Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

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Stabenow, DanaStabenow, DanaStace, WesleyStanley, KelliStanton, MarySturges, P.G.Taylor, AndrewTentler, LeslieThomas, LeslieThompson, JamesThompson, KeithVorhaus, JohnWebber, HeatherA Cold Day for Murder (Kate Shugak #1: It's Decemberin the Park, and a ranger is missing. But when the man sent tolook for him also disappears, Park resident Kate Shugak, formerinvestigator for the Anchorage DA, goes in search of them both). ......................................... $24.95Though Not Dead (Kate Shugak #18: Stunned by thedeath of Old Sam, her 87-year-old uncle and foster father, Katesets out to discover the fate of Sam's father, an outsider whodisappeared long ago, along with a priceless tribal artifact;unabridged CDs $52.99)....................... $25.99Charles Jessold, Considered as a Murderer(England, 1923: Critic Leslie Shepherd recounts the story ofcomposer Charles Jessold, who, on the eve of his new opera'spremiere, murdered his wife and her lover, then committedsuicide in a scenario that echoes the plot of his opera - whichShepherd helped write)........................ $15.00The Curse-Maker (Arcturus #2: On holiday in Bath,Roman physician Arcturus and his wife find the sacred springoccupied - by the murdered body of a curse-maker whosecurses actually come true).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.99Angel's Verdict (Beaufort & Company #4: PBO; Afterthree months of handling appeals for condemned souls, Breejumps at an opportunity to work for a living client. Butworking on elderly actress Justine Coville's will drags Bree rightback into otherworldly troubles).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Shortcut Man (Dick Henry spends his days hunting downcon men and his nights fooling around with Lynette. Then he'shired to spy on porn king Artie Benjamin's wife: Lynette. Nowhe must find a way to satisfy Benjamin's curiosity and end hisown addictive affair with Lynette, all without getting himselfkilled)..................................... $24.00The Anatomy of Ghosts (1786: Hired to catalogue adead man's library, bookseller John Holdsworth is instead sentto Cambridge to check on the well-being of the man's son; oncethere, he is drawn into a mystery involving a woman's deathand a secret society).......................... $24.99Midnight Caller (Radio-show psychologist Rain Sommersis spooked by a caller who's obsessed with her and hermurdered mother; FBI agent Trevor Rivette is convinced thecaller is a serial killer who is stalking Rain). . . . . . . . . $7.99Dangerous Davies: The Last Detective (DangerousDavies #1: Reissue).......................... $14.95Snow Angels (Inspector Vaara #1: Inspector Kari Vaarainvestigates when a beautiful Somali's body is found mutilatedin a Lapland snowfield; the vicious killing may be a hate crime,a sex crime - or both). ........................ $14.00Once a Spy (Drummond Clark #1: Ex-spy DrummondClark's intricate knowledge of a device is extremely dangerousto have rattling around in his Alzheimer's-addled brain. The CIAwants to 'contain' him - & so do some shady characters)$. 7.99The California Roll (Radar Hoverlander #1: Radar, aworld-class con artist, is still looking for the one big scam thatwill set him up for life; trouble arrives in the form of Allie -either the last true innocent, or a con artist so slick she makesRadar look like a Quaker). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00Absolutely, Positively (Lucy Valentine #3: PBO; Withher special talent in the news, Lucy's agency is swamped withclients. In between tracking down old flames, Lucy sets out tounmask the mystery man who has been throwing handfuls ofcash across Boston Common). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99White, Kate Hush (Warned not to date to avoid giving her husbandleverage in a custody battle, Lake Warren has a one-night standwith a doctor. When she finds him dead the next morning, shelies to the police, then begins her own search for the truth). ......................................... $14.99Whittle, Tina The Dangerous Edge of Things (Tai Randolph #1:Tai thinks inheriting a Confederate-themed gun shop is herbiggest problem - until she finds a murder victim in herbrother's driveway. Then her brother flees, leaving her with thesuspicions of the Atlanta PD pointed her way; $24.95 hc alsoavailable). ................................. $14.95Wilhelm, Kate Heaven Is High (Barbara Holloway #12: Eugene, Oregon,attorney Barbara Holloway must find out the truth about amute woman's ancestry to keep her from being deported backto Haiti).................................... $24.99Wilson, F. Paul Jack: Secret Circles (Repairman Jack YA #2). . $7.99Wilson, F. Paul Jack: Secret Vengeance (Repairman Jack YA #3). ......................................... $15.99Zeltserman, Dave Outsourced (When their jobs are outsourced, a group ofsoftware engineers comes up with a brilliant plan to use theircomputing skills to rob a bank. But they weren't expectingtrouble with the Russian Mafiya).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.95Expected Mid FebruaryAdam, Paul Escape from Shadow Island (Max Cassidy #1: Kids). .......................................... $5.99Alpert, Mark The Omega Theory (David Swift #2: <strong>Science</strong> historianDavid Swift and quantum physicist Monique Reynolds muststop a team of religious fanatics from recreating the Big Bangand destroying humankind). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.99Atherton, Nancy Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree (Aunt Dimity#16: William Sr. has moved to Finch, and is renovatingFairworth House. But the estate has a shadowy past, and it'lltake Aunt Dimity's otherworldly guidance to put an end to thestrange occurrences there). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $24.95Berenson, Alex The Secret Soldier (John Wells #5: With the secretblessing of the CIA, ex-agent John Wells goes undercover toinvestigate a conspiracy that threatens the Saudi royal family). ......................................... $25.95Bowler, Tim Out of the Shadows (Blade #2: YA). . . . . . . . . $7.99Boyd, Noah Agent X (Steve Vail #2: The FBI must track down anintelligence officer from the Russian embassy who has a list ofAmericans supplying secrets to the Russians; to keep theoperation quiet, they turn to ex-agent Steve Vail).. . . $24.99Bradley, Alan The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag(Flavia de Luce #2: A master puppeteer arrives in Bishop'sLacey in a broken van but leaves in a hearse; 11-year-old Flaviapieces together clues to solve what she believes is a murder -and maybe not the only one). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00Bradley, Alan A Red Herring without Mustard (Flavia de Luce#3: The clever and unflappable 11-year-old sleuth uncovers aslew of misdeeds in the hamlet of Bishop's Lacey - mysteriesinvolving a missing tot, a Gypsy fortune-teller, and a corpse inFlavia's own backyard; unabridged CDs $35.00). . . . . $23.00Christie, A/Curran, J Agatha Christie's Secret Notebooks: FiftyYears of Mysteries in the Making (Nonfiction;extracts and reproductions from Christie's 73 long-hiddennotebooks, plus two newly discovered Hercule Poirot stories). ......................................... $16.99Coonts, Deborah Lucky Stiff (Lucky O'Toole #2: Lucky sets out to discoverwho turned a less-than-savory Vegas oddsmaker into shark

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