Imposition Solutions - HP

Imposition Solutions - HP

Imposition Solutions - HP


Create successful ePaper yourself

Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software.

Ultimateimposition solutions

About usThe <strong>Imposition</strong> leader• 1989: Developed world’s first PostScript imposition software on PC• 1990:The first Mac imposition product• 1994: Founding CIP3 committee member• 1994: The first client-server imposition workflow• 1995: Ultimate release the first digital On-Demand imposition software• 2003: The first PC and Mac OS X client-server imposition software• 2004: Ultimate became a Partner and Solution Provider for

Ultimate – decision tree• For customers who need a professional prepress and full featured clientserverimposition solution with Hot Folder automation.• Impostrip +<strong>HP</strong> Edition is optimized for <strong>HP</strong> Indigo presses – output *.impfiles for Press and Rip optimization with PPDs for all <strong>HP</strong>-Indigo presses.• <strong>HP</strong> customers can now create new templates and save them as <strong>HP</strong>*.impfiles to be used in production or use Impostrip for a full featured PS andPDF WORKFLOW.• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo customers purchasing the Impostrip <strong>HP</strong>+ Edition get a reducedprice offer - see graph next page:• Contact information for North America 1-800-363-3590 ext 278or info@imposition.com• Contact information for Europe and Asia: +514-938-9050 orinfo@imposition.com ; also see Ultimate Certified Dealer list.

Ultimate – decision treeProduction Workflow advantages:1. Unique client-server architecture2. Advanced Hot Folder automation3. Dynamic templates for advanced automation:-Re-use same template with different Page size: ex: use template created forletter size with A4 size, pages are automatically re-adjusted on the sheet.-Re-use same template with different Paper Size Signature: ex: use 4-uptemplate with 11 X 17 and same one for A3, or any 4 up size paper,Impostrip respect the layout of the original paper size, with gutters,centering and marks.-Re-use same template for different bindingAdvantages: reduce the number of templates and human errors4. <strong>HP</strong> customers can now create new templates and save them as <strong>HP</strong>*.impfiles to use with Product Flow and Yours Truly.5. Open workflow: imposes over150 PostScript applications, PDF andoptimize PDF, Tiff and EPS.

Ultimate – decision tree<strong>Imposition</strong> advantages for PDF and PS1. Easy template creation with Origami2. Supports all bindery and finishing options including Repeatingbooklets, saddle-stitch, perfect bond, wire-o/spiral, calendar,right-side binding and all binding3. Tools for Bleed control and double spread4. Automatic page adjustments5. Automatic creep base on paper thickness and binderyrequirements.6. Mark adjustment: crop marks are not fix on templates7. Custom marks and color bar for PS and PDF8. Using auto-centering with Media box, Trim box and crop box withPDF files

Supported output devicesImpostrip +<strong>HP</strong> has PPD drivers from all<strong>HP</strong>-Indigo presses already built-in:<strong>HP</strong> Indigo press 1050<strong>HP</strong> Indigo press 3050<strong>HP</strong> Indigo press 5000<strong>HP</strong> Indigo press s2000<strong>HP</strong> Indigo press w3200<strong>HP</strong> Indigo press ws2000<strong>HP</strong> Indigo press ws4050and proof to Laser printers• Output size is limited to the largest Indigopress.• Other output file formats: JDF andPJTF to interface with other workflowsystems (Agfa Apogee, Creo Prinergy…)

Impostrip is a workflowFocus on efficency with ClientServer impositionImpostrip Client• Unlimited Client front-ends orSolo with one client.• <strong>Imposition</strong> is done onworkstations without the pagesImpostrip free form GangingWorkstation• Free Form and interactive Ganging of differentsize PDF and PS files – great for labels• Full Plate ganging is bundled FREE with Impostripunlimited client versionImpostrip Server• EPS, Tiff, PS & PDF filesremain on the RIP/Serverallowing for FAST printingPrint Signatures• Impose PostScriptfrom over 150applications and createimposition Signaturesin PS or PDF and printto your <strong>HP</strong>-Indigopress

Hot folder workflowCompletely automated with DynamictemplatesImpostripClient Hot FolderWorkflowDrop PS and PDF filesinto Hot folders for anautomated impositionworkflow-Impostrip ServerImpostrip canautomatically imposefiles dropped into a Hotfolder associated to adynamic 2-up, or 4-upor step & repeattemplate. Impostripserver will create asmany impositiontemplates as needed tocomplete the job.Print JobsFinal Jobs arepreviewed at theclient station forlast minutechanges or sentautomatically tooutput.

Press supportImpostrip +<strong>HP</strong> handles files andautomates production for all IndigoCommercial digital presses:• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo 5000• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo 3050• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo W3200• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo 1000

Press supportImpostrip will optimize your workflow toany <strong>HP</strong> Industrial Digital presses• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo WS 4050• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo WS 2000• <strong>HP</strong> Indigo S 2000

How Impostrip worksJob SetUp - How many pages, bindery options…Signature List - Plate and paper size, use existing signatures, or create new onesDocument List - Select PS & PDF files for impositionIndexing - Prepare files for impositionPrinting and print options - Select output device, print to a folder…Impostrip provides a Job Control Bar for a SIMPLE step by stepapproach to imposing jobs. Open as many jobs as you wish andnavigate easily from one task to an other.

How Impostrip worksJob SetupSimply enter• Number of pages• Binding•Trim size• Add comments to the Signatures forreferences

How Impostrip worksJob Setup –Options and Tools• Page adjustments per pageor job• Auto Filter: detects fpr youthe type of in-coming files• Bleed control tool• Auto-calculation of Creep• CIP3-PPF Workflow withink,cutting and folding data• Anamorphic scaling tocompensate for paperstretching or for a better fit

How Impostrip worksTemplate Setup• Press Paper size• Plate size fortraditional printing with CtP• Press type (sheet or Web)• Final Trim Size

How Impostrip worksOrigami• Easy and quick Templatecreation: fold a sheet of paper onscreen and get the numbering,orientation, cutting and foldingmarks in place automatically.• Save templates for re-usewith other jobs• Creates templates for all yourprinting needs

How Impostrip worksDocument List• Select PS and PDF filesfrom the Document List• PS and PDF files can bemixed on the same signature• Merge pages with templatescan be done as files are addedor as batch all at once whileworking on other impositions.• Simple to make any lastminute changes, insert blanksor add new pages

How Impostrip worksImpostrip PDF Signature Preview lets you make adjustmentsinteractively in Real-Time

How Impostrip worksSmarter Marks: Choose a mark or a color bar from the library,edit it or add your own custom marks.

How Impostrip worksImpostrip allows you to mix different size templates into the sameimposition signature or the same job

How Impostrip worksImpostrip +<strong>HP</strong> Edition is optimized for all <strong>HP</strong> Indigo digital presses.Select your job, choose your press and print!

How Impostrip worksNo need to move files on the network. Impostrip assemblesthem directly on your Server.Impostrip Server assembles your projects automatically asyou drop pages in your Hot Folders. It ensures FAST printingto AppleTalk and IP devices as well as to Files.

PortfolioImpostrip +<strong>HP</strong> Edition comes in 2 flavors:• Impostrip with unlimited number of clients offers all thepower and flexibility you need to impose any type of projectand to access your jobs remotely. Includes CIP4 for postpress,option to save new templates as * imp - and ImpostripFree-form Ganging. Out put exclusively to <strong>HP</strong>-Indigo presses• Impostrip Solo client server comes with one client or as asimple DTP configuration. Offers all imposition featuresincluding option to output * imp templates and outputexclusively to <strong>HP</strong>- Indigo.

Why we’re better1. SPEED - Impostrip provides enormous speed advantages over othersolutions because of client-server imposition workflow. Also available as DTP solution.2. FLEXIBILITY - Impostrip imposes any Tiff, EPS, PS (separated or composite) and PDFfiles, from Mac, PC and UNIX, including the latest Acrobat, Quark, InDesign, OPUS, etc.3. COMPATIBILITY- Impostrip runs on the latest Mac OS X , Win 2000 and 2003& XP Pro.4. AUTOMATION - Impostrip supports automated hot folder workflow5. DYNAMIC: Impostrip templates are dynamic – set one template for all size jobs6. SIMPLICITY - Impostrip is the most simple and intuitive imposition application. Weprovide FREE QuickStart training videos and optional on-site or WEBEX training7. Post Sales SUPPORT - Ultimate has a dedicated support team working to answer allyour questions and help you getting the most out of your investment.

PortfolioOther Impostrip products:• Impostrip On-Demand Digital is a simple entry-level imposition.Hot Folder automation included.• NEW: Impostrip Repurposing to automate re-prints of offset jobson Indigo presses without re-doing any imposition. Completelyautomated with hot folder. Also used to generate a proof of an offsetjob on an Indigo.•NEW: Impostrip Book Stacker automates variable lengths bookprinting, excellent for On-Line or FTP submitted book for publishing.Technical Support and Services:• Ultimate and its dealer channel offers installation, training andsupport. Ultimate software come with 3 months of free support to allregistered users.

PromotionsCall today for more details on Impostrip +<strong>HP</strong>:North America 800-363-3590 ext 278.- Europe: call a certified Ultimate Dealer.

Demo downloadYou can see a demo of Impostrip at an <strong>HP</strong> Demo center near you.Call Ultimate Head Office today to speak to a representative:1-800-363-3590 or +1-514-938-9050Visit our website to learn more about our products and our company.FREE Demo Download available on the Web at:www.imposition.comInfo@imposition.comYou would like to get a webEx demonstration?Call: 800-363-3590 ext 278 or sales@imposition.comFor technical questions:techsupport@imposition.com

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