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On generalized Ricci-recurrent trans-Sasakian manifolds 955for all X, Y ∈ T M.An almost contact metric structure (ϕ, ξ, η, g) in M is called a trans-Sasakian structure ([13]) if (M × R, J, G) belongs to the class W 4 ([6]),where J is the almost complex structure on M × R defined byJ(X, λd/dt) = (ϕX − λξ, η(X)d/dt)for all vector fields X on M and smooth functions λ on M × R and G isthe product metric on M × R. This may be expressed by the condition([2])(5) (∇ X ϕ)Y = α(g(X, Y )ξ − η(Y )X) + β(g(ϕX, Y )ξ − η(Y )ϕX)for some smooth functions α and β on M, and we say that the trans-Sasakian structure is of type (α, β).Let (x, y, z) be Cartesian coordinates in R 3 , then (ϕ, ξ, η, g) given byξ = ∂/∂z, η = dz − ydx,⎛ϕ = ⎝ 0 −1 0⎞ ⎛1 0 0 ⎠ , g = ⎝ ez + y 2 ⎞0 −y0 e z 0 ⎠0 −y 0−y 0 1is a trans-Sasakian structure of type (−1/ (2e z ) , 1/2) in R 3 ([2]). In fact,in a 3-dimensional K-contact manifold with structure tensors (ϕ, ξ, η, g),for a non-constant function f, defining g ′ = fg+(1 − f) η⊗η; (ϕ, ξ, η, g ′ )is a trans-Sasakian structure of type (1/f, (1/2) ξ (ln f)) ([9]).3. Generalized Ricci-recurrent trans-Sasakian manifoldsLet M be a (2n + 1)-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold. From (5)it is easy to see that(6) ∇ X ξ = −αϕX + β(X − η(X)ξ),(7) (∇ X η) Y = −αg (ϕX, Y ) + βg (ϕX, ϕY ) .In view of (5), (6) and (7), we are able to state the following Lemma.Lemma 3.1. ([4]) In a (2n + 1)-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold,we have(8)R (X, Y ) ξ = ( α 2 − β 2) (η(Y )X − η(X)Y )+ 2αβ (η(Y )ϕX − η(X)ϕY ) − (Xα) ϕY+ (Y α) ϕX − (Xβ) ϕ 2 Y + (Y β) ϕ 2 X,

956 Jeong-Sik Kim, Rajendra Prasad, and Mukut Mani Tripathi(9) S (X, ξ) = 2n ( α 2 − β 2) η (X)−(2n − 1) Xβ −η (X) (ξβ)−(ϕX) α,(10) Qξ = 2n ( α 2 − β 2) ξ − (2n − 1) gradβ − (ξβ) ξ + ϕ (gradα) ,where R and S are curvature and Ricci curvature tensors, while Q is theRicci operator given by S (X, Y ) = g (QX, Y ). In particular, we have(11) S (ξ, ξ) = 2n ( α 2 − β 2 − ξβ ) .Now, we prove the followingTheorem 3.2. Let M be a (2n + 1)-dimensional generalized Riccirecurrenttrans-Sasakian manifold. Then, the 1-forms A and B are relatedbyB (X) = 2n { X ( α 2 − β 2 − ξβ ) − ( α 2 − β 2 − ξβ ) A (X) }(12)In particular, we get−2(2n − 1)(αϕX + βϕ 2 X)β − 2(αϕ 2 X − βϕX)α.(13) B (ξ) = 2n ( ξ ( α 2 − β 2 − ξβ ) − ( α 2 − β 2 − ξβ ) A (ξ) ) .Proof. Using (1) in(14) (∇ X S) (Y, Z) = XS (Y, Z) − S (∇ X Y, Z) − S (Y, ∇ X Z) ,we get(15)A (X) S (Y, Z)+B (X) g(Y, Z)=XS (Y, Z)−S (∇ X Y, Z)−S (Y,∇ X Z) .Putting Y = Z = ξ, in the above equation we obtainS (ξ, ξ) A (X) + B (X) = XS (ξ, ξ) − 2S (∇ X ξ, ξ) ,which in view of (11), (4) and (6) yields (12).obvious from (12).The equation (13) isLet A ∗ and B ∗ be the associated vector fields of A and B, that is,g (X, A ∗ ) = A (X) and g (X, B ∗ ) = B (X).Corollary 3.3. In a (2n+1)-dimensional generalized Ricci-recurrentα-Sasakian (resp. Sasakian) manifold, we have(16) B = −2nα 2 A (resp. B = −2nA).Thus, the associated vector fields A ∗ and B ∗ are in opposite directions.

On generalized Ricci-recurrent trans-Sasakian manifolds 959Corollary 4.2. For a (2n + 1)-dimensional generalized Ricci-recurr-ent manifold M with cyclic Ricci tensor, we have the following statements:1. If M is an α-Sasakian manifold, thenA (ξ) S (X, Y ) = 2nα 2 A (ξ) g (X, Y ) .2. If M is a Sasakian manifold, thenA (ξ) S (X, Y ) = 2nA (ξ) g (X, Y ) .3. If M is a f-Kenmotsu manifold, thenA (ξ) S (X, Y )= 2n { ξ ( f 2 + ξf ) − A (ξ) ( f 2 + ξf )} g (X, Y )+ (2n − 1) {A (X) Y f + A (Y ) Xf}− (2n − 1) (ξf) {η (Y ) A (X) + η (X) A (Y )}+ 2n { η (X) Y ( f 2 + ξf ) + η (Y ) X ( f 2 + ξf )}+ 2 (2n − 1) { η (X) ( fϕ 2 Y ) f + η (Y ) ( fϕ 2 X ) f } .4. If M is a β-Kenmotsu manifold, thenA (ξ) S (X, Y ) = −2nβ 2 A (ξ) g (X, Y ) .5. If M is a Kenmotsu manifold, thenA (ξ) S (X, Y ) = −2nA (ξ) g (X, Y ) .6. If M is a cosymplectic manifold, thenA (ξ) S (X, Y ) = 0.A Riemannian manifold is an Einstein manifold ifS(X, Y ) = ρg(X, Y ).Therefore, in view of Corollary 4.2, we are able to state the followingTheorem 4.3. Let M be generalized Ricci-recurrent manifold withcyclic Ricci tensor. If M is one of Sasakian, α-Sasakian, Kenmotsuand β-Kenmotsu manifolds with non-zero A (ξ) everywhere, then M isEinstein.

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On generalized Ricci-recurrent trans-Sasakian manifolds 961Mukut-Mani TripathiDepartment of Mathematics and Astronomy,Lucknow University,Lucknow 226 007, IndiaE-mail: mm tripathi@hotmail.com

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