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“One strip does it all!”Major # Available foran Extra Charge.Ideal for multiple locationswith a central plant.STRIP TAG DISPENSERThis white metal Double Deck CombinationStrip Tag Dispenser is perfect for storage.Use the lower deck to hold 10 colors and theupper deck to store one piece tags or othersupplies.FCP#SLD-22DescriptionStrip Tag Dispenser ONLYGIANT NUMBER STRIP TAGSA superior tag with very legible and visible numbers.FCP# Description Colors/Numbers Available in STockSTS1500 Strip Tags *Any Number OR No Major #STS1510ONE-TEAR TAGSONE-TEAR tags are dry cleaning piece tags convenientlypadded. Tear off the tags from the bottom for the exactnumber you need for the order. Strip tag size: 11 9 /16” x 2”including 9 /16” stub. Each tag 1 1 /8” x 2”.FCP#Strip Tag with StripesPiecesizeTagsper box# Ordersper boxOT1 -or- OTB1 1 2000 1000OT2 -or- OTB2 2 3000 1000OT3 -or- OTB3 3 4000 1000OT4 -or- OTB4 4 2500 500OT5 -or- OTB5 5 1200 200OT6 -or- OTB6 6 1400 200OT7 -or- OTB7 7 800 100OT8 -or- OTB8 8 900 100OT9 -or- OTB9 9 1000 100OT10 -or- OTB10 10 1100 1001 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S*OTOTBAny Number OR No Major #Specified Color with Major #SM5G Strip Tags Major #1 - 20 Major #s 1-20SM5G-SM Custom Strip Tags Minimum 5 boxes per color and imprint* “Special” only comes in RED.** Packed 20 pads of 50 strips - 1000 strips per box, total 6000 tags per box (SM5G & SM5GS)LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.PRICE$9.48$9.48CALLThe piece count is thelast digit on the tag.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!Please Note:Additional TimeRequired forManufacturingCustom TagsTAGS/FORMSStrip & One-Tear*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Low Prices on brand name products! 7

Easy to Use.”Easy-to-Readreverse printLot NumberEasy-to-Read“JUMBO” PieceNumberSHIRT STYLEInsert through button hole easily.Tag size: 3 1 /2” x 1 /2”.FCP#SLC2300SLC2300SSLC2310SLC2310SSolidDESCRIPTIONSolid with StripesMulticolorMulticolor with Stripes* 500 tags per roll x 20 rolls per box = 10,000tags; in 100 piece lots** Lot #’s 00-99 available in all stylesavailableRAIL CONVERTERSEasily attach to existing rails.FCP#DescriptionRC-1 Rail Converter: Lot #00-49RC-2 Rail Converter: Lot #50-99SHIRT STYLE CONTROL TAG DISPENSERFCP#DescriptionSLD-70 Shirt Style Control Tag Dispenser ONLYTAGS/FORMSLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!Shirt Control Tags& Rail Converters*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Low Prices on brand name products! 9

“Ideal for LaundryAND Dry cleaning.”“THE ORIGINAL”PIECE PADPerforation toremove andseparate tagsSMPPSBPIECE PADS ®Easy to staple, wider and self aligning.Automatically stops at the halfway point. Just squeeze for easyinsertion into the button hole. Tagsize 3 3 /4” x 23 /32”.FCP#SMPPSMPPBSMPPSBSMPPDSDescriptionPlainStripesSide BarDiagonal Stripes* 1000 per box - padded stubColors availableA-Z check letter toavoid duplication ofnumbering seriesPlease note:Cannot specifycheck letter.PiecesizeTags perSTRIPTagsper box1 2 5002 3 3333 4 2504 5 2005 6 1666 7 1437 8 1258 9 111TAGS/FORMSPiece PadsSMPPONE COLOR PIECE PAD ® DISPENSERThe metal dispenser holds 1 color of 10 different sizes.FCP#SLD-11100 PIECE PAD ® DISPENSERThe metal dispenser holds 10 colors of 10 different sizes.FCP#SLD-10SMPPBDescription1 Color Piece Pads ® Dispenser ONLYDescriptionSMPPDS100 Piece Pads ® Dispenser ONLY1.2.9 10 10010 11 91TRIAL KITSConsists of 10 differentPiece Pad ® sizes in 10different colors plus theSLD-10 Dispenser.FCP#: XA (Plain)Consists of 10 differentsizes in one color plusthe SLD-11 Dispenser.Specify the color youwant when placing y<strong>our</strong>order.FCP#: XC (Plain)XCB (Striped)XCSB (Side Bar)XCB (Diagonal Striped)*Prices are subject to change, without notice.10 Service • Quality • Value

“The ultimate shirt strip tag.”SML-92000 EXTRA TAGS FREE!Double NumberedBold CountdownWith Store,Lot # or BlankLong Narrow Tagswith Die-Cut EndsCOLORS AVAILABLEUST-4410SML-7MSML-9SMSHIRT TAGSMinor numbers 0-999 in each box. Padded on request. Shirt tags can be made at no extra charge with other “major” designations or special printing. 3 BoxMinimum. Allow 30 days for production. Tag size 13 /32” x 3 1 /2”.TAGS/FORMSFCP#DescriptionUST-4400 (SML-7) 7 Tags - Plain style with No Major #UST-4410(SML-7S) 7 Tags - Plain style with No Major # with StripesSML-7M 7 Tags - Plain style with a Major #SML-7SM7 Tags - Special Manufacture* 7 tags per strip - 1000 strips per boxFCP#DescriptionSML-9 9 Tags - Plain style with No Major #SML-9S9 Tags - Plain style with No Major # with StripesSML-9M 9 Tags - Plain style with a Major #SML-9SM9 Tags - Special Manufacture* 9 tags per strip - 1000 strips per boxPlease Note: Additional Time Required forManufacturing Custom TagsShirt Strip TagsSHIRT TAG BOX DISPENSERThe metal dispenser holds a entire box of loose Shirt Tags.FCP#SLD-8DescriptionShirt Tag Box Dispenser ONLYMULTI SHIRT TAG DISPENSERThe metal dispenser holds 10 differentcolors or major numbers of SML-7 or SML-9.FCP#SLD-34DescriptionMulti Shirt Tag Dispenser ONLY*Prices are subject to change, without notice.12 Service • Quality • Value

“Don’t WASTE Y<strong>our</strong> Money.”COLORS AVAILABLENOWASTE ® SHIRT TAGSStop wasting tags. Tag size 13 /32” x 3 1 /2”.PiecesizeTags perSTRIPTagsper box1 2 10002 3 10003 4 10004 5 10005 6 10006 7 5007 8 5008 9 5009 10 50010 11 500PRice$5.38$8.09$10.58$12.28$14.69$7.54$9.39$9.82$11.14$12.34CUSTOM NOWASTE ® SHIRT TAGSTailor the tags to y<strong>our</strong> needs and never waste tagsagain! Tags can be made with store, route or lot numbersprinted on both ends. No extra charge when 2000strips (identical major # and color) are ordered. Piecesize 6-10 require a minimum and multiple of 2 boxes.Allow 45 days for production. Tag size 13 /32” x 3 1 /2”.1/2 sizeboxesNOWASTE ® SHIRT TAGS DISPENSERThe metal dispenser holds 1 color of 10 different sizes.FCP#SLD-7DescriptionNowaste ® Dispenser ONLYConsists of 50 strips eachof sizes 1-8 in one colorplus the SLD-7 Dispenser.Specify the color you wantwhen placing y<strong>our</strong> order.FCP#: XNTRIAL KITSMLNWTAGS/FORMSNowaste ® Shirt Tags*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Low Prices on brand name products! 13

LAUNDRY NET FLAGSLaundry Net Flags bring to the Laundry business what Flag-Tags did for the drycleaningindustry - systemize y<strong>our</strong> production. They take the guess work out of plant operationsand they go right through the washing process. No more costly cloth flags or metalprong tags. Attach through the pre-punched holes to the outside of y<strong>our</strong> net or affixinstead of “rag tags” to items on which it is not desirable to have a laundry mark.FCP# Description Size TAgs per BoxLF Full Size Laundry Net Flags 4” x 2 1 /4” 1000LF-HLF Half Size Laundry Net Flags 2” x 2 1 /4” 2000PRICE$6.55$7.38COLOR Sorting Laundry Net FlagsUse different colored tags for each lot, printed with a lot number if desired. Count the number ofnets - count the number of net flags (plus one extra if desired for a lot control card) - simultaneouslypunch a hole through appropriate net count number on all the flags showing how many netsin the lot. Available in 10 stock colors with chart only or with chart and stock lot numbers as seento the side.FCP# Description STOCK Colors Available SizeLFCS Color Sorting Laundry Net Flags 5” x 1 1 /4”* 1000 per box1234567891011121314151617192021222324252618 27SPECIAL282930313233343536COLOR COLLAREfficient and inexpensive. Place over the hanger like a collar with the centerhole punch; tags stay above spiral of hanger. Colors will signal lots or days.May be used for piece count.NOTE: Not made of dry cleaning proof stock.FCP# Description Colors Available SizeCC Color Collar 1” x 1”* 3000 per boxTAGS/FORMSDAY-TAGS ON A ROLLFCP# Description Colors Available SizeRDT Day-Tags on a Roll 2” x 1”* 1000 per roll, 6000 per packDrycleaning CONTROL TAG DISPENSERFCP# DescriptionSLD-71 Day-Tags Dispenser ONLY* Also fits Roll Flag Tags & Dry cleaning Control TagsLaundry Net Flags •Color Collar • Day TagsDAY-TAGSFCP# Description Colors Available SizeDT-1DT-2DT-SDay-Tag PlainDay-Tag PrintedDay-Tag Diagonal Striped2 7 /16” x 1”PRICE$1.75CALL$2.55* 1000 per box5 box minimum - allow 30-45 days for production** Printed Day-Tags: We can print almost anything (names, letters, numbers, days, words). Delay approximately 30days. Printing will withstand wet-cleaning, bleaching, commercial laundering and regular dry cleaning process.Minimums and multiples of 5000 (tags must be identical in color and print).DT-2DT-S*Prices are subject to change, without notice.14 Service • Quality • Value

“Emphasize Y<strong>our</strong>Excellent Services!”FCP#: 7115FABRICAREEXCLUSIVEYou Care About the Environment...We Care About You.We Clean Green for You!HB-14HB-16REDUCE > REUSE > RECYCLEHB-96HB-22HB-3Fits overHangers orButtons.HB-98HB-20IT-58HB-70HB-7SLD-45DispenserOnlyHB-KITDispenser PLUS2000 tags!(500 of 4 titles)LARGEORDER?DELUXE HANGER BUTTON TAGSHanger Button Tags can be attached to packages,fit into pockets or fit over hangers. Without themy<strong>our</strong> customers may never know what you did forthem or the other great services you offer.Size: 2 3 /16” x 3.5”DescriptionQuanTityHanger Button Tags 1000See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!PRICE$9.99TAGS/FORMSHanger Button Tags*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Low Prices on brand name products! 15

“Flag Tags for Every Need...FT-36365 (FT-35)FT-14FT-57FT-431FT-17FT-121FT-116315FT-19FT-113FT-506310FT-66455FT-52FT-120FT-78FT-91FT-33FT-18FT-39FT-956555FT-20FT-25FT-94FT-41FT-22FT-32FT-93FT-7FT-24FT-36FT-92FT-48FT-266415FT-42FT-23TAGS/FORMSFlag TagsFLAG TAGS DISPENSERThe metal dispenser has 6 or 12 compartments.FCP#FT-286355FT-536370 (FT-35)Description6420 (FT-9)6425 (FT-9)PRICE$3.88FT-43FT-45FLAG TAGSLet them go through the cleaning process, even wetcleaning and bleaching. Attach with safety pins or staples.Note: Indicate stock number under tag when ordering.FCP# Description SizeFT Flag Tags 1” x 5”* 1000 per box.6510 (FT-13)6515 (FT-13)6520FT-49FT-3465856590FT-BLANKTRIAL KITConsists of 12 differentmessages plus the SLD-3Dispenser.* Specify the FlagTags you want when placingy<strong>our</strong> order.SLD-3SLD-40Flag Tags Dispenser ONLY-12Flag Tags Dispenser ONLY-6FCP#: FTTK (12)*FTTK (6)*Prices are subject to change, without notice.16 Service • Quality • Value

CUSTOM FLAG TAGSPrinted with a laundry proof ink on SAFTAG ® paper. An inexpensive way to advertisey<strong>our</strong> services. You can also create work order with y<strong>our</strong> staff.FCP# DESCRIPTION SIZE COLORS AVAILABLEFT-SMCustom Flag Tags1” x 5”2” x 5”3” x 5”* Minimum 3000 tags (3 boxes) per message and color.** Other options: Printing may go either direction, hanger hole, or backprinting.Please Note: Additional Time Required forManufacturing Custom TagsREPAIRVOICESTo ensure repairs are properly done the firsttime and charged to the right customer, userepairvoices - the 3-part, carbon-interleavedforms that will systemize y<strong>our</strong> repair service.Use a ball-point pen to describe the repair,then affix the long wet strength original tothe garment. Use the other copies for billingor records.FCP# Description SizeREPT Repairvoices 2 1 /8” x 7 3 /4”* 1000 per box.TAGS/FORMSCustom Flags Tags •Repairvoices • MeasuriteMEASURITE TAGSYou will be assured of a happy customer every time when using MeasuriteTags in knitwear and other garments that require pre-measuring for a good fitafter cleaning. They are affixed with the marking tags and ride with the garmentthrough the dry cleaning process. On SAFTAG ® paper with dry cleaning proofink. Each has a hanger hole. Size: 2 5 /16” x 5”.FCP# Description SizeMDCT Measurite Dress Tag - Pink 2 5 /16” x 5”MDCTP Measurite Pants Tag - White 2 5 /16” x 5”FTD-AT Alterations Tag - White 2” x 5”FTD-ST Service Tag - Yellow 2” x 5”FTD-SM** Custom Print Double Flag 2” x 5”PRICE$15.78CALL* 1000 per box.** Special print “Double Flag” also available at no extra charge with y<strong>our</strong> own messageon any of <strong>our</strong> 10 colors. Three box minimum and multiples Approx. 30 day manufacturetime.LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.18 Service • Quality • ValueMDCTMDCTPFDT-ATFDT-ST

“Make Note:Keep Formsin Stock.”RELEASE FORMSDescription SizeRelease Forms 3” x 6”* 1000 per box; forms provided in pads.SL-15SL-87SL-90NOTESDescription SizeNotes 2 3 /4” x 4 1 /4”* 1000 per box; forms provided in pads.SL-89N-1SL-20N-2N-3SL-88N-4TAGS/FORMSLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!FT-94Note Forms*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Low Prices on brand name products! 19

STOCK“Innovative Invoicesfor an EfficientCUSTOMTAGS/FORMSTickvoices ®STOCK TICKVOICES ®Combine invoice and dry cleaning tags in an all-in-one form. Size: 4 1 /4” x 7 3 /4”.FCP#TKVL-602-2TKVL-602-3DESCRIPTION2 Part Dry cleaning Invoice with Carbon3 Part Dry cleaning Invoice with Carbon* 1000 per box - Order 5000 at a time and get consecutive numbers** Spanish available - request code TRVL-603.Colors available* Orange bond and tagstock are 2 different shades.PRICE$38.39*$43.59**Quantity PricingAvailableUpon RequestFREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.CUSTOM TICKVOICES ®Design the invoice the way you want it. Be sure y<strong>our</strong> services are beingrecognized by y<strong>our</strong> customers! Size: 4 1 /4” x 7 3 /4”.FCP#FC-TKV-02FC-TKV-03*** Bond Copies can be imprinted with 2-color Red and Blueink upon request. Otherwise all Blue ink provided on bondcopies and laundry proof Black ink on tag copy.***DESCRIPTION2 Part Dry cleaning Invoice with Carbon3 Part Dry cleaning Invoice with Carbon* Price per thousand (M)** Carbonless available for an extra charge - call for details!10M*$39.49$45.79*Prices are subject to change, without notice.20 Service • Quality • Value

that are ImportantBusiness.” .STOCKCUSTOMLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!CUSTOM TAGVOICES ®Design the invoice the way you want it. Be sure y<strong>our</strong> services are beingrecognized by y<strong>our</strong> customers! Size: 3.4” x 7 3 /4”.FCP#FC-TVAS-02FC-TVAS-03DESCRIPTION2 Part Laundry Invoice with Carbon3 Part Laundry Invoice with Carbon* Price per thousand (M)** Carbonless available for an extra charge - call for details!10M*$46.79$51.99STOCK TAGVOICES ®Combine invoice and laundry tags in an all-in-one form. Size: 3.4” x 7 3 /4”.FCP#FC-TVASL-02FC-TVASL-03DESCRIPTION2 Part Laundry Invoice with Carbon3 Part Laundry Invoice with Carbon* 1000 per box - Order 5000 at a time and get consecutive numbers*Quantity PricingAvailableUpon RequestFREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.Colors availablePRICE$43.59$48.79* Orange bond and tagstock are 2 different shades.TAGS/FORMSTagvoices ®*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Low Prices on brand name products! 21

“FORM-ulate the StockMID-SIZED SPEEDVOICES ®Soft copies. Size: 3.4” x 6 9 /16”.FCP# DESCRIPT ION . CUSTOMSVTM 3 Part Mid-Sized 1 2 3 *IN STOCK 10 MPrice$27.20 per M* 1000 per box** Standard conditions printed on back of the last copy of all forms unlessadvised otherwise.FREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.IN STOCK3 PARTIN STOCK3 PARTTAGS/FORMSIN STOCK3 PARTCustomSpeedvoice ® FormsBackConditionsDON’T SEE THE FORMS YOU ARELOOKING FOR?Don’t worry! Call y<strong>our</strong> Fabricare Choice Distributor today for afull line of forms not seen in this <strong>catalog</strong>.*Prices are subject to change, without notice.22 Service • Quality • Value

that is Best for You!”FULL SIZE SPEEDVOICES ®Soft copies. Size: 4 1 /4” x 7 3 /4”.(See each form to note which are in stock.)FCP# DESCRIPTION CUSTOMSVDU 2 Part Full-Sized 1 220MSVT 3 Part Full-Sized 1 2 3 10MSVQ 4 Part Full-Sized 1 2 3 4 20MPRICECALL$32.19CALLFREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.CUSTOMizeandadvertise!* 1000 per box** Standard conditions printed on the back of the last copy of all forms,unless advised otherwise.IN STOCK2,3, OR 4 PART IN STOCK3 PARTCustomSpeedvoice ® FormsTAGS/FORMSIN STOCK3 PART*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Low Prices on brand name products! 23

“Speedvoices® ConveyY<strong>our</strong> Order.”LARGE CONVEYOR SPEEDVOICES ®A great form you can use two different ways. Comes with a conveyor hardback with extra large claim check. Size: 4 1 /4” x 7 3 /4”.FCP# DESCRIPTION CUSTOMSVDUHCS/ SVDUCBL/ SVDUCBXL 2 Part Large Conveyer 1 220MSVTHCS/ SVTCBL/ SVQCBL 3 Part Large Conveyer 1 2 3 **IN STOCK 10MSVQHCS/ SVTCBXL/ SVQCBXL 4 Part Large Conveyer 1 2 3 420MPRICECALL$36.35*CALLFREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.* 1000 per box˚ Backprint available on custom order.IN STOCKIN STOCKCOMPUTER FORMTAGS/FORMSPerfFolds to 3”IN STOCKSpeedvoice ® FormsIN STOCKIN STOCKFolds to 3”*Prices are subject to change, without notice.24 Service • Quality • Value

“Computer tags keeps y<strong>our</strong>business up and running!”COMPUTER TAGSFCP# SIZE COLORS AVAILABLECT-4 4” x 1 /2”CTMP 4 1 /8” x 3 /4”PRICE (1+)$38.50$42.50FCP#: CT-4S with stripes...on colored paper with diagonal stripes in 3 colors.COLORS AVAILABLE* 10,000 tags per box** Easy-tear micro perfFCP#: CTMPWC...with matching stripes available in 9 colors on white paper.MORE COMPUTER TAGS Same construction as the CTMP but...CUSTOM COMPUTERTAGS AVAILABLEFCP#: CTMPFW...with matching side and diagonal stripes 9 colors onwhite paper.LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!COMPUTERComputer TagsCOLORS AVAILABLECOLORS AVAILABLE*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Full Service to Y<strong>our</strong> Door! 25

“When it comes to y<strong>our</strong>printer ribbons, we’ll sendsomeone to y<strong>our</strong> store tosize up y<strong>our</strong> needs.”FCP#: SMTRFCP#: SMTR-SCOMPUTER5 PT. TAG ROLLS/ TAG PAPERFCP# SIZE FT PER ROLL COLORS AVAILABLESMTRSMTR-S3” x 3” 105’PRICE (1+) PRICE (5+)$52.00 $47.50CALL CALLSolid color tag rolls with black side stripes.Available in blue, tan and lavender.* 20 rolls per caseComputer Ribbons & RollsEpson & Okidata RibbonsFeaturing genuine brand ribbons for the most popular printers.Ribbons are in stock and ready to be delivered by y<strong>our</strong> full linemember of Fabricare Choice Distributors Group.FCP# Description BoxCPR-9180 Epson TM290 ERC 27/PM-301CPR-9181 Epson TM300 ERC 30/34CPR-9182Epson LQ570CPR-9183 Okidata 320CPR-9184 Okidata 5206/box12/boxCPR-9180CPR-9181CPR-9183CPR-9184CPR-9185CPR-9185 Okidata 590CPR-9182*Prices are subject to change, without notice.26 Service • Quality • Value

“Stock up on thermalfan-fold.”1/4” HoleFREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.Specify Stry-LenkoffBrand FanFold21# STOCK FAN-FOLD THERMALFCP# SIZE HANGER HOLE CONDITIONS Colors availableSLFF 4 1 /4” x 5 2 /3” NO NOSLFFH 4 1 /4” x 5 2 /3” YES NOSLFFC 4 1 /4” x 5 2 /3” NO YESSLFFHC 4 1 /4” x 5 2 /3” YES YESSLFFHCL 4 1 /4” x 7” YES YES* 5,000 per case21# CUSTOM FAN-FOLD ROLLSFCP# SIZE FRONT PRINT COLORS AVAILABLESLFFP 4 1 /4” x 5 2 /3”SLFFLP 4 1 /4” x 7”* 5000 per case, 5 case minimumSelect 1 Ink ColorPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)$55.99 $52.95$69.48 $65.65LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.BACK CONDITIONSWe exercise the utmost care in processingarticles entrusted to us, and use suchprocesses which, in <strong>our</strong> opinion, arebest suited to the nature and condition ofeach individual article. Nevertheless, wecannot assume responsibility for inherentweaknesses of, or defects in materialsthat are not readily apparent prior toprocessing. This applies particularly,but not exclusively to suedes, leathers,silks, satins, double-faced fabrics, vinyls,polyurethanes, etc. Responsibility is alsodisclaimed for trimmings, buckles, beads,buttons, belts, and sequins.In laundering we cannot guaranteeagainst color loss and shrinkage; oragainst damage to weak and tenderfabrics. Differences in count must bereported, and this ticket presented in 48h<strong>our</strong>s. Unless a list accompanied thebundle <strong>our</strong> count must be accepted. Thecompany’s liability with respect to anylost article shall not exceed 10 times <strong>our</strong>charge for processing it.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!COMPUTERStock / Custom Fan-folds*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Full Service to Y<strong>our</strong> Door! 27

“Stock up on custom thermalBe amazed when y<strong>our</strong>Hanger Logo(Available on15# & 21# stockthermal rolls)COMPUTERLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!Stock / Custom Thermal Rolls21# STOCK THERMAL ROLLSFCP# SIZE FT PER ROLL HANGER LOGO CONDITIONS COLORS AVAILABLE PRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)TR-8 3 1 /8” x 3” 160’ NO NO$87.99 $77.99TR-8C 3 1 /8” x 3” 160’ NO YES$89.99 $79.99TR-8LC 3 1 /8” x 3” 160’ YES YES$91.99 $81.99TR-8CS 3 1 /8” x 3” 160’ NO YES$91.99 $81.99* 50 rolls per case21# CUSTOM THERMAL ROLLSFCP# SIZE FT PER ROLL FRONT PRINT CONDITIONS COLORS AVAILABLETR-8P 3 1 /8” x 3” 160’ Select 1 Ink Color If desired* 50 rolls per case*Prices are subject to change, without notice.28 Service • Quality • Value

olls to market and promote.business starts to roll!”FREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.How to OrderCustom Thermal Rolls:1. Select a color ink: Green,Red, Pink, Blue, Grey, Tan,Orange, Lavender, Yellow(other colors availableat extra charge)Example: Blue2. Send a logo/artwork.(Please supply clean art.)Email file to:artwork@fabricarechoice.comORMail file/paper art to:P.O. Box 32120Louisville, KY 4023215# STOCK THERMAL ROLLSFCP# SIZE FT PER ROLL HANGER LOGO CONDITIONS COLORS AVAILABLETREP-2 2 1 /4” x 2” 80’ - for creditcard readersTR-1B 3 1 /8” x 3” 230’ NO NOTR-1C 3 1 /8” x 3” 230’ NO YESTR-1LC 3 1 /8” x 3” 230’ YES YES* 50 rolls per case.NONOPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)$25.99 $23.99$67.99 $59.99$69.99 $61.99$71.99 $63.993. Choose a print style.StandardPrintReversedPrintReversed Print4. Standards conditionsprovided at no extracharge unless directednot to do so.*If custom conditions areneeded, please callfor pricing.Standard conditions.CONDITIONSNOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ORDERSLEFT OVER 30 DAYS.We will use such process which, in <strong>our</strong>opinion, is best suited to texture and condition,but cannot be responsible for weak,tender, defective, or adulterated materials- not obvious prior to processing. Notresponsible for trimmings, buckles, belts,beads, buttons, or valuables.Laundry - Errors must be reported within48 h<strong>our</strong>s, accompanied by this invoice.Unless y<strong>our</strong> list accompanied bundle, <strong>our</strong>count must be accepted. Liability shall notexceed 10 times laundry charge, unlesshigher value declared and owner agreedto additional charges. No guarantees oncolors, curtains, shrinkage, or synthetics.If labels are removed or missing, all workwill be done at customer’s risk.Thank you. We appreciate y<strong>our</strong> business.COMPUTERStock / Custom Thermal Rolls*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Full Service to Y<strong>our</strong> Door! 29

“All of <strong>our</strong> fastenerNEW!products are madeby Dennisoneven<strong>our</strong> needles.”CHECK-INDENNISON FASTENERSFasteners are molded from special nylon material which makes them strong - less likelyto break, helps prevent lost tags. Temperature resistant, safer going through steampresses. Comes with 100 fasteners per clip. 10,000 per box.FCP#DescriptionDFG-7475 White Fasteners 10696DFG-7476 Clear Fasteners 10343Price (1+) Price (10+) Price (30+)$12.69 $9.79 CALL$12.49 $9.29 CALLDENNISON SOFT FABRIC GUNThe Dennison® Soft Fabric Gun safely and easily fastenstags to garments using <strong>our</strong> fine fabric fasteners.Constructed of durable plastic, this lightweight gunfeatures a comfortable soft hand grip, gentle triggerand easy-load clip for fast tagging. Simple to operate,it is safer than conventional staples and it protects garmentsfrom tears and snags.Dennison <strong>Products</strong>DENNISON GUNThe Dennison Gun provides long life and reliable use. Tags garments delicatelyand easily. Gun has comfortable grip and easy-to-squeeze trigger. Operatinginstructions included.FCP#DFG-7470DescriptionFine Fabric GunPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+) PRICE (8+)$18.99 $17.89 CALLDENNISON FINE FABRIC NEEDLESFine Fabric replacement needles have a specially shaped tip to prevent garmentdamage - safe even for silks. Needle inserts fastener just like a safety pin. F<strong>our</strong> needlesper packet. Genuine Dennison Fine Fabric needles - not an imitation!FCP#DFG-7478DFG-7477DescriptionAll Metal NeedlesPlastic Base NeedlesPRICE (1+) PRICE (5+) PRICE (10+)$10.89 $8.89 CALL$7.99 $5.99 CALL*Prices are subject to change, without notice.30 Service • Quality • Value

“Our Safety Pin pricesare sharp and <strong>our</strong> qualityis to the point.”Safety PinsCHECK-INPOWER POINT SAFETY PINSManufactured from high carbon content steel - the same quality used in competitive “premium” brands.They have heavier gauges to produce tighter closing. The point is ground and buffed to ensure consistencyand quality. Wrap around pin shaft creates a tighter more secure cap than the traditional “press fit” form ofcrimping. After nickel plating, the pins undergo a process that adds lubricity for easy penetration thoughthe fabric and also enhances rust reduction. Black vapor barrier paper also lines the box to provide an extralevel of moisture absorption to ensure rust-free pins.FCP# Description LENGTH1+ BOXES 5+ 10+ 25+ 50+SP-1 #1 Pin Closed 1 1 /16”PSP-6850 #1 Pin Opened 1 1 /16”PSP-6860 #2 Pin Closed 1 1 /2”PSP-6865 #3 Pin Closed 2”$7.89 $6.99 $6.65 $6.49$8.79 $7.79 $7.28$12.88 $11.69 $10.48$17.89 $16.25 $15.48LARGEORDER?Actual SizeSee y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Locally owned and operated support! 31

“Bostitch name brand orFabricare Premiumstaples?” .CHECK-INSTAPLERSEasy-to-use, heavy-duty, and easy on y<strong>our</strong> hands.FCP#SBS-3005SBS-3015DescriptionBostitch B8Bostitch P3PRICE (1+) PRICE (3+) PRICE (6+)$18.69 $17.79 $16.79$15.39 $15.19 $14.49Staplers & Staples“We haveboth!”STAPLESFCP# DescriptionSBS-3000 Bostitch B8 ( 1 /4”)SBS-3001 Fabricare B8 ( 1 /4”)SBS-3010 Bostitch P3 ( 1 /4”)SBS-3011 Fabricare P3 ( 1 /4”)*5,000 per boxPRICE (1+) PRICE (25+)$1.04 $0.87$0.57 CALL$1.04 $0.87$0.59 (40+) CALLREMOVERSAngled staple remover with a single point for those hard-to-reach areas.FCP#SBS-3025DescriptionStaple RemoverPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+) PRICE (10+)$2.45 $2.34 $1.98*Prices are subject to change, without notice.32 Service • Quality • Value

PRODUCE TAPE (Garment Tape)Has many uses, can be used for holding multi-items in an order oridentification of stains. (Note: Please remove prior to dry cleaning- not recommended for use on velvet, vel<strong>our</strong> or silk.)FCP#SPT-2000*DescriptionGarment Tape* Please specify color: Red, Yellow, Blue, or GreenPRICE (1+) PRICE (6+)$1.29 $1.09SPEEDSTICKS /INSPECTOR LABELSAutomatically peel as you pull. Are ready to use, no moisteningrequired. Stick them on invoices, shirtbands, packages,etc. Packed in a dispenser box. Size: 1” x 1 5 /8”.DescriptionSpeedsticks or Inspector LabelsCustom Labels* 1000 strips per boxSS-18SS-17PRICE (1+)$3.19CALLSS-20LOST & FOUND BAGSIf you find any items in y<strong>our</strong> customers’ pockets, simply place them insidethis attractive Lost & Found Bag and set aside for y<strong>our</strong> customer.FCP#LFB-5000* 1000 bags per boxTEXPEN ®For a more permanent marking, use the TexPen ® . This wasdeveloped to remain more legible and to last longer than theothers. It will stand up against laundering, cleaning and bleachingprocesses.FCP#DescriptionMTP-4000* TexPen ®* Please specify color: Red, White or BlackSTRAIGHT PINSWith hundreds of uses for quality straight pins,these are strong, nickel-plated steel with sharppoints.FCP# Description SIZESPP-8485 #17 1 1 /16”SPP-8490 #20 1 1 /4”SPP-8495 #24 1 1 /6”SS-19DescriptionLost & Found BagsPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)$16.98 $15.45BUTTON FOILProtect buckles and buttons with a 2 3 /4” wide foil roll included in a convenientdispenser box. You won’t waste time cutting down large foil sheets.FCP# Description WEIGHTABF-1000 Button Foil 2 1 /2 lb.PRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)$10.95 $8.65STICKER DISPENSERSThe wood dispenser has 2 or 6 compartments.FCP#SLD-36SLD-37SS-3DescriptionSticker Dispenser ONLY-2Sticker Dispenser ONLY-6SS-9SS-12SS-4CHECK-INTape • Foil • Bags • Pen • Pins • StickersSS-8SS-25SS-23SS-10SS-5SS-6SS-26*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Locally owned and operated support! 33

Welcome to the exciting world of Adco University.Utilizing the expanding capabilities of the internet and communication technology in conjunctionwith the expertise of the Adco Research and Development Department, Adco is pleasedto announce Adco University. Adco University will provide cleaners the ablity to attend trainingand information sessions with the technical staff at Adco and other experts in <strong>our</strong> industry.These sessions will be at no cost to you.C<strong>our</strong>ses are scheduled approximately 4-5 weeks apart. You will receive email notification of theupcoming webinar 4-7 days prior to the session. The schedule, shown below, has been set forthe remainder of 2009 and the first three months of 2010.Date Time (CDT) Topic PresenterOctober 15, 2009 1:00 Processing Sweaters DonnaNovember 19, 2009 1:00General OSHAHazcom TrainingJulieDecember 17, 2009 1:00 Product Cost Analysis JimJanuary 21, 2010 1:00Interpreting Boiler TestResultsJulieFebruary 18, 2010 1:00Using CombinationSpottersDonnaMarch 18, 2010 1:00 Equipment Maintenance JimTo receive information about upcoming c<strong>our</strong>ses email y<strong>our</strong> plant name and y<strong>our</strong> name toadcou@adco-inc.com. You will be added to <strong>our</strong> email distribution list and receive registrationinformation for each webinar. If you have any questions contact us at 800-821-7556.Dr. Jim SchreinerDean of Adco University

“The best quality at thebest price...it’s in the bag.”BAGSSUPER-TOUGH COUNTER BAGSMade out of 210-denier super tough fabric. All bags include draw cord with slide closure. Also includes two heavy-duty grommets for hanging.Perfect for under the counter racks, making orders for processing foolproof. Standard size is 22’ x 28’.FCP# Description COLORS AVAILABLECBN-5825Counter Bags* Additional colors available.COUNTER BAG RACKSKeep y<strong>our</strong> counters organized and y<strong>our</strong> bags within easy reach withthese handy bag racks. Choose either a wall mount or under the countermodel.FCP#CBR-9750CBR-9775DescriptionWall MountUnder the CounterPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$20.95 $17.50$25.50 $21.85PRICE (1+) PRICE (50+) PRICE (100+) PRICE (300+)$2.29 $2.09 $1.99 $1.89CBR-9750LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!CBR-9775Super-Tough Counter Bags & Counter Bag Racks*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Guaranteed Product Satisfaction! 35

“For super-tough jobs,BAGSSuper-Tough Pick-Up Bags & Counter BagsCUSTOM PRINTING SUPER TOUGH BAGSCustom screen printing is available with y<strong>our</strong> camera ready art.Otherwise, have y<strong>our</strong> Fabricare Choice Distributor help you design the bag of y<strong>our</strong>choice. Additional art charges may be incurred. Maximum imprint size: 13” x 18 1 /2”.All bags include a draw string cord with slide closure and 2 sturdy brass grommets.FCP#DescriptionCBC-5850 Counter Bags 22” x 28”PUB-3795 Pick-Up Bags 30” x 40”PRICE (50+) PRICE (100+) PRICE (300+)$3.80 $3.15 $2.80$4.50 $3.85 $3.50* Minimum order of 50 bags.** Please specify bag color: Red, White, Black, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Burgundy, Green, Yellow, Purple or Orange.(Additional colors available.)*** Please specify ink color: Red, White, Black, Royal Blue, Navy Blue, Wine, Green, Yellow, Purple or Brown.(Additional colors available.)LARGEORDER?SUPER-TOUGH PICK-UP BAGSMade out of 210-Denier super tough fabric. All bags include draw cord with slide closure. Use transport bags for linen supply or anyheavy-duty job. Standard size is 30” x 40”. All bags include a draw string cord with slide closure and 2 sturdy brass grommets.FREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!FCP# Description COLORS AVAILABLEPUB-3775Laundry BagsPRICE (1+) PRICE (50+) PRICE (100+)$3.15 $2.85 $2.59* Additional colors available.*Prices are subject to change, without notice.36 Service • Quality • Value

we have you covered.”NEW!Laundry Bag HolderSaving space is easy using <strong>our</strong> super strong laundry bagholder. Its innovative scissor frame design allows it tobe used for daily wear and tear, or just folded flat whennot in use. Perfect for <strong>our</strong> 30” x 40” laundry bags.(bags sold separately)FCP#: CBR-9800BAGSEXPRESS TAGSKeep y<strong>our</strong> customers coming back with Express Tags. Give thema constant reminder of the good service found at y<strong>our</strong> store.FCP#CBN-5890CBN-5891CBN-5892CBN-5893CBN-5894DescriptionCard and Plastic Holder w/ LoopPlastic Holder with Loop OnlyCard and Plastic Holder w/ ClipPlastic Holder with Clip OnlyCard Only* Sold in packages of 10.PRICE (10+) PRICE (100+) PRICE(300+)$0.67 $0.54 $0.43$0.59 $0.48 $0.38$0.89 $0.75 $0.64$0.81 $0.69 $0.59$0.20 $0.17 $0.13Super-Tough Pick-Up Bags & Counter Bags • Express Tags*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Guaranteed Product Satisfaction! 37

LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!Close-up ofzipper net bagBAGSLaundry Nets • Zipper Net BagsZIPPER NET BAGSOur Zipper Nets come with easy-flow zippers. Our weddinggown bag also has a hanger hole. Reinforced with a polyesterbinding. All bags come in white.FCP# Description SIZEZNB-4155 Tie Bag 5 1 /4” x 33”ZNB-4150 Regular 24” x 36”ZNB-4160 Wedding Gown 30” x 60”PRICE$4.47$4.87$14.20LAUNDRY NETS (MESH BAGS)Our Laundry Nets are made from 100% virgin polyester yarn 9 (4.8 oz.).Heavy-duty seams with three thread, polyester stitching. Available in twostyles - open top (closed with a net pin) or a drawstring top. Size: 24” x 36”.FCP#MLB-4175MLB-4180*MLB-5000MLB-5005*DescriptionWhite Mesh Open TopColored Mesh Open TopWhite with DrawstringColored with Drawstring* Please specify color: Red, White, Blue, Green or YellowPRICE (1+) PRICE (50+)$3.15 $3.05$3.80 $3.35$3.45 $3.35$4.85 $4.50Close-up of mesh bag*Prices are subject to change, without notice.38 Service • Quality • Value

HOT HEAD MITTProtect arms and hands with the finest press cleanmitt available. Our mitt covers the whole length ofthe operators arm, offering insulation from heat andprotection from burns. This glove is made from heatresistant, long lasting, fully insulated Nomex fabricwith high grade-steel wool.FCP#HHM-4990DescriptionHot Head MittPRICE$23.89EZ-OFFRemoves starch, scorch, soil and foreign residue from all hot metalironing surfaces. Safe for metals, fabric and skin. Non-flammable.Packaged in tubes. 6 per box. 72 per case.FCP#EZO-2000DescriptionEZ-OffPRICE (1+) PRICE (6+)$2.59 CALLPRESSINGPUFFER COVERS & PADSFCP furnishes ample padding on <strong>our</strong> puffer covers to dramatically reduce the possibility ofburns to the operator. We use 21 oz. flannel padding on both Nomex and nylon puffer covers.CLENA-FORM #5Cleans and polishes y<strong>our</strong> press heads with the extra power of pumice.Clean while y<strong>our</strong> press is hot. This heavy-duty cleaner removesmost build-up.FCP#CLF-2001DescriptionClena-Form #5, 1qtPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$11.99 $11.49CLENA KOOLCleans and polishes y<strong>our</strong> press heads when they are cool. Addsconvenience to y<strong>our</strong> work schedule.FCP#CLC-6430DescriptionClena Kool, 16 oz.PRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$12.79 $11.89Hot Head Mitt • EZ-Off • Puffer Cover & Pads • Clena <strong>Products</strong>Credit Terms for Qualified Customers!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.39

“Covers and pads that fitForentaPRESSINGCovers & PadsUnipressUnipress:Collar and Cuff“And quality youResults from Cheaper Imitations:• Inferior pads and covers wear out faster.• More frequent changes results in additional labor costs.• Improper fit means more touch ups.• Most expensive of all, poorly finished quality equals lost customers.*Prices are subject to change, without notice.40 Service • Quality • Value

at prices you can afford!”Unipress:SleeverHoffmanLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!PRESSINGAjaxCovers & PadsSankoshacan depend on.”DON’T ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN F.H. BONNF.H. BONN makes most of the O.E.M. (Original Equipment Manufacturers) covers andpads. So their products are guaranteed to fit perfectly and their quality is made to last!If it comes from a mail order <strong>catalog</strong> or a peddler, it is NOT F.H. BONN!Credit Terms for Qualified Customers!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.41

“When was the last timesomeone to crawl underPRESSINGGrid Plates & Steel Base PadsUTILITY LEGGER GRID PLATESThe Fabricare Choice head plate is made of thehighest quality products available. Starting with themolded aluminum base, we add a layer of 20 oz.flannel. This flannel aids in the proper distributionof steam as well as providing a better finish to thegarment. Each head plate is covered with a durablepolyester material which is easily maintained. So ifyou want carefree maintenance, along with touch upfree performance, the Fabricare Choice head plate isy<strong>our</strong> only choice.* Ajax, Cissell, Forenta, Hoffman/NY, Prosperity,UnipressLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!SHIRT UNIT STEEL BASE PADSFCP’s Steel Pads are meticulously manufactured to eachpress manufacturers’ exacting specifications. Our longerlasting pads provide more porosity. Steam is more evenlydispersed and the pads stay softer longer, minimizingcracking and unwanted garment creasing.* Ajax, Forenta, Unipress*Prices are subject to change, without notice.42 Service • Quality • Value

a <strong>catalog</strong> company sentone of y<strong>our</strong> presses?” .FCP’S Dry cleaning PRESS PADSThese long lasting covers produce the finish and durability you need. The foam padis manufactured from open cell latex allowing heat and moisture to efficiently passthrough the entire pad. Due to optimum heat, the transfer pad wears evenly, offeringsuperior finish, first garment to last.* Ajax, Cissell, Forenta, Utility, Hoffman, UnipressPADDLE COVER SETSAll pants toppers pleat covers are made withexacting standards, as specified by the OEMs.All Fabricare Choice paddle covers are madewith nylon outer cover and 21 oz. flannel sewnin. This combination allows for a proper fitthus eliminating any chance of wrinkles.* Ajax, Cissell, Forenta, UnipressPANTS TOPPERSFCP’s Pants Toppers have twill fabric on the frontto hold the pants while pressing. Our covers have asewn in pad for easy installation. The fabrics usedprovide good airflow for proper pants pressing.* Ajax, Cissell, Forenta, UnipressWE WILL SIZE UP YOUR NEEDS FOR YOU.With hundreds of different makes & model numbers existing in use today, eachrequiring a specific size, getting the proper information is essential. Contacty<strong>our</strong> local Fabricare Choice Distributor today to get exactly what YOU need!PRE-CUT FLANNELFCP’s Pre-Cut Flannel is the same high quality materialsthat you would find in <strong>our</strong> Roll Goods. You save timeand effort and have no waste when you buy y<strong>our</strong> flannelthis way. (7 collars/14 cuffs)COLLAR & CUFF ROLL GOODSThe FCP materials offer maximum resiliency at themost economical price.PRESSINGPress Pads • Paddle Cover Sets • Pre-Cut Flannel • Collar & CuffRoll Goods • Pants ToppersCredit Terms for Qualified Customers!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.43

“Don’t get burned, buy thePRESSINGIronsFABRICARE CHOICE ALL STEAM IRONOur Fabricare all-steam iron weighs less than 3 lbs. - it is so light that it won’t tireout the operator. It features a comfortable heat-resistant handle and a valve systemthat increases steam volume, with an easy to adjust steam control. Excellent steamdistribution is assured through the stainless steel base. The open design of theiron makes pressing around buttons, pockets and other hard to reach places mucheasier. Installation is easy, just connect the iron to y<strong>our</strong> steam supplyline and you’reready to go! Available with two 7 foot Teflon high-temp steam hoses or without.FCP#FCP# IR-300FCP# IR-301DescriptionFCP All Steam Iron (without hoses)FCP All Steam Iron (with hoses)PRICE (1+)$79.50$99.50ACE-HI ALL STEAM IRONComes with iron rest, two 7’ Teflon hoses and one hose sleeve.This quality iron is comparable to Naomoto HSP-410 at a lowerprice. A one year warranty is provided, including replacementparts.FCP#AHI-4175DescriptionAHP-300 All Steam IronPRICE (1+)$169.99ACE-HI STEAM ELECTRIC IRONThe new improved model is an inexpensive light-weight iron. Therugged construction withstands heavy day-to-day use. This ironcomes with a six month service warranty. Should be used with SR-3Steam Regulator.FCP#AHI-4200DescriptionAH-2100 Steam Electric Iron* Price for Steam Regulator not included.PRICE (1+)$277.00ACE-HI GRAVITY FEED STEAM IRONComes with a water bottle, and hose accessories. Light weight, especiallydesigned for women operators. It gives a faster steam response just likesteam irons. A one year service warranty is provided, including replacementparts. Comparable to Naomoto HYS-5.FCP#AHI-4125DescriptionAH-100G Gravity Feed Steam IronPRICE (1+)$129.00**Prices are subject to change, without notice.44 Service • Quality • Value

est.”LITTLE GIANT SPRAY GUNDon’t settle for imitations when you can buy the original. Operates on anypressure from 40-150 lbs. without adjustment. Non-corrosive, non-drip.Made in the U.S.A.FCP#SSG-9500SSG-9505SSG-9510DescriptionWater Gun OnlyWater Gun with 5’ Hose5’ Hose OnlyPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$16.95 $15.85$24.85 $24.15$9.95 $9.50INDUSTRIAL STEAMERIt saves the start-up time for steam generation and works soefficiently in all operating environments with its immediate steamemission. UL and UCA approved component parts increasesfurther reliability and durability.FCP#AHI-4225DescriptionSteamerPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)$228.00 $218.00PRESSINGIRON RESINDemineralizer. Iron Resin is used with gravity feed steam irons. It improvesresults by cleansing impurities and hard water deposits. Resin changes colorwhen used-up. Easy and convenient to use. Use one bag per bottle.FCP# Description SIZEAHI-4150 Iron Resin 1 lb. bagPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)$15.85 $13.95LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!HEAVY-DUTY HOSE PROTECTORSMade with 9 1 /2” oz. Nomex which is very flexible and will protect y<strong>our</strong> armsfrom harmful burns.FCP#SHP-2900SHP-2905Description24” Steam Hose Protector48” Steam Hose ProtectorPRICE (1+)PRICE$10.80 $9.50 (5+)$21.50 $19.75 (3+)Hose Protectors • Industrial Steamers • Spray Gun • Iron ResinCredit Terms for Qualified Customers!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.45

“Our teflon coated shoesare the best qualityavailable today.”PRESSINGIron ShoesIRON SHOESImprove finishing quality and increase production with Fabricare Choice iron shoes.Made from virgin Teflon ® and a heavy-duty riveted frame. Made exclusively to thestringent standards of the Fabricare Choice Distributors Group.FCP#ALL ITEMSPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+) PRICE (6+) PRICE (12+)$12.49 $11.79 $9.79 $7.79FCP# Make MODEL #IS-7150IS-7151IS-7152IS-7154IS-7156IS-7158Ace-HiCissellAHP300AH100GAH2000/AH2100ACT850IS-7151D-4Hi-steamIS-7151 S-4IS-7150 Miju MSP410IS-7156IS-7150IS-7151IS-7151NaomotoAll Steam69/ACT800ACA1000/ACA2000HSN-40HSP-400/HSP-410/HSP-420HYS-5/MTI-510/HYS-510HYS-6IS-7152 Pacific Steam PSI-1/PSI-2IS-7150 Sapporo SA-4ASP/SP-410-2LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.46 Service • Quality • Value

“It’s HOW you get to thefinish that counts!”SLEEVE FINISHERSPress sleeves quickly and easily with this professional tool. For use with form finishersand all general purpose types of pressing. Two sizes available; 12” and 23”. Center springexpands 8 3 /4”. Spring is replaceable.FCP#DescriptionPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+) PRICE (6+)EXP-1200EXP-1205EXP-2300EXP-230512” SleeveFinisher12” ReplacementSpring23” SleeveFinisher23” ReplacementSpring$9.49 $7.49 $5.49$5.49 $4.49 $3.29$11.49 $9.49 $7.49$6.49 $5.49 $3.99PRESSINGFORM FINISHERSFCP’s steam/air finisher covers have the rightporosity to finish garments properly with nomoire.Sleeve/Form Finishers • Steam TrapLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!STEAM TRAPArmstrong 1 /2” trap is the highest quality trap manufactured in the U.S.A.FCP#STR-3240DescriptionArmstrong #890(Supersedes #800)PRICE (1+) PRICE (4+)$46.99 CALLCredit Terms for Qualified Customers!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.47

“For the best quality,sheet after sheet...insiston Fabricare lint rollers.”PRESSINGLint RollersLINT BUSTERS ® RETAIL LINT ROLLERSStart maximizing y<strong>our</strong> bottom line with <strong>our</strong> stylish retail lint rollers. Our Lint Buster ®Lint Rollers are made with an extra tacky adhesive tape for maximum pickup and longlasting power. Every lint Roller individual sheet has one dry edge for easy peeling anddisposable. By design, one dry edge gives you more pick-up area than other lint rollers!The adhesive extends all the way to the bottom of each roller so you don’t missany spots! Our Lint Busters ® Lint Rollers are great for the pickup of lint, pet hair, oralmost any unwanted particles on all types of clothing, furniture, car seats, floors...the uses are endless!FCP#LLR-4715LLR-4720LLR-4725* Price is shown per box.Description12 Rolls w/ 12 Handles12 Rolls w/ No Handles12 Rolls w/ 12 Handlesand a DisplayPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (6+)$22.50 $21.50 $19.50$17.98 $16.98 $15.98$25.95 $24.68FABRICARE CHOICE COMMERCIAL LINT ROLLERSFabricare Choice <strong>Products</strong> Lint rollers use a specially formulated adhesive tape andare easily peelable each and every time. FCP provides you with a heavy-duty steelframe handle with a cushion grip. Don’t settle for anything less!FCP#LLR-4815LLR-4820Description12 Rolls w/ 1 Handle12 Rolls w/ No HandlePRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (6+)$17.98 $16.98 $15.98$17.49 $16.49 $15.49*Prices are subject to change, without notice.48 Service • Quality • Value

TWILL & KHAKI BUTTON KIT3 Gross (432 buttons) in horn andsolid colors in 24 ligne.Packed in an unbreakable tray.TWILL & KHAKI BUTTONSPerfect replacement button for name brand khaki and twill casualpants. Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.PRICE*$1.50* 1 dozen.HORN SHIRT BUTTON KIT8 Gross (1152 buttons) of the mostpopular shirt colors in 14 and 18 ligne.Packed in an unbreakable tray.SUPER TUFF & EXTRA DURABLEBUTTON KIT8 Gross (1152 buttons) Strong, long-wearingshirt buttons in white, natural and blackin 13 and 17 ligne.Packed in an unbreakable tray.FCP#BKT-100FCP#PRICE$41.50 (asst.)PRICEBH-100 $49.0024LBKT-1022424LBKT-1062424LBKT-1052424LBKT-1072424LBKT-1042424LBKT-10824HORN BUTTONSThe most popular mottled horn colors! Use the stylenumbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.14LBH-1051418LBH-1051814LBH-1011418LBH-1011814LBH-1061418LBH-1061814LBH-1021418LBH-1021814LBH-1071418LBH-1071814LBH-1031418LBH-1031824LBKT-1032414LBH-1081418LBH-1081824LBKT-1092424LBKT-10124PRICE*$3.75* For 1 gross.14LBH-1041418LBH-1041814LBH-1091418LBH-10918SUPER TUFF & EXTRA DURABLE BUTTONSPRICE*Tough, break resistant buttons in men’s shirt sizes. Classic button $7.50 (1+)style. Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.$6.98 (2+)* For 2 gross.TAILORINGButtons: Twill & Khaki • Horn • Super Tuff & DurableWhite13LBSD-1011317LBSD-10117Natural13LBSD-1021317LBSD-10217Black13LBSD-1031317LBSD-10317FCP#BSD-100PRICE$46.95 (asst.)LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!Live sales and technical support!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.49

PEARL SHIRT BUTTON KIT8 Gross (1152 buttons) in white andoff white in 14 and 18 ligne.Packed in an unbreakable tray.PEARL BUTTONSThe most widely used shirt button styles.Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.PRICE*$3.75* For 1 gross.TAILORINGButtons: Pearl • Akoya • Real/Imitation ShellAKOYA SHIRT BUTTON KITA full assortment of sizes in beautiful naturalAkoya shell (396 Buttons).Packed in an unbreakable tray.FCP#PRICEBP-100 $53.00FCP#REAL/IMITATION SHELL BUTTON KITA complete section of both real and imitation shellbuttons is sizes 14-36 ligne (384 buttons).Packed in an unbreakable tray.PRICEBA-100 $39.95FCP#PRICEBR-100 $67.8514LBP-1051418LBP-1051814LBP-1011418LBP-1011814LBP-1061418LBP-1061814LBP-1021418LBP-1021814LBP-1071418LBP-10718$3.80 / dozen $4.50 / dozen $5.20 / dozen$1.30 / dozen $1.80 / dozen $2.30 / dozen $2.80 / dozen18L BR-10118 $4.95/dz20L BR-10120 $5.95/dz24L BR-10124 $10.50/dz30L BR-10130 $15.50/dz36L BR-10136 $24.95/dz$1.50/dz$1.65/dz$1.75/dz$2.25/dz$2.75/dz14LBP-1031418LBP-1031814LBP-1081418LBP-10818AKOYA BUTTONSThe most popular shell button, available in all sizes.Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.36LBA-1013618LBA-1011820LBA-1012040LBA-1014024LBA-1012414LBP-1041418LBP-1041845LBA-1014530LBA-1013014LBP-1091418LBP-10918REAL/IMITATION SHELL BUTTONSGenuine Trocas Shell in popular sizes and Faux shell buttons with the look of realshell. Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.ImitationReal14L BR-1031418L BR-1031820L BR-1032024L BR-1032430L BR-10330ImitationReal18L BR-10218 $4.95/dz20L BR-10220 $5.95/dz24L BR-10224 $10.50/dz30L BR-10230 $15.50/dz36L BR-10236 $24.95/dz14L BR-1041418L BR-1041820L BR-1042024L BR-1042430L BR-10430$1.50/dz$1.65/dz$1.75/dz$2.25/dz$2.75/dz*Prices are subject to change, without notice.50 Service • Quality • Value

SUIT/PANT BUTTON KITDesigner button’s for any men’s suit in 24 and 32ligne sizes (432 buttons).Packed in an unbreakable tray.SUIT/PANT BUTTONSQuality horn buttons perfect for menswear.Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.PRICE*$1.70 (24L)$1.95 (32L)* For 1 dozen.FCP#JEAN BUTTON KITAll the most wanted colors and finishes for today’sjeanwear (150 tacks).Packed in an unbreakable tray.PRICEBS-100 $49.0024L BS-1012432L BS-1013224L BS-1052432L BS-1053224L BS-1022432L BS-1023224L BS-1062432L BS-1063224L BS-1032432L BS-1033224L BS-1072432L BS-10732JEAN BUTTONSJean tacks from basic to fancy. Price includes tack backs.Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.24L BS-1042432L BS-1043224L BS-1082432L BS-1083224L BS-1092432L BS-10932PRICE*$2.50* For 1 dozen.TAILORINGFCP#LADIES BLOUSE & SHIRT BUTTON KITA generous selection of sew-thru, shank and ballpearl buttons (726 buttons).In an unbreakable tray.PRICEBJ-100 $17.50FCP#PRICEBB-100 $39.75Dull Nickel27LBJ-10127White Dome Blouse16L BB-10116 $1.00/dz18L BB-10118 $1.20/dz22L BB-10122 $1.60/dzAntique Copper27LBJ-10227Antique Brass27LBJ-10327LADIES’ BLOUSE & SHIRT BUTTONSA button style to match any ladies’ blouse.Use the style numbers below to refill y<strong>our</strong> assortment tray.White Flat Blouse18L BB-10218 $1.05/dz20L BB-10220 $1.10/dz22L BB-10222 $1.20/dzNickel Oak Leaf27LBJ-10427Antique CopperOak Leaf27LBJ-10527White Iridescent Blouse18L BB-10318 $1.00/dz22L BB-10322 $1.30/dzButtons: Suit/Pant • Jean • Ladies Blouse & ShirtWhite Half Round(Metal Shank)10L BB-10410 $2.40/dzWhite Full Round(Metal Shank)10L BB-10510 $3.00/dzWhite 2 Hole Blouse19L BB-10619 $0.40/dz23L BB-10623 $0.50/dzLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!White Imitation Pearl19L BB-10719 $1.75/dz23L BB-10723 $2.25/dzNatural Imitation Pearl19L BB-10819 $1.75/dz23L BB-10823 $2.25/dzWhite Iridescent Blouse19L BB-10919 $1.50/dz23L BB-10923 $2.00/dzLive sales and technical support!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.51

BASIC 4-HOLE BUTTONSOur most popular and economical button.TAILORINGButtons: Basic 4-Hole • Suspender • Leather • BlazerPRICE*$3.95 (1+)$3.75 (2+)$3.45 (6+)* For 2 gross.PRICE*$15.60 (1+)$12.90 (2+)White$11.50 (6+)14L BV-10114 14L BV-1021418L BV-10118 18L BV-10218* For 10 gross.SUSPENDER BUTTONSChoose from 6 popular colors, in 27 ligne sizes.Black27LBSP-10127White27LBSP-10427BLAZER BUTTONSClassic styles for all men’s and ladies’ blazers.Flat Top**BM-10824BM-10830Gray27LBSP-10227Navy27LBSP-10527Flat Top**BM-10724BM-10730PRICE*$5.95* For 1 gross.Khaki27LBSP-10327Brown27LBSP-10627BrushedBM-10924BM-10930PRICE*$2.25 (1+)$2.05 (2+)$1.85 (6+)* For 1 gross.LEATHER BUTTONSHand crafted leather buttons for blazers and outerwear.Black27LBL-101Natural27LBL-103Smoke14L BV-1031418L BV-10318CrestBM-10624BM-101630Dark Brown27LBL-102Antique27LBL-104Black14L BV-1041418L BV-10418PRICE*$2.25 (24L)$2.50 (30L)$2.75 (36L)* For 1 dozen.Navy27LBL-105Coat of ArmsBM-10324BM-10330CrownBM-10224BM-10230EagleBM-10524BM-10530Sailor MetalBM-10424BM-10430PresidentialBM-10124BM-10130*Prices are subject to change, without notice.52 Service • Quality • Value

BUTTON SIZECHARTCOLLAR STAYSEach box comes in assorted sizes - 2”, 2 1 /2” and 3”.FCP#TCS-101DescriptionCollar StaysPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (6+)$8.49 $7.99 $7.69Button Down Collar13L14L1/4”* 200 per box.Actual SizeSleeve15L16LShirt Front17L18LSport Shirt19L20L5/16”3/8”1/2”SHIRT BACKERSUse these 9 /16” felt backers when replacing buttons on shirtfronts.TAILORINGSport Shirt21L22LSleeve or Pant23L24LSingle Breasted29L30LDouble Breasted36LOvercoat40L44L15/16”1”1 1 /8”9/16”5/8”3/4”FCP#TFB-101PRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$6.99 $5.99BULK ASSORTMENT BUTTON KITA selection of mixed horn and pearl buttons in 14 and 18 lignesizes. Each packet contains 144 buttons. Styles may vary in eachpacket.FCP#TMB-101DescriptionShirt Backers* 1000 backers per box.DESCRIPTIONAssorted Bulk Shirt ButtonsPRICE$5.95LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.Collar Stays • Shirt Backers • Bulk Assortment • Button Size ChartGREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Live sales and technical support!53

TAILORINGRepairvoices • Measurite Tags • Tailoring TagsREPAIRVOICESTo ensure repairs are properly done the firsttime and charged to the right customer, userepairvoices - the 3-part, carbon-interleavedforms that will systemize y<strong>our</strong> repair service.Use a ball-point pen to describe the repair,then affix the long wet strength original tothe garment. Use the other copies for billingor records.FCP# Description SizeREPT Repairvoices 2 1 /8” x 7 3 /4”* 1000 per box.TAILORING TAGSPre-numbered consecutive tags are designedto be attached to a garment invoice and a detailedcopy for y<strong>our</strong> records. Takes the guesswork out of tailoring.FCP# Description SizeSLCT-1SLCT-2Tailoring TagTailoring Tag2 1 /8” x 7 3 /4”SLCT-3 Tailoring Tag 3” x 5”* 1000 per box.SLCT-3FRONTStry-Lenkoff Co. Prtd. In U.S.A. SLT-3SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONSCustomerCOST:MEASURITE TAGSYou will be assured of a happy customer every time when using MeasuriteTags in knitwear and other garments that require pre-measuring for a good fitafter cleaning. They are affixed with the marking tags and ride with the garmentthrough the dry cleaning process. On SAFTAG ® paper with dry cleaning proofink. Each has a hanger hole. Size: 2 5 /16” x 5”.FCP# Description SizeSLCT-1MDCT Measurite Dress Tag - Pink 2 5 /16” x 5”MDCTP Measurite Pants Tag - White 2 5 /16” x 5”FTD-AT Alterations Tag - White 2” x 5”FTD-ST Service Tag - Yellow 2” x 5”FTD-SM** Custom Print Double Flag 2” x 5”ATTACH TOINVOICETAILORTAGATTACH TOINVOICETAILORTAGSPEC. MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUNDate:PRICE$15.78CALL* 1000 per box.** Special print “Double Flag” also available at no extra charge with y<strong>our</strong> own messageon any of <strong>our</strong> 10 colors. Three box minimum and multiples Approx. 30 day manufacturetime.By:TIME:$$TAILORRECORDTAILORTAGTAILORRECORDTAILORTAG*Prices are subject to change, without notice.DUE________________ REPAIR ONLY PRESS CAP ZIPPERLENGTH Present______________ <strong>Inc</strong>hes54 Service • Quality • ValueSLT-3SAFETY PIN HEREMDCTMAGENTAMDCTPFinished______________ <strong>Inc</strong>hesTAKE UP______________ <strong>Inc</strong>hes CUT OFF CUFFS Yes NoLET DOWN_________________ <strong>Inc</strong>hesMAGENTA& YELLOWWAIST Present______________ <strong>Inc</strong>hesIN____________________ <strong>Inc</strong>hesFACEOTHER ___________________________________ $____________________________________________Finished______________ <strong>Inc</strong>hesOUT______________ <strong>Inc</strong>hesCUSTOMER NAME _________________________ PHONE ________________BLACKMAGENTAMAGENTA& YELLOWBLACKDUE DATE _____________ COMPLETED _____________ BY _____________INSTRUCTIONSCUSTOMER NAMEn Repair Only n Clean Then Repair n Repair Then Cleann As Pinned n Waist – Seat – Crotchn Waist ________” n Take In n Let Out n Tapern Length _______” n No Cuff n Reg. n Wide n As Markedn Hem As Pinned n Shorten ________” n Lengthen ________”n Sleeves n Shorten ________” n Lengthen ________”TAILOREDn Zipper n New n RepairBY ______________n Full Pocket n Half Pocketn Hole n Snag n Patch$PHONEDATE DUE COMPLETED BYDATECOMPLETED ____________FDT-ATSLCT-3BACKFDT-STLOUISVILLE, KYTAILOR TAGLOUISVILLE, KYTAILOR TAGSLT-1SLT-2SLCT-2

“A perfect finishing touchto show you care.”PACKAGINGGarment CoversSTOCK GARMENT COVERSThis is the perfect finishing touch. Show y<strong>our</strong> customerstheir garments have been professionally cleaned andpackaged using Garment Covers. Available in two stylesand sizes.Glue Top - 17”FCP#DescriptionGCS-4910 “We Our Customers”GCS-4915Glue Top - 20”FCP#BlankDescriptionGCS-4920 “We Our Customers”GCS-4921GCS-4925Fold Back - 20”FCP#“Professional Care”BlankDescriptionGCS-4930 “We Our Customers”GCS-4933GCS-7500GCS-4935* 2500 per box.“Professional Care”Clean GreenBlankPRICE$41.50$39.50PRICE$53.50$53.50$51.50PRICE$61.50$61.50CALL$59.50LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!CUSTOM PRINTED GARMENT COVERSFold Back - 20”Custom Fold BackGarment CoversFCP# Description SIDES INK Colors availableSLGC Custom Garment Covers 1 or 2 1 or 2:FREEArtwork &Plate Set-Up**On initial order only.* 2500 per case - Minimum order 5 cases** Non-stock ink colors & PMS matching colors are available for an additional charge per color.PRICE$84.85*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Combination of price and service that’s BEST for YOU!55

“PresentationPACKAGINGCUSTOMSWEATERBAGSAVAILABLESweater Bags • Tie Boards & BagsSWEATER BAGSOur Sweater Bags are made with snap or tape closures. “Professional Care forEverything You Wear” is imprinted on <strong>our</strong> stock bags. It’s the perfect way toenhance sweaters for the best customer presentation.Tape ClosureFCP# Description SIZESBT-5105SBT-5110SBT-5115SBT-5120Snap ClosureSBT-5135SBT-5140SBT-5145SBT-5146* 500 per box.ClearStock PrintClearStock PrintClearStock PrintClearStock Print13” x 18”18” x 20”13” x 18”18” x 20”PRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (6+)$37.49 $35.50 $33.50$38.99 $37.59 $35.15$41.69 $40.38 $38.11$43.19 $42.88 $39.64$43.45 $40.89 $39.69$44.95 $42.39 $40.88$57.15 $55.50 $52.30$59.95 $57.50 $53.35TIE BOARDS AND BAGSEach Tie Board holds 5 ties with a hole at the top for hanging. TheTie Bag makes a wonderful presentation.FCP#TBB-6850TBB-6855TBB-6860* 500 per box.DescriptionBoards & BagsBags OnlyBoards OnlyPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+)$34.95 $32.89$13.78 $12.67$23.86 $21.6556*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Service • Quality • Value

is everything!”HEAVY DUTY SHIRT BOARDSThe highest quality board thickness made with the brightest of whites.FCP# Description SizeSSB-34808” x 12”Shirt BoardsSSB-3485 8” x 14”* 50 lbs. per box.PRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$29.95 $29.50PACKAGINGSHIRT BAGSOur Shirt Bags are attached to a card (100 bagsper card) suitable for hanging which will eliminatemessy work areas. Full size 10” x 16”. Shirtbags fit just about any shirt size.FCP#SBP-9450* 2000 per box.DescriptionClearPRICE (1+)CALLPLASTIC COLLAR SUPPORTSThese Plastic Collar Supports neatly fit inside collars to keep them up. This is a quick andeasy way to show y<strong>our</strong> customer you took time and effort on their shirts.FCP# Description QuantityLCS-9000 Standard 500LCS-9001 Bulk 10,000PRICE (1+) PRICE (3+) PRICE (9+)$3.89 $3.69 $3.49$64.89 $63.89 $62.89LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!Shirt Bags • Shirt Boards • Plastic Collar Supports*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Combination of price and service that’s BEST for YOU!57

“Send them out in style.”PACKAGINGTissue Paper • Paper Shopping Bags¢entsible Shirt BoxesOur price-sensitive shirt boxes are a must for y<strong>our</strong> customers’dress shirt. This one-piece, open ended shirt box is easy to use,and easy to fill. Shirts keep their shape and look great. All <strong>our</strong>boxes are constructed of the finest quality white paperboard.Available in 6 vibrant colors & sizes.FCP#DescriptionNSB-2000 2” Shirt Box 200/caseNSB-3000 3” Shirt Box 200/caseNSB-5000 5” Shirt Box 200/caseNSB-7000 7” Shirt Box 100/caseNSB-9000 9” Shirt Box 100/caseNSB-1050 10.5” Shirt Box 100/casePRICE$34.95$41.45$59.90$33.95$40.85$59.95PAPER SHOPPING BAGCustomers really enjoy these bags because theyare hefty and reusable, much easier than carrying abox or a bunch of hangers. Perfect for folded shirts,sweaters and other garments.FCP#PSB-5000* 200 per box.Description“Professional Care”PRICE$48.5058*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Service • Quality • Value

Custom Paper Shopping BagsPACKAGINGTISSUE PAPERGive y<strong>our</strong> customers’ garments a brand new look! Ourpremium grade tissue makes y<strong>our</strong> customers’ garments lookgreat and it is available in three colors. Stuffing grade is moretextured and available in two colors and perfect for stuffingcoat sleeves and suits.PREMIUM GRADEFCP# Description SIZETPP-9201 White 15” x 20”TPP-9202TPP-9203TPP-9204* 10 reams.WhiteBluePinkSTUFFING GRADETPP-9205*TPP-9206WhitePink17” x 27”20” x 30”* Slightly gray in color, made from recycled paper.** 50 lbs.PRICE$39.85$58.85$69.95$69.95$47.50$47.50CUSTOMSHOPPINGBAGSAVAILABLE*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Combination of price and service that’s BEST for YOU!59

“Keep customersPACKAGINGHangers: Pinch Grip & Foam Shoulder Guards • Assembly HooksLARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.PLASTIC PINCH GRIP HANGERSWe have regular Plastic Pinch Grip Hangers in stock as well as the Long Neck version for y<strong>our</strong>conveyers. Ask y<strong>our</strong> Fabricare Choice Distributor for more details and pricing.FCP#PCP-1270PRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (4+)$34.95 $33.95 $32.95PRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (4+)$58.99 $57.99 $56.99$54.99 $53.99 $51.99ASSEMBLY HOOKSSturdy assembly hooks to hold invoices in place.FCP#ASH-4375ASH-4376ASH-4377DescriptionSingleDouble“S”DescriptionPinch Grip Hangers - BlackPLASTIC SHOULDER GUARDConvenient snap on design. The wide shoulder area and improved design makes for a more tailoredlook and professional fit. A heavier molded plastic increases usability…and can be recycled.FCP#MSG-9865MSG-9860GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!DescriptionMen’s 19” Plastic Guard - BlackLadies’ 17” Plastic Guard - Black* Custom colors available - call for pricing.PRICE (1+) PRICE (30+) PRICE (60+) PRICE (100+) PRICE (200+)$1.19 $1.09 $0.89 $0.79 $0.69$1.34 $1.29 $1.24 $1.19 $1.09$0.38 $0.36 $0.32 $0.29 $0.2760*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Service • Quality • Value

hanging around.”FOAM SHOULDER GUARDSUse these foam shoulder guards to stop garments fromslipping off the hanger. Also fits the 18” large hangers - PERFECTLY!FCP# Description COLORS AVAILABLEFSG-2950FSG-2955* 500 per box.Assorted ColorsSolid ColorsPRICE (1+) PRICE (8+)$9.98 $7.58PACKAGINGSHOULDER GUARDS - TWO STYLESUsing Shoulder Guards is another way to show y<strong>our</strong> customers how much you care.There are two styles to choose from: standard and cover-all. The standard is easy to assembleand is the most popular style. The cover-all folds over the entire top of the hanger(front & back). Hangers without shoulder guards leave y<strong>our</strong> customer’s garments lookingunfinished. Y<strong>our</strong> customers will know they have spent their money wisely when you useshoulder guards.FCP#DescriptionSGH-4440 Standard 19”SGH-4445 Cover-All 17 1 /2”PRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (4+)$30.45 $28.75 $26.50$32.55 $31.75 $29.95HANGER CADDYUse the Hanger Caddy to enc<strong>our</strong>age y<strong>our</strong> customers to bringhangers back to y<strong>our</strong> store. Simply place a hanger caddy in frontof y<strong>our</strong> store so y<strong>our</strong> customers can take them home. 50 HangerCaddies/cs.FCP#MHC-6000* Price per case.DescriptionHanger CaddyPRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$36.48 $31.99DON’T SEETHE HANGERSYOU WANT?Call y<strong>our</strong> FabricareChoice distributorFor others not foundin this <strong>catalog</strong>.Hangers: Plastic & Cardboard Shoulder Guards • Hanger Caddy*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Combination of price and service that’s BEST for YOU!61

PACKAGING“Customers will rememberwho helped them preservetheir most cherishedmemories...Wedding Gown BoxesDeep Keepsake Preservation KitOur Deep Keepsake Box is an acid free preservation box. This is a wonderfulpreservation and storage box that we have carried for many years and continuesto be one of <strong>our</strong> most popular boxes today. This wedding gown preservation kitcomes with everything you need to preserve gowns with very full skirts or longtrains. When packing textiles, you should always use a preservation box that fitsthe garment properly. Do not smash the dress into a too small box which candamage fabric fibers.Our deep wedding boxes come fully assembled with:- 1 viewing window- 1 sturdy outer shipping carton with handle- 48 sheets of acid free tissue paper- 1 roll white tapeFCP# Description SizeWGB-3263 Deep Keepsake Preservation Kit 32 1 /2” x 19 1 /2” x 10 1 /4”62*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Service • Quality • Value

REGULAR or Deep Keepsake Preservation KitOur Golden Keepsake Box, like all <strong>our</strong> storage boxes, is an acidfree preservation box. This preservation kit comes with everythingyou need to preserve floor length bridal gowns, costumes, quilts,band and military uniforms as well as prom dresses. When packingtextiles, you should always use a preservation box that fits thegarment properly. Do not smash the dress into a too small boxwhich can damage fabric fibers.Our Golden keepsake wedding boxes come fully assembled with:- 1 viewing window- 1 sturdy outer shipping carton with handle- 24 sheets of acid free tissue paper- 1 bust formFCP# Description SizeWGB-3247 Regular Keepsake Preservation Kit 32 1 /2” x 19 1 /2” x 7 1 /4”WGB-3248 Deep Keepsake Preservation Kit 32 1 /2” x 19 1 /2” x 10 1 /4”...let it be youthat they remember!”PACKAGINGWedding Gown BoxesECONOMY PRESERVATION KITOur traditional ecomony wedding gown box is attractive in its design, andhandles more of today’s gowns. It is constructed of a strong nuetral pHboard. It features smooth finished edges and a beautiful design on the outerbox. Our Heirloom wedding boxes come fully assembled with:- 1 viewing window- 1 sturdy outer shipping carton with handle- 24 sheets of white acid-free unbuffered tissue paper- 1 acid-free sealing tape (156” length)- 1 bust formFCP# Description SizeWGB-30HS Economy Preservation Kit 32 1 /2” x 19 1 /2” x 7 1 /4”*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Combination of price and service that’s BEST for YOU!63

PACKAGING“Other bags may be almostas good as <strong>our</strong>s...Durable Nylon ZipperHeavy-Duty 4-Gauge VinylComforter BagsBreathable Side PanelsConvenient Carry HandleCOMFORTER BAGSThese convenient comforter bags make it easy for y<strong>our</strong> customers to transport their cleancomforters. The bag has breathable side panels, a carrying handle on the top, a whitenylon zipper, and is made of 4 gauge clear vinyl.FCP# Description SizeCFB-5030 Small Comforter Bag 15” x 18” x 9”CFB-5000 Large Comforter Bag 24” x 27” x 8”CFB-5025 X-Large Comforter Bag 26” x 29” x 10”* 50 lbs. per box.PRICE (12+) PRICE (72+)$0.79 $0.69$1.16 $0.98$1.26 $1.18...but theirprice isn’t.”64*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Service • Quality • Value

“Don’t Let Small OrdersGet Lost in the Crowd.”Also available in Red - just ask!PACKAGING“1 ITEM” STICKERSStop single items from getting lost in multiple piece orders. Use these self-adhesive stickers to mark y<strong>our</strong> single itemorders. Simply peel off a sticker, wrap it around the hanger and this will let y<strong>our</strong> employees know it is a single item.Size: 5 /8” x 4”. CAUTION: SHOULD NOT BE USED ON CERTAIN RAYON FABRICS!FCP#ISR-4900DescriptionRollsSheets (per 1000)ISR-4901*Sheets (per unit)* 16 per sheet - 2000 sheets per box.** 250 per roll - 8 per pack.PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE$4.79 (1+) $4.09 (4+) $3.59 (10+) $3.19 (20+)$4.99 (1000) $4.39 (4000) $4.09 (10,000) $3.69 (20,000)$9.98 (1 box+) $8.78 (2 boxes+) $8.18 (5 boxes+) $7.38 (10 boxes+)“1 Item” Tags • Twist Ties • Combiner ClipsCOMBINER CLIPSThese long clips quickly wrap around a groupof hangers and clip shut. This helps keep orderstogether, an alternative to twist ties.FCP#SCC-9860* 1000 per box.DescriptionMetal ClipsPRICECALL1 ITEM STICKERS DISPENSERHeavy metal gauge.FCP#HANG 1Description1 Item Dispenser ONLYTWIST TIESUse different colors to code checkers, orders, stores, and more. Our twist ties come in three sizesand seven different colors. Dispenser box included.FCP# Description COLORS AVAILABLEBTT-7000BTT-7070BTT-7150* 2000 per box.4” Length7” Length11” LengthPRICE (1+) PRICE (5+)$1.88 $1.49$3.48 $2.85$6.85 $5.78*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Combination of price and service that’s BEST for YOU!65

PACKAGINGRack Dividers • EZ Rail Slide“Divide and conquer.”ROUND RACK DIVIDERSHeat embossed, bold printing for easy viewing. Sturdy plasticwith beaded edges for strength.Size: 3 1 /2” diameter with a 1 15 /16” center.FCP#RDR-1 Alphabet (26)PRICE$12.50$3.95$0.42RECTANGULAR RACK DIVIDERSGreat for sorting and assembly departments. Saves times bylocating the customer’s finished clothing quickly.Size: 3 3 /4” x 10”.FCP#RD-1 Alphabet (26)DescriptionRD-2 Days of the Week: Mon-Sat (6)RD-6 Blank (1)DescriptionRDR-2 Days of the Week: Mon-Sat (6)RDR-5 Blank (1)PRICE$18.95$8.50$0.55EZ RAIL SLIDEThis anti-static coating reduces friction andhelps hangers slide easier on the rails.FCP#EZR-2965DescriptionEZ Rail Slide, 1 qt.PRICE (1+) PRICE (3+)$10.95 $8.95LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!66*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Service • Quality • Value

COLLAPSIBLE ROLLING RACKInstant extra rack without the bulky storage. Made of 1” diameter chromepolishedround tubing. 48” long rail, and adjustable height at 55”, 60”, and 65”.Ball bearing casters for easy movement.FCP#QCR-8860PRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (4+)$73.99 $71.99 $67.99DOUBLE RAIL COLLAPSIBLE ROLLING RACKInstant extra rack without the bulky storage. Made of 1” diameter chromepolishedround tubing. Two 48” long rails, adjustable from 48” to 60” high. Ballbearing casters for easy movement.FCP#QCR-8865DescriptionCollapsible RackDescriptionDouble RailCollapsible RackPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (4+)$99.99 $97.99 $93.99PACKAGINGCase Not <strong>Inc</strong>ludedRacksZ-RACKThese unique Z-shaped racks save space when they are not in use. Heavy duty, all metal construction willhold up to 500 pounds. Easy glide casters will let you move heavy loads without heavy lifting. Availablein 5 colors.FCP# Description SIZEPRICE (1+) PRICE (2+) PRICE (4+)QZR-8850 Z-Rack 63” x 23” x 67”$99.99 $95.89 $90.97QZR-8875 Z-Rack 63” x 23” x 79”$120.89 $116.79 $108.69QZR-8950Z-Rack with 2rails63” x 23” x 79”$135.89 $130.99 $125.89Z RackZ Rack 2 Rails* Please specify color: Blue, Black, Red, Orange and YellowBAGGING JACKUse the locking foot pedal for easy height adjustment. Thesturdy chrome-plated steel base keeps the bagging jack inplace.FCP#EBJ-2300DescriptionBagging Jack (Free Standing)PRICE$45.99LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!3 ROLL POLY RACK WITH JACKConstructed of heavyweight, chrome-finished steel, thisspace saving unit only takes up 18” X 30” of floor space. The74” tall unit holds up the three rolls of poly. The attached jackis adjustable for 39” to 68” using an auto-locking foot pedal.Easy assembly.FCP#EPR-2200Description3 Roll Poly Rack with JackPRICE$87.44*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Combination of price and service that’s BEST for YOU!67

PACKAGINGClips: Coat Retainers • Shirt/Skirt Clips • Plastic Clips • Box HandlesPLASTIC COAT RETAINERCustomers will know their garments receivedprofessional care when you use Plastic CoatRetainers. Their suits will look their very best.FCP#PCR-6600* 1000 per box.DescriptionPlastic RetainerPRICE (1+)$12.99SHIRT CLIPSThese handy Shirt Clips help to keep y<strong>our</strong> collars and cuffs looking their best. Simply clip cuffstogether, or clip over the collar and the top shirt button to keep things in place.FCP#SHC-2500* 1000 per box.DescriptionShirt ClipsPRICE (1+) PRICE (5+) PRICE (15+) PRICE (30+)$15.99 $15.49 $14.99 $14.49“ADJUSTABLE” SKIRT CLIPSPlastic Skirt Clips will not puncture fabric like metal clips. They leave no holes or marks on the garment. Theyare strong enough to hold wool skirts, but gentle enough for silk skirts.FCP# Description PerPSC-8000 Skirt Clips 500* 1000 per box.BOX HANDLESGreat idea for Shirt Boxes! OurBox Handles snap into shirt boxesto make carrying them easier. Theblack plastic handles come readyto use.FCP#BHB-4400* 1000 per box.DescriptionBox HandlesPRICE (1+) PRICE (5+) PRICE (10+) PRICE (20+)$9.89 $9.19 $8.69 $7.89CLEAR PLASTIC CLIPSThese Clear Plastic Clips are the same clips you’d see when you purchase a new shirt from a departmentstore. Customers will appreciate the extra effort you put into the packaging.FCP#CPC-8600* 1000 per box.DescriptionClear ClipsPRICE (1+) PRICE (+5) PRICE (15+) PRICE (30+)$4.39 $4.29 $3.79 $3.69WHITE PLASTIC CLIPSDesigned to hold shirts and other light garments in place. Also great for keeping shirts in place.FCP# Description SizeWPC-86010 White Clips 1 7 /16”* 1000 per box.LARGEORDER?See y<strong>our</strong>FabricareChoice SalesRepresentative.GREATERSAVINGSthan “as low as”pricing!PRICE (1+) PRICE (5+) PRICE (15+) PRICE (30+)$5.39 $5.09 $4.59 $4.4968*Prices are subject to change, without notice.Service • Quality • Value

SAVE THE CATALOG TO ENJOY SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.OCTOBER Special25% OFF the 1+ priceof the PowerPoint ®safety pinsRefer to page 31FABRICARECHOICEDISTRIBUTORS GROUPNOVEMber Special25% OFF the 1+ priceof comforter bags(all sizes)Refer to page 61Expires 10/31/09Expires 11/30/09FABRICARECHOICEDISTRIBUTORS GROUPExpires 12/31/09Take care of y<strong>our</strong> boiler’s health care!Use ADCO brand Boiler Compound orLAIDLAW brand Boiler Guard!10% OFF first timepurchases of gallons,pails or drums!Expires 12/31/0910% OFF all plainstyle continuoustags & tag rollsRefer to pages 24 &25december SpecialRefer to page 4810% OFFLint RollersFABRICARECHOICEDISTRIBUTORS GROUPJAnuary Special25% OFF the 1+ priceof the 21# thermal rollsRefer to page 28-29Expires 12/31/09Expires 1/31/10FABRICARECHOICEDISTRIBUTORS GROUPExpires 12/31/09Big $aving$ on FH Bonn products$25 OFF onpurchases of$250 or moreFABRICARECHOICEDISTRIBUTORS GROUP• 1 coupon per customer.• Coupon may not be copied or transferred.• Original coupons must be presented to an authorizedFabricare Choice Distributor at the time of the order.• Not good with any other offer.• This is not a coupon.69

Y<strong>our</strong> Fabricare Choice Distributor cares about youand y<strong>our</strong> business. As industry leaders, they strive to keepyou current on new technologies, techniques and productsthat are designed to save you time, energy, andunnecessary costs which adds more to y<strong>our</strong> bottom line.HELPFUL MAINTENANCE TIPODOR PREVENTION FROM YOUR MACHINEDAILY• Add 1 quart of fresh water to separator.• Check separator for lint, scale, dirt, and clean if necessary.• Check solvent level in still for possible overfilling.• Drain still residue (as often as distillation requires)• Remove and clean lint bag.• Inspect lint bag for holes. Replace if worn.• Check solvent flow from condenser to separator and remove debris if flow is impaired.• Use LAIDLAW BUFF. This product is a slow release, powdered solvent additive that reacts withunstable fatty acids to neutralize and modify the cleaning system’s pH. Using BUFF will eliminatethe s<strong>our</strong>ce of odor, prevent system corrosion, swales and garment ornamentation. It willdeodorize at the same time.WEEKLY• Clean lint and dirt build up from steam coil or steam chest in still.• Check solvent tanks for lint and water then remove immediately if present.• Remove lint from machine reclamation heads.MONTHLY• Drain and clean water separators.QUARTERLY• Check condensing coil on still for lint-clean if needed.• Check steam sweep for leaks-replace if needed.• Inspect condenser coil water strainer on machines, remove debris.• Remove lint from reclamation heads.70 Service • Quality • Value

QUICK REFERENCEGo Green <strong>Products</strong>P. 2-3• Clean Green Hanger Caddy & Covers (2)• Clean Green Paper and Poly Bags (3)• Clean Green Hanger Tags (3)TAGS/FORMS®• Nowaste Tags (6)• Giant Number Strip Tags (7)• One Tear Tags (7)• DC Control Tags (8)• Shirt Control Tags (9)• Rail Converters (9)• Piece Pads (10)• Shirt Pads (11)• Replace Button Tags (11)• Shirt Strip Tags (12)®• Nowaste Shirt Tags (13)• Laundry Net Flags (14)• Color Collar (14)• Day-Tags (14)• Hanger Button (15)• Flag Tags (16-18)• Repairvoices® (18)• Measurite (18)• Note Forms (19)• Tickvoices® (20)• Tagvoices® (21)®• Speedvoices (22-24)COMPUTER• Computer Tags (25)• Tag Rolls (26)• Printer Ribbon (26)• Fan-fold Thermal (27)• Thermal Rolls (28-29)CHECK-IN• Dennison <strong>Products</strong> (30)• Safety Pins (31)• Staplers/Staples (32)• Produce Tape (33)• Button Foil (33)• Lost & Found Bags (33)• TexPen® (33)• Straight Pins (33)®• Speedsticks (33)BAGS• Counter Bags (35)• Pickup Bags (36-37)• Laundry Bag Holder (37)• Express Tags (37)• Laundry Net Bags (38)• Zipper Net Bags (38)P. 6-24P. 25-29P. 30-33P. 35-38PRESSING• Hot Head Mitt (39)• Easy-Off (39)• Puffer Covers & Pads (39)• Clena <strong>Products</strong> (39)• Covers & Pads (40-41)• Grid Plates (42)• Steel Base Pads (42)• Dry cleaning Press Pads (43)• Paddle Cover Sets (43)• Pant Toppers (43)• Pre-Cut Flannel (43)• Collar & Cuff Roll Goods (43)• Irons (44)• Spray Guns (45)• Industrial Steamer (45)• Hose Protectors (45)• Iron Resin (45)• Iron Shoes (46)• Sleeve/Form Finishers (47)• Steam Trap (47)• Lint Rollers (48)TAILORING• Buttons: single/kits (49-52)• Collar Stays (53)• Shirt Backers (53)• Assorted Buttons (53)• Repairvoices (54)• Tailoring Tags (54)• Measurite Tags (54)PACKAGING• Garment Covers (55)• Sweater Bags (56)• Tie Bags & Boards (56)• Shirt Bags & Boards (57)• Plastic Collar Supports (57)• Shirt Boxes (58)• Paper Shopping Bags (58-59)• Tissue Paper (59)• Hangers (60-61)• Assembly Hooks (60)• Hanger Caddy (61)• Wedding Gown Boxes (62-63)• Comforter Bags (64)• 1 Item Stickers (65)• Twist Ties (65)• Combiner Clips (65)• Rack Dividers (66)• EZ Rail Slide (66)• Racks (67)• Clips (68)• Box Handles (68)P. 39-48P. 49-54P. 55-68

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