Contract 2010-2013 - American Guild of Musical Artists

Contract 2010-2013 - American Guild of Musical Artists

Contract 2010-2013 - American Guild of Musical Artists


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(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(j)(k)(l)All photos which are used for publicity purposes in any document which is solelyunder the EMPLOYER’S control which feature two (2) ARTISTS or less must beapproved by the ARTISTS involved and shall carry the line: “Please creditDancers - (Dancers’ names)”. If ARTISTS fail to show-up upon request toapprove photographs, EMPLOYER shall consider said photographs approvedwithout the consent <strong>of</strong> the ARTIST. If violated ARTIST shall receive twenty-five($25.00) Dollars. If, after the conclusion <strong>of</strong> 2007-2008 <strong>2010</strong>-2011 performingseason, there is no such violation, AGMA agrees to remove the twenty five dollar($25) payment for the remaining two performing seasons <strong>of</strong> the Agreement.Photographs or other reproducible likenesses <strong>of</strong> ARTISTS paid for by theEMPLOYER may be used on promotional items <strong>of</strong>fered for sale to the publicwhich promote the name <strong>of</strong> the EMPLOYER, the name <strong>of</strong> the ARTIST or the artform <strong>of</strong> dance. Such items or likenesses may not be licensed to third partieswithout prior written consent <strong>of</strong> ARTISTS.All ARTISTS shall have the right <strong>of</strong> approval <strong>of</strong> individual photographs <strong>of</strong>themselves (and any accompanying biographical sketch) used by theEMPLOYER in the EMPLOYER’S souvenir program.It is agreed that photographing, including waiting time, make-up time and travel,originating from the EMPLOYER’S studios or theatre incidental thereto, will becounted as rehearsal time and, if applicable, the appropriate Overtime or DoubleTime Rate shall be paid to the ARTISTS.Unless ARTISTS are notified on <strong>of</strong>ficial company callboard pertaining to“<strong>of</strong>ficial photographers”, twenty four (24) hours in advance when the schedulingis in the EMPLOYER’S control, or by 6 PM the night before, if the scheduling isnot in the EMPLOYER’S control, under no circumstances will photographers bepermitted on stage, in the wings or any corridors leading to the stage. Thisprohibition shall apply in all theaters where the ARTISTS perform.The EMPLOYER agrees to use the form hereinafter referred to as Exhibit “1” inorder to protect the rights <strong>of</strong> the ARTISTS and the EMPLOYER.The EMPLOYER agrees to enter into an agreement with photographers regardingthe taking <strong>of</strong> photographs <strong>of</strong> ARTISTS with the intent <strong>of</strong> protecting the rights <strong>of</strong>the EMPLOYER and the ARTISTS.A sign up sheet will be posted with times for ARTISTS to review and approvephotographs. ARTISTS will not unreasonably withhold approval <strong>of</strong> photographsfor use by EMPLOYER.39

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