& Albany County Post - The Altamont Enterprise

& Albany County Post - The Altamont Enterprise

& Albany County Post - The Altamont Enterprise


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Altamont</strong> <strong>Enterprise</strong> – Thursday, May 17, 2012 5OpinionCommentaryIt feels good to fix somethingrather than just throwing it outBy Frank L. PalmeriEvery now and then I get on aroll and try to clean up a mess ortwo. Clutter is something manyof us deal with; we just have toomuch stuff is the basic problem.How to get rid of it all — donations,a green Dumpster, battingpractice — is the big question. Iwish there were an app for that.This time, I was cleaning upin the basement workshop area,and I came across an old SearsCraftsman 3/8-inch electric drill.I’m pretty sure this is one of theoldest drills I own.I don’t remember where orwhen I got it, but I know I used touse it a lot. Notice I said used to,as it was missing its chuck, andit made a nasty, growling noisewhen you pressed the trigger.Still, I couldn’t just throw awayan old friend like this drill. We’vebeen through too much together.This reminds me of my buddy.His wife at the timecomplained that, whenhe went to mow thelawn, he’d often spendso much time fixingthe mower that hewouldn’t get any mowingdone.This is exactly whathappened to me. HereI was supposed to bede-cluttering, and insteadI’m now workingon an old, beat-up drill.Oh well. Keeping stuffout of the landfill is agood thing if you cando it without too muchtrouble.I took the drill apartand quickly found outthe source of the growlingnoise; the cheap, bushing-stylebearing that the manufacturerhad used at the rear of the drillwas shot.Had this had been a betterbrand or a “professional” model,this would have been a sealed ballbearing and would have outlivedthe motor, but you get what youpay for. At least now I knew whatparts I needed to get: the bearingand a new chuck.Center is gone<strong>The</strong>re used to be a Sears repaircenter around here. That wasgreat because you could bringyour old tools and things in andthe center staff could bring themup on the computer. Usually, theycould figure out what you needed,and many times they had the partright there; if not they could getit shipped to you easily. Whatgreat service.Since that store closed, it’s notbeen the same. Now all you’re reallyleft with is going online andtrying to find the parts yourself.I worry about some of the oldtimerswho don’t do computersbut still need parts for theirtools. Let’s hope they have kidsor grandkids to help out.I found what I needed on theSears website, and get this — thebushing was $2.99, but the shippingwas $7.99. Ouch!My plan was to buy a goodused chuck at the used toolstore, so all I really needed fromSears was the bushing, but giveme a break — the shipping wasridiculously expensive for such asmall part that could easily fit inan envelope.So I called them, hoping to geta break on the shipping, and toSears’s credit, I got a live personright away. I asked if Sears couldship the part to one of the localI couldn’t justthrow awayan old friendlike this drill.We’ve beenthrough toomuch together.stores and I could pick it up there(the old Sears store did this) butshe said they don’t do that anymore.Sigh.So I bit the bullet and orderedthe bushing and the chuck fromSears. At least that way, the partswould be more than the shipping.That made it hurt a little less.About a week later, I got theparts, reassembled the drill, andit works like new — hooray. Ofcourse, I have other drills, and, ifI’d waited for the next sale, I couldprobably have gotten a nice newone for not much more money, butthat’s not the point.<strong>The</strong>re are fewer and fewer userrepairablethings these days. Itjust feels good to fix somethingrather than throw it out.Now this drill is probably atleast 25 years old. Sears, I’m sure,is under no obligation to stockparts for it anymore.Still, it used to be so nicewhen Sears had thebig parts depot storehere. I wonder howmuch business it losesbecause the depot’snot there anymore.In Sears’s defense,it used to be the mainplace to buy tools,but now there is somuch competition,from home centers,cheap import stores,and the Internet, thatSears must have runthe numbers and determinedit was betterfor it to close thestore.But old-timers likeme, and I’m sure manyothers, still wish itwere there — like the old WallaceArmer store in Schenectady. Youcould get stuff to fix anythingthere. How I miss that place.Shocked<strong>The</strong> other day, my Sears Craftsman3/8-inch ratchet broke. Ibrought it into Sears, expectingto turn it in and get a new onelike I’ve done in the past.This time, I was shocked, as,instead of getting a new one, Iwas handed a rebuilt one.This apparently is Sears newpolicy. Though the rebuilt wrenchworks — the innards have beenreplaced — the body of the wrenchlooks like somebody beat on itwith a hammer or worse. I nevertreat my tools like this so it disturbsme greatly.<strong>The</strong> whole point of buyingCraftsman, forever, has beenthat Sears would replace brokentools for free. Now this policy, atleast for ratchet wrenches, haschanged.Conversely, when I brought ina set of locking pliers that broke— the spring was missing — theygave me a new one without flinching.Go figure.I, for one, hope that we’ll alwayshave local Sears stores to buyfrom. <strong>The</strong> quality is good and theytreat you right. I usually do allmy Christmas shopping there aswell. Where else can you get goodhard stuff like tools and lawnand-gardenequipment, while atthe same time getting some niceclothes for your wife? Gotta loveone-stop shopping. I even missthe big fat catalog.My rebuilt drill works, and myrebuilt ratchet, though it’s ugly,works too, and I got some brandnewlocking pliers, so all in all Iguess I’m doing OK. Now back tode-cluttering the basement.www.CDYMCA.org • 518.456.6929Turn laundry dayinTo laundry hourVoorheesVilleLAUNDROMAT12 South Main St.open 6 AM – 11 PM every DaySoft Water • Parking • CleanBut most importantyou can learn to save a life, with CPR!CAMP NASSAUGuilderland, NYKids build confidence,self-esteem and lastingfriendships at camp.• Register today!• Rt.155 South of Western Ave.• Bussing available.JOIN US!Camp Open HouseSunday, May 201 – 3PMHILLBILLYBOB’S GARDEN“Mountain Grown”Vegetable PlantsBedding PlantsHanging BasketsHerbs1085 Switzkill Road • Berne, NY 12023872-2534May 1 – July 3Tuesday – Sunday, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.CLOSED MONDAY

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