The</strong> <strong>City</strong> shallapprove all modifications.All sewer mains twenty (20) feet in depth or greater shall be C900 PVC, saidpipe extending from Manhole to Manhole. All sewer laterals connected toC900 PVC main, shall also be <strong>of</strong> C900 PVC, extending up to the building line<strong>of</strong> the property being servedAll lateral and sub-main or collecting sewers shall be designed on the basis <strong>of</strong>an average per capita use In the case <strong>of</strong> industrial flow, when the rate and3 -8 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteriavolume can be predetermined with a reasonable degree <strong>of</strong> accuracy, nodilutions or diminishing factor shall be applied against this flow in the outfall,sub-trunk or trunk sewers.3.04.05 <strong>Sanitary</strong> Flow TableFlow (Gallons perday per capita)Persons perunitSingle Family Homes 100 3.7Apartment or Condominium(1 Bedroom) 100 2.0(2 Bedroom) 100 3.0(3 Bedroom) 100 3.7<strong>The</strong> Population Equivalent (PE) shall be equal to 100 gallons per day perperson. When flows are calculated from commercial or non-residentialdevelopments, the PE shall be calculated, along with the basis <strong>for</strong> same.Calculations shall be provided to the Engineering Department <strong>for</strong> review <strong>for</strong>all other types <strong>of</strong> establishments and uses. Flow quantities must bereferenced from an acceptable industry standard or studies. All sewers, liftstations and <strong>for</strong>ce mains shall be designed <strong>for</strong> the peak flow rate using thepeaking factor as calculated from the following <strong>for</strong>mula:Peaking Factor = 18 +PEPE4 +1000 10003.04.06 InfiltrationAn additional amount <strong>of</strong> flow due to infiltration shall be evaluated. All sanitarysewers shall be limited to a maximum <strong>of</strong> 200 gallons per inch <strong>of</strong> diameter perday per mile <strong>of</strong> line, as required by MDNR Specifications, when tested byactual infiltration conditions. In addition, there shall be no visible leaks. Allmanholes on sanitary sewers that are built within the 100 year flood limits orin other areas determined to be subject to flooding shall be provided with locktype watertight manhole covers.3.04.07 Special Situations and <strong>Design</strong> <strong>Requirements</strong>1. Connections to Manholesa. Foulwater drops are required only <strong>for</strong> sewers containingsanitary flow and then only when it is necessary that sanitaryflow enter a manhole at a height <strong>of</strong> two (2) feet or greaterabove its flowline. If an inside drop is to be used, a <strong>for</strong>ty-eight(48) inch diameter manhole is required. If two inside drops areto be used, a sixty (60) inch diameter manhole is required.Sewer-lines shall not enter the manhole in the transitionconical section, or through a joint. <strong>The</strong> slope on incomingpipes should be limited to a maximum one percent <strong>for</strong> inside3 -9 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteriadrops. Manhole inverts should be shaped to assure properflow through drop structures. All drop sewer lines are to beductile iron <strong>for</strong> the first 20 feet upstream from the manhole.b. If it is necessary to enter a manhole with a <strong>for</strong>ce main thisshould be done within twelve (12) inches <strong>of</strong> the flowline <strong>of</strong> themanhole, and the manhole invert should be shaped to insureproper flow through the structure.Consideration shall be given to the detention time <strong>of</strong> thesewage in the <strong>for</strong>ce main, and the potential detrimental effects<strong>of</strong> the release <strong>of</strong> hydrogen sulfide from the <strong>for</strong>ce main on theconcrete structure <strong>of</strong> the manhole. <strong>The</strong> receiving manhole andthe next 2 downstream concrete manholes, at a minimummust be protected by the application <strong>of</strong> an epoxy coating.c. <strong>The</strong> number <strong>of</strong> lines coming into one manhole should be keptto a minimum. A special detail may be required to assure theproper constructability and maintenance <strong>of</strong> the structure.d. Pipes entering and exiting manholes at the flowline shouldproject through the center <strong>of</strong> the structure and the manholeinvert should be shaped to assure proper flow through thestructure.e. Private house lateral connections should be made to the mainsewer, not to the manholes.f. All connections to sanitary manholes are subject to <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong>Wentzville review and approval and will be made at the <strong>City</strong>’sdiscretion.g. Connections to existing structures may require rehabilitation orreconstruction <strong>of</strong> the structure being utilized. This work will beconsidered part <strong>of</strong> the project being proposed.2. Adjusting Manholes to GradeWhen a project requires a manhole to be adjusted to grade, amaximum <strong>of</strong> twelve (12) inches <strong>of</strong> rise is allowed if not previouslyadjusted. Adjustments greater than twelve (12) inches, or lowering,will generally require rebuilding all or part <strong>of</strong> the manhole.3. Swimming PoolsSwimming pool backwash connections to the sanitary sewer must notexceed fifty gallons per minute (50 gpm).3 -10 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteria4. Channel CrossingsIf a sanitary sewer must cross under a channel with less than two (2)feet <strong>of</strong> cover, ductile iron pipe with restrained joints must be usedunless otherwise directed by the <strong>City</strong>. A manhole shall be providedon both sides <strong>of</strong> the crossing at changes <strong>of</strong> pipe materials at aminimum distance <strong>of</strong> twenty (20) feet from top <strong>of</strong> bank <strong>of</strong> both sides <strong>of</strong>the crossing.5. Private Force Main ConnectionsWhen site topography does not allow <strong>for</strong> gravity lateral service to thesanitary sewer, a private <strong>for</strong>ce main connection may be made. <strong>The</strong><strong>City</strong> requires that a grinder pump or sewage ejector be used in thesecases. As indicated above, in Section 3.04.07 1.b., the connectionshall be made into a manhole, in accordance with the requirementsset <strong>for</strong>th therein.6. Storm <strong>Sewers</strong> Crossing Over <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Sewers</strong>When a storm pipe crosses over a sanitary sewer and the verticalclearance is less than two (2) feet, the sanitary sewer must beencased in concrete through the crossing and <strong>for</strong> ten (10) lineal feeteach side <strong>of</strong> the crossing.7. Location in Conjunction with Water Service<strong>Sanitary</strong> sewers shall be at least ten (10) feet horizontally from anyexisting or proposed water main. On crossings, a minimum verticalclearance <strong>of</strong> eighteen (18) inches shall be provided between theoutside <strong>of</strong> the water main and outside <strong>of</strong> the sanitary sewer. If theseminimum clearances cannot be met, then the requirements set <strong>for</strong>th inthe Standard Specifications shall be followed.8. Abandonment <strong>of</strong> <strong>Sanitary</strong> Sewer Services<strong>Sanitary</strong> sewer laterals, from buildings to be demolished, shall beplugged with concrete <strong>for</strong> their entire length, or removed. Portions <strong>of</strong> alateral may be left in service if those portions <strong>of</strong> the lateral are to becontinued in service to replacement buildings, and existing buildingswhich remain on the lateral. All laterals permanently abandoned shallbe cut <strong>of</strong>f and capped at the sewer main as directed by the <strong>City</strong>.Sewer mains that are to be abandoned shall either be plugged withconcrete <strong>for</strong> their entire length or removed. Manholes that are to beabandoned shall be plugged with either concrete or the bottomsbroken out, with the inlet and outlet piping being plugged. <strong>The</strong> topsection <strong>of</strong> the manhole, consisting <strong>of</strong> the cone section lid and coverare to be removed, and the void filled with 1” clean stone.3 -11 Approved 6/10/09

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> WentzvilleEngineering <strong>Design</strong> Criteria9. Oil/Gas Separators and Sand Filters3.05 <strong>Sanitary</strong> Detention <strong>Requirements</strong>If required by the <strong>City</strong>, grease, oil and sand interceptors or traps shallbe provided when such devices are necessary <strong>for</strong> the proper handling<strong>of</strong> liquid wastes containing grease or oil in excessive amounts or anyflammable wastes, sand, or other harmful materials which can betrapped. Such interceptors or traps shall not be required <strong>for</strong> privatedwelling units. Prior to the installation <strong>of</strong> any interceptor or trap,drawings and specifications shall be submitted to the <strong>City</strong> <strong>for</strong>approval. All interceptors and traps shall be located so as to be readilyaccessible <strong>for</strong> cleaning and inspection.Grease and oil interceptors or traps shall be constructed <strong>of</strong> imperviousmaterials capable <strong>of</strong> withstanding sudden and extreme changes intemperature. All such devices shall be <strong>of</strong> substantial construction,water-tight, and equipped with easily removable covers which, whenbolted in place, shall be gas tight and watertight, unless otherwiseapproved by the <strong>City</strong>.All grease, oil and sand interceptors or traps shall be maintained ineffective operation at all times by and at the expense <strong>of</strong> the user.3.05.01 Surcharged <strong>Sanitary</strong> <strong>Sewers</strong>When it has been determined that the outfall sewer or the downstreamsystem serving a proposed development is overcharged, the <strong>City</strong> may requirethe developer to provide special facilities that the <strong>City</strong> deems necessary. Asan example, the downstream system may need to be upgraded in order toprovide additional capacity, by the replacement <strong>of</strong> an inadequately sized pipe,by a pipe sized <strong>for</strong> the additional flows, or the construction <strong>of</strong> a pipe, locatedparallel to the pipe that is undersized.In the design <strong>of</strong> such facilities, consideration should be given <strong>for</strong> theprotection <strong>of</strong> structures and equipment against corrosive and/or explosivegasses that may result from the detention <strong>of</strong> sewage.3 -12 Approved 6/10/09

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