Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

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Koch, Gini Alien Tango (Kitty Katt #2: PBO; When an experimentalspacecraft is mysteriously returned to the Kennedy SpaceCenter, Kitty & her team are called in to investigate). . $7.99Lackey, Mercedes (ed) Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar(PBO; Anthology; 16 original stories, including a new novellaby Lackey)................................... $7.99Larbalestier, Justine Liar (YA)................................... $9.99Marillier, Juliet Seer of Sevenwaters (Sevenwaters #5: Young seerSibeal accompanies Viking Felix on a perilous mission, but thedangers they face are nothing compared to her inner turmoil asshe struggles to choose between her druid calling and herfeelings for Felix)............................. $24.95McCaffrey/Scarborough Catalyst (Barque Cats #1: Barque Cats are trained to patrolspaceships, sniffing out oxygen leaks and other problems. Whena corrupt government claims an epidemic requires impoundingall animals, two young people, a kitten, and a mysterious catwith a hidden agenda are all that stand between the galaxy'sanimals and total destruction). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00McCaffrey/Scarborough Catacombs (Barque Cats #2: Mysterious cat Pshaw-Rarescues the Barque Cats & their companions, transporting themto his home planet of Mau. But his actions are less noble thanthey appear - the Barque Cats are part of his plan to conquerthe universe)................................ $26.00McKillip, Patricia A. The Bards of Bone Plain (When an archaeologist andhis most eager disciple, Princess Beatrice, unearth a diskmarked with ancient runes, Beatrice pursues the secrets of alost language that she suddenly notices all around her, hiddenin plain sight)............................... $24.95Mitchell, Sandy The Emperor's Finest (Warhammer 40,000: CiaphasCain)...................................... $24.99Moorcock, Michael The Runestaff (alternate title: The Secret of the Runestaff)(Hawkmoon #4: Reissue).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.99Nylund, Eric First Strike (Halo)......................... $14.99Sehestedt, Mark Hand of the Hunter (Forgotten Realms: Chosen ofNendawen #2: PBO). ......................... $7.99Taylor, T/Johnson, L Back to the Moon (When a secret Chinese manned lunarmission sends a distress call, a planned US lunar missionsuddenly becomes an emergency rescue mission). . . . $25.00Turtledove, Harry Liberating Atlantis (Atlantis #3: Frederick Radcliff,descended from the family that founded the first settlement onAtlantis, is also a black slave, unable to prove his lineage; hebecomes the leader of an army of slaves determined to free allof his brethren)............................... $7.99Turtledove, Harry Atlantis and Other Places (Collection; stories ofancient eras, historical figures, mysterious events, and out ofthis world adventures)......................... $24.95Vance, Jack-of interest Songs of the Dying Earth: Stories in Honor ofJack Vance (Massive anthology of 22 stories set in Vance'sfar-future, demon-haunted Dying Earth). . . . . . . . . . $27.99Wells/Brown The War of the Worlds, Plus Blood, Guts, andZombies (As an alien invasion begins, the dead start to rise). ......................................... $15.00Willingham, Bill et al Witches (Fables #14: NOT for kids. Full color graphicnovel; collects issues 86-93 of the comic. The witches of theWoodland's thirteenth floor prepare to deal with Mister Darkin what's left of Fabletown). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.99Wright, S.L. Demon Underground (Allay #2: PBO; Half-human,half-demon, Allay finds herself brokering a truce between NYC'smost powerful demons. But when she senses assassins aroundevery corner, she goes underground - until the growing wartempts her back above the surface).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Expected Early JanuaryAbnett, Dan Prospero Burns (Warhammer 40,000: Horus Heresy#15)....................................... $8.99Adams, John Joseph (ed) The Way of the Wizard (Anthology; stories of witches,warlocks, sorcerers, and necromancers). . . . . . . . . . . $14.95Barant, D.D. Killing Rocks (Bloodhound Files #3: PBO; FBI profilerJace Valchek's ticket home from the twisted parallel universewhere she's been called to duty hinges on the capture of serialkiller Aristotle Stoker, and an alliance with a sorcerer known asAsher)...................................... $7.99Bell, Hilari Trickster's Girl (YA; 2098). ................ $16.00Berg, Carol The Spirit Lens (Collegia Magica #1: When the King ofSabria charges him to investigate an attempted murder thathas disturbing magical resonances, failed magic student Portierbelieves his dreams of a greater destiny might at last befulfilled). ................................... $7.99Berg, Carol The Soul Mirror (Collegia Magica #2: Anne de Vernasemust take on her sister's magical legacy to unravel the secretsbehind the dark sorcery besieging the royal city of Merona, andto uncover the truth behind her sister's death). . . . . . $16.00Beukes, Lauren Zoo City (Zinzi has a Sloth on her back, a dirty online 419scam habit - and a talent for finding lost things. But when herlatest client turns up dead and the cops confiscate her lastpaycheck, she's forced to take her least favorite kind of job:missing persons).............................. $7.99Brennan, Herbie The Shadow Project (Kids)................. $6.99Briggs, Patricia Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson #2: Reissue; 1st HCedition).................................... $26.95Card, Orson Scott Hidden Empire (Empire #2: US President Torrent adoptsa this-world-is-our-empire foreign policy; on the run, Cole anda few friends seek proof of how Torrent rigged his rise topower)...................................... $7.99Card, Orson Scott The Lost Gate (Dan North is the first Gate Mage in athousand years, able to open the locks that keep his exiled clanaway from their homeland. His existence will bring the flamesof open war back to life)....................... $24.99Catanese, P.W. Dragon Games (Books of Umber #2: Kids). . . . . $6.99Chick, Bryan The Secret Zoo (Secret Zoo #1: Kids).. . . . . . . . . $6.99Cook, Glen The Swordbearer (Reissue)................. $7.99Cracked.com You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News(Unsettling medical facts, incredible stories about historicalfigures, and the hidden truths behind some of pop culture'smost beloved icons)........................... $14.00Dietz, William C. Heaven's Devils (Starcraft II: Prequel to the StarCraft IIgame). ..................................... $7.99Duncan, Dave Pock's World (Pock's World, suspected of being infectedby humanoid aliens, has been quarantined and may have to besterilized. Five people are chosen to go there and examine theevidence. Some of them carry grudges - all have their ownagendas)................................... $14.95Emshwiller, Carol The Collected Stories of Carol Emshwiller(Fantasy, sf, magical realism, and fabulist tales). . . . $29.95Eskridge, Kelley Solitaire (Reissue; recommended near-future sf). . $16.00Farland, David Chaosbound (Runelords #8: Borenson has merged witha mighty and monstrous creature from the other world, AathUlber - who is now the most significant pawn in the game ofdark power politics that the supernatural rulers of the worldplay)....................................... $7.99Fisher, Catherine Sapphique (Incarceron#2)................. $17.99

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