CALLISTO eye® 2.7 - Zeiss
CALLISTO eye® 2.7 - Zeiss
CALLISTO eye® 2.7 - Zeiss
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Tailor <strong>CALLISTO</strong> eye to yourrequirementsWhat product workswith what function of<strong>CALLISTO</strong> eye?FORUM ORManagerFORUMOPMILUMERA 700OPMILumera iMediLiveTrio EyeOthermicroscopes orcameras withS-video signalVideo recording X X X X X XVisualize cornealcurvature withK TRACKXDisplay of patient datain the OR*Display of diagnosticdata in the OR*XXXXRemote control X X XAlign toric IOLs withZ ALIGNCreate OR documentationand allocate tomedical recordXXX X X XEnjoy flexibilityFunctionality focused on your special needs: everyoffice and hospital has its own workflow andnetwork integration requirements. This is preciselywhy the individual components can be configuredto create a tailor-made solution that will ideallysupport you in your work.Managing quality<strong>CALLISTO</strong> eye enables the recording of all datacaptured during and after a procedure on the eye.The flow of information in your office or hospital isnot only smoother, but also safer and more reliable.Impressing patientsInformation promotes understanding. <strong>CALLISTO</strong> eyeand FORUM significantly simplify patient-baseddocumentation. Images and videos are automaticallyallocated to the patient and stored using standardformats. For example, you can also easily createDVDs that patients can then take home with themafter the procedure.Scan consumables andallocate to medicalrecordPlan surgery anddisplay digital OR planin the ORReselect IOLintraoperativelyXXXXXXIntegrating the futureYou can now benefit from networking with theOPMI LUMERA 700 and OPMI Lumera i surgicalmicroscopes and commercial 1- and 3-chip videocameras. We are continuing to enhance <strong>CALLISTO</strong> eyein order to create additional interfaces and simplifyworkflows – through further practical functionslike Z ALIGN.89
How <strong>CALLISTO</strong> eye supportsyour workflowWith <strong>CALLISTO</strong> eye it is you who decides what functions you wish touse. <strong>CALLISTO</strong> eye offers an assistance and operating terminal - whichcan be operated sterile directly in the OR. If FORUM OR Manager isalso used, surgeries can be planned paperlessly and conveniently. WithFORUM Archive, diagnostic and patient data can also be accessed inthe OR. You benefit from optimal support before, during and after eyesurgery.OfficePatientadmissionDiagnosisCentral filing ofdiagnostic data in theFORUM ArchiveAssistanceZ ALIGNIntraoperative aidfor alignment oftoric IOLsK TRACKIntraoperativevisualizationof cornealcurvature*Intelligent displayRemoteControlOperation ofOPMI LUMERA 700,OPMI Lumera i,MediLive Trio EyeSurgeryThe <strong>CALLISTO</strong> eye touchscreenserves as a central control andinformation terminal.OR planningThe FORUM OR Managermakes it easy to quicklyprepare a clearly structuredOR plan on the basis ofpatient data.Patient dataDisplay ofpatient dataDisplay of diagnosticdataCurrentOR planIOLReselectionOR documentationThe entire procedure is documenteddirectly in the OR. In combinationwith FORUM Archive, the entiredocumentation is allocated to therespective medical record.Postoperativefollow-upPatientreferralback tophysicianFrom practicemanagementsystemsRaw data or PDFreportsDisplay andamendment ofcurrent OR plansChange ofselected IOLOperatingroomDocumentationVideodocumentationBarcodescannerTextmodulesFunction available in combination with FORUM / FORUM OR ManagerAutomatic videodocumentationRecording of consumableusage viaa barcode scannerPre-configurabletexts for fast ORdocumentation10* Function available with OPMI LUMERA 70011