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19killing) were reflected in high grain yield and high1000 kernel weight (TKW).With the aim to estimate the crude proteincontent in grain by NIR method, certain areas ofspectra were predicted as more effective.Chemical composition of wheat grain wasanalysed in detail and the results were comparedwith dietary value tested on brown rats. A set oflines carrying 1B/1R translocation differed fromlines without translocation in higher content ofessential amino acids. Other traits were verysimilar. The control cultivar ‘Šarka’ was notovercome by any tested line.Cultivars of white mustard and Phacelia weretested for suitability of their use as catch crops.Important criteria – earliness, biomass productionand nitrogen content in biomass were evaluated.(Stehno Z., Dotlačil L., Dvořáček V., HermuthJ. Michalová A.)Research Plan, MZe ČR 0002700602: Phase 8.Hazard monitoring and informationdatabases for sustainable development inagriculture and for biosafetyThe studies were aimed at data gathering andpresentation for utilisation in agricultural researchand breeding. The main tasks of the phase aredevelopment and updating of databases andmonitoring system of frost resistance, includingprediction of risks for a wide use in agriculturalpractice.The three databases of international importanceare available at the RICP server. Two of them areECP/GR central crop databases: ‘European WheatDatabase’ (EWDB) http://genbank.vurv.cz/ewdb/(134,099 records) and Arrhenatherum andTrisetum Database http://genbank.vurv.cz/Arrh_Tri/(340 records).The third database ‘Wheat Pedigree and IdentifiedAlleles of Genes’ http://genbank.vurv.cz/wheat/pedigree/ has been developed in collaborationwith Dr. Martynov (VIR St. Petersburg).Another useful database including data from anagrometeorological station at RICP Praha can befound in the form of tables at http://www.vurv.cz/meteo/ or in the graphical form for the last 24 hoursat http://www.vurv.cz/meteo/meteograf.htm.International cooperation in the field of PGRFAdocumentation was in progress. The European Catalogueof PGRFA EURISCO http://eurisco.ecpgr.org/was updated by providing information from Czechcrop collections. Participation in the FAO pilotproject “National Information Sharing Mechanismon GPA Implementation in the Czech Republic”and presentation of Czech data in the systemFAO WIEWS were made available athttp://www.pgrfa.org/selectcountry.jspx. The finalreport describing the project activities can befound at http://www.pgrfa.org/gpa/cze/CZE_GPA_Final_report.pdf.Monitoring of frost resistance was carried out on82 old local European cultivars and 17 newlyregistered cultivars of winter wheat. (Faberová I.Dotlačil L. Kuklík L., Prášilová P.)National Programme on Conservation andUtilisation of Plant Genetic Resources andAgro-biodiversityThe new National Programme (since 2004) basedon Act No. 148/2003 on Plant Genetic Resourcesis aimed at gathering (including collectingmissions), documentation, description, evaluationand conservation of plant genetic resources andalso on the provision of services to users. The GeneBank in RICP Praha ensures long-term storage ofseed samples for all seed-propagated collections(long-term storage at –18° C or –5° C) as well asprovides services of the National InformationSystem on Plant Genetic Resources (EVIGEZ) for allcooperating institutions. Annually, 4-5 thousandaccessions are provided to users. There are 48,000accessions gathered in the Czech collections,among them over 18% of vegetatively propagatedspecies; extensive collections of wheat, barley,flax, potatoes, some vegetables and fruit treesare available (Fig.). All Czech collections are fullydocumented in passport data and evaluation dataare available for 52% of accessions. An intensivedescription and evaluation of genetic resources iscarried out to facilitate their utilisation in breedingand in agricultural practice. Collecting missions aswell as conservation and monitoring of valuableresources conserved “in situ” also contribute to themaintenance and evaluation of local resources.Fig. Crop structure of plant genetic resource collections in the Czech Republic in 2004

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