CONGRATULATIONS! - Fork Union Military Academy

CONGRATULATIONS! - Fork Union Military Academy

CONGRATULATIONS! - Fork Union Military Academy


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The Bayonet 10 May, 2006Science ClassBy Michael SmithIn science class we have beenexploring plant life and learning how plantsfunction. It is actually a lot more interesting thanone may think. We are learning how theyreproduce and survive and all of their differentparts. Right now we are performing anexperiment. We are growing peppers in class tomonitor their growth progress. The peppers arestill only a few inches tall, but soon we hopethey will be fully grown plants.The way CPT Balhoff teaches really helps usunderstand all of the material. He uses modelsso we can actually see the different parts. So farthe class has gone well and I think we have alllearned more than we ever thought we couldabout plants. At least there is a lot more toplants than I ever thought!As for what the future holds, I’m not sure, but bythe way things are headed now, I’m sure it willbe interesting.By Michael SmithDuring my first period science class, wewere watching a movie and, all of a sudden, LTCGiszack walked into the class with a bag. Then heasked everyone if they knew what dry ice was. Mostof us did, but not many of us had never seen orhandled it before. So he opened up the bag andgrabbed a pair of tongs and pulled out a small chunkof the dry ice.He explained all about the physicalcomposition of it and told us that it is really fun tomess with, but you have to be careful because if it isin your hand for too long, it can possibly causefrostbite. He even showed us that if you put the dryice in a glass of water, it will boil because the ice willgo through a process called sublimation and thewater sort of boiled and a thick fog came out of theglass.It was really a surprise to see LTC Giszackwalk into the class with the experiment, but it was agood surprise. I had never seen dry ice like thatbefore, much less know anything scientific about it!

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