The many faces of the AMA (NSW)... - Australian Medical ...
The many faces of the AMA (NSW)... - Australian Medical ...
The many faces of the AMA (NSW)... - Australian Medical ...
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doctor<strong>The</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> association (<strong>NSW</strong>)<strong>the</strong> nsw<strong>The</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>Association (<strong>NSW</strong>) LimitedACN 000 001 614Street address69 Christie StreetST LEONARDS <strong>NSW</strong> 2065Mailing addressPO Box 121ST LEONARDS <strong>NSW</strong> 1590Telephone (02) 9439 8822Outside Sydney Telephone 1800 813 423Facsimile (02) 9438 3760Outside Sydney Facsimile 1300 889 017Email<strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor is <strong>the</strong> monthly publication<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Association (<strong>NSW</strong>)Limited and is published every month exceptJanuary.Editor Narelle SchuhDesigner Nikki ZacharatosAdvertising enquiries Narelle SchuhPrinting by A.R. Rennie Printers, Caringbah.Views expressed by contributors to<strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor and advertisementsappearing in <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor are notnecessarily endorsed by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Australian</strong><strong>Medical</strong> Association (<strong>NSW</strong>) Limited.No responsibility is accepted by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Australian</strong><strong>Medical</strong> Association (<strong>NSW</strong>) Limited, <strong>the</strong>editors or <strong>the</strong> printers for <strong>the</strong> accuracy <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> information contained in <strong>the</strong> text andadvertisements in <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor.contentsfeatures6 Restructuring <strong>of</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Health – opinion8 Future <strong>of</strong> general practice10 NDIS – getting closer11 National registration12 Our student councillors – where are <strong>the</strong>y now?14 Health journalists speak out16 Balancing medicine and lifestyle30 Memorandum <strong>of</strong> Understanding with ASMOF32 Meet <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillors35 Doctor’s Health Forum37 AAPM (<strong>NSW</strong>) Practice Manager <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Year41 Advertorial – Investec <strong>Medical</strong> Financeregulars2 President’s Word2 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) in action3 From <strong>the</strong> CEO3 Calendar <strong>of</strong> events4 Medico-legal – opinion19 Member pr<strong>of</strong>ile – Dr Mark Parrish39, 43, 45 Events61042Executive Officers 2011 - 2012President Dr Michael SteinerVice President and Chair Ethics CommitteeDr Michael GliksmanChair <strong>of</strong> Council Dr Ge<strong>of</strong>frey WhiteTreasurer Dr Andrew ZuschmannChair Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Issues CommitteeDr Saxon SmithChair Hospital Practice CommitteeA/Pr<strong>of</strong>. Brian OwlerDirector Dr Kathryn AustinDirector Dr Pradnya DugalSecretariatChief Executive Officer Fiona Davies<strong>Medical</strong> Director Dr Robyn NapierDirector, Financial Services and MarketingMark KellyDirector, Medico Legal and EmploymentRelations Sarah DahlenburgDirector, Policy and CommunicationsSim Mead46 Member services48 Classified advertisementscentre pull-outMembership <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)…It’s worth it!Join <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)now for 2012 andget <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> 2011for free.See insert in this issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor.
President’s wordA time for pr<strong>of</strong>essionalism,leadership and choiceDr Michael SteinerPresident, <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)<strong>The</strong>re has never been a better timefor doctors to get involved. <strong>The</strong> recentrestructure <strong>of</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Health marked a vitalstep in <strong>the</strong> gradual decentralisation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>bureaucratic decision-making processesthat have plagued our state health systemfor a number <strong>of</strong> years.As members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> medical pr<strong>of</strong>essionwe have seen at ground level <strong>the</strong> impact <strong>of</strong>decisions made in a central government<strong>of</strong>fice completely removed from <strong>the</strong> dayto-dayprovision <strong>of</strong> health services andwithout <strong>the</strong> consultation <strong>of</strong> local clinicians.<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> has been fighting for increasedclinician engagement for some time and <strong>the</strong>fur<strong>the</strong>r devolution <strong>of</strong> responsibility to LocalHealth Districts through <strong>the</strong> restructuring,along with <strong>the</strong> removal <strong>of</strong> Clinical SupportClusters, shows that <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Governmenthas listened to what doctors and o<strong>the</strong>rhealth pr<strong>of</strong>essionals have been saying forseveral years.Giving greater responsibility to <strong>the</strong> HealthEducation and Training Institute, <strong>the</strong> ClinicalExcellence Commission and <strong>the</strong> Agencyfor Clinical Innovation while removingduplication with <strong>the</strong> Health Departmentis also a move in <strong>the</strong> right direction anda better use <strong>of</strong> resources. I hope <strong>the</strong>sechanges will bring with <strong>the</strong>m <strong>the</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>rcapacity we need to better service our localcommunities.Now we all face <strong>the</strong> crucial task<strong>of</strong> ensuring we do not squander thisopportunity to become more engaged in<strong>the</strong> decision-making processes, functionsand activities <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> health system. Thiswill become all <strong>the</strong> more important as <strong>the</strong>pressures on our health system steadilyincrease.<strong>The</strong> current political climate meansnow is also a time for choice. <strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) has been lobbying hard for a changeto state industrial legislation that wouldgive doctors-in-training <strong>the</strong> right to join<strong>the</strong> union <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir choice – whe<strong>the</strong>r it’s<strong>the</strong> Health Services Union (HSU) or not –and we hope to have a positive result fordoctors-in-training in <strong>the</strong> not-too-distantfuture.<strong>The</strong> current rule <strong>of</strong> “HSU or no unionat all” is simply not good enough. Mostrecently <strong>the</strong> HSU has demonstrated it is not<strong>the</strong> most appropriate union to represent ourjunior doctors and it is extremely limitingand unfair that <strong>the</strong>se doctors feel <strong>the</strong>y haveno choice in <strong>the</strong> matter even when <strong>the</strong>irunion is not doing a good enough job on<strong>the</strong>ir behalf.<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has worked hardadvocating for <strong>the</strong> rights <strong>of</strong> junior doctorsand is hopeful doctors-in-training willsoon be able to join a union <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir choiceto ensure <strong>the</strong>ir workplace rights areprotected and <strong>the</strong>y get <strong>the</strong> best industrialrepresentation possible.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) in actionAugust 201111 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillor, A/Pr<strong>of</strong>.Brian Owler spoke to <strong>The</strong> SydneyMorning Herald about waiting listsfor elective surgery.11 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillor, A/Pr<strong>of</strong>.Brian Owler spoke to Radio 2UEabout waiting lists for electivesurgery.11 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillor, Dr BrianMorton spoke to MX about <strong>the</strong>dangers <strong>of</strong> importing drugs on <strong>the</strong>internet.2 I THE <strong>NSW</strong> DOCTOR I OCTOBER 201113 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillor, A/Pr<strong>of</strong>.Brian Owler quoted in <strong>The</strong> SydneyMorning Herald in a follow-uparticle about waiting lists foremergency surgery.13 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillor, A/Pr<strong>of</strong>.Brian Owler spoke to Radio 2UEabout waiting lists for electivesurgery.14 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillor, Mr BenVeness spoke to <strong>The</strong> SundayTelegraph about a study on medicalstudents’ TV-watching habits.23 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) President,Dr Michael Steiner spoke to <strong>the</strong><strong>The</strong> Wentworth Courier about <strong>the</strong>dangers <strong>of</strong> Muay Thai kickboxing.24 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) President, Dr MichaelSteiner spoke to Radio 2GB about<strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Government’s plan torestructure <strong>NSW</strong> health.24 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) President, Dr MichaelSteiner spoke to Radio 2SM about<strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Government’s plan torestructure <strong>NSW</strong> health.26 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) President, Dr MichaelSteiner spoke to Radio 2UE about<strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Government’s plan torestructure <strong>NSW</strong> health.31 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Councillor, Dr BrianMorton spoke to <strong>The</strong> SundayTelegraph about leave certificates.
featureLeaders <strong>of</strong> general practice talk about <strong>the</strong> future<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> is continuously consulting withGPs to ensure its policies and positionstatements are in accordance with whatmembers want. From special events suchas Family Doctor Week to GP practicevisits by Federal <strong>AMA</strong> President, Dr SteveHambleton, to more formal events likeour Members’ Policy Dinner Meetings– <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> wants to hear from its GPmembers.<strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor recently spoke totwo <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>’s more politically activemember GPs about what <strong>the</strong>y see as <strong>the</strong>best <strong>of</strong> general practice now and into<strong>the</strong> future. Chair <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> Council forGeneral Practice, Dr Brian Morton says,“We’ve got a good system – we don’t needto reinvent it. We just need to enhance itand facilitate better care”.Dr Morton says <strong>the</strong> best <strong>of</strong> generalpractice can be summarised by threethings: <strong>the</strong> intellectual challenge <strong>of</strong>diagnosing a patient as <strong>the</strong> first doctor on<strong>the</strong> scene, <strong>the</strong> relationships with patientsand <strong>the</strong>ir families and seeing people livelonger lives. “While surgeons might geta buzz from a quick fix – say removing acancer or repairing a fracture – because<strong>of</strong> preventative care we actually get to seepatients live longer, to live through to oldage. When I started in general practice<strong>the</strong> age <strong>of</strong> 65 was old. <strong>The</strong>se days it’sreally 80 years <strong>of</strong> age which is old.”Chair <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Royal <strong>Australian</strong> College<strong>of</strong> General Practitioner (RACGP <strong>NSW</strong> andACT Faculty), Dr Liz Marles agrees. “Ithink it’s <strong>the</strong> whole person care we <strong>of</strong>fer.I see GPs as being specialists in people– we treat people ra<strong>the</strong>r than diseasesor specific parts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> body. I think ourability to look after <strong>the</strong> whole person –in <strong>the</strong> context <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir family, <strong>the</strong>ir lifeand over a long period <strong>of</strong> time – is whatmakes general practice really special.”With increasing numbers <strong>of</strong> chronicdisease and mental health patients andan ageing population, both doctors agreegeneral practice is changing and some<strong>of</strong> it is for <strong>the</strong> better. Dr Morton says <strong>the</strong>o<strong>the</strong>r specialties <strong>of</strong> medicine are gettingnarrower and more focussed but generalpractice is getting broader. “<strong>The</strong>se aregood things because, actually, what wehave to cover from a medical healthcarepoint <strong>of</strong> view is becoming more complexand I think <strong>the</strong> status and recognition <strong>of</strong>that will improve.”Dr Marles says it’s something that’sbecoming increasingly important inmanagement <strong>of</strong> chronic disease. “It doestake us much more into management<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se kinds <strong>of</strong> conditions in generalpractice ra<strong>the</strong>r than always referringpatients to specialists and I think that’sa good thing,” she says. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rhand, “It certainly presents challengesin <strong>the</strong> time requirement and that’s wheretrying to coordinate a good team can beeffective”.Dr Marles says <strong>the</strong> emergence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>team-based model <strong>of</strong> care seems to beworking well. “It’s great to be able to haveo<strong>the</strong>r people who can help look after <strong>the</strong>patient. <strong>The</strong>re’s always a bit <strong>of</strong> a risk <strong>of</strong>fragmentation <strong>of</strong> care. As long as <strong>the</strong>patient can still access <strong>the</strong> GP when <strong>the</strong>ywant to, talk to <strong>the</strong> GP about problems<strong>the</strong>y may not raise elsewhere witho<strong>the</strong>r people and have that continuingrelationship over time, team-based careworks well.”Dr Morton agrees that working aspart <strong>of</strong> a team is good but he says it hasopened up <strong>the</strong> potential for turf battleswith o<strong>the</strong>r pr<strong>of</strong>essions. “I think it’s forgovernments and <strong>the</strong> community torecognise that <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> care givenby general practice, by medical doctors,is paramount. <strong>The</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r parts <strong>of</strong> teamsshould act as a team but complement,not replace general practice.”Not all <strong>the</strong> changes however arefor <strong>the</strong> good. Both doctors agree redtape is becoming an increasingly largeproblem. Dr Marles says, “Sometimes Ifind <strong>the</strong> hoops we have to jump throughin order for our patients to get a prettysmall Medicare rebate to go and see apodiatrist, for example, to be frustrating.Personally I would like to be able to makethat decision myself as to whe<strong>the</strong>r apatient needs to see somebody else andwrite a referral letter much as we do forseeing a specialist”.“I think <strong>the</strong> red tape feels like it’sexploded. It is time consuming and I’dlike to see some evidence that all <strong>of</strong> thoseitem numbers have actually led to betterhealth outcomes as <strong>the</strong>y’ve certainlybeen quite expensive and we haven’t hada corresponding increase in <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>ritem numbers.”Dr Morton says, “<strong>The</strong> practical issues<strong>of</strong> dealing with a patient in <strong>the</strong> consultingroom and <strong>the</strong> methods we’ve used over<strong>many</strong> years to talk to our colleaguesand better manage patients are seen bygovernment as needing specific bits <strong>of</strong>paper or specific plans. <strong>The</strong> governmentseems to increase remuneration byspecific carrots or methods ra<strong>the</strong>r thanjust increasing <strong>the</strong> amount <strong>of</strong> moneywe get for seeing patients in regularconsultations.”Red tape and lack <strong>of</strong> governmentsupport is something that’s also affectingmental health patients. Dr Morton says30 to 40 per cent <strong>of</strong> his practice wouldrelate to different aspects <strong>of</strong> mentalhealth and <strong>the</strong> community at large hasradically changed its opinion <strong>of</strong> mentalhealth problems in recent years. “Itdoesn’t have <strong>the</strong> respectability <strong>of</strong> physicalillness and while <strong>the</strong>re’s a dramaticchange in people’s willingness to talkabout it and accept mental health may beinvolved in some physical symptoms andillness, <strong>the</strong>re’s still a stigma attached.”Even though <strong>the</strong>re’s been a significantincrease in mental health consultations<strong>the</strong> Government’s support for GPs on thisissue is being reduced. Dr Marles says,“What we’re seeing, particularly with <strong>the</strong>cuts to general practice in terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Better Access Program, is a shift <strong>of</strong> some<strong>of</strong> that money out <strong>of</strong> general practice andinto more specialty-based programs.”On <strong>the</strong> future <strong>of</strong> general practice DrMorton says two key concerns for him aremaintaining <strong>the</strong> high standard <strong>of</strong> care that8 I THE <strong>NSW</strong> DOCTOR I OCTOBER 2011
featureHundreds <strong>of</strong> members have called <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)with national registration issuesby Narelle Schuh“I will be joining <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> which…clearly helps and looks after it’s members(and non-members!!!!) Thank you so much. You have made my month!”We are <strong>of</strong>ten asked what <strong>the</strong> value <strong>of</strong><strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) membership is. One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>clearest indications <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> importance<strong>of</strong> being a member in recent monthshas been <strong>the</strong> advocacy and assistancewe have provided over nationalregistration issues. Quite simply,hundreds <strong>of</strong> members can’t be wrong –but <strong>the</strong>y can be helped.We have done our best to help getdoctors back to operating or seeingpatients as soon as possible. We’veensured policy was changed to recoverMedicare rebates for patients wherea doctor’s registration had lapsed. Wehave also worked with AHPRA and <strong>the</strong><strong>Medical</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Australia to keep ourmember doctors informed.This has been no mean feat however<strong>the</strong> results achieved by our medicolegaland industrial department havebeen greatly appreciated by doctors.What is not common knowledge, orlost in <strong>the</strong> plethora <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession’sissues, is that <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> began workingtowards a fair deal for doctors morethan a decade ago. Federal and state<strong>AMA</strong>s wrote a number <strong>of</strong> submissions,met with politicians and raised criticalconcerns. <strong>The</strong> eventual implementationvindicated a lot <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> concerns raisedby <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> in <strong>the</strong> consultation process– visit for moreinformation.<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has ensured<strong>NSW</strong> was quarantined from <strong>many</strong>aspects <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> national scheme. Weare <strong>the</strong> only state in Australia to haveretained state-based legislation for allaspects associated with complaints,performance and impairment. This isone <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> reasons <strong>NSW</strong> registrantspay a lower annual registration feethan o<strong>the</strong>r states. As part <strong>of</strong> retaining<strong>the</strong> complaints, performance andimpairment system we also ensuredwe retained <strong>the</strong> state <strong>Medical</strong> Board,now known as <strong>the</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Council and<strong>the</strong> Association and College nomineeson <strong>the</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Council.<strong>The</strong> nominee system is criticallyimportant to <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> and <strong>the</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>ession. <strong>The</strong> system <strong>of</strong> nomineeson <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Board wasestablished by <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> during <strong>the</strong>1984 doctors’ dispute and providesthat colleges and <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)nominate doctors for consideration by<strong>the</strong> Minister. <strong>The</strong> doctors are nomineesand not representatives but <strong>the</strong>y bringto <strong>the</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Council <strong>the</strong>ir experienceand collective wisdom. This nomineesystem is a fundamental part <strong>of</strong> apr<strong>of</strong>essional regulation system andgives a sense <strong>of</strong> trust, confidence andownership in <strong>the</strong> decisions made andprocesses followed. <strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) orindeed <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession may not alwaysagree with everything <strong>the</strong> Board does,however it provides a good frameworkfor robust debate and clear resolution<strong>of</strong> issues and concerns.For any assistance with nationalregistration issues please contactour medico-legal department on02 9439 8822.“Today I received a phone callfrom <strong>the</strong> legal team at <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) that my application forrenewal <strong>of</strong> registration has beenreceived by AHPRA. I have alsoreceived by email confirmation<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> same from AHPRA. I wishto thank you and <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> forhelping to facilitate this. It hassaved me a significant amount<strong>of</strong> time and worry. It is one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>many</strong> benefits <strong>of</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)membership.”“I can’t thank you enough forcoming to <strong>the</strong> rescue <strong>of</strong> ourpractice and having Dr X’sregistration situation clarifiedwith <strong>the</strong> local <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> AHPRA.”“My colleagues who are not<strong>AMA</strong> members should beencouraged to join.”“A big thank you for helpingout last week. It has restored myfaith in lawyers. It feels good tobe back at work as a doctor andnot as a farmer.”Views expressed via correspondence from doctorsthat <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has assisted in 2011. I 11
feature<strong>The</strong> view from <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r sideby Elyse CainThree recognised health journalists discuss <strong>the</strong>irperspectives on <strong>the</strong> state and federal health systemFor those who work within <strong>the</strong> healthsystem on a daily basis it is easy tooverlook those who watch from <strong>the</strong>sidelines and report on what <strong>the</strong>y see.Health journalists are usually known for<strong>the</strong> news stories <strong>the</strong>y produce and notfor <strong>the</strong>ir perspective <strong>of</strong> – and interactionwith – <strong>the</strong> health system, doctors and<strong>the</strong>ir patients.Recently <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor sat downwith Julie Robotham from <strong>The</strong> SydneyMorning Herald, Adam Cresswell from<strong>The</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> and Sophie Scott from<strong>the</strong> ABC to get a unique insight into <strong>the</strong>irperspectives and experiences <strong>of</strong> both<strong>the</strong> state and federal health system overrecent years.<strong>The</strong> changes in both <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> andfederal health systems witnessed by<strong>the</strong> media during this time have beensignificant and wide-ranging. AdamCresswell has been writing about healthin Australia since 1996 and has seen<strong>the</strong> system improve in areas such ascapital investment, while simultaneouslyincreasing demand continues tocontribute to a growing pressure on <strong>the</strong>health system. Now it remains to beseen whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> federal health reformswill address this pressure. “Howsuccessfully <strong>the</strong> Federal Government’shealth reforms are bedded-downstrikes me as <strong>the</strong> number one issuefor healthcare providers and patients,”Adam says. “Kevin Rudd set <strong>the</strong> highest<strong>of</strong> bars in terms <strong>of</strong> what benefits hebelieved <strong>the</strong> reforms would bring and<strong>the</strong> current government has moderatedthat talk only slightly since <strong>the</strong> originalplans were scaled back.”This is <strong>the</strong> major issue Adam believeswill have a lot <strong>of</strong> media coveragein <strong>the</strong> coming years. “Individualelements <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> reforms such as LocalHealth Networks, Medicare Locals,<strong>the</strong> improvements to emergencydepartments and elective surgeryaccess along with extra sub-acute bedsare coming on-stream over <strong>the</strong> nextyear or two. <strong>The</strong>se are likely to receiveappropriate scrutiny from <strong>the</strong> media asto whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> benefits are measuringup to <strong>the</strong> promise.”On a state level, <strong>the</strong> recent restructuring<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Health Departmentfur<strong>the</strong>r contributes to <strong>the</strong> changes ingovernance observed by Julie Robothamduring her years as a health journalist.“In recent years <strong>the</strong>re has been ahuge centralisation <strong>of</strong> resources anddecision-making – which <strong>the</strong> currentgovernment is trying to undo to somedegree – and which clinicians clearlyresented,” she says. “It was supposed tointroduce efficiency but in reality causedbottlenecks elsewhere in <strong>the</strong> system.”Julie describes a health system thatwas run by a government fixated onmeeting performance targets ra<strong>the</strong>rthan improving outcomes for patients.“I have done a lot <strong>of</strong> reporting on <strong>the</strong>health system in western Sydney where<strong>the</strong>re was a calculated misstatement <strong>of</strong>elective surgery waiting times in orderto make <strong>the</strong> area <strong>of</strong> performance lookbetter than it actually was,” she says.“In health, data manipulation like thatmakes victims <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> people who don’tget <strong>the</strong> fair access to waiting lists that<strong>the</strong>y should.”<strong>The</strong> issue <strong>of</strong> access to services is amajor health talking point that has hada lot <strong>of</strong> media coverage <strong>of</strong> late and –according to Sophie Scott – will continueto do so. “<strong>The</strong>re has been an increasedfocus on access to hospital servicesinparticular,” says Sophie. “At one point<strong>the</strong>re were quite a few negative storiescirculating about hospital servicesbefore <strong>the</strong> Garling report was released,however I think now <strong>the</strong>re has beena turnaround in that bureaucrats aremuch more willing to engage with andlisten to clinicians in order to improve<strong>the</strong> hospital system.”Undoubtedly <strong>the</strong>se are all changes andissues that have been widely reportedon due to <strong>the</strong>ir direct impact on mostdoctors and <strong>the</strong>ir patients. What is<strong>the</strong>refore interesting is where <strong>the</strong>rehas been a rising trend in <strong>the</strong> media toreport on a topic completely removedfrom those mentioned above – geneticresearch. “<strong>The</strong>re have been someastounding advances since <strong>the</strong> humangenome project about 10 years ago,”Adam says. “<strong>The</strong>re are now <strong>many</strong>more stories that follow from thosediscoveries – stories about gene linksto diseases, new tests that can detectpredisposition to disease or whe<strong>the</strong>r aparticular drug will work for a particularpatient – and <strong>of</strong> course drug discoveriesthat have been made possible by <strong>the</strong>ability to analyse which genetic mutationa condition is linked to and to find amolecule that can address <strong>the</strong> anomaly.”14 I THE <strong>NSW</strong> DOCTOR I OCTOBER 2011
<strong>The</strong>se are medical developments likelyto appear in <strong>the</strong> media more frequentlyas <strong>the</strong> years pass. “<strong>The</strong> increasingpersonalisation <strong>of</strong> medication through<strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> sophisticatedgenetic tests has been quite an excitingtrend in medicine because it meansthat medications better suited to <strong>the</strong>individual can now take <strong>the</strong> place <strong>of</strong> moregenetic treatments,” Sophie says. Thistrend is not without its own challengeshowever. “Unfortunately, medication isnot getting any cheaper and <strong>the</strong>re arealready increasing conflicts about whogets what and for how much. This isan issue I believe will start to get moremedia coverage as times goes on.”Being on <strong>the</strong> receiving end <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> newsmakes it easy to forget that reporting onhealth issues can go far beyond politicsand scientific development; broughtwith it is constant exposure to stories<strong>of</strong> suffering and loss. <strong>The</strong> journalistsinterviewed described becoming closelyinvolved with <strong>the</strong> people whose stories<strong>the</strong>y tell to <strong>the</strong> wider public. “<strong>The</strong>reare just some stories that particularlyresonate with you as <strong>the</strong> journalist,”Julie says. “<strong>The</strong>re was a case I wroteabout a long time ago concerning a littlefour-year-old girl who, unbeknown toher parents, developed a brain tumour.Ra<strong>the</strong>r than getting diagnosed whenshe was first taken to hospital fortreatment it was decided that she waspsychosomatic and <strong>the</strong> symptoms shedisplayed were a reaction to problems athome. She went undiagnosed for threeweeks and suffered horrendously as aresult <strong>of</strong> a prejudiced decision about hercondition. I’ll never forget her. She wasjust <strong>the</strong> most harrowing case I had evercome across and was an example <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>tragic consequences <strong>of</strong> an avoidablemistake.”<strong>The</strong>se sorts <strong>of</strong> stories are all toocommon in <strong>the</strong> media and can <strong>of</strong>ten leadto negative connections with certaininstitutions or individuals. While <strong>the</strong>impression is that <strong>the</strong> media tends tomore frequently report on <strong>the</strong> flawsand tragic cases in <strong>the</strong> health system,health journalists regardless understand<strong>the</strong> pressures on <strong>the</strong> system and <strong>the</strong>unfailing dedication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> doctorswithin it.“Sometimes because our role as <strong>the</strong>media is to bring to <strong>the</strong> public’s attention<strong>the</strong> times when things go wrong itmay look like we’re constantly bashingdoctors and <strong>the</strong> health system,” Juliesays. “I don’t believe for a secondthat we don’t have an excellent healthsystem. <strong>The</strong> reason we do is notnecessarily because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> way <strong>the</strong>system is organised but because <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>commitment <strong>of</strong> individuals. <strong>The</strong> medicalpr<strong>of</strong>ession in general is full <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> mostexcellent and dedicated people.”Sophie is also on <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) Charitable Foundation and knows<strong>the</strong> extreme time pressures doctorsare subject to. “Through my work I’malways talking to clinicians who areextremely dedicated to what <strong>the</strong>y do, yet<strong>the</strong>y are always generous with <strong>the</strong>ir timeand willing to talk to <strong>the</strong> media,” shesays. “I think we are extremely lucky inAustralia – <strong>the</strong> quality <strong>of</strong> medicine andpractitioners here is just excellent.”Julie RobothamAdam CresswellSophie Scott I 15
featureBalancing medicine and lifestyle Part 1In this issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor weintroduce <strong>the</strong> first in a three-part serieson organisations doctors can join that<strong>of</strong>fer an opportunity for work-lifebalance with like-minded colleagues.Doctors’ lifestyles are as variable as <strong>the</strong>field is divided into specialties – and asdissimilar as <strong>the</strong> eye is from <strong>the</strong> big toe.Doctors’ medical environments are alsohighly variable. Some doctors practicefrom home, o<strong>the</strong>rs in small clinics,some in big hospitals or in research andadministration where it’s rare to see a”real” patient. Be you a family doctortaking night calls or day house calls ontop<strong>of</strong> a busy surgery list, a clinic doctorworking a rotating shift <strong>of</strong> an extendedhour clinic, a round-<strong>the</strong>-clock hospitalcare worker or an on-call specialist, it’snot uncommon for doctors’ lifestyles tobecome unbalanced.One way <strong>of</strong> improving that work-lifebalance is to find and engage in interestsoutside <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession. While this maybe as simple as a round <strong>of</strong> golf, throwinga line in or taking an art class, <strong>the</strong>re areseveral organisations in Australia that<strong>of</strong>fer activities specifically for doctors tojoin with like-minded colleagues, rangingfrom <strong>the</strong> humanitarian through to <strong>the</strong>creative and <strong>the</strong> downright unusual.This issue we introduce Doctors for<strong>the</strong> Environment Australia (DEA) whichaims to utilise <strong>the</strong> skills <strong>of</strong> members <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> medical pr<strong>of</strong>ession to address <strong>the</strong>ill health resulting from damage to <strong>the</strong>natural environment at local, nationaland global levels.Doctors for <strong>the</strong> Environment Australia(DEA)<strong>The</strong> World Health Organisationestimates one-quarter <strong>of</strong> global diseaseand one-third <strong>of</strong> that in children is due tomodifiable environmental factors. DEAbelieves if humanity is to make progressin solving <strong>the</strong> major issues <strong>of</strong> our time,all sections <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> community need tocontribute.A voluntary organisation <strong>of</strong> medicaldoctors in all <strong>Australian</strong> states andterritories, DEA believes climate changewill bring to Australia an increasedburden <strong>of</strong> heat stroke, injury from fireand storm, infectious diseases, socialdisruption and mental illness while in <strong>the</strong>developing world it will bring famine andwater shortage. Part <strong>of</strong> a global network<strong>of</strong> concerned medical pr<strong>of</strong>essionals, DEAAustralia is a branch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> InternationalSociety <strong>of</strong> Doctors for <strong>the</strong> Environment(ISDE) based in Switzerland. <strong>The</strong>re arenow branches in 35 o<strong>the</strong>r countries andISDE has significant achievements inEurope and established strong links,to and influence in, <strong>the</strong> Europeancommunity.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) member, Dr GraemeHorton is a member <strong>of</strong> DEA and joined<strong>the</strong> group in 2006 at which time he hadbeen a practising GP for 12 years and wascompleting a Masters <strong>of</strong> EnvironmentalStudies at <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong> Newcastle.“I have always enjoyed visitingwilderness areas and had been amember <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r organisations whichaim to protect <strong>the</strong> natural environment.From <strong>the</strong> late 1990s, when my wife and Ireturned to Australia from <strong>the</strong> UK during<strong>the</strong> hottest year on record at that time,<strong>the</strong> more I learned about climate change<strong>the</strong> more concerned I was that so littlewas being done about it, especially inAustralia.16 I THE <strong>NSW</strong> DOCTOR I OCTOBER 2011
member pr<strong>of</strong>ileDr Mark ParrishDr Mark Parrish has a Bachelor <strong>of</strong>Medicine and a Bachelor <strong>of</strong> Surgery(MB ChB) from <strong>the</strong> University <strong>of</strong>Birmingham in <strong>the</strong> UK. He undertookgeneral practice training with <strong>the</strong>British Navy which he joined during hisuniversity years.While in <strong>the</strong> military Dr Parrish choseto move into a healthcare managementrole ra<strong>the</strong>r than clinical care. Aftertravelling <strong>the</strong> world with <strong>the</strong> BritishNavy he secured an exchange positionwith <strong>the</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Navy and enjoyedAustralia so much he transferred to<strong>the</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Navy and settled here in1996, managing <strong>the</strong> military hospitalin Balmoral, <strong>NSW</strong>. He joined <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) soon after.Dr Parrish moved to Hornsby Hospitalwhere he became General Managerand <strong>the</strong>n onto North Shore PrivateHospital as CEO. Following this he tookon a healthcare consulting role withIBM Global Business Services. In 2006Dr Parrish moved to Micros<strong>of</strong>t wherehe became <strong>the</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> HealthSolutions for Asia Pacific and <strong>the</strong>Middle East, leading a team <strong>of</strong> healthpr<strong>of</strong>essionals across <strong>the</strong> region whowork with public and private healthorganisations to help <strong>the</strong>m improveclinical and business outcomes withinnovative s<strong>of</strong>tware solutions.Why did you join <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)?I joined <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) because I see itas a good organisation that represents<strong>the</strong> views <strong>of</strong> doctors in all specialtiesand fields across Australia. It’simportant doctors have a way in which<strong>the</strong>y can communicate.Why did you make <strong>the</strong> movefrom hospital administration intohealthcare consulting in IT solutions?What do you enjoy most about yourcurrent occupation?It wasn’t necessarily a deliberate move– it was a natural transition for me.As a clinician you can try to improve<strong>the</strong> healthcare <strong>of</strong> a few individualsat a time, which <strong>of</strong> course is alwaysimportant. As a hospital manager youcan work on how a hospital runs toimprove <strong>the</strong> healthcare <strong>of</strong> more thana few individuals. As I’ve progressedthrough my career my interests havebeen in trying to have a reasonablylarge impact on a lot <strong>of</strong> people. In mycurrent role I think I can help do that.For me <strong>the</strong> interest lies in looking athow o<strong>the</strong>r industries work – how <strong>the</strong>yprovide systems, processes, strategies,policies and a whole myriad <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rthings that improve <strong>the</strong> way thosebusinesses operate. I think <strong>the</strong>re isa lot <strong>of</strong> innovation in those industriesthat can and should be brought tohealthcare to help us with <strong>the</strong> bigissues such as costs, quality, risks andgovernance.What do you see as <strong>the</strong> majorbarriers to <strong>the</strong> development andimplementation <strong>of</strong> e-health?Over <strong>the</strong> last few years <strong>the</strong>re hasbeen an increasing focus on e-healthand how it can improve healthcareoutcomes, however a lot <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> barriersare around <strong>the</strong> changes that arebrought in with any new technology.<strong>The</strong> technology is pretty much alreadyavailable so <strong>the</strong> trick will be to make<strong>the</strong> right decisions and use <strong>the</strong>technology in a way that healthcareunderstands and can work with.Healthcare generates a phenomenalamount <strong>of</strong> data every day and turningthis into information that is relevant toa clinician, whenever and wherever heor she needs it, means it is more likelyto improve outcomes. <strong>The</strong> technologyto do this is available now – <strong>the</strong> changemanagement required to implement itand use it will take a little longer butwe are making good progress with this.What would be <strong>the</strong> benefits <strong>of</strong>e-health?One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> groups who wouldbenefit most from e-health is <strong>the</strong>patient. Patients can gain a greaterunderstanding <strong>of</strong> what is happeningwith <strong>the</strong>ir healthcare and how itfits-in with <strong>the</strong>ir individual case.We realise <strong>the</strong> more patients havesome accountability, responsibilityand involvement in managing <strong>the</strong>ircondition, <strong>the</strong> more likely <strong>the</strong>y areto have that condition progress in arelatively smooth fashion.I think we will begin to see anincreasing awareness and acceptanceby clinicians to use this technology.<strong>The</strong> benefits <strong>of</strong> having specifichealth information follow a patientaround for ready access by cliniciansheavily outweigh <strong>the</strong> effort it takesto implement and get used to newsystems. Ultimately <strong>the</strong> outcomesfor clinicians and <strong>the</strong>ir patients willimprove greatly with e-health. I 19
GPYR MDFT3691/T<strong>NSW</strong>DYOU ASK AND WE A<strong>NSW</strong>ER. INSTANTLY.Whe<strong>the</strong>r you’ve applied for one <strong>of</strong> our <strong>Medical</strong>and Health roles or are considering joining <strong>the</strong><strong>Australian</strong> Defence Force (ADF), we thought you’dbe interested in our upcoming live interactivebroadcasts. This is your chance to ask and gainfirst hand information from current <strong>of</strong>ficers in<strong>the</strong> field about <strong>the</strong>ir job, life in <strong>the</strong> ADF and more.REGISTER TODAYBroadcasts will be held on a regular basis. To participate,register your details at WEBSITE<strong>The</strong> broadcast website will allow you to participate in upcomingbroadcasts, watch replays, read <strong>the</strong> latest articles and learnmore about jobs in <strong>the</strong> Navy, Army and Air Force, including:Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Radiography, Psychology,Pharmacy, Environmental Health, <strong>Medical</strong>/Research Science,Laboratory and Physio<strong>the</strong>rapy.BROADCASTS.DEFENCEJOBS.GOV.AU
Membership <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ama (nsw)...It’s worth it!
From <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)<strong>Medical</strong> Secretary/ <strong>Medical</strong> Director,Dr Robyn Napier<strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Secretary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) is a requirement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) Constitution, appointed by <strong>the</strong>Board <strong>of</strong> Directors and confirmed by<strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Council. This positionis historically held by a medicalpractitioner and its role and duties areprescribed by <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Directorsas within <strong>the</strong> Constitution.Any complaints by <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)members regarding <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionalconduct <strong>of</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r members <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) should be addressed to <strong>the</strong><strong>Medical</strong> Secretary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Associationas stipulated in <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) By-Laws. <strong>The</strong>se By-Laws also dictate<strong>the</strong> complaint process <strong>the</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>Secretary follows through to <strong>the</strong> EthicsCommittee. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Secretaryprovides support necessary for <strong>the</strong>Ethics Committee to reach decisions insuch cases.<strong>The</strong> Ethics Committee is appointedby each new Council <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) and considers alleged unethicalconduct or any o<strong>the</strong>r matters deemedrelevant for its attention. This includesreview <strong>of</strong> legislation, codes <strong>of</strong> conductand social issues.<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics wasdeveloped by <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession prior toany imperatives driven by regulatoryauthorities and is referenced bymost regulatory authorities whenaddressing medical codes. <strong>The</strong> Code <strong>of</strong>Ethics is vital in defining <strong>the</strong> standards<strong>of</strong> medical practice, supporting properclinical practice and proper standards<strong>of</strong> behaviour.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Director <strong>of</strong>fers adviceon clinical issues and for <strong>the</strong> effectiverunning <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Council <strong>of</strong>General Practice wherever necessary.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Director generallyalso provides advice on regulatorybodies <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession includingrepresentation on <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>Council, <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> State <strong>Medical</strong>Board <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> National <strong>Medical</strong> Board,Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Services Review andparticipation on various advisorycommittees requiring input from <strong>the</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>ession.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Director’s Division alsoprovides support for <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)Charitable Foundation, <strong>the</strong> Doctors’Health Advisory Service and <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) Golf Society.Having been <strong>Medical</strong> Secretary/<strong>Medical</strong> Director <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)for 11 years and Director <strong>of</strong> GeneralPractice for six years prior to that,Dr Robyn Napier has a wealth <strong>of</strong>experience in this varied role.Robyn assists members withdisputes about medical records andperceived incorrect or overstatedadvertising by colleagues. <strong>The</strong> number<strong>of</strong> enquiries regarding registrationcategories has drastically increasedfollowing <strong>the</strong> changes to nationalregistration. Robyn also answersethical questions regarding payment <strong>of</strong>non-clinical services and involvementwith patients while providing services.Complaints about standards <strong>of</strong>behaviour <strong>of</strong> colleagues as wellas o<strong>the</strong>r pr<strong>of</strong>essional groups areaddressed by Robyn and in a broadersense she considers various areas <strong>of</strong>legislation and policy including <strong>the</strong>protection <strong>of</strong> children, euthanasia,refugee health and children indetention.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)charitablefoundationgala dinnerFRIDAY, 21 OCTOBER 20117:00PM ONWARDSPARLIAMENT HOUSE, SYDNEY$175.00 per person for three course dinner & beverages.Live and silent auctions to raise money for <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Charitable Foundation.Parliamentary host and special guest for <strong>the</strong> evening –<strong>The</strong> Hon. Barry O’Farrell, MP, Premier <strong>of</strong> <strong>NSW</strong>Guest speaker: Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Ron McCallum, AO Senior <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Year 2011MC for <strong>the</strong> evening: Ms Sophie Scott National <strong>Medical</strong> Reporter, ABC TVPlease contact Events Manager, Janene Wardrop to buy your ticket today.Phone 02 9439 8822 or email<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) 2012 CLINICAL CONFERENCEGalapagos IslandsGuayaquil, EcuadorTuesday, 8 May – Tuesday, 15 May 2012AccommodationHotel Hilton Colon, Guayaquil andGalapagos Explorer II luxury chartered shipPost conference tourCuzco and Machu Picchu, PeruFor more information contact <strong>Medical</strong> Tours Australia Pty LtdEmail Box 4109 Winmalee <strong>NSW</strong> 2777Phone 02 4754 5000 | Fax 02 4754 4000
From <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Director,Medico-Legal and Employment Relations,Sarah Dahlenburg<strong>The</strong> first point <strong>of</strong> contact for <strong>the</strong>majority <strong>of</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) members whoneed assistance will almost certainlybe <strong>the</strong> Medico-Legal and EmploymentRelations Division. Whe<strong>the</strong>r it is asimple query about a pay scale or acomplicated industrial dispute <strong>the</strong>Division has expert staff to providesupport and assistance, including threesolicitors, two senior industrial advisorsand four paralegals. <strong>The</strong> Division dealswith more than 3,000 calls and lettersannually and talks to 40 per cent <strong>of</strong>members one or more times a year.This highlights what is a mostimportant reason to join <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> – <strong>the</strong>provision <strong>of</strong> legal and industrial adviceand representation at no additionalcost. As a visit to a reasonable solicitorwill cost something in <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong>$300 an hour, it’s easy to work out thatanything that requires more than a fewhours will cost substantially more thanyour annual <strong>AMA</strong> membership fee! Inthis sense <strong>AMA</strong> membership is similarto insuring your house – a relativelysmall annual cost enables you to avoidmassive legal costs that can arise froma major industrial problem.Occasionally we run across aperception that <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> only provideslegal and industrial advice to GP andspecialist practices i.e. advice toemployers. It is true we have a lot <strong>of</strong>expertise in this area but we have anequivalent level <strong>of</strong> expertise availableto assist employed and contractedGPs and junior doctors. GPs who areconsidering joining a corporate orprivate practice as a contractor – orwho have joined and need help – cancontact us for expert contractual adviceand assistance with disputes.It is also perhaps not as widely knownas it should be that we can provideany level <strong>of</strong> industrial assistance thata junior doctor might need, short <strong>of</strong>renegotiating <strong>the</strong> award. <strong>The</strong>re is noimpediment in legislation or in practiceto <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> providing advice, assistanceand representation in relation topay issues, disciplinary matters orbullying and harassment. This includesrepresenting individuals or groups at<strong>the</strong> hospital level and taking matters to<strong>the</strong> Industrial Relations Commissionwhere necessary.In recent years <strong>Medical</strong> DefenceOrganisations have begun to <strong>of</strong>fer<strong>the</strong> option <strong>of</strong> employment relationsassistance and we occasionally getquestions from doctors about why <strong>the</strong>ywould need to join both an MDO and <strong>the</strong><strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>). <strong>The</strong> fact is <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)complements MDO legal expensespolicies. We strongly recommend thatall members join an MDO howeverMDOs do not – and have no plans to -<strong>of</strong>fer <strong>the</strong> same level <strong>of</strong> industrial adviceand assistance as <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) does.Good industrial advice starts withsomebody on <strong>the</strong> end <strong>of</strong> a telephonewho can provide expert advice nomatter <strong>the</strong> problem. It proceedsthrough to include representationat meetings, up to representation atindustrial tribunals if required. MDOpolicies will pay for legal representationin a serious industrial dispute however<strong>the</strong>y do not provide problem-solvingindustrial advice and services. MDOswill also typically contract-out legalrepresentation to a private legal firmthat may or may not have <strong>the</strong> expertisein medical industrial matters. Justlike in medicine, specialist knowledgeand experience is paramount andthat’s what <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) <strong>of</strong>fers itsmembers.<strong>The</strong> Medico-Legal and EmploymentRelations Division doesn’t just provideindustrial relations advice it alsoassists <strong>many</strong> members with what mightbe termed “pr<strong>of</strong>essional” issues issues for junior doctors andregistration problems for all doctors. In2010 and 2011 we provided assistanceto hundreds <strong>of</strong> doctors who were at risk<strong>of</strong> deregistration or had in fact beenderegistered due to problems with <strong>the</strong>move to national registration – a serviceno o<strong>the</strong>r medical organisation provides.JOIN THE <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) 2011
Vol2 - number 11- Deceecembembeer 2010/Ja0nuary 2011From <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Director,Policy and Communications, Sim MeadIn <strong>the</strong> Policy and CommunicationsDivision we spend our days thinkingabout how we can improve <strong>the</strong> two-waycommunication between membersand <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) decision-makers.In our ideal world members wouldspend several hours a week readingour communications, answering oursurveys and emailing us to let us knowin detail what <strong>the</strong>y think about <strong>the</strong> fullrange <strong>of</strong> health issues. All <strong>the</strong>se emailswould be collated to give us a crystalclearpicture <strong>of</strong> what <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>essionthinks and summaries provided to <strong>the</strong><strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) and Federal <strong>AMA</strong> Councilsand relevant committees to informpolicy positions and media statements.Of course in <strong>the</strong> real world werecognise doctors tend to be busytreating patients and have to fitnumerous requests for informationand feedback inbetween much higherpriorities. Knowing this is <strong>the</strong> case wereally appreciate those members whotake <strong>the</strong> time to tell us what <strong>the</strong>y think.We make every effort to walk <strong>the</strong> fineline between bombarding you withinformation and giving you informationyou need to be well-informed about <strong>the</strong>medico-political arena and welcomeyour views on how we can do this better.Communications<strong>The</strong> “Communications” part <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Division provides regularcommunications to members including<strong>the</strong> monthly magazine <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor,a weekly news email to all membersand a monthly email to all memberswith information about events. We alsosend regular email news to differentsections <strong>of</strong> our membership e.g. <strong>the</strong>reis a fortnightly email to junior doctors,VMO News regularly goes to VMOsand we also send a newsletter to ourpractice managers network.<strong>The</strong> communications team is also<strong>the</strong> first point <strong>of</strong> contact for media,taking daily phone calls, writing pressreleases and briefing <strong>the</strong> President ando<strong>the</strong>r Councillors prior to print, radioand TV interviews. We do get mediarequests about issues that range from<strong>the</strong> very serious – such as emergencydepartment performance – to <strong>the</strong>downright bizarre such as <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong>cryo<strong>the</strong>rapy as an anti-cellulite beautytreatment. Needless to say, our dayto-daydealings with <strong>the</strong> media can getvery interesting!We have a strong onlinecommunications presence with aregularly updated website, evenproduce, shoot and edit videos on ourYou Tube channel. We encourage allour members to receive <strong>the</strong> latest <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) news via email – if you haven’tdone so or would like to update youremail address, please send an email<strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor magazine is <strong>the</strong>PRINT POST APPROVED PP255003/00999THE <strong>NSW</strong>doctorTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AUSTRALIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (<strong>NSW</strong>)Be clear, be vocal,be persuasive…• Putting health on <strong>the</strong> political agenda• Do doctors and politics mix?• Resource shortage for regional hospitalswinnerBEST PUBLICATION2010 <strong>AMA</strong>national awards<strong>of</strong>ficial publication <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)and sent to all members 11 times perannum and all registered practitionersannually as part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)communications strategy. Membership<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) entitles you to receiveevery issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor, whichwas voted “Best State Publication”at <strong>the</strong> 2009 and 2010 <strong>AMA</strong> nationalawards. Members are also entitledto five free three-line classifiedadvertisements in <strong>the</strong> magazine perannum – so if you’re looking to placea free advertisement simply email <strong>the</strong>Editor, THE <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) 2011
From <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Manager,Commercial Services and Membership,Kerry Evripidou<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) enters into a limitednumber <strong>of</strong> commercial partnershipsproviding benefits for membersand additional income, enabling <strong>the</strong>association to keep membership feesas low as possible. We do not enter intocommercial partnerships until we haveestablished a close relationship witha company and are confident <strong>the</strong>y runa credible and trustworthy businessand can provide a useful service tomembers.Every commercial partnership isdifferent but typically commercialpartners will contribute to sponsorship<strong>of</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> events, advertise in <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong>Doctor and in some cases forwardan agreed amount to <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)based on business received from <strong>AMA</strong>members. This contributes to revenue<strong>the</strong> association can put-back intoproviding services to <strong>AMA</strong> members.Our primary concern is to look fordirect benefits for members, be <strong>the</strong>ydiscounted rates or quality <strong>of</strong> serviceand preferably both.As well as <strong>the</strong> benefits that arisefrom formal commercial partnershipsmembership <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) alsogives members access to a range<strong>of</strong> commercial services. A full list<strong>of</strong> commercial services available tomembers can be found at <strong>the</strong> back <strong>of</strong>each issue <strong>of</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor toge<strong>the</strong>rwith our annual membership rates.Members can take advantage <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) member referral bonus<strong>of</strong>fer where as a financial member<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) if you persuade acolleague to join you will receive acheque equal to 25 per cent <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> newmember’s subscription amount. <strong>The</strong>re’sno limit to how <strong>many</strong> members youcan introduce! If your spouse is also adoctor and you both join <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)<strong>the</strong>re is a special spousal discount <strong>of</strong> 30per cent <strong>of</strong>f each membership.One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> biggest challenges inany member-based organisation ismaintaining an accurate database<strong>of</strong> member details. <strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)has a small team <strong>of</strong> people who enterdetails for new members, organiseannual renewal processes, maintain<strong>the</strong> integrity <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> data and assistmembers with questions. Recentimprovements to this process includenew online joining mechanisms anda chance for members to pay by <strong>the</strong>month at no extra cost.Every day we help doctors savemoney and get priority service byputting <strong>the</strong>m in touch with our <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) member service partners.Many members put in-touch withInvestec <strong>Medical</strong> Finance, for example,have been able to organise mortgagesto purchase practices extremelyquickly. After being referred to Investecone doctor contacted <strong>the</strong>m in <strong>the</strong>morning, met with <strong>the</strong>m that eveningand had <strong>the</strong> loan approved <strong>the</strong> next day!Investec’s sister company, ExperienInsurance Services (EIS) has similarlyassisted <strong>many</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) members.One doctor booked an appointmentwith EIS to change his life insurancepolicy but before <strong>the</strong> meeting tookplace, survived a potentially lifethreateningillness. Although notcovered under his existing policyExperien helped <strong>the</strong> doctor achieve a$300,000 payout towards medical feesand compensation for loss <strong>of</strong> earning.Good accountants are invaluableand Cutcher & Neale saved a memberdoctor $20,000 a year by transforminghis low benefit, low financial structureinto a tax efficient one. Members <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) have been known tobuy up to six cars through Action Fleet,which is really no surprise when <strong>the</strong>ircustomer service team remembersyou even if your last purchase was 10years ago! Prosper Group was able totell a member that <strong>the</strong>re was a majorissue with a property he was lookingpotentially for a practice, saving himfrom a costly mistake.Join <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) now for 2012 and get <strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> 2011 for free. “JOIN NOW” insert inside this issue.
<strong>of</strong> Understandingby Narelle Schuh<strong>The</strong> role <strong>of</strong> ASMOF (<strong>NSW</strong>) – President, Dr Tony SaraASMOF (<strong>NSW</strong>) continues to be <strong>the</strong>largest industrial organisation <strong>of</strong>employees representing <strong>the</strong> interests<strong>of</strong> senior salaried medical practitionersin <strong>the</strong> country with steadily increasingmembership. It also aims to advocatefor health services, unusual for anindustrial organisation.ASMOF (<strong>NSW</strong>) sees <strong>the</strong>ir key focusrepresenting <strong>the</strong> interests <strong>of</strong> membersas new public health structures andservice delivery models are developedand implemented. This includes LocalHealth Districts replacing <strong>the</strong> “AreaHealth Service model” and clinicianinput becoming an essential ingredientin new decision-making processes.It will continue its involvement in<strong>the</strong> National Health Reform processover <strong>the</strong> next several years, includinghow funding services provided arecalculated and allocated.A recent significant challenge forASMOF (<strong>NSW</strong>) was changes to <strong>the</strong><strong>NSW</strong> legislative and policy frameworkfor negotiating public sector wages.Significant work needs to be done incoming months and years to preventunreasonable restraints to staffspecialist salaries in <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> publicsector arising from a “one size fits all”model.COMMERCIAL PREMISES FOR LEASEkogarahThis strategically located commercial premises islocated within close proximity <strong>of</strong> Kogarah town centre,Kogarah train station and in walking distance toSt George public and private hospitals. <strong>The</strong> premisesare fitted out for immediate use as a medical practice/specialist. Approximately 166m 2 with 4 car spaces.Landlord will negotiate attractive terms & conditions.(GST and outgoings apply).Contact Eric Mastrullo 0418 265 965 or 9588 3455or email<strong>Medical</strong> DEBtscollected pr<strong>of</strong>essionallyDon’t give up on your bad debts!Guardian Collection Agency has been servicing <strong>the</strong>medical pr<strong>of</strong>ession for more than 20 years with anexceptional success rate.We <strong>of</strong>fer a simple, commission-only fee structure anda reputation for integrity, efficiency and 100 per centpersonal service.Forget <strong>the</strong> large, run-<strong>of</strong>-<strong>the</strong>-mill impersonal agencies,we <strong>of</strong>fer:: No cost to you unless we collect.: Wholly committed to debt collection.: Unique ‘counselling’ approach to debtors -we address patient’s problems.: Stable, pr<strong>of</strong>essional and familyowned and operated.Phone 02 9488 8597Fax 02 9988 4207Email I 31
A/Pr<strong>of</strong>essor Brian OwlerSurgeon classDr Jitendra (John) ParikhUnrestricted member(GP) classDr Barri PhatarfodUnrestricted GPmember classDr David Rivett, OAMRural Doctor classDr Tony SaraSou<strong>the</strong>rn Metropolitanzone classDr Saxon SmithUnrestricted Generalmember classDr Tom StanleyPsychiatrist classDr Michael SteinerOphthalmologist classDr Brett ThomsonIllawarra and SouthCoast zoneMr Benjamin VenessStudent member classDr Ge<strong>of</strong>frey White, OAMNew England North Coastzone classDr Choong-Siew YongSalaried Doctor classDr Andrew ZuschmannObstetrician/Gynaecologist classDr Simon ZidarAnaes<strong>the</strong>tist class I 33
See opportunities ina patchy propertymarket.We can provide <strong>the</strong> rightinformation to help you make<strong>the</strong> right property decisions.Whe<strong>the</strong>r you’re thinking about upgrading your family home,investing or buying your rooms; being successful in propertyis about being informed so you make good decisions not badones. <strong>The</strong> property market in Sydney and <strong>NSW</strong> is made up <strong>of</strong>hundreds <strong>of</strong> sub-markets. <strong>The</strong> media <strong>of</strong>ten draws “a long bow”when collating data and its comments imply that <strong>the</strong> propertymarket is one ‘big’ market.As property pr<strong>of</strong>essionals that deal in <strong>the</strong> market daily, ProsperGroup knows that <strong>the</strong>re can be vast differences from onesuburb to <strong>the</strong> next. Knowing <strong>the</strong>se differences is <strong>the</strong> key toyour success.To assist you to keep up to date with <strong>the</strong> latest in yourparticular area, we have a special <strong>of</strong>fer just for medicalpr<strong>of</strong>essionals during <strong>the</strong> month <strong>of</strong> October.It’s what we call a “Suburb Snapshot Report”. We will prepare apersonalised Suburb Snapshot Report to help you understanda particular <strong>NSW</strong> or QLD suburb no matter whe<strong>the</strong>r you arecurrently investing, thinking <strong>of</strong> investing or maybe even whereyou live.Your particular Suburb Snapshot Report will cover:• Price movements over 20 years• Sales and rents in <strong>the</strong> last 12 months• What price band is selling best• Detailed demographic infoFREE SUBURBSNAPSHOT REPORTSee what’s happening in your preferred suburb.*Free for October only.To get your free copy call1300 664 373or visit Purchases | Investment Property Purchases | Business Premises Purchases | Property Management
featureWho will care for <strong>the</strong> doctors?by Elyse CainAs a patient you make an appointmentwith your doctor expecting him or herto have all <strong>the</strong> answers to your healthproblems. A doctor who, surprisinglyenough, can at times be no stranger t<strong>of</strong>eeling sick and miserable <strong>the</strong>mselves. Sowhen <strong>the</strong> doctor becomes <strong>the</strong> patient wholooks after <strong>the</strong>ir health needs?Dr Jill Gordon, President <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Doctors’Health Advisory Service (DHAS) <strong>NSW</strong> saysdoctors are so busy looking after <strong>the</strong>irpatients’ health <strong>the</strong>y <strong>of</strong>ten neglect <strong>the</strong>irown. “It’s extremely important for healthand support services to be available todoctors when <strong>the</strong>y need it,” Dr Gordonsays. “Sometimes it isn’t easy for a doctorto admit <strong>the</strong>y need help – particularly ifit’s a problem with alcohol or o<strong>the</strong>r drugsor an issue regarding <strong>the</strong>ir psychologicalwellbeing that <strong>the</strong>y don’t feel comfortablerevealing. It can be difficult to findano<strong>the</strong>r doctor <strong>the</strong>y trust.”Dr Sandy Jusuf, member <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>(<strong>NSW</strong>) DIT Committee believes a doctor’shealth is essential to <strong>the</strong>ir work andwellbeing as an individual. “If a doctor issuffering from health issues but doesn’thave <strong>the</strong> support to deal with <strong>the</strong>m thoseissues can become an impairment. Itbecomes harder for that doctor to workeffectively and look after <strong>the</strong> community.”Among o<strong>the</strong>r issues is <strong>the</strong> mentalhealth <strong>of</strong> junior doctors relating tonumerous factors including exhaustionfrom working long hours, shiftworkand <strong>the</strong> resultant isolation from friendsand family. “I think it’s important toshare experiences and explore possibleapproaches and solutions to <strong>the</strong> issues,”Dr Jusuf says. “Junior doctors’ mentalhealth is <strong>of</strong> concern to beyondblue and<strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Health Education and TrainingInstitute (formerly CETI and before that,IMET). RPA hospital is currently workingon a program to address <strong>the</strong> mentalhealth <strong>of</strong> its junior doctors internally.<strong>The</strong>se are all important initiatives andones we can learn from.”<strong>The</strong> biggest issue facing doctors’ healthis <strong>the</strong> uncertain future <strong>of</strong> health programsfor doctors in <strong>NSW</strong> as <strong>the</strong> transitionto national registration has createdfunding concerns. Annual funding onceprovided by <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Board hasceased and interim funds provided by <strong>the</strong>Board – intended to cover doctors’ healthprograms until an alternative source <strong>of</strong>funding is found – will soon run out. <strong>The</strong><strong>Australian</strong> Doctors’ Health Network (acoalition <strong>of</strong> DHAS providers in each state)has approached <strong>the</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Board <strong>of</strong>Australia for assistance but it will onlyconsider funding programs in each stateif doctors agree nationally to an additionallevy. “As registration fees increase thisdoes not seem likely to occur,” Dr Gordonsays. “This is a pity when one considers asmall annual amount, say $50, could domuch to help colleagues in trouble.”Possible sources <strong>of</strong> support for doctors’health programs was discussed at <strong>the</strong>“Forum on <strong>the</strong> future <strong>of</strong> doctors’ healthand support services in <strong>NSW</strong>” held lastmonth at <strong>AMA</strong> House. Representativesfrom <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Council, medicalschools, training colleges, <strong>the</strong> <strong>NSW</strong>Institute <strong>of</strong> Psychiatry and medicalprotection organisations attended.Estate Planning, Trusts& Estate LitigationTressCox has over 50 years experience advisingclients on estate planning, business successionand wealth creation. Our estate planning team isone <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> largest, most well connected groupsin <strong>NSW</strong>.Some <strong>of</strong> our areas <strong>of</strong> expertise include:Document preparation for Wills,Testamentary Trusts, SuperannuationDeath Benefit Nominations andMemorandum <strong>of</strong> WishesAppointment <strong>of</strong> Attorneys andEnduring GuardiansEstate and succession planning,administration and litigationPurchase and sale <strong>of</strong> real estateActing for Executors in upholding<strong>the</strong> intentions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> will makerOur pr<strong>of</strong>essionals can advise you on estateplanning, succession planning, wills andprotecting your business because we have adeep understanding <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> issues faced in“This was a chance for <strong>the</strong> DHAS andbodies such as <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) and <strong>the</strong><strong>Medical</strong> Benevolent Society <strong>of</strong> <strong>NSW</strong>to discuss opportunities for closercollaboration to maximise what we allhave to <strong>of</strong>fer,” Dr Gordon says.In <strong>the</strong> face <strong>of</strong> funding concerns, DrJusuf believes <strong>the</strong>re is a need for closercollaboration on projects concernedwith doctors’ health on a national levelto ensure <strong>the</strong> best use <strong>of</strong> resourceswithout replicating services. Likewise,Dr Gordon is certain that if organisationsare able to work toge<strong>the</strong>r it could help tomake <strong>the</strong> provision <strong>of</strong> health services todoctors more efficient. “Forums are greatopportunities to keep doctors abreast<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> work being done to support <strong>the</strong>mand form more relationships betweenorganisations that will ultimatelybenefit <strong>the</strong> health <strong>of</strong> doctors throughout<strong>the</strong> state.”Michael HenleyPhone 02 9228 9206Fax 02 9228 McPhillipsPhone 02 9228 9210Fax 02 9228 LimPhone 02 9228 9250Fax 02 9228 I 35
<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) 2012 Clinical ConferenceGalapagos IslandsGuayaquil, EcuadorTuesday, 8 May – Tuesday, 15 May 2012AccommodationHotel Hilton Colon, Guayaquil andGalapagos Explorer II luxury chartered shipPost conference tourCuzco and Machu Picchu, PeruFor more information contact <strong>Medical</strong> Tours Australia Pty LtdEmail Box 4109 Winmalee <strong>NSW</strong> 2777Phone 02 4754 5000 | Fax 02 4754 4000
feature<strong>NSW</strong> Practice Manager <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Year 2011Jo-anne Bacon from Smith StreetPractice, Tamworth was named<strong>the</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Association <strong>of</strong>Practice Manager’s (AAPM)<strong>NSW</strong> Practice Manger <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Year at AAPM’s annual formalawards night on Friday,26 August 2011.Jo-anne was employed in 2005 by <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>n-named Marius Street Practice, amove which her employers say was “<strong>the</strong>best decision we have made during ouryears <strong>of</strong> practice”. <strong>The</strong> three femaledoctor practice owners say Jo-annebrought to <strong>the</strong> practice skills in financialmanagement, introduced new ITrequirements, liaised with governmentand training bodies, organised and teammanaged staff, coordinated activities foraccreditation and in 2009, facilitated amajor expansion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> practice.During <strong>the</strong> expansion Jo-annecontinued <strong>the</strong> smooth running <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>practice but also undertook a majorrole in organising <strong>the</strong> planning andimplementation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new building.She liaised with <strong>the</strong> council andbuilder, organised financial and legalmeetings, addressed OH&S mattersand maintained communication withall involved parties. Jo-anne also had amajor responsibility in financial planningfor purchasing <strong>the</strong> new building as wellas new equipment and furnishings for<strong>the</strong> practice.Jo-anne ensured <strong>the</strong> now quite largeand complex practice managementarea ran smoothly and managed <strong>the</strong>incorporation <strong>of</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>r medicalpractice into <strong>the</strong> Smith Street Practice.<strong>The</strong> move to <strong>the</strong> new premises andincorporation <strong>of</strong> new doctors, receptionstaff and patients provided a challengingdimension to Jo-anne’s role which heremployers say she handled gracefullyand successfully, managing a cheerful,cooperative and dedicated team. I 37
eventsTHIS MONTH – Join us for <strong>the</strong> Charitable FoundationGala Dinner on Friday, 21 October 2011<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) isencouraging doctorsfrom outside <strong>the</strong> Sydneymetropolitan area tojoin us for our annualfundraising dinner.Get your tickets now for <strong>the</strong> chance tomingle with <strong>The</strong> Hon. Barry O’Farrell,MP, Premier <strong>of</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> and HealthMinister, Jillian Skinner.As part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Charitable Foundation’sefforts to raise money for cancercharity, Can Assist, <strong>the</strong>re will be asilent and a live auction on <strong>the</strong> night.Items under <strong>the</strong> hammer include:• A 7-night holiday for six to SanctuaryCove, Port Douglas• A 7-night holiday for six toQueenstown, New Zealand• A 7-night holiday for six to Fiji• A dinner for 8 prepared by apr<strong>of</strong>essional chef in your home• Experiences including deep seafishing and 3-day Hunter Valley winetour for four peopleCall <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Events Manager,Janene Wardrop on 02 9439 8822for tickets or<strong>The</strong> InterContinental Sydney and <strong>the</strong>Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney are<strong>of</strong>fering special accommodation ratesfor guests attending what will be awonderful evening for <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>of</strong>ession.<strong>The</strong> InterContinental Sydney is justa short walk away from ParliamentHouse and positioned on <strong>the</strong> edge <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> world’s most stunning harbour,overlooking <strong>the</strong> Opera House, SydneyHarbour Bridge and Royal BotanicGardens. Steps away are <strong>the</strong> CBD, <strong>the</strong>historic Rocks area, leading shopsand boutiques and some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> finestrestaurants <strong>the</strong> city has to <strong>of</strong>fer.Located only 12 kilometres from SydneyInternational Airport and with easyaccess to <strong>the</strong> Sydney Harbour Bridgeand Tunnel, getting to <strong>the</strong> hotel is quickand easy.<strong>The</strong> InterContinental Sydney’scontemporary guest rooms and suites<strong>of</strong>fer a pictureframe view <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> cityskyline, Royal Botanic Gardens, OperaHouse or Harbour Bridge. For <strong>the</strong>ultimate Sydney experience you canbook a Club InterContinental roomand enjoy access to <strong>the</strong> ro<strong>of</strong>top lounge.Built to capture panoramic viewsacross Sydney Harbour, it is <strong>the</strong> city’sonly ro<strong>of</strong>top lounge with wrap-aroundterrace. Club InterContinental guestsalso enjoy amenities such as deluxebreakfast and twilight drinks.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Gala Dinner attendeescan contact <strong>the</strong> InterContinentalSydney’s reservations department on02 9240 1200 and quote AM7 whenrequesting your special rate for thisprestigious event.<strong>The</strong> InterContinental Sydney117 Macquarie StreetSydney <strong>NSW</strong> 200002 9253<strong>The</strong> Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney iscentrally located at 11 Jamison Streetand a short stroll from Circular Quay,<strong>The</strong> Rocks, Darling Harbour and <strong>the</strong>CBD. <strong>The</strong> hotel is an urban sanctuaryfor guests, combining <strong>the</strong> ultimate inluxury with <strong>Australian</strong> contemporarystyle. Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney is<strong>the</strong> perfect hotel for both <strong>the</strong> businessand leisure traveler, <strong>of</strong>fering everythingyou would expect from a 5-star premiumproperty and more.<strong>The</strong> hotel boasts 415 well-appointedguest rooms fitted with exceptionalfurnishings and detail. Some roomsfeature views <strong>of</strong> Sydney ‘s world famousharbour, while o<strong>the</strong>rs <strong>of</strong>fer amazingviews <strong>of</strong> Darling Harbour and Sydney ‘scityscape.<strong>The</strong> hotel will provide <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)guests attending <strong>the</strong> Gala Dinner witha full range <strong>of</strong> leisure, conference andbusiness facilities including two bars‘Inbargo’ and ‘<strong>The</strong> Gallery’ and tworestaurants, Charr <strong>the</strong> hotel’s signaturerestaurant and <strong>The</strong> Gallery Restaurant.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) guests can enjoy a specialrate <strong>of</strong> $290.00 per room per night fora Deluxe Room and breakfast for twopeople.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Gala Dinner attendees cancontact <strong>the</strong> Reservations Department on02 9696 2500 and quote A-<strong>AMA</strong>2110 forthis special rate, available for check-in21 October 2011 - check-out,22 October 2011.Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney11 Jamison StreetSydney <strong>NSW</strong> 200002 9696 I 39
<strong>Medical</strong> FinanceWho else...has so <strong>many</strong> specialists on call?Your finance.Our specialisation.On call 1300 131 141<strong>NSW</strong> Finance SpecialistsL-RStephanie Guarino, Sandy Constanti,Pamela Christie, Russell Price,Lynne Kelly, Marie La Rocca, AlexisPaszek, Stafford Hamilton, MichelleGianferrari, Nick Tagg, BarryLanesman, Paul Catanzariti, TeresaNguyen, Tony Kalmin, Jacqui Green,Karen Brighton, Andre Karney,Mercedes Torres, Paul Hastings, TroyKing, Saul Cohen, Don Thompson,Vasantha Ramalingam, Katie LloydAsset Finance • Commercial Property Finance • Deposit Facilities • Goodwill & Practice Purchase Loans • Home LoansPr<strong>of</strong>essional Overdraft • Income Protection and Life Insurance • <strong>Medical</strong> IndemnityInvestec Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Finance Pty Ltd ABN 94 110 704 464 (Investec Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Finance) is a subsidiary <strong>of</strong> Investec Bank (Australia) Limited ABN 55 071 292 594 (Investec Bank). Allfinance is subject to our credit assessment criteria. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply. Deposit products are issued by Investec Bank. Before making any decision to investin <strong>the</strong>se products, please contact Investec Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Finance, a division <strong>of</strong> Investec Bank, for a copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Product Disclosure Statement and consider whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>se products suityour personal financial and investment objectives and circumstances. We reserve <strong>the</strong> right to cease <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>the</strong>se products at any time without notice.
events<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Golf Society upcoming eventsBMA Challenge Cup –15 December 2011<strong>The</strong> Golf Society’s final and mostprestigious event <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> year will be heldat Elanora Country Club, Sydney on15 December 2011 with all golferswelcome for tee-<strong>of</strong>f at noon.Tucked away in <strong>the</strong> hilltopsoverlooking Narrabeen on Sydney’snor<strong>the</strong>rn peninsula, Elanora CountryClub is a haven <strong>of</strong> tranquility andbushland charm. Established in 1928,Elanora is home to one <strong>of</strong> Sydney’spremier golf courses where members’underlying love <strong>of</strong> golf combinesseamlessly with <strong>the</strong> understated andcomfortable surroundings.<strong>The</strong> BMA Cup competition will beindividual par, scratch, 2BBB par,nearest <strong>the</strong> pins and longest drive.All golfers are welcome. Accommodationis also available at Elanora CountryClub, if interested please contact NicoleChambers on 02 9913 7336.Interstate weekend – 2-5 March 2012Accommodation for <strong>the</strong> 2012 interstateweekend will be at <strong>the</strong> 5-star RACVRoyal Pines Resort for three nights withfour rounds <strong>of</strong> golf.PRO/AM Charity Golf Classic –15 March 2012A key component <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)Charitable Foundation’s fundraisingefforts, <strong>the</strong> PRO/AM Charity Classic for2012 will be held at Terrey Hills GolfClub with all proceeds going to support<strong>the</strong> Foundation’s projects which promotesocial advancement and healthcare <strong>of</strong>deserving community groups.<strong>The</strong> event will see a large field <strong>of</strong> prostesting <strong>the</strong>ir skill on this challengingcourse. Played in a team format,each sponsor is invited to enter threerepresentatives or guests. A PGApr<strong>of</strong>essional will join each team <strong>of</strong> threeand provide personalised attentionand expert instruction throughout <strong>the</strong>day. Free coaching clinics will also beconducted by PGA pr<strong>of</strong>essionals priorto <strong>the</strong> event which will be a Stablefordcompetition – individual and team –over 18 holes, nearest <strong>the</strong> pin andlongest drive.For information on <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Golf Society or to register for events contactKathy Thornton on 02 9439 8822 or email Your RiskWant to discuss real life case studies witha panel <strong>of</strong> experts?Want to earn CPD points?<strong>The</strong>n ‘Diagnose Your Risk’ with Avant’smedico-legal workshop series.For more information about events in your city Mutual Group LimitedABN 58 123 154 898
have an obligation free insurancereview, why wouldn’t you?It’s a simple question. Dedicated insurance adviser, obligation freereview and a full suite <strong>of</strong> products. Income protection, life, disablement,trauma, business expenses, key person and business successioninsurance. Why not know where you stand?Experien Insurance Services, an affiliate <strong>of</strong> Investec <strong>Medical</strong> Finance, is aspecialist provider <strong>of</strong> Personal Insurance to <strong>the</strong> medical pr<strong>of</strong>ession.So, take <strong>the</strong> opportunity to ensure you have <strong>the</strong> appropriate level <strong>of</strong>cover with all <strong>the</strong> latest product enhancements.As a special <strong>of</strong>fer we will rebate <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) members 15% <strong>of</strong>f <strong>the</strong>premium <strong>of</strong> any new policy completed between 1 October 2011 and 31December 2011 * .1300 131 141 Australia Protection & Life Insurance • Asset Finance • Commercial Property Finance • Deposit Facilities • Goodwill & Practice Purchase LoansHome Loans • Pr<strong>of</strong>essional OverdraftInvestec Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Finance Pty Limited ABN 94 110 704 464. Investec Bank (Australia) Limited ABN 55 071 292 594 AFSL/ACL 234975. Only <strong>the</strong> insurance products listedabove are distributed by Experien Insurance Services Pty Ltd (Experien Insurance Services). Experien Insurance Services is part owned by Investec Experien Pty Ltd. ExperienInsurance Services is an Authorised Representative <strong>of</strong> Financial Wisdom Limited ABN 70 006 646 108, AFSL 231138, a wholly owned but non-guaranteed subsidiary <strong>of</strong>Commonwealth Bank Australia ABN 48 123 123 124. This information is <strong>of</strong> a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your particular financialneeds, circumstances and objectives. While every effort has been made to ensure <strong>the</strong> accuracy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> information, it is not guaranteed. You should obtain a copy <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> productdisclosure statement and also obtain independent pr<strong>of</strong>essional advice before acting on <strong>the</strong> information contained in this publication.*<strong>The</strong> promotion only applies to new policies and not any existing policies that are transferred to Experien Insurance Services as adviser. <strong>The</strong> rebate only applies to <strong>the</strong> first year’spremium. <strong>The</strong> rebate will be paid at <strong>the</strong> completion <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> policy.
TAX, PROPERTY &FINANCE STRUCTURINGMASTERCLASSKey steps to wealthgeneration and preservationThursday, 24 November 2011Novotel Northbeach, Wollongong<strong>The</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) – toge<strong>the</strong>r with partners Investec <strong>Medical</strong> Finance,Cutcher & Neale and <strong>The</strong> Prosper Group – invites you to <strong>the</strong> tax,property and finance structuring masterclass. Attend and receive avoucher saving you $100 on next year’s <strong>AMA</strong> membership!Participants will learn:• <strong>The</strong> steps required in setting up an effective tax structure.• How to minimise capital gains tax.• How to tailor debt to <strong>the</strong> investment.• <strong>The</strong> key criteria to selecting an investment.This workshop takes <strong>the</strong> form <strong>of</strong> a panel discussion and you willbenefit from <strong>the</strong> speakers’ expert knowledge in <strong>the</strong>ir respectivefields. <strong>The</strong> evening will include a number <strong>of</strong> scenarios unique tomedical practitioners to show you how to make <strong>the</strong> most <strong>of</strong> yourearning power. This format allows for active audience participationand involvement.<strong>The</strong> Key Steps to Wealth Generation and Preservation will bepresented by our experienced panel:Stafford Hamilton – Investec <strong>Medical</strong> FinanceJarrod Bramble – Cutcher & Neale Accounting and Taxation ServicesChris White – <strong>The</strong> Prosper GroupTime | 6:00pm Drinks and canapes6:30pm Welcome6:40pm Presentation with questionsCost | <strong>AMA</strong> members $45 per seminarNon-members $75 per seminar(NB: If you are an <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) member and bring a friendwho is a non-member you will receive a $20 discount on yourseminar fee and only pay $25 to come to this exciting event!)STARTING & WORKINGIN PRIVATE PRACTICESaturday, 5 November 2011Amora Hotel Jamison, Sydney10:00am – 5:00pmCost<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) members – $100Non-members – $300Rebate <strong>of</strong> $200 if you join <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) on <strong>the</strong> day.This workshop is designed for:• Registrars who are finishing specialty trainingand considering <strong>the</strong>ir options.• Doctors (GPs and specialists) who are setting-upa private practice for <strong>the</strong> first time or becominginvolved for <strong>the</strong> first time in managing a privatepractice.Expert presenters provide attendees withinformation on:• Structuring your medical practice.• Considerations when buying your practice.• Financing your new practice or going into anexisting practice.• Employing, managing and terminating staff inyour practice.• <strong>Medical</strong> practitioners’ experiences in setting up<strong>the</strong>ir own practices.• Considerations in fee setting for GPs andspecialists.• <strong>The</strong> advantages and disadvantages <strong>of</strong> working fora corporate.• <strong>Medical</strong> practitioners’ experiences in setting-up<strong>the</strong>ir own practices.Medico legal & industrial relations seminar<strong>The</strong> Coronial InquestWhat medical practitioners need to knowThursday, 17 November 2011 | <strong>AMA</strong> House, St Leonards | 7:00pm – 9:00pmCost | $20 <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) members including a light meal, $50 non-membersFor fur<strong>the</strong>r information and to register for any <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se events contact <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Events ManagerJanene Wardrop, phone 02 9439 8822 or email
<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has <strong>the</strong> most comprehensive Medico-Legal and Employment Relations advice in Australia.Just some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> services that are available include awards advice and updates, court representation,mediation and human resource consulting. A comprehensive range <strong>of</strong> legal packages and draft contractsare available for members for a nominal fee. In addition, below are a list <strong>of</strong> our member service partnersto assist you whatever <strong>the</strong> need.member services<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Service Partners<strong>AMA</strong> Auto Buying ServiceA free service specialising in <strong>the</strong>acquisition, funding and disposal <strong>of</strong> allmakes and models <strong>of</strong> motor vehicles.Investec <strong>Medical</strong> FinanceTressCox LawyersExpert legal advice for <strong>the</strong> medicalpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Members are entitled to aunique duty solicitor scheme <strong>of</strong>feringone free consultation (referral required).Membership has its rewardsAssign <strong>Medical</strong>Accountants/Tax Advisers PanelInvestec <strong>Medical</strong> Finance Assists a specialist members to provider source competent, <strong>of</strong> financial solutions specifically Experienced for medical accounting pr<strong>of</strong>essionals firms who andprovides a diverse range <strong>of</strong> friendly financial and committed products staff and for your services to a niche client base. can assist you with your personal and<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) business has <strong>the</strong> or most practice. comprehensive Medico-Legal and Employment Relations advice in<strong>of</strong>essional accounting and taxationMembership Just some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> services that are available include has awards advice its and rewardsneeds.updates,Selectcourt<strong>the</strong>representation,firm most suitable forWe can arrange: mediation and human resource consulting. A comprehensive range <strong>of</strong> legalCommonwealth Bankyour packages requirements. and draft contracts<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has <strong>the</strong> most comprehensive Medico-Legal and Employment Relations advice in Australia.• Asset Finance: are Structure availableOffering<strong>the</strong> for members financea specialand for amerchantrepayments nominal fee. Infacility at afor addition, you to below purchase are a list practice <strong>of</strong> our member assets, service fit-out, partners motor vehiclesMembership Justto assistsomeyou<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>whateverservices<strong>the</strong>thatneed. has are available its include rewardsawards advice and updates, court representation,and equipment.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Reward Cardmediation and low human fee <strong>of</strong> 0.68% resource for most consulting. credit cards. A comprehensive range <strong>of</strong> legalSignificantpackagessavingsand drafteverycontractsyear with• Cash <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Management has <strong>the</strong> are most available Facilities: comprehensive for members Get Medico-Legal <strong>the</strong> for a best nominal <strong>AMA</strong> out and(<strong>NSW</strong>) fee. <strong>of</strong> Employment your In Member addition, cash RelationsService below flow with are advicePartners a innovative list <strong>of</strong> Australia.participating our member cashrestaurants,management service partners hotels andfacilities. InvestJust some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>toservicesassistthatyou Investec whateverare available Experien <strong>the</strong>includeneed.awards advice and updates, court representation,with a d-POD, POD+ or term deposit account and make your money work harder tourist for attractions. you.mediation and human resourceSpecialistconsulting.financeA comprehensiveto meet <strong>the</strong> personalrange <strong>of</strong> legal packages and draft contracts• Commercial are available for members Property for Finance: a nominal<strong>AMA</strong>fee. Competitive AutoIn addition,Buyingand practice needs <strong>of</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> belowService financemembers. (<strong>NSW</strong>) areFinance Member a packages list <strong>of</strong> our Service member for <strong>the</strong>Partners service purchase TressCoxpartners <strong>of</strong> Lawyers commercial property. Borrow upA free service specialising in <strong>the</strong>Expert American legal advice Express for <strong>the</strong> medicalto 100 assist per you cent whatever for <strong>the</strong> commercial need. premises or 90 per cent for a commercial investmentsolutions for acquisition, practice funding requirements, and disposal motor <strong>of</strong> allpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Offering corporate Members property. are affinity entitled programs to a and• Goodwill and Practicevehicles,Purchase <strong>AMA</strong> commercial/residential makes Auto Loans: and Buying models We <strong>of</strong> motor <strong>of</strong>ferproperty vehicles. a range <strong>of</strong> options if you uniqueTressCox special want dutyLawyers discounts to solicitor buy scheme a to practice, members <strong>of</strong>fering for a credit share in a<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Service Partnersone free consultation (referral required).practice, or free-up some A free service specialising in <strong>the</strong>cards and merchant facilities.and capital.Expert legal advice for <strong>the</strong> medicaloverdraft facilities.acquisition, Assign <strong>Medical</strong> funding and disposal <strong>of</strong> allpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Members are entitled to a• Home Loans: DedicatedAccountants/Tax Advisers Panel<strong>AMA</strong> Auto Buying mortgage Servicemakes Assistsspecialistsand members models <strong>of</strong> to motor sourcecanvehicles. competent,tailor a TressCox home Lawyers loan that best unique Auscellardoor suits duty solicitor your scheme needs. <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>of</strong>fering (<strong>NSW</strong>) Borrow Wine up to 100Experienced accounting firms whoA free service specialising Gow-Gates in <strong>the</strong> GroupExpert legal advice for <strong>the</strong> medicalper cent for your own home or up friendly to 95 and committed per cent staff for your a residential consultation (referral required).can Society assist you with your personal andacquisition, funding and disposal <strong>of</strong> allpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Members are entitled to aComplete Assign business insurance <strong>Medical</strong> or practice. and financial servicespr<strong>of</strong>essional Boutique wines accounting at specially and taxation• Insurance Services: makes and Through models <strong>of</strong> motor our vehicles. affiliate Experien Insurance unique duty Services solicitor scheme we can Accountants/Tax <strong>of</strong>fering <strong>of</strong>fer cover Advisers for income Panel negotiated protection, life,with special Assists packages members to for source <strong>AMA</strong> competent, members. one free consultation (referral Experienced required). needs. Select <strong>the</strong> firm most suitable forprices for accounting members firms every whototal Membership and permanent disablement,month.Services friendly Commonwealth trauma, business hasinclude: and Wealth committed Bank expenses, its key rewardsperson andCreation, staff for youryour business requirements. succession.Assign <strong>Medical</strong>Riskcan assist you with your personal andbusiness Offering or a practice. special merchant facility at a Accountants/Tax Advisers Panel<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has <strong>the</strong> Assists most members comprehensive pr<strong>of</strong>essionalManagement, to source competent, Doctors’ Medico-Legal Practice Insurance and Employment Caltex accounting StarCardand taxationExperienced Relations accounting firms advice who <strong>AMA</strong> in (<strong>NSW</strong>) Australia. Member Reward Cardlow fee <strong>of</strong> 0.68% for most credit cards.needs. Select <strong>the</strong> firm most suitable forPhone Just some 1300 <strong>of</strong> 131 <strong>the</strong> friendly services 141 and or committed that visit and are Superannuation. staff available for your include awards advice can and assist updates, you with your for court personal Consolidate your vehicle fuel expensesCommonwealth Bankyourmore Significant representation,andrequirements.information.savings every year withbusiness or<strong>of</strong>essional accounting and taxation participating onto one easy-to-read restaurants, hotels monthly andmediation and human resource consulting. statementOffering Investec a special A Experien comprehensive merchant facility at range a <strong>of</strong> legal packages and draft contractsneeds. Select <strong>the</strong> firm most suitable tourist for attractions.are available for memberswith access to <strong>the</strong> following fuelMedprac low fee Super <strong>of</strong> 0.68% Fund<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Reward CardCommonwealth for a Bank nominal Specialist fee. finance In addition, for to most meet credit <strong>the</strong> below personal cards. are your a list requirements. <strong>of</strong> our member service partnersSignificant discounts: savings 2.5cpl every <strong>of</strong>f year unleaded, with Vortex 95to assist you whatever Offering <strong>the</strong> a special need. <strong>The</strong> merchant perfect and facility super practice at a fund needs for <strong>of</strong> doctors, members. FinanceAmerican ExpressPreferred participatingMEDPRACpartnersand Diesel restaurants, and 1.5cpl hotels <strong>of</strong>f and Vortex 98.SUPERANNUATION with no Investec solutionsentry fees. Experien for practice requirements, motor<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member servicesReward Offering Cardlow fee <strong>of</strong> 0.68% for most credit cards.corporate affinity programs andHave <strong>the</strong> option <strong>of</strong> Significant savings every year tourist with attractions.Specialist vehicles, finance commercial/residential to meet <strong>the</strong> personal propertyspecial discounts to members for creditmanaging <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) your fund Member using a range Service <strong>of</strong> Partners participating restaurants, hotels cards andHertz and merchant facilities.Investec Experien and and practice overdraft needs facilities. <strong>of</strong> members. Finance tourist attractions. American American Express ExpressSpecialistInvestecfinance<strong>Medical</strong> investment to meetFinance managers.As <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial car rental partner for <strong>AMA</strong>,<strong>the</strong> personal for practice requirements, motorOffering Auscellardoor Corporate corporate affinity <strong>AMA</strong> programs (<strong>NSW</strong>) Wineand discounts on aand <strong>AMA</strong> Specialist practice Auto needs finance Buying <strong>of</strong> members. solutions ServiceHertz <strong>of</strong>fers discounted rates and a rangevehicles, Gow-Gates Finance for practices,commercial/residential Groupmotor American TressCox ExpressLawyerspropertyspecial range discounts <strong>of</strong> six unique to members credit for cards. creditSocietyWhichever card yousolutions A vehicles, free service for practice commercial/residentialProsper specialising requirements, Groupcards <strong>of</strong> member merchant benefits facilities. all year round.and Complete in <strong>the</strong> motor property andoverdraft insurance facilities. and financial services Offering Expert corporate legal affinity advice programs for <strong>the</strong> and medicalBoutique choose wines you’ll at enjoy specially <strong>the</strong> negotiated special benefits and extravehicles, acquisition, overdraft commercial/residential funding facilities. and CashA propertywith disposal management propertyadvisoryspecial <strong>of</strong> packages all facilitiesspecial discounts pr<strong>of</strong>ession. to Members members for are credit entitled to a(buyer’s agent)for <strong>AMA</strong> and merchant facilities. pricesAuscellardoorvalue for we’ve membersQantas Club <strong>AMA</strong>negotiated every month.(<strong>NSW</strong>)forWineyou.and makeswith overdraft callandor facilities. modelsterm deposit<strong>of</strong>who can Gow-Gatesmotoroptions.Services vehicles.Access tounique duty solicitor scheme <strong>of</strong>feringinclude:source, perform Group Wealth Creation, Riskpersonal insurance including income protection due diligenceone free consultation Society (referral required).Complete Management, insurance Doctors’ and financial Practice services Insurance Auscellardoor <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Caltex Wine Discounted StarCard rates for <strong>AMA</strong> members.Gow-Gates Assign and life <strong>Medical</strong> insurance. Group and negotiate your home, investmentBoutique Qantas wines Club at specially negotiatedwith and special Superannuation. packages for <strong>AMA</strong> members. SocietyConsolidate Save up to your $365 vehicle on fuel membership.expensesAccountants/Tax prices Advisersproperties or commercial premises,Discounted for members PanelComplete rates every saves month. you hundreds <strong>of</strong> dollars onAssistsinsurance and financial servicesBoutique wines at specially negotiated onto one easy-to-read monthly statementServices include: Wealth Creation, RiskFees as follows: Joining $200;with <strong>AMA</strong>membersspecial Auto packages Buyingto sourcefor <strong>AMA</strong> competent,Experienced accounting firms whomembers.with membership. access to <strong>the</strong> Joining following fee fuel $230; one year membershipfriendly saving you Management,Medprac time and SuperDoctors’ money. Fundprices for members every month.Practice InsuranceCaltex One$300StarCard year(save$265;$475);Twotwoyearsyear$465.Services A free andinclude: service committedWealth which staffCreation, specialises for yourRisk in acquiring,can assist you with your personal anddiscounts: 2.5cpl <strong>of</strong>f unleaded, Vortex membership 95 $530business and<strong>The</strong>Superannuation.perfect super fund for doctors,Consolidate your vehicle fuel expensesManagement, funding orMEDPRACand practice.Doctors’ disposal Practice <strong>of</strong> motor Insurance vehicles.Caltexpr<strong>of</strong>essionalStarCardaccountingandand(save Dieseltaxation$570). and 1.5cpl <strong>of</strong>f Vortex 98.with no entry fees. Have <strong>the</strong> option <strong>of</strong>onto one easy-to-read monthly statementO<strong>the</strong>r benefits: Membership has its rewardsSUPERANNUATIONand Superannuation.Consolidate needs.25your Select vehicle <strong>the</strong> fuel firm expenses most suitable forCommonwealth Bank Medprac Bank managing Super your fund Fund using a range <strong>of</strong> onto one your easy-to-read requirements. monthlyReceive automatic subscriptions to <strong>the</strong> following publications:% with Hertz statement access<strong>The</strong> perfect super fund for doctors,REBATEto <strong>the</strong> following fuelHertzdiscounts: 2.5cpl <strong>of</strong>f unleaded, Vortex 95<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has <strong>the</strong> investment most comprehensive managers.As <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial car rental partner for <strong>AMA</strong>,Medprac Offering Offers Super a special Fundmerchant facility facility at a at competitively with access to <strong>the</strong> following fuelMedico-Legal and EmploymentMEDPRACand Hertz Diesel Relations is and <strong>the</strong> 1.5cpl <strong>of</strong>ficial advice Vortex car in rental Australia.Hertz <strong>of</strong>fers discounted rates and 98. partner for <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong>discounts: <strong>AMA</strong> 2.5cpl (<strong>NSW</strong>) <strong>of</strong>f unleaded, Member Vortex Reward 95 Carda rangen n <strong>AMA</strong> List <strong>The</strong> Just lowSUPERANNUATIONlow <strong>of</strong> perfect fee<strong>Medical</strong> some rates. <strong>of</strong> super 0.68% <strong>AMA</strong> <strong>of</strong> Services fund <strong>the</strong> for members for most with services doctors, and no credit entry Fees pay cards. that fees. no Book joining Have are available <strong>the</strong> fee. option <strong>of</strong> include awards advice and <strong>of</strong>fering updates, discounted court representation,rates. Contact <strong>AMA</strong> memberProsper Groupand Diesel Significant and 1.5cpl savings <strong>of</strong>f Vortex every <strong>of</strong> 98. member year withMEDPRACbenefits all year round.SUPERANNUATION with no entry fees. Have managing <strong>the</strong> option <strong>of</strong> your fund using a range <strong>of</strong>Hertzn n <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong>mediationDoctorand human A property resource advisory consulting. (buyer’s agent) A comprehensive participating range restaurants, <strong>of</strong> legal services packages hotels and for <strong>the</strong> and discount draft contracts code.managing Investec investment managers.Introduce a new As member <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial to car <strong>AMA</strong> rental partner (<strong>NSW</strong>) for and <strong>AMA</strong>,are Accountants/Tax your Experien fund usingavailable for members Advisers a range <strong>of</strong>Hertzwho can source, for a nominal perform due fee. diligence In addition, tourist below attractions. are a list Qantas <strong>of</strong> our member Club service partners receiven n investment<strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong>Specialist Provide managers.Journalfinance a comprehensive <strong>of</strong> Australiato meet <strong>the</strong> range personal <strong>of</strong> personal and As <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial car rental partner Hertz Discounted for <strong>AMA</strong>, <strong>of</strong>fers discounted rates for <strong>AMA</strong> rates members. and a rangeto assist you whatever <strong>the</strong> need.a cheque equal to <strong>AMA</strong> 25% (<strong>NSW</strong>) <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Member new member’s Reward Cardand Prosperand negotiateGroupyour home, investment Hertz <strong>of</strong>fers discounted rates <strong>of</strong> and Save member a rangepr<strong>of</strong>essional practice needs accounting <strong>of</strong> members. services. FinanceAmerican Express up to benefits $365 on all membership.year round.n n <strong>Australian</strong> Prosper Medicine Groupsubscription via our Discounts Member at a Get variety Member <strong>of</strong> restaurants, hotels andA propertypropertiesadvisoryor commercial(buyer’spremises, <strong>of</strong> member benefits all year for practice requirements, motor agent)Offering corporate affinity Fees programs as follows: and Joining $200;A property advisory (buyer’s <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member program. Service Partners <strong>The</strong>re are Qantas leisure no limits. Club facilities valid throughout Australia and inn n <strong>AMA</strong> Action vehicles, (e-newsletter) commercial/residential whosaving agent)can source,youpropertytimeperformand money.due diligencespecial discounts to members One year $265; for credit Two years $465.Prosper GroupQantas Clubwho can source, perform due diligencecards and merchant Discounted facilities. some New rates Zealand for <strong>AMA</strong> locations. members.and Property overdraft advisor facilities. or and buyer’s negotiate agent your able home, to investment Discounted rates for <strong>AMA</strong> members.and Save up to $365 on membership.O<strong>the</strong>r negotiate benefits: your home, investmentsource, perform due properties <strong>AMA</strong> diligence Auto or commercial and Buying negotiate Service premises, Save up25to $365 on membership.Fees TressCox as follows: Lawyers Joining $200;properties or commercial premises,Receive automatic subscriptionsTo take advantage <strong>of</strong> saving Ayourfree service tobenefits time <strong>the</strong> specialising and following money. publications:Fees as Auscellardoor follows: Joining $200; <strong>AMA</strong>callin <strong>the</strong><strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member One Expert TressCoxServices year legal $265; advice LawyersTwo on years for <strong>the</strong>(02) $465. medical9439 8822acquisition, funding and disposal <strong>of</strong> allpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Expert legal Members advice are and entitled duty to solicitor a schemen n <strong>AMA</strong> List <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Services and Fees Bookor 1800 O<strong>the</strong>r 813 423 benefits: (outside makes Metropolitan and models <strong>of</strong> motor vehicles.unique duty solicitor scheme <strong>of</strong>feringareas)<strong>NSW</strong>) REBATEWineGow-Gates properties or Group commercial premises.saving you time and money.One year Society $265; Two years $465.Complete insurance and financial servicesBoutique wines at speciallywithnegotiatedone free consultation (referral required).O<strong>the</strong>r benefits: with special packages for <strong>AMA</strong> members.25n n <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor25prices for members everyReceive automatic subscriptions to <strong>the</strong> following publications:% one free month.Assign <strong>Medical</strong>REBATEconsultation (referral required).Services include: Wealth Creation, RiskIntroduce a new member to <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) and receiveReceive automatic subscriptions n nO<strong>the</strong>r <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> followingmember Journal publications:services <strong>of</strong> Australia include% Management, Doctors’ Practice InsuranceREBATEa Caltex cheque StarCard equal to Accountants/Tax 25% Virgin <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Australia new member’s Advisers – <strong>The</strong> Lounge Paneln n <strong>AMA</strong> List <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> n n Services <strong>AMA</strong> List <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> ServicesAssists membersand FeestoBookn n subscriptions <strong>Australian</strong> and Fees Medicine Bookand Superannuation. to <strong>the</strong> <strong>AMA</strong> List source <strong>of</strong> Servicescompetent, subscription Consolidate your via vehicle our Experienced Significantly Member fuel expenses accounting Get reduced Member firms rates who with no joining fee andn n <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctor n n <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctorn n and <strong>AMA</strong> Fees Action book, (e-newsletter)friendly<strong>The</strong>and<strong>NSW</strong>committedDoctor,staff for your program. onto one easy-to-read <strong>The</strong>re are can no monthly savings assist limits. you statement <strong>of</strong> with $100 your per personal year. andIntroduce a new member Introduce to <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) a new and member receive to <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) and receiven n <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Journal n n <strong>of</strong> Medprac AustraliaJournal <strong>of</strong> business Australia or practice.with access to <strong>the</strong> following pr<strong>of</strong>essional fuel accounting and taxation<strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Super Fund Journal <strong>of</strong> Australia, a cheque equal to 25% a <strong>of</strong> discounts: cheque <strong>the</strong> new equal member’s 2.5cpl to <strong>of</strong>f 25% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new member’sneeds. unleaded, Select Vortex <strong>the</strong> 95 firm most suitable forn n <strong>Australian</strong> Medicine n n <strong>The</strong> Medicinesubscription via our Member Get MemberTo <strong>Australian</strong>perfect supertake advantage Medicinefund for doctors,Commonwealth <strong>of</strong> and your Health subscriptionbenefits Bank in <strong>the</strong> via our Member Get MemberMEDPRACcall <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>)and DieselMemberand 1.5cpl your Services<strong>of</strong>f Fitness Vortex requirements. First 98.with no entry fees. Have <strong>the</strong> option <strong>of</strong> program. <strong>The</strong>re are no limits.on (02) 9439 8822SUPERANNUATIONn n <strong>AMA</strong> Action (e-newsletter)program. <strong>The</strong>re are no limits.n n <strong>AMA</strong> Spotlight Action (e-newsletter) e-newsletter.Offering a special merchant facility at aSpecial reduced rates on standard gymor managing 1800 your 813 fund 423 using (outside a range <strong>of</strong> Metropolitan areas) Hertz<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Reward Cardlow fee <strong>of</strong> 0.68% for most credit cards.memberships and no joining fee. Administration feeCall <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) member investment managers. services onAs <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial car rental Significant partner savings for <strong>AMA</strong>, every year withTo take advantage applies.To take <strong>of</strong> your advantage benefitsInvestec<strong>of</strong> call your <strong>AMA</strong>Experienbenefits (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member call <strong>AMA</strong> Services (<strong>NSW</strong>) Hertz Member <strong>of</strong>fers on (02) discounted 9439 Services participating rates 8822 and on restaurants, a range (02) 9439 hotels and02 9439 8822 or email attractions.or 1800 813 423 or (outside Prosper Group<strong>of</strong> member benefits all year round.1800 813 Metropolitan 423 (outside Specialistareas)finance Metropolitan to<strong>the</strong> personal areas) property advisory (buyer’s agent)Foxtel BusinessVisit our websites | and practice needs |<strong>of</strong> members. Finance Qantas Club American Expresswho can source, perform due diligenceFree standard installation <strong>of</strong> our business valuesolutions for practice requirements, motor Discounted rates for <strong>AMA</strong> Offering members. corporate affinity programs andand negotiate your home, investmentpackage, plus two months free on a 12-monthvehicles, commercial/residential property Save up to $365 on membership.special discounts to members for creditproperties or commercial premises,cards contract. and merchant facilities.Disclaimer: <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) may financially benefit from and its relationship overdraft facilities.Fees as follows: Joining $200;with Preferred Partnerssaving you time and money.One year $265; Two years $465.Auscellardoor <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) WineGow-Gates GroupSociety46O<strong>the</strong>rI THEbenefits:<strong>NSW</strong> DOCTOR I OCTOBER Complete 2011 insurance and financial servicesBoutique wines at specially negotiatedReceive automatic subscriptions to <strong>the</strong> following with publications: special packages for <strong>AMA</strong> members.prices for members every month.n n Services include: Wealth Creation, Risk<strong>AMA</strong> List <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Services and Fees BookManagement, Doctors’ Practice InsuranceCaltex StarCardO<strong>the</strong>r benefits:Membership has its rewards<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) has <strong>the</strong> most comprehensive Medico-Legal and Employment Relations advice in Australia.Just some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> services that are available include awards advice and updates, court representation,mediation and human resource consulting. A comprehensive range <strong>of</strong> legal packages and draft contractsare available for members for a nominal fee. In addition, below are a list <strong>of</strong> our member service partnersto assist you whatever <strong>the</strong> need.MEDPRACSUPERANNUATION<strong>AMA</strong> Auto Buying ServiceA free service specialising in <strong>the</strong>acquisition, funding and disposal <strong>of</strong> allmakes and models <strong>of</strong> motor vehicles.Assign <strong>Medical</strong>Assists members to source competent,friendly and committed staff for yourbusiness or practice.Commonwealth BankOffering a special merchant facility at alow fee <strong>of</strong> 0.68% for most credit cards.Investec ExperienSpecialist finance to meet <strong>the</strong> personaland practice needs <strong>of</strong> members. Financesolutions for practice requirements, motorvehicles, commercial/residential propertyand overdraft facilities.Gow-Gates GroupComplete insurance and financial serviceswith special packages for <strong>AMA</strong> members.Services include: Wealth Creation, RiskManagement, Doctors’ Practice Insuranceand Superannuation.Medprac Super Fund<strong>The</strong> perfect super fund for doctors,with no entry fees. Have <strong>the</strong> option <strong>of</strong>managing your fund using a range <strong>of</strong>investment managers.Prosper GroupA property advisory (buyer’s agent)who can source, perform due diligenceand negotiate your home, investmentproperties or commercial premises,saving you time and money.Receive automatic subscriptions to <strong>the</strong> following publications:n n <strong>AMA</strong> List <strong>of</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Services and Fees Bookn n <strong>The</strong> <strong>NSW</strong> Doctorn n <strong>The</strong> <strong>Medical</strong> Journal <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> n <strong>Australian</strong> Medicinen n <strong>AMA</strong> Action (e-newsletter)<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Service PartnersTressCox LawyersExpert legal advice for <strong>the</strong> medicalpr<strong>of</strong>ession. Members are entitled to aunique duty solicitor scheme <strong>of</strong>feringone free consultation (referral required).Accountants/Tax Advisers PanelExperienced accounting firms whocan assist you with your personal andpr<strong>of</strong>essional accounting and taxationneeds. Select <strong>the</strong> firm most suitable foryour requirements.<strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Reward CardSignificant savings every year withparticipating restaurants, hotels andtourist attractions.American ExpressOffering corporate affinity programs andspecial discounts to members for creditcards and merchant facilities.Auscellardoor <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) WineSocietyBoutique wines at specially negotiatedprices for members every month.Caltex StarCardConsolidate your vehicle fuel expensesonto one easy-to-read monthly statementwith access to <strong>the</strong> following fueldiscounts: 2.5cpl <strong>of</strong>f unleaded, Vortex 95and Diesel and 1.5cpl <strong>of</strong>f Vortex 98.HertzAs <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficial car rental partner for <strong>AMA</strong>,Hertz <strong>of</strong>fers discounted rates and a range<strong>of</strong> member benefits all year round.Qantas ClubDiscounted rates for <strong>AMA</strong> members.Save up to $365 on membership.Fees as follows: Joining $200;One year $265; Two years $465.25 % REBATEIntroduce a new member to <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) and receivea cheque equal to 25% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new member’ssubscription via our Member Get Memberprogram. <strong>The</strong>re are no limits.25 % REBATETo take advantage <strong>of</strong> your benefits call <strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>) Member Services on (02) 9439 88or 1800 813 423 (outside Metropolitan areas) 4
classifiedsGP POSITION VACANTFountain <strong>Medical</strong> Centre, Potts Point requires GP. Percentagebased remuneration (75%+). Phone: 02 9319 4665 or, GP REQUIREDFor 2-4 days at friendly family practice. Accredited,computerised and with excellent nursing support. Mentorshipavailable. Phone: Janice 02 9948 3768.MONA VALE, GP REQUIREDRequired 2/3 days a week for friendly, accredited,computerised practice with supporting nurse. GP retiring.Phone: Margaret 02 9997 4266.GP FOR LAUGHTONDALE, <strong>NSW</strong>Unique opportunity to secure small residence-based practiceon large property. Huge potential. Beautiful location. Neg.terms. Phone: Nick Vargass<strong>of</strong>f 0409 821 843.DALE STREET MEDICAL SPECIALISTS, BROOKVALE,NORTHERN BEACHESWell appointed rooms for sessions. Full admin. support ifrequired. Phone: Patrick Coleman 0409 871 156.GP WANTED – MANLY VALEGP wanted for long established, friendly family practice.Accredited and computerised. Exc. nursing support.Mentorship available. Phone: Janice 02 9948 3768.SIGHT CHART FOR SALEBrown timber box 50cmx43cmx20cm with hooks forattachment to wall. Red and green globes. Offer?Phone: Karin 0400 417 796, Mon. to Fri. 9.00am - 5.00pm.NOWRA, CONSULTING ROOM FOR LEASEWell appointed, excellent location with park views, <strong>of</strong>f streetparking, close to CBD. Contact Park Business Team.Phone: 02 4422 1210.SPECIALIST AGEING & MEDICINE CENTRE, RANDWICKOpen January opp. hospital. Suit specialist or allied healthpr<strong>of</strong>essional. Reception, shared waiting room, kitchen andbathroom, blood collection on-site, X-ray nearby.Phone: 02 93993711 or 0409 151 317.FREESTANDING BUILDING – FREEHOLD PURCHASEIdeal for medical use, Crows Nest near Mater hospital.Parking, fit-out and opportunity to purchase freehold. Offersover $1,350,000. Phone: William Brown 0433 346 346.RAMSGATE BEACH - PROFESSIONAL AREA/ROOMS FOR LEASE165sqm plus 14sqm storage avail. October. Renovated, idealmedical practice or co-op with vision. Grnd flr. unlimitedparking, next to 28-year established pharmacy, 300 metresto aged care facility. Phone: Andrew 0406 733 903 or I THE <strong>NSW</strong> DOCTOR I OCTOBER 2011<strong>The</strong> rise <strong>of</strong> modern<strong>Australian</strong> chardonnayby Andrew Wood, AuscellardoorI recently read with surprise that Chardonnay nowaccounts for more than half <strong>of</strong> Australia’s annual whitewine production. Whe<strong>the</strong>r you love it or loa<strong>the</strong> it <strong>the</strong>re’s nodoubting its popularity in Australia.Chardonnay is an incredibly flexible grape variety and<strong>the</strong> only variety produced in every major wine region <strong>of</strong>Australia. Given <strong>the</strong> diversity <strong>of</strong> Australia’s wine regionit’s no surprise Chardonnay comes in <strong>many</strong> forms.Traditionally <strong>Australian</strong> Chardonnay has been <strong>of</strong> a rich,bold style – dark yellow in colour with butter and peachflavours and a large oak influence. This style was wellsuited to warm climate viticulture and certainly gainedplenty <strong>of</strong> popularity with drinkers both at home andabroad.In more recent times <strong>many</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> winemakers haveembraced a ‘modern style’ <strong>of</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Chardonnay.Generally from cool-climate wine regions <strong>the</strong>se modernstyle Chardonnays are more elegant, leaner, with afocus on lively acidity and fresh fruit flavours ra<strong>the</strong>r thandominant oak. This modern style has helped introduce anew generation <strong>of</strong> wine drinkers to Chardonnay and reengagewith some who had given up on it.A fantastic exponent <strong>of</strong> this modern style Chardonnay is<strong>the</strong> Hilltops-based Chalkers Crossing winery. Under <strong>the</strong>guidance <strong>of</strong> Paris-born and Bordeaux-trained winemaker,Celine Rousseau, Chalkers Crossing has emerged as arising star. <strong>The</strong> 2009 Chalkers Crossing ‘Tumbarumba’Chardonnay ($22.90/ 95 Pts – James Halliday) is <strong>the</strong>epitome <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> modern <strong>Australian</strong> Chardonnay. It’s packedwith pristine, cool-climate fruit flavours <strong>of</strong> grapefruit andapple that is supported but not dominated by some classyrestrained oak.Ano<strong>the</strong>r leading example is made by <strong>the</strong> highlyacclaimedPort Phillip Estate, one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> leading winerieson Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula and in good handswith expert winemaking from Sandro Mosele. <strong>The</strong> 2009Port Phillip Estate Chardonnay ($27.90 / 96 Pts – JamesHalliday) is a little more textural than Chalkers Crossingbut still has a modern feel about it. Bursting with coolclimatecharacters <strong>of</strong> citrus and lively acidity it has a touch<strong>of</strong> cashew and layers <strong>of</strong> flavours that evolve in <strong>the</strong> glass.While Chardonnay is not to everyone’s taste it remainsone <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> great wine varieties <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> world. If you’re one<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>many</strong> that dismissed <strong>Australian</strong> Chardonnay back in<strong>the</strong> late 1980s now might be <strong>the</strong> perfect time to re-visit it!Auscellardoor is <strong>the</strong> preferred wine partner <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>AMA</strong> (<strong>NSW</strong>), phone 1800 088 022.
Pick up a free dayRent a car for 5 days or more with Hertz and you’ll only pay for 4.Book now at and quote CDP# 283826 and PromotionCode 161615 or call Hertz Reservations on 13 30 39.* Terms and conditions apply. Min rental period is 5 days, max 1 free day perrental. Offer available at participating domestic Hertz locations on Intermediate,Standard, Fullsize and Minivan vehicle groups until December 20th, 2011. Offerapplies to daily rate and applicable GST. Hertz standard terms, conditions andcredit qualifications apply.
While you builda career, we’ll helpbuild your wealth.You don’t need us to tell you how much dedication and commitment is requiredto build a successful career in medicine.But we can tell you how to build your fi nancial success and security.As specialists in accounting services for medical practitioners, we understandboth your unique circumstances and <strong>the</strong> opportunities available to you. By putting<strong>the</strong> right structure in place now, you can be confi dent <strong>of</strong> reaping <strong>the</strong> appropriaterewards in <strong>the</strong> future.And if you’re already well into a career, we can review your current structureto ensure you’re maximising <strong>the</strong> available opportunities.To start <strong>the</strong> conversation, simply contact Jarrod Bramble on freecall 1800 988 522.<strong>The</strong>re’s no obligation and no charge for <strong>the</strong> initial discussion for <strong>AMA</strong> members.■ Freecall 1800 988