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MTD Products AktiengesellschaftIndustriestraße 2366129 SaarbrückenGermanyTel.: 0049 6805 79-202Fax: 0049 6805 79-442www.wolf-garten.deVisit <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> also on facebook:www.facebook.com/Wolf<strong>Garten</strong>Art.-Nr. 092.59.548 • 12/13Product range • We reserve the right to makechanges to prices and technical details.Summer2014

HistoryBound by tradition –the story of <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>It all began with minor inventions that put the <strong>WOLF</strong> company on the map. One of the first achievements was thedraw hoe, a tool designed to make agricultural work easier. Gregor Wolf developed it in 1927 in the ironware factorythat his father August Wolf had founded together with his sons Gregor and Otto in 1922. The idea first came to himon his way home from work, while observing local farmers working their fields.This initial innovation was followed by many others. In 1953 the <strong>WOLF</strong> Geräte GmbH was the first company inEurope to offer lawnmowers with rotating blades. In 1958 <strong>WOLF</strong> introduced the first electrical lawnmower to theEuropean market prior to developing the world's most silent petrol lawnmower in 1975.Over the years, the company has developed a clear and distinctive profile in the “green area”. The <strong>WOLF</strong> GeräteGmbH of the early era became <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>, an established company known for their key skills regarding productquality, product diversity and gardening know-how with an expertise in environmental awareness. The focusedresearch and development work in its own research institutes was just as important for their growth as the developmentof new market segments.Later global innovations helped give the brand the distinctive wolf face on a red background. <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> ishighly successful with its innovative multi-star ® system that has guaranteed top quality for more than 30 yearsand confidently provides a 10-year warranty for all associated products. The development of innovative seed andfertiliser products, as well as the extension of its lawnmower range have demonstrated the strength and diversityof the company. <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> was one of the first companies to offer a wide range of versatile lawn tractors to theEuropean market. Handheld all-season tools and special devices for winter use round off the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> range.<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> promotes environmentally compatible technologies in times of climate change. The BluePower program,which extends through most product groups, clearly show the commitment of <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>.Numerous quality awards and excellent results in comparative testings document, why the trust of novice as wellas professional gardeners throughout Europe is justified by the quality and innovative strength of <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>.Making garden work easier, more enjoyable and more environmentally compatible will guide our corporate futurelike a green beacon. This goal is fully supported by our employees. It is them wo ensure the familiar reliability, thehigh quality standard of the company and the inexhaustible innovative drive of <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>.2

Table of Contents4–5 Awards6–9 Innovations10–19 Seeds and fertiliser 111 Laying a new lawn and lawn regeneration12 Basic information on seeds and fertiliser14 ROBO Special long-term lawn fertiliser15 BluePower fertiliser15 Liquid fertiliser16 Sowing and fertilising with <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>18 Product overview seeds and fertisier19 Hose reel trolleys20–35 Hand tools and gloves 2Text and images, measurements and capacitydetails have been carefully compiled. However, wecannot guarantee correctness, and in particular, wecannot guarantee that products match images interms of technology, colour, shape and features, orthat the products correspond to the size proportionin the images. We also reserve the right to makechanges due to print errors and mistakes.<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> is a trade mark ofMTD Products AktiengesellschaftIndustriestrasse 2366129 SaarbrückenGermanyTel. +49 6805 79 - 0Fax +49 6805 79 - 442www.wolf-garten.cominfo@wolf-garten.com21 Basic information on multi-star ®23 multi-star ® handle types24 Soil preparation with multi-star ®26 Spring clean with mutli-star ®27 Pond/pool care with multi-star ®28 Automatic bulb planter and spades and forks29 multi-star ® minis29 Mini tools30 Weed removal with <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>32 Disposal the easy way33 Gardening gloves34 Product overview hand tools and gloves36–51 Manual and motorisedgarden equipment 337 Basic information on <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> shears38 Loppers39 Secateurs40 Grass shears41 Manual hedge shears42 Motorised hedge shears43 Chain saws44 Garden tools with battery-powered technology45 Battery-powered garden shears46 Brushcutters and lawn trimmers48 Shredders49 Tillers and cultivators50 Electric and petrol leaf blowers50 Product overview manuel and motorized garden equipment52–67 Lawnmowers and scarifiers 453 SELECT, AMBITION and BluePower54 Scarifier56 Basic information on lawnmowers58 Electric mowers60 Petrol mowers62 Lawn tractors64 ROBO SCOOTER ®66AProduct overview lawnmowers and scarifierPlease find the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>winter range in ourwinter program 2013/14.3

Overview of 2014 innovationsInnovations6

Overview of 2014 innovationsSeeds & fertiliser mix and specialfertiliser for lawn care withrobotic mowersLawn care of the future – it has never beenthat easy, comfortable and effective.The new renovation system: premium lawn and hard-wearing lawn seeds +lawn starter fertiliserThe special repair mix by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> consists of high-quality seed mixtures plusstarter fertiliser and transforms your “problem lawn” into a dream lawn in just 6weeks.RO-S 300 - long-term fertilser for the use with your new ROBO SCOOTER ®The specially developed balanced mix of nutrients is perfectly suited for the use incombination with robotic mowers to respond to the changed life conditions of yourlawn.More information on seeds and fertilisers can be found in Section 1 from Page 10onwards.AMBITION ROBO SCOOTER ®400 and 600The ROBO SCOOTER ® now comes withtwo new models and a new dynamic design:AMBITION ROBO SCOOTER ® 400 for lawn areas of up to 400 m² andAMBITION ROBO SCOOTER ® 600 for lawn areas of up to 600 m².The ROBO SCOOTER ® works so fast and quiet that you hardly noticeit. Thanks to optimized engine and blade features it manages evenhigher grass. The result is a perfectly kept garden and more timefor you to enjoy it.For information on the new ROBO SCOOTER ® , go to Section 4, page64 onwards.7

Overview of 2014 innovations1The next generation ofpetrol lawn mowersThe new petrol lawn mowers by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> help you get the job done easily. Theirstrong engines always provide the power that is needed. Of course the new <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>lawn mowers are available in the usual categories: SELECT, AMBITION and BluePower. Inaddition, the new AMBITION and BluePower petrol lawn mowers are equipped with the"Advanced Cut and Collect System". It creates a beautiful cutting pattern and allows anoptimized transport of the clippings.New electric lawn mowerAMBITION 32 EThe new push lawn mower AMBITION 32 E completes the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> range of electriclawn mowers. With a cutting width of 32 cm it is particularly suitable for small lawn areas.More information on lawn mowers can be found in Section 4, page 52 onwards.8

Overview of 2014 innovationsNew scarifier rangefor a well-kept lawnScarify your lawn to ensure good ventilation and prevent grass matting. This is thebest recipe against harmful fungi and mosses. The new petrol and electrical poweredscarifier by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> are available in the categories SELECT and AMBITION.All new scarifiers offer three functions in one machine: raking moss, scarifying aswell as collecting the scarifiers material.For information on the new scarifier range, go to Section 4, page 54 onwards.Versatility is the keyThe new electric lawn trimmers by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> can reach tall grass or uncontrolledgrowth in any nook or cranny. In addition, no petrol is needed. <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>lawn trimmers are efficient and also very simple to use. The running wheelshelp you stay on track while trimming alongside edges and enable you to maintainthe exact height in the entire trimming area. The 90° tiltable trimming unit addsanother useful feature.More information on the electric lawn trimmers can be found in Section 3,page 46.New in the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> product range:Electric and petrolleaf blowerWith our brand new leaf blowers you can collect large amounts of leaves withminimal time and effort. Comfort features such as the wheel support or theergonomic handle make cleaning your lawn or driveways even easier.More information on the new leaf blowers can be found in Section 3, page 50.9

Section 1 | Seeds and fertiliser1Seeds and fertiliserLaying a new lawn and lawn regeneration..........................................11Basic information on seeds and fertiliser.......................................... 12ROBO Special long-term lawn fertiliser............................................. 14BluePower fertiliser.......................................................................... 15Liquid fertiliser................................................................................. 15Sowing and fertilising with <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>.......................................... 16Product overview seeds and fertiliser............................................... 18Hose reel trolleys............................................................................. 1910

Section 2 | Seeds and fertiliserLaying a new lawn and lawn regeneration –the professional way to do it:1Lay a new lawn: This is how it's done!123During a weekend in March or April … dig the soilFirst, you need to dig over the soil by hand with the garden spade(AS-F) and digging fork (AG-F), or with a tiller. Important: you mustthen leave the soil to rest for 2 to 3 weeks.After a rest period of 2 to 3 weeksat the end of April /beginning of May … dig and crumbleDepending on the size of the lawn, do the groundwork using themulti-star ® device fittings, or the practical motor-operated tillers orcultivators.From a soil temperature of + 10 °C in May … sow, fertilise and coverSow seeds using our spreader or universal spreader(also for gritting in winter). These tools can also be used to spreadthe start-up fertiliser optimally. After sowing and fertilising, cover theseeds with peat to prevent birds eating them, and then water.Lawn regenerationwithout digging upin just 6 weeks.The special repair mix by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> consists of high-quality seedmixtures plus starterfertiliser and transforms your “problemlawn” into a dream lawn in just6 weeks.1Start by cutting the grass very short,i.e. down to the sward.2Prepare an optimal seed bed bythoroughly scarifying, ideally several timesand crosswise, to remove grass mattingand bad grasses. Remove the scarifyingremains from the area.45In the weeks after sowing … water regularlyEnsure sufficient moisture, particularly in the 3 weeks aftersowing. It is particularly important that the soil surface doesnot dry up at all, which would dehydrate the sensitive lawnseedlings. Therefore, water several times a day i.e. up to 5times for 10 minutes each time.In June, when the grass is about 8 to 10 cm high … first cutThe first cut should shorten the bladesof grass by about 5 cm.3Apply our special repair mix"Premium" or "Hard-wearing" and cover thesown area with a thin layer of peat4+5Continue with the next steps aspreviously described for the laying of a newlawn. We provide you with a germinationguarantee and confidently predict a dense,lush and shade-resistant green lawn!What has to be done whenMonth March April May June July August September OctoberMowingScarifyingWeedingFertilisingWateringThe periods marked in darker green show the main seasons for the respective task.11

Section 1 | Seeds and fertiliser1Want an attractive lawn?With <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>, it is easier than you think. Laying an attractive, thick, lush green lawn is a science in itself, with which we have a lot ofexperience. The result is an optimum range of high-quality grasses and fertilisers with BioActive kits, as well as distribution aids, whichmake laying a new lawn easy even for the hobby gardener. To save you having to do research, in “Laying a new lawn”, you will find all theimportant information you need to create your dream lawn.It depends on the seedsThere are grass seeds, and then there are grass seeds. It is important to ask yourselfwhether you want to plant to grow upwards or outwards. The number of shoots persquare metre is measured when planting a lawn: For example, the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> Premiumlawn has 100,000 shoots per square meter – whereas cheap seed has an average of20,000 meter. When comparing, it is immediately clear why the grass grown from bargainsupermarket seeds always looks so sparse. And this, regardless of how much you mow,scarify, fertilise and water it. Also, lawns that are trimmed to grow upwards create morework when it comes to mowing and cutting than varieties that grow outwards.CERTIFIED SEEDSPractical tip:worth the investmentThink of grass seed not as a consumable but as an investment. Accordingly the seed has a price. And this pays for itself over many summers.On the other hand, if you start off with cheap products to try to regenerate it every year, you will never be satisfied with your lawn.Which type of lawn is suitable?T E S T E DQ U A L I T YFeaturePremium lawn Hard-wearing lawn Sport and leisure lawnUniversal lawndry and heat resistantCheap seed*Thickness = shoots/m² 100,000 80,000 60,000 50,000 20,000Durabilityverydurableverydurabledurable durable walkableTolerates shade very high medium/low medium/low medium/low medium/lowAmount of cuttings 60 % 60 % 70 % 70 % 100 %Weeding very low low low low very highCare requiredPremium lawn Hard-wearing lawn Sport and leisure lawn Universal lawn Cheap seed*Mowing once a week once a week once a week once a week twice a weekWatering High water requirement Medium waterrequirementMedium waterrequirementLow, ideal for dryconditionsHigh waterrequirementFertilising 4 times a year 3 times a year 2-3 times a year 2-3 times a year 3-4 times a year100.00080.00060.00050.000S H O O T S / M²S H O O T S / M²S H O O T S / M²S H O O T S / M²12*e.g. Tiergarten Berlin

Section 1 | Seeds and fertiliser1BioActive lawn seeds – grasses with a better vitalityThe BioActive lawn seeds owe their extraordinary vitality to micro-organisms such as the“Pseudomonas proradix” bacterium. These micro-organisms form a natural protectiveshield around the root of the plant. A natural promoter of germination made of sea weedsimultaneously ensures an up to 30% quicker germination.S E E DG U A R A N T E ETake our word for it.With lawn seeds from<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>, your sowingwill be a guaranteedsuccess.Long-term lawn fertilisation – nutrient-supply for up to 120 days<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> long-term fertilisers release nutrients when needed – they do so by using thenatural growth factors “temperature” and “humidity”. <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>uses a new, innovative hull material that encloses the fertilisers granulate.This in telligent pore technology regulates the release of nutrients, depending on thetemperature.During warmer periods, the pores open and more nutrients reach the lawn.In cooler conditions the pores close conserving the nutrients, as the nutrient- demand isreduced. Safe nutrient supply is therefore assured while the risk of nutrient-washout andharm to ground waters and soil, often associated with fast-dissolving fertilisers such as“Ammonium Nitrate” and others, is minimised.High temperatures = highnutrient-demand.The pores open widely fora generous distribution ofnutrients.Low temperatures = lownutrient-demand.The pores are only slightlyopen for moderate nutrientdisposal.S T A R T - A C TI V EVI T A L - A C TI V EI M M U N- A C TBIO-ACTIVEI V EBioActive lawn seedsA combination of active ingredients from natural plantextracts and micro-organisms:Lawn fertiliserNatural fertiliser with long-term effect:S T A R T - A C TI V EAccelerates germination, facilitatesearly usage of the lawn and simplifiesmaintenance.G R E E N- A C TI V EPromotes a vital green, higher stressresistance and denser sward.Improves the resilience of your lawn,VI T A L - A C TI V Emaking it more resistant to extremeweather conditions such as heat,strong rain and cold, while optimisingthe nutrient intake.VI T A L - A C TI V EImproves root growth and stressresistance against dryness, wetnessand cold.Produces healthier, stronger plants inneed of less care.I M M U NI V EStrengthens the resistance againstparasites and fungal diseases.I M M U N- A C TI V E- A C T13

Section 1 | Seeds and fertiliser1Special long-term lawn fertiliserfor the use in combination withrobotic mowers… and lawn care is almost done by itself!You never have to mow again by yourself but nevertheless always have a perfectly cultivated and neatly cut lawn –thanks to the new ROBO SCOOTER ® and the corresponding special fertiliser.The use of your new ROBO SCOOTER ® changes the life conditions of your lawn. They are cut every day and spreaded -finely chaffed- ontothe lawn again. Soil organisms then decompose the grass and release important nutrients and water back to the lawn. This process oftransformation depends i.a. on the soil temperature and –humidity. Especially at the beginning of vegetation and during summer a lack ofnutrients can occur. For a healthy and dense growth your lawn regularly needs a special and balanced mix of mineral nutrients.A combination of immediately effective nitrogen and long-term nitrogen compensates the insufficient nitric release from the cuttings. Thisguarantees a consistent and appropriate nitrogen supply over a long period of time and prevents deficiency symptoms. Application: Duringthe first year when you start using your ROBO SCOOTER ® in your garden, you should apply the fertiliser in spring and in midsummer. Inthe second year a single application in early summer can already suffice.The result is a real eye–catcher: A lush and rich green dream lawn!14

Section 1 | Seeds and fertiliserBluePower –High-tech formula forsustainable fertilisingTECHNOLOGY PRO NATURE1<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> has again banked on environmentally compatible technologyby introducing its innovative BluePower fertiliser in order toguarantee an efficient nutrient supply.Due to its special coating, the BluePower fertiliser offers a greaterprotection of the ground water against nitrogen leaching as well asthe air against the formation of ammonia gas.This combination makes up the formative features of the BluePowerlawn fertiliser: sustainability, efficiency and high protection againstleaching and evaporation of nitrogen into the environment.Ensured annual nutrient supplyThe steady release of nitrogen on-demand supports the growth of thegrass. Therefore two fertilisations per year suffice in order to secure theannual basic supply of nutrients to your lawn.What makes BluePower sustainable?High availability due to double BluePower protection.• The urea granule is treated with an Urease inhibitor which results in a higher protection against the formation of ammonia gas. Therefore thefertiliser remains with a long-term effect where it is needed – in the root area of the lawn.• Another layer of the urea granule ensures a continuous nutrient supply over a long period of time. It prevents abrupt growth including protecting theground water against nitrate leaching.Turbo-fast fertilising in 3 minutes: Lawn care has never been easier!“Long-term” lawn fertiliserThe long-term active ingredient of this spray fertiliser interacts withthe surface of the grass, providing a fast and effective nutrient flowthat lasts for up to 50 days. Having noted the next fertilisation date inyour calendar, you can sit back and relax, while the fertiliser does thework for you.“Plus Iron” liquid lawn fertiliserWhen moss proliferates in your lawn, the liquid “Plus Iron” fertiliserensures that your lawn retains its lush, green appearance.It reliably strengthens the natural growing process of your grass,giving the unwelcomed moss less pace to prosper.“Organic Mineral” liquid lawn fertiliserThe soil is visibly revitalised after only a few days by this organically-basedliquid lawn fertiliser. It should please you (and yourpets) that the lawn can be walked upon immediately after treatment.“VITAL Summer & Autumn” liquid lawn fertiliserThe newly developed liquid lawn fertiliser “Summer & Autumn”boosts the disease resistance of your lawn. Optimally preparedfor winter, it helps your grass cope with frost and fungal diseases.Environmentally friendly refill-packsEnvironmental protection also includes the development of sustainable packaging. We therefore offer environmentally friendlyrefill-sets in 1 l or 2.5 l sizes. You can now work all year round with one and the same spray bottle. All you have to do is use theappropriate fertiliser.15

Section 1 | Seeds and fertiliser1It could not be any easier:4 simple waysof sowing andfertilising with<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>The dream of any lawn lover –a rich and even green.It has never been easier to realize this dream. <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>offers 4 comfortable ways of sowing and fertislising:1Shaker bag:With the user-friendly and resealable <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> shaker bagsmall areas can easily be prepared. The shaker bag has a handlefor simple and easy handling. The included net of the shaker bagguarantees an even distribution of the seed and fertiliser. Thebag can be resealed using the zip-lock, this will keep the remainingseed well stored for when needed next.112316

Section 1 | Seeds and fertiliser212Battery-driven spreader:With the battery-driven hand spreader, you can achieve perfectionin sowing and fertilising. It can be adjusted between 0.5 and 2.5 mspreading width. Hence, it is a very useful gadget when smaller areashave to be repaired or sowed.33Walk-behind spreaders:Both walk-behind spreaders are pleasantly light and flexible – with aspreading width of 41 or 43 cm and a container size of 15 or 20 litresthey are the perfect helpers in your garden. You can specify the dosagerequired by using the adjustable spread settings.44Lawn-tractor withrotary box spreader:The practical rotary box spreader can be attached to every <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> lawn tractor to comfortably spread out seed and fertiliser.They offer a spreading width of up to 365 cm and a filling volumeof up to 80 kg and are therefore perfectly suited for large groundsand parks.All these universally applicable devices are multi-talented: theycan even be used for spreading salt, sand or other de-icing materialsduring winter, making everyday life safer by keeping sidewalksand driveways free of ice and snow – without getting intocontact with the material.17

Section 1 | Hose reel trolleysLet it flow!1Who does not know it, dry brown lawn areas which disfigureso many gardens or parks during heat waves? The bestlawn with the best care cannot exist without water.The water consumption of the plants depends amongother things on temperature and soil conditions. That'swhy plans cannot be defined for the proper watering, buthere are some rules-of-thumb:First of all, you should rather water thoroughly once ortwice a week than just wet the surface daily. Each watering,preferably in the morning or in the evening, shouldmoisten the soil about 10 cm deep. However, puddles maynot form, because in the absence of air the roots coulddie.The surest sign that your lawn is thirsty is a slight discolorationin gray-green. In addition, stepped down grassin footmarks does no longer raise. The grass needs to bewatered then at the latest.The <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> hose reel trolleys let you water wherewater is needed. Smooth and stable the hose reel trolleysare durable garden helpers. The solid construction of theproduct provides high standing stability.The included anti-rotating brass coupling prevents the corotationof the hose connector while winding or unwinding.A clip in the hose reel prevents kinking of the hose.Easy and comfortable lawn care in only 3 minutes - simply combine the hose reel trolleywith one of our liquid lawn fertilisers.19

Seeds and fertiliser | Preparing a new lawnPreparing anew lawnPremium lawn 100,000 shoots/m 2100.000S H O O T S / M²“Shade & Sun” premium lawnIncludes the only type of grassthat consistently toleratesshade and sun wellS E E DG U A R A N T E ES T A R T - A C TBIO-ACTIVEThick, lush dream lawn to meet the highestdemands››Lawn density: approx. 100,000 shoots/m²››30 % faster germination with KEIM-FIX››For particularly resilient, extremely thick and robust lawnareas››High capacity to withstand shade››Decreased formation of weeds››40% less cuttings compared to cheap seed grass››<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> SEED GUARANTEEI V EVI T A L - A C TI V EI M M U N- A C TI V EApplication period:››April–October››Ideal: May and SeptemberPackaging sizes:LP 10 for 10 m 2in a PE bagLP 25 for 25 m 2in a boxLP 50 for 50 m 2in a boxLP 100 for 100 m 2in a boxLP 200 for 200 m 2in a boxAN: 3820010 SU: 204 009269 382014AN: 3820020 SU: 84 009269 382021AN: 3820030 SU: 84 009269 382038AN: 3820040 SU: 34 009269 382045AN: 3820050 SU: 24 009269 382656Hard-wearing lawn 80,000 shoots/m 2Very durable lawn, best suited for sports groundsS T A R T - A C TS E E DI V E80.000S H O O T S / M²VG U A R A N T E EI T A L - A C TBIO-ACTIVEI V EI M M U N- A C TI V EIdeal for stressed lawn areas››Lawn density: approx. 80,000 shoots/m²››30% faster germination with KEIM-FIX››Very resilient››Extremely resistant with lasting results››Decreased formation of weeds››40% less cuttings compared to cheap seeds››<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> SEED GUARANTEEApplication period:››April–October››Ideal: May and SeptemberPackaging sizes:LJ 10 for 10 m 2in a PE bagLJ 25 for 25 m 2in a boxLJ 50 for 50 m 2in a boxLJ 100 for 100 m 2in a boxLJ 200 for 200 m 2in a boxAN: 3821010 SU: 204 009269 382052AN: 3821020 SU: 84 009269 382069AN: 3821030 SU: 84 009269 382076AN: 3821040 SU: 34 009269 382083AN: 3821050 SU: 24 009269 382090AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price18

Seeds and fertiliser | Lawn regenerationLawnregeneration“Hard-wearing lawn” plus lawn starter fertiliser“2 in 1” renovation system, simple and safe to useVI T A L - A C TI V EI M M U N- A C TI V ES E E DG U A R A N T E ES T A R T - A C TI V E80.000S H O O T S / M²Dream lawn in just 6 weeks without any digging››Adapted ingredients ensure an extremely thick,robust and shade-tolerant lawn in just 6 weeks››Suitable for renovation or partial renewal››Lawn density: up to 100,000 shoots/m² approx.››30% faster germination››Particularly resilient, for extremely thick and robust lawn areas››Decreased formation of weeds››40% less cuttings compared to cheap seeds››Secure sowing thanks to special build-up fertiliser››Including <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> SEED GUARANTEEApplication period:››April–October››Ideal: May and SeptemberPackaging sizes:L 50 LM for 50 m 2in a bucketwith emptyshaker baginsideL 100 LM for 100 m 2in a bucketwith emptyshaker baginsideL 200 LM for 200 m 2in a bucketwith emptyshaker baginsideAN: 3811025 SU: 64 009269 389518AN: 3811035 SU: 44 009269 389532AN: 3811045 SU: 14 009269 389600Lawn repair set - seed & build-up fertiliserCloses grass free patches –for a dense lawnImprove and renew with a system››Consists of quality lawn seeds mix and lawn starter fertiliser››Fast-germinating and resilient››Lawn density: up to 70,000 shoots/m² approx.››More secure sowing due to the special starter fertiliserApplication period:››April–October››Ideal: May and SeptemberHigh-quality seed+30% RAPID GERMINATIONL 120 G for 120 m 2in a bucketAN: 3734652 SU: 164 009269 388825“First aid” for bold spotsLawn-seed and specialtylawn soil+30% RAPID GERMINATIONThe turbo-fast way to rid your lawn of damagedspots››Extremely tough and dense››Including high quality lawn-soil››Protects the seed from being eaten by birds››Including natural water reservoir lavastone granules››Finely ground for easy and even distribution››160 g seed and 3 l soil for up to 8 m²››Including <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> SEED GUARANTEE+ Specialty-lawn-soilS T A R T - A C TI V EVI T A L - A C TBIO-ACTIVEI V EI M M U N- A C TI V EApplication period:››May–SeptemberL-RE 8 for 8 m 2in a bucketAN: 3734660 SU: 364 009269 388894AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price18C

Seeds and fertiliser | Spreader | Hose reel trolleySpreaderPower SpreaderWE-B››Spreader width individually adjustable from:0.5 m to 2.5 m››Battery-drivenSpreaderWE 330››Spreader width: 41 cm››Container size: 15 lAN: 5429000 SU: 64 009269 542906Spreader “Perfekt”WE 430››Spreader width:43 cm››Containersize: 20 lAN: 5455000 SU: 6AN: 5450000 SU: 14 009269 5455184 009269 545006Hose reeltrolleyHose reel trolleyWS 50 ZGloss galvanised,durably rust-protected››Capacity:For 50 m ½” – or 30 m ¾”-hoses››High quality zinc plated finish››Anti-rotating brass coupling prevents the corotationof the hose connector while windingor unwinding››Solid construction for high stability››Including anti-drip deviceAN: 5222000 SU: 14 009269 291415Hose reel trolley “Maxi de Luxe“WS 80 ZGloss galvanised,durably rust-protected››Capacity: For 80 m ½” – or 50 m ¾”-hoses››High quality zinc plated finish››Anti-rotating brass coupling prevents the corotationof the hose connector while windingor unwinding››Solid construction for high stability››Including anti-drip deviceAN: 5223000 SU: 14 009269 291422AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price18H

Seeds and fertiliser | Preparing a new lawnPreparing anew lawnSport and leisure lawn 60,000 shoots/m 2Durable lawn, suitablefor all soil types60.000S H O O T S / M²Robust and cheap››Can be used quicklyand is impact-resistant››Durable››Easy to maintain››It germinates quickly, isdurable and grows on allgarden soils››Brand quality at apromotional priceApplication period:››April–October››Ideal: May and SeptemberPackaging sizes:LG 120S for 120 m 2in a ShakerbagLG 125 for 125 m 2in a PE bagLG 250 for 250 m 2in a Paper bagLG 500 for 500 m 2in a Paper bagAN: 3825020 SU: 154 009269 388856AN: 3825020 SU: 84 009269 382793AN: 3825030 SU: 364 009269 385022AN: 3825040 SU: 24 009269 385886Universal lawn 50,000 shoots/m 2Heat and dry resistantHighly durable and heat resistant allround-lawn››Lawn density: approx. 50,000 shoots/m²››High-quality, sustainable seed mixture, especially heat resistant››Ideal for the preparation of a new lawn in dry surroundings››For a dense, mid-green coloured and highly durable lawn››Very good regeneration capability50.000S H O O T S / M²Packaging sizes:LU-TR 35 for 35 m 2in a PE bagLU-TR 165 for 165 m 2in a PE bagAN: 3734651 SU: 604 009269 388672AN: 3734638 SU: 364 009269 388689Lawn starter fertiliserFor the fast, initial development of young lawnsG R E E NV- A C TI T A L - A C TI V EI V EEverything a new lawn needs››Increases the germination process››The lawn can be used sooner, with up to 50%earlier closing of the new turf››High phosphorous content accelerates strongroot proliferation, early side shoot formation andthick, even growth››18 % nitrogen, 20% phosphorous, 10% potassiumPackaging sizes:LH 50 for 50 m 2in a boxLH 100 for 100 m 2in a boxLH 240 for 240 m 2in a bucketAN: 3833020 SU: 74 009269 383028AN: 3833030 SU: 64 009269 383035AN: 3834122 SU: 204 009269 388832I M M U N- A C TI V EApplication period:››April–October››Ideal: May and SeptemberLawn mixtures for large turf areas, 70,000 - 90,000 shoots/m 2Shadow lawn 10 kgThick, lush dream lawn tomeet the highest demands››Lawn density: approx. 90,000 shoots/m²››VITAL-ACTIVE: With root activator››For particularly resilient, extremelythick and robust lawn areas››High capacity to withstand shade››Decreased formation of weeds››40% less cuttings compared tocheap seed grassSCR 500 for 500 m 2in a paperbagAN: 3820060 SU: 24 009269 389464VI T A L - A C T90.000I V ES H O O T S / M²Universal lawn 10 kg››Lawn density: approx.70,000 shoots/m²››Universal lawn››Fast-germinating and dense››Suitable for normal to high stress››Grows on all garden soils››Thick, healthy, vital and resilentall-round lawnApplication period:››May – SeptemberU-RS 500 for 500 m 2in a Paperbag70.000S H O O T S / M²AN: 3825060 SU: 24 009269 389570AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price18A

Seeds and fertiliser | Lawn regenerationLawnregeneration“Turbo re-seed”Very quickly covers up bald patches on the lawnHigh-quality fast germinating mix for re-seedingpatchy lawns››30% faster germination and 20% more germinated growth››Secure germination and even accumulation››Low cuttings volume››Extremely tough and dense››Including the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> SEED GUARANTEEApplication period:››April–OctoberS E E DS T A R T - A C TG U A R A N T E EBIO-ACTIVEI V EVI T A L - A C TI V EI M M U N- A C TBIO-ACTIVEI V EPackaging sizes:LR 10 for 10 m 2in a plastic bagAN: 3826010 SU: 204 009269 362610LR 50 for 50 m 2in a boxAN: 3826030 SU: 84 009269 385435LR 25 for 25 m 2in a boxAN: 3826020 SU: 84 009269 385428LR 100 for 100 m 2in a boxAN: 3826040 SU: 34 009269 385442LR 30 for 30 m 2in a shaker bagAN: 3826025 SU: 94 009269 389457LR 120 for 120 m 2in a bucketAN: 3733725 SU: 204 009269 387460Premium lawn plus lawn starter fertiliser“2 in 1” renovation system, simple and safe to use100.000S H O O T S / M²Dream lawn in just 6 weekswithout any digging››Adapted ingredients ensure an extremely thick, robustand shade-tolerant lawn in just 6 weeks››Suitable for renovation or partial renewal››Lawn density: up to 100,000 shoots/m² approx.››30% faster germination››Particularly resilient, for extremely thick and robust lawnareas››High capacity to withstand shade››Decreased formation of weeds››40% less cuttings compared to cheap seeds››Secure sowing thanks to special build-up fertiliser››Including <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> SEED GUARANTEES E E DG U A R A N T E ES T A R T - A C TVI T A L - A C TI M M U N- A C TI V EI V EI V EPackaging sizes:L 20 SM for 20 m 2in a shaker bagApplication period:››April–October››Ideal: May and SeptemberL 50 SM for 50 m 2in a bucket with empty shaker bag insideL 100 SM for 100 m 2in a bucket with empty shaker bag insideL 200 SM for 200 m 2in a bucket with empty shaker bag insideAN: 3810009 SU: 104 009269 389587AN: 3810015 SU: 64 009269 389471AN: 3810025 SU: 44 009269 389495AN: 3810035 SU: 14 009269 389594AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price18B

Seeds and fertiliser | Lawn careLawn careLong-term lawn fertiliser for 70 daysHigh quality long-term, nutrient supplyLONG-TERM-EFFECT70UP TODAYSExclusive from <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>:››Fertilise up to 700 m²››User friendly bag with integrated handle››Convenient spout for easy and safe filling of your spreader››Practical zipp-lock for optimal storage of excess fertiliser››28 % nitrogen, 3 % Phosphorous, 7 % Potassium, 2 % Magnesium››Thick and lush green lawn within 8-10 weeks››Special promotional action: limited availabilityLD 700 A for 700 m²in resealable plasticbag incl. spoutAN: 3734654 SU: 304 009269 388849Long-term lawn fertiliser for 70 daysLasting supply of nutrients at a promotional priceEnsuring the basic supply of nutrients››Effective period: up to three months after thenutrient application››For a thick and healthy lawn››With magnesium for better green››24% nitrogen, 3% phosphate, 6% potassiumoxide››Brand quality at a promotional priceLONG-TERM-EFFECT70UP TODAYSApplication period:››March–SeptemberL-PF 300 E for 300 m 2in a bucketAN: 3836035 SU: 44 009269 388405Long-term lawn fertiliser for 100 daysLong-term effect for healthy, lush lawnsLONG-TERM-EFFECT100UP TODAYSG R E E NV- A C TI T A L - A C TI M M U N- A C TI V EI V EI V EIntelligent coating technology regulatesthe release of nutrients››Long-term effect: up to 100 days››The coating ensures the optimal release of nutrientsoutput of nutrition, irrespective of the temperature(more nutrients at high temperatures; fewer nutrientsat low temperatures)››No surge growth››Creates a thick, healthy lawn instead of moss andweeds››26% nitrogen, 5% phosphate, 5% potassium oxideApplication period:››March–SeptemberPackaging sizes:LN 50 for 50 m 2in a boxLN 100 for 100 m 2in a boxLN 250 for 250 m 2in a bucketLN 500 for 500 m 2in a PE bagAN: 3831010 SU: 74 009269 383103AN: 3831020 SU: 64 009269 383110AN: 3831030 SU: 44 009269 383127AN: 3831040 SU: 24 009269 383134Long-term lawn fertiliser “Premium” for 120 daysModern lawn care, particularly efficientIntelligent coating technology directs the output of nutrientsG R E E N- A C TI V EVI T A L - A C TI V E››Extra long-term effect: up to 120 days››The fertiliser coating ensures an optimal nutrition of the lawn, irrespective ofthe temperature (more nutrients at high temperatures; fewer nutrients at lowtemperatures)››No surge growth››Creates thick, healthy, vital and resilient lawn instead of moss and weeds››Professional fertilisation of golf and sports fields››30% nitrogen, 5% phosphate, 8% potassium oxide, 2% magnesium oxide,1% ironI M M U N- A C TI V ELONG-TERM-EFFECT120UP TODAYSApplication period:››March–AugustPackaging sizes:LE 50 for 50 m 2in a boxLE 100 for 100 m 2in a boxLE 250 for 250 m 2in a bucketLE 300 for 300 m 2in a bucketLE 500 for 500 m 2in a PE bagAN: 3830010 SU: 74 009269 383059AN: 3830020 SU: 64 009269 383066AN: 3830030 SU: 44 009269 383073AN: 3733619 SU: 204 009269 383271AN: 3830040 SU: 24 009269 383080AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price18D

Seeds and fertiliser | Lawn careLawn fertiliser “Plus iron”Lawn care›Quickly creates a lushgreen, strong lawnF O RwithoutmossAR O B U S TL A W N› Strengthens the lawn and not moss››Fast effect due to immediate availabilityof nutrients››Creates a thick, healthy lawn››14% nitrogen, 7% potassium oxide,9% iron››Brand quality at a promotional pricebeforeApplication period:››March - OctoberL-PM 300 for 300 m 2in a bucketAN: 3734622 SU: 164 009269 388269after2-in-1: Moss killer and lawn fertiliserEffective against heavily moss-ridden lawnStrengthens the lawn and efectivelyremoves moss››Effectively frees the lawn of moss within 2-3weeks, with lasting results››At the same time the input of nutrients feeds andstrengthens the lawn››Creates a thick, healthy lawn››Effect: 9 % iron as iron-II-sulphate››9 % nitrogen, 2 % magnesium oxideApplication period:››February–AugustPackaging sizes:LW 50 for 50 m 2in a boxLW 100 for 100 m 2in a boxLW 200 for 200 m 2in a PE bagLW 250 for 250 m 2in a bucketLW 400 for 400 m 2in a PE bagAN: 3844010 SU: 84 009269 384810AN: 3844020 SU: 54 009269 384827AN: 3844025 SU: 34 009269 388887AN: 3844030 SU: 24 009269 384834AN: 3844040 SU: 24 009269 3848412-in-1: Weed killer plus lawn fertiliserEffective against heavily weed-ridden lawnsStrengthens the lawn and destroys weeds››Two-fold effect across the leaves and roots within2-3 weeks››Combats weeds››Fertilising effect: up to 100 days››Creates a thick, healthy lawn››Ingredients: 0.7 % 2.4 D; 0.1 % Dicamba››15 % nitrogen, 5 % phosphate, 8 % potassiumoxide, 3 % magnesium oxideApplication period:››May–September››Ideal: May, August–SeptemberPackaging sizes:LQ 50 for 50 m 2in a boxLQ 100 for 100 m 2in a boxLQ 200 for 200 m 2in a PE bagLQ 250 for 250 m 2in a bucketLQ 400 for 400 m 2in a PE bagAN: 3840010 SU: 84 009269 384018AN: 3840020 SU: 54 009269 384025AN: 3840025 SU: 34 009269 388870AN: 3840030 SU: 24 009269 384032AN: 3840040 SU: 24 009269 384049Jubiläums-RasendüngerFeiern Sie mit uns 50 Jahre Rasenforschung››Ganzjahresdünger vom Frühling bis zum Spätsommer››Gesunder, tiefgrüner Rasen für 8 – 10 Wochen››Für dauerhaft dichten und vitalen Rasen››Kein Stoßwachstum››24 % Stickstoff, 3 % Phosphor, 6 % Kalium››Sonder-Aktion - nur begrenzt verfügbarAnwendungszeit:››März-AugustVerpackungsgrößen:JD 300 für 300 m 2im EimerAN: 3836139 VE:20 RKZ: AAN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price18E

Seeds and fertiliser | Lawn careLawn careROBO SPECIAL long-term lawn fertiliserSpecial fertiliser for lawn care with robotic mowers –ROBO SPeciAL long-term lawn fertiliserSupports your robotic mower in the lawn care››Lasts for up to 70 days thanks to long-term ingredients››Special fertiliser adapted for the mulch process››Helps your lawn with the optimal recycling of the cuttings.››Protects your lawn against felting››26 % nitrogen, 6 % potassium oxide, 2 % magnesium oxide,1% ironApplication period:››March-SeptemberRO-S 300 for 300 m 2in a bucketAN: 3836030 SU: 24 009269 389556BluePower lawn fertiliserBluePower – the lawnfertiliser for the newest<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> generation››Less effort – higher efficiency!››Intelligent coating with double protection against leaching and evaporationof nitrogen into the environment››The nutrients remain where they are needed – in the root area of thegrass››No abrupt growth due to steady release of nutrients on-demand››Two fertilisations per year suffice – securing the annual basic supplyof nutrients for your lawn››BluePower fertiliser in a user friendly bag with integrated handle,spout and zipp lock for safe filling of the spreader.››28 % nitrogen, 5% phosphorous ,10 % potassium oxide,2 % magnesium oxideBP 400 TV for 400 m²in resealable plasticbag incl. spoutAN: 3836040 SU: 34 009269 388900Lawn fertiliser “autumn”Potassium-based lawn fertiliser to use in autumnHealthy through the winter – fit in thespring››Long lasting effect from autumn until spring››Potassium strengthens the cell structure of the grass››Improves the resilience of the lawn area››Reduces the vulnerability to diseases and frost andoptimaly prepares the lawn for ice and snow››19% nitrogen, 19% potassium oxide, 2% magnesiumoxideApplication period:››Summer / early autumn››Ideal: mid-OctoberPackaging sizes:LK-MU 100 ** for 100 m 2in a boxLK-MU 250 ** for 250 m 2in a bucketAN: 3835020 SU: 64 009269 385039AN: 3733797 SU: 204 009269 387873AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit * Recommended retail Price **Available from July 2014, price on request18G

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves2Hand tools and glovesBasic information on multi-star ® .......................................................21multi-star ® handle types...................................................................23Soil preparation with multi-star ® ......................................................24Spring clean with mutli-star ® ............................................................26Pond/pool care with multi-star ® ........................................................27Automatic bulb planter and spades and forks....................................28multi-star ® minis..............................................................................29Mini tools.........................................................................................29Weed removal with <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>......................................................30Disposal the easy way......................................................................32Gardening gloves.............................................................................33Product overview hand tools and gloves...........................................3420

Section 2 | Hand tools and glovesUndisputed and dearly loved:The versatile multi-star ® rangePeople who have worked with the multi-star ® tool system by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>, no longer want to miss these useful little helpers. In thisrange, the components are simply connected with a single “click”:3 short, 9 long and 2 extendable vario-handles made of ultra-lightweight aluminium, high-quality wood or durable plastic, can becombined with more than 80 different attachments.There is hardly any maintenance work in the house, home and gardenarea that is not catered for: from garden tools for soil processing andgarden care, to cleaning attachments for sweeping, scrubbing, stripping,pond care, snow removal and handy storage systems.multi-star ® has answers to your problems.Have a look for yourself!2multi-star ® : gentle to your back• Tool attachments can be simply exchanged at the speed of a single “click”.• They can be combined with handles compatible with the users body size andheight, supporting an ergonomic and back-friendly style of work.• So far the system has won many awards and continues to provide innovativeand practical solutions.• Simple extension options allow over-head working without climbing tools.This reduces the accident risk while tending to the needs of your trees orclearing a snow covered roof.Quality that can be relied on –with a 10-year guaranteeThe multi-star ® tool system is “Made in Germany”.This provides you with a promise regarding superiorqualitymaterials, excellent workmanship, innovative functionand excellent design – features that are bundled inthe one-of-a-kind <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> quality guarantee. We not onlyvouch with our name, we also provide you with a 10-year warranty.This applies to all multi-star ® tools, multi-star ® minis, small tools,manual shears (see Section 3 ) and multi-star ® attachments fortree care without a ladder (excluding wearing parts).21

Section 2 | Hand tools and glovesclickSYSTEM2Originalsince 1982m ultist a r ® <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>Once you’ve “clicked”, it’s forever22Do you believe in love at first sight? We believe in everlastingloyalty after the first click. In 1982, <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> revolutionisedgardening with multi-star ® , the modular garden tool system. Andsince then hundreds of thousands of people have wanted nothingother than this in their household.In principle, the multi-star ® system has been designed to providebasic fittings on handles for different working lengths, onto whichvarious tool heads can be clicked. For example, a variety of soilpreparation tools, tree care products or cleaning equipment, aswell as nets for ponds. multi-star ® is also available in mini-formatfor practical balcony and grave care, and there are also ice scrapersand snow shovels in the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> winter program.The system requires little storage space: thanks to the variety ofoptions, you always have the optimum tool to hand.

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves8 handle types for every size and activityMore than 80 different attachments can be combined with eight differenthandle types, which have been developed for various applications. Some handlesare available in several lengths to provide the right ergonomic grip levels fordifferent user heights.1. Hand grip (15 cm)2. Small device handle (25 cm)3. Aluminium short handle (35 cm)4. Aluminium handle (in 118 cm + 144 cm)5. High-quality aluminium universal handle (in 140 cm + 150 cm)6. Ash hardwood handle (in 140 cm + 150 cm + 170 cm)7. Aluminium D handle for pushing devices (85 cm)8. Vario handle with telescopic function(up to 2 m, 3 m and 4 m)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.In addition:Functionalextensionhand grip only forthe Mosquito cleaner(90 cm)2multi-star ® : gentle to your backMost people experience tweaks in the back from time to time. This reminds us howimportant good posture is. The multi-star ® system supports you thanks to its varyinghandle lengths, so that you can stay upright and relaxed when gardening.Our soil preparation tool design is based on a special precision angle in order to saveyou effort and allow you to work at a consistent level in the garden.“Made in Germany”Quality willing to faceany challengeErgonomic shapes combined with highendmaterials, complemented by maximumfunctionality; these are the provencharacteristic of manual <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>gardening tools. They are made of highlyresistant,quality steel, which remainspractically untouched for years. Thesetools are an investment, which enablesyou to master the most extreme soilconditions. The galvanised, triplesealedsurfaces optimally protect thetools from corrosion and other hazards.This is just another attribute of quality“Made in Germany”!12323

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves2What type of soildo you have?Light, sandy soilFine, light and permeable.Can be worked on with little effort.Work in some humusand water it regularly,then you will easilyreap the benefits ofthis soil.Heavy clay soilYou can recognise it from the crust thattypically forms when it dries out. Wateronly penetrates slowly, and roots andgardeners have to workhard with it. If you workin sand and aerate thesoil well, this improvesits quality enormously.Soil preparation:What a gardenneeds in springA good soil is the decisive key to the dream garden. Sparing some time for yourgarden regularly from February onwards will reap a reward from nature the wholeyear round. The attachments and handles from the multi-star ® system areperfectly suited to what you and your soil need.1. Breaking up the soil2. Crumbling3. Sowing & planting4. LooseningFeb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct.5.FertilisingMedium-heavy loamy soilYou're lucky! It consists of a good mix ofclay and sand, supportsroots well, andcan easily take in airand water. It is alsofairly easy to work on.246. WeedingThe dark coloured months indicate the main season for the work marked.Practical tip: pH value testBefore any new planting, identify the pH value of your soilwith a set from your garden stockist. For example, rosesthrive with a pH value of 5.5 to 7.0, while rhododendronsonly flourish with a value of 4.2 to 5.5.

1. Breaking up the soil 2. CrumblingSection 2 | Hand tools and glovesAfter winter, the soil is grateful if you take off the topcrust. Air and water can penetrate well once more.multi-star ® CultivatorWith the three sharp, hardened prongs, impacted earthcan be easily loosened and aerated. Pulling –not chopping – is the recommendation from <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>.multi-star ® GrubberWith the grubber, manual digging protects the roots, evenin stony ground.Only finely crumbled soil offers the optimum preconditions.The loose layer retains moisture in the ground andsupports the fine roots of seeds and young plants.multi-star ® bow rakeThe bow rake can be used for both functions when crumbling:Firstly, break up the soil with the steel tines, thenturn it around and smooth out with the bow.23. Sowing & planting 4. LooseningThe period of sowing and planting is the most creative elementof gardening. Ensure that you always have the correctgaps for optimum plant growth.multi-star ® seed sowerWith this seed sower you can sow conveniently and savetime. It is adjustable in 6 stages for every seed.multi-star ® hand trowelWhether you use it as a hand tool or on one of the handles,this hand trowel can even be used to easily plant in hardsoil.In order to yield, soil requires regular loosening exercises sothat it can breathe and supply young seeds with nutrients.multi-star ® aeratorWith this small aerator made of hardened steel, even themost closely planted beds can be easily loosened and aerated.multi-star ® double hoeA tool with three functions: loosening, making piles andmaking furrows.5. Fertilising 6. WeedingGrowth requires energy. With fertilisers you give the soilback what it needs to supply plants.Practical tip:Nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium? And how much of it?The best way to find out which nutrients your soil needs isthrough soil analysis. Request one from your gardenstockist.More products for soil preparation can be found on page 34D, 34E and 34F.Weeding is an ideal activity to alleviate stress. And it iseven more effective with multi-star ® tools.multi-star ® small draw hoeYou can clear tightly overgrown beds with the smallhoe. Thanks to extra-sharp changeable blades, nothingremains that should not be there.multi-star ® scuffle hoeThe right weed eliminator for light soil.25

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves2Spring clean with multi-star ®<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> thinks beyond the garden fence and also offers you useful utensils for other important areas ofthe house and yard: The cleaning range also offers just the right tool heads for sweeping, mopping and windowcleaning.You can attach these as you wish to the click-on handles just like on a vario-telescopic handle, 4 metres long.Now you can eliminate winter dust, cobwebs and streaks from windows so you can really enjoy the spring sunshine.Away with dirt:sweep, mop and squeegeemulti-star ® outdoor dustpanErgonomic dirt removal: the builtinjoint mechanism is infinitelyvariable so that the dustpan is atthe correct angle for any length ofhandle.Window cleaning:let the sun inmulti-star ® window wiperClean up your conservatory andgreenhouse with the window wiper.With vario-handle, adjustable up toa height of 5.30 m. Adjustableworking angle and washable fibres.26multi-star ® angle broomClear away cobwebs from any cornerwith this angle broom. Thanksto the individually adjustableworking angle, clean effortlesslyright into the corners.multi-star ® decking brushAway with moss! Terrace mop withshort, hard bristles and a sturdyplastic body.multi-star ® window squeegeeAchieve smear-free visibility withthe squeegee, combined with thevario-handle (ZM-V 4) up to aheight of 5.30 m.Mosquito CleanerEffortless cleaning of your car orcaravan windows. The cleaningpad can easily bechanged thanks to the Velcro,and the small integrated watertank has a capacity of 150 ml.The functional lengtheninghandle, 90 cm long, is alsoa helpful accessory in therange.

Section 2 | Hand tools and glovesSick of weedsand leaves?Pond care themulti-star ® wayProtective plastic straps: The flexibleplastic brackets of the catching netprotects both fish and the pond liningwhen removing leaves and dirt.Optimal reach: The pond net and thecatching net can be attached to anymulti-star ® vario-handle enabling a reachof up to 4 m.Once dirt, duckweed or autumn leaves have mucked upyour pond, they will be hard to remove. The other pondplants will therefore be deprived of the light they need forphoto synthesis and the oxygen they need to thrive andsurvive. There is only one cure: Clean the pond surface byregularly collecting the leaves, duckweed and dirt – byusing the pond nets of the multi-star ® series, the idealtools for that purpose.2Optimal space utilisation: Each of the four yellowhangers has hooks, clamps as well as bracketsand can hold several tools simultaneously.Neat and complete:The multistar® toolholderKeeping order requires some form of system. People with a desire for order will therefore appreciate the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> tool holderjust as much as those that are a bit less orderly. The 80 cm holder with sliding hangers can store what needs to be on hand for thenext gardening activity. When you find that a holder with four hangers is not sufficient, just put another one right next to it.27

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves2Spring wakeningIt is not just children who enjoy planting the bulbs in autumn to then see thegarden transformed in spring. Every gardener works passionately to producea show of colour for the next year.Grape hyacinths, tulips, small narcissi and of course the gallant snowdrop:even thinking of the names calls to mind a wonderful spring garden. Startplanting the bulbs at the beginning of autumn. It is important that the holesare twice the depth of the bulbs. With bulbs that feel wet, such as tulips, youcan put some sand in the hole.The automatic bulb planter from <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> is particularly useful for this job.Simply turn it in the earth then press the button to release. A new splash of colourwill soon be growing there.Loosening up for the winterA final spurt in the garden: Before winter you should loosen the earth in thebeds. It is only necessary to completely turn over soil if it has high clay content.Otherwise it is recommendedto pierce it with a garden fork to aerate it. Then when the winter frostfreezes water in the earth, this expansion causes small explosions, whichbreak up the earth into crumbs and prepare it for the spring. After aerating orturning it over, you can mulch it with grass from the last cut.28

Section 2 | Hand tools and glovesSmall but smart!You don't need a 3 m vario-handle to tend yourfavourite small areas. Just a light, short handle fromthe multi-star ® system, optimally adapted to theshape of the hand, and the practical tool headsfrom the Mini series.<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> has three handles in its range forthickly planted beds, small front gardens and fortending graves, which can be fitted with tools fromthe Mini series:• Practical handle• Ergonomic mini toolhandle• Light small aluminiumhandle2Firmly attached: ready for thecoming year in the gardenDo you have a small garden, terrace or balcony, or are youlooking for something to use to tend a grave occasionally? Youdon't want a lot of different handles but a range of the mostcommon hand tools? Then the Premium series of small toolswas made for you!A handle on everything!Gardening is only fun if the tool sits well in your hand, instead ofcausing blisters or calluses. With the special <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> griptechnology, garden work is easy to get to grips with.The finger contour protects anddistributes force evenly.With its rounded shape and softtouch, the grip sits well in thehand.The large grip area enables maximumstrength transmission for highimpact work such as removingweeds and digging holes for plants.29

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves2Away with the weedsOpinions differ on weeds: some believe they have to be eliminated mercilessly without exception and others treat themas natural secondary growth. However, everyone agrees that dandelions do not belong on a lawn, grass should not growbetween terrace slabs and there should be no thistles in the privet hedge.With the multi-star ® device accessories for your basic handle, you receive a few useful weed removers which will come inhandy during the summer:Originalsince 1982m ultist a r ® <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>multi-star ® weedextractorThe trick is doing theright movement: dig,turn, pull – done.And thanks to themulti-star ® handle, allthis can be done withoutbending.multi-star ® weedextractorThe weed extractormakes short work ofdeep-rooted dandelions.The step edgegoes deep into thesoil to remove plants.2 in 1: Loosen and weedmulti-star ® gardenscraperStrong garden scraperwith extra hardenedblade. Mossand grass betweenyour paving stoneswill no longer stand achance.multi-star ® jointbrushExtra-strong wirebristles scour evensmall gaps andcracks easily.Exchangeablebrush headsavailable.For these device attachmentswe recommend –depending on your height – themulti-star ® hardwood handle, ZM140, ZM 150 or ZM 170.30multi-star ® push-pullweederThe push-pull weederenables sandy soilto be weeded well.The shaft gathers andgrips the weed andloosens the soil.multi-star ® cultiweederThe super-strong cultiweederloosens andairs medium-weightsoil. For weeding,simply turn it around.

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves2Weed removal – the cleanand back-friendly way!Are you still looking for a way to rid your garden of deeply-rooted weeds in no time and without the use of harmfulchemicals? The new weed extractor allows you to do exactly this while standing in a comfortable upright position.Simply push it down with your foot by using the specially designed pedal, and the two stainless steel blades willgrab the weed at its roots. Tip the ergonomic D-handle with soft inserts towards you and easily lever out the weed –that’s it! Weeding can be so simple, no weed-killer or additional force required!The new weed extractor is easy to use:Step 1: When the step rest isfolded downwards for spacesavingstorage, move it untilit latches at a 90° angle in themiddle position.Step 3: Press the step rest towards the ground,using your entire foot. You will automaticallypull the handle of the weed extractor towardsyou and can easily lever out the weed.Step 2: Insert the device rightnext to the root and push itdeeply into the soil. Place thefront part of your foot onto thestep rest and use your foot toincrease the stepping force.Step 4: The stainless steel blades pick up theweed. Another advantage:You do not get your hands dirty and when youextract the dandelion, you do not come intocontact with the plant sap which is very hardto remove.31

Section 2 | Hand tools and gloves2Disposal the easy way – with ourtwo-wheeled garden assistantGolf players have their caddies, gardeners have their garden carts.Our indispensable Portax accompanies you when pickingup leaves, cutting off branches or disposing of other greenwaste. Standing upright or resting on its side, the Portax isnot only handy for all garden work but also ideal for a backfriendlyworking style.You can simply sweep or rake the leaves, branches and wasteinto the cart, without having to bend down. The handy insertbag helps you unload the collected content in a place ofyour choice, e.g. the compost heap. Cumbersome handlingof wheel barrows and dust pans is gone for good. The Portaxhas two stable wheels and can easily be moved to where it isneeded. After you’ve finished your chores, the foldable Portaxcan be stored in a tiny space or easily hung against a wall.This much usefulness inspired magazines like “Selbst ist derMann”, to award their highest test mark “Very Good” immediatelyafter the introduction of the Portax.PRAXISTESTTESTSIEGERNote GUT (2,4)Ausgabe 4/2012www.selbst.deEffective dirt protection: The equipmentincludes an insert bag made ofrugged material.Space-saving storage: The Portaxcan be folded after its use requiringminimum storage space.Light, with high carrying capacity: Up to150 l or 50 kg can be loaded into the Portax150, which only weighs 12 kg.32

Section 2 | Hand tools and glovesGet to grips with your garden2As good as it feels to dig into the earth with thehands or break through foliage, you may havedry hands and black fingernails for days afterwards.You can prevent this with a good pair ofgloves.<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> gloves come in various designsfor different requirements: when re-potting youneed to be able to feel with your fingertips.When cutting bushes on the other hand, completelyimpenetrable material is required, and ifyou are pushing a motorised cultivator throughsoil or digging up earth with a spade, then youneed a glove with a slip-free interior.We have even thought of children's hands, sothat the little ones can put in some early practiceto become experts in the garden.• All <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> gloves are very delicate andat the same time offer safety and protection.• All gloves are available in differenthand sizes.Experts in every areaAbrasion-free glove for soil work• Extremely delicate fingertips• Highly abrasion-resistant for long durations• Breathable back of hand (hands do notbecome sweaty)The light glove for terrace and balcony• Very delicate• Slip-free interiors with a good grip• Tight wrist fitting prevents dirt from penetratingImpenetrable glove for cutting work• Impenetrable material• Reinforced interior for removing tree and bush cuttings• Tight wrist fitting prevents your hands from gettingcaught on foliageThe great device glove for all types of work• Slip-free interior palm• Adjustable cuff and breathable back of hand• Thumb of glove adapted for wiping away sweatToo complicated? The universal glove always fits!• Delicate with reinforced fingertips• Resistant palm• Breathable back of the hand• Built-in sweat wiper on the thumb• Thumb of glove adapted for wiping away sweat33

Gloves | Bed gloves | Universal gloves | Special gloves | Promotion gloves | Children‘s glovesBed glovesBed gloves “balcony”GH-BA 7/8/10Packaging sizes:GH-BA 7 Size: 7 AN: 7760011 SU: 124 009269 776561GH-BA 8 Size: 8 AN: 7760012 SU: 124 009269 776578GH-BA 10 Size: 10 AN: 7760013 SU: 124 009269 776585››Size: 7/8/10››Particularly suitable for fragile andprecise chores e.g. re-potting or planting››The anti-slip, gripping interiors enable optimum work whilst being verycomfortable to wear››Washable at 30 °CBed gloves “soil”GH-BO 7/8/10Packaging sizes:GH-BO 7 Size: 7 AN: 7760014 SU: 124 009269 776592GH-BO 8 Size: 8 AN: 7760015 SU: 124 009269 776608GH-BO 10 Size: 10 AN: 7760016 SU: 12››Size: 7/8/104 009269 776615››Particularly suitable for soilprocessing such as digging››Abrasion-resistance ensures high durability››The breathable backs of the gloves prevent the hands from sweating››Washable at 30 °C››Extremely sensitive fingertips ensure a high level of taktile perceptionUniversalgloveUniversal gloveGH-U 8/10››Size: 8/10››Particularly durableand strain resistant››The breathable backs ofthe gloves reduce the hands sweating››Universal use for all garden work››Washable at 30 °CGH-U 8 Size: AN: 7760005 SU: 1284 009269 776493GH-U 10Size:10AN: 7760007 SU: 124 009269 776516SpecialglovesCutting glovesPower tool glovesGH-S 8/10 GH-M 8/10››Size: 8/10››The cutting glove enablesafe and comfortable workwhen cutting in the garden››Thorn-resistant material››The reinforced interior protects againstinjuries while disposing clippings››Washable at 30 °CGH-S 8Size:8AN: 7760008 SU: 64 009269 776523››Size: 8/10››Power-tool gloves witha specially developedanti-slip coating forsafer work in and aroundyour yard››Washable at 30 °C››Adjustable cuff and breathablematerialsGH-M 8Size:8AN: 7760002 SU: 64 009269 776462GH-S 10Size:10AN: 7760009 SU: 64 009269 776530GH-M 10Size:10AN: 7760003 SU: 64 009269 776479PromotionglovesPromotion glovesGH-PM/GH-PL››Size: Man/Lady››The gloves aresuitable for lightergarden work››Robust hand interiors››High durabilityChildren‘sglovesChildren’s glovesGH-K7/10››Size: for children ofages 7–10››The excellently processed cottonfabric is pleasant to wear››Washable at 30 °CGH-PMSize:ManAN: 7760025 SU: 124 009269 776707GH-K7Size:childrenof age 7AN: 7760023 SU: 124 009269 776684GH-PLSize:LadyAN: 7760026 SU: 124 009269 776714GH-K10Size:childrenof age10AN: 7760024 SU: 124 009269 776691AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34

multi-star ® | multi-star ® lawn care | multi-star ® tool-holder systemmulti-star ®lawn careLongspan rakeScarifying rakeScarifying roller rakeUH-M 60››Working width: 58 cm››Wide rake ideal for collecting largequantities of clippings with specificallydesigned tines which “glide“over the lawn››External teeth are particularly stableas they are super-hardened››Recommended handle: ZM 170UG-M 3››Working width: 30 cm››Thorough clearing of moss and lawnfelt from the lawn››Pendulum embedded scarifier blades››Recommended handle: ZM 170UR-M 3››Working width: 30 cm››Thorough clearing of moss and lawnfelt from the lawn››Pendulum embedded scarifier blades››Easy running wheels››Recommended handle: ZM 170AN: 3565000 SU: 3AN: 3549000 SU: 4AN: 3547000 SU: 34 009269 1564004 009269 1577044 009269 158206Lawn-edge cutterLawn-edge ironRM-MRB-M››Cuts perfect edges of any shape orsize precisely – just roll while keepingyour back straight››Recommended handle: ZM 170››Working width: 22.5 cm››Cut lawn edges cleanly and straight.Step edge for comfortable working››Particularly stable as it is superhardened››Recommended handle: ZM-ADAN: 3323000 SU: 3AN: 3312000 SU: 54 009269 1510094 009269 151207multi-star ®tool-holdersystemTool-holder systemUM-MNeat and complete:the multi-star ® tool holder››Width: 80 cm››Space-saving storage for house andgarden equipmentAN: 3715000 SU: 54 009269 161602AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit * Recommended retail Price ** RECOMMENDED RETAIL PRICE WITHOUT TOOLS34C

multi-star ® | multi-star ® tree care without ladders | Manual hand operated sawsmulti-star ®tree carewithoutladdersAnvil tree lopper+RC-M››For branches up to 38 mm (in diameter)››More than 50 % less manual strengthrequired through the 3.5-fold pulleyand <strong>WOLF</strong> easy cut coating››With the Vario handle – safe cutting atup to 5.50 m: no ladder needed››including cord guide attaching to theVario handleAN: 7201000 SU: 34 009269 152006Professional anvil tree lopper1 8 0 °RC-VM››For branches up to 40 mm(in diameter)››More than 75% lessmanual strength requiredthrough 4-fold pulley››Inclination angle adjustableof 180°››With the Vario handle – safe cutting atup to 5.50 m: no ladder needed››including cord guide for attaching tothe Vario handle+AN: 7200000 SU: 34 009269 720038Professional bypass tree lopper Cord tidy Branch hook1 8 0 °RR-VM››For branchesup to 36 mm(in diameter)››Inclination angleadjustable of 180°››More than 75% less manual strengthrequired through 4-fold pulley››With the Vario handle – safe cutting atup to 5.50 m: no ladder needed››including cord guide attaching to theVario handle+AN: 7204000 SU: 34 009269 720403ZS-M››Pulling cord tightener with specialpulling handle and support function››Ideal tool for cutting with all tree loppers,particularly RCVM, RR-VM, RC-MAN: 3946000 SU: 34 009269 394604RT-M››The effortless way to remove branchcuttings and snow loads from trees››Suitable for shaking fruit trees››Can also be used to support branches››With the Vario handle – safe sawing atup to 5.50 m: no ladder neededAN: 7245000 SU: 54 009269 153201Fruit picker with jointRG-M››Harvest fruit gently and without damagingit – flexible, rounded catchingcrown and harvesting blade facilitatepicking››With the Vario handle – safe pickingat up to 5.50 m: no ladder neededAN: 7242000 SU: 54 009269 153300ManualhandoperatedsawsProfessional shark sawRE-PM/ZM 02››Extremely smooth cut toprevent bacterial infestation››With bark scratcher to avoid damagingthe tree bark››Double-hardened teeth››With the Vario handle – safe sawing atup to 5.50 m: no ladder needed››Recommended handle: ZM-V3 / ZM-V4AN: 7232003 SU: 54 009269 152433Shark sawHand saw with sheathFolding sawRE-M/ZM 02››Very smooth cut to prevent bacterialinfestation and rot››With the Vario handle – safe sawingat up to 5.50 m: no ladder needed››Recommended handle: ZM-V3 / ZM-V4AN: 7231003 SU: 54 009269 152426RE-FK››Length blade: 27 cm››Extremely smooth cut to preventbacterial infestation and rotting››Safe carrying on a belt for use on aladderAN: 7281000 SU: 34 009269 728102RE-K››Length blade: 16 cm››For use on small trees››Extremely smooth cut to preventbacterial infestation››With safety lockAN: 7282000 SU: 54 009269 728201AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34H

Mini tools | Mini toolsMini toolsHand grubberGarden scraperWeed extractorKA-2K››Working width: 7 cm››Root-protective loosening and aeratingin rock gardens, beds and balconyboxesKF-2K››One hand joint scraper toremove moss and weeds in tile cracks,corners of walls, etc.KS-2K››Evenly extract weeds indry soil conditions››Soft grip for better handling››Comfort grip on the handle supportsthe pulling movement››Greater grip security thanks to the griparea on the handle››No pressure marks due to supportfrom strong area at the grip endAN: 2714000 SU: 5AN: 2729000 SU: 5AN: 2771000 SU: 54 009269 2714004 009269 2729024 009269 277105Double hoeSmall fan rakeFlower forkPlanting trowelLN-2K››Working width:7 cm››“2-in-1” – practical multi-use tool››Weeding and earthing up with hoe and ridgerblade; loosening with 3 sharp teeth››Comfort area on the handle supports thehoeing movementLD-2K››Working width: 11.5 cm››Clearing of overgrown areas››Can be used in small areas like beds,balconies and terraces››Comfort area on the handle supports thepulling movementLU-2B››Working width: 7.5 cm››Protective planting and re-planting thanks tothe narrow, pointed teeth››Very durable teeth››The protective area on the handle preventsblisters from occurringLU-2P››Working width: 5 cm››Dig and plant, even in hard ground››Like LU-2K, but a narrower design››The protective area on the handleprevents blisters from occurringAN: 3022000 SU: 5AN: 2722000 SU: 5AN: 2921000 SU: 5AN: 2916000 SU: 54 009269 3022034 009269 2722234 009269 2921084 009269 291620Planting trowelFlower trowelFlower trowelFlower trowelLU-P››Working width: 5 cm››For gardens and balconies››Like LU-Z, but narrower design››Gloss galvanizedLU-2K››Working width: 7 cm››Dig and plant, even in hard ground››The protective area on the handleprevents blisters from occurringLU-Z››Working width: 8 cm››For gardens and balconies››Like LU, but gloss galvanisedLU››Working width: 8 cm››For gardens and balconiesAN: 2914000 SU: 20AN: 2915000 SU: 5AN: 2913000 SU: 20AN: 2911000 SU: 204 009269 2774024 009269 2915074 009269 2770064 009269 277204Small rakeAutomatic bulb planterLJ-Z››Working width: 8.5 cm››Clean, loosen and aerate small spaces››Ideal for smoothing out the smallestareas››Gloss galvanisedFH-N››For placing bulbsand containerplants of up to6 cm in diameter››Empties earthat the touch of abuttonAN: 2994000 SU: 20AN: 1967000 SU: 104 009269 2994044 009269 232203AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34A

multi-star ® | multi-star ® handlesmulti-star ®handlesHandleMini tool handleSmall aluminium handleZM 02››Length: 15 cm››Ideal for saws RE-M and RE-PM, allmulti-star ® minis and pullers FW-M,window washers EW-M and dustpansBK-MZM 30››Length: 25 cm››Highly-attractive small tool handle forall multi-star ® minis››Optimally adapted to the shape ofthe handZM 04››Length: 35 cm››Short and light-weight aluminiumhandle››For all multi-star ® minisAN: 3943020 SU: 10AN: 3947030 SU: 10AN: 3944840 SU: 54 009269 3943074 009269 3947344 009269 394482Aluminium handleAluminium handleAluminium handleAluminium handleZMi 12ZMi 15ZM-A 140ZM-A 150››Length: 118 cm››Length: 144 cm››Length: 140 cm››Length: 150 cm››Light, highly stablealuminium handle››Ideal when combinedwith multi-star ® minisand multi-star ®cleaning tools››Light, highly stablealuminium handle››Ideal when combinedwith multi-star ® minisand multi-star ®cleaning tools››High-quality, light-weightaluminium handlesuitable for allmulti-star ®equipment››High-quality, lightaluminium handlesuitable for allmulti-star ®equipment››Not suited forDR-M 3in1 rake,SR-M 60 andmulti-star ®snow shovels››Not suited forDR-M 3in1 rake,SR-M 60 andmulti-star ®snow shovelsAN: 3938000 SU: 10AN: 3938020 SU: 10AN: 3944143 SU: 10AN: 3942155 SU: 104 009269 3938054 009269 3938294 009269 3944204 009269 394215Ash handle Ash handle Ash handleAluminium D-Grip handleZM 140ZM 150ZM 170ZM-AD 120››Length: 140 cm››High-quality wooden handlemade from natural European ash– very solid and stable››Porous, natural water-basedpaint provides the optimumgrip and absorbs sweat››Tapered handle areafor pleasant and safehandling››Suitable for all multistar® garden tools››Length: 150 cm››High-quality wooden handlemade from natural Europeanash – very solid and stable››Porous, natural waterbasedpaint providesthe optimum grip andabsorbs sweat››Tapered handle areafor pleasant andsafe handling››Suitable for allmulti-star ®garden tools››Length: 170 cm››High-quality wooden handlemade from natural European ash– very solid and stable››Porous, natural water-basedpaint provides the optimumgrip and absorbssweat››Tapered handle areafor pleasant andsafe handling››Suitable for allmulti-star ®garden tools››Length: 120 cm››For all push-led multi-star ®tools, such as snow shovelsSN-M 42, SN-M 55 andSN-MA 45AN: 3944142 SU: 10AN: 3944154 SU: 10AN: 3944175 SU: 10AN: 3942125 SU: 54 009269 3944134 009269 3944374 009269 3944684 009269 394277Aluminium D-Grip handleVario handleVario handleZM-ADZM-V 3ZM-V 4››Length: 85 cm››Length: 170–300 cm››Length: 220–400 cm››For all push-led multi-star ®tools, such as lawnedgers RM-M, thistleextractors iW-M andweed extractorsKS-M››For multi-star ® tree and pond caretools as well as cleaning tools androof snow clearers››Light and durable and madefrom high-quality aluminium››Can be adjusted effortlesslyto the desired length››Optimum length adjustmentusing the holematrix170–300 cm››For multi-star ® tree and pond caretools as well as cleaning tools androof snow clearers››Light and durable and madefrom high-quality aluminium››Can be adjusted effortlesslyto the desired length››Optimum length adjustmentusing the holematrix220–400 cmAN: 3943062 SU: 5AN: 3943600 SU: 6AN: 3943700 SU: 64 009269 1660034 009269 3960044 009269 397001AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34B

multi-star ® | multi-star ® minis | multi-star ® soil processingmulti-star ®minisMini cultivator + handleLA-M/ZM 30››Working width: 7 cm››Loosen small bedscarefully for optimumnutrient supply››Particularlydurable thanksto 3-foldsealingCultiweeder + handleLB-M/ZM 30››Working width: 7 cm››Loosen and aerate smallbeds – for simpleweeding and turningover››Particularly durablethanks to3-fold sealingSmall fan rake + handleLD-M/ZM 30››Working width: 11.5 cm››Clear small overgrownareas effortlessly››The teeth do not bendthanks to flexiblyhardenedspring steelLA-M/ZM 30 AN: 2943006 SU: 5withhandle4 009269 171069LB-M/ZM 30 AN: 2953006 SU: 54 009269 171564LD-M/ZM 30 AN: 2725006 SU: 54 009269 173568LA-M AN: 2943000 SU: 5withouthandle 4 009269 171007LB-M AN: 2953000 SU: 54 009269 171502LD-M AN: 2725000 SU: 54 009269 173506Small crumbler + handleLF-M/ZM 30››Working width: 6.5 cm››Loosening and weedingin beds and pots foroptimum plant growth››Particularly durablethanks to 3-foldsealingSmall rake + handle Double hoe + handle Mini hoe + handleLJ-M/ZM 30››Working width: 8 cm››Clear small and narrowbeds effortlessly››Particularly durablethanks to3-fold sealingLL-M/ZM 30››Working width: 5 cm››Loosen the soil overyoung plants –simply turn aroundto hoe››Also suitablefor creatingseed furrowsLN-M/ZM 30››Working width: 7 cm››Loosen all soil effortlessly– simply turn aroundto hoe››Particularlydurablethanks to3-fold sealingLF-M/ZM 30 AN: 2973006 SU: 5LJ-M/ZM 30 AN: 2993006 SU: 5LL-M/ZM 30 AN: 3003006 SU: 5LL-M/ZM 30 AN: 3023006 SU: 54 009269 1740604 009269 1745654 009269 1766684 009269 176460LF-M AN: 2973000 SU: 5LJ-M AN: 2993000 SU: 5LL-M AN: 3003000 SU: 5LL-M AN: 3023000 SU: 54 009269 1740084 009269 1745034 009269 1766064 009269 176408multi-star ® mini-SetP 243››Set for allsmall choreson balconies,terracesand inbeds: plant,loosen, weedand clear››Including trowel, small cultivator,small broom, double hoe and smalltool handlemulti-star ® mini-SetP 224››Tool set forbalconiesand terracesincludingmulti-star ®small toolhandle andmulti-star ®minis››Includedminis: small rake, small mini gardenbroom, small cultivator and small toolhandlemulti-star ®soilprocessingGrubberBA-M››Working width: 9 cm››Carefully loosens hard dried soil toensure a good supply of nutrients››Particularly durable thanks to 3-layercoating››Recommended handle: ZM 140AN: 3732643 SU: 5AN: 3732624 SU: 5AN: 1315000 SU: 54 009269 3750304 009269 3750544 009269 110006Cultivator Cultiweeder CultivatorAeratorBE-M››Working width: 11 cm››Loosen mid-heavy soils carefully for agood supply of nutrients››Particularly durable thanks to 3-layercoating››Recommended handle: ZM 140iE-M››Working width: 10 cm››Loosens and aerates mid-heavy soilsby simply turning the weeds upsidedown››Particularly stable as it is superhardened››Recommended handle: ZM 140BO-M››Working width: 15 cm››Break open, loosen and aerate hardground effortlessly for the optimumsupply of nutrients››Particularly stable as it is superhardened››Recommended handle: ZM 150Bi-M››Workingwidth:3.5 cm››Workingdepth: 9 cm››Loosen and aerate effortlessly in thenarrowest plant beds for an ideal supplyof nutrients››Particularly stable as it is superhardened››Recommended handle: ZM 140AN: 1332000 SU: 5AN: 2515000 SU: 4AN: 1355000 SU: 5AN: 1345000 SU: 54 009269 1110034 009269 1380004 009269 1130074 009269 112000AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34D

multi-star ® | multi-star ® soil processingCrumblerSeed sowerDraw hoeBow weederHO-M 15DA-S››Workingwidth: 15 cm››Two tools in one››Loosen, finely crumble and weed lightand hard ground effortlessly››Saves time on large areas››Recommended handle: ZM 170EA-M››Roll in seed evenly and save time››Adjustable in 6 stages for every seed(up to pea size)››Recommended handle: ZM 140HW-M 15››Working width: 15 cm››Draw hoe removes deeply rootedweeds effortlessly while looseningthe soil››Extra sharp replacement blades››Recommended handle: ZM 150››Workingwidth:15 cm››Weedsolid groundeffortlessly– the bowprotects the plants››Extra sharp replacement blades››Recommended handle: ZM 150AN: 1616000 SU: 3AN: 1814000 SU: 5AN: 2345000 SU: 5AN: 2352000 SU: 54 009269 1172034 009269 1814024 009269 1365014 009269 134507Small Draw HoeFloral HoeScuffle hoeScuffle hoeHU-M 10››Workingwidth: 10 cm››Remove weeds effortlessly – inbetween plants and in densely vegetatedflowerbeds››Extra sharp replacement blades››Recommended handle: ZM 150HU-M 15››Workingwidth:15 cm››Effortlessweeding belowand between plants››Extra sharp replacement blades››Recommended handle: ZM 150GS-M 14››Working width: 14 cm››Weed lightsoil effortlesslywithsimplepushingand pulling››Particularly stable as it is superhardened››Recommended handle: ZM 150GS-M 16››Workingwidth:16 cm››Weed lightsoil effortlesslywith simple pushing and pulling››Particularly stable as it is superhardened››Recommended handle: ZM 150AN: 2356000 SU: 5AN: 2358000 SU: 5AN: 2147000 SU: 5AN: 2148000 SU: 54 009269 1350094 009269 1355044 009269 1334014 009269 133609Dutch hoePush-pull weederSwoe weederDouble hoeDH-M››Working width: 13 cm››Effortlessweeding bysimplypushinglightly››Particularly stable as it is superhardened››Extra sharp blade››Recommended handle: ZM 150RF-M››Workingwidth: 15 cm››Weed light, sandy soil effectively››The shaft grasps and grips weedseffectively››The blade is particularly stable as itis hardened››Recommended handle: ZM 150SH-M››Working width: 13 cm››Weed out and sever weeds at the rootby pushing and pulling››Ideal for weeding between rows ofplants››Recommended handle: ZM 150iL-M 3››Workingwidth: 8 cm››Loosens soil effectivelywith a simple turn of a hoe››Particularly durable thanks to 3-foldsealing››Recommended handle: ZM 150AN: 2348002 SU: 5AN: 3226000 SU: 5AN: 2330002 SU: 5AN: 3132000 SU: 54 009269 2348254 009269 1382084 009269 2330264 009269 139403Double hoeRidgerHand forkHand troweliM-M››Workingwidth: 7 cm››Loosens soil effectivelywith a simple turn of a hoe››Particularly durable thanks to 3-foldsealing››Recommended handle: ZM 150JA-M 20››Working width: 20 cm››For earthing up, furrowing andcreating of irrigation ditches››Recommended handle: ZM 150LU-GM››Working width: 7.5 cm››Extra sharp teeth forbetter root-protectionwhile replanting››Particularlystable dueto good teethstrength››Recommended handle:All multi-star ® handlesLU-SM››Workingwidth: 8 cm››Planting in tubs,pots and boxes,effortless placement and re-potting››Maximum stability due to highmaterial strength››Recommended handle:All multi-star ® handlesAN: 3142000 SU: 5AN: 2615000 SU: 3AN: 2908002 SU: 5AN: 2906002 SU: 54 009269 1396014 009269 1385054 009269 2908214 009269 290623AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34E

multi-star ® | multi-star ® soil processingSmall rake Soil rake Soil rake Soil rakeDS-M 19››Working width: 19 cm››Clear and level smaller seed bedswithout effort››Particularly durable thanks to 3-foldsealing››Recommended handle: ZM 140DR-M 25››Working width: 25 cm››Easy crumbling, raking and levellingseed beds – the easy way of looseningthe soil››Maximum stability due to particularlyhigh material strength››Recommended handle: ZM 170DR-M 30››Working width: 30 cm››Easy crumbling, raking and levellingseed beds – the easy way of looseningthe soil››Maximum stability due to particularlyhigh material strength››Recommended handle: ZM 170DR-M 35››Working width: 35 cm››Easy crumbling and raking large seedbeds, flat top for levelling large seedbeds››Maximum stability due to particularlyhigh material strength››Recommended handle: ZM 170AN: 1665000 SU: 5AN: 1656000 SU: 5AN: 1657000 SU: 5AN: 1658000 SU: 54 009269 1229004 009269 1212004 009269 1214084 009269 121606Bow rake3-in-1 rakeTine rakeAdjustable broomDO-M 40››Working width: 40 cm››For easy crumbling, raking and levellingof large seed beds››Maximum stability due to particularlyhigh material strength››Recommended handle: ZM 170DR-M 3 in 1››Working width: 50 cm››Extra-wide, easy-to-use leaf rakewhich can also be used as a shovelto collect cuttings, soil or even leavesfrom a pond››Can also be used without a handle››Soft insert on the handhold››Recommended handle: ZM 140››Not combinable with ZMi 12 and ZMi 15UF-M››Workingwidth: 50 cm››Clean paths and firm grounds effortlessly››The teeth do not bend thanks to flexiblyhardened spring steel››Recommended handle: ZM 140UC-M››Workingwidth: 36–58 cm››Clear large or small areas by simplyadjusting the broom››The teeth do not bend thanks to flexiblyhardened spring steel››Recommended handle: ZM 140AN: 1648000 SU: 5AN: 71AAD001650 SU: 5AN: 3536000 SU: 5AN: 3524000 SU: 54 009269 1206094 009269 3049004 009269 1546044 009269 155007Tine rakeLeaf rakeJoint brushDouble pack joint brushUE-M››Workingwidth: 50 cm››Clean paths and firm grounds effortlessly,e.g. of leaves››The teeth do not bend thanks to flexiblyhardened spring steel››Recommended handle: ZM 140Ui-M››Working width: 42 cm››Clear lawn, plant beds and gravelpits effortlessly, or spread turf or newgrass evenly››The leaf rake also helps you to evenlyspread turf e. g. when preparing anew lawn››Recommended handle: ZM 140FB-M››Brush length:9 cm››Remove grass, moss and weeds frominbetween flagstones, wall corners,step joints, gutters, etc., without hurtingyour back››Recommended handle: ZM 150FB-ME››Working width: 9 cm››Exchangeable brush head››2 Wooden bodies with steel bristlesto remove stubborn weeds and mossAN: 3535000 SU: 5AN: 3554000 SU: 5AN: 2731000 SU: 10AN: 2731060 SU: 54 009269 1544064 009269 1560044 009269 2731074 009269 273145Garden scraperThistle extractorWeed extractorFK-M››Remove grass andmoss effortlesslyfrom steps,joints andwall corners››Particularlystable as it issuper- hardened››Recommended handle:All multi-star ® handlesiW-M››Working width: 4 cm››Turn, pull, done: pull out deep rootedweeds – without any bending››Recommended handle: ZM-ADKS-M››Wide stepedge: 17 cm››Dig out and remove deep rootedweeds, such as dandelions, withouthurting your back››Stepping edge for better applicationof strength››Recommended handle: ZM-ADAN: 2730000 SU: 5AN: 2553000 SU: 5AN: 2554000 SU: 104 009269 1310014 009269 2553014 009269 255400AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34F

multi-star ® | multi-star ® pond / pool care | multi-star ® cleaning toolsmulti-star ®pond / poolcarePond / pool netWK-M››L: 35 cm, w: 30 cmCatching netWF-M››L: 35 cm,w: 30 cm››Clear the pond of fine leaves andduckweed effortlessly››Catch fish or remove leaves and dirtfrom the pond››Up to 4 metres in range with the Variohandle››The flexible plastic bracket protectsthe fish and pond lining››Recommended handle: All multi-star ®aluminium and Vario handles››Recommended handle: All multi-star ®aluminium and Vario handlesAN: 5701000 SU: 5AN: 5700000 SU: 54 009269 1531264 009269 153119multi-star ®cleaningtoolsStreet brushB 30 M››Working width: 31 cm››Cleans the yard and road effortlesslyin any weather››Particularly durable thanks to longlastingweather-resistant plasticbristles››Recommended handle: ZM 140Street brushB 40 M››Working width: 37 cm››Cleans the yard and street effortlessly››Particularly durable thanks to longlastingweather-resistant plasticbristles››Recommended handle: ZM 140House brushBF 40 M››Working width: 40 cm››Cleans fine dust from the wholehouse and terrace››Particularly thorough thanks to extrafineFlexon ® horsehair mix››Recommended handle: ZM 140AN: 3902000 SU: 5AN: 3904000 SU: 5AN: 3905000 SU: 54 009269 1585034 009269 1585104 009269 158565Large area scrubberFloor squeegee with scrubber stripDustpanBK-M/ZM 02››Working width: 25 cmBS 40 M››Working width: 37 cm››Wide srubbing brush with durableelastoflex bristles››Ideal for sweeping large areas on terracesand patios››Recommended handle: ZM 150BW 45 M››Working width: 40 cm››For use on smooth surfaces toloosen debris (tough bristled brush)and clear away water (foam lips onreverse)››Recommended handle: ZM 150››Integratedadjustablejointmechanismfor easier applicationswiththe handle or extension handle››Including ZM 02››Recommended handle: ZM-ADAN: 3906000 SU: 5AN: 3903000 SU: 5AN: 3912000 SU: 54 009269 1585724 009269 1585274 009269 391207Flexi-broomAngle broomSqueegeeWindow wiperB 25 M››Working width:25 cm››Handy broomwith long, elasticbristles for the cleaningof steps, gutters and narrow flagstonepaths››Recommended handle: ZM 140,ZM-A 140BW 25 M››Workingwidth: 25cm››For the removalof spider websand strands of dust in hard-to-reachplaces››Individually adjustable working angle››Recommended handle: ZM-V3/ZM-V4FW-M/ZM 02››Working width: 35 cm››Ideal for working inhard-to-reachplaces, thanksto an adjustableworking angle››With the Vario handle,adjustable up to 5.30 m in height››Including ZM 02››Recommended handle: All multi-star ®handlesEW-M››Workingwidth: 35 cm››Adjustable workingangle with a removable,washable washing fleece››With the Vario handle, ad justable upto 5.30 m in height››Washable fleece››Recommended handle: All multi-star ®handlesAN: 3909000 SU: 5AN: 3917000 SU: 5AN: 3907000 SU: 5AN: 3908000 SU: 54 009269 3909034 009269 3917024 009269 3907054 009269 390804AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price34G

Portax | Mosquito cleaner | Fixed handle tools | Spades and forks | Garden weederPortaxGarden cartPortax 150››Container size: 150 litres››Weight: 12 kg››Wheels: 260 mm Ø››Material: Plastic / Fabric››Including insert pocketPRAXISTESTTESTSIEGERNote GUT (2,4)Ausgabe 4/2012www.selbst.deFixed handletoolsLawn-edge ironRM-F››Working width: 22.5 cm››Length: 100 cm››Firmly attached››Effortlessstraightening oflawn edges››Easy,handy toolAN: 196-333-650 SU: 1AN: 3311800 SU: 64 009269 5021084 009269 331180MosquitocleanerMosquito cleanerFunctional extension handle››Length: 90 cm››Functional extensionhandle for the Mosquitocleaner››Helps clean out-ofreachwindows››Working width: 14 cm››Window cleaning specially for carsand caravans››Including 150 ml water tank››Pad with Velcro for simple changing››3 pads includedAN: 3913000 SU: 5AN: 3913090 SU: 54 009269 3913064 009269 391399Spadesand forksDigging spadeASP-E››Length: 1150 mm››Stainless steel blade››With a wide D-grip fortwo handed use››Ergonomically shapedhandle››Stable foot rest››Slip-proof, skinfriendlyrubbercoating forbetter handlingselbsT AusprobIerTFAZIT:bewertet mit „seHr GuT“Ausgabe 7/2013www.selbst.deWoman spadeAD-E››Length: 1090 mm››Stainless steel blade››With a wide D-grip fortwo handed use››Ergonomically shapedhandle››Stable foot rest››Slip-proof, skinfriendlyrubbercoating forbetter handlingselbsT AusprobIerTFAZIT:bewertet mit „seHr GuT“Ausgabe 7/2013www.selbst.deDigging ForkAG-E››Length: 1150 mm››Sturdy tines for turningof rocky and hard soils››With a wide D-grip for twohanded use››Ergonomically shapedhandle››Stable foot rest››Slip-proof, skinfriendlyrubbercoating forbetter handlingAN: 73ADA001650 SU: 4AN: 73ADA002650 SU: 4AN: 73ADA003650 SU: 44 009269 3055634 009269 3055704 009269 305587Digging shovelAS-E››Length: 1320 mm››Stainless steel blade››With a wide D-grip for twohanded use››Ergonomically shapedhandle››Stable foot rest››Slip-proof, skinfriendlyrubbercoating forbetter handlingGardenweederGarden weederIW-A››Eco friendly weeding in a safeand back-friendly positionwithout using chemicals››D-grip handle with soft zone››Length: 1100 mm››Foldable foot step forspace saving storage››Its deep reaching clawsgrab the weeds from alldirections (2 stainlesssteel blades)››Ejection system helps to releaseweed after pullingWeed extractoriW-F››Length: 107 cm››Firmly attached››Pull out weeds andthistles with ease››Light, handy toolAN: 73ADA004650 SU: 4AN: 73AAA001650 SU: 4AN: 2552800 SU: 64 009269 3055944 009269 3056004 009269 255288AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price35

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipment3Manual and motorisedgarden equipmentBasic information on <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> shears......................................... 37Loppers............................................................................................38Secateurs.........................................................................................39Grass shears....................................................................................40Manual hedge shears ....................................................................... 41Motorised hedge shears...................................................................42Chain saws....................................................................................... 43Garden tools with battery-powered technology.................................44Battery-powered garden shears ....................................................... 45Brushcutters and lawn trimmers ......................................................46Shredders........................................................................................48Tillers and cultivators.......................................................................49Electric and petrol leaf blowers.........................................................50Product overview manuel and motorized garden equipment..............5036

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentAlways the rightcutting tool with<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>:»Basic-Plus«the basic modelSecateurs for a variety of indoor and outdoor uses. Use the energysavingleverage of this secateurs to cut back flowers or ornamentalplants on your balcony and in your yard.»Comfort-Plus«functional and solidSecateurs for use in front gardens, tree nurseries and back gardens,with energy-saving leverage.»Premium-Plus«more comfortable for cuttingComfortable and robust secateurs with pleasant power transfer forregular use even in larger gardens.»Alu-Professional«meets the highest standardsSecateurs made of aluminium for highest quality and durability.3Quality made in Germany<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> provides you with a promiseregarding superior-quality materials,excellent workmanship, innovativefunction and excellent design - featuresthat are bundled in the one-of-a-kind<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> quality guarantee.We not only vouch with our name, wealso provide you with a 10-year warrantyon all manual shears (excludingwearing parts).Bypass or anvil technology?Bypass shears are suitable for the smoothcutting of young wood, even in areas thatare difficult to access. This ensures fasterwound healing or wound sealing.With the strong anvil shears, hard, fibrousor dead wood can be easily removed. Theyprovide a labour-saving cut that is easier onthe joints, as it avoids "cutting impact" thusprotecting the hands and arms.Regardless which shears you choose - with<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> you´ll always make a perfectcut!37

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentThe next generation of loppers:Less weight, more innovationFrom time to time the shrubs and bushes in your yard long for a rejuvenating cut-back. Our assortment of manual loppers helps you enjoyyour garden even more. The fine nine have one thing in common: extruded, super light-weight aluminium tubes allow you to easily graspand maneuver them wherever they are needed. Appart from a fresh and new design, the optimised power-amplification and transmissionsystem makes work even easier and less tiring.Stronger than everEach lopper uses the improved cutting headtechnology to better transform the appliedstrength into maximum power. The POWER ®CUT SYSTEM SERIES loppers enable you tocut even thicker branches with less effort.Clean cutsNon-stick coated blades prevent theadhesion of sap to the blades cuttingsurface, making sure your cuts remainclean and precise.3The new easyIn addition to the ultra-lightweight aluminiumtubes, two of the loppers can be telescopicablyadjusted to the optimal length.The back- and joint-friendly loppers makework easier and safer at the same time.Gentle and softErgonomic handles with soft rubber insertsfor safer and joint-friendly handling.Theshock absorbing rubber buffers of all bypassloppers minimise the cutting impact.Flat headed screwsThe flat headed screws protect the treefrom unnecessary damage to the bark,minimising the chance of pestinfestation.Maximum durabilityManufactured with numerous easy-toreplacewearing parts and equipped withan extended 10-year warranty, the newline of loppers are more maintenancefriendly than ever before. Customersatisfaction is guaranteed with a reliablelopper built to last.Power Cut System Series –Delivering power when it is needed!From the simple POWER ® CUT to POWER ® CUT*** – the cutting headtechnology multiplies the applied force making cuts even easier.This allows you to safely sever branches up to 50 mm in diameter,while conserving your armstrength for the more physical choresaround the yard. From novice gardeners to expert gardeners – theseloppers are designed to make garden life as sweet and easy as possible.38Adjustable tubes for a longer reach – the well-proven telescopic principle

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentClean summer cuttingDuring the magnificent flowering period, there is something to cut every day. Besides, some plants need a thorough summer cut inaddition to pruning. <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> has the right shears for everything.Cutting work in summer• Cut back deciduous early-flowering varieties such asranunculus bushes or forsythia after they have bloomed, ifthis has not already happened in May• Take cuttings just below a leaf node and put into the soil• Cut back rows of stone fruit• Cut back rambling roses after they have bloomed• Harvest herbs, twigs and blooms for freezing, drying or tea blends• Cut back Chinese wisteria in the summer or in February/March• Nurture shaped hedges• Shape newly planted hawthorn and privet bushes• Do not cut out wilting blooms such as rhododendrons and camellias;just pluck them out with your fingers3<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> secateurs - tailor-made for every handNo more losing or soiling due to anintegrated and undetachable springthat cannot go missing.non stickNon-stick coated blades reduce the requiredcutting force significantly and prevent sap andvegetable juices from contaminating the blades.This also avoids the transmission of diseasesand enables makes them easier to clean.30°30° cutting angle prevents an overstrechingof the hands while cutting.One-hand locking device for left- and righthanded usage.Safe handling with a thumb-rest positionfor as well as perfect protectionand safety for all fingers and fingertips.soft gripErgonomically shaped handles for comfortableusage and best possible power transmission.Upper handle with soft rubber insert and slidinglower handle (depending on the model).Precise adjustable blade transmission.Fingertip protection39

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentThe allure of clear contoursPrecise edges and contours are the finishing touch for every lawn area. This makes the lawn look like a thick carpet and it doesnot spread over onto the beds.There is, of course, a wide range of electric grass shears and trimmers. But there are also manual grass shears of excellentquality. This cost-effective tool is particularly suitable for smaller gardens.3Good, better and "professional""Professional" manual grass shears are in a class of their own,making cutting by hand even easier for you:• The cutting head, which can be rotated 180° is extremelypractical, and you can reach every angle.• The grass collector that is attached makes gathering cuttingseasier and stops them from falling into the beds.• Closed lower handle protects thehand from scratchesThere is always a good result whenyou use <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>’s manualgrass shears. For these blades ofthe highest quality call upon aningenious technique that makesyour work easier. For example, the"Comfort" manual grass shearsreduce effort by 30% through an improved mechanismand a low-friction anti-stick coating. Handprotection and a comfortable grip ensureease of handling. And your lawn receivesits new "short back and sides": precise,clean and perfect.Category: HorticultureTechnology 200840

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentBeautiful hedges step by stepThey give structure to the garden, protection from wind, noise and nosey neighbours, and they encourage protectionof nature as they are home to birds and small animals. In short, hedges enhance any garden.The design options are so varied that everyone can create the ideal hedge for their dream garden, from lushflowering hedges to artistically cut box hedges. All hedges have one thing in common, however: They need aprecise cut so that they become and remain attractive. <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> has developed a wide range of hedge cuttersso that you can trim your hedge into the desired shape without taking too much time and effort.Tradition and progressThere are many gardeners who prefer traditional hedgecutters. For durable precision blades and for high-qualitywooden handles, which are always made from FSC-certifiedwood. But also with technology in areas where we canmake your work easier:• <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> easy-cut coating• Shock absorbing, joint protective rubber buffers• Individual blade pre-stressing• Powerful branch cutters• Curved double-sharpened blades, which prevent themslipping against whatever they are cutting3Ball, cone or work of artWe have developed the HS-B box hedge shears to enableclean and precise shape cutting. The trademark non-stickcoated short blades make the shears light and manoeuvrable.Thanks to the soft plastic grip the shears sit wellin your hand. The HS-B is of course also suitable forother topiary.41

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentMotorised hedge shears with the rightturning angle3If you have many metres of hedges, we recommend motordrivenhedge shears which save enormous amounts of time andenergy. This is good, but not good enough for <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>. Wedislike poor equipment handling, because when cutting thesides of hedges, normal motor-driven shears have to be tilted.This is a strain on muscles and joints and tires you out quickly.Therefore most of the electric and battery-driven shears from<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> have the correct turning angle:• The blade head can be turned up to 180°.• It can be set in 5 positions.• The device saves energy and protects the jointswhen working in all cutting positions.• Laser cutted and diamond-grinded bladesensure efficient work and long life time42

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentFinesse for your hedgesSmall, handy and extremelyeffective – LI-ION Powerbattery shrub shears. Thislightweight tool also hasa turning function with aswivelling cutting head,just like its big brother.Small but perfectly formed.With the 10 EM batterylawn cutter, bush shearscan be converted to lawnshears without using atool. The batteries run forup to 100 minutes.Want something eveneasier? Then the LI-IONPOWER Finesse Set is theright choice. "3 in 1" alsoapplies here: Besides twocontour blades in differentsizes, the set also containsa shrub cutter blade. Thebatteries run for up to 50minutes.Chain saws – powercombined with safetyPetrol or electrical drive? This is a question of opinion. Some swear byelectrical chain saws, while others will defend the comfort of the petroldriven. There are good reasons for both views. Electrical chain saws areclearly lighter, quieter and more environmentally compatible than petrolchain saws, but they need a power source (power socket or generator) inthe vicinity. They are therefore ideally suited for use around the house.When you have to use a chain saw in a more remote place, the petroldriven saws are usually more beneficial.3All four chain saw models have one thing in common: the top quality ofthe Oregon chains and bars.Electrical chain sawsThe electrical chain saws CSE 2035and CSE 2240 by<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> have won the Plus-X-Award in three categories:Quality, design and operating comfort.They are also equipped witha power indicator and a tool-freechain tensioner.Petrol chain sawsThe petrol chain saws of the CSGseries are designed fordifferent cutting lengths (35 or 40cm) and individual motor strengths.The smaller motor has a performanceof 1.3 kW, while the largerone has 1.9 kW.43

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentCordless LI-ION POWER: Garden toolswith battery-power technology3Battery-operated technology is replacing conventional powernetwork technology in many areas of our daily life. The new batterieslast much longer than those of the early days, particularlysince lithium-ion technology has evolved. We now offer you thispowerful and long-lasting technology to make your lawn andgarden maintenance even easier.2 batteries for 5 devicesTools using exchangeable battery Pack 5 and 6:The novelty gadgets of the 700 series are poweredwith the LI-ION Power Packs 5 and 6. The Plus-X-Awardjury found, that their total power justified an award infour categories: Quality, design, operating comfort andfunctionality. Each of these tools comes with 1 batteryand 1 charger.44LI-ION POWER PACK 6 can be used for all 5 devicesfor more running time with more powerLI-ION POWER PACK 5 can be used for 3 devices

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentCordless, hands-on garden workThe modern lithium-ion cells of the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> LI-ION power tools and the exchangeablebattery concept allow cordless andtangle-free operations with super-light electricalmotors. You are no longer dependent ona cable and you will never have to refill a fueltank again. Both hands are free to work andyou have full freedom of movement withinyour working area.A system of growing opportunitiesYou can extend the operating times of your toolswith corresponding rechargeable batteries so thatyou never run out of battery power and your tools arealways ready to use. The top-notch state-of-the-art<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> battery system gives your LI-ION powertools practically unlimited operating time.The advantages of the system:• The battery packs are easy and quick to change.• One battery pack can be used with severaldifferent tools.Battery-powered garden shears - cuttingwithout exerting any energyThe three LI-ION POWER battery-powered garden shears are a convenient, energysavingalternative to conventional manual garden shears. This way of makingwork easier developed in the professional sector is of particular benet to thosewho have a lot to cut, and for older users. Cutting bushes, roses, branches andtwigs at the touch of a button makes working in the garden more enjoyable forlonger.Ideal for those looking to make lighter work of cutting:• Simple and convenient to use• Light weight• Up to 800 cuts on a single charge• Can be used for branches up to 20 mm thick• Safety with non-slip handle and cut protection (LI-ION POWER RR 3000)• Including charger• Also with telescopic handle (LI-ION POWER RR-T 6000)1 battery for 2 devicesTools using exchangeable battery Pack 3:One exchangeable battery for several tools. This principlealso applies to the LI-ION POWER GTB 815 batterypowered lawn trimmer and the LI-ION POWER HSA 45 Vhedge shears.Special features worth mentioning are the automatic linefeed for the lawn trimmer and the long operating time of60 minutes for the hedge shears.Shears with a built-in batteryYou can choose your preferred LI-ION POWER shears from among 7 models. Thetools differ with regard to operating time (30 to 125 minutes), cutting width (60 to100 mm), cutting length (110 to 170 mm), battery capacity (3.6 to7.2 V and 1.3 to 2.2 Ah) and operating comfort. This product range includes luxuryadd-ons such as additional blades for lawn, contour or brush cutting, telescopichandles, boxes and storage cases.3LI-ION POWER PACK 3 can be used for 2 devices45

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentA string for all circumstances3With a high number of revolutions, thenew trimmer strings can reach tall grass oruncontrolled growth in any nook or cranny.<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> lawn trimmers are efficientand also very simple to use.From occasional use to professional use:We have the right lawn trimmer for you. Butwhatever you decide, all new <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>lawn trimmers have the following benefitsin common:Lawn trimmers by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>: versatility is the keyFour handle adjustments. One of the four handlepositions is always appropriate to reach even thelast square centimetre of uncontrolled growth inthe most difficult terrain. The handle can simply bemoved to any of the 4 positions with the press of abutton.Ergonomic telescopic versions. Most of the modelsallow an adjustment of the handle height andthe adjustment of the 2nd handle. Both enableleft-handers as well as right-handers to work in anergo nomically correct and fatigue-proof workingposition.Rolling height adjustment. The height adjustmentof the drive, rests on a small running wheel. Thisen ables you to maintain the exact height in theentire trimming area, while conserving your valuableenergy.Flexible edge care. Tilt the trimmer with the edgefunction to a 90° angle and the lawn trimmer turnsinto an accurate lawn edger.Easy change of the spool. Very simple and comfortable"click" mechanism to change the spool easilycompared to a conventional screw closure46

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentOff to thegarden!You need suitable tools for grounds maintenance and landscaping.Brush cutters, which can be used on any terrain,keep wild growth under control.In recent years, <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> has considerably extendedits range of brush cutters. With two electric and fourextremely high-performance petrol cutters, you now havethe best selection from which to pick the right device foryour requirements.Electric cuttersIf you are near a socket and light weight is important toyou, then electric cutters are a very good option. Theseeffective cutters offer all important functions such asanti-vibration grip, separable shaft and angular gears.Besides this, you can carry out a variety of tasks with thisall-rounder, from trimming to edging lawns and cuttinggnarled bushes.3Petrol cuttersWith the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> petrol cutter you are moving intohigh-end garden equipment. Low in emissions, quiet andwith minimal use of fuel, you can achieve optimum resultsin any garden.The 4-stroke engines of the BluePower series meet thehighest demands – in terms of performance as well asenvironmental friendliness.Useful accessories forversatile petrol cutters:1. Blower/trimmer2. Cultivator3. Hedge shears4. Chainsaws1.

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentBlade or rollershredder?Find out which technique suitsyour needs bestEvery year in spring and autumn the same question arises:What to do with the tree and hedge cuttings? Garden shredderstransform even bulky cut-offs into useful wood chips.Before the shredded materials can be spread as mulch orcompost, the cuttings are finely cut, chopped and broken up.The <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> shredder range combines the best of bothworlds: the efficiency of a blade shredder with the thoroughnessand quiet operation of the roller shredder. All tools haveextensive safety features such as a motor protection switch, azero-voltage switch, a restart safety device as well as a transporthandle. The quiet shredder also offers RH / LH operation.The vibration-free self-intake in combination with the new leafinsertion funnel and a corresponding stodger ensures highuser friendliness for all models of this series.3Blade shredder: very small chips, ideal for compost.Blade shredders work according to the planer principle. Bladeslocated on a rotating disk cut the material supplied into thindiscs. This generates chips that provide micro-organisms compostwith an optimal target for the decomposing process.Quiet shredder: maximum performance at minimum noise.The roller shredders by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> are called quietshredders for a good reason. They crush the raw materials withslowly turning cutting rollers. The noise level of a roller shredderis therefore significantly lower than that of a blade shredder. Inaddition, the chips created are split under pressure. This increasesthe surface of the shredded material and ideally promotes thedecomposing process.48Collection container and leaf board included.All models are equipped with a leaf board for easy feeding and afitted container for an optimal collection of the shredded materials.

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentMotorised garden helperRelaxing work in the garden. But not always … for if youhave had a long week and have to loosen and crumble alarge vegetable bed or a future piece of lawn on aSaturday, it’s not exactly 100% relaxing!For those who want to be able to call upon the convenienceof gardening technology, <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> has cultivatorsor tillers with petrol and electric motors, which makeworking the soil as easy as mowing the lawn. An investmentin years of gardening to come, which you will anticipatewith joy time after time.Cultivator, C 30 EMore convenient when looseningand crumbling soilThese characteristics of <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> cultivators makemotor-driven soil cultivation really convenient:• A light and manoeuvrable alternative tospades and rakes• Easy to handle, like a lawnmower• Minimal vibration• Ergonomic folding handle with soft grip padding• High-performance 4-stroke engines on the petrol models• Extra-light electric model - 13kg• Full-metal gears• Robust cover plates made of metal for greater safety• Self-sharpening tilling blades• Extras for both large tillers:foldable transportation wheel• Additional feature on the wide tiller:plant protection shieldErgonomic hinged handleSelf-sharpening tilling blades3BluePower cultivatorAll <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> equipment with the Blue-Power logo is particularly environmentallyfriendly.The 4-stroke engines of the BluePowerseries in particular meet the highestdemands – in terms of performance aswell as environmental friendliness.High-performance enginesPlant protection shield49

Section 3 | Manual and motorised garden equipmentCollect large amountsof leaves with minimaltime and effort3Autumn is a special time to admire nature: the change betweensunny days and white mists with hoarfrosts represents the firstsigns of winter. Winter flowers that often show their most attractiveside before fading. And of course, the almost daily changingcolours of the leaves in all their shades of red and gold. The tasks tobe started at this time of year in the garden are as varied as autumnitself. Dead foliage must be cleared from the garden at least afterthe first storms of autumn. A lawn covered with leaves could resultin fungal attack. And wet leaves can turn grounds into slippery surfaces.The new <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> leaf blowers help you clean your lawnand driveways from leaves without any effort. No laborious rakingup, no bending and no effort thanks to the ergonomic wheel support.And the new <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> leaf blowers do not only removeleaves, they can also be converted for use as a vac, shred leaves toa tenth of the volume and collect them in the large collector bag foreasy disposal.Functional rake to collectleaves easilyErgonomic wheel support foreasy usage and transportErgonomic handle with comfortablelever to turn your devicefrom vacuuming to blowingLarge collector bagElectric leaf blowerPetrol leaf blowerLBV 2600 ELBV 2500 B››Engine / Rated power: electric, 230 V, 2600 watts, 14000 /min››Collector bag: 50 L››Air speed: up to 270 km/h››Reduction ratio: up to 10:1››Weight: 3.9 kg00,00 * 4 009269 306195››Air volume: up to 16 m 3 /minAN: 41AB0BE7650 SU: 2››Engine / Rated power: 2-cycle engine, 25 cm 3 , 0.75 kW, 8000 /min››Fuel capacity: 0.4 L››Collector bag: 40 L››Air speed: up to 175 km/h››Reduction ratio: up to 10:1››Weight: 7.0 kg00,00 * 4 009269 306058››Air volume: up to 12 m 3 /minAN: 41AS0BU0650 SU: 150

Motorised garden equipment | Battery powered secateurs | Battery-powered shears with integrated batteryBatterypoweredsecateursBattery powered secateursLI-ION POWERRR 2000**››Cut diameter: max. 14 mm Ø››Battery: 3.7 volts / 1.1 Ah Li-ion battery››Up to 400 cuts with one battery charge››Including charger and battery››Charging time: 4.0 hours››Weight: 0.5 kgBattery powered secateursLI-ION POWER RR 3000**››Cut diameter: max. 20 mm Ø››Battery: 7.4 volts / 1.1 Ah Li-ion Power››Up to 800 cuts with one battery charge››Including LI-ION POWER Pack 4+ charger››Charging time: 30 minutes››Weight: 0.8 kgHome&TrendAwardAN: 7293000 SU: 2AN: 7264000 SU: 24 009269 7293074 009269 726405Telescopic secateursLI-ION POWER RR-T 6000**››Cutting width: max. 20 mm››Battery: 10.8 volts/1.3 Ah LI-ION POWER››Up to 600 cuts per charge››Can also be used as manual secateurs››Telescopic handle enables a working height of approx. 3 – 3.5 m››Length of telescopic handle including secateur:min. 102 cm, max. 132 cm››Charging time: 5.0 hours››Incl. charger and LI-ION POWER Pack 7››Weight: 1.4 kgAN: 41A10P-J650 SU: 2Replacement batteryLI-ION POWER Pack 4**››Can be used for: RR 3000››Description: 7.4 V / 1.1. Ah / 8 WhAN: 7264090 SU: 2Replacement batteryLI-ION POWER Pack 7**››Can be used for: RR-T 6000››Description: 10.8V/ 1.3 Ah/ 13.5 WhAN: 49A10P-J650 SU: 14 009269 3048184 009269 7264984 009269 305884Batterypoweredshears withintegratedbatteryLawn shearsLI-ION POWER FINESSE 30 R››Running time: 30 min››Cutting width: 80 mm››Battery: 3.7 volts / 1.3 Ah››Charger included››Charging time: 4.0 hours››Weight: 0.5 kgBush shearsLI-ION POWERFINESSE 30 B››Running time: 30 min››Cutting length:150 mm››Battery:3.7 volts /1.3 Ah››Charger included››Charging time: 4.0 hours››Weight: 0.5 kgSetLI-ION POWERFINESSE 50››Running time:50 min››Cutting width:60 and 80 mm/Length: 110 mm››Battery: 3.6 volts / 1.6 Ah››Set includes: charger, lawncontour blades, shrub cutterblades and storage box››Charging time: 5.0 hours››Weight: 0.5 kgAN: 7079000 SU: 6AN: 7080000 SU: 6AN: 7269000 SU: 44 009269 3035074 009269 3038734 009269 726900Battery-powered shearBattery-powered shearBattery-powered shearBattery-powered shearLI-ION POWERBattery 60››Running time:75 min››Cuttingwidth:80 mm››Battery: 3.6 V / 2.2 Ah››Charger included››Charging time: 5.0 hours››Weight: 0.9 kgLI-ION POWERBattery 60Set››Runningtime: 75 min››Cutting width: 80 mm››Battery: 3.6 volts / 2.2 Ah››Charger and telescopichandle included››Charging time:5.0 hours››Weight: 0.9 kgLI-ION POWERBattery 100››Running time:125 min››Cuttingwidth:100 mm››Battery: 7.2 volts / 2.2 Ah››Charger included››Charging time: 6.0 hours››Weight: 0.9 kgLI-ION POWERBS 80 +Battery 10 EM››Running time: 100 min››170 mm cuttingwidth / length 100 mm››Battery: 7.2 volts / 2.2 Ah››Charger and blade 10EM included››Comes in a practicalstorage case››Charging time: 6.0 hours››Weight: 0.9 kgAN: 7084880 SU: 4AN: 7084889 SU: 4AN: 7086880 SU: 2AN: 7087887 SU: 44 009269 7091014 009269 7091874 009269 7093094 009269 709477AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit * Recommended retail Price ** As long as stock lasts50C

Motorised garden equipment | Electric lawn trimmers/brushcutters | Petrol trimmer/brushcutterElectric lawntrimmers/brushcuttersLawn trimmerCampus 250 RT››Cutting diameter: 25 cm››Motor: 250 watts››Line feed: tap feed››Trim and Edge function››Trimmer line:2 x 3 m / 1.2 mm dual››Weight: 1.5 kgLawn trimmerCampus 350 RT››Cutting diameter: 25 cm››Motor: 350 watts››Line feed: tap feed››Telescopic handle››Trim and Edge function››Trimmer line:2 x 3 m / 1.2 mm dual››Weight: 2.6 kgLawn trimmerGTE 830 + GT-F 5››Cutting diameter: 23 cm››Motor: 300 watts››Line feed: tap feed››Trim and Edge function››Trimmer line: 5 m /1.4 mm dual››With additionaltrimmer spoolGT-F 5››Weight: 1.4 kgAN: 6070000 SU: 4AN: 41AC0UU-650 SU: 4AN: 41BCWUUX650 SU: 54 009269 6070014 009269 3048014 009269 306492Lawn trimmerLawn trimmerLawn trimmerGTE 840GTE 845BluePower GTE 850››Cutting diameter: 23 cm››Motor : 400 watts››Line feed: automatic››Trim and Edge function››Cutting diameter: 25 cm››Motor : 450 watts››Line feed: automatic››Trim and Edge function››Cutting diameter: 27 cm››Motor : 500 watts››Line feed: automatic››Trim and Edge function››Trimmer line:2 x 5 m / 1.6 mm dual››Weight: 1.9 kg››Trimmer line:2 x 5 m / 1.6 mm dual››Adjustable wheelsupport››Soft grip››Weight: 2.2 kg››Trimmer line:2 x 5 m / 1.6 mm dual››Plant protection bracket››Adjustable wheel support››Soft grip››Motor & Spool protectorAN: 41BCWUAX650 SU: 2AN: 41BCWUBX650 SU: 2››Blue Power Button forenvironmental friendly use››Weight: 2.3 kgAN: 41BCWU-X650 SU: 24 009269 3065084 009269 3065154 009269 306522Electric BrushcuttersGT-S 1000››Cutting diameter line: 38 cm››Cutting diameter blade: 23 cm››Motor: 1000 watts››Line feed: tap feed››Separable shaft for Trimmerplus systemPetroltrimmer/brushcutterPetrol Brushcutters››Incl. shoulder strap, googles,ear protection and blade››Trimmer line:2.5 m / 2.4 mm dual››Weight: 6.2 kgAN: 41AC110C650 SU: 14 009269 715201Petrol BrushcuttersGT-S 2-25››Cutting diameter: 38 cm››2-stroke engine, 25 cm³,0.67 kW / 7000/min››Tap feed››Incl. shoulder strap››Trimmer line:2.5 m / 2.4 mm dual››Weight: 4.9 kgAN: 41HD701C650 SU: 1Petrol BrushcuttersGT-S 2-27››Cutting diameter: 46 cm››Cutting diameter blade: 20 cm››2-stroke engine, 27 cm³,0.75 kW / 8000/min››Tap feed››Separable shaft for Trimmerplus system››Speed feed system››Trimmer line:2.5 m / 2.4 mm dual››Including shoulder strap, googlesand ear protection››Weight: 6.5 kgAN: 41AD7UTC650 SU: 1GT-S 2-31**››Cutting diameter: 46 cm››Cutting diameter blade: 20 cm››2-stroke engine, 31 cm³,0.75 kW / 8100/min››Tap feed››Separable shaft forTrimmerplus system››Speed feed system››Trimmer line: 2.5 m / 2.4 mm dual››Including shoulder strap,googles and ear protection››Weight: 7.5 kgAN: 41HD79MC650 SU: 14 009269 3040304 009269 3056244 009269 303491AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit * Recommended retail Price ** As long as stock lasts50H

Motorised garden equipment | Tillers and cultivators | Shredders | Chain sawsElectriccultivator/PetrolcultivatorElectric cultivatorC 30 E››Workingwidth: 30 cm››Motor:230 volts,1400 watts,1700/min››Working tooldiameter: 23 cm››Working tool: 4 tines››Two wheels, 160 mmdiameter››Weight: 13 kgPetrol cultivatorBluePowerC 32 B››Working width:32 cm››Motor: 29 cm³,0.8 kW, 7500/min››Working tooldiameter: 22 cm››Working tool: 6 tines››Two wheels, 180 mmdiameter››Weight: 17.5 kgPetrol TillerT 40 B››Workingwidth: 40 cm››Engine: B&S 500 ESeries, 140 cm³,2.0 kW, 3100 /min››Working tooldiameter: 30.5 cm››Working tool: 4 tines››Transportation wheel, 180 mm››Weight: 34 kgAN: 21A-106B650 SU: 1AN: 21B-165R650 SU: 1AN: 21A-202F650 SU: 14 009269 3660074 009269 3662054 009269 366403Petrol TillerT 61 B››Working width:61 cm››Engine: B&S 500 ESeries, 140 cm 3 ,2.0 kW, 3100 /min››Working tooldiameter: 30.5 cm››Plant protection discs +transportation wheel 180 mm››Weight: 36 kgShreddersUniversal shredderSDE 2500 EVO››Branch diameter: max. 40 mm››Motor/Rated power: 230 volts,2500 watts, 2800/min››Acoustic level: 104 dB(A)››Shredding system:2 reversible blades››Including collector box››Engine protection andzero-voltage switch››Engine brake››Restart safety deviceUniversal shredderSDE 2800 EVO››Branch diameter: max. 45 mm››Motor/Rated power: 230 volts,2500 watts, 2850/min››Acoustic level: 104 dB(A)››Shredding system:2 reversible blades››Including collector box››Engine protection andzero-voltage switch››Engine brake››Restart safety deviceAN: 21A-252F650 SU: 1AN: 24AC7B1B650 SU: 1AN: 24AC7B1C650 SU: 14 009269 3666014 009269 3057304 009269 305747Quiet shredderSDL 2500 EVO››Branch diameter: max. 40 mm››Motor/Rated power: 230 volts,2500 watts, 46/min››Acoustic level: 92 dB(A)››Shredding system:blade cylinder››Including collector box››Engine protectionand zero-voltageswitch››Vibration-freeself-intake››Restart safety deviceQuiet shredderSDL 2800 EVO››Branch diameter: max. 45 mm››Motor/Rated power: 230 volts,2800 watts, 46/min››Acoustic level: 92 dB(A)››Shredding system:blade cylinder››Including collector box››Engine protectionand zero-voltageswitch››Vibration-free selfintake››Restart safety devicePetrol andelectricchain sawsElectric chain sawCSE 2035››Cutting length: 35 cm››Motor: 230 volts, 2000 watts››“Power Indicator”››Tool-free chain tensioning system››Oregon bar and 3/8’’ Low Pro chain››Weight 4.5 kgAN: 24AC7G1B650 SU: 1AN: 24AC7G1C650 SU: 1AN: 41AZI20G650 SU: 24 009269 3057544 009269 3057614 009269 304733Electric chain sawPetrol chain sawPetrol chain sawCSE 2240››Cutting length: 40 cm››Motor: 230 volts, 2200 watts››“Power Indicator”››Tool-free chain tensioning system››Oregon bar and 3/8’’ Low Pro chain››Weight 4.5 kgCSG 3835››Cutting length: 35 cm››2-stroke engine, 37.2 cm³,1.45 kW / 11000/min››Simple, ergonomic handling››Oregon bar and 3/8’’ Low Pro chain››Weight: 5.0 kgCSG 4640››Cutting length: 40 cm››2-stroke engine, 46 cm³,1.9 kW / 11500/min››Simple, ergonomic handling››Oregon bar and 3/8’’ Low Pro chain››Weight: 5.5 kgAN: 41AZI22G650 SU: 2AN: 41AY4460650 SU: 1AN: 41AY4640650 SU: 14 009269 3047404 009269 3048254 009269 304832AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price50A

Motorised garden equipment | Battery powered toolsBatterypoweredtoolsChain sawLI-ION POWER CSA 700››Cutting length: 20 cm››Battery: 18 volts/ 3.0 Ah LI-ION POWER››Running time: 20 min = 110 cuts ofdry wood, diameter 70 mm››Including LI-ION POWER Pack 6 + charger››Weight: 2.4 kgAN: 41AO05-M650 SU: 2Pole sawLI-ION POWER PSA 700››Cutting length: 20 cm››Battery: 18 volts/ 3.0 Ah LI-ION POWER››Running time: 20 min = 70 cuts of dry wood, diameter 70 mm››Including Bar holder, strap, LI-ION POWER Pack 6 + charger››Telescopic handle 2.95 m››Weight: 2.7 kgAN: 41AI05-M650 SU: 24 009269 3047574 009269 304795Leaf blowerTrimmerHedge trimmerHedge trimmerLI-ION POWER BA 700››Battery: 18 volts/ 1.5 Ah LI-ION POWER››Running time: 15 min››2-stage performance switch››Including LI-ION POWER Pack 5 + charger››Air speed / volume: up to 200 km/h /5.3 m³/minLI-ION POWERGTA 700››Cutting diameter: 30 cm››Battery: 18 volts/ 1.5 AhLI-ION POWER››Running time: 20 min››Including LI-ION POWERPack 5 + charger››Trim and Edge function››Trimmer line: 3 m/1.6 mm››Plant protection bracket››Automatic line feed››Weight: 2.0 kgLI-ION POWER HTA 700››Cutting length: 45 cm››Counter-rotating blades››Battery: 18 volts/ 1.5 Ah LI-ION POWER››Running time: 40 min››Including LI-ION POWER Pack 5 + charger››Weight: 2.5 kgLI-ION POWER HSA 45 V››Cutting length: 45 cm››Counter-rotating blades››Battery: 18 volts / 1.5 Ah Li-ION POWER››Running time: 60 min››Including LI-ION POWER Pack 3 + charger››Weight: 3.5 kgAN: 41AA0B-L650 SU: 2AN: 41AE0U-L650 SU: 2AN: 41AG0H-L650 SU: 2AN: 41AGM3-K650 SU: 24 009269 3047644 009269 3047884 009269 3047714 009269 742009Replacement batteryLawn trimmerLI-ION POWER Pack 6››Description: 18 V / 3.0 Ah / 54 Wh››Can be used for: CSA 700, PSA 700,HTA 700, GTA 700, BA 700LI-ION POWER Pack 5››Description: 18 V / 1.5 Ah / 27 Wh››Can be used for: HTA 700, GTA 700,BA 700Pack 6 AN: 41A20--M650 SU: 24 009269 304986Pack 5 AN: 41A20--L650 SU: 2LI-ION POWER GTB 815››Cutting diameter: 23 cm››Akku: 18 volts / 1.5 AhLI-ON POWER››Plant protection bracket››Trim & Edge function››4-way adjustable working angle››Adjustable handle & trimmer shaft››Charging time: 2.0 hours››Running time: 30 mins››Trimmer line: 5 m / 1.4 mm››Incl. charger and LI-ION POWERPACK 3››Weight: 2.0 kg4 009269 304979Replacement batteryLI-ION POWER Pack 3››Description: 18 V / 1.5 Ah››Can be used for: GT 815, HSA 45 V,GTB 815AN: 49APM1--650 SU: 1AN: 41BEWU-K650 SU: 24 009269 7420924 009269 306539AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price50B

Manual Shears | Multi-purpose secateurs | SecateursMultipurposesecateursMulti-purpose scissorsRA-X››For use in house and garden››With rust-proof stainless steel blades››Universal use, from flower cutting tocords and cardboard to thin twigs››Easy to clean as shears can be takenapart completely››Comfort handle with non-slip inner areaBoxwood care setRA-X + HS-B››RA-X: shears thatcan be used universally,from flowercutting to cordsand cardboardto thin twigs orboxwood trees››HS-B: boxwoodshear with manoeuvrableshortblades for a cleanshaped cutSet of promotional secateursRR-EN/RS-ENSet of 2 robustsecateurs:››1 x anvil technology››1 x bypass technologyOn product card AN: 7216000 SU: 10On product card AN: 7424080 SU: 10On product card AN: 7223080 SU: 104 009269 7216084 009269 7424814 009269 722384SecateursPromotion bypass secateursPromotion anvil secateursBypass secateurs “Basic Plus”RR-EN››Stub free cuttingfor fast healing››Single handed locking devise››Suitable for the left- and right-handed››Non-stick blade / gloss galvanisedshears body››Cutting performance: up to 19 mm ØOn product card AN: 7223007 SU: 104 009269 722377RS-EN››With power anvilfor easy cutting››Single handed locking devise››Suitable for the left- and right-handed››Non-stick blade / gloss galvanisedshears body››Cutting performance: up to 19 mm ØOn product card AN: 7210060 SU: 104 009269 285018RR 1500Like RR-EN, but additionally:››Ergonomic two-component handlewith soft rubber insert on the upperhandle for secure hold when cutting››Safety thumb-rest››Cutting performance: up to 18 mm ØLoose AN: 7223000 SU: 20Loose AN: 7210000 SU: 20On product card AN: 73AFA001650 SU: 54 009269 7223224 009269 2850254 009269 304856Bypass secateurs “Comfort Plus”Anvil secateurs “Comfort Plus”Bypass secateurs “Premium Plus”Anvil secateurs “Premium Plus”RR 2500Like RR-EN, but additionally:››Ergonomic two-component handle with softrubber insert on the upper handle for securehold when cutting››Safety thumb-rest››Joint-protecting 30° cutting angle››Blade pre-tension can be adjusted precisely››Cutting performance: up to 22 mm ØRS 2500Like RS-EN, but additionally:››Ergonomic two-component handle with softrubber insert on the upper handle for securehold when cutting››Safety thumb-rest››Joint-protecting 30° cutting angle››Blade pre-tension can be adjusted precisely››Exchangeable anvil (cast zinc)››Cutting performance: up to 25 mm ØRR 4000selbsT AusprobIerTFAZIT:bewertet mit „seHr guT“Ausgabe 5/2012www.selbst.deLike RR 2500,but additionally:››Sliding lower handle››Complete blade lever can beexchanged››Cutting performance: up to 22 mm ØRS 4000selbsT AusprobIerTFAZIT:bewertet mit „seHr guT“Ausgabe 5/2012www.selbst.deLike RS 2500,but additionally:››Sliding lower handle››Complete blade lever and anvil canbe exchanged››Cutting performance: up to 25 mm ØOn product card AN: 73AFA002650 SU: 5On product card AN: 73AFA003650 SU: 5On product card AN: 73AFA004650 SU: 5On product card AN: 73AFA005650 SU: 54 009269 3048634 009269 3048704 009269 3048874 009269 304894Bypass secateurs “Alu-Professional”RR 5000Like RR-EN, but additionally:››Made of aluminium – highestquality and durability››Energy-saving leverage››Joint-protecting 30° cutting angle››Exchangeable blade and counterblade››Blade pre-tension can be adjustedprecisely››Hand strap included››Cutting performance:up to 25 mm ØOn product card AN: 7263007 SU: 54 009269 726375Box AN: 7263000 SU: 5Bypass secateurs “Alu-Professional”RS 5000Like RS-EN, but additionally:››Made of aluminium – highestquality and durability››Energy-saving leverage››Joint-protecting 30° cutting angle››Exchangeable blade and anvil(cast aluminium)››Blade pre-tension can be adjustedprecisely››Hand strap included››Cutting performance:up to 25 mm ØOn product card AN: 7304007 SU: 54 009269 730471Box AN: 7304000 SU: 54 009269 7263064 009269 730402AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price50D

Manual Shears | Manual grass shears | Manual hedge shearsManualgrass shearsManual grass shears “Promotion”Ri-T››Non-stick coated blades››180° rotatable blade head››Curved blades, precision-cut onboth sidesOn product card AN: 7033008 SU: 104 009269 703383Loose AN: 7033004 SU: 20Manual grass shears “Professional”Ri-GC››Comfort handle››One-hand safety lock››180° rotatable blade head››The grass collector prevents cuttings from falling intoneighbouring beds››30 % less manual strength required due to improved mechanicsand low-friction non-stick coating››Suitable for cutting along walls››Closed lower handle protects the hand from scratches››Curved blade, precision-cut on both sides4 009269 280624Manual grass shears “Classic”Manual grass shears “Comfort”RJ-ZL››Glossgalvanisedblades››20 % less manual strength required››One-hand safety lock››180° rotatable blade head››Curved blades, precision-cuton both sidesOn product card AN: 7031007 SU: 6Ri-LL››Comforthandle››One-handsafety lock››30 % less manual strength required››180° rotatable blade head››Curved blades, precision-cut onboth sidesOn product card AN: 7030007 SU: 6On product card AN: 7023007 SU: 64 009269 703178Loose AN: 7031000 SU: 64 009269 703079Loose AN: 7030000 SU: 64 009269 702379Loose AN: 7023000 SU: 64 009269 7031094 009269 7030004 009269 702300Manualhedge shearsHedge shearsHedge shearsHedge shearsHS-W››Curved, gloss galvanised blades withserrated edges››Built-in branch cutterHS-TL››Easier cutting thanks to curved,double-cut, non-stick blades››Built-in branch cutterHS-G››40 % energy-savings thanks toleverage-effect››Built-in branch cutter››Easier cutting thanks to curved,double-cut, non-stick bladesAN: 7439000 SU: 4AN: 7438000 SU: 3AN: 7426000 SU: 34 009269 7439074 009269 7438084 009269 742603Boxwood shearsHS-B››Clean shape cutting (e.g. box-wood)due to manoeuvrable short blades››Ergonomic dual component handle››Built-in branch cutter››Curved, double-cut, non-stick coatedblades››Finely adjustable bearing clearanceAN: 7424000 SU: 5Telescopic hedge shearsHS 1000 T››Length approx. 770-1000 mm››High flexibility due to adjustable stems that snap securely into place››Anodised, newly designed bars››Ergonomic, two-component handles››Shock absorbing, joint-protective rubber buffers››Individually adjustable blade pre-tensioning››Built-in branch cutter that ensures problem-free cuttingof thicker branches››Protects your back when cutting, overhead orat foot level››Precision-cut, curved non-stick blades››Light-weight aluminium bars770–1000 mmAN: 73AHA001650 SU: 44 009269 7424054 009269 305860AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price50E

Manual Shears | LoppersLoppersPromotion bypass loppersPOWER CUTRR 530››Length: 530 mm››Simple levertransmission››Ergonomic 1-K plastichandles››Non-stick blades››Clear coated bars››Flat headed screws››Shock absorbingrubber buffers3Promotion bypass loppers35POWER CUTRR 630Like POWER CUTRR 530, but:››Length: 630 mmAN: 73AGA001650 SU: 5AN: 73AGA002650 SU: 54 009269 3054714 009269 305488Bypass lopper “Basic Plus”POWERCUT ✶RR 55035Like POWER CUTRR 530, but:››Length: 550 mm››Two times more powerdue to the improvedcutting head technology››Anodised bars››Replaceable wearing parts››Precise adjustable blade transmissionAN: 73AGA003650 SU: 4Bypass lopper “Basic Plus”POWERCUT ✶RR 650Like POWER CUTRR 530, but:››Length: 650 mm››Two times more powerdue to the improvedcutting head technology››Anodised bars››Replaceable wearing parts››Precise adjustable blade transmissionAN: 73AGA004650 SU: 4Anvil lopper “Basic Plus”POWER CUT ✶RS 650››Length: 650 mm››Two times more power due to the improvedcutting head technology››Ergonomic 1-K plastic handles››Non-stick blades››Anodised bars››Flat headed screws››Replaceable wearing parts››Precise adjustable blade transmissionAN: 73AGA005650 SU: 44 009269 3054954 009269 3055014 009269 305518Bypass lopper “Comfort Plus”Anvil lopper “Comfort Plus”Anvil lopper “Premium Plus”45POWER CUT ✶✶RR 750Like POWER CUT* RR 650, but:››Length: 750 mm››Three times more powerdue to the improvedcutting head technology››Ergonomic 2-K plastichandles with soft liningBypass lopper “Premium Plus”5650–900 mmAN: 73AGA006650 SU: 44 009269 30552545POWER CUT ✶✶RS 750Like POWER CUT* RS 650, but:››Length: 750 mm››Three times more powerdue to the improvedcutting head technology››Ergonomic 2-K plastichandles with soft liningAN: 73AGA007650 SU: 44 009269 305532POWER CUT ✶✶✶ RR 900 TLike POWER CUT** RR 750, but:››Telescopic adjustment: 650–900 mm››Four times more power due to the improvedcutting head technology5POWER CUT ✶✶✶RS 900 T››Telescopic adjustment: 650–900 mm››4 times more power due to theimproved cutting head technology››Ergonomic 2-K plastic handles withsoft lining››Non-stick blades››Anodised bars››Flat headed screws››Replaceable wearing parts››Precise adjustable blade transmission650–900 mmAN: 73AGA008650 SU: 2AN: 73AGA009650 SU: 24 009269 3055494 009269 305556AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price50F

Motorised garden equipment | Electric hedge trimmers | Petrol hedge trimmersElectrichedgetrimmersElectric hedge trimmerHS 50 E››Cutting Length: 50 cm››Counter-rotating blades››Motor: 230 volt, 500 watt››Rapid blade-stop function < 0.2 sec››Teeth distance: 20 mm››Weight: 3.0 kgAN: 41AF0DE5650 SU: 2Electric hedge trimmerHS 60 E››Cutting length: 60 cm››Counter-rotating blades››Motor / Rated power: 230 V / 550 watts››Rapid blade-stop function: < 0.2 sec.››Teeth distance: 24 mm››Weight: 3.2 kgAN: 41AF0EE5650 SU: 24 009269 3056174 009269 306133Electric hedge trimmerHSE 45 V››Cutting Length: 45 cm››Counter-rotating blades››Motor: 230 volts, 500 watts››Rapid blade-stop function < 0.02 sec››Teeth distance: 22 mm››Rotating blade: 180°››Incl. bar cover››Weight: 3.7 kgElectric hedge trimmerHSE 55 V››Cutting Length: 55 cm››Counter-rotating blades››Motor: 230 volts, 500 watts››Rapid blade-stop function < 0.02 sec››Teeth distance: 22 mm››Rotating blade: 180°››Incl. bar cover››Weight: 3.8 kg<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>HSE 55 VGesamturteil:gutAusgabe 03/2013AN: 41AFM3EX650 SU: 2AN: 41AFMFEX650 SU: 24 009269 7440034 009269 744508Electric hedge trimmerHSE 65 V››Cutting Length: 65 cm››Counter-rotating blades››Motor: 230 volts, 600 watts››Rapid blade-stop function < 0.02 sec››Teeth distance: 27 mm››Rotating blade: 180°››Incl. bar cover››Weight: 3.9 kgAN: 41AFMGE6650 SU: 24 009269 745000PetrolhedgetrimmerPetrol hedge trimmerHSG 55››Cutting Length: 61 cm››Counter-rotating blades››2-stroke engine, 25,4 cm³,0.75 kW / 8200/min››Rapid blade-stop function < 0.5 sec››Incl. bar cover››Anti vibration system››Weight: 5.8 kgAN: 41AQ1FSO650 SU: 14 009269 304849AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price50G

Spare parts | Accessories for trimmers/brushcuttersPetrol BrushcuttersADVANCED STARTING TECHNOLOGYPetrol BrushcuttersADVANCED STARTING TECHNOLOGYAccessoriesfor trimmers/brushcutters/batterypoweredshearsTrimmer spoolGT-F 7/GT-F 8/RQ-FA››GT-F 7: For GT 840 (until 2012)››GT-F8: For GT 845,850 (until 2012)››RQ-FA: For GT 815, GT 815 AC, GT 830GT-F 7 AN: 49ATS3--650 SU: 104 009269 713085GT-F 8 AN: 49ATS2--650 SU: 104 009269 713689RQ-FA AN: 49ATS1--650 SU: 104 009269 791311BluePower GT-S 4-29››Cutting diameter line: 46 cm››Cutting diameter blade: 20 cm››4-stroke engine, 29 cm 3 ,0.82 kW / 7500/min››Tap feed››Separable shaft forTrimmerplus system››Speed feed system››Including shoulder strap “De Luxe”,googles, ear protection and blades(GT-MB)››Trimmer line: 2.5 m / 2.4 mm dual››Weight: 6.7 kgBluePower GT-S 4-29 DL››Cutting diameter line: 46 cm››Cutting diameter blade: 20 cm››4-stroke engine, 29 cm 3 ,0.82 kW / 7500/min››Tap feed››Separable shaft forTrimmerplus system››Speed feed system››Including shoulder strap “De Luxe”,googles, ear protection and blades(GT-MB)››Trimmer line: 2.5 m / 2.4 mm dual››Weight: 7.4 kgTrimmer spoolGT-RT››Can be used for: Campus 250 RT,Campus 350 RT››Line length: 2 x 3 mLine diameter: 1.2 mmTrimmer spoolGT-F 700››Can be used for: LION POWER GTA 700››Line length: 3 mLine diameter: 1.6 mmAN: 41AD99MC650 SU: 1AN: 41ADZ99C650 SU: 1AN: 41AF0EE5650 SU: 10AN: 49AE0U-L650 SU: 24 009269 7155084 009269 7156074 009269 6070944 009269 305891Replacement lineTrimmer spoolTrimmer spoolTelescopic handleGT-F 24››Can be used for: Petrol and electricbrushcutter››Line length: 12 mLine diameter: 2.4 mmGT-F 5››Can be used for: GTE 830, GTB 815››Line length: 1 x 5 m››Line diameter: 1.4 mm››Silence lineGT-F 10››Can be used for: GT 840 (manufacturingdate 2013), GT 845(manufacturing date 2013), GT 850(manufacturing date 2013), GTE 840,GTE 845, GTE 850››Silence lineLine length: 2 x 5 mLine diameter: 1.6 mmAC-TS››Can be used for: All batterypowered lawn and hedgetrimmersbuilt after2002 (except LI-IONPOWER FINESSE)F 50 TS››Can be used for:LI-ION POWERFINESSE 50AC-TS AN: 7095000 SU: 44 009269 709507AN: 7152090 SU: 10AN: 7136095 SU: 10AN: 49ATS0--650 SU: 10F 50 TS AN: 7266090 SU: 44 009269 7152874 009269 7137024 009269 7136654 009269 726689Lawn cutter/Contour cutter/Shrub cutterAccu 50 EMRAccu 50 EMB››Cutting width: 80 mmAccu 50 EMC››Cutting width: 60 mm››Both can be used for:LI-ION POWER FINESSE 50››Can be used for:LI-ION POWER FINESSE 50››Working length: 110 mmAccu 50 EMR AN: 7266093 SU: 44 009269 726665Accu 50 EMC AN: 7267093 SU: 44 009269 726788Accu 50 EMB AN: 7268093 SU: 44 009269 726887Lawn cutter/Shrub cutterAccu 8 EM››Can be used for: allbattery powered lawnand hedge trimmers builtafter 2002 (except LI-IONPOWER FINESSE)››80 mmAccu 10 EM››Can be used for: all batterypowered lawn andhedge trimmers with acutting width of 100 mmor more, that were builtafter 2002 (except LI-IONPOWER FINESSE)››Cutting width: 100 mmAccu BS EM››Can be used for: all battery poweredlawn and hedge trimmerswith a cutting width of 100 mm ormore, that were built after 2002(except LI-ION POWER FINESSE)››Working length: 170 mmAccu 8 EM AN: 7084093 SU: 44 009269 708432Accu 10 EM AN: 7085093 SU: 44 009269 708586Accu BS EM AN: 7095093 SU: 44 009269 709583AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price

Section 4 | Lawnmowers and scarifier4Lawnmowers and scarifiersSELECT, AMBITION and BluePower.................................................... 53Scarifier........................................................................................... 54Basic information on lawnmowers.....................................................56Electric mowers................................................................................58Petrol mowers..................................................................................60Lawn tractors...................................................................................62ROBO SCOOTER ® ..............................................................................64Product overview lawnmowers and scarifier....................................66A52

Section 4 | Lawnmowers and scarifierGarden technology in threecategories: choose the onethat suits you bestLawnmowers or lawn tractors: it does not always have to be the most expensive, but it should always be the most useful. For thisreason, <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> offers you three specification categories.BLUE P WER ®For the price-conscious andpractical gardenerReliable, easy-to-operate devices.Great value mowers forprice-conscious gardeners.• Solid <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> quality at thehighest level• Simple and easy operation• Efficient cutting with good cuttingresults• Reliable and robust• Attractive pricesFor passionate gardenersFlexible, functional and efficient –a lawn mower with maximum comfort andgreat looks.• Superb <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> top-level quality• Different cutting modes• Powerful engines• Special ergonomics• High usability at maximum comfort• Good price/performance ratioFor the environmentallyawaregarden ownerTop model for top performance, superbefficiency and excellent environmentalcompatibility – for the benefit ofpeople and the environment.• <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> quality at thehighest level• The combination of performance,power and efficiency• Climate-friendly, clean, environmentallycompatible technology withclearly reduced emissions.• very low energy usage withelectric motors• Best of its class in design andusability453

Section 4 | Lawnmowers and scarifierPetrol- andelectrical poweredscarifyingIdeal for large lawn areasYou should invest some time in the maintenance of your lawn,even when regeneration is not required. Scarifying ensures goodventilation and prevents grass matting, which is an ideal breedingground for harmful fungi and mosses. Scarifying is also referredto as vertical cutting, also known as verticutting. The vertical cutsthrough the sward use spring blades, which create the intendedventilation effect. When you want to give your lawn a special treat,strengthen the sward by replanting it with the innovative, highquality<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> lawn seed that is described in section 1.BeforeAfterPult handleFull bail switchFully foldable handlewith quick-fastenerComfortable top cover handle4Powerful 1600 W motorCentral tine adjustment,transport position from the handle(depending on model)All AMBITION scarifiers are 3-in-1machines: moss rake, scarifierand collector bagFixed tinesmoss rake, collector and scarifier54

Section 4 | Lawnmowers and scarifierWhich scarifier isright for me?Petrol scarifier:For large areas of lawn, frequent use andquick and convenient scarifying. You canchoose between two petrol scarifiers,which can be differentiated primarily due totheir working width and number of blades.Always a good choice!Electrical scarifier:For larger gardens and easy scarifying.<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> offers you a range of four differentdevices, which differ particularly dueto the performance and working width.Scarifying without a motor:<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> also offers scarifyingrakes for scarifying without a motor,recommended for small lawn areas.For more information go to section 2.455

Section 4 | Lawnmowers and scarifierWhat mower type are you?Small but mightyHand cylinder mowers make a good job of mowing short andprecisely, and they are just right for English lawns with a bladeheight of up to 4cm. Ideal for small areas of lawn and frontgardens.Free and flexibleIf you do not want to have to manoeuvre the cablearound, then a battery-driven lawnmower would be the rightchoice: the models of the LI-ION Power series are most suitablefor lawns with lots of curves or planted areas.Light and quietIn their corresponding size categories, electric mowers are muchlighter and quieter than their petrol counterparts – and your neighboursin particular will appreciate this last point. The classic modelwith its cutting blade is a suitable machine for all gardens up to500m 2 . (Page 58)Let your ROBO SCOOTER ® do the mowingVery few people can afford their own greenkeeper. Yet, <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> has developed a friendly lawn care helper anyone canafford. The ROBO SCOOTER ® mower keeps your lawn nice andshort, day after day and all by himself. (page 64-66)4Powerful and independentFor large lawns from 250m 2 , you need a strong motor. The bestchoice is a petrol mower, which eliminates the need for pushing,if required, as it has its own wheel drive. (pages 60-61)Large and versatileLawn tractors are for anyone who has a lawn of around1,000m 2 . A wide range of accessories means that it is trulymulti-functional.(pages 62-63)56

Section 4 | Lawnmowers and scarifierFind the right mower:The most important garden technology item is without question the lawnmower in all its forms – from hand device to lawn tractor. It mustsuit your budget and your garden. We recommend that you make your decision based on these three selection criteria so that you can lookforward to many beautiful summers in the future:1. Evaluation: choose the comfort levelFirst, make a (pre-)selection from the three categories given, i.e. define the general requirements for your new machine.2. Evaluation: select the drive systemThen ask yourself whether you need a simple manual cylinder mower, or a battery, electric or petrol mower. This depends on the local characteristics,e.g. the power supply, but also on your requirements for the equipment with regard to weight, noise and comfort.3. Decision: find a modelProceed according to the size of the lawn, because the cutting width and collector bag volume are also measured on this basis. The cuttingwidth and capacity for the collecting device depend upon how much time you need for mowing. The larger the width and volume, the fasterthe work is completed!Lawn area up to 150 m² up to 250 m² up to 500 m² up to 1000 m² up to 2000 m² up to 4000 m²TypeReel mower /small electric mower /battery mowerElectric mower /battery mower /ROBO SCOOTER ®High performanceelectric mower /petrol mower /ROBO SCOOTER ®High performancepetrol mower(self propelled) /lawn tractorsRide-on mowers /Lawn tractorsLawn tractorsRecommendcutting width32 cm 32-34 cm 37-42 cm 46-53 cm/60 cm 76-96 cm 105-107 cmTime designations and grass bag levels for lawn mowersrelating to a lawn area of around 500 m²:CuttingwidthTime required(approx.)No. of grass collector bags filled32 cm 75 min34-37cm65 min38 cm 55 min40-42 cm 46 min46 cm 40 min53 cm 32 minTime designations and grass bag levels for lawn tractorsrelating to a lawn area of around 1500 m²:4CuttingwidthTime required(approx.)No. of grass collector bags filled60 cm 75 min76 cm 60 min92 cm 42-45 min *105 cm 35-40 min *122 cm 30 min* Depending on collector bag volume.57

Section 4 | Lawnmowers and scarifierElectriclawnmowersThe silent featherweights4BLUE P WER ®Electric mowers are generally lighter and quieterthan comparable petrol mowers and are thereforepreferred by many garden fans. These handymowers are perfect for lawn surfaces up to 500 m ² .They come in the categories SELECT,AMBITION and BluePower.58

CCM system:three functions in one deviceThe CCM system in the BluePower electric mowers and most of the battery mowers was specifically inventedby <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>. It refers to CUT, COLLECT & MULCH, three functions incorporated in a single lawn mower.This triple threat would normally require three single devices: one for lawn mowing, a second for collectingthe grass cuttings in a bag and a third for mulching, which provides an optimal nutrient supply to yourlawn.One turn of the CCM lever will change your device from one mode to another. You can mow with or without acollection bag or use the mulch mode to put the finely shredded cuttings back onto the lawn.MulchFirst the lawn is cut, then finelyshredded and finally deposited back ontothe lawn.Cut/CollectThe traditional way: The grass is cut, simultaneouslypicked up and passed on into thecollector bag for postmowingdisposal.BLUE P WER ®High-tech for your greenery:<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong>‘s idea is to transfer the latest motortechnology to lawn care. We are the first and onlymanufacturer to apply high-performance permanentmagnet motors to the special requirements of highqualityelectric lawnmowers. Together with the newcross-blade cutting system, this technology providesenergy effciency of up to 80%. Up to 50% energy issaved compared to a tradition-alelectric lawnmower over thesame area.459

Section 4 | Select and Ambtion lawn tractorsPetrol lawnmowersPetrol lawnmowers are suitable for lawn areas covering more than 250 m ² . Seemingly effortless, these fine machines easily get the jobdone. Their strong engines provide the raw power to cut semi-high grass in no time. Mowing is even more fun when the lawnmower haspropelled wheels. SELECT, AMBITION or BluePower – the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> range provides the right model for everyone.Powerful and economicalFor garden areas of over 250 m 2 , we recommend a petrol mower,so that you can move around freely without a cable and create neatlines. At <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> we have chosen powerful 4-stroke engineswhich you can fill using standard petrol and 4-stroke engine oil.Petrol mowers in the SELECT category support you in your weeklymowing, not only thanks to their concentrated power from proven<strong>WOLF</strong> OHV engines, but also with their economical price.Comfortable and durableYou have a medium-sized or large garden, and you probably spenda lot of time in it. To make lawn-mowing a hobby and not a duty, wehave developed petrol mowers in the AMBITION category. They offergreater comfort than normal petrol mowers.Suitable for medium to large gardens, you can select a cuttingwidth of between 42 and 53 cm. The design of the lawnmower chassisis ergonomic and softly curved. It goes without saying that theselawnmowers are aesthetically pleasing.Quick release height adjustable handle,fully foldable, with softgripAdvanced cut andcollect system foroutstanding performance4Collector bag with full bag indicator,easy access through the handle for easyand comfortable handlingErgonomic and comfortable to useknob for height adjustment1-gear wheel drive: 3.6 km/hFront bumperHigh wheels for better manoeuvrabilityDeck wash nozzle for easycleaning of the deck60

Section 4 | Select and Ambtion lawn tractorsWheel Drive:The simple drive applied to the wheels drivesthe lawnmower forward at a speed of 3.6 km/h.12Vario drive:With the Vario drive system, the mower drivecan be set to any speed in its range. At anydesired speed in the range from 2.8 - 4.5 km/h.BLUE P WER ®Save energy, protect the environment,experience performanceBluePower for environmentally compatible garden care. Innovationis our strength. The introduction of the BluePower product line isagain focused on environmentally compatible standards.BluePower follows the same concept, from production and usage torecycling:TECHNOLOGY PRO NATUREThe development of BluePower was driven by the same passionthat moves every gardening enthusiast: The love of nature. Blue-Power soothes your conscience and lets you know, that you madethe right decision. New technology must comply with the environmentsneeds. Therefore we have dedicated ourselves to a sustainablecause.You now have all you need onthe monitor!When is your petrol mower nextdue for a service? Even withthe best will in the world it isdifficult to think of all everydaymatters that have to be attendedto. BluePower petrol mowershave a monitor and a built-inapplication as standard whichshow service intervals on thedisplay, thus keeping youup-to-date. By measuring the motor vibrations, the system storesdetails about the hours worked and uses these to display importantservicing information. Maintaining these intervals ensures that themotor is kept to high eco-standards over the years. This way, youcan do a great deal for nature and the environment with minimaleffort!Advanced Cut andCollect SystemAll AMBITION and BLUEPOWER petrollawnmowers are equipped with the newAdvanced Cut and Collect System whichcreates a suction air flow resulting in:41) The grass blades being raised(blue arrows), creating beautiful evencutting patterns.2) An optimised clippings transport toand filling of the collector bag(green arrows).61

Section 4 | Lawnmowers / Select and Ambtion lawn tractorsRide-on mower / lawn tractorsMore than a mowerOn large areas of land a ride-on mower or lawn tractormakes the work easier – and is great fun! Using thehitch you can hang one of the many accessories frompage 67 on it. You can thus make the lawn tractor into aspreader, transporter or snow clearer.Lawn tractors in the SELECT category have been developedwith price in mind – but do not lack anything interms of functionality. There is a selection of modelswith different cutting widths: with rear discharge andcollector bag or with side discharge. All have a hitch,a comfortable steering wheel, a transmatic gearbox,lawn-protecting tyres and a noise-reducing hood madeof heat-resistant plastic, which you can remove easilywithout using tools. It is possible to mow close to theedge, the cutting height can be adjusted easily by handand the collector bag can be emptied via a telescopicarm from the driver's seat (except SELECT 76.125 T andScooter Mini). The turning circle is just 46 centimetres.Enjoy the ride!Mow with passionThese lawn tractors offer ambitious gardeners additionalconvenience fittings compared to the SELECTbasic models. Here too you can choose between reardischarge with a collector bag or side discharge. Thanksto infinitely variable hydrostatic transmissions, all lawntractors are suitable for rough, sloping terrain.4AMBITION Extra fittings:• With the hydrostatic transmission you can controlspeed continuously without clutch and transmissionshifts• Convenience features for well being: Adjustableergonomic seat with high backrest, steering wheelwith soft grip, anti-skid rubber foot pads, and fronthood with noise-reducing protective covering• Front bumper for collision protection• Hose connection for simple cleaning of the mowerwith washing nozzles• It is possible to mow close to the edges62

Section 4 | Lawnmowers / Select and Ambtion lawn tractorsBLUE P WER ®BluePower ® under the engine hoodThe use of BluePower technology for powerful lawn tractors is a major step towards the future. Not only that they are moreenvironmentally compatible, they are also simply better! They combine top performance with first-class energy efficiency andexcellent emission ratings. The BluePower lawn tractors by <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> are equipped with the latest state-of-the-art2-cylinder motors. Optimally applied, OHV technology achieves a particularly efficient fuel combustion. It generates asmooth, even and quiet engine, that starts easily and does not harm the environment.The BluePower Monitor systemThe BluePower Monitor reliablykeeps you informed about all theservice intervals headed your way.The system stores the operatinghours and determines the importantservice deadlines accordingly.BluePower monitor100% RECYCLABLEUP TO32%EXHAUST EMISSIONSLOWER*EVAPORATIONUP TO51%LOWER*Excellent preconditions for agood environmental balance:• Reduction of evaporative emissions to approx. 51%• This helps protection the environment, keeps thefuel „fresh“ and saves money since the tank does nothave to be refilled so often.• Reduced escape of volatile gasses result in betterengine performance.Therefore the fuels keeps its quality even during longerdowntimes.4<strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> also has other BluePower products in its range: e.g. tillers and petrol brushcutters. See section 3.Today <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> is also the first manufacturer to provide an environmentally compatible BluePower fertiliser.More useful information on BluePower lawn fertiliser is provided on section 1.63

Section 4 | Lawnmowers / Robotic mowersROBO SCOOTER ® 400 and 600Perfect cut. Perfect timing.Sit back and relax - mowing has never been so easy4The new <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> robotic lawn mowers are remarkableall-rounders capable of handling even spacious terrainall by themselves. Besides being fun to watch, they do aremarkable job grooming your grass areas to perfection.Mowing, mulching, trimming.All in a days work. Once the basic data such as lawn sizeand contour cutting has been stored, the battery-poweredROBO SCOOTERS ® 400 and 600 are ready to mow, nofurther help needed. As power levels decrease and thebattery needs to recharge, the ROBO SCOOTER ® independentlypilots back to the charging unit. Fully charged, theROBO SCOOTERS ® continue mowing immediately, the trimmingof the edges included.Lawn care – the reliable and safe way.The perimeter wire is easily laid out, serving as an invisiblebarrier which keeps the ROBO SCOOTER ® from leavingthe designated mowing areas. When they bump intosomething, they promptly change directions and continuemowing. Inclines and sloping terrain? Not a problem.In addition, both models are equipped with numeroussensors, which immediately stop the blade/-s, when theROBO SCOOTER ® is either lifted, tilted, if it bumps intorigid obstacles or in the event of a downpour. An integratedalarm system also keeps thieves away.64

Section 4 | Lawnmowers / Robotic mowersThe top advantages of a <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> ROBO SCOOTER ® 400 and 600Intuitive handlingand easyinstallationNo more timeconsumingedge cuttingMore time toenjoy yourgardenDecide when the ROBO SCOOTER®doesn’t have to mow. This facilitatesthe initial operation. The perimeter wirewhich defines the mowing area is easilylayed out in no time.The off-set mowing deck guarantees anice finish along the border. No need tomanually trim along walls, around treesor around other obstacles (see shadedarea in picture).Due to their high battery capacities the ROBOSCOOTER ® 400 and 600 have a continuousoperation time of 3 hours 20 min. Thereforethey can cope with a very large terrain beforethe battery requires a recharge and you havemore time left to enjoy your garden.No bladechange duringthe seasonHigh level ofsafetyTrackless returnto the chargingstationThe blades of the <strong>WOLF</strong>-<strong>Garten</strong> ROBOSCOOTER ® offer two immediate advantages:they are made of highly durable steel and thecutting height can be adjusted to the desiredgrass length. This enables you to go an entireseason without servicing the blades andalso allows you to easily mow higher grass,e. g. after holidays or at the beginning of theseason. You don’t need a conventional lawnmower. Thus, you not only save space in yourgarage, but also money.Specially developed sensors guaranteea high level of safety. An electronic keylock system prevents unauthorized use,e.g. by kids. A tilt/lift sensor stops theoperation of the ROBO SCOOTER ® whenlifted off the ground and a touch sensorprevents damage to the machine and theenvironment. Blades and wheel drive willstop immediately in the case of an event.The ROBO SCOOTER ® returns to the basestation automatically, as soon as the batteryneeds to recharge. It seeks the shortestway to the boundary wire and drives back toits base station counterclockwise. To avoidtracks on the grass, an intelligent programlets the ROBO SCOOTER ® drive alongsidethe cable with a random offset every time itreturns to the station.Enabling perfect cutting patterns – the rain sensorWhen cutting wet lawns, clippings tend to clog up the cutting deck resulting in uneven cutting patterns.The rain sensor prevents this from happening by monitoring the surrounding moisture level.Is the preset humidity level exceeded, the ROBO SCOOTER ® immediately returns to or remains inthe base station minimizing the cleaning effort and keeping your lawn in perfect condition.The mulching mode – the convenient alternative to collecting and disposingWith the ROBO SCOOTER ® you no longer have to dispose of grass clippings.Due to theenclosed cutting deck and the extremely high rotation speed of the blades the grass ischipped into small pieces and spread on to the lawn. The grass cuttings consist of 90% waterand therefore resupply the sward with additional water.4"Winter charging function"The power maintenance function keeps the battery healthy after the mowing season. Hooked upto a standard power source, the ROBO SCOOTER ® is safely stowed away for the winter season inyour basement or garage. No more risk of overcharging, overheating or battery power loss.Optional remote controlWith the optional remote control you can mow or manoeuvre from the main mowing zone toany other designated zone, e.g. in hard to reach angles of your garden. You can also navigateit from the garage to the mowing area or into a second mowing area.65

Section 4 | Lawnmowers / Robotic mowersIntuitive installation and programmingThe perimeter wire which defines the mowing area is easily layed out in no time. The easy-to-use display facilitates the initial operation.Any time the lawn is mowed after the installation, the ROBO SCOOTER ® leaves the base station and then starts mowing alongthe perimeter wire until he finally returns to the base station (yellow arrows). Then he immediately leaves the base station again anstarts mowing forwards with a random offset (red arrows).Accessories forROBO SCOOTER ® 400 and 600Artikel-Nr.EAN-CodeROBO SCOOTER ®400ROBO SCOOTER ®600UnverbindlichePreisempfehlungAdditional limit switch for perimeter wire, with holder 196-795-6784 008423 855944X X 109,99 €*4Additional battery for switch 196-796-678Extra perimeter wire (150 metres) 196-797-6784 008423 8559514 008423 855968X X 64,99 €*X X 63,99 €*Extra plastic pegs for securing perimeter wire (50 pieces) 196-798-6784 008423 855975X X 15,99 €*Extra connectors for perimeter wire (10 pieces) 196-799-6784 008423 855982X X 12,99 €*Remote control 196-810-678 X X 64,99 €*66

Lawnmowers | Electric mowersElectricmowersPush lawn mowerSELECT3200 E››Lawn area:up to 150 m²››Cutting width:32 cm››Motor: 230 volts,1000 watts, 3260 / min››Wheels (f/r): 140 mm / 140 mm››Axle spring height adjustment››Grass catcher: 30 l››Weight: 12 kgPush lawn mowerSELECT3800 E››Lawn area:up to 350 m²››Cutting width:38 cm››Motor: 230 volts,1400 watts, 3260 / min››Wheels (f/r): 140 mm / 160 mm››Axle spring height adjustment››Grass catcher: 40 l››Weight: 14 kgPush lawn mowerAmbition32 E››Lawn area:up to 250 m²››Cutting width: 32 cm››Motor: 230 volt, 1200 watts››Central height adjustment 3-fold 2-6 cm››Collector bag: 26 lAN: 18ACA1D-650 SU: 1AN: 18ACF1S-650 SU: 1AN: 18ACL4J-650 SU: 14 009269 3033304 009269 3033474 009269 306614Push lawn mowerPush lawn mowerPush lawn mowerPush lawn mowerAmbition34 E››Lawn area:up to 250 m²››Cutting width: 34 cm››Motor: 230 volts,1400 watts, 2950 / min››Wheels (f/r): 150 mm / 200 mm››Central height adjustment 5-fold 3-7 cm››Grass catcher: 40 l››Weight: 17 kgAmbition38 E››Lawn area:up to 350 m²››Cutting width: 38 cm››Motor: 230 volts,1600 watts, 2950 / min››Wheels (f/r): 150 mm / 260 mm››Central height adjustment 5-fold 3-7 cm››Grass catcher: 50 l››Weight: 18 kg››Mulch kit includedAmbition42 E››Lawn area:up to 500 m²››Cutting width: 42 cm››Motor: 230 volts,1800 watts, 2950 / min››Wheels (f/r): 150 mm / 260 mm››Central height adjustment 7-fold 2.2-7.2 cm››Grass catcher: 60 l››Weight: 23 kg››Mulch kit includedAmbition48 E HWLike AMBITION48 EA HW, but:››Lawn area:up to 500 m²››Motor: 230 volts,1700 watts, 2950 / min››Weight: 31 kgAN: 18ACG4S2650 SU: 1AN: 18BCH4H2650 SU: 1AN: 18BCI4L2650 SU: 1AN: 18A-11K-650 SU: 14 009269 3066214 009269 3058154 009269 3058224 009269 303422Self-propelled mowerPush lawn mowerAmbition 48 EA HW››Lawn area: up to 600 m²››Cutting width: 48 cm››Motor: 230 volts, 1800 watts, 2950 / min››Wheels (f/r): 180 mm / 300 mm››Ball bearings››Central heigth adjustment 2.5-9.0 cm››Grass catcher: 75 l››Mulch kit included››“Flick Flack ® ” cable guide››High wheels››Full bag indicator››Ergonomic handle, foldable››High resistance steel deck››Weight: 36 kgAN: 18AR11L-650 SU: 14 009269 303439BluePower 34 ELike BluePower 37 E, but:››Lawn area: up to 250 m²››Cutting width: 34 cm››Motor: 230 volts, 600 watt permanentmagnet motor corresponds toapprox. 1200 watts››Weight: 15 kgAN: 18AWF1X1650 SU: 14 009269 303514Push lawn mowerPush lawn mowerPush lawn mowerBluePower 37 E››Lawn area: up to 350 m²››Cutting width: 37 cm››Motor: 230 volts, 650 watt permanentmagnet motor corresponds to approx.1400 watts››Wheels (f/r): 150 mm / 170 mm››Central height adjustment 5-fold 2-6 cm››Grass catcher: 35 l››“Flick Flack ® ” cable guide››Full bag indicator››Ergonomic handle, foldable››Weight: 16 kgAN: 18AWG1Y1650 SU: 1BluePower 40 ELike BluePower 37 E, but:››Lawn area: up to 450 m²››Cutting width: 40 cm››Motor: 230 volts, 700 watt permanentmagnet motor corresponds to approx.1600 watts››Wheels (f/r): 170 mm / 200 mm››Ball bearings››Central height adjustment 2.5-8 cm››Grass catcher: 55 l››Weight: 22 kgFür Siegetestet_____Unser Urteil: sehr gutTestsieger imFuG-Langzeittest 2012:Wolf-<strong>Garten</strong>BluePower 40EAN: 18AWH1Z1650 SU: 14 009269 3035214 009269 303538AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price66C

ScarifierScarifierElectric scarifierSELECT V 302 E››Working width: 30 cm››Powerful 1200 W motor››Central tine adjustment 5-fold››Collector bag: 35 l››Chassis: Plastic››2-in-1: scarifier and collector››Foldable handle››Spare part: blade WBS3001,AN: 196-101-650››Weight: 12 kgAN: 16AFDEKA650 SU: 14 009269 306201Electric scarifierAMBITION V 303 E››Working width: 30 cm››Powerful 1300 W motor››Central tineadjustment 5-fold››Collector bag: 35 l››Chassis: Plastic››3-in-1: moss rake,scarifier and collector››Handle with softgrip,foldable››Spare part: blade WBS3001, AN: 196-101-650› Spare part: springs WAS3001, AN: 196-107-650››Weight: 13 kgPetrol scarifierAN: 16AFDFLA650 SU: 14 009269 306218Electric scarifierAMBITION V 346 E››Working width: 34 cm››Powerful 1600 W motor››Central tineadjustment 5-fold››Collector bag: 45 l››Chassis: Plastic››3-in-1: moss rake,scarifier and collector››Height adjustable handlewith softgrip, foldable› Spare part: blade WBS3401, AN: 196-102-650› Spare part: springs WAS3701, AN: 196-108-650››Weight: 14 kgAMBITION V 389 B››Working width: 38 cmAN: 16AFEHOA650 SU: 14 009269 306225››Engine / Rated power:B&S 750 Series, 163 cm³, 3600 / min››Central tine adjustment 6-fold››Collector bag: 50 l››Chassis: Steel››3-in-1: moss rake, scarifier and collector››Foldable handle››Spare part: blade WBS3803,AN: 196-105-650››Spare part: springs WAS3803,AN: 196-109-650››Weight: 37 kgElectric scarifierAMBITION V 378 E››Working width: 37 cm››Powerful 1800 W motor››Central tineadjustment 5-fold››Collector bag: 50 l››Chassis: Plastic››3-in-1: moss rake, scarifierand collector››Height adjustable handlewith softgrip, foldable››Spare part: blade WBS3701,AN196-103-650››Spare part: spring WAS3701,AN:196-108-650››Weight: 14 kgAN: 16AFFHPA650 SU: 14 009269 306232AN: 16AHHJ0H650 SU: 1Petrol scarifierAMBITION V 357 B››Working width: 35 cm››Engine / Rated power: B&S 550Series, 127 cm³, 3600 / min››Central tine adjustment 6-fold››Collector bag: 45 l››Chassis: Steel››3-in-1: moss rake, scarifier and collector››Foldable handle››Spare part: blade WBS3503, AN: 196-104-650› Spare part: springs WAS3803, AN: 196-109-650››Weight: 32 kgAN: 16AHGJ0F650 SU: 14 009269 3062564 009269 306249AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price66H

Robotic mowers | Robo SCOOTER ®Robotic lawn mowerRoboticAMBITIONmowersROBO SCOOTER ® 400›Like AMBITION ROBO SCOOTER ® 600, but:››For lawn areas: up to 400 m 2AN: 18AO04LF650 SU: 14 009269 306447Robotic lawn mowerAMBITION ROBO SCOOTER ® 600› For lawn areas: up to 600 m 2››Cutting width: 28 cm››Cutting height: 20–80 mm››Batteries: 26V Lithium Iron-PhosphateBattery (LiFePO4) 3Ah››Mow Power: 1 x 200 W, 4000 /min(ECO mode – 3300 /min)››Chassis/Blade: plastic/steel››Slope: 19° / 35 %››Sensors/Safety: rain sensor, bump sensor, lift sensor, tilt sensor››Sub zones: 1››Dimensions (L/W/H): 60.5 cm x 44 cm x 27 cm››Weight: 10.5 kg incl. batteriesAN: 18AO06LF650 SU: 1››Benefits: boundary wire, ECO mode,first cut of the season, edge mode,remote control option4 009269 306454Bluetooth - Optional remote controlEasy access emergency stop buttonSmooth design that doesn´tinterfere with obstaclesAdjustable rain sensorBorder trimming modethrough program and offset cutting deckTurf saving profileBump sensor,lift sensor and tilt sensorSingle front wheel for excellent corner accesspowered bypowered byAN = Article No.; SU = Sales unitpowered by* Recommended retail Price66A

Lawn mowers | Reel mowers | Battery mowersReelmowers /AccessoriesReel mowerTT 300 SReel mower››Lawn area:up to 100 m²››Cutting width: 30 cm››Height adjustment:4-fold 1.3 - 3.8 cm››Blade system:5 contacting blades››Handle with softgrip››Ball bearings on the blade shaft››Weight: 7 kgReel mowerReel mowerAN: 15A-AA--650 SU: 14 009269 305839Collector bagsFS 320Collector bag››Can be used for: TT300S››Capacity: 15 lFS 350Collector bag››Can be used for: TT350S››Capacity: 20 lFS 380Collector bag››Can be used for: TT380DL››Capacity: 25 lFS 320 AN: 3621065 SU: 14 009269 362160FS 350 AN: 3622065 SU: 14 009269 362269FS 380 AN: 3623065 SU: 14 009269 362368TT 350 SReel mower››Lawn area: up to 150 m²››Cutting width: 35 cm››Height adjustment: 4-fold 1.3 - 3.8 cm››Blade system: 5 contacting blades››Handle with softgrip››Ball bearings on the blade shaft››Weight: 8 kgAN: 15A-BA--650 SU: 14 009269 305846TT 380 DLReel mower››Lawn area: up to 200 m²››Cutting width: 38 cm››Height adjustment: 4-fold 1.3 - 3.8 cm››Blade system: 5 non-contactingblades››Handle with softgrip››Ball bearings on the blade shaft››Weight: 9 kgAN: 15A-CD--650 SU: 14 009269 305853Batterymowers /AccessoriesBattery mowerLI-ION POWER 34››Lawn area: up to 250 m²››Cutting width: 34 cm››Battery power: 2x36 volts, 1.45 Ah LI-ION››Charging time full charge: 6 hours››Central height adjustment 2-6 cm››Wheels (f/r): 150 mm / 170 mm››Collector bag: 35 l››Ergonomic handle, foldable››Full bag indicator››Comfortable top cover handle››Weight: 13 kgReplacement batteryLI-ION POWER Pack 1››Voltage: 3x36 volts››Capacity: 1.45 Ah››Can be used for LI-IONPower 37 and 40LI-ION POWER Pack 2››Voltage: 2x36 volts››Capacity: 1.45 Ah››Can be used for LI-ION Power 34Pack 1 AN: 4939090 SU: 14 009269 493987AN: 4919000 SU: 1Pack 2 AN: 4919090 SU: 14 009269 4919074 009269 491983Battery mowerBattery mowerLI-ION POWER 37Like LI-ION POWER 34, but:››Lawn area: up to 300 m²››Cutting width: 37 cm››Battery power: 3x36 volts,1.45 Ah LI-ION››Charging time full charge: 9 hours››Weight: 15 kgPRAXISTESTEMPFEHLUNGNote GUT (1,8)Ausgabe 3/2012www.selbst.deLI-ION POWER 40Like LI-ION POWER 37, but:››Cutting width: 40 cm››Wheels (f/r): 170 mm / 200 mm››Ball bearings››Collector bag: 55 l››Weight: 22 kgAN: 4937000 SU: 1AN: 4929000 SU: 14 009269 4937034 009269 492904AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price66B

Lawnmowers | Petrol mowersPetrolmowersPush petrol mowerSELECT 4200››Lawn area: up to 500 m²››Engine/Rated power: <strong>WOLF</strong> OHV 35, 123 cm 3 , 1.7 kW, 2850 / min››Fuel capacity: 1.25 l››Cutting width: 42 cm››Chassis: steel››Wheels (f/r): 180 mm/180 mm››Collector bag: 60 l››Mulching function: optional››Height adjustment: 2 levers axleadjustment 6-fold 2.8–9.2 cm››Weight: 29 kg››Blade WBL4203, AN: 196-113-650››Mulchkit optional, AN: 196-116-650AN: 11A-LOJD650 SU: 14 009269 306300Self-propelled petrol mowerSELECT 4200 ALike SELECT 4200, but:››1-gear wheel drive: 3.6 km/h››Wheels (f/r): 180 mm/200 mm››Weight: 32 kgPush petrol mowerSELECT 4600Like SELECT 4200, but:››Lawn area: up to 800 m²››Cutting width: 46 cm››Mulching function: optional,AN: 196-117-650››Blade WBL4603,AN: 196-114-650AN: 12A-LOJD650 SU: 1AN: 11A-TOJD650 SU: 14 009269 3063174 009269 306324Self-propelled petrol mowerSELECT 4600 ALike SELECT 4600, but:››1-gear wheel drive: 3.6 km/h››Wheels (f/r): 180 mm/200 mm››Weight: 32 kgAN: 12A-TOJD650 SU: 14 009269 306331Self-propelled petrol mowerSELECT 5300 A››Lawn area: up to 1000 m²››Engine/Rated power: <strong>WOLF</strong> OHV 50,159 cm 3 , 2.5 kW, 2850 / min››Fuel capacity: 1.0 l››Cutting width: 53 cm››Chassis: steel››1-gear wheel drive: 3.6 km/h››Wheels (f/r): 200 mm/200 mm››Collector bag: 70 l››Mulching function: optional, AN: 196-118-650››Height adjustment: 2 levers axleadjustment 6-fold 2.8–9.2 cm››Weight: 34 kg››Blade WBL5303, AN: 196-115-650AN: 12A-POJ6650 SU: 14 009269 306348Push petrol mowerAmbition 420 HW››Lawn area: up to 500 m²››Engine/Rated power: B & S, 450 E Series, 125 cm 3 , 1.7 kW, 2900 /min››Fuel capacity: 0.8 l››Cutting width: 42 cm››Chassis: steel››Wheels (f/r): 180 mm/280 mm››Rear wheels with ball bearings, front wheels with metal sleeve bearings››Collector bag: 60 l››Advanced Cut and Collect System››Height adjustment: central 6-fold 2.8–9.2 cm››Deck wash nozzle››High wheels››Quick release handle with soft grip››Full bag indicator››Mulchkit included››Weight: 27 kg››Blade WBL4203, AN: 196-113-650AN: 11A-LV5H650 SU: 14 009269 306355Self-propelled petrol mowerAmbition 420 A HWLike AMBITION 420 HW, but:››1-gear wheel drive: 3.6 km/h››Weight: 30 kgAN: 12A-LV5H650 SU: 14 009269 306362AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price66D

12121212Lawnmowers | Petrol mowersSelf-propelled petrol mowerAmbition 530 A HW››Lawn area: up to 1000 m²››Engine/Rated power: B & S, 675 EX Series,190 cm 3 , 2.6 kW, 2900 /min››Fuel capacity: 1.0 l››Cutting width: 53 cm››Chassis: steel››1-gear wheel drive: 3.6 km/h››Wheels (f/r): 200 mm/280 mm››Rear wheels with ball bearings, front wheels with metal sleeve bearings››Collector bag: 70 l››Advanced Cut and Collect System››Height adjustment: central 6-fold 2.8–9.2 cm››Deck wash nozzle››High wheels››Quick release handle with soft grip››Full bag indicator››Mulchkit included››Weight: 36 kg››Spare part: bladeWBL5303,AN: 196-115-650Push petrol mowerAmbition 460 HW››Lawn area: up to 800 m²››Engine/Rated power: B & S, 600 E Series, 150 cm 3 , 2.3 kW, 2900 /min››Fuel capacity: 0.8 l››Cutting width: 46 cm››Chassis: steel››Wheels (f/r): 180 mm/280 mm››Rear wheels with ball bearings,front wheels with metal sleeve bearings››Collector bag: 60 l››Advanced Cut and Collect System››Height adjustment: central 6-fold 2.8–9.2 cm››Deck wash nozzle››High wheels››Quick release handle with soft gripAN: 11A-TV5M650 SU: 1››Full bag indicator››Mulchkit included4 009269 306379››Weight: 28 kg››Spare part: blade WBL4603, AN: 196-114-650Self-propelled petrol mowerAmbition 460 A HWLike AMBITION 460 HW, but:››1-gear wheel drive: 3.6 km/h››Weight: 34 klgAN: 12A-PV8T650 SU: 1AN: 12A-TV5M650 SU: 14 009269 3063934 009269 306386Self-propelled petrol mowerBluePower 46 A HW››Lawn area: up to 800 m²››Engine/Rated power: B & S, 800 ESeries ECO PLUS, 175 cm 3 , 3.0 kW, 2900 /min››Fuel capacity: 1.1 l››Cutting width: 46 cm››Chassis: steel››Comfortable vario wheel drive››Wheels (f/r): 180 mm/280 mm››Double ball bearings››Collector bag: 60 l››Advanced Cut and Collect System››Height adjustment: central 6-fold 2.8–9.2 cm››Deck wash nozzle››High wheels››Quick release handle with soft grip››Full bag indicator››4-in-1: Side and rear discharge,collecting and mulching››Weight: 35 kg››Spare part: blade WBL4603, AN: 196-114-650Self-propelled petrol mowerAN: 12AVTV9J650 SU: 14 009269 306409Self-propelled petrol mowerSelf-propelled petrol mowerBluePower 53 A HW ES››Lawn area: up to 1000 m²››Engine/Rated power:B & S, 850 EX Series ECO PLUS,190 cm 3 , 3.4 kW, 2900 /min››Electric start››Fuel capacity: 1.1 l››Cutting width: 53 cm››Chassis: steel››Comfortable vario wheel drive››Wheels (f/r): 200 mm/280 mm››Double ball bearings››Collector bag: 70 l››Advanced Cut and Collect System››Height adjustment:central 6-fold 2.8–9.2 cm››Deck wash nozzle››High wheels››Quick release handlewith soft grip››Full bag indicator››4-in-1: Side and rear discharge,collecting and mulching››Weight: 40 kg››Spare part: blade WBL5303,AN: 196-115-650BluePower 46 A HW ESLike BluePower 46 A HW, but:››Electric start››Weight: 38 kgAN: 12AGTV9K650 SU: 1BluePower 53 A HWLike BluePower 53 A HW ES, but:››Without electric start››Weight: 37 kgAN: 12AVPV9L650 SU: 1AN: 12AGPV9M650 SU: 14 009269 3064164 009269 3064234 009269 306430AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price66E

Lawn tractorsRide-onmower /LawntractorsRide-on mowerSELECT Scooter Mini››Lawn area: up to 800 m²››Cutting width: 60 cm››Engine / Rated power: B&S 875, 1 cyl., 3.7 kW, 3300 / min››Gearbox type: transmatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 13’’ x 5’’ / 16’’ x 6.5’’››Collector bag: 150 l››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.8–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 225 / 86 / 112 cm››Weight: approx. 140 kg››Slip-proof foot-rest››Mowing close to the edges on the right sideAN: 13A326EC650 SU: 14 009269 305877Rear discharge lawn tractorRear discharge lawn tractorSELECT 76.125 T››Lawn area: up to 2000 m²››Cutting width: 76 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl.,344 cm 3 , 6.0 kW, 2600 / min››Gearbox type: transmatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 13’’ x 5’’ / 18’’ x 6.5’’››Collector bag: 210 l››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 224/91/103 cm››Weight: 185 kg››Headlight››Step-through frame››Floating mower deckAN: 13AH76RA650 SU: 14 009269 303729SELECT 92.130 T››Lawn area: up to 2000 m²››Cutting width: 92 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl.,344 cm 3 , 6.3 kW, 2800 / min››Gearbox type: transmatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 18’’ x 9.5’’››Collector bag: 240 l››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 225/99/103 cm››Weight: 195 kg››Headlight››Step-through frame››Floating mower deck››Ready to useAN: 13RH76RE650 SU: 14 009269 303736Rear discharge lawn tractorSide discharge lawn tractorSELECT 105.155 T››Lawn area: up to 3000 m²››Cutting width: 105 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl.,500 cm 3 , 8.9 kW, 2600 / min››Gearbox type: transmatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 18’’ x 9.5’’››Collector bag: 240 l››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 225/110/103 cm››Weight: 198 kg››Headlight››Step-through frame››Floating mower deck››Ready to useAN: 13RM77RN650 SU: 14 009269 303743Side discharge lawn tractorSELECT 96.130 T››Lawn area: up to 2000 m²››Cutting width: 96 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl.,344 cm 3 , 6.3 kW, 2800 / min››Gearbox type: transmatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 20’’ x 8’’››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 170/107/100 cm››Weight: 150 kg››Headlight››Step-through frame››Floating mower deck››Ready to useAN: 13TH76RF650 SU: 14 009269 303767SELECT 107.175 T››Lawn area: up to 3000 m²››Cutting width: 107 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl., 500 cm 3 , 9.5 kW, 2800 / min››Gearbox type: transmatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 20’’ x 8’’››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 170/115/100 cm››Weight: 175 kg››Headlight››Step-through frame››Floating mower deck››Ready to useAN: 13TN77RG650 SU: 14 009269 303774AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price66F

Lawn tractorsRear discharge lawn tractorAMBITION 92.130 H››Lawn area: up to 2000 m²››Cutting width: 92 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl., 344 cm 3 , 6.3 kW, 2800 / min››Gearbox type: hydrostatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 18’’ x 9.5’’››Collector bag: 240 l››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 225/99/103 cm››Weight: 195 kg››Soft grip steering wheel››Adjustable ergonomic seat with high backrest››Headlight››Step-through frameAN: 13RH71RE650 SU: 1››Floating mower deck››Ready to use4 009269 303798Rear discharge lawn tractorAMBITION 105.175 HLike AMBITION 92.130 H, but:››Lawn area: up to 3000 m²››Cutting width: 105 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl.,500 cm 3 , 9.5 kW, 2800 / min››Dimensions(L/W/H):225/110/103 cm››Weight:198 kgAN: 13RN71RN650 SU: 14 009269 303804Side discharge lawn tractorAMBITION 96.155 H››Lawn area: up to 2000 m²››Cutting width: 96 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl., 500 cm 3 , 9.2 kW, 2800 / min››Gearbox type: hydrostatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 20’’ x 8’’››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 170/107/100 cm››Weight: 150 kg››Soft grip steering wheel››Adjustable ergonomic seat with high backrest››Headlight››Step-through frameAN: 13TM79RF650 SU: 1››Floating mower deck››Ready to use4 009269 303811Side discharge lawn tractorAMBITION 107.175 HLike AMBITION 96.155 H, but:››Lawn area: up to 3000 m²››Cutting width: 107 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S, 1 cyl.,500 cm³, 9.5 kW, 2800 / min››Dimensions(L/W/H):170/115/100 cm››Weight:175 kgAN: 13TN79RG650 SU: 14 009269 303828Rear discharge lawn tractorBluePower 92.160 HLike BluePower 105.200 H, but:››Lawn area: up to 2000 m²››Cutting width: 92 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S BlueECO, 2 cyl., 656 cm³, 10.6 kW,2600 / min››Dimensions (L/W/H):225/99/103 cm››Weight: 195 kgRear discharge lawn tractorAN: 13RT71RE650 SU: 1Side discharge lawn tractor4 009269 303835BluePower 107.200 HLike BluePower 105.200 H, but:››Lawn area: up to 4000 m²››Side discharge deck››Cutting width: 107 cm››Engine/Rated Power:B&S Blue ECO, 2 cyl., 656 cm 3 ,12.5 kW, 2800 / min››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 20’’ x 8’’››Dimensions (L/W/H):170/115/100 cm››Weight: 175 kgAN: 13TT79RG650 SU: 14 009269 303866BluePower 105.200 H››Lawn area: up to 3500 m²››Cutting width: 105 cm››Engine/Rated Power: B&S Blue ECO, 2 cyl., 656 cm 3 , 11.6 kW, 2600 / min››Gearbox type: hydrostatic transmission››Wheels (f/r): 15’’ x 6’’ / 18’’ x 9.5’’››Collector bag: 240 l››Height adjustment: 5-fold 3.0–9.5 cm››Dimensions (L/W/H): 225/110/103 cm››Weight: 198 kg››BluePower monitor››Equipped with the latest state-of-the-art 2-cylinder engine, which achieves aparticular efficient fuel combustion››Front bumper››Soft grip steering wheel››Adjustable ergonomic seat with high backrest››LED headlight››Step-through frameAN: 13RT71RN650 SU: 1››Floating mower deck››Ready to use4 009269 303842AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit* Recommended retail Price66G

Lawn tractor accessoriesLawn tractoraccessoriesDeflectorCollector bagMulching kit››Can be used for all rear dischargelawn tractors (accept 76 cm)››Can be used for all side dischargelawn tractors››For mowing without a collector bag››Can be used for all rear discharge lawntractors (accept 76 cm)››For side discharge lawn tractors(without high-lift-blades)››Capacity: 200 Lrear discharge AN: 196-749-678 SU: 14 008423 836080AN: 196-750-678 SU: 1AN: OEM-190-180A SU: 1side dischargeAN: OEM-190-116** SU: 14 008423 8360974 008423 8158494 008423 819632Dump cartGardening cartFront bumperLawn roller››Lawn roller for trailing››Ø 46 cm››Width: 61 cm / 91 cm››Max. weight with water: 114 kg / 182 kg››Single axle hard-plastic cart››Load capacity: 227 kg››Dimensions in cm (l/w/h): 105/75/27››Foldable light-weight gardening cartmade of tough fabric, with a maximumcapacity of 50 kg or 150 L››Can be used for all lawn tractorsAN: 190-229-000 SU: 14 008423 804478AN: 190-236A000 SU: 1AN: 196-333-600 SU: 1AN: OEM-196A603 SU: 1AN: 190-228-000** SU: 14 008423 8043314 008423 8466694 008423 8090464 008423 401264SpikerDethatcherSprayer trailerBattery charger››Working width: 102 cm››Tine diameter: approx. 23 cm››12 spike wheels››Aerating depth: up to 6 cm››Transportation wheels››Working width: 102 cm››20 teeth (heat treated)››Variable pressure through loading››Tow-sprayer››Filling volume: 95 L››Spraying capacity: 6.8 l/min››Weight approx. 20 kg ››12 V, 1000 AhAN: 190-224A000 SU: 1AN: 190-526-000 SU: 1AN: 190-537-000 SU: 1AN: 196-967-678 SU: 14 008423 8154984 008423 8044544 008423 8044304 008423 835694Rotary box spreaderAN: 196-031-000 SU: 14 008423 813432AN: 190-525-000 SU: 1AN: 196-031-000 AN: 190-525-000 AN: 196-036-000››Attachable seed and fertiliserdispenser››Spreading width: up to 300 cm››Filling volume: up to 39 kg››Attachable seed and fertiliserdispenser››Spreading width: up to 300 cm››Filling volume: up to 45 kg››Attachable seed and fertiliserdispenser››Spreading width: up to 365 cm››Filling volume: up to 80 kg4 016918 011423AN: 196-036-000 SU: 14 008423 816310AN = Article No.; SU = Sales unit * Recommended retail PriCE ** without picture67

Accessories / spare partsSELECT 3200 ESELECT 3800 EAMBITION 32 EAMBITION 34 EAMBITION 38 EAMBITION 42 EAMBITION 48 E HWAMBITION 48 EA HWBLUE POWER 34 EBLUE POWER 37 EBLUE POWER 40 ESELECT 4200Article No. Order code BarcodeSUUVP*LawnmowersReplacementsprings196-107-650 Spring set WAS3001 1196-108-650 Spring set WAS3701 1196-109-650 Spring set WAS3803 1196-101-650 Replacement blades WBS3001 1196-102-650 Replacement blades WBS3401 1196-103-650 Replacement blades WBS3701 1196-104-650 Replacement blades WBS3503 1196-105-650 Replacement blades WBS3803 1196-113-650 Replacement blades WBL4203 1 •196-114-650 Replacement blades WBL4603 1196-115-650 Replacement blades WBL5303 14907095 Replacement blades VI 37 FM 2Replacement bladesWG742-04341 Replacement blades VI 34 XB 2 •WG742-04343 Replacement blades VI 40 XB 2 •WG742-04355 Replacement blades VI 32 D 2 •WG742-04356 Replacement blades VI 34 C 2 •WG742-04358 Replacement blades VI 42 C 2 •WG742-04359 Replacement blades VI 38 D 2 •6340090 Replacement blades Triplex VI-2/52 44905095 Replacement blades VI 32S FO 23568091 Replacement blades UV-EV 23640095 Replacement blades UV-EV 40 23640096 Replacement blades UV-EFF 40 2WG742-04357 Replacement blades VI 38 C 2 •WG742-04342 Replacement blades VI 37 XB 2 •CollectorbagMulch kits3632090 Collector bag TK-VV 13618065 Collector bag TK 30 1196-116-650 Mulch kits WML4203 1 • •196-117-650 Mulch kits WML4603 1196-118-650 Mulch kits WML5303 141BJAH-C954 Hedge shear AH 720 1Trimmer Plussystem41CJGC-C954 Cultivator GC 720 141CJPS-C954 High cutter PS 720 141AJTB-C954 Blower/trimmer TB 720 1Wheels 49ATW1--650 Wheels GT-R for lawn trimmers 2

SELECT 4600AMBITION 420 HWAMBITION 460 HWSELECT 4200 ASELECT 4600 ASELECT 5300 AAMBITION 420 A HWAMBITION 460 A HWAMBITION 530 A HWBLUE POWER 46 A HW ESBLUE POWER 46 A HWBLUE POWER 53 A HW ESBLUE POWER 53 A HWSELECT V 302 EAMBITION V 303 EAMBITION V 346 EAMBITION V 378 EAMBITION V 357 BAMBITION V 389 BGTE 830 + GT-F 5GTE 840GTE 845BLUE POWER GTE 850LI-ION POWER GTB 815GT-S 1000GT-S 2-27BluePower GT-S 4-29BluePower GT-S 4-29 DLGT 840 (2013)GT 845 (2013)GT 850 (2013)• • •Lawnmowers Scarifier Brushcutters and lawn trimmers• •• • • • • •• • • •• •• •••• •••• • •• • • • • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • • • • • • •*RKZ: B

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