Entertainment & Media Outlook 2011-2015 - PwC

Entertainment & Media Outlook 2011-2015 - PwC

Entertainment & Media Outlook 2011-2015 - PwC


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New Zealand has1,846,020Facebook users, the websiteclaims, while accordingto a Nielsen survey,70 percentof the nation’s internet usershave a Facebook profile,27 percenthave visited Twitter and11 percenthave a Twitter profile.APN’s Brett Chenoweth argues thatone of the biggest challenges withsocial media is that you can build alarge audience on Facebook or Twitterbut driving this audience back to youronline platform, where you make yourmoney, is tough. 15Privacy is a concern as social mediabecomes more widespread. TheEuropean Union wants companiessuch as Google and Facebook togive people more control over howtheir online habits are tracked andwhat information can be shared withadvertisers. 16 In New Zealand, pressarticles have focused on privacybreaches, particularly on Facebook;as advertising and social networkingmove to the mobile phone where aconsumer’s location can be trackedthrough triangulation, these concernsare likely to increase.“In outdoor advertising, digital media givesadvertisers more ways to engage and drawaudiences in. Because of this, we’re seeingcompanies which have traditionally ignoredthe outdoor space, such as Foxtel, making useof the dynamics offered by new mediums.”APN’s Chief Executive, Brett Chenoweth15 Brett Chenoweth, APN, to <strong>PwC</strong>, 18 April <strong>2011</strong>.16 ‘People’s right to be “forgotten” online’, Gabriele Steinhauser, The New Zealand Herald, 6 November 2010.New Zealand <strong>Entertainment</strong> and <strong>Media</strong> <strong>2011</strong>-<strong>2015</strong> | <strong>Outlook</strong> 15

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