Soil Taxonomy

Soil Taxonomy

Soil Taxonomy


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Using <strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Taxonomy</strong>to Identify PotentialHydric <strong>Soil</strong>s

<strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Taxonomy</strong>A basic system of soil classification formaking and interpreting soil surveysObjective:To develop a hierarchical classification thatreflects the relationships between differentsoils, and between soils and the factorsresponsible for their character.

<strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Taxonomy</strong><strong>Soil</strong>s are classified on the basis of:• <strong>Soil</strong> properties observed in the field (e.g.,soil horizons, texture, color, pH) and• <strong>Soil</strong> properties inferred from the combineddata of soil science and other disciplines(e.g., soil temperature and moisture regimesinferred from soil science andmeteorology).

<strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Taxonomy</strong>Order12 OrdersEntisolSub OrderFirst sign of wetnessGreat GroupSub GroupFamilyFluventUsticMollicFine-loamy, mixed, frigidSeriesKorchea

Fine-loamy, mixed(calcareous), frigid,Mollic Ustifluvent(Korchea series,western ND)

<strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Taxonomy</strong>Nature ofNumber DifferentiatingCategory of Taxa CharacteristicsOrder 12 <strong>Soil</strong>-forming processesas indicated by presenceor absence of majordiagnostic horizons

<strong>Soil</strong> Orders• Alfisols• Andisols•Aridisols• Entisols•Gelisols• Histosols• Inceptisols• Mollisols•Oxisols• Spodosols• Ultisols• Vertisols

Dominant <strong>Soil</strong> OrdersAlfisolsAndisolsAridisolsEntisolsGelisolsGel/Inc (AK)HistosolsInceptisolsMollisolsOxisolsSpodosolsUltisolsVertisols

Taxonomic Names<strong>Soil</strong> OrderAlfisolAndisolAridisolEntisolGelisolHistosolInceptisolMollisolOxisolSpodosolUltisolVertisolName Ends in:-alf-and-id-ent-el-ist-ept-oll-ox-od-ult-ert

Entisol Suborders• Aquents(L. Aqua, Water)Wet Entisols•Fluvents(L. Fluvius, River)Floodplain <strong>Soil</strong>s• Orthents(Gr. Orthos, True)The Typical Ones• Psamments(Gr. Psammos, Sand)Sandy <strong>Soil</strong>s

Examples of Entisol Great Groups• SuborderAquents(Wet Entisols)• Great GroupsCryaquents - coldFluvaquents - floodplainHydraquents - waterPsammaquents - sandEpiaquents - perched

Examples of Entisol Great Groups• SuborderFluvents(Floodplainsoils)• Great GroupsTorrifluvents - torrid(hot and dry)Tropofluvents - tropical(warm and humid)Udifluvents - humid(not dry in most years)Ustifluvents - semi-arid(between Udic-Aridic)Xerofluvents - semi-arid(Mediterranean climate)

Examples of Entisol Great Groups• SuborderPsamments(Sandy <strong>Soil</strong>s)• Great GroupsCryopsammentsQuartzipsamments -QuartzTorripsammentsUdipsammentsUstipsammentsXeropsamments

Interpreting Taxonomic NamesSubgroup - Great Group, Suborder, Order4 3 2 1Vertic Udifluvent• 4 - Vertic subgroup - invert, shrink-swell, high clay• 3 - Udi(c) great group - humid climate• 2 - Fluv(ic) suborder - floodplain• 1 - Ent(isol) order - little soil development

Aquic <strong>Soil</strong> Moisture Regimes• Typic subgroup of anaquic suborder:• Typic ____aqu____–wettest• Aeric subgroup of anaquic suborder:• Aeric ____aqu____– better aerated• Aquic subgroup:• Aquic ___________–driest From Mausbach 1992

Examples of Subgroups4 3 2 1Typic Fluvaquents4 1 2Typical Entisols with aquic moisture regimes3that occur on floodplains.1. Order 3. Great Group2. Suborder 4. Subgroup

Examples of Subgroups4 3 2 1Mollic Fluvaquents1 2Entisols with aquic moisture regimes that3occur on floodplains and have thick,4dark surface layers.1. Order 3. Great Group2. Suborder 4. Subgroup

Examples of Subgroups4 3 2 1Aeric Fluvaquents1 3 2Entisols on floodplains with aquic moistureregimes that are not so wet. They are better4aerated in the “upper” part of the soil profile.1. Order 3. Great Group2. Suborder 4. Subgroup

<strong>Soil</strong> <strong>Taxonomy</strong>Nature ofNumber DifferentiatingCategory of Taxa CharacteristicsSeries 15,000+ May have virtually the full range ofproperties that is permitted in afamily, but in one or more propertiesthe range is restricted, such as:- Kind and arrangement of horizons- Color-Texture- Structure

Typic Medisaprists


Terric Haplosaprists


Lithic Cryofolists


Aquic Paleudalfs


Aquic Glossudalfs


Typic Aquisalids

Typic Aquisalids



Typic Humaquepts


Typic Argiaquolls


Argiaquic Argialbolls


Aeric Calciaquolls


Aeric Alaquods

Aeric Alaquods

Typic Umbraqults

Typic Umbraqults

Chromic Epiaquerts


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