This brochure is for all prospective students who have never ... - Unisa

This brochure is for all prospective students who have never ... - Unisa

This brochure is for all prospective students who have never ... - Unisa


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<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>brochure</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>all</strong> <strong>prospective</strong> <strong>students</strong> <strong>who</strong> <strong>have</strong> <strong>never</strong> studied through Un<strong>is</strong>a and <strong>who</strong><br />

w<strong>is</strong>h to enrol <strong>for</strong> a <strong>for</strong>mal qualification in 2012. It will ass<strong>is</strong>t you in making an in<strong>for</strong>med dec<strong>is</strong>ion<br />

regarding your choice of career and qualification. Use the in<strong>for</strong>mation and questionnaires in th<strong>is</strong><br />

<strong>brochure</strong> to properly assess whether open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning <strong>is</strong> the right choice <strong>for</strong> you.<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />


Table of contents<br />

06 – 19<br />

1 Choose Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

What <strong>is</strong> open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning (ODL) at Un<strong>is</strong>a and how does it work?<br />

Is Un<strong>is</strong>a <strong>for</strong> me?<br />

Abilities questionnaire<br />

My personal circumstances questionnaire<br />

Minimum adm<strong>is</strong>sion criteria<br />

Recognition of prior learning<br />

Previous undergraduate studies<br />

Funding your studies<br />

My walk @ Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

20 – 69<br />

2 Choose a career and qualification<br />

Step 1 – Choose a career<br />

Contact in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> Un<strong>is</strong>a counselling<br />

Step 2 – Choose a qualification<br />

Summary of qualifications<br />

Detailed l<strong>is</strong>t of qualifications<br />

Step 3 – Make sure you qualify<br />

Detailed adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements <strong>for</strong> <strong>all</strong> qualifications<br />

70 – 73<br />

3 Apply<br />

The application process in detail<br />

74 – 75<br />

4 Prepare <strong>for</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a will assess your application<br />

Use th<strong>is</strong> time to start preparing <strong>for</strong> your year of study<br />

76 – 88<br />

Appendices<br />

Examination centre codes<br />

Other codes required <strong>for</strong> the application <strong>for</strong>m<br />

2 3<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

The in<strong>for</strong>mation contained in th<strong>is</strong> <strong>brochure</strong> was accurate at the time of publication (30 June 2011).<br />

For updates, please go to the Un<strong>is</strong>a website http://www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za or to the Un<strong>is</strong>a mobi site http://mobi.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za.<br />

Contact details<br />

Website: www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za Mobi: http://mobi.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za<br />

E-mail: study-info@un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za<br />

Fax: 012 429 8116<br />

*Fax number only open during the application period.<br />

**Note the early closing date <strong>for</strong> fax applications.<br />

Application dates <strong>for</strong> the 2012 academic year<br />

Period 1: All <strong>for</strong>mal Un<strong>is</strong>a undergraduate<br />

and postgraduate qualifications (including<br />

semester 1, year courses, BTech, honours,<br />

postgraduate diplomas/certificates)<br />

Period 2: BTech, honours, postgraduate<br />

diplomas/certificates <strong>for</strong> applicants<br />

<strong>who</strong> were awaiting completion of their<br />

qualification to meet the adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

requirements<br />

Period 3: Semester 2<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Web, self-help and postal applications<br />

Fax applications<br />

Application requirements – documents and fees<br />

Remember that your application must be accompanied by the following:<br />

• Completed application <strong>for</strong>m<br />

• Certified copy of your school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate)<br />

• Certified copy of your tertiary academic record(s) (where applicable)<br />

1 August 2011 to<br />

15 September 2011<br />

1 August 2011 to<br />

2 September 2011<br />

ONLY web applications 16 January 2012 to<br />

10 February 2012<br />

Web, post or fax 26 March 2012 to<br />

26 April 2012<br />

• Certified copy of your ID document (RSA <strong>students</strong>) or passport (<strong>for</strong>eign <strong>students</strong>)<br />

• Certified copy of your marriage certificate (where applicable) or divorce decree (where applicable)<br />

• Original sworn translations of documents if they are not in Engl<strong>is</strong>h or Afrikaans<br />

• Application fee<br />

- R100,00 <strong>for</strong> web and self-help<br />

- R150,00 <strong>for</strong> post and fax

Thank you <strong>for</strong> considering Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

Dear Prospective Student<br />

I am delighted that you are considering Un<strong>is</strong>a as your university of choice <strong>for</strong> 2012. Un<strong>is</strong>a has a proud h<strong>is</strong>tory in<br />

South Africa, going as far back as 1873, and <strong>for</strong> nearly 140 years we’ve been supporting <strong>students</strong> to achieve their<br />

dreams by offering a multitude of qualifications origin<strong>all</strong>y through correspondence teaching and now through open<br />

d<strong>is</strong>tance learning.<br />

With the interests of <strong>all</strong> of our <strong>students</strong> in mind, we are constantly trans<strong>for</strong>ming, adapting our approach, making<br />

learning more accessible and improving the way we do things. We are also trying to learn more about our <strong>students</strong><br />

so that we can improve our services to meet the requirements and expectations of the student population. More<br />

recently we <strong>have</strong> been concerned about the numbers of <strong>students</strong> <strong>who</strong> gain examination adm<strong>is</strong>sion and yet fail<br />

to attend the examination. As a new student, you will be interested – like us – to know: What <strong>is</strong> the difference<br />

between <strong>students</strong> <strong>who</strong> succeed and those <strong>who</strong> don’t? What teaching approaches best support our <strong>students</strong>? What<br />

are the ch<strong>all</strong>enges that face <strong>students</strong> studying through d<strong>is</strong>tance?<br />

And the answer?<br />

Knowledge - about yourself, acknowledgement of your circumstances, the obstacles you might face and your role<br />

in learning. Knowledge <strong>is</strong> what gives us power as individuals. Power to overcome, power to succeed. Mahatma<br />

Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world” - Un<strong>is</strong>a <strong>is</strong> giving you the opportunity. I urge you to<br />

begin your Un<strong>is</strong>a journey with th<strong>is</strong> <strong>brochure</strong>. Open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning <strong>is</strong> not easy, but it <strong>is</strong> immensely rewarding. It<br />

<strong>is</strong> an achievement, both person<strong>all</strong>y and <strong>for</strong> the world to see. Good luck with your studies and I hope that you will<br />

become part of the Un<strong>is</strong>a community.<br />

Kind regards<br />

Prof MS Makhanya<br />

Principal and Vice-Chancellor<br />

University of South Africa<br />

June 2011<br />

A summary of Un<strong>is</strong>a’s application process<br />

What must I do?<br />

Choose your qualification<br />

Check the adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements<br />

Submit your application to Un<strong>is</strong>a via the web,<br />

at a Un<strong>is</strong>a self-help centre, by post or fax*<br />

*Please note the earlier closing date <strong>for</strong> fax applications<br />

Pay the application fee online, via bank deposit*<br />

or by SWIFT payment<br />

(only once you <strong>have</strong> received your Un<strong>is</strong>a reference no.)<br />

*For bank details, go to the Un<strong>is</strong>a website (www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za) or the Un<strong>is</strong>a mobi site (http://mobi.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za).<br />

The university will also send you correspondence in th<strong>is</strong> regard.<br />

If you are<br />

successful<br />

What will Un<strong>is</strong>a do?<br />

Assess your application<br />

Send you a reg<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

package via e-mail or post<br />

Remember to reg<strong>is</strong>ter<br />

via the web or in person<br />

What must I do?<br />

If you are<br />

unsuccessful<br />

Contact Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

career counsellors<br />

4 5<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

1<br />

Choose Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

In life there are many paths that are open to us, each with its own ch<strong>all</strong>enges and rewards.<br />

Choosing a career and your tertiary education institution are some of the most important life-changing dec<strong>is</strong>ions<br />

you will ever make. To make an in<strong>for</strong>med choice, you need to <strong>have</strong> the right in<strong>for</strong>mation at the right time.<br />

<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>brochure</strong> has been created to ass<strong>is</strong>t you and there are a number of important questions that we will<br />

help you answer:<br />

• Is Un<strong>is</strong>a the university where I want to study and achieve my qualification?<br />

• What <strong>is</strong> open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning (ODL) and do I <strong>have</strong> the right personal attributes<br />

to succeed at an open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning university?<br />

• What outside influences can affect my chances of success and<br />

am I able to overcome them?<br />

• What career am I best suited <strong>for</strong>?<br />

• What are my qualification options and do I fulfil the adm<strong>is</strong>sion criteria <strong>for</strong><br />

the qualification I <strong>have</strong> chosen?<br />

• What are the steps that I must follow to apply to study through Un<strong>is</strong>a?<br />

- Work through th<strong>is</strong> <strong>brochure</strong> when you <strong>have</strong> enough time, about two to<br />

three hours. Choose a quiet place where you will not be d<strong>is</strong>turbed.<br />

- Be as objective as you can.<br />

- D<strong>is</strong>cuss the results with someone <strong>who</strong>se opinion you value and <strong>who</strong><br />

will be there to support you <strong>for</strong> the duration of your studies.<br />

If you <strong>have</strong> more questions or <strong>have</strong> concerns about your career, please indicate on your application <strong>for</strong>m that<br />

you need further ass<strong>is</strong>tance. You will then be contacted by phone, e-mail or SMS by the Directorate <strong>for</strong> Counselling,<br />

Career and Academic Development.<br />

6 7<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

What <strong>is</strong> open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning (ODL)<br />

at Un<strong>is</strong>a and how does it work?<br />

It <strong>is</strong> important be<strong>for</strong>e you continue to <strong>have</strong> a good understanding of what studying at Un<strong>is</strong>a entails. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>is</strong> the bas<strong>is</strong><br />

upon which you will be answering questions, assessing your abilities and determining whether Un<strong>is</strong>a <strong>is</strong> the right<br />

university <strong>for</strong> you.<br />

What do I need to do?<br />

• Manage your time by working through your study material in a cons<strong>is</strong>tent way<br />

(eg making time <strong>for</strong> between two and three hours a day).<br />

• If you need ass<strong>is</strong>tance, request it from the appropriate person<br />

(your lecturer, tutor, student counsellor or reg<strong>is</strong>tration officer).<br />

• Ensure that you <strong>have</strong> a support network of friends and family <strong>who</strong> will ass<strong>is</strong>t when needed and<br />

not make unnecessary demands on your time.<br />

• If you are employed, negotiate with your employer about taking leave <strong>for</strong> assignments and examinations be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

you start with your studies.<br />

• Be honest and communicate your study commitments to family and friends.<br />

What <strong>is</strong> open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning?<br />

• Open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning <strong>is</strong> liter<strong>all</strong>y learning at a d<strong>is</strong>tance. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> means that there <strong>is</strong> no regular face-to-face<br />

contact with lecturers and <strong>students</strong>. You will be studying on your own and submitting assignments online<br />

or via the post.<br />

What are the advantages of open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning?<br />

• You can study at your own pace, full time or part time. It <strong>is</strong> important to remember, however, that there <strong>is</strong> a<br />

time schedule <strong>for</strong> every semester/year module, assignments must be submitted on time and exams completed<br />

in order <strong>for</strong> you to pass a module.<br />

• Achieving your qualification through Un<strong>is</strong>a shows a <strong>prospective</strong> employer that you are self-d<strong>is</strong>ciplined, motivated,<br />

hard working and dedicated.<br />

What are the ch<strong>all</strong>enges of open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning?<br />

• Open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning requires sacrifice as most of your studying will be done after hours or over weekends.<br />

• There <strong>is</strong> limited contact with fellow <strong>students</strong> and lecturers, and there <strong>is</strong> little opportunity <strong>for</strong> a “student lifestyle”.<br />

• There <strong>is</strong> a limit to the length of time you may take to complete a qualification.<br />

How much time should I <strong>all</strong>ow <strong>for</strong> studying?<br />

• On average you will require 10 hours per week over 12 weeks <strong>for</strong> each module in order to<br />

prepare <strong>for</strong> your exams.<br />

• You will need to <strong>all</strong>ow <strong>for</strong> weeks where you are possibly not able to study due to family or work commitments<br />

and work th<strong>is</strong> additional time in during the remainder of the study period.<br />

• On average, there<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>for</strong> each module you will require 2 hours per day in a 5 day study week.<br />

What does Un<strong>is</strong>a do to ass<strong>is</strong>t with my studies?<br />

• Study guides and tutorial letters are provided by the university – working through these will <strong>for</strong>m the bas<strong>is</strong> of<br />

your learning. In addition you may need to purchase prescribed books.<br />

• Support from your lecturers and tutors <strong>is</strong> available by telephone, in person or online. You may choose to attend<br />

tutorial classes, d<strong>is</strong>cussion groups, and satellite and videoconference broadcasts. You can also <strong>for</strong>m a study group<br />

with other <strong>students</strong>. Student counsellors can be reached by e-mail, telephone or in person.<br />

Some other important things to note about open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning at Un<strong>is</strong>a:<br />

- Exams <strong>have</strong> to be written at a Un<strong>is</strong>a exam centre.<br />

- While studying at Un<strong>is</strong>a may be less expensive than a contact university, it <strong>is</strong> still a<br />

significant financial investment.<br />

8 my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />


Is Un<strong>is</strong>a <strong>for</strong> me?<br />

Studying <strong>for</strong> a qualification takes a lot of d<strong>is</strong>cipline, hard work, sacrifice and determination.<br />

Open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning requires <strong>all</strong> of these qualities and more, such as the ability to self-motivate,<br />

self-start and to be self-sufficient.<br />

There are a number of factors that can affect your chances of success. Use th<strong>is</strong> questionnaire to<br />

identify your areas of concern so that you can objectively make a dec<strong>is</strong>ion about studying at Un<strong>is</strong>a.<br />

The areas that th<strong>is</strong> questionnaire assesses are:<br />

Part 1<br />

• Personal abilities and character<strong>is</strong>tics<br />

Part 2<br />

• Personal circumstances: family, friends, work, etc<br />

• Practical considerations: access to a computer, proximity to an exam centre,<br />

enough funds to sustain your studies, etc<br />

Your answers will give you a good indication of any changes you may need to make in your life<br />

to accommodate your studies, whether the timing <strong>is</strong> not appropriate or if you should consider a<br />

contact university.<br />

The first, on page 12, <strong>is</strong> what we c<strong>all</strong> your abilities profile. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> will help you to get an over<strong>all</strong> picture<br />

of your abilities. There are no right or wrong answers, so be as honest as you can.<br />

10<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012 11

Abilities statement<br />

Tick those statements that are relevant to you.<br />

1 I am goal directed, because when I set my sights on end results, I usu<strong>all</strong>y achieve them.<br />

2 I am self-motivated, because my goals are clear.<br />

3 I am a self-starter, because I know what I need to do to reach my goals.<br />

4 I do not procrastinate, because I like to get things done today rather than putting<br />

them off until tomorrow.<br />

5 I am self-d<strong>is</strong>ciplined, because I start and fin<strong>is</strong>h tasks on time.<br />

6 I can work independently, because I prefer to sort out difficulties on my own.<br />

7 I do not give up easily, because I make a plan to cope with difficulties.<br />

8 I am capable of independent study, because I can study on my own.<br />

9 I think I am ready <strong>for</strong> university-level work, because I am willing to master new and difficult ideas.<br />

10 I am an organ<strong>is</strong>ed person, because I plan my life and do things step by step.<br />

11 I use my time effectively, as I put aside sufficient time to study.<br />

12 What I learn and do not learn <strong>is</strong> my responsibility.<br />

13 I consider myself to be responsible because I find study help when I need it.<br />

14 I am confident of my ability to read academic texts.<br />

15 I am confident of my ability to write examinations.<br />

16 I consider myself to be a capable reader.<br />

17 I know how to make notes from study <strong>brochure</strong>s, textbooks and tutors (if I attend tutorial classes).<br />

18 I read a lot (fiction and non-fiction).<br />

Tick<br />

Abilities statement<br />

Tick those statements that are relevant to you.<br />

19 I consider myself to be a university-level reader, as I am willing to read difficult books.<br />

20 I know how to use a library to search <strong>for</strong> specific in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

21 I know how to use the internet to search <strong>for</strong> specific in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

22 I am able to analyse multiple-choice questions.<br />

23 I am willing to learn how to analyse multiple-choice questions.<br />

24 I know how to structure and write an academic essay.<br />

25 I am willing to learn how to structure and write an academic essay.<br />

26 I can do basic calculations.<br />

27 I can apply ideas that I learn about to real-life situations.<br />

28 I am com<strong>for</strong>table asking questions when I feel uncertain.<br />

29 I know how to prepare <strong>for</strong> examinations.<br />

30 I know how to manage my stress levels during exam times.<br />

31 I am willing to participate in programmes that prepare me <strong>for</strong> university studies.<br />

32 I <strong>have</strong> made arrangements so that my studies are my priority until I graduate.<br />

33 I am aware that I may need to purchase textbooks that may be expensive.<br />

34 I am confident about my computer skills.<br />

35 I read books, newspapers and magazines, and am com<strong>for</strong>table with gathering in<strong>for</strong>mation.<br />

12 13<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />


What now?<br />

Count your ticks. If you ticked…<br />

30-35 statements: Open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning will suit you. If you experience any problems later on with your studies,<br />

there are support services at Un<strong>is</strong>a to ass<strong>is</strong>t you.<br />

17-29 statements: Familiar<strong>is</strong>e yourself with the support services that Un<strong>is</strong>a offers as soon as you reg<strong>is</strong>ter, and<br />

make use of services such as tutors, d<strong>is</strong>cussion classes, myUn<strong>is</strong>a and counsellors.<br />

5-16 statements: You may find it difficult to succeed at Un<strong>is</strong>a. Study your answers and assess what you need to<br />

do to improve your score. If these actions are moderately easy <strong>for</strong> you to take, reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> the minimum number<br />

of modules and make use of as many of Un<strong>is</strong>a’s support services (eg tutors, d<strong>is</strong>cussion classes, myUn<strong>is</strong>a and<br />

counsellors) as possible.<br />

0-4 statements: You are not suited to open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning at th<strong>is</strong> stage in your life. Use your scores to identify<br />

the changes you need to make to grow your abilities and continue assessing your readiness.<br />

Go back to the statements that you did not tick – at th<strong>is</strong> stage they represent<br />

barriers to your academic success.<br />

Which areas can I change?<br />

Which areas do I need help with?<br />

Who can I talk to about helping me with these areas and how do I think they can help?<br />

What <strong>is</strong> my plan to improve on these areas of weakness?<br />

Why do I want to make these changes?<br />

By when do I want to <strong>have</strong> made these changes and <strong>have</strong> improved my score?<br />

Now complete the questionnaire on the next page to help you build a clear picture of your<br />

personal circumstances and how they affect your chances of success.<br />

My personal circumstances<br />

Tick those statements that apply to you.<br />

1 I am a special needs student and will require special ass<strong>is</strong>tance.<br />

2 I live in a rural or urban area with no postal service.<br />

3 There <strong>is</strong> not an exam centre close by (go to page 76 to answer th<strong>is</strong> question)<br />

4 I do not <strong>have</strong> access to the internet.<br />

5 I am a single parent with sm<strong>all</strong> children to look after.<br />

6 I work full time.<br />

7 I work during the day and at night/weekends.<br />

8 I do not <strong>have</strong> access to a cellphone.<br />

9 I do not <strong>have</strong> access to a computer.<br />

10 I <strong>have</strong> a very demanding job and often <strong>have</strong> to work overtime.<br />

11 I am battling financi<strong>all</strong>y and do not know how I will fund my studies and books.<br />

Go back to the statements that you ticked – each one of them represents a barrier to your<br />

chances of academic success. Are you able to overcome these barriers?<br />

Which areas can I change?<br />

Which areas do I need help with?<br />

Who can I talk to about helping me with these areas and how do I think they can help?<br />

What <strong>is</strong> my plan to improve on these ch<strong>all</strong>enges?<br />

Why do I want to make these changes?<br />

By when do I want to <strong>have</strong> made these changes and <strong>have</strong> improved my score?<br />

These check l<strong>is</strong>ts can help you manage your expectations. They can help you assess where you need to take action<br />

to make changes and acquire behaviours that will make you successful, both in your studies and your chosen career.<br />

14 15<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />


Additional requirements<br />

<strong>for</strong> studying at Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

• Meeting the minimum adm<strong>is</strong>sion criteria<br />

• Recognition of prior learning<br />

• Previous undergraduate studies<br />

• Funding your studies<br />

Minimum adm<strong>is</strong>sion criteria<br />

To qualify <strong>for</strong> acceptance to Un<strong>is</strong>a there are minimum adm<strong>is</strong>sion criteria that you need to meet in order <strong>for</strong><br />

your application to be considered. These are l<strong>is</strong>ted in the table below. It <strong>is</strong> important to note that there may<br />

also be further criteria that you need to meet <strong>for</strong> the specific qualification that you choose. You will find these<br />

in the qualification tables. Meeting these criteria does not mean that you will automatic<strong>all</strong>y be accepted. Many<br />

qualifications <strong>have</strong> a limited number of places <strong>for</strong> the year and each application will be considered individu<strong>all</strong>y.<br />

Bachelor’s degree<br />

To be able to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a bachelor’s degree, you must hold one of the following certificates:<br />

National Senior Certificate with entry level: degree<br />

Senior Certificate with matriculation or university adm<strong>is</strong>sion endorsement (exemption)<br />

Certificate of full or conditional exemption <strong>is</strong>sued by the Matriculation Board of<br />

Higher Education South Africa (HESA)<br />

National Certificate (vocational) at level 4 with entry level: degree<br />

If you do not <strong>have</strong> an exemption certificate, please make contact with Un<strong>is</strong>a’s Access and Matriculation<br />

Exemption Office about whether you qualify <strong>for</strong> any other types of exemption certificates<br />

(eg on the grounds of <strong>for</strong>eign qualifications or post-school qualifications)<br />

Bachelor of Technology degree<br />

To be able to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a Bachelor of Technology degree, you must hold an applicable National diploma.<br />

National diplomas<br />

To be able to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a diploma, you must hold one of the following:<br />

National Senior Certificate with entry level: diploma/degree<br />

Senior or School Leaving Certificate with or without a matriculation exemption/endorsement, but with at<br />

least five subjects on higher and/or standard grade<br />

Qualify <strong>for</strong> a certificate of full or conditional exemption <strong>is</strong>sued by the Matriculation Board of<br />

Higher Education South Africa (HESA)<br />

Standard 8 or Grade 10 certificate, be 23 years and older, and <strong>have</strong> 3 years work experience<br />

National Certificate (vocational) at level 4 with entry level: diploma<br />

Non-degree purposes (NDP)<br />

To be able to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> any module <strong>for</strong> non-degree purposes, you must:<br />

Meet the adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements <strong>for</strong> the programme level on which the module <strong>is</strong> offered<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Please refer to the qualification tables in th<strong>is</strong> <strong>brochure</strong> (see pages 34-65) <strong>for</strong> the adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements <strong>for</strong> honours degrees<br />

For more detailed adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements go to the qualification tables in th<strong>is</strong> <strong>brochure</strong> (see pages 34-65).<br />

Recognition of prior learning – <strong>for</strong>mal and in<strong>for</strong>mal<br />

When applying to Un<strong>is</strong>a, it <strong>is</strong> important to know that Un<strong>is</strong>a will recogn<strong>is</strong>e any previous learning that you may <strong>have</strong><br />

done. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> includes both <strong>for</strong>mal education at a tertiary institution and in<strong>for</strong>mal learning, such as knowledge acquired<br />

during practical work experience.<br />

Please note that each situation <strong>is</strong> unique and Un<strong>is</strong>a will evaluate <strong>all</strong> prior learning on a case-by-case bas<strong>is</strong>. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> may<br />

mean, in the instance of <strong>for</strong>mal education, that not <strong>all</strong> credits achieved at another institution may accumulate towards<br />

your Un<strong>is</strong>a qualification. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> could be <strong>for</strong> a variety of reasons: time elapsed since your previous studies, different<br />

structure of qualifications, and so on. In the case of previous in<strong>for</strong>mal learning, Un<strong>is</strong>a will assess your work experience<br />

to date and adv<strong>is</strong>e if and to what extent th<strong>is</strong> learning will be recogn<strong>is</strong>ed and may contribute towards your qualification.<br />

Previous undergraduate studies at other recogn<strong>is</strong>ed Higher Education Institution/s<br />

Your request <strong>for</strong> exemption/s will be considered on receipt of a completed DSAR04 <strong>for</strong>m and the required<br />

supporting documentation. The <strong>for</strong>m <strong>is</strong> available on the web (www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za). Ensure that the DSAR04 <strong>for</strong>m and<br />

supporting documentation accompanies your application to study.<br />

Funding your studies<br />

While Un<strong>is</strong>a <strong>is</strong> an open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning university, funding your studies <strong>is</strong> still a significant investment. The cost of<br />

your studies will depend on your choice of qualification and the number of modules that you choose to complete in<br />

each year of study.<br />

The average student will take between 4 and 6 modules per year at a cost of between R1 500 and R2 000 per<br />

module. The cost of these modules does not include prescribed books and th<strong>is</strong> could be an additional cost to factor<br />

into your fee calculations.<br />

Qualification<br />

Minimum per<br />

annum<br />

These fees reflect 2011 prices and are subject to change without prior notice.<br />

Maximum per<br />

annum<br />

1 Advanced Certificate R10 872 R12 600<br />

2 Advanced University Diploma R10 872 R12 600<br />

3 BTech R10 872 R12 600<br />

4 BA (including Bachelor of In<strong>for</strong>mation Science, Bachelor of Social<br />

Work, Bachelor of Theology, Bachelor of Musicology)<br />

R10 240 R10 500<br />

5 B COM R10 923 R11 605<br />

6 B ED R10 500<br />

7 LLB R10 500<br />

8 B SC R9 060 R10 020<br />

9 Honours R9 808 R17 856<br />

10 National Diploma R10 872 R15 400<br />

11 National Higher Certificate (Accountancy) R12 288<br />

12 National Higher Diploma (Policing) R12 600<br />

13 Postgraduate Certificate R10 872 R12 600<br />

14 Postgraduate Diploma R10 872 R12 600<br />

16 17<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

My walk @ Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

Now that you’ve assessed your readiness and suitability <strong>for</strong> studying at Un<strong>is</strong>a, we’ll take you through your walk at<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>is</strong> a journey that each student needs to follow to ensure that they maxim<strong>is</strong>e their chances of success,<br />

comply with <strong>all</strong> the admin<strong>is</strong>trative requirements and achieve the most benefit from their study time at Un<strong>is</strong>a.<br />

There are four stages to th<strong>is</strong> journey:<br />

• Choose & apply<br />

• Reg<strong>is</strong>ter<br />

• Teach & learn<br />

• Graduate & lifelong learning<br />

1 Choose & apply (you are here)<br />

During th<strong>is</strong> stage it <strong>is</strong> important <strong>for</strong> you to choose a career path, decide on the qualification you will apply <strong>for</strong> and<br />

make your application to Un<strong>is</strong>a. We’ve included an exerc<strong>is</strong>e that will ass<strong>is</strong>t you in making th<strong>is</strong> choice. Even if you’ve<br />

decided on a chosen career path, we suggest that you still complete the exerc<strong>is</strong>e to confirm your dec<strong>is</strong>ion.<br />

NB: If your application has been accepted by Un<strong>is</strong>a, you must still reg<strong>is</strong>ter with Un<strong>is</strong>a to commence<br />

your year of study.<br />

2 Reg<strong>is</strong>ter<br />

Once you <strong>have</strong> applied to Un<strong>is</strong>a and Un<strong>is</strong>a has approved your application, the university will send you the<br />

documents that you need to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> the modules you w<strong>is</strong>h to complete during your first semester. Reg<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

can be done either via the web, post or at a self-help terminal at one of the regional offices or campuses.<br />

NB: <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> phase must be completed otherw<strong>is</strong>e you will not be eligible to write exams or receive any credits <strong>for</strong> work<br />

done in the year.<br />

3 Teach & learn<br />

After reg<strong>is</strong>tration you will receive a study pack from Un<strong>is</strong>a. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> will include your study material as well as a<br />

<strong>brochure</strong> c<strong>all</strong>ed my Studies @ Un<strong>is</strong>a. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>is</strong> where your studies begin. The my Studies @ Un<strong>is</strong>a <strong>brochure</strong> includes<br />

orientation in<strong>for</strong>mation and study advice that will aid your success at Un<strong>is</strong>a. You will also find out how to access<br />

your study material online.<br />

4 Graduate & lifelong learning<br />

You will progress to my Link @ Un<strong>is</strong>a once you <strong>have</strong> graduated and will join the group of Un<strong>is</strong>a alumni. During th<strong>is</strong><br />

phase you can choose to remain in contact with the university and other alumni.<br />

In keeping with Un<strong>is</strong>a’s philosophy of lifelong learning and giving back, we encourage our alumni to remain in<br />

contact with the university not only <strong>for</strong> the networking and academic opportunities that present themselves, but<br />

also to participate in the education of new <strong>students</strong> in a mentorship role.<br />

Let’s begin the journey with Step 1 – Choose & apply<br />

Choose & apply<br />

Applying to Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

does not mean that<br />

you are reg<strong>is</strong>tered <strong>for</strong><br />

the year of study.<br />


Reg<strong>is</strong>ter<br />

You must reg<strong>is</strong>ter once Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

has in<strong>for</strong>med you that your<br />

application was successful and<br />

you <strong>have</strong> received your Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

student number.<br />


18 19<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

1<br />


GRADUATE &<br />

4<br />

2<br />

my Walk<br />

@ Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

3<br />


2<br />

Choose a career<br />

and qualification<br />

Step 1 – Choose a career<br />

Use the eight exerc<strong>is</strong>es to help you find your areas of interest Page 22<br />

Step 2 – Choose a qualification<br />

Use the detailed course offerings to choose a qualification Page 30<br />

Step 3 – Make sure you qualify<br />

Check the detailed tables to make sure that you meet <strong>all</strong> the adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements Page 66<br />

20 21<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Step 1 – Choose a career<br />

<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>is</strong> one of the most important dec<strong>is</strong>ions that you will take in your life – the choice of a career path. Use th<strong>is</strong><br />

exerc<strong>is</strong>e to help you think about your career and the qualification best suited to you. Even if you <strong>have</strong> a good idea of<br />

what you want to study we suggest that you still complete the exerc<strong>is</strong>e to confirm that dec<strong>is</strong>ion.<br />

So where do I begin?<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e you can decide what to study at Un<strong>is</strong>a, you need to work out where you are now, where you want to<br />

be and what you need to do to get there. The in<strong>for</strong>mation and activities on the next pages will help you get started<br />

with the process of thinking about your career and the choices that you need to make be<strong>for</strong>e you apply to study<br />

through Un<strong>is</strong>a.<br />

Making a choice<br />

A successful career starts coming together when you combine things that you are good at with things that you love<br />

and are passionate about.<br />

You need to think about where you are going (your career v<strong>is</strong>ion) and also how you will get there (your career<br />

goals). You will need to gather in<strong>for</strong>mation and think about your interests, values, skills, career influences, study<br />

options, the labour market and the support you are likely to get from others.<br />

We’d like to suggest that you start some sort of system to keep track of your career development. You could<br />

possibly use a notebook, file or a computer to store the in<strong>for</strong>mation you will gather about your career dec<strong>is</strong>ions and<br />

to make notes of what you did, how you felt, what you <strong>have</strong> learnt and what you still need to do. You can use the<br />

activities in th<strong>is</strong> book to start th<strong>is</strong> and update it as you continue on your career journey.<br />

The following eight activities will help you to think about yourself and your unique character<strong>is</strong>tics, and how th<strong>is</strong><br />

<strong>is</strong> related to your choice of qualification at Un<strong>is</strong>a. Spend some time working through each of these activities and<br />

perhaps even ask a friend or family member to work through them with you. Don’t worry if you are not able to<br />

identify a career at the end of each activity – you might only be able to make th<strong>is</strong> connection after completing <strong>all</strong><br />

the activities. If you’re still struggling to make a logical connection between <strong>all</strong> your answers and a career, you can<br />

contact the Directorate <strong>for</strong> Counselling, Career and Academic Development <strong>for</strong> ass<strong>is</strong>tance.<br />

The labour market<br />

My support system<br />

My interests<br />

(what I like)<br />

My career influences<br />

7<br />

8<br />

6<br />

1<br />

Activities<br />

5<br />

My career v<strong>is</strong>ion<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

My life goals<br />

My skills<br />

(what I’m good at)<br />

My values<br />

(what <strong>is</strong> important to me)<br />

To read more about specific careers, you can v<strong>is</strong>it the following websites:<br />

- Un<strong>is</strong>a Counselling, Career & Academic Development (http://www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za/counselling)<br />

- Pace Careers Centre (http://www.pacecareers.com/careercentre)<br />

- Umsobomvu Youth Fund (http://www.youthportal.org.za)<br />

- Career Planet (http://www.careerplanet.co.za)<br />

- Prospects (http://www.prospects.ac.uk)<br />

- O*Net online (http://www.online.onetcenter.org)<br />

Further resources:<br />

If you want to further explore how your interests are linked to specific job titles, then you could<br />

complete the interest questionnaire that <strong>is</strong> available on the PACE Careers website (free of charge). Go to<br />

their website at http://www.pacecareers.com/careercentre and click on “Questionnaire” to complete it.<br />

1 My career v<strong>is</strong>ion<br />

Your career v<strong>is</strong>ion <strong>is</strong> your picture of what you want out of life – where you see yourself at 30, at 40 and perhaps even at<br />

80. If you were to look back, what would you want to say about your life?<br />

You are thinking about studying through Un<strong>is</strong>a in 2012. What will be different <strong>for</strong> you as a result of your studies? Use<br />

the block below to write down or even draw a picture of what you see changing. Try to summar<strong>is</strong>e your career v<strong>is</strong>ion.<br />

Further resources:<br />

The Windmills Interactive programme could help you to understand where you are now (your<br />

motivations, skills and what you enjoy doing), where you want to be and the steps you need to<br />

take in order to get where you want to be. The activities in th<strong>is</strong> programme can be completed (free<br />

of charge) on the website at http://www.windmillsonline.co.uk/interactive/index.html.<br />

22 23<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

2 My life goals<br />

Your life goals are what you w<strong>is</strong>h <strong>for</strong> in your life and how you intend to achieve them. Your goals can be related to<br />

your career, but they can also be related to your family, your studies and your community. Describe your goals and<br />

then think about practical things you need to do to make them happen. When you describe your goals, be specific<br />

about what you want to achieve, by when and how you will achieve them.<br />

If, <strong>for</strong> example, one of your goals <strong>is</strong> to become a counsellor, you could achieve th<strong>is</strong> by first finding out about training<br />

requirements and then reg<strong>is</strong>tering <strong>for</strong> the appropriate degree. Once you <strong>have</strong> completed your degree, you will<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> your honours degree and then complete an internship programme to qualify as a reg<strong>is</strong>tered counsellor.<br />

Remember, reaching a goal starts with a number of sm<strong>all</strong> steps.<br />

3 My skills (what I’m good at)<br />

Skills are abilities that you <strong>have</strong> developed and which you are able to use effectively. You develop skills as a result<br />

of your experiences. These experiences can include voluntary, paid or unpaid work, and family and community<br />

responsibilities. Skills that most organ<strong>is</strong>ations value include good communication skills, interpersonal skills, teamwork,<br />

personal management skills, the ability to think critic<strong>all</strong>y, leadership, technical skills and social responsibility.<br />

Think about your life experiences (work, studies and personal) and link them to specific skills that you <strong>have</strong><br />

developed. Also, reflect on how these skills relate to your career choices.<br />

Example:<br />

Now you try:<br />

<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> <strong>is</strong> my goal: I want to achieve it (when)... How will I achieve th<strong>is</strong> goal?<br />

Experience Skill(s) developed<br />

Managing the household and<br />

caring <strong>for</strong> younger siblings<br />

Personal management and<br />

social responsibility<br />

Experience Skill(s) developed<br />

How does th<strong>is</strong> relate to<br />

my career choice?<br />

I need to work where I can make<br />

a difference and take care of<br />

children in need<br />

How does th<strong>is</strong> relate to<br />

my career choice?<br />

• Can you identify themes in terms of the skills you <strong>have</strong> developed? For example, are <strong>all</strong> of them related to<br />

financial aspects or helping others?<br />

• Can you link specific occupations to your skills? Which specific job titles can you think of that will enable<br />

you to use these skills?<br />

Further resources:<br />

O*Net online has a function where you are able to search <strong>for</strong> occupations linked to specific skills.<br />

Click on “Advanced search” on http://www.onetonline.org and then on “Go to skills search”.<br />

Select the skills you would want to use and then on “Go”. You will then get a l<strong>is</strong>t of occupations<br />

that are related to the skills that you selected.<br />

4 My values (what <strong>is</strong> important to me)<br />

Your values show what <strong>is</strong> important to you and they <strong>have</strong> a significant effect on the career choices that you<br />

make. Your values are shaped by your family, community, work environment and life experiences. Here are some<br />

examples of how values could influence career dec<strong>is</strong>ions:<br />

• Sipho <strong>is</strong> desperately unhappy with h<strong>is</strong> current admin<strong>is</strong>trative job and wants more ch<strong>all</strong>enges. He sees a job<br />

advert at h<strong>is</strong> company <strong>for</strong> a sales representative training programme and <strong>is</strong> very interested. If he takes the<br />

position, it will mean a lot of travelling. Is he willing to be away from h<strong>is</strong> family <strong>for</strong> long periods at a time? Is the<br />

excitement of travelling <strong>for</strong> a sales job more important?<br />

• Celia <strong>is</strong> good at organ<strong>is</strong>ing events such as weddings and birthday parties <strong>for</strong> her family and friends. Does she<br />

take the r<strong>is</strong>k and resign from her secure job to make event planning a full-time business?<br />

The l<strong>is</strong>t below contains some common values (you can add your own if you prefer). Please read through the l<strong>is</strong>t and<br />

tick the five values that are most important to you:<br />

Adventure Authority Autonomy<br />

Beauty Belonging Ch<strong>all</strong>enge<br />

Commitment Competition Cooperation<br />

Creativity Curiosity Duty<br />

Effectiveness Excellence Excitement<br />

Community oriented Status Friendship<br />

Family Health Helping<br />

Honesty Humour Independence<br />

Individuality Influence Knowledge<br />

Money Power Public contact<br />

Quiet Recognition Religion<br />

24 25<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />


Now write down your five values in order of importance:<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Can you link your values to specific occupations?<br />

How would your values be supported by the career choice you are making? How would your career choice support<br />

your values?<br />

Further resources:<br />

O*Net online has a function where you can search <strong>for</strong> occupations linked to specific values. Click<br />

on “Advanced search” on http://www.onetonline.org and then select “Work values” from the<br />

drop-down l<strong>is</strong>t. Click on the value that matches your top values as identified on the previous page.<br />

You will then get a l<strong>is</strong>t of occupations that are related to the values that are important to you.<br />

Complete the following sentences in order to understand how your values will influence your studies:<br />

My life <strong>is</strong> meaningful when…<br />

My career <strong>is</strong> meaningful when…<br />

My study time at Un<strong>is</strong>a <strong>is</strong> meaningful when…<br />

5 My career influences<br />

Where do your career ideas come from? To know where you are going you need to understand where you come<br />

from. Please think how the following people, things and events <strong>have</strong> influenced you.<br />

✔ What? How?<br />

School subjects<br />

Friends<br />

Family<br />

Knowing myself<br />

Money<br />

Media (TV, movies, the internet, radio)<br />

Observing others at work<br />

Economic/job trends<br />

Money<br />

Quiet<br />

Spirituality<br />

I was also influenced by…<br />

My role model <strong>is</strong>…<br />

26 27<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

Why?<br />

6 My support system<br />

When you do not <strong>have</strong> sufficient support while studying at Un<strong>is</strong>a, it may be difficult <strong>for</strong> you to complete your<br />

studies successfully. Read through the following categories and draw a circle around the number that best expresses<br />

how much support you <strong>have</strong> in that category.<br />

Little support Sufficient support<br />

Time to study 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Finance 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Computer access 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Internet access 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Family 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Employer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

Knowing the Un<strong>is</strong>a system 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9<br />

• A score of 5 or more <strong>for</strong> a specific category would indicate that you <strong>have</strong> sufficient support in that area. A score<br />

of 4 or less <strong>for</strong> a specific category could be a barrier to your success. What kind of plans do you need to<br />

make to overcome these barriers?<br />

• If you do not <strong>have</strong> support, studying at Un<strong>is</strong>a might be ch<strong>all</strong>enging, but not impossible. You might resolve th<strong>is</strong> by<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>tering <strong>for</strong> fewer modules per semester.<br />

• If you <strong>have</strong> enough support, it means that you should put ef<strong>for</strong>t into maintaining th<strong>is</strong> support.

7 The labour market<br />

Labour market in<strong>for</strong>mation can help you when you search <strong>for</strong> work, plan your career or explore self-employment<br />

opportunities. It <strong>is</strong> essential in<strong>for</strong>mation to <strong>have</strong> if you want to make in<strong>for</strong>med career dec<strong>is</strong>ions and/or search <strong>for</strong> a<br />

job. It can tell you how industries and occupations are changing and whether they are growing or declining; what<br />

skills are needed; and the working conditions <strong>for</strong> specific jobs and industries.<br />

There are many factors that influence the availability of jobs such as the impact of global<strong>is</strong>ation (local companies<br />

having to compete on the global market) and technology (use of computers and the availability of in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

electronic<strong>all</strong>y) on the international and national labour market. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> means that you need to do continuous research<br />

as circumstances change constantly. Also, you will need to be creative in finding labour market in<strong>for</strong>mation – <strong>all</strong> the<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation you need <strong>is</strong> not stored in one place.<br />

Talk to individuals <strong>who</strong> work in the kinds of jobs or industries that you are interested in. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> could help you<br />

find answers to the specific questions that you still <strong>have</strong>. Possible sources of in<strong>for</strong>mation could be family, friends,<br />

newspapers, the internet, companies, government (Department of Labour), Sector Education and Training<br />

Authorities (SETAs), non-government organ<strong>is</strong>ations (NGOs) or even community-based organ<strong>is</strong>ations (CBOs).<br />

Some online resources to get you started:<br />

• Pace Careers (http://www.pacecareers.com/careercentre/)<br />

• Department of Labour (http://www.labour.gov.za/)<br />

If you are still unsure of which career path to take you could indicate on the application <strong>for</strong>m that you<br />

need further ass<strong>is</strong>tance with your career planning. We will contact you by e-mail, SMS or telephone.<br />

You are also welcome to contact us:<br />

website: www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za/counselling e-mail: counselling@un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za Ask a counsellor: http://bit.ly/askcounsellor<br />

Gauteng<br />

Pretoria (Sunnyside) 012 441 5388 Florida 011 471 2093<br />

Johannesburg (Newtown) 011 630 4536<br />

011 630 4529<br />

Ekurhuleni (Benoni) 011 421 6514 / ext 212/213<br />

North-Eastern<br />

Polokwane 015 290 3454 Nelspruit 013 755 2476<br />

Middelburg 013 282 4115<br />

KwaZulu-Natal<br />

Durban 031 335 1737 Pietermaritzburg 033 355 1737<br />

Cape Coastal<br />

Parow 021 936 4130 Mthatha 047 531 5002/3<br />

East London 043 743 9246<br />

Midlands<br />

Rustenburg Cluster (Rustenburg, Potchefstroom & Mafikeng) 014 594 8819/8873/8845<br />

Bloemfontein Cluster (Bloemfontein, Kroonstad & Kimberley) 014 594 8819/8873/8845<br />

Ethiopia<br />

Add<strong>is</strong> Ababa (+251) 114 345769 (+251) 114 350078 (+251) 114 352244<br />

8 My interests (what I like)<br />

Each of the following categories represents a group of career options.<br />

1 Read through and tick the statements that are most true <strong>for</strong> you.<br />

2 Add up the number of ticks under each category and select the one (or at most three)<br />

category that you had the most ticks <strong>for</strong>.<br />

3 Go to the next page and select the career options <strong>for</strong> the areas of interest that you identified.<br />

You can now read more about the specific qualifications related to each career option,<br />

and more about adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements and duration.<br />

Agriculture and Environmental Sciences<br />

I am interested in:<br />

• Physical activity • Working with my hands • Caring <strong>for</strong> animals<br />

• Agriculture • Caring <strong>for</strong> the environment • Fixing things<br />

• Working with machines • Working with plants<br />

Economic and Management Sciences<br />

I am interested in:<br />

• Working with money • Running my own business • Selling products or services<br />

• Numbers and figures<br />

Education<br />

• Leading a group of people • Planning and organ<strong>is</strong>ing the<br />

activities of others<br />

I am interested in:<br />

• Working with the development<br />

of children<br />

• Teaching children from<br />

birth to Grade 3<br />

• Teaching children from Grades 4-9<br />

Human Sciences<br />

I am interested in:<br />

• Teaching children from<br />

Grades 8-12<br />

• Art • Developing new or unusual ways<br />

of doing things<br />

• Working with children • Interacting with people<br />

(in groups or individu<strong>all</strong>y)<br />

• Working with learners with<br />

special needs (inclusive education)<br />

• Teaching adults • Upgrading my current<br />

teaching qualification<br />

• Helping people cope with<br />

their problems<br />

• Learning about different cultures<br />

• Reading • Music • Working with communities<br />

• Per<strong>for</strong>ming <strong>for</strong> an audience • Taking care of people • Spiritual or religious <strong>is</strong>sues<br />

• Speaking to or in front of a<br />

group of people<br />

Law<br />

• Teaching others • Languages<br />

I am interested in:<br />

• Persuading people • Social justice • Solving difficult situations<br />

• Influencing people • Applying rules and regulations • Working with those <strong>who</strong> <strong>have</strong><br />

lost direction<br />

Science, Engineering and Technology<br />

I am interested in:<br />

• Mathematics and science • Planning and problem solving • Knowing how things work<br />

• Planning and problem solving • Designing things<br />

28 29<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Step 2 – Choose a qualification<br />

Qualifications: credits and levels<br />

All qualifications are expressed in terms of volumes of learning. Credits are recogn<strong>is</strong>ed as the measure of the<br />

volume of learning required <strong>for</strong> a qualification and not academic years of study. Credits are quantified as the<br />

number of notional study hours required <strong>for</strong> achieving the learning outcomes. The credit rating system rates 10<br />

notional hours as equivalent to one credit, <strong>for</strong> example: a Higher Certificate has 120 credits cons<strong>is</strong>ting of 10 x 12<br />

credit module. A module in the qualification cons<strong>is</strong>ting of 12 credits equates to 120 notional hours and it would<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e require at least 8 hours of study in a 15-week semester.<br />

Qualifications there<strong>for</strong>e require a certain number of credits and these credits are broken down into sm<strong>all</strong>er units. At<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a, undergraduate modules are usu<strong>all</strong>y 12 credits; a Bachelor’s degree of 360 credits, <strong>for</strong> example, would cons<strong>is</strong>t<br />

of 30 modules of 12 credits each. Every module <strong>is</strong> further pegged according to a specific NQF level and a Bachelor’s<br />

degree of 360 credit would usu<strong>all</strong>y cons<strong>is</strong>t of 8 modules of 12 credits each at NQF level 5, 12 modules of 12<br />

credits each at NQF level 6 and 10 modules of 12 credits each at NQF level 7. The levels follow on each other<br />

and a module at level 5 will norm<strong>all</strong>y lead to a module at level 6. In choosing a module <strong>students</strong> are adv<strong>is</strong>ed to<br />

ensure that they <strong>have</strong> passed the module at a lower level be<strong>for</strong>e progressing to a module at a higher level. Be<strong>for</strong>e a<br />

student <strong>is</strong> awarded a qualification, he or she must <strong>have</strong> completed the required number of credits and the modules<br />

must further <strong>have</strong> been completed at the required NQF level.<br />

Select the career options <strong>for</strong> the areas of interest that you identified<br />

You can now read more about the specific qualifications related to each career option, and more about adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

requirements and duration.<br />

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences<br />

Career field Description Page no<br />

Agriculture, Agricultural studies focus on how to produce and manage crops, breed agricultural animals and<br />

34<br />

Agricultural plants, the development and preservation of natural resources such as soil, <strong>for</strong>ests and wildlife and<br />

Operations the processing of food. Careers in th<strong>is</strong> field focus on agriculture, nature conservation, horticulture and<br />

and Related animal health.<br />

Sciences Possible job titles include: development officer; extension officer; farm manager; food safety<br />

consultant; animal health technician; pharmaceutical representative; meat inspector; stock farm<br />

manager; garden centre manager; horticultural<strong>is</strong>t; plant propagator; conservation management<br />

technolog<strong>is</strong>t or technician; ecolog<strong>is</strong>t; environmental educator and nature conservation officer<br />

Environmental A number of career opportunities <strong>have</strong> ar<strong>is</strong>en as a result of an increasing awareness of the importance 34<br />

Management of managing our natural resources <strong>for</strong> future generations. The environment offers many exciting,<br />

interesting and sat<strong>is</strong>fying career choices stretching across a wide range of fields and d<strong>is</strong>ciplines. A<br />

career in the environmental field <strong>is</strong> rewarding because you can contribute to the maintenance and<br />

conservation of essential life systems necessary <strong>for</strong> our human survival. There are two main routes that<br />

you can follow: social environmental perspective or environmental science perspective – these two<br />

perspectives complement one another, and effective environmental management combines both.<br />

Possible job titles: Environmental impact assessor; environmental manager and environmental<br />

researcher; cartographer; geographical in<strong>for</strong>mation systems (GIS) special<strong>is</strong>t; conservation manger;<br />

environmental campaign coordinator; environmental planner and environmental educator<br />

Consumer Consumer Sciences focus on the study of individuals within families and the broader community and 35<br />

Sciences environment and your knowledge of th<strong>is</strong> field could help families and communities lead better lives.<br />

It includes many different aspects such as nutrition, food preparation, family economics and resource<br />

management, human development, textiles and clothing design.<br />

Possible job titles: Community development practitioner; consumer educator; nutrition consultant;<br />

buyer; clothing designer; consumer journal<strong>is</strong>t; consumer advocate; consumer adv<strong>is</strong>or; events<br />

coordinator; entrepreneur (clothing or food)<br />

Life Sciences The focus of life sciences <strong>is</strong> on biological sciences and includes the fields of botany, microbiology,<br />

physiology, zoology, biochem<strong>is</strong>try and genetics. Special<strong>is</strong>ts in these fields could be found in a variety<br />

of contexts such as hospitals, food manufacturing, pharmaceutical industry, government, research<br />

organ<strong>is</strong>ations and <strong>for</strong>ensic investigation.<br />

Possible job titles: biochem<strong>is</strong>t; botan<strong>is</strong>t; ecolog<strong>is</strong>t; <strong>for</strong>ensic analyst; genetic<strong>is</strong>t; laboratory technician;<br />

microbiolog<strong>is</strong>t; pharmaceutical sales representative; physiolog<strong>is</strong>t; quality analyst; researcher; research<br />

ass<strong>is</strong>tant; scientific writer; toxicolog<strong>is</strong>t; zoolog<strong>is</strong>t<br />

35<br />

College of Economic & Management Sciences<br />

Career field Description Page no<br />

Accounting Accounting and auditing field <strong>is</strong> quite wide and includes financial accounting, management accounting, 40<br />

Sciences auditing and internal auditing. There are a number of professional accounting bodies that offer specific<br />

category reg<strong>is</strong>tration <strong>for</strong> accounting and auditing professionals, including the South African Institute of<br />

Chartered Accountants (SAICA), Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA), The Institute<br />

of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the South African Institute of Professional Accountants (SAIPA). For some<br />

of the possible job titles below, you would need to <strong>have</strong> completed further qualifications and pass<br />

qualifying examinations.<br />

Possible job titles: accountant, junior accountant, trainee accountant, accounting clerk, financial<br />

accountant, cost controller, bookkeeper, credit controller, financial manager, production accountant,<br />

internal auditor, auditor, chartered accountant, tax consultant and treasury manager<br />

Economic Economic Sciences cover economics, dec<strong>is</strong>ion sciences, as well as the area of transport economics,<br />

41<br />

Sciences log<strong>is</strong>tics and tour<strong>is</strong>m. Economics studies the production and <strong>all</strong>ocation of resources and includes a<br />

number of focus areas, such as applied economics, managerial economics, econometrics, development<br />

economics and natural resource economics.<br />

Possible job titles: r<strong>is</strong>k analyst, portfolio admin<strong>is</strong>trator, researcher, econom<strong>is</strong>t, research analyst,<br />

stockbroker and business consultant<br />

Dec<strong>is</strong>ion science includes the application of mathematical, stat<strong>is</strong>tical and computer science related tools<br />

to the analys<strong>is</strong> and solving of business problems.<br />

Possible job titles: r<strong>is</strong>k analyst, portfolio admin<strong>is</strong>trator, researcher, econom<strong>is</strong>t, research analyst,<br />

stockbroker and business consultant<br />

The field of transport economics and log<strong>is</strong>tics concerns itself with the optimal <strong>all</strong>ocation of resources<br />

and planning to transport goods and people from one point to another. These principles are also<br />

applied within the tour<strong>is</strong>m industry.<br />

Possible job titles: d<strong>is</strong>tribution manager; log<strong>is</strong>tics manager; purchasing manager; supply chain<br />

manager; travel and tour<strong>is</strong>m practitioner and event organ<strong>is</strong>er<br />

Management Management Sciences focus on the planning, management and marketing of sm<strong>all</strong> and large<br />

38<br />

Sciences enterpr<strong>is</strong>es. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> career field <strong>is</strong> broad and includes a diverse number of areas such as strategic-,<br />

financial-, marketing-, retail-, human resources and operational management.<br />

Possible job titles: Business analyst; consultant; company secretary; manager; project manager;<br />

superv<strong>is</strong>or; supply chain manager; human resources practitioner; labour relations practitioner;<br />

organ<strong>is</strong>ational development practitioner; recruitment practitioner; financial manager; investment<br />

manager; marketing practitioner; marketing researcher and accountant<br />

Psychology <strong>is</strong> interested in understanding the behaviour of individuals (either as individuals or in<br />

groups) and industrial psychology focuses on aspects such as career management, organ<strong>is</strong>ational<br />

development, learning theories and assessment within the work context. To reg<strong>is</strong>ter as a counsellor<br />

or psycholog<strong>is</strong>t with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, you would need to complete your<br />

training up to Honours or Master’s level, as well as meet other requirements such as completing an<br />

internship and passing a professional board examination.<br />

Possible job titles: human resources practitioner; coach; employee wellness practitioner; community<br />

development practitioner and training facilitator<br />

Careers in the public sector focus on the development, implementation and evaluation of public<br />

policies, programmes and services and could be at the local, provincial or national level. Opportunities<br />

also ex<strong>is</strong>t at non-governmental as well as national and international aid organ<strong>is</strong>ations.<br />

Possible job titles: accountant; human resource practitioner; communications practitioner;<br />

procurement manager; admin<strong>is</strong>trative officer; financial manager; public policy analyst; development<br />

econom<strong>is</strong>t, monitoring and evaluation practitioner<br />

Law Knowledge of mercantile law <strong>is</strong> beneficial in careers in human resources, management and economics<br />

since it <strong>all</strong>ows one to understand <strong>is</strong>sues related to companies, taxation, labour relations and insurance.<br />

Private law focuses on aspects such as contracts, obligations, property and trusts.<br />

Possible job titles: labour relations practitioner; HR practitioner; tax practitioner; econom<strong>is</strong>t;<br />

researcher; legal admin<strong>is</strong>trator; policy adv<strong>is</strong>or and manager<br />

For other careers in law, go to the College of Law<br />

41<br />

College of Education<br />

Career field Description Page no<br />

Education Teachers and trainers are employed in a variety of contexts including schools, training organ<strong>is</strong>ations and<br />

business in general. Teaching and training could focus on various age groups <strong>for</strong> younger age groups<br />

or adult education. Adult education could include adult basic education and training (ABET) and skills<br />

training in corporate environments. In addition to physical teaching and training activities, there are a<br />

number of other opportunities in th<strong>is</strong> field such as e-learning, curriculum and materials development as<br />

well as quality assurance and evaluation activities.<br />

Possible job titles: teacher; training facilitator; ABET facilitator; skills development practitioner;<br />

education, training and development practitioner (ETDP); curriculum special<strong>is</strong>t; e-learning facilitator;<br />

e-learning developer; quality assurance special<strong>is</strong>t; evaluation practitioner and lecturer<br />

45<br />

30 31<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Human Sciences<br />

Career field Description Page no<br />

Communication, Communication careers could be followed in a number of diverse fields such as broadcasting,<br />

50<br />

Journal<strong>is</strong>m and advert<strong>is</strong>ing marketing, public relations, education, government, social services, law, health, and<br />

Related Studies international relations. The increasing use of technology to facilitate communication has also created a<br />

number of new applications <strong>for</strong> communication special<strong>is</strong>ts.<br />

Possible job titles: account executive; copywriter; media planner; training facilitator; presenter;<br />

journal<strong>is</strong>t; event manager; marketing practitioner; public relations practitioner; document designer;<br />

social media practitioner and online community manager<br />

Family Ecology Consumer Sciences focus on the study of individuals within families and the broader community and 50<br />

and Consumer environment and your knowledge of th<strong>is</strong> field could help families and communities lead better lives.<br />

Sciences It includes many different aspects such as nutrition, food preparation, family economics and resource<br />

management, human development, textiles and clothing design.<br />

Possible job titles: community development practitioner; policy analyst; researcher; training facilitator<br />

Health<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a does not offer basic training in nursing, but reg<strong>is</strong>tered nurses seek opportunities to develop<br />

49<br />

Professions additional skills and practice in more special<strong>is</strong>ation fields such as health services management, education<br />

and Related and community health.<br />

Clinical<br />

Sciences<br />

Possible job titles: health services manager; nursing educator; community health nurse<br />

Languages, A career in languages provides diverse opportunities in business, research organ<strong>is</strong>ations, educational 50<br />

Lingu<strong>is</strong>tics and settings, publ<strong>is</strong>hing companies and financial institutions and in the cultural, entertainment,<br />

Literature communications and health care industries.<br />

Possible job titles: journal<strong>is</strong>t; content manager; copywriter; language teacher; writer; blogger;<br />

column<strong>is</strong>t; copy editor; editor; interpreter; lingu<strong>is</strong>t; materials developer; proof reader; reading and<br />

writing consultant/facilitator; speech writer and translator<br />

Philosophy, Careers in theology could focus on a particular religion such as Islam, Chr<strong>is</strong>tianity, Hindu<strong>is</strong>m, Juda<strong>is</strong>m 50<br />

Religion and or Buddh<strong>is</strong>m, or it could be comparative such as in conducting social research. Philosophy provides one<br />

Theology with a good grounding in logical as well as ethical reasoning and develops critical thinking skills that are<br />

vital in many contexts.<br />

Possible job titles: lay min<strong>is</strong>ter; min<strong>is</strong>ter; pastor; community facilitator; researcher; lecturer<br />

Psychology Psychology <strong>is</strong> interested in understanding the behaviour of individuals (either as individuals or in<br />

groups) and includes aspects such as cognition, abnormal behaviour, family functioning, human<br />

development, learning, neurological and physiological functioning, careers, personality and assessment.<br />

To reg<strong>is</strong>ter as a counsellor or psycholog<strong>is</strong>t with the Health Professions Council of South Africa,<br />

you would need to complete your training up to Honours or Master’s level, as well as meet other<br />

requirements such as completing an internship and passing a professional board examination.<br />

Possible job titles: coach; employee wellness practitioner; community development practitioner<br />

and training facilitator<br />

49<br />

Public<br />

Careers in the public sector focus on the development, implementation and evaluation of public<br />

50<br />

Management policies, programmes and services and could be at the local, provincial or national level. Opportunities<br />

and Services also ex<strong>is</strong>t at non-governmental and community-based organ<strong>is</strong>ations as well as national and<br />

international aid organ<strong>is</strong>ations.<br />

Possible job titles: communications practitioner; admin<strong>is</strong>trative officer; public policy analyst;<br />

development researcher, monitoring and evaluation practitioner<br />

Social Sciences Careers in the social science field span a number of areas such as anthropology, archaeology, politics,<br />

h<strong>is</strong>tory, ancient cultures, library/ in<strong>for</strong>mation sciences, sociology and social work.<br />

Possible job titles: social worker; auxiliary social worker; child care worker; youth care practitioner;<br />

programme evaluator; researcher; archiv<strong>is</strong>t; librarian; knowledge manager; anthropolog<strong>is</strong>t;<br />

archaeolog<strong>is</strong>t; museum scient<strong>is</strong>t; heritage consultant; social environmental impact assessor; cultural<br />

lia<strong>is</strong>on officer; diplomat; political analyst; development researcher<br />

49<br />

V<strong>is</strong>ual and Art<strong>is</strong>tic expression could be in a number of media such as dance, sculpture, painting, music and<br />

48<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>ming drawing. Technology has also had an impact on th<strong>is</strong> field and many art<strong>is</strong>ts use electronic media to<br />

Arts<br />

create works of art such as computer<strong>is</strong>ed graphic art and multimedia inst<strong>all</strong>ations.<br />

Possible job titles: animator; multimedia designer; web designer; art buyer; art<strong>is</strong>t; g<strong>all</strong>ery manager;<br />

graphic art<strong>is</strong>t; illustrator; music composer; musician; music technolog<strong>is</strong>t<br />

*All careers except <strong>for</strong> Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences and V<strong>is</strong>ual and Per<strong>for</strong>ming Arts can be linked to the<br />

BA General (see page 48).<br />

College of Law<br />

Career field Description Page no<br />

Law Careers in law focus on the application of principles and procedures as laid down by leg<strong>is</strong>lation so<br />

that society could function. The legal field <strong>is</strong> diverse and could include special<strong>is</strong>ation in various areas<br />

such as mercantile law, criminal law, and private law. There are many different sub-special<strong>is</strong>ations in<br />

each of these fields, <strong>for</strong> example, intellectual property law, electronic commerce law, family law and<br />

environmental law.<br />

Possible job titles: advocate; attorney; legal adv<strong>is</strong>or; legal researcher; mag<strong>is</strong>trate; judge<br />

54<br />

Public<br />

Public management focuses on the development of various skills and competencies needed to develop, 54<br />

Management implement and evaluate public programmes and services. These skills could be applied within the<br />

and Services public sector, as well as within community-based organ<strong>is</strong>ations. Special<strong>is</strong>ation areas include correctional<br />

services, criminal justice and police science.<br />

Possible job titles: public manager; admin<strong>is</strong>trative officer; programme coordinator; financial manager;<br />

human resource manager; fundra<strong>is</strong>er; policy analyst; criminolog<strong>is</strong>t; correctional services officer or<br />

manager; police officer or manager; security officer or manager<br />

College of Science, Engineering & Technology<br />

Career field Description Page no<br />

Computer and Careers in th<strong>is</strong> field focus on areas such as computer systems, computer networks, software, as well as 56 & 60<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation how in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>is</strong> stored, processed and d<strong>is</strong>tributed. The in<strong>for</strong>mation technology sector <strong>is</strong> extremely<br />

Sciences varied in terms of fields and related job roles and ICT-related roles can be found in <strong>all</strong> industries.<br />

Possible job titles: systems analyst; knowledge manager; systems developer; systems designer;<br />

IT project manager; IT trainer and database special<strong>is</strong>t; computer programmer; networks special<strong>is</strong>t;<br />

technical writer; web developer; human computer interaction special<strong>is</strong>t<br />

Engineering Engineers develop technical solutions to practical problems and a number of special<strong>is</strong>ation areas ex<strong>is</strong>t<br />

such as industrial-, electrical-, chemical-, civil-, mechanical-, mining- and chemical engineering. Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

offers training <strong>for</strong> engineering technicians (National diploma level) and engineering technolog<strong>is</strong>ts<br />

(BTech level).<br />

Possible job titles: chemical engineering technician/ technolog<strong>is</strong>t; chemical environmental engineering<br />

technolog<strong>is</strong>t; civil engineering technician/technolog<strong>is</strong>t; electrical engineering technician/ technolog<strong>is</strong>t;<br />

industrial engineering technician/technolog<strong>is</strong>t; mechanical engineering technician/technolog<strong>is</strong>t; mining<br />

engineering technician; pulp and paper technolog<strong>is</strong>t; solid waste treatment technolog<strong>is</strong>t; technical<br />

services superv<strong>is</strong>or; treatment plant superv<strong>is</strong>or and water treatment technolog<strong>is</strong>t<br />

56<br />

Applied Mathematics and stat<strong>is</strong>tics provides the tools to analyse data and make in<strong>for</strong>med dec<strong>is</strong>ions.<br />

56,<br />

Mathematics, Mathematical and stat<strong>is</strong>tical techniques are used in a variety of contexts such as banking, mining, 60 & 61<br />

Mathematics & pharmaceutical industry, government, research organ<strong>is</strong>ations and universities.<br />

Stat<strong>is</strong>tics Possible job titles: stat<strong>is</strong>tical analyst; research analyst; survey researcher; dec<strong>is</strong>ion modeller<br />

Chem<strong>is</strong>try Chem<strong>is</strong>try <strong>is</strong> the science of matter and everything that you can touch, taste, smell, see or feel <strong>is</strong> made 56,<br />

of chemicals. Chem<strong>is</strong>try can be applied in a wide range of industries including agriculture, engineering,<br />

food technology, textiles, product development, oil and petroleum and pharmaceuticals.<br />

Possible job titles: chem<strong>is</strong>t; physic<strong>is</strong>t; laboratory ass<strong>is</strong>tant; environmental impact assessor;<br />

research ass<strong>is</strong>tant<br />

60 & 61<br />

32 33<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

General Bachelor of Science General<br />

98801 - GEN NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

360<br />

<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> qualification <strong>is</strong> offered with the<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

following major subjects:<br />

Geography<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Agriculture, Baccalaureus Technologiae: Agricultural BTAGM National Diploma in Agriculture and related fields. 120<br />

Agricultural Management<br />

Operations and<br />

Related Sciences<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Animal Health BTANM Completed National Diploma: Animal Health 120<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Horticulture BTHOR Completed National Diploma: Horticulture. 120<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae:<br />

BTNAT Completed National Diploma: Nature<br />

120<br />

Nature Conservation<br />

Conservation, with an average of 60% in <strong>all</strong> the<br />

(selection date 31 October 2011)<br />

third level subjects.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science) 03336 NSC (Degree) with Mathematics, Physical Science,<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Biology (Life Sciences) or Agriculture<br />

or Geography passed with a rating of 3 OR<br />

Matriculation exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics, Physical Science,<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Biology or Agriculture or Geography OR<br />

a completed Diploma in Agriculture/Agricultural<br />

Management (with majors in animal production<br />

and crop production)<br />

360<br />

Diploma in Nature Conservation 98024 NSC (Diploma) with a minimum of 40% in Biology<br />

(Life Sciences) or Geography OR Senior Certificate<br />

with a minimum of 40% in Biology (Life Sciences)<br />

or Geography or Agricultural Science or Science.<br />

360<br />

Diploma in Ornamental Horticulture 98025 NSC (Diploma) OR Senior Certificate (Life Science/<br />

Biology recommended).<br />

360<br />

National Diploma: Agricultural<br />

NDAGR NSC (Diploma) OR Senior Certificate with 360<br />

Management<br />

Mathematics and either Agricultural Science,<br />

Physical Science or Biology (Life Sciences) passed<br />

with a rating of 3 or a minimum of 40%.<br />

National Diploma: Animal Health NDANM NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &<br />

Physical Science or Biology (Life Sciences) passed<br />

with a rating of 3 OR Senior Certificate with at<br />

least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade Mathematics,<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science or Biology or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Physical Science or Biology.<br />

360<br />

Environmental Bachelor of Arts in Environmental 98055 NSC (Degree) OR Matric Exemption 360<br />

Management Management<br />

Bachelor of Science in Environmental 98052 - EBO NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Management (Botany Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Environmental 98052 - ECH NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Management (Chem<strong>is</strong>try Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Environmental 98052 - EZO NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Management (Zoology Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Consumer Bachelor of Consumer Science<br />

98005 - CSJ NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify <strong>for</strong> 360<br />

Sciences<br />

(Consumer Science Journal<strong>is</strong>m Major)<br />

conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Consumer Science<br />

98005 - FAR NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify <strong>for</strong> 360<br />

(Fashion Retail Management Major)<br />

conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Consumer Science<br />

98005 - FSB NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify <strong>for</strong> 360<br />

(Fashion Sm<strong>all</strong>-Business Management Major)<br />

conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Consumer Science<br />

98005 - FCL NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify <strong>for</strong> 360<br />

(Food and Clothing Major)<br />

conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Consumer Science<br />

98005 - FNU NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify <strong>for</strong> 360<br />

(Food and Clothing Major)<br />

conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Consumer Science<br />

98005 - FOR NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify <strong>for</strong> 360<br />

(Food Retail Management Major)<br />

conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Consumer Science<br />

98005 - HOM NSC (Degree) or Matric Exemption or qualify <strong>for</strong> 360<br />

(Hospitality Management Major)<br />

conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Life Sciences Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - BBM NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Biochem<strong>is</strong>try (Or Physiology or<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

Microbiology) with<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Business Management Major)<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - BAB NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Biochem<strong>is</strong>try and Botany Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - BAM NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Biochem<strong>is</strong>try and Microbiology Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - BAP NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Biochem<strong>is</strong>try and Physiology Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - BAZ NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Biochem<strong>is</strong>try and Zoology Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - BNM NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Botany and Microbiology Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - BZG NSC with Mathematics and Engl<strong>is</strong>h passed at 360<br />

(Botany and Zoology Major)<br />

level 4 OR Matriculation exemption with at least<br />

an E symbol <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least a D symbol <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics and Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - GZB NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Genetics and Zoology or Botany/<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

Microbiology/Biochem<strong>is</strong>try/Physiology<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Major)<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

34 35<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Life Sciences Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - MAP NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Microbiology and Physiology Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - MAZ NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Microbiology and Zoology Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - PAZ NSC with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h passed at level 360<br />

(Physiology and Zoology Major)<br />

4 OR matriculation exemption with at least<br />

an E symbol <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade Mathematics &<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least a D symbol <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics and Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences 98053 - PPG NSC with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h passed at level 360<br />

(Psychology and Physiology Major)<br />

4 OR matriculation exemption with at least<br />

an E symbol <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade Mathematics &<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least a D symbol <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics and Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Geography 98101 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60%<br />

or more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an<br />

average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the<br />

relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students<br />

must provide a written motivation of not more three pages<br />

requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will determine<br />

the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student;<br />

the language capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong><br />

access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Consumer Sciences Hounours 98104 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60%<br />

or more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an<br />

average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the<br />

relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students<br />

must provide a written motivation of not more three pages<br />

requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will determine<br />

the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student;<br />

the language capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong><br />

access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Sciences Honours in<br />

98102 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% 120<br />

Enviromental Management<br />

or more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an<br />

average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the<br />

relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students<br />

must provide a written motivation of not more three pages<br />

requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will determine<br />

the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student;<br />

the language capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong><br />

access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Science Honours in<br />

98103 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% 120<br />

Environmental Monitoring and Modelling<br />

or more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an<br />

average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the<br />

relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students<br />

must provide a written motivation of not more three pages<br />

requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will determine<br />

the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student;<br />

the language capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong><br />

access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98105 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% 120<br />

Honours in Geography<br />

or more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an<br />

average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the<br />

relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students<br />

must provide a written motivation of not more three pages<br />

requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will determine<br />

the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student;<br />

the language capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong><br />

access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in<br />

05592 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% 120<br />

Environmental Management<br />

or more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an<br />

average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the<br />

relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students<br />

must provide a written motivation of not more three pages<br />

requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will determine<br />

the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student;<br />

the language capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong><br />

access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science in Botany 05606 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60%<br />

or more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an<br />

average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the<br />

relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students<br />

must provide a written motivation of not more three pages<br />

requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will determine<br />

the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student;<br />

the language capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong><br />

access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

120<br />

36 37<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Economic and Management Sciences College of Economic and Management Sciences<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

General Bachelor of Commerce (Generic) 98314 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

360<br />

<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> qualification <strong>is</strong> offered with the<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

following major subjects:<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Accounting; Auditing; Business<br />

Management; Economics; Industrial and<br />

Organ<strong>is</strong>ational Psychology ; Internal<br />

Auditing; Log<strong>is</strong>tics; Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

(only <strong>for</strong> the general BCom degree);<br />

Quantitative Management; Stat<strong>is</strong>tics<br />

(offered by CSET); Tour<strong>is</strong>m Transport;<br />

Transport Economics<br />

Management Sciences Baccalaureus Technologiae: Business<br />

Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae:<br />

Explosives Management<br />

BTBAD Any National Diploma in the same field and<br />

managerial experience. Please provide a letter<br />

from your employer confirming the nature of<br />

your work and working experience. People in<br />

professional positions and <strong>who</strong> are self employed<br />

can also apply <strong>for</strong> entrance to the course.<br />

BTEXP National Diploma in Explosives Management.<br />

Must reg<strong>is</strong>ter through employer<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Management BTMAN National Diploma in Management with<br />

Business Business Management 3 and Business<br />

Admin<strong>is</strong>tration 3 or Office Admin<strong>is</strong>tration 3<br />

or Financial Accounting 3 as well as one of the<br />

following: Marketing , Personnel Management<br />

1, Purchasing Management 1 or Production<br />

Management 1.<br />

Bachelor of Admin<strong>is</strong>tration 98315 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Business Admin<strong>is</strong>tration 98316 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce Strategic<br />

Supply Management<br />

02011 - SSP NSC Degree Engl<strong>is</strong>h 4 OR Matric Exemption<br />

with Engl<strong>is</strong>h ‘E’ HG/’D’ SG<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in Banking 98317 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

Business In<strong>for</strong>matics<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

Business Management<br />

98300 NSC with an achievement of rating of 4<br />

(50%) or higher in the language of learning<br />

and teaching. Students must <strong>have</strong> access to<br />

a suitable microcomputer, the Internet and a<br />

printer.<br />

98310 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

120<br />

120<br />

120<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Management Sciences Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

98306 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Financial Management<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

98307 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Human Resource Management<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and 98308 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Organ<strong>is</strong>ational Psychology<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

98301 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Marketing Management<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Diploma in Admin<strong>is</strong>trative Management 98216 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

360<br />

Diploma in Banking 98224 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

360<br />

Diploma in Human<br />

98211 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Resource Management<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

Diploma in Marketing Management 98202 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

360<br />

38 39<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Economic and Management Sciences College of Economic and Management Sciences<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Management Sciences Diploma in Office Management<br />

98217 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

and Technology<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

Diploma in Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration 98203 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

and Management<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

Diploma in Retail Management 98204 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

360<br />

Higher Certificate in Banking 98225 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a<br />

minimum of 30% in the language of learning<br />

and teaching<br />

120<br />

National Diploma: Commercial Practice NDCML NSC with four 20 credit subjects with rating 3<br />

including Afrikaans or Engl<strong>is</strong>h OR Senior Certificate<br />

360<br />

National Diploma: Entrepreneurship NDENT NSC with four 20 credit subjects with rating 3<br />

including Afrikaans or Engl<strong>is</strong>h OR Senior Certificate<br />

360<br />

National Diploma:<br />

NDEXP NSC with four 20 credit subjects with rating 3 360<br />

Explosives Management<br />

including Afrikaans or Engl<strong>is</strong>h OR Senior Certificate<br />

(Must reg<strong>is</strong>ter through employers).<br />

National Diploma:<br />

NDLGF NSC with four 20 credit subjects with rating 3 360<br />

Local Government Finance<br />

including Afrikaans or Engl<strong>is</strong>h OR Senior Certificate<br />

National Diploma: Management NDMNT NSC with four 20 credit subjects with rating 3<br />

including Afrikaans or Engl<strong>is</strong>h OR Senior Certificate<br />

360<br />

National Diploma: Safety Management NDSMN NSC with four 20 credit subjects with rating 3<br />

including Afrikaans or Engl<strong>is</strong>h OR Senior Certificate<br />

360<br />

Accounting Sciences Baccalaureus Technologiae: Taxation BTTXA National Diploma in Taxation. Prerequ<strong>is</strong>ites<br />

are Cost and Management Accounting 3 and<br />

Financial Accounting 3<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in 98302 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Financial Accounting<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in 98303 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Internal Auditing<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of<br />

the statutory or additional requirements,<br />

may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or<br />

apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate dipl or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences in 98304 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Management Accounting<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Accounting Sciences Diploma in Accounting Sciences 98200 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

360<br />

Higher Certificate in Accounting Sciences 98201 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a<br />

minimum of 30% in the language of learning<br />

and teaching.<br />

120<br />

National Diploma: Accounting NDACC National Higher Certificate Accountancy 360<br />

National Diploma: Cost and<br />

Management Accounting<br />

NDCOS National Higher Certificate Accountancy 360<br />

National Diploma: Internal Auditing NDINT National Higher Certificate: Accountancy 360<br />

National Diploma: Taxation NDTXT National Higher Certificate: Accountancy 360<br />

Economic Sciences Baccalaureus Technologiae:<br />

BTTOU Diploma in Tour<strong>is</strong>m Management. Please 120<br />

Tour<strong>is</strong>m Management<br />

note that studens with a diploma in Travel<br />

and Tour<strong>is</strong>m will be expected to do bridging<br />

modules.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in Economics 98305 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

360<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

98311 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Quantitative Management<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

98312 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Tour<strong>is</strong>m Management<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

98313 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an 360<br />

Transport and Log<strong>is</strong>tics<br />

achievement of rating of 4 (50%) or better<br />

in the language of learning and teaching. A<br />

student <strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the<br />

statutory or additional requirements, may<br />

follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s alternative pathways or apply<br />

<strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to an appropriate diploma or<br />

alternatively <strong>for</strong> a vocational higher certificate.<br />

National Diploma: Tour<strong>is</strong>m Management NDTRM NSC with four 20 credit subjects with rating<br />

3 including Afrikaans or Engl<strong>is</strong>h OR Senior<br />

Certificate<br />

360<br />

Law Bachelor of Commerce in Law 98309 National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an<br />

achievement rating of 4 (50%) or better in the<br />

language of learning and teaching. A student<br />

<strong>who</strong> does not qualify in terms of the statutory<br />

or additional requirements, may follow Un<strong>is</strong>a’s<br />

alternative pathways or apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

an appropriate vocational higher certificate.<br />

360<br />

40 41<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Economic and Management Sciences College of Economic and Management Sciences<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Accounting Sciences<br />

98354 A BCompt (Management Accounting) Degree or Its equivalent, 120<br />

Honours in Management Accounting<br />

with at least two modules in Management Accounting passed at<br />

NQF level 7 with an avaerage of 60% or better.<br />

Bachelor of Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

98449 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

Honours in Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the<br />

college.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce<br />

98452 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

Honours in Business Management<br />

more. Students need to <strong>have</strong> passed Strategic Management at the<br />

exit level of the access qualification. In instances where a student<br />

does not qualify in terms of the additional requirements they may<br />

be admitted to the degree based on a written motivation to the<br />

dept of Business Management or be required to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> an<br />

SLP in Advanced Strategic Management<br />

Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Industrial 98351 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. 120<br />

and Organ<strong>is</strong>ational Psychology<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow<br />

such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation<br />

of not more three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college.<br />

Bachelor of Commerce Honours in Log<strong>is</strong>tics 98453 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more.<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow<br />

such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation<br />

of not more three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Commerce<br />

98464 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. 120<br />

Honours in Transport Economics<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow<br />

such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation<br />

of not more three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college.<br />

Honours Bachelor of<br />

04014 Appropriate Bachelor of Admin<strong>is</strong>tration degree with 60% in 120<br />

Admin<strong>is</strong>tration in Economics<br />

Economics 3. Students may not reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> any of the papers<br />

concurrently with MICECHV and MACECHJ without the approval<br />

from the Chair of the Department.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Economics 04162 Appropriate Bachelor’s degree with 60% in Economics 3.<br />

Students may not reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> any of the papers concurrently with<br />

MICECHV and MACECHJ without the approval from the Chair of<br />

the Department.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

0409X - FIN Appropriate Bachelor’s degree with Financial Accounting 3 and 120<br />

Accounting Financial Accounting<br />

Management Accounting 3<br />

Honours Bachelor of Commerce in Business 05207 - MAR Appropriate Bachelor’s degree with Business Management 120<br />

Management Marketing Management<br />

3. Students must <strong>have</strong> encluded MNG301 plus 4 Marketing<br />

Management modules in their degrees.<br />

Honours Bachelor of<br />

04073 Appropriate Bachelor of Admin<strong>is</strong>tration degree with 60% in 120<br />

Commerce in Economics<br />

Economics 3. Students may not reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> any of the papers<br />

concurrently with MICECHV and MACECHJ without the approval<br />

from the Chair of the Department.<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Honours Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

0572X - N10 A student must <strong>have</strong> passed Quantitative Management 3 with 120<br />

Financial Modelling<br />

an average of at least 60% or an equivalent course subject to<br />

the d<strong>is</strong>cretion of the postgraduate adm<strong>is</strong>sions committee of the<br />

Department of Dec<strong>is</strong>ion Sciences and be proficient in a scientific<br />

programming language such as Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, C or C++,<br />

Mathematica, Matlab or Octave and the use of a spreadsheet<br />

program such as Excel, Lotus, QuattroPro, Open Office or<br />

Gnumeric and <strong>have</strong> access to a computer and printer.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Commerce in<br />

05738 - N10 A student must <strong>have</strong> passed Operations Research 3 with an 120<br />

Operations Research<br />

average of at least 60% or an equivalent course subject to the<br />

d<strong>is</strong>cretion of the postgraduate adm<strong>is</strong>sions committee of the<br />

Department of Dec<strong>is</strong>ion Sciences and be proficient in a scientific<br />

programming language such as Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, C or C++,<br />

Mathematica, Matlab or Octave and the use of a spreadsheet<br />

program such as Excel, Lotus, QuattroPro, Open Office or<br />

Gnumeric and <strong>have</strong> access to a computer and printer<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science in<br />

Financial Modelling<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science in<br />

Operations Research<br />

05746 - N10 A student must <strong>have</strong> passed Quantitative Management 3 with<br />

an average of at least 60% or an equivalent course subject to<br />

the d<strong>is</strong>cretion of the postgraduate adm<strong>is</strong>sions committee of the<br />

Department of Dec<strong>is</strong>ion Sciences and be proficient in a scientific<br />

programming language such as Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, C or C++,<br />

Mathematica, Matlab or Octave and the use of a spreadsheet<br />

program such as Excel, Lotus, QuattroPro, Open Office or<br />

Gnumeric and <strong>have</strong> access to a computer and printer<br />

0460X - N10 A student must <strong>have</strong> passed Operations Research 3 with an<br />

average of at least 60% or an equivalent course subject to the<br />

d<strong>is</strong>cretion of the postgraduate adm<strong>is</strong>sions committee of the<br />

Department of Dec<strong>is</strong>ion Sciences and be proficient in a scientific<br />

programming language such as Fortran, Pascal, Delphi, C or C++,<br />

Mathematica, Matlab or Octave and the use of a spreadsheet<br />

program such as Excel, Lotus, QuattroPro, Open Office or<br />

Gnumeric and <strong>have</strong> access to a computer and printer<br />

42 43<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

120<br />


College of Economic and Management Sciences<br />

Postgraduate diplomas<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

0569X A SAICA-accredited bachelor¿s degree or a dedicated<br />

120<br />

Accounting Sciences<br />

Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences, neither of which<br />

should be older than three years, or their equivalent<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98255 A Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting Sciences based on the 120<br />

Applied Accounting Sciences<br />

SAICA-accredited syllabus of CTA level 1, which <strong>is</strong> not more<br />

than three years old, and with <strong>all</strong> the modules passed in the<br />

same academic year (including the supplementary examination).<br />

The following candidates may also apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to th<strong>is</strong><br />

qualification: those <strong>who</strong> attempted a CTA level 2 equivalent,<br />

based on the <strong>who</strong>le SAICA-accredited syllabus during the<br />

two preceding years; those <strong>who</strong> attempted the Postgraduate<br />

Diploma in Applied Accounting Sciences (CTA level 2) during<br />

the two preceding years, and those with a CTA, the validity of<br />

which has expired <strong>for</strong> purposes of adm<strong>is</strong>sion to SAICA’s QE1<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in Business<br />

98215 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or Advanced Diploma with 120<br />

Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

an average of 60% or more in either qualification<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98227 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Human Resource Development<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may<br />

be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98228 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Human Resource Management<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may<br />

be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Auditing 98207 A BCompt (Internal Auditing) degree or its equivalent or a<br />

dedicated Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences<br />

120<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98209 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Labour Relations Management<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student<br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98205 A CIMA-accredited bachelor’s degree, <strong>for</strong> instance a BCompt 120<br />

Management Accounting<br />

(Management Accounting) degree or a dedicated Advanced<br />

Diploma in Accounting Sciences, or their equivalent. Candidates<br />

with a similar, but not CIMA-accredited, bachelor’s degree<br />

may also apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to th<strong>is</strong> qualification, but will be<br />

admitted to CIMA’s strategic-level examinations only once they<br />

<strong>have</strong> complied with the additional requirements set by CIMA in<br />

th<strong>is</strong> regard<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98206 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Marketing Management<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may<br />

be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98212 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Organ<strong>is</strong>ational Development<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may<br />

be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98208 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may<br />

be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in R<strong>is</strong>k<br />

98210 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Management<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may<br />

be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation 98256 A BCompt (Financial Accounting) degree or its equivalent or<br />

a BCompt (Taxation) degree or its equivalent, or a dedicated<br />

Advanced Diploma in Accounting Sciences<br />

120<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in<br />

98213 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree, or an appropriate Advanced 120<br />

Transport and Log<strong>is</strong>ticts<br />

Diploma with an average of 60% or more. In instances where a<br />

student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may<br />

be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

\<br />

College of Education<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Education Advanced Certificate in Education 97586 4 year professional teaching qualification (480 120<br />

(Computer-Integrated Education)<br />

credits) AND either NSC OR Senior Certificate<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education 93017 3 year professional teaching qualification in the 120<br />

(Mathematics: Intermediate and<br />

field of Mathematics or ANY 4 year teaching<br />

Senior Phase)<br />

qualification (480 credits) AND either NSC OR<br />

Senior Certificate<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education 93017 - ACE Senior Certificate AND a recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 4 year 120<br />

(Mathematics: Intermediate and Senior<br />

Phase) Mathematics: Intermediate and<br />

Senior Phase<br />

professional teaching qualification (480 credits).<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education 93017 - NEW Senior Certificate AND either a 3 year<br />

120<br />

(Mathematics: Intermediate and Senior<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed professional teaching qualification<br />

Phase)<br />

(360 credits) with Mathematics as principal<br />

teaching subject OR a 4 year recogn<strong>is</strong>ed<br />

teaching qualification (480 credits).<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education 93017 - N06 Senior Certificate AND a recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 4 year 120<br />

(Mathematics: Intermediate<br />

and Senior Phase)<br />

professional teaching qualification (480 credits).<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education : 93025 Senior Certificate AND either a 3 year<br />

120<br />

Natural Science<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed professional teaching qualification<br />

(360 credits) with Natural Sciences as principal<br />

teaching subject OR a 4 year recogn<strong>is</strong>ed<br />

teaching qualification (480 credits).<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education: 03824 4 year professional teaching qualification (480 120<br />

Educational Leadership<br />

credits) and 3 years teaching experience AND<br />

either NSC OR Senior Certificate. School<br />

principals with a three-year professional<br />

education diploma (evaluated M+3) with<br />

certified proof, at first reg<strong>is</strong>tration from the<br />

relevant education department that such<br />

a student <strong>is</strong> already employed as a school<br />

principal<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education: 03824 - NEW Senior Certificate AND either a 4 year<br />

120<br />

Educational Leadership<br />

professional teaching qualification (480 credits)<br />

OR a school principal with a recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 3 year<br />

professional teaching qualification (360 credits).<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education: Engl<strong>is</strong>h 03832 Senior Certificate AND either a 4 year<br />

professional teaching qualification (480 credits)<br />

OR 3 year professional teaching qualification<br />

with Engl<strong>is</strong>h as major teaching subject.<br />

120<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education: 03972 Senior Certificate AND a recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 4 year 120<br />

Inclusive Education (Barriers To Learning:<br />

Learning Difficulties)<br />

professional teaching qualification (480 credits).<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education: Life 03859 Senior Certificate AND either a 3 year recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 120<br />

Orientation<br />

professional teaching qualification (360 credits)<br />

OR a 4 year recogn<strong>is</strong>ed teaching qualification<br />

(480 credits).<br />

Advanced Certificate in Education: 03964 Senior Certificate AND a 3 year recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 120<br />

Technology Education: General Education<br />

and Training Band<br />

professional teaching qualification (360 credits)<br />

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood 02593 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 480<br />

Development: Foundation Phase)<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board. All <strong>students</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tering <strong>for</strong> th<strong>is</strong><br />

qualification, must do their teaching practicals<br />

in South Africa.<br />

Bachelor of Education (Intermediate and 02607 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 480<br />

Senior Phase)<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board. All <strong>students</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tering from 2009<br />

<strong>for</strong> th<strong>is</strong> qualification, must do their teaching<br />

practicals in South Africa.<br />

44 45<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Education College of Education<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Education Bachelor of Education (Senior and Further 02615 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 480<br />

Education and Training Phases)<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board. All <strong>students</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tering from 2009<br />

<strong>for</strong> th<strong>is</strong> qualification, must do their teaching<br />

practicals in South Africa.<br />

Higher Certificate in Adult Basic<br />

Education and Training<br />

97942 - NEW Grade 12 or Senior Certificate 120<br />

Higher Diploma in Adult Basic Education 02488 - NEW Senior or School leaving certificate with at least<br />

5 subjects on Higher Grade and/or Standard<br />

Grade Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption<br />

from the Matriculation Board Or NSC with<br />

Diploma adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

360<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education -<br />

05347 - NEW An approved 4 year Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood 120<br />

with special<strong>is</strong>ation in<br />

Development OR an approved 3 year Degree with a<br />

Early Childhood Development<br />

Postgraduate Certificate in Education in Early Childhood<br />

Development or Foundation Phase or equivalent qualification<br />

AND after approval was obtained through the selection process<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education - with 05320 - NEW Approved Bachelors degree and a Postgraduate Certificate in 120<br />

special<strong>is</strong>ation in Educational Management<br />

Education or A Four-year composite degree in Education or<br />

equivalent or A three year Teachers Diploma and an additional<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed one year teaching qualification<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education - with 9501X - NEW Approved Bachelors degree and a Postgraduate Certificate in 120<br />

special<strong>is</strong>ation in Environmental Education<br />

Education or A Four-year composite degree in Education or<br />

equivalent or A three year Teachers Diploma and an additional<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed one year teaching qualification<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education - with 05355 - NEW Approved Bachelors degree and a Postgraduate Certificate in 120<br />

special<strong>is</strong>ation in Inclusive Education<br />

Education or A Four-year composite degree in Education or<br />

equivalent or A three year Teachers Diploma and an additional<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed one year teaching qualification<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education - with 95001 - NEW An approved 4 year Bachelor of Education degree with<br />

120<br />

special<strong>is</strong>ation in Mathematics Education<br />

Mathematics passed up to 2nd level OR an approved 3 year<br />

Degree with Mathematics passed up to 2nd level with a<br />

Postgraduate Certificate in Education or equivalent qualification.<br />

Adm<strong>is</strong>sion must first be approved.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education - with 95028 - NEW An approved 4 year Bachelor of Education degree with a major 120<br />

special<strong>is</strong>ation in Natural Science Education<br />

in Life or Physical Sciences at a 2nd year level OR an approved<br />

3 year Degree with a major in Life or Physical Sciences at a<br />

2nd year level with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education or<br />

equivalent qualification.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education<br />

05363 - NEW An approved 4 year Bachelor of Education degree with<br />

120<br />

(special<strong>is</strong>ation in School Guidance<br />

Psychology 3 OR an approved 3 year Degree with Psychology<br />

and Counselling)<br />

3 with a Postgraduate Certificate in Education or equivalent<br />

qualification AND after approval was obtained through the<br />

selection process<br />

Honours<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Education endorsement<br />

special<strong>is</strong>ation in Educational Management<br />

03190 An approved HONS BEd degree. 120<br />

Bachelor of Education endorsement<br />

03174 An approved HONS BEd degree AND Psychology 3 AS WELL 120<br />

special<strong>is</strong>ation in School Guidance &<br />

Counselling<br />

AS approval after the selection process.<br />

Endorsement special<strong>is</strong>ation Special Needs<br />

Education<br />

0376X An approved HONS BEd degree. 120<br />

Endorsement: special<strong>is</strong>ation in Adult Basic<br />

Education and Training<br />

0538X An approved HONS BEd degree. 120<br />

Endorsement: special<strong>is</strong>ation in Early<br />

05304 An approved HONS BEd degree as well as approval after the 120<br />

Childhood Development<br />

selection process.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education 05312 - NEW Approved Bachelors degree and a Postgraduate Certificate in<br />

Education or A Four-year composite degree in Education or<br />

equivalent or A three year Teachers Diploma and an additional<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed one year teaching qualification<br />

Honours Bachelor of Education -<br />

with special<strong>is</strong>ation in<br />

Adult Basic Education and Training<br />

Postgraduate diplomas and certificates<br />

05371 - NEW Approved Bachelors degree and a Postgraduate Certificate in<br />

Education or A Four-year composite degree in Education or<br />

equivalent or A three year Teachers Diploma and an additional<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed one year teaching qualification<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Postgraduate Certificate in Education<br />

02631 - FDP Grade 12 or Senior Certificate and a Recogn<strong>is</strong>ed Degree with 120<br />

(Foundation Phase and Early Childhood<br />

1 school subject at least up to 2nd year level and 2 official<br />

Development) Foundation Phase<br />

languages on 1st year level. All <strong>students</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tering from 2009<br />

<strong>for</strong> th<strong>is</strong> qualification, must do their teaching practicals in South<br />

Africa.<br />

Postgraduate Certificate in Education<br />

02623 - NEW Grade 12 or Senior Certificate and a Recogn<strong>is</strong>ed Degree with 120<br />

(Intermediate and Senior Phase)<br />

2 school subjects up to 2nd year level and 2 official languages<br />

on 1st year level. All <strong>students</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tering <strong>for</strong> th<strong>is</strong> qualification,<br />

must do their teaching practicals in South Africa.<br />

Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Senior 03980 - NEW Grade 12 or Senior Certificate and a Recogn<strong>is</strong>ed Degree with 2 120<br />

Phase and Further Education and Training)<br />

school subjects with one at least on 2nd year level and the other<br />

on 1st year level. All <strong>students</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tering from 2009 <strong>for</strong> th<strong>is</strong><br />

qualification, must do their teaching practicals in South Africa.<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in Tertiary Education 03115 - NEW A Bachelor’s Degree or Equivalent NQF level 6 qualification. 120<br />

46 47<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

120<br />


College of Human Sciences College of Human Sciences<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

General Bachelor of Arts<br />

99311 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

360<br />

<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> qualification <strong>is</strong> offered with the<br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

following major subjects:<br />

Board<br />

V<strong>is</strong>ual and<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mance Arts<br />

African Languages (Northern Sotho,<br />

Southern Sotho, Tsonga, Tswana,<br />

Venda, Xhosa, Zulu); African Politics;<br />

Afrikaans; Ancient H<strong>is</strong>tory; Ancient<br />

Near Eastern Culture; Anthropology;<br />

Arabic; Archaeology; Art H<strong>is</strong>tory; Biblical<br />

Archaeology; Biblical Studies; Classical<br />

Culture; Communication Science;<br />

Community Min<strong>is</strong>try; Congregational<br />

Min<strong>is</strong>try; Criminology; Development<br />

Studies; Economics; Engl<strong>is</strong>h; French;<br />

General Education; Geography;<br />

H<strong>is</strong>tory; H<strong>is</strong>tory of Music; Industrial and<br />

Organ<strong>is</strong>ational Psychology; In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

Science; International Politics; Islamic<br />

Studies; Italian; Lingu<strong>is</strong>tics; Mandarin<br />

Chinese; Mathematics; Music in World<br />

Cultures Today; New Testament;<br />

Old Testament; Philosophy; Politics;<br />

Portuguese; Private Law; Psychology;<br />

Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration; Religious Studies;<br />

Scripture Studies; Sociology; Stat<strong>is</strong>tics;<br />

Theologies in Context; Theory of<br />

Literature; Welfare Science; World<br />

Languages and Literature;<br />

Advanced University Diploma in V<strong>is</strong>ual<br />

Arts<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts)<br />

Multimedia Studies:<br />

Audiov<strong>is</strong>ual Multimedia<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts)<br />

Multimedia Studies:<br />

Computer-Generated Multimedia<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts)<br />

Multimedia Studies:<br />

Multimedia in Digital V<strong>is</strong>ual Arts<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Culture and Arts)<br />

Multimedia Studies: V<strong>is</strong>ual Multimedia<br />

02860 A three or four year v<strong>is</strong>ual arts or multi-media degree<br />

and the subm<strong>is</strong>sion of a body of practical work. Prior<br />

perm<strong>is</strong>sion must be obtained from the department.<br />

02305 - MA1 Perm<strong>is</strong>sion letter from the Department of Art<br />

H<strong>is</strong>tory, V<strong>is</strong>ual Arts and Musicology AND Senior<br />

Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or NSC<br />

with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

02305 - MC1 Perm<strong>is</strong>sion letter from the Department of Art<br />

H<strong>is</strong>tory,V<strong>is</strong>ual Arts and Musicology AND Senior<br />

Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or NSC<br />

with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

02305 - MMD Perm<strong>is</strong>sion letter from the Department of Art<br />

H<strong>is</strong>tory,V<strong>is</strong>ual Arts and Musicology AND Senior<br />

Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or NSC<br />

with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

02305 - MV1 Perm<strong>is</strong>sion letter from the Department of Art<br />

H<strong>is</strong>tory,V<strong>is</strong>ual Arts and Musicology AND Senior<br />

Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or NSC<br />

with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Musicology 99308 Grade 5 Music Theory (Un<strong>is</strong>a) OR Music <strong>for</strong> Matric<br />

Or Grade 6 Music Theory AND Senior Certificate<br />

with Matriculation Exemption OR NSC with Degree<br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion OR qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption<br />

from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of V<strong>is</strong>ual Arts 02224 Perm<strong>is</strong>sion letter from the Department of Art<br />

H<strong>is</strong>tory,V<strong>is</strong>ual Arts and Musicology AND Senior<br />

Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or NSC<br />

with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

120<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

480<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

V<strong>is</strong>ual and<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mers Licentiate in<br />

03409 - CLA Grade 7 Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Clarinet 120<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mance Arts Music (2nd) Clarinet<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mers Licentiate in Music (2nd) Flute 03409 - FLU Grade 7 Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Flute 120<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mers Licentiate in<br />

Music (2nd) Organ<br />

03409 - ORG Grade 7 Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Organ 120<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mers Licentiate in<br />

Music (2nd) Piano<br />

03409 - PIA Grade 7 Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Piano 120<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mers Licentiate in<br />

Music (2nd) Recorder<br />

03409 - REC Grade 7 Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Recorder 120<br />

Per<strong>for</strong>mers Licentiate in<br />

Music (2nd) Singing (Soprano)<br />

03409 - SIS Grade 7 Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Singing 120<br />

Teachers Licentiate in Music (2nd) Flute 03417 - FLU Senior Certificate, at least 18 years old, Grade 7<br />

Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Flute<br />

120<br />

Teachers Licentiate in Music (2nd) Piano 03417 - PIA Senior Certificate, at least 18 years old, Grade 7<br />

Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Piano<br />

120<br />

Teachers Licentiate in<br />

03417 - REC Senior Certificate, at least 18 years old, Grade 7 120<br />

Music (2nd) Recorder<br />

Theory of Music & Grade 8 in Recorder<br />

Psychology Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and 02313 - APP Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or 360<br />

Social Services) Applied Psychology <strong>for</strong><br />

NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Professional Contexts<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and 02313 - CHP A reg<strong>is</strong>tration as a professional practitioner in a 360<br />

Social Services) Community and Health<br />

health field such as physiotherapy, occupational<br />

Psychology<br />

therapy, radiography, etc AND Senior Certificate<br />

with Matriculation Exemption Or NSC with Degree<br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption<br />

from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and 02313 - COU Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or 360<br />

Social Services) Psychological Counselling<br />

NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Health Professions Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences 02313 - HM9 A reg<strong>is</strong>tration as a professional practitioner in a 360<br />

and Related and Social Services) Health Services<br />

health field such as physiotherapy, occupational<br />

Clinical Sciences Management & Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

therapy, radiography, etc AND Senior Certificate<br />

with Matriculation Exemption OR NSC with Degree<br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption from<br />

the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science 0216X - HHS Current reg<strong>is</strong>tration with the SA Nursing Council 360<br />

Health Services Management and<br />

or equivalent reg<strong>is</strong>tering body as a professional<br />

Education<br />

Nurse AND Senior Certificate with Matriculation<br />

Exemption Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption from the<br />

Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts in Nursing Science 0216X - HSM Current reg<strong>is</strong>tration with the SA Nursing Council 360<br />

Health Services Management, Education<br />

or equivalent reg<strong>is</strong>tering body as a professional<br />

and Community Health<br />

Nurse AND Senior Certificate with Matriculation<br />

Exemption OR NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

OR qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption from the<br />

Matriculation Board<br />

Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts (Health Sciences and 02313 - WFS Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or 360<br />

Social Services) Welfare Science<br />

NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social 02291 - D11 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or 360<br />

Studies) Development Studies<br />

NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social 02291 - PPE Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or 360<br />

Studies) Philosophy, Politics and<br />

NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Economics<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts in International Relations 99302 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or 360<br />

and Diplomacy<br />

NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

48 49<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Human Sciences College of Human Sciences<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Social Sciences Bachelor of Arts in Political Leadership 99304 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption Or 360<br />

and Citizenship<br />

NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional<br />

Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of In<strong>for</strong>mation Science 99310 - GEN Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

360<br />

Bachelor of Social Work 99309 - GEN Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

480<br />

Diploma in Youth Development 02461 Senior or School leaving certificate with at least 5<br />

subjects on Higher Grade and/or Standard Grade<br />

Or qualify <strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption from the<br />

Matriculation Board Or NSC with Diploma adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

240<br />

Higher Certificate in Archives and 98577 NSC with four 20 credit subjects 3 OR<br />

120<br />

Records Management<br />

Senior Certificate<br />

Family Ecology and Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social 02291 - C11 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 360<br />

Consumer Sciences Studies) Community Development<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social 02291 - GEN Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption 360<br />

Studies)<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation Board<br />

Public<br />

Management and<br />

services<br />

Languages<br />

Lingu<strong>is</strong>tics and<br />

Literature<br />

Communication,<br />

Journal<strong>is</strong>m and<br />

Related Studies<br />

Philosophy,<br />

Religion and<br />

Theology<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Human and Social<br />

Studies) Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration and<br />

Communication Facilitation<br />

Bachelor of Arts in Government,<br />

Admin<strong>is</strong>tration and Development<br />

02291 - PAF Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board<br />

99301 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts in Policy Studies 99303 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board<br />

Bachelor of Arts (Languages and<br />

Literature) Creative Writing<br />

Bachelor of Arts in Communication<br />

Science<br />

National Diploma: Public Relations<br />

Management<br />

02283 - N11 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board<br />

98051 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

Conditional Exemption from the Matriculation<br />

Board<br />

DPUBR NSC with four 20 credit subjects 3 OR Senior<br />

Certificate Grade 12 certificate.<br />

Bachelor of Theology 99305 Senior Certificate with Matriculation Exemption<br />

Or NSC with Degree adm<strong>is</strong>sion Or qualify<br />

<strong>for</strong> Conditional Exemption from the<br />

Matriculation Board<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

360<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in African Languages 99306 A Bachelors degree and <strong>have</strong> passed a third level course in an<br />

African language with 60% and a good command in Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in African Politics 99307 Bachelors degree with African Politics 3 as a major Or an<br />

equivalent course passed at another university.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Afrikaans Language 99401 - LAN Bachelor’s degree with 60% pass in Afrikaans as a major 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Afrikaans Literature 99435 - LIT Bachelor’s degree with 60% pass in Afrikaans as a major 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

99402 Bachelors degree or an equivalent qualification and <strong>have</strong> passed 120<br />

Ancient Near Eastern Studies<br />

third level course in one of the following subjects: Ancient Near<br />

Eastern studies, Biblical Studies, Biblical Archaeology, Ancient studies<br />

or any other related major approved by the Chair of department<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Anthropology 99403 Bachelors degree with an average of 60% pass in<br />

Anthropology as major.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Applied Lingu<strong>is</strong>tics 99405 Bachelor’s degree with 60% pass in a language or lingu<strong>is</strong>tics<br />

as a major.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Arabic 99404 Bachelors degree or an equivalent qualification with Arabic 3 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Archaeology 99406 Bahelor’s degree with an average of 60% pass in Archaeology<br />

as a major.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Art H<strong>is</strong>tory 99407 A Bachelors Degree with Art H<strong>is</strong>tory as a major with an average<br />

mark of 60% at third level<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

99408 Bachelors degree with Biblical Archaeology as a major or any 120<br />

Biblical Archaeology<br />

other Bachelors degree. In the latter case <strong>students</strong> will <strong>have</strong> to<br />

complete<br />

a compulsory module which will introduce them to the subject<br />

Biblical Archaeology<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

99409 - Bachelors degree with applicable major subject 120<br />

Biblical Studies New Testament<br />

NEW<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

Biblical Studies Old Testament<br />

99436 - OLD Bachelors degree with applicable major subject 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Classical Hebrew 99424 Bachelor’s degree with Classical Hebrew 3 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

Classical Studies Ancient H<strong>is</strong>tory<br />

99410 - ANH An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Classical Studies<br />

Classical Culture (Greek or Latin)<br />

99437 - CGL An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Engl<strong>is</strong>h Studies 99411 Students <strong>who</strong> obtained an average of less than 60% <strong>for</strong> Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

III, or passed Engl<strong>is</strong>h III six or more years earlier, will not be<br />

admitted automatic<strong>all</strong>y to the course. Adm<strong>is</strong>sion will be at the<br />

d<strong>is</strong>cretion of the Chairperson of the Department and will be<br />

made on the bas<strong>is</strong> of the applicant’s full academic record and<br />

such other factors as seem relevant. Applicants <strong>who</strong> f<strong>all</strong> into<br />

th<strong>is</strong> category must understand that the onus will be on them to<br />

provide full, detailed transcripts of their academic record.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in H<strong>is</strong>tory 99412 Bachelor’s degree with H<strong>is</strong>tory as a major subject or <strong>have</strong><br />

passed another major equivalent to H<strong>is</strong>tory<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in In<strong>for</strong>mation Science 99413 Bachelors degree with In<strong>for</strong>mation Science or Archival Science<br />

as a major subject<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

99414 Bachelor’s degree with International Politics as a major or 120<br />

International Politics<br />

equivalent course<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Islamic Studies 99415 Bachelor’s degree with Islamic Studies as a major subject or in<br />

a related human science d<strong>is</strong>cipline approved by the Chair of the<br />

Department.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Judaica 99416 Bachelor’s degree with a major in Modern Hebrew-Judaica or Judaica 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Lingu<strong>is</strong>tics 99417 Bachelor’s degree with 60% pass in a language or lingu<strong>is</strong>tics<br />

as a major.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Media Studies 99418 Bachelor’s degree with at least 5 Communication Science<br />

modules on 3rd level with an average of 60% - with at<br />

least two modules in the area of special<strong>is</strong>ation. A research<br />

methodology module on the third level of the undergraduate<br />

degree must also be completed<br />

(if not, please contact the Department).<br />

120<br />

50 51<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Human Sciences College of Human Sciences<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Modern European 99419 Bachelor’s degree 60% in applicable major subject, but <strong>students</strong> 120<br />

Languages and Literature<br />

with less than 60% may apply<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Philosophy 99420 Bachelor’s degree 60% in Philosophy as major subject. 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Politics 99421 Bachelors degree with Politics as major. 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology 99422 Bachelor’s degree with 60% <strong>for</strong> Psychology III, obtained less<br />

than 6 years ago, a Research Methodology and Psychopathology<br />

passed at undergraduate courses. OR 4 year Bachelor’s degree<br />

with Psychology III OR a Bachelor’s degree with Psychology III<br />

and postgraduate certificate/diploma, a Reseach methodology<br />

and Psychopathology passed at undergraduate courses<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology Applied 99422 - APP Bachelor’s degree with 60% <strong>for</strong> Psychology III, obtained less 120<br />

Psychology <strong>for</strong> Professional Context<br />

than 6 years ago, a Research Methodology and Psychopathology<br />

passed at undergraduate courses. OR 4 year Bachelor’s degree<br />

with Psychology III OR a Bachelor’s degree with Psychology III<br />

and postgraduate certificate/diploma, a Reseach methodology<br />

and Psychopathology passed at undergraduate courses<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology<br />

99422 - CHP Bachelor’s degree with 60% <strong>for</strong> Psychology III, obtained less 120<br />

Community and Health Psychology<br />

than 6 years ago, a Research Methodology and Psychopathology<br />

passed at undergraduate courses. OR 4 year Bachelor’s degree<br />

with Psychology III OR a Bachelor’s degree with Psychology III<br />

and postgraduate certificate/diploma, a Reseach methodology<br />

and Psychopathology passed at undergraduate courses<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

99422 - COU Bachelor’s degree with 60% <strong>for</strong> Psychology III, obtained less 120<br />

Psychology Psychological Counselling<br />

than 6 years ago, a Research Methodology and Psychopathology<br />

passed at undergraduate courses. OR 4 year Bachelor’s degree<br />

with Psychology III OR a Bachelor’s degree with Psychology III<br />

and postgraduate certificate/diploma, a Reseach methodology<br />

and Psychopathology passed at undergraduate courses<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Religious Studies 99423 Bachelor’s degree with Religious Studies as a major 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Social Behaviour<br />

Studies in HIV/AIDS (HIV/AIDS)<br />

99425 - HIV An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree. 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Sociology 99426 A Bachelors degree with an average of 60% <strong>for</strong> Sociology<br />

as a major.”<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in<br />

Theory of Literature<br />

99427 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree 120<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Translation Studies 99428 Bachelor’s degree with 60% in a major. A high degree of<br />

proficiency in the two languages chosen <strong>is</strong> required. Students<br />

without a language major may be required to pass a translation<br />

aptitude test be<strong>for</strong>e adm<strong>is</strong>sion <strong>is</strong> granted(Refer to Department<br />

of Lingu<strong>is</strong>tics)<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Theology Honours in<br />

99429 B Th degree or equivalent Theological qualification with a major 120<br />

New Testament<br />

in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline<br />

Bachelor of Theology Honours in Old Testament 99430 B Th degree or equivalent Theological qualification with a major<br />

in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Theology Honours in<br />

99431 B Th degree or equivalent Theological qualification with a major 120<br />

Practical Theology<br />

in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline<br />

Bachelor of Theology Honours in<br />

99433 B Th degree or equivalent Theological qualification with a major 120<br />

Systematic Theology<br />

in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline<br />

Bachelor of Theology Honours in<br />

99434 B Th degree or equivalent Theological qualification with a major 120<br />

Theological Ethics<br />

in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Archival Science 0555X - N11 A BTech Archival Studies Or a three-year Bachelors degree and<br />

a Post Diploma Certificate in Archival Studies Or a three-year<br />

degree and another tertiary qualification in Archival Science or<br />

Record Studies Or a three year degree and at least ten years<br />

full-time experience as an archiv<strong>is</strong>t or records manager, provided<br />

that the Chair of the Department may prescribe an assignment,<br />

oral or a written examination as an additional requirement <strong>for</strong><br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Communication 04235 - ORK Bachelor’s degree with at least 5 Communication Science 120<br />

Organ<strong>is</strong>ational Communication<br />

modules on 3rd level with an average of 60% - with at least two<br />

modules in the area of special<strong>is</strong>ation. A research methodology<br />

module on the third level of the undergraduate degree must also<br />

be completed (if not, please contact the Department).<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in<br />

Development Studies<br />

05150 - NEW A Bachelors degree with at least 60% in the final-level modules. 120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Gender Studies 05266 Bachelor’s degree with 60% in applicable major subject 120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Musicology 05185 Bachelors degree with a major in one of the following subjects:<br />

Music in H<strong>is</strong>tory and Society, H<strong>is</strong>tory of Music, Music in World<br />

Cultures Today or any equivalent music major and <strong>have</strong> passed<br />

a major with an average of 60%. Degree completed more than<br />

five years must be referred to the Chair of the Department <strong>for</strong><br />

approval.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in<br />

04421 Bachelor’s degree with an average of 60% and Sociology as a 120<br />

Social Science in Sociology<br />

major<br />

Honours Bachelor of Musicology H<strong>is</strong>torical 04456 - HST A BMus degree. Students <strong>who</strong> obtained their degree more than<br />

five years ago may be required to take one or more papers<br />

from the undergraduate BMus curriculum of the University.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Musicology Theoretical 04456 - THR A BMus degree. Students <strong>who</strong> obtained their degree more than<br />

five years ago may be required to take one or more papers<br />

from the undergraduate BMus curriculum of the University.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Theology in<br />

05290 - NEW BTh degree or equivalent Theological qualification; or a diploma 120<br />

Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Spirituality<br />

or licentiate in theology from a recogn<strong>is</strong>ed theological college<br />

or seminary, or a bachelors’ degree accompanied by diploma or<br />

certificate in theology<br />

Honours Bachelor of Theology in Church H<strong>is</strong>tory 0474X BTh degree or equivalent Theological qualification with a major<br />

in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Theology in M<strong>is</strong>siology 05010 B Th degree or equivalent Theological qualification with a major<br />

in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline<br />

120<br />

Postgraduate diplomas and certificates<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health 98574 A health related degree with an average in the final year of 60%. 120<br />

52 53<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Law College of Law<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Public Management Baccalaureus Technologiae:<br />

BTCOR National Diploma: Correctional Services 120<br />

and Services<br />

Correctional Services Management<br />

Management or equivalent qualifications in<br />

Social Work, Psychology, Education, Law,<br />

Criminology<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae:<br />

BTFIN National Diploma: Policing or Equivalent 120<br />

Forensic Investigation<br />

Qualification in the Field of Criminal Justice<br />

(e.g. Criminology, Security R<strong>is</strong>k Management,<br />

Correctional Science Management etc).<br />

Uncertainties with regards to equivalent<br />

qualifications should be referred to the Chair of<br />

the Department.<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Policing BTPLC National Diploma: Policing or Equivalent<br />

Qualification in the field of Criminal<br />

Justice (e.g.Criminology,Security R<strong>is</strong>k<br />

Management,Correctional Science<br />

Management, etc). Uncertainties with regards<br />

to equivalent qualifications should be referred<br />

to the Chair of the Department.<br />

120<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae:<br />

BTSEC Diploma: Security Management. Students 120<br />

Security R<strong>is</strong>k Management<br />

with the following qualifications: Diploma:<br />

Policing, Police Admin<strong>is</strong>tration or Correctional<br />

Services Management, OR BTech: Policing,<br />

Forensic Investigation or Correctional Services<br />

Management OR BA: Criminology or Criminal<br />

Justice can access the BTSEC by means of RPL<br />

and/or completing selected top-up NDSCR<br />

modules NDP<br />

Diploma in Corrections Management 98218 Senior Certificate or NSC Degree/Diploma or<br />

Equivalent Qualification<br />

360<br />

Diploma in Policing 98220 Senior Certificate or NSC Degree/Diploma or<br />

Equivalent Qualification<br />

360<br />

Diploma in Security Management 98221 Senior Certificate or NSC Degree/Diploma or<br />

Equivalent Qualification<br />

360<br />

Law Bachelor of Arts in Criminology 98681 NSC Degree OR Matric Exemption 360<br />

Bachelor of Laws 98680 NSC Degree OR Matric Exemption 480<br />

Diploma in Law 98750 Senior Certificate or NSC Degree/Diploma, or<br />

Equivalent Qualification.<br />

360<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Arts Honours in Criminology 98682 BA degree with Criminology on levels I, II and III. Students must<br />

<strong>have</strong> obtained an average of at least 60% or more in the final<br />

examination (level III)<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Penology 04847 BA Degree with special<strong>is</strong>ation in Penology, Criminology,<br />

Admin<strong>is</strong>tration of Criminal Justice or The B Tech Degree in<br />

Correctional Services Management or Equivalent Qualification<br />

120<br />

Postgraduate diplomas<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Postgraduate Diploma in Law<br />

98757 “A South African LLB or BProc or BIur<strong>is</strong> or BA (Law) or 120<br />

(HIV and AIDS)<br />

BComm(Law) degree, or A <strong>for</strong>eign LLB degree of minimum<br />

three years duration, or A BA(Health Sciences) with an average<br />

of 60% or more “<br />

54 55<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Science, Engineering and Technology College of Science, Engineering and Technology<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

General Bachelor of Science General<br />

98801 - GEN NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics &<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

360<br />

<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> qualification <strong>is</strong> offered with the<br />

following major subjects:<br />

(See page 60-61)<br />

Archeology; Applied Mathematics;<br />

Biochem<strong>is</strong>try; Chem<strong>is</strong>try; Computer<br />

Science; In<strong>for</strong>mation Systems; Mathematics;<br />

Operations Research; Psychology; Physics;<br />

Physiology; Stat<strong>is</strong>tics; Zoology<br />

Engineering Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering:<br />

Chemical<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering:<br />

Chemical (Environmental)<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering:<br />

Civil Construction Management<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering:<br />

Civil Environmental Engineering<br />

BTENC Completed National Diploma: Engineering<br />

(S4) in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline OR National<br />

Higher Diploma in Chemical Engineering (T4),<br />

PLUS the following bridging subjects: Process<br />

Control III (PCT381H), which <strong>is</strong> the prerequ<strong>is</strong>ite<br />

<strong>for</strong> PCT401C; National Diploma: Chemical<br />

Engineering (T3 diploma: three semesters<br />

technikon training plus three semesters<br />

in-service training) PLUS the following four<br />

bridging units: Process Control III (PCT381H);<br />

Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module B)<br />

(CEM321B ane CEM3PRB); Thermodynamics:<br />

Chemical Engineering III (TDC341P); Chemical<br />

Process Design: Principles III (CPD371S);<br />

Foreign Chemical Engineering qualifications are<br />

considered but subject to SAQA evaluation and<br />

departmental approval.<br />

BTECE Completed National Diploma: Engineering<br />

(S4) in the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline OR National<br />

Higher Diploma in Chemical Engineering (T4),<br />

PLUS the following bridging subjects: Process<br />

Control III (PCT381H), which <strong>is</strong> the prerequ<strong>is</strong>ite<br />

<strong>for</strong> PCT401C; National Diploma: Chemical<br />

Engineering (T3 diploma: three semesters<br />

technikon training plus three semesters<br />

in-service training) PLUS the following four<br />

bridging units: Process Control III (PCT381H);<br />

Chemical Engineering Technology III (Module B)<br />

(CEM321B ane CEM3PRB); Thermodynamics:<br />

Chemical Engineering III (TDC341P); Chemical<br />

Process Design: Principles III (CPD371S);<br />

Foreign Chemical Engineering qualifications are<br />

considered but subject to SAQA evaluation and<br />

departmental approval.<br />

BTECV - COM Completed National Diploma: Engineering (S4) in<br />

the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline or equivalent qualification<br />

OR National Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering<br />

(T4) OR Foreign Civil Engineering qualifications<br />

are considered but subject to SAQA evaluation<br />

and departmental approval. Students with a<br />

National Diploma (T3) in Civil Engineering must<br />

do bridging study units: (i) Documentation III.<br />

Choose three of the following four study units:<br />

(ii) Stuructural Analys<strong>is</strong> III; (iii)Transportation<br />

Engineering III; (iv) Water Engineering III; (iv)<br />

Geotechnical Engineering III.<br />

BTECV - ENV Completed National Diploma: Engineering (S4) in<br />

the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline or equivalent qualification<br />

OR National Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering<br />

(T4) OR Foreign Civil Engineering qualifications<br />

are considered but subject to SAQA evaluation<br />

and departmental approval. Students with a<br />

National Diploma (T3) in Civil Engineering must<br />

do bridging study units: (i) Documentation III.<br />

Choose three of the following four study units:<br />

(ii) Stuructural Analys<strong>is</strong> III; (iii)Transportation<br />

Engineering III; (iv) Water Engineering III; (iv)<br />

Geotechnical Engineering III.<br />

120<br />

120<br />

120<br />

120<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Engineering Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: BTECV - STR Completed National Diploma: Engineering (S4) in 120<br />

Civil Structural<br />

the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline or equivalent qualification<br />

OR National Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering<br />

(T4) OR Foreign Civil Engineering qualifications<br />

are considered but subject to SAQA evaluation<br />

and departmental approval. Students with a<br />

National Diploma (T3) in Civil Engineering must<br />

do bridging study units: (i) Documentation III.<br />

Choose three of the following four study units:<br />

(ii) Stuructural Analys<strong>is</strong> III; (iii)Transportation<br />

Engineering III; (iv) Water Engineering III; (iv)<br />

Geotechnical Engineering III.<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: BTECV - URB Completed National Diploma: Engineering (S4) in 120<br />

Civil Urban Engineering<br />

the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline or equivalent qualification<br />

OR National Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering<br />

(T4) OR Foreign Civil Engineering qualifications<br />

are considered but subject to SAQA evaluation<br />

and departmental approval. Students with a<br />

National Diploma (T3) in Civil Engineering must<br />

do bridging study units: (i) Documentation III.<br />

Choose three of the following four study units:<br />

(ii) Stuructural Analys<strong>is</strong> III; (iii)Transportation<br />

Engineering III; (iv) Water Engineering III; (iv)<br />

Geotechnical Engineering III.<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: BTECV - WAT Completed National Diploma: Engineering (S4) in 120<br />

Civil Water<br />

the relevant d<strong>is</strong>cipline or equivalent qualification<br />

OR National Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering<br />

(T4) OR Foreign Civil Engineering qualifications<br />

are considered but subject to SAQA evaluation<br />

and departmental approval. Students with a<br />

National Diploma (T3) in Civil Engineering must<br />

do bridging study units: (i) Documentation III.<br />

Choose three of the following four study units:<br />

(ii) Stuructural Analys<strong>is</strong> III; (iii)Transportation<br />

Engineering III; (iv) Water Engineering III; (iv)<br />

Geotechnical Engineering III.<br />

Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: BTENI Completed National Higher Diploma:<br />

120<br />

Industrial<br />

Industrial Engineering OR A National Diploma:<br />

Engineering: Industrial OR A National Diploma:<br />

Industrial Engineering (T3-diploma) as well<br />

as the following study units from the natinoal<br />

DIploma: Engineering: Industrial (S4): (i)<br />

Management Practice IV (MGP437U); (ii)<br />

Automation III (ATO331Q); (iii) Operatinoal<br />

Research III (OPR371S); (iv) Financial<br />

Management (FMA401V); (v) Quality Assurance<br />

II (QUAS221U). Students <strong>who</strong> hold any<br />

approved National Diploma in Engineering, other<br />

than the ND: Industrial Engineering <strong>who</strong> want<br />

to study BTech: Industrial Engineering: must<br />

first complete the Higher Certificate: Industrial<br />

Engineering successfully. Refer to the Short<br />

Learning Programmes Calendar.<br />

56 57<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Science, Engineering and Technology College of Science, Engineering and Technology<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Engineering Baccalaureus Technologiae: Engineering: BTMEE Completed National Diploma: Engineering: 120<br />

Mechanical<br />

Mechanical (S4 diploma); or a National<br />

Higher Diploma: Mechanical Engineering (T4<br />

diploma); or a National Diploma: Mechanical<br />

Engineering (T3 diploma) with at least two of<br />

the following S4 subjects: Theory of Machines<br />

III; Applied Strength of Materials III, Hydraulic<br />

Machines III, Steam Plant III, Mathematics III<br />

or Electrotechnology III. Foreign Mechanical<br />

Engineering Qualifications are considered but<br />

subject to SAQA evalutation and departmental<br />

approval.<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Chemical NDENG NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h,<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h,<br />

Industrial Chem<strong>is</strong>try & Engineering Science<br />

passed with at least 50%.<br />

360<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Civil NDECI NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h,<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h,<br />

Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

360<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical NDEEN - CEN National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical (S4) 360<br />

Clinical Engineering<br />

with Mathematics III OR National Diploma in<br />

Electrical Engineering (T3) with Mathematics<br />

III PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project<br />

III (DPJ391U OR National Higher Diploma in<br />

Electrical Engineering (T4) with Mathematics<br />

III,PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project<br />

III (DPJ391U OR Nation<strong>all</strong>y or Internation<strong>all</strong>y<br />

equivalent qualification.<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical NDEEN - COS National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical (S4) 360<br />

Computer Systems<br />

with Mathematics III OR National Diploma in<br />

Electrical Engineering (T3) with Mathematics<br />

III PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project<br />

III (DPJ391U OR National Higher Diploma in<br />

Electrical Engineering (T4) with Mathematics<br />

III,PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project<br />

III (DPJ391U OR Nation<strong>all</strong>y or Internation<strong>all</strong>y<br />

equivalent qualification.<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical NDEEN - EEC National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical (S4) 360<br />

Electronics and Electronic Communication<br />

with Mathematics III OR National Diploma in<br />

Electrical Engineering (T3) with Mathematics<br />

III PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project<br />

III (DPJ391U OR National Higher Diploma in<br />

Electrical Engineering (T4) with Mathematics<br />

III,PLUS the Bridging Subject: Design Project<br />

III (DPJ391U OR Nation<strong>all</strong>y or Internation<strong>all</strong>y<br />

equivalent qualification.<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Engineering National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical NDEEN - MEC NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h, 360<br />

Mechatronics<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical NDEEN - PEN NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h, 360<br />

Power Engineering<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Electrical NDEEN - PIN NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h, 360<br />

Process Instrumentation<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

National Diploma: Engineering: Industrial NDEID NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h,<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

360<br />

National Diploma: Engineering:<br />

NDEMC NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h, 360<br />

Mechanical<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

National Diploma: Mine Surveying NDMSR NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h,<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

360<br />

58 59<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Science, Engineering and Technology College of Science, Engineering and Technology<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Engineering National Diploma: Mining Engineering NDMIN NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h,<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

360<br />

National Diploma: Pulp and Paper NDPPT NSC (Diploma) with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h, 360<br />

Technology<br />

Physical Science & (Engineering and Technology<br />

or a Computer subject) passed with a rating of<br />

4 OR Senior Certificate with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Higher Grade Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h &Physical<br />

Science or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade<br />

Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h & Physical Science OR an<br />

N3 or N4 Certificate with Mathematics, Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

& Engineering Science passed with at least 50%.<br />

Computer and Baccalaureus Technologiae: In<strong>for</strong>mation BTINF National Diploma in In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology 120<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology<br />

with a 60% average <strong>for</strong> the 3rd year.<br />

Sciences<br />

Bachelor of Science in Computing 98906 NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics &<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h. Students must <strong>have</strong> access to a suitable<br />

microcomputer, the Internet and a printer.<br />

360<br />

Bachelor of Science in In<strong>for</strong>matics 98907 NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR Matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher Grade<br />

Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%) <strong>for</strong><br />

Standard Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h. Students<br />

must <strong>have</strong> access to a suitable microcomputer,<br />

the Internet and a printer.<br />

360<br />

Diploma in In<strong>for</strong>mation Technology 98806 NSC (Diploma) or Senior Certificate 360<br />

Applied<br />

Bachelor of Science (Applied Mathematics 98801 - AMC NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Mathematics and Computer Science Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least D(50%)<br />

<strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Applied Mathematics 98801 - AMP NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

and Physics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Applied Mathematics 98801 - AMS NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

and Stat<strong>is</strong>tics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Chem<strong>is</strong>try Bachelor of Science (Chem<strong>is</strong>try and 98801 - CAM NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Applied Mathematics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Chem<strong>is</strong>try and 98801 - CCS NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Computer Science Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics<br />

and Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Career choice Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Chem<strong>is</strong>try Bachelor of Science (Chem<strong>is</strong>try and 98801 - CIS NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation Systems Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98801 - CAP NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Chem<strong>is</strong>try and Physics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Chem<strong>is</strong>try and 98801 - CAS NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Stat<strong>is</strong>tics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Mathematics Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and 98801 - MAM NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Applied Mathematics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and 98801 - MAC NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Chem<strong>is</strong>try Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and 98801 - MCS NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Computer Science Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and 98801 - MIS NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation Systems Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98801 - MAP NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Mathematics and Physics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and 98801 - MAS NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

Stat<strong>is</strong>tics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics and<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

Stat<strong>is</strong>tics Bachelor of Science<br />

98801 - STP NSC (Degree) with Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h 360<br />

(Stat<strong>is</strong>tics and Physics Major)<br />

passed with a rating of 4 OR matriculation<br />

exemption with at least E(40%) <strong>for</strong> Higher<br />

Grade Mathematics & Engl<strong>is</strong>h or at least<br />

D(50%) <strong>for</strong> Standard Grade Mathematics<br />

and Engl<strong>is</strong>h.<br />

60 61<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Science, Engineering and Technology College of Science, Engineering and Technology<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Commerce<br />

98450 A BCom or BCompt degree or another approved degree in the 120<br />

Honours in Business In<strong>for</strong>matics<br />

Economic and Management Sciences, and must <strong>have</strong> passed In<strong>for</strong>matics<br />

III (or an equivalent course) with an average of at least 60%<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98909 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

Honours in Astronomy Education<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98910 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

Honours in Chem<strong>is</strong>try Education<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science Honours in Computing 98908 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

120<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98911 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

Honours in Computing Education<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98912 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

Honours in Life Science Education<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98913 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. 120<br />

Honours in Mathematics Education<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such<br />

a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation of<br />

not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each<br />

college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However,<br />

in considering the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student; the language<br />

capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong> access into the<br />

programme; any other factor deemed necessary by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98914 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. 120<br />

Honours in Physics Education<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such<br />

a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation of<br />

not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each<br />

college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However,<br />

in considering the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student; the language<br />

capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong> access into the<br />

programme; any other factor deemed necessary by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98915 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. 120<br />

Honours in Science Education<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such<br />

a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation of<br />

not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each<br />

college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However,<br />

in considering the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student; the language<br />

capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong> access into the<br />

programme; any other factor deemed necessary by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98916 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. 120<br />

Honours in Stat<strong>is</strong>tics Education<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such<br />

a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation of<br />

not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each<br />

college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However,<br />

in considering the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student; the language<br />

capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong> access into the<br />

programme; any other factor deemed necessary by the college.<br />

Bachelor of Science<br />

98917 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. 120<br />

Honours in Technology Education<br />

In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or<br />

more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such<br />

a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation of<br />

not more than three pages requesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each<br />

college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However,<br />

in considering the application the college must take into account: the<br />

relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student; the language<br />

capabilities of the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong> access into the<br />

programme; any other factor deemed necessary by the college.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics 04375 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

120<br />

62 63<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

College of Science, Engineering and Technology College of Science, Engineering and Technology<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Honours Bachelor of Commerce<br />

04103 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

in Stat<strong>is</strong>tics<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science<br />

0457X An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

in Applied Mathematics<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science in Astronomy 04561 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science in Chem<strong>is</strong>try 04472 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science<br />

05622 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

in Data Mining<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science<br />

04588 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or 120<br />

in Mathematics<br />

more. In instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of<br />

60% or more a subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College<br />

to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written<br />

motivation of not more than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to<br />

the college. Each college will determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the<br />

motivation. However, in considering the application the college must<br />

take into account: the relevant experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the<br />

student; the language capabilities of the student; alternative options<br />

<strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other factor deemed necessary<br />

by the college.<br />

Honours degrees<br />

Qualification Code Adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements NQF Credits<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science in Physics 04502 AAn appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. In<br />

instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a<br />

subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student<br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation of not more<br />

than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will<br />

determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the relevant<br />

experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student; the language capabilities of<br />

the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other<br />

factor deemed necessary by the college.<br />

120<br />

Honours Bachelor of Science in Stat<strong>is</strong>tics 04596 An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree with an average of 60% or more. In<br />

instances where a student does not <strong>have</strong> an average of 60% or more a<br />

subm<strong>is</strong>sion may be made to the relevant College to <strong>all</strong>ow such a student<br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion. Students must provide a written motivation of not more<br />

than three pages reaquesting adm<strong>is</strong>sion to the college. Each college will<br />

determine the requirements <strong>for</strong> the motivation. However, in considering<br />

the application the college must take into account: the relevant<br />

experience, work or otherw<strong>is</strong>e, of the student; the language capabilities of<br />

the student; alternative options <strong>for</strong> access into the programme; any other<br />

factor deemed necessary by the college.<br />

120<br />

64 65<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Step 3 – Make sure you qualify<br />

Do I qualify <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to study <strong>for</strong> a BACHELOR’S DEGREE<br />

(BTech excluded) at Un<strong>is</strong>a (new <strong>students</strong> 2012)?<br />

A<br />

+23 (Senior<br />

Certificate subjects)<br />

B<br />

+23 (O-Level<br />

<strong>students</strong>)<br />

C<br />

+23 (IGCSE)<br />

D<br />

+45<br />

E<br />

Full exemption<br />

(Senior + Diploma)<br />

F<br />

Full exemption<br />

(A + O-Levels)<br />

G<br />

Full exemption<br />

(HIGCSE)<br />

H<br />

*Access programme<br />

Will you be at least 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1989<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

Will you be at least 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in<br />

1989 or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

Will you be at least 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1989<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

Will you be at least 45 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1967<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

Senior Certificate<br />

Not National Senior Certificate OR<br />

*<strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> programme <strong>is</strong> offered <strong>for</strong> the last time in 2012. Students <strong>who</strong> fail<br />

any of the Access modules in 2012 or <strong>who</strong> <strong>have</strong> failed any of these modules<br />

in the past will not be <strong>all</strong>owed to complete the access programme.<br />

Full exemption<br />

NQF5<br />

Do you <strong>have</strong> a Senior<br />

Certificate? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass a combination<br />

of 5 O & A-Levels?<br />

Yes or No<br />

O-Level pass = symbols A-C<br />

A-Level pass = symbols A-E<br />

Did you pass<br />

5 HIGCSE subjects<br />

(Grades 1-3)? OR<br />

Do you <strong>have</strong> a completed<br />

qualification on NQF level 5 with<br />

120 credits from an<br />

accredited/reg<strong>is</strong>tered institution?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Are at least 2 of<br />

the above subjects<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed A-levels?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 4 HIGCSE<br />

subjects (Grades 1-3)<br />

and 1 IGCSE subject<br />

(symbols A-C)? OR<br />

Did you pass 4 Senior Certificate<br />

subjects with at least symbol E?<br />

(only HG/SG accepted)? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 4 recogn<strong>is</strong>ed<br />

O-Levels with symbols A-C or 1-6?<br />

(A-C+ <strong>for</strong> Kenya certificate of<br />

Secondary Education)? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass at least 4 IGCSE<br />

subjects with symbols A-C?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Note: some colleges <strong>have</strong> an<br />

additional college adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

requirement<br />

Do you <strong>have</strong> a 3 or 4<br />

year diploma, ie: Teacher’s<br />

diploma, National diploma?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Did you pass at least 5 O-Level<br />

subjects with symbols A-C or 1-6<br />

(A-C+ <strong>for</strong> KCSE) of which one was<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h Language or Literature in<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h? OR<br />

Do the subjects cover the following 3 groups:<br />

• Engl<strong>is</strong>h Language<br />

• Any recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 2nd language<br />

• Mathematics, Biology, Science, Geology,<br />

Botany, General Science, Physics, Zoology or a<br />

recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 3rd language? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 4 HIGCSE subjects (Grades 1-3) and 1<br />

HIGCSE subject (Grade 4)? Yes or No<br />

Do the subjects cover the following groups:<br />

• Any recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 1st language<br />

• Any recogn<strong>is</strong>ed 2nd language<br />

• Two more subjects from 2 of Groups 3, 4 and 5<br />

Yes or No<br />

If you answered “yes” please<br />

apply <strong>for</strong> an exemption certificate<br />

OR<br />

Were at least 3 subjects<br />

passed at one examination<br />

sitting? Yes or No<br />

Were at least 3 subjects<br />

passed at one examination<br />

sitting? Yes or No<br />

Were at least 3 subjects<br />

passed at one examination<br />

sitting? Yes or No<br />

Do you <strong>have</strong> a 2 year<br />

diploma from a South<br />

African university or<br />

technikon? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass at least<br />

5 IGCSE subjects with<br />

symbols A-C, of which<br />

Engl<strong>is</strong>h or Afrikaans<br />

first language was one<br />

of the subjects? OR<br />

If you do NOT hold a Senior Certificate with an endorsement indicating that you <strong>have</strong> been exempted<br />

from the matriculation requirement, please refer to the check l<strong>is</strong>t below to ascertain whether or not you<br />

are eligible to apply <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to undergraduate degree studies:<br />

(Not applicable to <strong>students</strong> <strong>who</strong> wrote the National Senior Certificate<br />

examinations from 2008 with the exception of column )<br />

Was 1 subject passed<br />

on Higher Grade?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Was Engl<strong>is</strong>h Language<br />

one of the subjects<br />

passed? Yes or No<br />

Was Engl<strong>is</strong>h or<br />

Afrikaans 1st Language<br />

one of the subjects<br />

passed? Yes or No<br />

If you answered “yes”<br />

to <strong>all</strong> the questions,<br />

please apply <strong>for</strong> an<br />

exemption certificate<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, please apply <strong>for</strong> an<br />

exemption certificate<br />

NB: Engl<strong>is</strong>h 1st<br />

or 2nd language<br />

on HIGCSE level<br />

<strong>is</strong> compulsory<br />

Did you complete the<br />

Certidao 12th class<br />

from Mozambique? OR<br />

If you answered “yes”<br />

to <strong>all</strong> the questions,<br />

please apply <strong>for</strong> an<br />

exemption certificate<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, please apply <strong>for</strong> an<br />

exemption certificate<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, please apply <strong>for</strong> an<br />

exemption certificate<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, please apply <strong>for</strong> an<br />

exemption certificate<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, please apply <strong>for</strong> an<br />

exemption certificate<br />

Should you <strong>have</strong> any<br />

<strong>for</strong>eign secondary or<br />

tertiary qualifications,<br />

please contact Access and<br />

Matriculation Exemption as<br />

indicated on your right<br />

Did you complete 3rd<br />

year Pre-University<br />

certificate from<br />

Angola? OR<br />

NB: If you <strong>have</strong><br />

passed any<br />

A-Levels, refer<br />

to Column F<br />

NB: It <strong>is</strong> not<br />

necessary to<br />

submit any school<br />

qualifications<br />

NB: Should you not<br />

meet one or more of<br />

the requirements, please<br />

contact Access and<br />

Matriculation Exemption<br />

as indicated on your right<br />

NB: Should you not meet one<br />

or more of the requirements,<br />

please contact Access and<br />

Matriculation Exemption as<br />

indicated on your right<br />

NB: Should you not meet one or<br />

more of the conditions, please<br />

contact Access and Matriculation<br />

Exemption as indicated on the right<br />

Did you complete the Graduation<br />

Certificate Grade 12 College<br />

Entrance or the National Chr<strong>is</strong>tian<br />

Schools’ Certificate Level 3 of the<br />

ACE School of Tomorrow?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Applying <strong>for</strong><br />

an exemption<br />

certificate<br />

Complete Section<br />

H of the application<br />

<strong>for</strong>m and submit the<br />

items as specified<br />

on the M30<br />

If you answered<br />

“NO” to any of the<br />

above questions, it<br />

appears that you<br />

do not qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

exemption at th<strong>is</strong><br />

stage. For further<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation please<br />

contact Access<br />

and Matriculation<br />

Exemption at:<br />

ame@un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za<br />

*If “Yes”, and you do not qualify to<br />

apply <strong>for</strong> exemption under Columns<br />

A-G, you may apply to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong><br />

the Access Programme.<br />

If you answered “NO” to any of the<br />

above questions, it appears that<br />

you do not qualify <strong>for</strong> exemption at<br />

th<strong>is</strong> stage. For further in<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

please contact Access and<br />

Matriculation Exemption at:<br />

ame@un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za<br />

66 67<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Do I qualify <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to study <strong>for</strong> a NATIONAL DIPLOMA<br />

at Un<strong>is</strong>a (new <strong>students</strong> 2012)?<br />

A<br />

23 years and older<br />

(Senior Certificate<br />

subjects)<br />

Will you be at least 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1989<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

B Will you be at least 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

23 years and older<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1989<br />

(O-Level <strong>students</strong>)<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

C Will you be at least 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

23 years and older<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1989<br />

(IGCSE <strong>students</strong>)<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

D<br />

45 years<br />

and older<br />

E<br />

ACE School of<br />

Tomorrow<br />

F<br />

23 years and older<br />

and 3 years working<br />

experience<br />

G<br />

4 N3 subjects and 2<br />

official languages<br />

Will you be at least 23 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1989<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

H Did you pass at least 4 N4 subjects<br />

4 N4 subjects<br />

including Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

with 50% or more? Yes or No<br />

Foreign high school<br />

qualifications not<br />

mentioned above<br />

Will you be at least 45 years be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

or on 31/12/2012 (ie born in 1967<br />

or earlier)? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 4 N3 subjects with<br />

at least 40%? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 4 Senior Certificate<br />

subjects with at least symbol E?<br />

(only HG/SG accepted)? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 4 O-Levels with<br />

symbols A-C or 1-6? (A-C+ <strong>for</strong><br />

Kenya Certificate of Secondary<br />

Education)? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass at least 4 IGCSE<br />

subjects with symbols A-C?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Note: some colleges <strong>have</strong> an<br />

additional college adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

requirement<br />

Did you pass the ACE School of Tomorrow Graduation Certificate Grade 12<br />

College Entrance or The National Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Schools’ Certificate Level 3 or the<br />

International Certificate of Chr<strong>is</strong>tian Education Level 3? Yes or No<br />

Are you in possession of at<br />

least a Standard 8 or Grade 10<br />

certificate? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 1 official<br />

language as 1st language<br />

SG with at least 40% on<br />

Senior Certificate level?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Was Engl<strong>is</strong>h N4 (50%) or Engl<strong>is</strong>h<br />

first or second language HG/SG<br />

passed with at least symbol E one<br />

of the subjects passed?<br />

Yes or No<br />

NB: These qualifications will be evaluated by the university<br />

to determine if you qualify <strong>for</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tration.<br />

Were at least 3 subjects<br />

passed at one examination<br />

sitting? Yes or No<br />

Were at least 3 subjects<br />

passed at one examination<br />

sitting? Yes or No<br />

Were at least 3 subjects<br />

passed at one examination<br />

sitting? Yes or No<br />

Do you <strong>have</strong> at least<br />

3 years relevant work<br />

experience? Yes or No<br />

Did you pass 1 official<br />

language as 2nd language<br />

SG with at least 40% on<br />

Senior Certificate level?<br />

Yes or No<br />

If you do NOT hold a Senior Certificate with or without matriculation exemption/endorsement<br />

and with at least 5 subjects on Higher and/or Standard Grade, please refer to the check l<strong>is</strong>t below<br />

to ascertain whether or not you are eligible to apply <strong>for</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tration <strong>for</strong> a National diploma<br />

(not applicable to <strong>students</strong> <strong>who</strong> wrote the National Senior Certificate examination from 2008).<br />

Was 1 subject passed<br />

on Higher Grade?<br />

Yes or No<br />

Was Engl<strong>is</strong>h language<br />

1 of the subjects<br />

passed? Yes or No<br />

Was Engl<strong>is</strong>h 1st Language or<br />

Afrikaans first Language one of<br />

the subjects passed? Yes or No<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

If you answered “yes” to <strong>all</strong> the<br />

questions, you may apply to<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a National Diploma.<br />

NB: It <strong>is</strong> not necessary<br />

to submit any school<br />

qualifications.<br />

Your reg<strong>is</strong>tration will only be processed if it <strong>is</strong> found, upon<br />

evaluation of your qualification, that you qualify <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

to the National Diploma<br />

If you answered<br />

“NO” to any of the<br />

above questions,<br />

it appears that<br />

you do not qualify<br />

to reg<strong>is</strong>ter <strong>for</strong> a<br />

National Diploma.<br />

Please refer<br />

to the other<br />

columns as well.<br />

68 69<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

3<br />

Apply<br />

You’ve decided that you possess the right qualities <strong>for</strong> open d<strong>is</strong>tance learning, you’ve chosen a career and selected<br />

a qualification. Now you need to apply to study through Un<strong>is</strong>a. Follow the steps below to make your application,<br />

ensuring you submit <strong>all</strong> the necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation along with your application.<br />

What must I do?<br />

1 Choose your qualification<br />

2 Check the adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements<br />

3 Submit your application to Un<strong>is</strong>a via<br />

the web (www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za), by post<br />

(PO Box 1, Un<strong>is</strong>arand, 0003), at a Un<strong>is</strong>a<br />

regional office with self-help centres or<br />

by fax (012 429 8116)*<br />

*Please note the earlier closing date <strong>for</strong> fax applications<br />

4 Pay the application fee online, via bank<br />

deposit* or by SWIFT payment<br />

*For bank details, go to the Un<strong>is</strong>a website (www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za) or the<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a mobi site (http://mobi.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za).<br />

The university will also send you correspondence in th<strong>is</strong> regard.<br />

What will Un<strong>is</strong>a do?<br />

5 Assess your application<br />

6 Send you a reg<strong>is</strong>tration package<br />

if your application <strong>is</strong> successful<br />

What I must do?<br />

If your application <strong>is</strong> successful,<br />

remember to reg<strong>is</strong>ter<br />

Use the questionnaires on pages<br />

22-29 to help you choose a career.<br />

The detailed l<strong>is</strong>ts of qualifications are<br />

separated into areas of interest to<br />

make your choice simpler.<br />

Please check the minimum adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

criteria on page 16 and the detailed<br />

adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements on pages<br />

66-69 to make sure you qualify <strong>for</strong><br />

the qualification of your choice<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e you complete and submit<br />

the application <strong>for</strong>m.<br />

Complete the application <strong>for</strong>m in full,<br />

remembering to attach the necessary<br />

documents to complete your<br />

application (see page 72).<br />

Please use the reference number you<br />

receive from Un<strong>is</strong>a as a reference<br />

when making payment. If you <strong>have</strong><br />

chosen to apply in person please<br />

remember that you will need to pay<br />

your application fee separately.<br />

If your application to Un<strong>is</strong>a has not<br />

been successful please contact<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a’s Directorate <strong>for</strong> Counselling,<br />

Career and Academic Development<br />

(contact details on page 28).<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a will send you a reg<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

package. We will only send the<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>tration in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> the<br />

qualification <strong>for</strong> which you <strong>have</strong><br />

been accepted.<br />

After your application has been<br />

accepted, you must reg<strong>is</strong>ter via<br />

the web, at a self-help terminal, at<br />

a branch of the South African Post<br />

Office or via the post. If you do not<br />

reg<strong>is</strong>ter in time, you will not be able<br />

to study through Un<strong>is</strong>a in 2012.<br />

70 71<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Application dates <strong>for</strong> the 2012 academic year<br />

Period 1: All <strong>for</strong>mal Un<strong>is</strong>a undergraduate<br />

and postgraduate qualifications (including<br />

semester 1, year courses, BTech, honours,<br />

postgraduate diplomas/certificates)<br />

Period 2: BTech, honours, postgraduate<br />

diplomas/certificates <strong>for</strong> applicants<br />

<strong>who</strong> were awaiting completion of their<br />

qualification to meet the adm<strong>is</strong>sion<br />

requirements<br />

Period 3: Semester 2<br />

Undergraduate qualifications<br />

Application requirements – documents and fees<br />

Remember that your application must be accompanied by the following:<br />

Web, self-help and postal applications 1 August 2011 to<br />

15 September 2011<br />

Fax applications 1 August 2011 to<br />

2 September 2011<br />

ONLY web applications 16 January 2012 to<br />

10 February 2012<br />

Web, post or fax 26 March 2012 to<br />

26 April 2012<br />

• Completed application <strong>for</strong>m<br />

• Certified copy of your school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate)<br />

• Certified copy of your tertiary academic record(s) (where applicable)<br />

• Certified copy of your ID document (RSA <strong>students</strong>) or passport (<strong>for</strong>eign <strong>students</strong>)<br />

• Certified copy of your marriage certificate (where applicable) or divorce decree (where applicable)<br />

• Original sworn translations of documents if they are not in Engl<strong>is</strong>h or Afrikaans<br />

• Application fee<br />

- R100,00 <strong>for</strong> web and self-help<br />

- R150,00 <strong>for</strong> post and fax<br />

Application payment options<br />

Pay the R150,00 non-refundable application fee <strong>for</strong> applications submitted via post or fax.<br />

The web and self-help application fee <strong>is</strong> R100,00. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> fee <strong>is</strong> non-refundable even if you decide not to<br />

study through Un<strong>is</strong>a or do not qualify <strong>for</strong> adm<strong>is</strong>sion to Un<strong>is</strong>a.<br />

• Online payments: You will receive a reference number against which to make an online<br />

credit card payment.<br />

• For bank details, go to the Un<strong>is</strong>a website (www.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za) or the Un<strong>is</strong>a mobi site (http://mobi.un<strong>is</strong>a.ac.za).<br />

The university will also send you correspondence in th<strong>is</strong> regard.<br />

Check l<strong>is</strong>t <strong>for</strong> the application process<br />

Work through th<strong>is</strong> l<strong>is</strong>t to ensure that your application to study through Un<strong>is</strong>a meets the necessary requirements:<br />

Check l<strong>is</strong>t<br />

Tick off items you <strong>have</strong> done.<br />

I <strong>have</strong> chosen my Un<strong>is</strong>a qualification<br />

I meet the detailed adm<strong>is</strong>sion requirements <strong>for</strong> my qualification of choice<br />

I <strong>have</strong> completed the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m in full<br />

I <strong>have</strong> attached a certified copy of my school qualifications (eg Senior Certificate)<br />

I <strong>have</strong> attached a certified copy of my tertiary academic record (if applicable)<br />

I <strong>have</strong> attached a certified copy of my ID document (RSA <strong>students</strong>) or passport (<strong>for</strong>eign <strong>students</strong>)<br />

I <strong>have</strong> attached a certified copy of my marriage certificate or divorce decree (if applicable)<br />

I <strong>have</strong> attached sworn translations of my documents if they are not in Engl<strong>is</strong>h or Afrikaans<br />

I <strong>have</strong> submitted my application with the supporting documentation be<strong>for</strong>e the closing date <strong>for</strong> applications<br />

I <strong>have</strong> paid the application fee (R100,00 <strong>for</strong> web and self-help applications; R150,00 <strong>for</strong> post, fax)<br />

72 73<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

Notes<br />


4<br />

Prepare <strong>for</strong> reg<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

Un<strong>is</strong>a will now assess your application and, if you are accepted, send you the reg<strong>is</strong>tration<br />

documents. While you are waiting to hear about your application use the time to start<br />

preparing <strong>for</strong> your year of study.<br />

D<strong>is</strong>cuss your intention to study with your family and friends. Be clear about the support that<br />

you will need from them in the coming year.<br />

Prepare your study area – locate a space in your home that <strong>is</strong> ideal <strong>for</strong> studying<br />

(quiet, enough natural light and well lit at night).<br />

Allocate study time in a year planner. Mark down <strong>all</strong> the family events you will be expected to<br />

attend, school functions <strong>for</strong> your children and time <strong>for</strong> relaxation. Include the time that you<br />

will be studying as well as additional time that you may need to make up to accommodate<br />

events that you will be expected to attend. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> will help you identify weeks and months<br />

where study time may be comprom<strong>is</strong>ed and where it needs to be worked in.<br />

Find a mentor. Finding a mentor can be exception<strong>all</strong>y rewarding. Find someone <strong>who</strong> can<br />

provide advice on the life ch<strong>all</strong>enges you may be facing, act as a sounding board at moments<br />

of uncertainty and provide an objective view on resolving conflict that may ar<strong>is</strong>e with family<br />

or friends as a result of your studies. A mentor should be someone that you respect and<br />

admire, and <strong>who</strong> <strong>is</strong> able to understand your unique circumstances.<br />

Reg<strong>is</strong>ter as soon as possible after you <strong>have</strong> been accepted by Un<strong>is</strong>a. By reg<strong>is</strong>tering <strong>for</strong> your<br />

chosen modules early you will be able to join the Un<strong>is</strong>a online portal c<strong>all</strong>ed myUn<strong>is</strong>a. Joining<br />

myUn<strong>is</strong>a <strong>is</strong> free and you will also receive a free Un<strong>is</strong>a e-mail account. The benefit of reg<strong>is</strong>tering<br />

with myUn<strong>is</strong>a as soon as possible <strong>is</strong> that you will immediately <strong>have</strong> access to your first tutorial<br />

letter, study guide and l<strong>is</strong>t of prescribed books. <strong>Th<strong>is</strong></strong> will ensure that you <strong>have</strong> adequate time to<br />

prepare <strong>for</strong> your first-semester exams.<br />

74 75<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />


Appendix 1 – Examination centre codes<br />

(please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />

South Africa – Gauteng<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

3407X Alberton 33065 Johannesburg (Ormonde) 33316 Randburg<br />

35130 Benoni 31011 Krugersdorp (Greek Church) 33405 Roodepoort (only <strong>students</strong><br />

residing in Roodepoort)<br />

34010 Brakpan 41904 Krugersdorp (PP Church) 33502 Soweto<br />

38016 Bronkhorstspruit 34088 Nigel 34215 Springs (Hellenic Centre)<br />

31119 Carltonville 35998 Olifantsfontein 32115 Vanderbijlpark<br />

37125 Cullinan 36013 Pretoria (H<strong>all</strong> C) 32581 Vereeniging<br />

33537 Daveyton 27006 Pretoria Heartfelt Arena 32956 Westonaria<br />

35114 Germ<strong>is</strong>ton 3102X Randfontein 30554 Witpoortjie<br />

83038 Hammanskraal<br />

South Africa – Mpumalanga<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

39012 Amersfoort 38210 Groblersdal 40118 Nelspruit<br />

38237 Arabie 38334 Hendrina 39411 Piet Rietief<br />

46019 Balfour 40134 Kabokweni 43206 Prakt<strong>is</strong>ser (Burgers<strong>for</strong>t)<br />

40010 Barberton 40142 Ka Nyamazane 41157 Sabie<br />

46116 Bethal 38245 Kwa Mhlanga 38229 Siyabuswa<br />

39217 Carolina 41017 Lydenburg 40215 Skukuza<br />

46213 Delmas 40053 Malelane 46515 Standerton<br />

40150 Elukwatini 38318 Middelburg 43532 Steelpoort<br />

39314 Ermelo 41114 Mkhuhlu 39519 Volkrust<br />

46132 Evander 87041 Mlumati 38415 Witbank<br />

South Africa – North West<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

3701X Brits 17213 Mafikeng 83062 Soshanguve<br />

44113 Chr<strong>is</strong>tiana 74829 Mogwase 43532 Steelpoort<br />

44318 Delareyville 45055 Orkney 17426 Taung College<br />

17248 Fochville 4511X Potchefstroom 44717 Ventersdorp<br />

45012 Klerksdorp 37214 Rustenburg 17418 Vryburg<br />

37206 Lehurutshe 83070 Saulspoort 44830 Wolmaranstad<br />

44512 Lichtenburg 4461X Schweizer Reneke 37133 Zeerust<br />

Examination centre codes (please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />

South Africa – Limpopo<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

41181 Acornhoek 42013 Letaba (Tivumbeni) 38377 Mpudulle<br />

43419 Bela Bela 43222 Limburg 60232 Penge<br />

60119 Bopedi-Bapedi 43516 Lephalale (Ell<strong>is</strong>ras) 42072 Phalaborwa<br />

4220X Ga Kgapane 43311 Makhado (Lou<strong>is</strong> Trichardt) 43117 Polokwane (Pietersburg)<br />

63010 Giyani 4301X Messina (Musina) 4315X Senwabarwana (Bochum)<br />

46655 Groothoek Hospital 43575 Modimolle (Nylstroom) 43354 Soekmekaar<br />

70130 Hoedspruit 43265 Modjadji 37419 Thabazimbi<br />

43184 Jane Furse Hospital 43214 Mokopane (Potgietersrus) 70114 Thohoyandou<br />

43168 Lebowakgomo 43257 Mookgopong (Naboomspruit)<br />

South Africa – Free State<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

52019 Bethlehem 51314 Ladybrand 4721X Theun<strong>is</strong>sen<br />

55018 Bloemfontein 50512 Lindley 49212 Viljoenskroon<br />

49018 Bothaville 48011 Odendaalsrus 48119 Virginia<br />

47015 Bultfontein 49115 Parys 5223X Vrede<br />

5111X Ficksburg 5030X Petrus Steyn 48216 Welkom<br />

50016 Frank<strong>for</strong>t 50717 Reitz 54011 Wepener<br />

50113 Heilbron 57010 Sasolburg 55514 Winburg<br />

52116 Harr<strong>is</strong>mith 50814 Senekal 58017 Witsieshoek<br />

55050 Jan Kempdorp 53031 Springfontein 54119 Zastron<br />

56413 Koffiefontein 13110 Steynsburg<br />

50415 Kroonstad 55336 Thaba Nchu<br />

South Africa – KwaZulu-Natal<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

26514 Balgowan 26034 Illovo Beach 25313 Richmond<br />

3021X Dundee 25119 Ixopo 28010 Stanger<br />

28207 Durban (DLI H<strong>all</strong>) 03116 Kokstad (DR Church) 24015 Tongaat<br />

27138 Durban (Hellenic Centre) 26417 Ladysmith 75116 Ulundi<br />

27707 Durban Jew<strong>is</strong>h Club 75833 Mkuze 25410 Umzinto<br />

26018 Durban (Regional office) 30414 Newcastle 26719 Underberg<br />

29238 Empangeni 27316 Pietermaritzburg 30449 Utrecht<br />

29017 Eshowe 39438 Pongola 30813 Vryheid<br />

26212 Estcourt 25216 Port Shepstone 25518 Wild Coast Sun<br />

27413 Greytown 29211 Richards Bay<br />

76 77<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Examination centre codes (please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />

South Africa – Eastern Cape<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

09032 Aberdeen 20079 Fort Beau<strong>for</strong>t 23035 Matatiele<br />

21016 Adelaide 69604 Goedemoed 12513 Middelberg<br />

19739 Alexandria 12211 Graaff Reinet 8233 Mthatha<br />

21210 Aliwal North 18015 Grahamstown 1821X Port Alfred<br />

21318 Barkly East 82155 Idutywa 09016 Port Elizabeth<br />

21113 Burgersdorp 11118 Jansenville 20303 Port Elizabeth (Walmer)<br />

82031 Butterworth 08214 Jeffreys Bay 22314 Queenstown<br />

21512 Cathcart 08311 Joubertina 13013 Somerset East<br />

12114 Cradock 19011 King Williams Town 11215 Steytlerville<br />

22810 Dordrecht 09040 Kirkwood 20087 Ugie<br />

2001X East London 8221X Lady Frere 09113 Uitenhage<br />

2161X Elliot 82171 Lusik<strong>is</strong>iki 11312 Willowmore<br />

82112 Engcobo 2211X Maclear<br />

South Africa – Northern Cape<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

7764X Alexander Bay 16314 Hopetown 17310 Postmasburg<br />

0510X Brandvlei 17078 Kakamas 15210 Prieska<br />

10219 Carnarvon 17159 Kathu 12912 Richmond<br />

10111 Calvinia 16411 Kimberley 01015 Springbok<br />

12017 Colesberg 01031 Kleinsee 10618 Sutherland<br />

14117 De Aar 17116 Kuruman 17019 Upington<br />

16217 Douglas 00132 Lime Acres 1415X Victoria West<br />

00957 Garies 1513X Pofadder 10154 Will<strong>is</strong>ton<br />

1611X Hartswater 00930 Port Nolloth<br />

South Africa – Western Cape<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />

00140 Athlone 05312 Hermanus 10510 Prince Albert<br />

10014 Beau<strong>for</strong>t West 07110 Knysna 0541X Riversdale<br />

05010 Bredasdorp 06114 Lad<strong>is</strong>mith 04316 Robertson<br />

05118 Caledon 10413 Laingsburg 0443X Somerset West<br />

00116 Cape Town<br />

(Parow)<br />

03115 Malmesbury (DR Church) 59005 Stellenbosch<br />

04014 Ceres 00108 Milnerton 02658 Strand<br />

01937 Citrusdal 02208 Moorreesburg 05517 Swellendam<br />

01910 Clanwilliam 0801X Mossel Bay 04952 Touwsriver<br />

07013 George 06211 Oudtshoorn 08419 Uniondale<br />

00051 Goodwood N1 City 04219 Paarl 0331X Vredenburg<br />

00701 Grassy Park 03212 Piketberg 02119 Vredendal<br />

6985X Helderstroom 01740 Porterville 0491X Worcester<br />

Examination centre codes (please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />

Other countries in Africa<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />


99740 Algiers 86010 Maseru 85138 Lagos<br />


8400X Luanda 98825 Kigali<br />

BOTSWANA 90026 Blantyre SENEGAL<br />

88706 Dukwi Refugee Camp,<br />

Sowa Town<br />

8803X Lilongwe 8512X Dakar<br />

00906 Franc<strong>is</strong>town MALI SIERRA LEONE<br />

85014 Gaborone 99309 Bamako<br />

85049 Jwaneng MOZAMBIQUE 99538 Freetown<br />

85030 Lobatse 9997X Maputo SUDAN<br />

99724 Maun MAROCCO 89419 Khartoum<br />

BURUNDI 90603 Rabat SWAZILAND<br />

99104 Bujumbura NAMIBIA 8705X Matsapha<br />

CAMEROON 77119 Gobab<strong>is</strong> 87092 Big Bend<br />

91758 Yaounde 77313 Karasburg TANZANIA<br />

CONGO (DRC) 79219 Katima-Mulilo 91235 Dar es Salaam<br />

90905 Kinshasa 77518 Keetmanshoop UGANDA<br />

EGYPT 8929X Khorixas 91480 Kampala<br />

91103 Cairo 77615 Luderitz ZAMBIA<br />

ETHIOPIA 7781X Mariental 88986 Kitwe<br />

87106 Add<strong>is</strong> Ababa 77917 Okahandja 8896X Livingstone<br />

EQUATORIAL GUINEA 77658 Oranjemund 88951 Lusaka<br />

89486 Malabo 79014 Oshakati/Ongwediva ZIMBABWE<br />

GABON 78115 Otjiwarongo 84298 Harare<br />

9112X Libreville 78212 Outjo 84018 Bulawayo<br />

GHANA 77674 Rosh Pinah<br />

85111 Accra 79111 Rundu<br />

KENYA 79359 Swakopmund<br />

90921 Nairobi (Kenya College of<br />

Accountancy)<br />

78514 Tsumeb<br />

89311 Nairobi<br />

(Inoorero University)<br />

78433 Walv<strong>is</strong> Bay<br />

85189 Egerton University 78719 Windhoek<br />

78 79<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Examination centre codes (please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />

Countries outside of Africa<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />


99856 Abu Dhabi 90891 Santiago 90778 Tel Aviv<br />

98760 Dubai CHINA ITALY<br />

ARGENTINA 90700 Beijing 9045X Milan<br />

90077 Buenos Aires 91367 Shanghai 90638 Rome<br />


91308 Adelaide 90735 Taipei 90794 Tokyo<br />

91030 Br<strong>is</strong>bane CUBA JORDAN<br />

90158 Canberra 98957 Havana 91251 Amman<br />

90441 Melbourne CYPRUS KAZAKHSTAN<br />

9059X Perth 90786 Nicosia 99171 Astana<br />

90727 Sydney DENMARK KOREA<br />

AUSTRIA 9031X Copenhagen 90751 Seoul<br />

90816 Vienna FINLAND KUWAIT<br />

BAHRAIN (PERSIAN GULF) 90271 Helsinki 91464 Kuwait<br />

99937 Manamah FRANCE MADAGASCAR<br />

BELGIUM 90573 Par<strong>is</strong> 91359 Antananarivo<br />

90131 Brussels GERMANY MALAYSIA<br />

BERMUDA 91065 Berlin 91146 Kuala Lumpur<br />

98868 Bermuda 90506 Frankfurt MAURITIUS<br />

BRAZIL 90093 Köln 90654 Reduit<br />

90115 Brasilia 90492 Munich 91162 Rodrigues Island<br />


91170 Sofia 90018 Athens 90069 Mexico City<br />


90522 Calgary, Alberta 90298 Hong kong 90190 The Hague<br />

92568 Charlottetown,<br />

Prince Edward Island<br />


92479 Halifax, Nova Schotia 90808 Budapst<br />

93343 Happy V<strong>all</strong>ey,<br />

Goose Bay, NL<br />


99155 Kingston, Jamaica 90107 Reykjavik<br />

92630 Montreal (Quebec) INDIA<br />

90557 Ottawa 99872 Mumbay<br />

92681 Regina, Saskatchewan INDONESIA<br />

99767 Saskatoon 99112 Jakarta<br />

91014 Toronto 99910 New Delhi<br />

90646 Vancouver IRAN<br />

92649 Victoria, Brit<strong>is</strong>h Columbia 9076X Tehran<br />

91456 Winnipeg, Manitoba IRELAND<br />

94544 Yukon 91448 Dublin<br />

98841 Cayman Islands<br />

Examination centre codes (please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />

Countries outside of Africa<br />

Code Centre Code Centre Code Centre<br />


90867 Auckland 99457 Mahe 92444 Anchorage, Alaska<br />

90875 Dunedin SINGAPORE 93149 Atlanta, Georgia<br />

90859 Wellington 90085 Singapore 92452 Beaverton, Oregon<br />

91804 Chr<strong>is</strong>tchurch SPAIN 92525 Bentonville Arkansas<br />

NORWAY 90417 Madrid 90174 Chicago<br />

9014X Oslo SWEDEN 94552 Daly City, San Franc<strong>is</strong>co<br />

OMAN 90719 Stockholm 93211 Delaware, Newark<br />

9918X Muscat SWEDEN 93378 Denver City, Colorado, Colosado<br />

PAKISTAN 90719 Stockholm 92606 Emporia, Kansas<br />

90344 Islamabad SWITZERLAND 92509 Fresno, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia<br />

PERU 92657 Greenville, Ohio<br />

92029 Lima 90212 Geneva 93386 Idano, Bo<strong>is</strong>e<br />

PHILIPPINES THAILAND 92622 Jackson, M<strong>is</strong>s<strong>is</strong>sippi<br />

92290 Manila 91022 Bangkok 92460 Lawton, Oklahoma<br />

POLAND TURKEY 90972 Los Angeles<br />

9093X Warsaw 89435 Ankara 92517 Menomonie, W<strong>is</strong>consin<br />

PORTUGAL 91499 Istanbul 92614 Tennessee, Knoxville<br />

90379 L<strong>is</strong>bon UKRAINE 90530 New York<br />

QATAR 99864 Kiev 92592 Norfolk, Virginia<br />

98698 Doha UNITED ARAB<br />


92533 Orlando, Florida<br />

RUSSIAN FEDERATION 99856 Abu Dhabi 9269X P<strong>is</strong>cataway, New Jersey<br />

99880 Moscow 98760 Dubai 92576 Salt Lake City, Utah<br />

SAUDI ARABIA UNITED KINGDOM 92495 San Diego, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia<br />

99953 Jeddah 90395 London 9336X St Lou<strong>is</strong>, M<strong>is</strong>souri<br />

99996 Riyadh 9255X Victoria, Texas<br />

90832 Washington DC<br />


98930 Caracas<br />


89427 Hanoi<br />

80 81<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Appendix 2 – Other application <strong>for</strong>m codes<br />

Physical d<strong>is</strong>ability type codes (please refer to question 13 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


15 Cardiovascular d<strong>is</strong>eases, such as heart d<strong>is</strong>eases and<br />

blood pressure<br />

21 Multiple d<strong>is</strong>abilities<br />

09 Cerebral palsied 13 Muscular/skeletal/joint/limb deficiencies/d<strong>is</strong>eases, such<br />

as polio and muscular dystrophy<br />

08 Communication and speech problems,<br />

such as stuttering<br />

06 Deaf 10 Paraplegic<br />

19 Diabetes 11 Quadriplegic<br />

14 Other neurological d<strong>is</strong>eases, such as multiple scleros<strong>is</strong><br />

22 D<strong>is</strong>abilities not mentioned 20 Serious chronic d<strong>is</strong>eases<br />

07 Dyslexia and other similar learning d<strong>is</strong>abilities 17 Stroke/brain d<strong>is</strong>orders<br />

12 Epilepsy 02 V<strong>is</strong>u<strong>all</strong>y impaired: blind<br />

05 Hearing d<strong>is</strong>ability: study material on audio cassette<br />

should be transcribed<br />

03 V<strong>is</strong>u<strong>all</strong>y impaired: not blind. Find it difficult to read<br />

printed text. Cannot study through reading. Need help,<br />

such as audio cassettes, enlarged print, computer d<strong>is</strong>cs<br />

<strong>for</strong> computers with voice synthesizers<br />

16 Kidney and blood deficiencies 04 V<strong>is</strong>u<strong>all</strong>y impaired: not blind. Can study through reading.<br />

Do not need study material on audio cassette<br />

18 Mental health problems/mental d<strong>is</strong>orders/phobias/<br />

chemical imbalances<br />

23 Wheelchair<br />

Pr<strong>is</strong>ons and detention barracks (please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


Centres at pr<strong>is</strong>ons and detention barracks are ONLY <strong>for</strong> pr<strong>is</strong>oners, and NOT <strong>for</strong> the staff of the pr<strong>is</strong>on or <strong>for</strong> other <strong>students</strong>.<br />


04006 Allandale (Paarl) 26069 Durban (Female)<br />

43397 Atteridgeville 43028 Dwarsrivier<br />

4007X Barberton 20028 East London (Medium C)<br />

3603X Baviaanspoort 42978 Ebongweni C-Max (Kokstad)<br />

46124 Bethal 30430 Ekuseni (Youth Development Centre)<br />

34053 Boksburg 33022 Johannesburg (Project 2) (Female)<br />

04979 Brandvlei Maximum 3925X Ermelo<br />

05525 Buffeljags Pr<strong>is</strong>on 2905X Eshowe<br />

82406 Butterworth 43036 Estcourt<br />

14125 De Aar 23507 Fort Beau<strong>for</strong>t<br />

36102 Devon 85022 Gaborone<br />

16373 Douglas 42943 George<br />

04235 Drakenstein (Medium B) 30252 Glencoe<br />

26050 Durban (Male) 2127X Goedemoed<br />

Pr<strong>is</strong>ons and detention barracks (please refer to question 17 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


09121 Goodwood 02607 Oudtshoorn<br />

18031 Grahamstown 17256 Parys<br />

32131 Groenpunt (Vereeniging) 27324 Pietermaritzburg<br />

77224 Grootfontein 00310 Pollsmoor Maximum<br />

55034 Grootvlei 43125 Polokwane<br />

52124 Harr<strong>is</strong>mith 45136 Potchefstroom<br />

84301 Harare 34037 Modderbee<br />

77828 Hardap (Mariental, Namibia) 42986 Mogwase<br />

46329 Heidelberg 82244 Mount Fletcher<br />

05150 Helderstroom 82260 Mount Frere<br />

05142 Helderstroom Maximum 3083X Ncome<br />

33030 Johannesburg (Project 3) (Diepkloof) 40126 Nelspruit<br />

33049 Johannesburg (Medium A) 34150 Nigel<br />

33154 Johannesburg (Medium B) 43060 Obiqua Pr<strong>is</strong>on, Tulbach<br />

1642X Kimberley 42994 Port Elizabeth (Female)<br />

19038 King William’s Town 36072 Pretoria Local<br />

45039 Klerksdorp 36048 Pretoria Maximum<br />

23000 Kokstad (Medium) 36056 Pretoria Central<br />

50474 Kroonstad 60097 Pretoria (Female)<br />

31062 Krugersdorp 89605 Prince Albert<br />

16993 Kuruman 43079 Qalakabusha (Empangeni)<br />

42935 Kutama-Sinthumule Max (Lephalale) 1723X Rooigrond<br />

26441 Ladysmith (KwaZulu-Natal) 37400 Rustenburg<br />

3214X Leeuhof (Vereeniging) 5710X Sasolburg<br />

33111 Leeuwkop (Medium A) 43303 Sekhukhuni<br />

3312X Leeuwkop (Medium B) 5092X Senekal<br />

33138 Leeuwkop (Medium C) 2760X Sevontein<br />

33146 Leeuwkop Maximum 09024 St Albans Maximum<br />

44520 Lichtenburg 46523 Standerton<br />

37079 Losperfontein (Brits) 78743 Swakopmund<br />

4332X Lou<strong>is</strong> Trichardt 70122 Thohoyandou<br />

42951 Lusik<strong>is</strong>iki 82376 Mthatha<br />

22527 Mafikeng 25402 Umzinto<br />

03158 Malmesbury (New Pr<strong>is</strong>on) 17035 Upington (Male)<br />

55026 Mangaung Maximum 01023 Voorberg<br />

43109 Mauritius 29009 Waterval-Utrecht<br />

20001 Mdantsane 04855 Wellington<br />

71625 Middledrift 78735 Windhoek Central<br />

12556 Middelburg (Eastern Cape) 38423 Witbank<br />

38296 Middelburg (Mpumalanga) 04995 Worcester<br />

83097 Odi/Mabopane 38156 Zonderwater B<br />

82 83<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012

Home language (please refer to question 18 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


A Afrikaans SH Shona<br />

B Afrikaans/Engl<strong>is</strong>h SS Southern Sotho<br />

E Engl<strong>is</strong>h SP Span<strong>is</strong>h<br />

F French SW Swati<br />

D German TS Tsonga/Shangaan<br />

GR Greek TW Tswana<br />

HE Hebrew VE Venda<br />

IT Italian XH Xhosa<br />

NB Ndebele ZU Zulu<br />

ND Ndonga OA Other African languages<br />

NS Northern Sotho OF Other <strong>for</strong>eign languages<br />

PO Portuguese<br />

Population groups (please refer to question 20 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


300X African 4006 Indian<br />

2003 Coloured 1007 White/Chinese<br />

9008 Other/Foreign National<br />

Occupation (please refer to question 21 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


01015 Accountant/auditor 15121 Cook<br />

1334X Admin/spec secretaries 05002 Craftsman or related worker<br />

12424 Admin<strong>is</strong>tration professional 12653 Creative/per<strong>for</strong>ming art<strong>is</strong>t<br />

16128 Animal producers 12521 Database/network<br />

01023 Architect/quantity surveyor 19119 Domestic/hotel/office cleaner<br />

1821X Assemblers 17418 Electrical equipment inst<strong>all</strong>er/repairer<br />

17221 Blacksmiths/toolmakers 17426 Electronics/telecoms inst<strong>all</strong>er<br />

17124 Building fin<strong>is</strong>hers 12157 Electrotechnology engineer<br />

17116 Building frame trade work 0104X Engineer<br />

15156 Building/housekeeping superv 01228 Engineering/science technician<br />

13331 Business services agents 10006 Farm labourer/farm <strong>for</strong>eman<br />

18325 Car/Van/motorcycle driver 01058 Farm management adv<strong>is</strong>or<br />

18139 Chemical/photographic operator 09008 Farmer/farm manager<br />

15318 Child care workers/teacher aid 12416 Finance professionals<br />

11045 Citizen <strong>for</strong>ce member 13315 Financial<br />

04006 Clerical or related worker 11029 Fireman<br />

14222 Client in<strong>for</strong>mation workers 16225 F<strong>is</strong>hery workers/hunters/trap<br />

10111 Comm<strong>is</strong>sioned officer 19410 Food preparation ass<strong>is</strong>tants<br />

01031 Computer special<strong>is</strong>t 17515 Food related trade<br />

Occupation (please refer to question 21 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


18163 Food/related machine operator 1432X Material-recording/transport 15245 Other sales workers<br />

01066 Forestor/conservation<strong>is</strong>t 01104 Mathematician 11436 Other service manager<br />

13021 Full-time student (elsewhere) 01147 Medical doctor/dent<strong>is</strong>t 1818X Other stationary plant operator<br />

13013 Full-time student at Un<strong>is</strong>a 13218 Medical/pharmaceutical<br />

technician<br />

12351 Other teaching professional<br />

17531 Garment/related trades work 18120 Metal proc/fin<strong>is</strong>hing operator 17132 Paint/building structure cleaner<br />

15148 Hairdressers/beauticians 19313 Mining/construction labourer 12246 Paramedical practitioners<br />

17310 Handicraft workers 13129 Mining/constructrction<br />

superv<strong>is</strong>or<br />

11053 Permanent <strong>for</strong>ce member<br />

01163 Health technolog<strong>is</strong>t 18112 Mining/mineral plant operator 15326 Personal care health service<br />

18333 Heavy truck and bus drivers 16136 Mixed crop/animal producer 01139 Personnel officer<br />

01074 Home management adv<strong>is</strong>or 18341 Mobile plant operators 11037 Police officer/detective<br />

1141X Hotel, restaurant manager 11061 National service trainee 12343 Primary school teacher<br />

12009 Housewife 10219 Non-comm<strong>is</strong>sioned officers 17329 Printing trades workers<br />

84 85<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012<br />

1351X<br />

ICT operator/User support<br />

technician<br />

30414 Not economic<strong>all</strong>y active 11010 Pr<strong>is</strong>on service worker<br />

11339 ICT service manager 14311 Numerical clerks 13137 Process control technicians<br />

01082 Jur<strong>is</strong>t 01155 Nurses/dieticians 11347 Professional service manager<br />

14133 Keyboard operator 13226<br />

Nursing/midwifery ass<strong>is</strong>tant<br />

professional<br />

1107X Protection service (other)<br />

3021X Labour-d<strong>is</strong>abled people 14001 Occupation not classified 19615 Refuse workers<br />

08001 Labourer (except farm) 17000 Occupation unknown 13358 Regulatory government<br />

19399 Labourer/mining/construction 07005 Operative (transport) 01171 Religious worker<br />

01201 Lecturer/professor 06009 Operator (except transport) 01260 Research worker not classified<br />

11118 Leg<strong>is</strong>lator/senior official 01120 Ops research/systems analyst 11428 Retail/<strong>who</strong>lesale trade manager<br />

01090 Librarian/archiv<strong>is</strong>t 10316<br />

Other armed <strong>for</strong>ces<br />

occupations<br />

16004 Retired<br />

13145 Life science technician 14419 Other clerical support work 18147 Rubber/plastic/paper operator<br />

12130 Life sciences professional 1754X Other craft and related work 13323 Sales and purchasing agents<br />

02003 Manager/admin<strong>is</strong>trator 13250<br />

11320<br />

Manufacturing/mining/<br />

construction manager<br />

Other health associate<br />

professional<br />

0300X Sales worker<br />

12262 Other health professional 12432 Sales/marketing/PR<br />

19321 Manufacturing labourer 15164 Other personal services work 0121X Secondary education teacher<br />

1611X Market gardeners/crop grower

Occupation (please refer to question 21 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m) Nationality (please refer to question 19 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


14125 Secretary (general) 13528 Telecoms/broadcasting technician<br />

11088 Service worker (other) 14214 Teller/related clerk<br />

17213 Sheet/structural metal worker 18155 Textile/furniture/leather machine operator<br />

1835X Ships' deck crews/related 12238 Traditional/complementary medicine<br />

15229 Shop salesperson 13234 Traditional medical professional<br />

0118X Social scient<strong>is</strong>t 1933X Transport and storage labour<br />

01198 Social/recreation worker 15113 Travel attendant/conductor/guide<br />

13420 Sports and fitness worker 15008 Unemployed<br />

15237 Store/market sales person 19127 Vehicle/window/laundry cleaner<br />

19526 Street vendor (excluding food) 12254 Veterinarian<br />

19518 Street/related service worker 13242 Veterinary technician/asst<strong>is</strong>tant.<br />

16349 Subs f<strong>is</strong>hers/hunters/trapper 01244 Vocational counsellor<br />

16314 Subs<strong>is</strong>tence crop farmers 12327 Vocational education teacher<br />

16322 Subs<strong>is</strong>tence livestock farmer 1513X Waiter/bartender<br />

16330 Subs<strong>is</strong>tence mixed crop farmer 18171 Wood/paper plant operator<br />

01279 Technical worker (other) 17523 Wood treater/cabinet maker<br />

01236 Technician (other) 01252 Writer/art<strong>is</strong>t/musician<br />

Economic sector (please refer to question 22 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


01007 Agriculture, Forestry and F<strong>is</strong>heries 04006 Manufacturing<br />

08001 Business and Repair Services 02003 Mining<br />

0300X Construction 09008<br />

11215 Education – Primary or Preprimary 11401<br />

11223 Education – Secondary 11509<br />

11231 Education – Tertiary 05002<br />

Personal Services, including hotel and household<br />

services<br />

Professional and related services<br />

NOT l<strong>is</strong>ted elsewhere<br />

Public Admin<strong>is</strong>tration – Public Service, Provincial<br />

Admin<strong>is</strong>tration, City Councils, Municipalities, etc<br />

Transportation, Communication and other Public<br />

Utilities<br />

10006 Entertainment and Recreational Services 11304 Welfare and non-profit membership organizations<br />

07005 Finance, Insurance and Real Estate 06009 Wholesale and Retail Trade<br />

1110X Hospital and Health Services 11606<br />

NOT APPLICABLE (any sector not mentioned above,<br />

eg housewives, pensioners, unemployed, etc)<br />

Previous year activity (please refer to question 24 on the Un<strong>is</strong>a application <strong>for</strong>m)<br />


08 Enrolled in a <strong>for</strong>eign post – secondary institution 02 Technikon student<br />

03 Higher Education College student 07 Unemployed<br />

98 Other activity 01 University student<br />

05 Secondary school student 99 Unknown activity<br />

04 Technical College student 06 Working in labour <strong>for</strong>ce<br />


1007 Algeria 1988 Senegal 1937 Mali 2941 Venezuela 5061 Fiji<br />

1015 South Africa 2003 Cuba 3204 Iran 295X Virgin Islands (Brit<strong>is</strong>h) 507X French Polynesia<br />

1112 Ivory Coast 2011 Argentina 3212 Iraq 2968 Virgin Islands (US) 5088 Guam<br />

1120 Namibia 202X Brazil 3220 Kazakhstan 3018 Israel 5096 Kiribati<br />

1139 Botswana 2038 Bolivia 3239 Jordan 3026 Armenia 510X Mariana Islands<br />

1147 Lesotho 2046 Chile 3247 Kuwait 3034 Azerbaijan 5118 Marsh<strong>all</strong> Islands<br />

1155 Swaziland 2054 Colombia 3255 Kyrgyzstan 3042 Bahrain 5126 Micronesia<br />

1163 Zambia 2062 Dominica 3263 Lagos 3050 Georgia 5134 Nauru<br />

1171 Zimbabwe 2070 Dominican Republic 3271 Lebanon 3077 India 5142 New Caledonia<br />

118X Malawi 2089 Ecuador 328X Macau 3085 Indonesia 5150 Norfolk Island<br />

1198 Mauritius 2119 Anguilla 3301 Maldives 3107 Hong Kong 5169 Palau<br />

1201 Mozambique 2127 Antigua and Barbuda 3409 Mongolia 3123 Taiwan 5177<br />

1961 Niger 1902 Guinea-B<strong>is</strong>sau 2925 Turks and Caicos 5029 New Zealand 5231 Western Samoa<br />

86<br />

197X Nigeria 1929 Libya 2933 Uruguay 5053<br />

my Choice @ Un<strong>is</strong>a 2012 87<br />

Cook Islands 9997 No In<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

Papua New<br />

Guinea<br />

121X Kenya 2135 Aruba 3506 Nepal 3131 Japan 5185 Solomon Islands<br />

1228 Zaire 2143 Bahamas 3514 Oman 314X Malaysia 4243 Estonia<br />

1236 Tanzania 2151 Barbados 3522 Pak<strong>is</strong>tan 3158 Bangladesh 4251 Faroe Islands<br />

1244 Madagascar 216X Belize 3530 Philippines 3166 Brunei 426X Finland<br />

1252 Seychelles 2178 Bermuda 3549 Qatar 3174 Cambodia 4286 Gibraltar<br />

1260 Reunion 2186 Cayman Islands 3557 Russia 3182 China 4294 Guernsey<br />

1279 Angola 2194 Costa Rica 3565 Saudi Arabia 4146 Andorra 4340 Vatican City<br />

1287 Uganda 2208 USA 3573 Singapore 4154 Belarus 4359 Yugoslavia<br />

1295 Burundi 2216 Canada 3581 South Korea 4162 Bosnia 4405 Hungary<br />

1317 Comores 2232 Guyana 359X Sri Lanka 4170 Bulgaria 4448 Turkey<br />

1341 Congo 2240 El Salvador 3603 Syria 4189 Croatia 4456 Ukraine<br />

135X Gabon 2259 Greenland 3611 Tajik<strong>is</strong>tan 4200 San Marino 4502 Iceland<br />

1384 Liberia 2267 Grenada 362X Thailand 4219 Slovakia 4529 Jersey<br />

1392 Rwanda 2275 Guadelope 3638 Turkmen<strong>is</strong>tan 4227 Czech Republic 4537 Latvia<br />

1406 Benin 2283 Guatemala 3646<br />

United Arab<br />

Emirates<br />

4235 Denmark 4545 Liechtenstein<br />

1414 Burkina Faso 2291 Haiti 3654 Uzbek<strong>is</strong>tan 4014 Austria 4553 Lithuania<br />

1422 Cameroon 2305 French Guiana 3662 Vietnam 4022 Belgium 4561 Luxemborg<br />

1430 Cape Verde 2402 Honduras 3670 Yemen 4030 France 457X Macedonia<br />

1449<br />

Central African<br />

Republic<br />

250X Jamaica 4006 Albania 4049 Greece 4588 Malta<br />

1457 Chad 2518 Martinique 2550 Nicaragua 4057 Ireland 4596 Moldova<br />

1465 Djibouti 2526 Mexico 2569 Panama 4065 Italy 460X Monaco<br />

1473 Egypt 2534 Montserrat 2577 Paraguay 4073 Netherlands 4707 Norway<br />

1481 Equatorial Guinea 2542 Netherlands Antilles 2585 Peru 4081 Portugal 4804 Poland<br />

149X Eritrea 1538 Sierra Leone 2593 Puerto Rico 409X Spain 4901 Romania<br />

1503 Ethiopia 1546 Tun<strong>is</strong>ia 2607 Saint Lucia 4103 Switzerland 4995 Slovenia<br />

1511 Sudan 1562 Western Sahara 2704 Saint Vincent 4111 United Kingdom 5193 Tongo<br />

152X Togo 1600 Gambia 2801 St Kitts and Nev<strong>is</strong> 412X Germany 5207 Tuvalu<br />

1945 Mauritania 1708 Ghana 2909 Suriname 4138 Cyprus 5215 Vanuatu<br />

1953 Morocco 1805 Guinea 2917 Trinidad and Tobago 5010 Australia 5223 W<strong>all</strong><strong>is</strong> and Futuna

Appendix 3 – Student funding<br />

Do I qualify <strong>for</strong> a NSFAS loan and what are the criteria?<br />

Financi<strong>all</strong>y needy and academic<strong>all</strong>y deserving <strong>students</strong> <strong>who</strong> are applying <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>mal qualifications may apply <strong>for</strong> funding.<br />

Foreign <strong>students</strong> do not qualify <strong>for</strong> NSFAS funding.<br />

What does it cover and <strong>is</strong> the funding renewable?<br />

Study fees and academic essentials such as prescribed books and tutorial classes are funded. No accommodation, meals,<br />

pocket money or transport <strong>is</strong> covered. A NSFAS loan <strong>is</strong> renewable on proof of academic progress and <strong>is</strong> subject to the<br />

availability of funds.<br />

How should I obtain my prescribed books?<br />

Please indicate to the Student Funding Officer accepting your loan agreement as to which bookshop <strong>is</strong> well situated <strong>for</strong><br />

the collection of your Eduxtra card. An Eduxtra card can be used to purchase books from any official Un<strong>is</strong>a bookstore.<br />

How do I apply <strong>for</strong> funding?<br />

Fill in the NSFAS Loan Application Form and hand it in at any of Un<strong>is</strong>a’s regional offices (Student Admin<strong>is</strong>tration), the<br />

Reg<strong>is</strong>tration H<strong>all</strong> on the Sunnyside campus or post it to the Directorate: Student Funding (PO Box 392, Un<strong>is</strong>a, 0003).<br />

Do a temporary reg<strong>is</strong>tration during the first two weeks of reg<strong>is</strong>tration. During the third week of reg<strong>is</strong>tration, the Student<br />

Funding Div<strong>is</strong>ion will notify <strong>all</strong> applicants of the outcome of their applications. Only approved applicants will be required<br />

to sign a loan agreement at any Un<strong>is</strong>a regional office on specified dates. Your legal guardian must sign a consent <strong>for</strong>m<br />

and submit a certified copy of h<strong>is</strong> or her ID if you are not yet 18 years of age. Collect your Eduxtra card within 14 days of<br />

submitting your funding contract.<br />

How and when should I repay the loan?<br />

A loan <strong>is</strong> repayable as soon as you secure employment (irrespective of whether or not you <strong>have</strong> completed your<br />

qualification) and are earning an annual salary of R26 300 or more. Repayments can either be deducted from your<br />

salary, by means of debit order or by depositing the money directly into the NSFAS account (contact NSFAS on 021<br />

763 3232 in th<strong>is</strong> regard).<br />

Check l<strong>is</strong>t of required supporting documents (<strong>all</strong> copies not older than 3 months)<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

N/A<br />

A certified copy of your identity document (South African citizens only)<br />

Latest pr<strong>is</strong>oner’s profile in case of student in pr<strong>is</strong>on (section 1)<br />

A certified copy of spouse’s ID, marriage certificate, divorce decree or death certificate of a deceased spouse<br />

(sections 1 and 3.1)<br />

A certified copy of death certificate(s) in case of deceased parent(s) (section 3)<br />

Proof of income: if employed a payslip; if self-employed the latest 3 months bank statements and an affidavit<br />

(sections 2.1 & 3.1)<br />

Affidavit and latest 3 months bank statements of self employed spouse or parent/s or guardian<br />

(section 2.1, 3 & 3.1)<br />

Proof of income of <strong>all</strong> employed household members (not older than 3 months)<br />

(sections 2.1, 3, 3.1 & 5)<br />

Affidavit on self-employment or unemployment, single parenthood and guardianship (must NOT be declared by a<br />

student except in a case of an independent student and should not be older than 3 months) (sections 2,3, 3.1 & 5)<br />

A certified copy of ID or birth certificate <strong>for</strong> <strong>all</strong> lawful members of household<br />

(including both parent/s guardian) (section 5)<br />

What other financial options (bursaries) are available?<br />

• Department of Labour: <strong>for</strong> undergraduate <strong>students</strong> with d<strong>is</strong>abilities<br />

• Margaret Orr: <strong>for</strong> black female <strong>students</strong> under 35 years of age<br />

• Club bursaries: <strong>for</strong> paid-up members of certain consumer clubs; applications available in club magazines<br />

• Social work bursary: <strong>for</strong> <strong>students</strong> enrolling <strong>for</strong> a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work<br />

• Funza Lushaka: Bachelor of Education (BEd) and the Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) Priority areas<br />

88 89<br />

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Notes<br />

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Notes<br />

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