July 2008 Centenary Year - Plymouth Motor Club

July 2008 Centenary Year - Plymouth Motor Club

July 2008 Centenary Year - Plymouth Motor Club


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<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

<strong>Centenary</strong> <strong>Year</strong><br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 1



(01752) 342505<br />




OPENING TIMES MON - FRI 8.30 AM - 6<br />

PM<br />

SAT 8.30 AM - 5 PM SUN 10.00 AM - 1PM<br />

BANK HOLIDAYS 10.00 AM - 2 PM<br />


FREE<br />




(01752) 895057<br />



Page 2 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Officers and Committee <strong>2008</strong><br />

Patron Mr Roy Rowe<br />

President Mr David Sharp ........................................................ 01752 330702<br />

Vice Rhys Blackaller, Alf Chanter, James Ellison, Andy Pearce,<br />

Presidents Wayne Grimshaw, John Sluman<br />

Hon. Life Members Mrs M Bennets, Mrs S Fredman, Mr & Mrs B.Benson, Mr G.Meyers,<br />

Mr M.Tuppen, N.Bradbury<br />

Chairman Mrs Lynn Palmer ......................................................<br />

Vice Wayne Grimshaw ..................................................... 07817703168<br />

Chairman<br />

Immediate Mr Andy Pearce ...................................................... 01752 335423<br />

Past Chairman<br />

Honorary Mrs Chris Pearce....................................................... 01752 335423<br />

Treasurer<br />

Honorary Mr Alan Tomes......................................................... 01752 219739<br />

Secretary<br />

Hon. Competition Mr Andy Pearce........................................................ 01752 335423<br />

Secretary<br />

Hon. Membership Mr Stephen Vickery.................................................. 07775 882262<br />

Secretary 90 Cunningham Road, Tamerton Foliot, PL5 4PT<br />

Hon. Social Mr James Ellison<br />

Secretary<br />

Hon. Awards John Sluman ............................................................. 01752 340146<br />

Secretary<br />

Hon. Magazine Mr Alf Chanter ......................................................... 01752 205638<br />

Editor 35 Rendlesham Gardens, Estover, PL6 8SS (Spotlamp@blueyonder.co.uk)<br />

Hon. Press & Wayne Grimshaw ……………………………….. 07817703168<br />

PRO<br />

12 Car Coordinator Miss Helen Bull hcbull@btinternet.com<br />

Chief Marshal Sean Drewitt. 07756655150<br />

<strong>Club</strong> Chaplain Rev. Kenneth Wakefield........................................... 01566 773932<br />

The Rectory, Werrington, Launceston, Cornwall, PL15 8TP<br />

General John Sluman, Jennie Locke, Darren Stevens<br />

Committee Mark Tucker, Anton Shaw. Paul Price, Fran Drew, Mike Perkin<br />

Child Protection Miss Helen Bull ......................................hcbull@btinternet.co.uk<br />

Officer<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 3

Events Diary<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

June 27th 12 Car Organised by James Ellison & Wayne Grimshaw some nice<br />

Cornish roads are promised.<br />

June 28th <strong>Centenary</strong> Ball. A few tickets are left contact Lynn Palmer.<br />

June 28th Bristol MC Castle Coombe Sprint<br />

June 29th Camel Vale MC Tarmac ASWMC Championship Autotest<br />

June 29th RallyingUK.com Stages – Bournemouth & DCC<br />

<strong>July</strong> 2nd ADE Tarmac Autotest – Marsh Mills<br />

<strong>July</strong> 4th Social Night @ the Lyneham Inn from 8pm.<br />

<strong>July</strong> 6th Longleat Hillclimb – Woolbridge MC<br />

<strong>July</strong> 12th Azimghur Stages Colerne – Bath MC<br />

<strong>July</strong> 12th/13th Sugworthy Autocross – North Devon MC<br />

<strong>July</strong> 12th/13th Castle Hillclimb – Camel Vale MC<br />

<strong>July</strong> 2oth Llys-y-fran Hillclimb – Swansea MC/Clay Pigeon Sprint – Bournemouth<br />

& DCC<br />

<strong>July</strong> 20th PMC PAUL INCH ENGINE SERVICES TAVISTOCK<br />

AUTOTEST Round of <strong>2008</strong> ASWMC /ACSMC Championships<br />

<strong>July</strong> 25th PMC 12 Car Rally, Contact Alan Tomes for details.<br />

<strong>July</strong> 27th Newquay Auto <strong>Club</strong> St Eval Sprint<br />

Aug 1st Out Door Social Night Contact James Ellison for Details.<br />

Aug 3rd Bristol MC AUTOSOLO<br />

Aug 6th PMC Marsh Mills Evening Autotest @ ADE Group Headquarters<br />

Aug 30th Possible Predannick Sprint<br />

Aug 31st Newquay AC St Eval Sprint<br />

Sept 10th PMC Marsh Mills Evening Autotest @ ADE Group Headquarters<br />

Sept 21st Barnstaple to <strong>Plymouth</strong> Run. Contact Dave Sharp for or details.<br />

Nov 1st 2 nd Nostalgic Evening, Elfordleigh.<br />

Dec 13th <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong>s <strong>2008</strong> Awards Presentation Evening and<br />

Page 4 Dance. www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

For more information on any of the dates please contact a member of the<br />

committee as per the list of officers. Remember, if you don't contact us, we<br />

don't know your coming.<br />

For more updates send your email<br />

address to the Editor<br />

Spotlamp@blueyonder.co.uk<br />


6th & 7th SEPTEMBER <strong>2008</strong><br />

Make sure that you put the above date in your diary.<br />

Paddock marshals required for the above event.<br />

Please contact Andy Pearce on 01752 335423<br />

or<br />

Peter Locke on 01752 342741 for more details.<br />

���������������������������������������������������<br />

Spotlamp is published on the penultimate Friday of each month (hopefully!).<br />

Contributions should be sent to the Editor, address as published in the list of <strong>Club</strong><br />

Officers, or Emailed to Spotlamp@blueyonder.co.uk (in MS Word plain text ).<br />

Copy should arrive by the 13th of the month. The Editor reserves the right to amend<br />

articles received as necessary. The views expressed in Spotlamp are the views of the<br />

individual contributors, & not necessarily those of the Editor, or of the <strong>Club</strong> & its<br />

Officers. Copyright <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong> 2007 ©<br />

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<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 5

Chairman’s Chat <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

Welcome to summer sun is shining and the grass is growing. Talking<br />

about grass, the Autotest organised by Wayne Grimshaw it had 12 entries<br />

and after much handbrake turns saw cars slide gently into garages.<br />

A little bird tells me that Andy Pearce double drove John Slumans<br />

car and had a smile from ear to ear as his enthusiasm for<br />

Autotesting was rekindled. Well done to James Meaner who won the<br />

event.<br />

The tarmac Autotest at Marsh Mills was richly attended with almost<br />

as many spectating as were competing. After much competition and<br />

fun the event was finally won by Peter Kelsey in the Green Machine.<br />

Summer Ball on June 28 th is fast approaching. The tickets will be sent<br />

out shortly. Terry Thorne has kindly agreed to take photographs of<br />

groups/ couples upon their arrival. Guests will be welcomed from 6pm<br />

and we will all be seated to start the celebrations by 6.45pm.<br />

There is a photo shoot at Tesco’s car park, Lee Mill on Saturday 14 th<br />

June at 7.30pm and we have 3 local cars with their drivers giving up<br />

their valuable time to advertise the fact that PMC engages with charities<br />

to help them fundraise.<br />

Saturday and Sunday, 21 st and 22 nd , June between 10am and 4pm at<br />

Tesco’s Lee Mill, is the PMC car show. This is in partnership with<br />

Tesco to show a variety of competition cars owned by PMC members<br />

and friends of the club. The event will be run in aid of Dame Hannah<br />

Rogers School, near Ivybridge, and we thank Tesco for their on-going<br />

support and for providing the venue. The event could be further aided<br />

by members’ support who could give a small amount of time and tell<br />

interested folk about the club, race and rally social events. If you can<br />

spare some time, please contact Sean Drewitt chief marshal<br />

07756655150.<br />

Regards<br />

Lynn Palmer.<br />

Page 6 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Providing Ford Duratec Engine Power for 2007 Gurston<br />

Down Hillclimb Champion & Multiple record holder Mike<br />

Rudge<br />

Providing engine power in BRISCA Formula 2 for:<br />

2006 World Champion<br />

2006 European Champion<br />

2006 Scotish Champion<br />

2006 British Champion<br />

2006 National points Champion<br />

2007 World Cup Champion 1 st & 2nd (Holland)<br />

2007 Dutch Open Champion 1 st & 2nd<br />

2007 Irish Champion<br />

2007 British Champion<br />

2007 National points Champion<br />

Winners of Nine Track Championships in 2007<br />

Workshop facilities include:<br />

Dynamic Crankshaft Balancing<br />

Experienced operation of Sun Ram 12 2WD Rolling Road<br />

Cylinder Head Overhaul, Machining & Gas Flowing<br />

Most Race ECU’s expertly mapped<br />

Distibutors for Kent, Piper & Newman Cams, ITG Air Filters,<br />

Weber & Dellorto Carburettors, DTA Race Electronics<br />

etc.<br />

Call 01566 778779, Ask for Mark Shillaber<br />





PL15 8EX.<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 7

Competition Report<br />

Well what a month May was for the club, we managed to organise a<br />

hillclimb weekend, 12 car rally, a national B road rally, a grass<br />

autotest, a tarmac autotest and a treasure hunt!! So if any of these<br />

events couldn’t tempt you out to either compete or marshal then I<br />

think you are in the wrong club. My first duty as an elder statesman of<br />

the club is to thank all of you who have helped out / completed in the<br />

above events.<br />

On a personal level I have unfortunately, seen the darker side of the<br />

sport. Whilst officiating at a Kart meeting recently I was called into<br />

the Clerks office to adjudicate on a verbal abuse case, not too much<br />

wrong you think. Until you find out that the official who has been<br />

abused was the Paramedic who was attending an incident involving<br />

the accused son. What was even worse was the accused sent his son<br />

and wife to the hearing while he left the circuit. Unfortunately the outcome<br />

was the son’s licence was suspended for 30 days and the matter<br />

referred to the MSA. So please when you are competing take time out<br />

and thank the marshals and officials.<br />

Okay looking forward to future events, this month we have another<br />

tarmac Autotest which will be over by the time you read this report. A<br />

scatter on the 20th and the 12 car rally on the 27 th , look at the diary<br />

dates for details, or ring the organisers, I am sure they would be<br />

pleased to hear from you.<br />

If you require any information on preparing your car, the right licences<br />

required for competition or you want to get involved and join<br />

one of the officials training programmes, please let me know and I<br />

will do my best to help or point you in the right direction.<br />

Andy P<br />

Page 8 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Editorial<br />

Its fair to say its been a bit of a month for <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, with events<br />

across the diary for the last month, and the next few weeks, and indeed<br />

months, giving us all the opportunity to do something most weekends, possibly<br />

even twice a week now that we have the ultra successful ADE Group<br />

Tarmac Autotest’s held down at Marsh Mills. I enjoy Autotest’s but due to a<br />

variety of reasons never seem to be able to get to the start of the event in<br />

time, but do indeed enjoy watching the entrants have a good go in this fantastic<br />

new venue. Andy Slade, the owner of ADE Electrical, a local maintenance,<br />

engineering and electrical company, was a member of <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong><br />

<strong>Club</strong> when I first joined some zillion years ago and was always an<br />

Autotest competitor amongst other things. Having taken some time out to<br />

establish his growing business, he has given us the opportunity to use his site<br />

on the Marsh Mills Industrial site to run the midweek tarmac Autotest series,<br />

and with a return to the drivers seat, in a borrowed car, he quickly got the<br />

hang of it again and kicked some butt to take a class win I believe, so not<br />

only does he give us the chance to compete on his car park, he goes and<br />

beats some of the regulars as well. It’s always great to see someone return to<br />

competing after a layoff and hopefully, together with the fantastic entries<br />

that the tarmac Autotest’s are getting, we can see plenty more action on the<br />

tarmac of Marsh Mills over coming months.<br />

With a choice of other events undertaken over the last month, we have seen<br />

grass, tarmac, country lanes and sprint circuits put to good use by PMC<br />

members. We had the JRE <strong>Motor</strong>sport <strong>Plymouth</strong> Rally at the end of May,<br />

this ran with a reasonable entry but due to a number of issues on the night<br />

we are still working towards getting a result, hopefully this will follow soon.<br />

As for me, Anton Shaw and I are off to Welsh Wales to take part in the<br />

HOVAC 1000 Lanes Road Rally, as it is once again this year a round of the<br />

ASWMC series. This event was tough for us last year as we managed to<br />

smash the sump after a very rough couple of sections in Walters Arena, as<br />

used on the Wales rally GB each year. This year the organisers have promised<br />

a smoother start to the arena, with hopefully all competitors getting in to<br />

the lanes for the road sections afterwards. Were hoping for a good run<br />

through the arena and then a good crack at the road sections, last year saw<br />

the event suffering from some very heavy rainfall, so hopefully a little sunshine<br />

would suit us better this year.<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 9

It would be rude of me not to mention the 12 car rally championship. It’s an<br />

unusual situation for me as Paul Price and I are currently leading the championship<br />

due to two wins from three starts, and I can tell you no one is more<br />

surprised than Paul or I as we both started the year for some fun in the lanes.<br />

It’s got that serious that I was supposed to miss the June event as one of the<br />

lads in work is getting married, and hence I was supposed to have been there<br />

instead. However, with a championship points scoring opportunity, ive decided<br />

to not drop this event and to miss the wedding instead, a difficult situation,<br />

but hey, I don’t win much so want to make the most of this. And also,<br />

truth be told, because I love the road events anyway. The Hillman Cup Rally<br />

is next, into which we go with no pretence that were the favourites as there<br />

are better crews out there, but hopefully the event will be another good one<br />

for us, scoring at least some reasonable points. It will probably go wrong for<br />

us on the night, but lets face it, its only a bit of fun really, if we don’t do well<br />

its not going to ruin the rest of my life is it. Grrrrrrrrrrrr, it might do actually.<br />

The red mist is already descending.<br />

During the month Newquay MC had its usual sprint near St Eval, Newquay,<br />

and for this one I was in fact driving someone else’s car. Mike Vosper had<br />

kindly offered me to drive his car, so my Pug 106 was being put to good use<br />

by my usual sprinting partner Mike Perkin, together with Paul Price, who<br />

hadn’t competed on anything like this for many a year. As is often the case<br />

at that time of year with St Eval, there was heavy rain upon our arrival, Mike<br />

had trailored his 205 GTI down, and I had driven the 106, with Paul, Mike<br />

and Ally all making up the team, together with Gordon McGee acting as<br />

team van driver and spares carrier in his large van. First things first and out<br />

with the awning and tarpaulin, thus keeping us dry for the day. Perhaps in<br />

part due to the wind and the rain, our awning, as is often the case, proved to<br />

be a popular gathering place for drivers and team members, with Wayne not<br />

competing on this one, he arrived with waterproofs in hand to offer his support<br />

as a marshal instead. Thus the small engine class was looking a bit bare<br />

with just a few cars out. In the 1600cc road car class (my first time) we had 5<br />

entries before moving up to the bigger engined cars. Overall as with St Eval<br />

it was a decent entry.<br />

So there was me ensconced in Mike Vosper’s Peugeot 205 1.6 GTI, never<br />

having driven a 205 like this before, I was quite looking forwards to it. Driving<br />

down to the start line I started to realise he had a slight issue with water<br />

penetration. Each time I turned the wheel, water poured in through the sun<br />

roof, it made for an interesting first practice I can tell you. I could tell how<br />

Page 10 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

fast I was going on each corner by the angle of the water as it dribbled on to<br />

my lap on the left handers. With standing water on the track, my first lap was<br />

hairy to say the least, with a couple of good sideways moments whilst I felt<br />

my way around. Mike Perkin and Mike Vosper all felt the same.<br />

There’s always one though, the one who wants to be different. Talks different,<br />

brushes his hair different, and wears green overalls. Yes, Paul Price decides<br />

that rather than go for a fast time on his first competitive event for<br />

about 15 years, he was going to maximise his mileage while on the track, so<br />

does two spins on his first three laps around the circuit. And they weren’t<br />

just gentle pirouettes, no, they were full on spins on the tight right handers<br />

before the hairpin. Good mileage for sure. All in all a good days sport, the<br />

weather cleared up for the later times, and Mike Perkin (I think) took a first<br />

in class, with Paul perhaps a little further back. Mike Vosper and I had our<br />

own battle, with myself coming out on top, but Mike setting one of his best<br />

times at St Eval in his 205. Barry Chapmen was pushing Mike Perkin Hard<br />

all the way but was just pipped at the post in the end.<br />

I found the 205 harder to drive than my 1.4 106, the GTI having more power<br />

than mine meant getting of the line and keeping it trim around the hairpin<br />

were my biggest problems, together with the gearing on the GTI being considerable<br />

different than my 106. Overall, and principally as I wasn’t use to it,<br />

I found it harder to drive, yet clearly you can see why the 205 has such a following<br />

as it goes well in its 1600cc form, handles well, and is a car that<br />

gives plenty of fun for everyone.<br />

I think that’s about it for me this month, all that remains to say it that you<br />

should look through the diary dates, see what you can come out on and join<br />

in the fun. We have a few social events coming up as well, so something for<br />

everyone I think.<br />

Feel free to drop me a line if you’ve done something the membership may be<br />

interested in reading about, or give me a call.<br />

Regards<br />

Alf<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 11

<strong>2008</strong> Celebrations / Social Corner.<br />

Hi all well we had a slight change of Social this month with a BBQ<br />

and outdoor games evening at the Rock Yelverton, this was well enjoyed<br />

by the people who turned up on a sunny but cool evening.<br />

We enjoyed food and a game of rounders and ‘Lob’ which consisted<br />

of throwing a ball between two teams and trying to catch it in which<br />

case the thrower was out this continued until only one person was left<br />

standing.<br />

The rounders was won by the Lady’s team as the men took pity on<br />

them and hit them some catches to get out. (We where too unfit to run<br />

any further really….).<br />

Those present enjoyed it so much that we are going to do it again on<br />

the August Social night the 1 st . More details next month so watch this<br />

space.<br />

Looking towards this month we have nothing planned for the <strong>July</strong> Social<br />

so it will be a Noggin and Natter up at the Lyneham Inn, Plympton<br />

from 8pm.<br />

Before that we have the BIG Social Event of the year the <strong>Centenary</strong><br />

Ball by the time you read this everything should be ready for the big<br />

Evening. I am really looking forward to it as we have been planning it<br />

for nearly 4 years now and I am sure that it will be worth it, I know<br />

that Lynn Palmer has organised virtually all of it herself, with a little<br />

help, and that she deserve much praise for the hard work and effort<br />

that she has put into it over what has been a difficult time for her so<br />

hopefully it will all go well and it will reflect well on the <strong>Club</strong> and<br />

Chairman. I look forward to seeing you all at the Duke of Cornwall<br />

Hotel on the 28 th .<br />

Before that we have the <strong>Motor</strong> show at Tesco’s Lee Mill on the<br />

21/22 nd again as last month any help would be appreciated please contact<br />

Lynn with offers of help.<br />

Page 12 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

The Regs are now out for the Barnstaple to <strong>Plymouth</strong> Run on the 21 st<br />

September if you would like to enter then either contact Dave Sharp or<br />

down load a set from the <strong>Club</strong> website.<br />

Well I think that that is all for this month so if any one has any ideas<br />

as to what they would like to do then please let me know. I am looking<br />

hold another Skittles evening and an indoor Games evening some time<br />

in the Autumn, the idea of a quiz night has also been floated.<br />

We must not forget either that we have another Nostalgic Evening on<br />

the 1 st of November so another excuse to look out your old Photo Albums.<br />

Well that all for this month.<br />

James Ellison. Social Secretary 01579 363661<br />

Estover Road<br />

Estover<br />

PL6 8SS<br />

01752 793953<br />

info@achaines.co.uk<br />

Precision engineers, Toolmakers, welded fabrications and sheet metal works, MIG<br />

and TIG welding in Stainless, Aluminium and Mild steels.<br />

Anything from a one of fabrication through to purpose made and designed components<br />

and fittings for your application, manufactured from your drawing or pattern<br />

for your race and rally car. You name it, we can make it, suspension arms and<br />

components for single seaters, dash panels, adjustable arms, engine mounts, nylon<br />

bushes, sump guards, under floor skid protection, seat brackets etc. Suppliers of<br />

fixtures and fittings, nuts and bolts etc. We can make or modify to suit your requirements.<br />

Contact Alf Chanter or Keith Gibson<br />

Design and manufacture of engineered <strong>Motor</strong>sport components<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 13

Round 3: PMC/Sorensen Road Sport<br />

12 car championship<br />

The 3 rd round of this years championship was due to start at our sponsors<br />

premises, but Carl unfortunately couldn’t make it on the night, so<br />

the 5 crews did noise test and Scruitineering, and retired to the Lyneham<br />

Inn for some liquid refreshment and some light banter.<br />

Our steed for the night was Bens Rover 400 Shaped Honda Civic. Our<br />

usual Escort was having trouble keeping any pressure in the brake<br />

lines. The Civic should be faster, but will Ben want to risk damaging<br />

his road car by driving hard, only time would tell.<br />

The first time control was all the way up by Ashburton. We were car<br />

2 on the road du to the fact that Daz and John were organising. The<br />

first section took us round the back lanes around Buckfastleigh. I had<br />

a little trouble with the first handout, which resulted in us being several<br />

minutes late.<br />

It became apparent that the Civic was not ideal for the roads around<br />

the South Hams with the hard suspension and the low slung exhaust<br />

manifold, which had developed a hole in by the end of the event.<br />

We traversed the villages of Rattery, Harburtonford, Modbury, Windsor<br />

and the outsjirts of Plympton.<br />

Unfortunately for me, I have developed a worrying habit of checking<br />

into controls early. On 2 separate occasions, I checked in 3 minutes<br />

early, which resulted in 6 minutes of penalties. Luckily, however, we<br />

weren’t the only crew to receive penalties. Just before the final control<br />

at the Lyneham Inn, there was a secret check as you turn into the<br />

lane going down to the pub. The route went over the bridge over<br />

Deep Lane Junction over the A38 from a Plymstock direction. The<br />

correct route was to go past the Lyneham Inn Junction, around the<br />

roundabout and turn left into the lane. Several crews disobeyed the<br />

road signs and just turned right, thus receiving a hefty penalty for<br />

Page 14 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

driving standards.<br />

Amazingly we were the second team home, but I was sure we would<br />

finish down the order due to my lack of timekeeping talent. We settled<br />

down for a lovely breakfast and waited for the results. We were<br />

more than happy with our 2 nd place results. Congratulations to the<br />

winners. I’m sure there names will be in REALLY big print somewhere<br />

in the mag.<br />

Thanks to Darren and John, and especially the marshals who stood in<br />

the middle of nowhere all night,<br />

Tiny and Wooks<br />

Hillman Cup 12 Car Rally<br />

27 th June 12 Car. Signing on at the<br />

Holland Inn, Hatt from 8pm. Entry’s<br />

and enquires to James Ellison 01579<br />

363661 (Some nice fast Cornish<br />

Roads are promised.)<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 15

Driver P Price J Sluman W G/shaw D Smale R Harris L Wilson L W'wham A Hamlyn<br />

Navigator A Chanter D Stevens J Ellison P Nye L Turner N Swan R Holmes D Wills<br />

Class Expert Expert Expert Novice Novice Novice Novice Novice<br />

Board CAR 1 CAR 2 CAR 3 CAR 4 CAR 6 CAR 7 CAR 9 CAR 10<br />

MTC 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

PC A Manned 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

TC 2 3 0 0 4 1 10 6 4<br />

PC B P151CFJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

TC 3 1 2 4 7 3 30 5 4<br />

PC C Manned 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0<br />

TC 4 5 2 4 30 10 15 W/A 30 12+15W/A<br />

NTC 5 0 0 0 30 0 4E 0 6E<br />

LRTC 5a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

PC D WJ51NBN 0 0 0 0 5 0 5<br />

TC 6 0 0 15 W/A R 0 4 0 6<br />

PC E P342OPT 0 0 0 E 0 5 5 0<br />

PC F L839COD 0 0 0 T 0 5 5 0<br />

PC G T402BFP 0 0 0 I 0 5 5 0<br />

PC H X616AFJ 0 5 0 R 0 5 5 0<br />

PC I G13HFJ 0 0 5 E 0 5 5 0<br />

MTC 7 6 0 6 D 1 30 5+15 W/A 30<br />

Total 15 9 34 Retired 15 128 91 82<br />

O/A Pos 3rd 1st 4th N/A 2nd** 7th 6th (5th, Not Reg)<br />

Class Pos N/A 1st Nov Not Reg<br />

Champ Points 11 15 10 1 13 8 9 Not Reg<br />

Page 16 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

The Ford Cup Rally—Organiser Ben and Tim

AUTOSOLO’s<br />

You may think it’s a miss print , but its not , AUTOSOLO’s are a form of<br />

event that has been growing in popularity since its introduction from the<br />

USA several years ago.<br />

Further up country , lots of clubs run these events with big entries , still in<br />

its infancy so too speak in westcountry , but a team of organisers from Bristol<br />

MC have run several events in the last two years and are again running<br />

one at the OLD AIRFIELD at Weston super Mare on August 3 rd .<br />

The event is open to road legal cars driven to the meeting and the great bonus<br />

is that the event is self supporting with marshalls as each driver has to<br />

take a spell in the field marshalling as part of the entry regs . Great stuff.<br />

Its basically a sprint , without licence , helmet or overalls , but with the<br />

route / track layed out with cones ! The entry fees tend to be lower also ,<br />

about £25 , so a great time had by all . The last two at Weston have been<br />

over subscribed , so if you fancy a go , you will need to see the Bristol website<br />

and get an entry in quickly , <strong>Plymouth</strong> MC is an invited club , it would<br />

be great to see some PMC members out on this new type of event.<br />

Its also a good event to watch , so if you are not sure what its all about , you<br />

could still come up and watch.<br />


Just a reminder to members that on production of a valid membership<br />

card, you will be entitled to some very generous discount when<br />

you are buying your car parts from the Octagon Depot.<br />

The discount varies depending on what you buy, but certainly general<br />

service items like filters and brake components get great reductions,<br />

whilst other items like oil not quite so generous, but you still<br />

will be pleasantly surprised.<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 17


SALE<br />

Ford escort mk1,<br />

tax exempt, 1972<br />

1700 x flow engine , rally prepared<br />

for full spec ring Peter Benson<br />

01752 241723<br />

Page 18 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Readers Letters<br />

Thank you to James and every body that came to the<br />

bbq at the rock on Friday<br />

It was a very nice evening<br />

Lauren my cousin and i had a great time playing rounders and<br />

climbing the rock with every body<br />

On Saturday dad (Rob Harris) and I went to kart world near Liskeard<br />

It was a great place that I had not been before. so was very excited as<br />

it was my first time on a proper go-kart and really enjoyed my self .<br />

it was scary for the first lap but then settled myself in to the kart,<br />

dad was telling me to go faster so i tried hard to do so.<br />

We spent half the day there racing against other children aged between<br />

8 and 15<br />

and my lap times got better and better.<br />

Being in a junior kart I had to try hard as my kart was slower I<br />

did finish a head of lots of the older boys in faster karts<br />

I cant wait to go again and think it would be a good idea for<br />

the club to go together<br />

we had a fantastic time<br />

see you all soon<br />

Illice harris.<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 19


“Times is ‘ard and friends is few” so the saying goes. There’s no denying<br />

that the first part is true with petrol & diesel prices at record highs &<br />

prices rising faster than one of Darren’s lifts. I’m not so sure about the second<br />

part though, in fact I’m rather hoping that it’s not true at all.<br />

A couple of weeks ago I saw something extremely rare, Andy Pearce<br />

looking embarrassed!!!! We were at a Five <strong>Club</strong>s Wiscombe meeting & the<br />

lack of marshals from <strong>Plymouth</strong> was mentioned, which was the cause of the<br />

aforementioned embarrassed look. To be fair, it wasn’t just <strong>Plymouth</strong> that<br />

had failed to supply marshals for the event last year but the other club<br />

(begins with a “B” in case you want to know) concerned can go & sort their<br />

own life out…..<br />

As part of the “Five <strong>Club</strong>s” partnership, our primary task is to supply<br />

sufficient marshals to run the bottom paddock. Not an onerous task really, 3<br />

or 4 people are quite sufficient. In fact 2 people, John Sluman & Debbie<br />

Locke managed admirably last year. So this year we are looking to at least<br />

double our marshalling force, preferably without calling on the efforts of last<br />

year’s marshals.<br />

So come on then, don’t be shy, stand up & be counted. Wiscombe is<br />

situated 5 miles South of Honiton, a comfortable one hour drive from <strong>Plymouth</strong><br />

– the same sort of time it takes to get to Werrington, but a bit further<br />

in terms of distance. When you get there, a warm (well usually) welcome<br />

awaits you. You even get to drive down the complete hill to get to the paddock<br />

- you don’t get that at Werrington , do you! For those who can remember<br />

National A Top 12 runoffs, Dick Mayo, & very late finishes and haven’t<br />

been back since, Dick passed away several years ago & the new Clerking<br />

team are rather less grumpy – in fact more like a bunch of clowns really.<br />

Sorry Andy!!!<br />

In fact, you’ll get a free lunch & you’re very likely to get a bag of<br />

chocolates to munch on if you stay till mid afternoon, & I can guarantee<br />

chocolate buns or cake to all <strong>Plymouth</strong> marshals on both days. Just go & see<br />

Linda in the results caravan & say I sent you!!!!!<br />

Going back to the first part of my opening statement, I’m sure that the<br />

club will be providing some financial assistance to those who come along to<br />

marshal, see next month’s Competition Secretary report for more details. If<br />

these aren’t forthcoming next month, I’ll spill the beans the month after. Go<br />

on Andy, get your cheque book out!!!!<br />

For more information & to volunteer your services, contact either<br />

Andy Pearce on 01752 335423 or me on 01752 342741.<br />

See you there.<br />

Page 20 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

The opportunity of a lifetime<br />

Win an all expenses paid ride on a real rally in<br />

the iconic 375 bhp group B Metro 6R4 supercar<br />

from the best era of rallying<br />

Adrian Brown, the owner of Crown Copiers, and a long time member and<br />

sponsor of <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, has offered a ride in his car on a local rally<br />

to be auctioned at the <strong>Centenary</strong> Ball this June.<br />

The winner of the auction will get an opportunity to co-drive on a tarmac single<br />

venue event (probably Smeatharpe in the autumn) held here in the southwest.<br />

The winner would not need any prior co-driving experience at all due to<br />

the nature of the venue and Adrian's experience. The winner of the auction<br />

will need to either hold a navigators competition licence, or to obtain a licence<br />

prior to the event.<br />

Everything else would be supplied as a part of the prize ride. ie, helmet, entry<br />

fee etc etc. This would be a great day out for someone, perhaps a wife, sibling,<br />

or family member, and I would also give them a framed picture of them in the<br />

car after the event.<br />

Please be aware that <strong>Motor</strong>sport is dangerous and that rallying in particular<br />

can offer certain risks, the winner of the auction must be prepared to accept<br />

these risks fully prior to undertaking the rally.<br />

If anyone has any queries about this they can always ring Adrian on 01752<br />

849966 daytime or 07785 982 648<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 21

T. R. ROWE<br />


GARAGE<br />


TELEPHO�E: 01579 370348<br />














Retail <strong>Motor</strong><br />

Industry<br />

Federation<br />

Page 22 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Werrington Park Speed Hillclimb.<br />

Dear Chairman <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong><br />

I am writing to you to express my thanks to all the members of <strong>Plymouth</strong><br />

<strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, the officials, the competitors, and everyone else who worked so<br />

hard before, during and after the event to make the <strong>Club</strong>s annual Speed Hillclimb<br />

at Werrington Park such a success this year, its 30th running.<br />

It would be rude to mention any one individual as everyone involved was<br />

committed in their own way to making the event one of the best we have<br />

ever put on.<br />

The few incidents that we had over the two days were dealt with quickly and<br />

professionally by those involved causing the minimum amount of delays,<br />

and it was a real pleasure to have the venue all packed up and put away by<br />

7.45pm on the Sunday night.<br />

Every competitor I saw seemed to have a smile an their faces and to be<br />

happy and have a good word to say about the venue and the organisation. I<br />

found it a real joy to walk around the the venue on Sunday morning and to<br />

see that everything was running in a smooth and efficient way without and<br />

drama, in fact it was almost boring. This is always a good sign of good<br />

preparation and I must thank everyone who took the time to attend the 6<br />

planning meetings and to give their input in to the event.<br />

Once again the Vicars BBQ went down well aided by the kind generosity of<br />

some competitors teaming up to provide a barrel of beer and a live band to<br />

dance the night away.<br />

Once again, thank you to all who played a part in making the event such a<br />

success and hopefully we will be able to make it better next year, a hard task<br />

but one that I know the <strong>Club</strong> is up to.<br />

Yours Sincerely<br />

James Ellison<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Werrington Hillclimb Event Director<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 23




ROAD<br />



PL4 PL4 9BS<br />

9BS<br />

Telephone & Fax:<br />

(01752) 665984<br />








DARTS<br />


SHAFTS<br />


& MUCH MORE<br />

Page 24 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

ADE Tarmac Autotest.<br />

Well what an evening! I arrived to see people signing on and teams<br />

setting up. There was a hive of activity as teams were setting up cars,<br />

unloading them off trailers and changing tyres.<br />

Tony and I signed on and were given a really nicely produced, clear<br />

set of tests which were written and printed by Brian Benson.<br />

Test one was brilliant with only the very brave opting to attempt the<br />

handbrake into the stop astride at the end of test one. With this type of<br />

event, it was imperative not to make any mistakes at all, and with seventeen<br />

competitors, the pressure was really on.<br />

There were four classes. The production car class had four entries.<br />

Three lads and Jennie Locke, she drove really well keeping it all very<br />

tidy to win the class. One up for girl power.<br />

Class two saw the standard minis competing. Dan Benson took the<br />

class win comfortably by 16.2 seconds, taking the quickest time of the<br />

day on attempt one of test two. Nice one Dan!<br />

Class three, the smallest class saw the medium sized cars competing.<br />

Wayne had a slight directional problem trying to stop astride sideways,<br />

clipping a cone which left the class win to John Sluman.<br />

This left the fourth class to the specials. I saw a new face Andy Slade<br />

in an ultra light mini, double driving with Paul Inch. Tony said Andy<br />

was quite useful at autotests twenty odd years ago! He hasn’t lost his<br />

touch!<br />

Tony has been experimenting with a tandem footbrake system, which<br />

at last is now working, although I still cant get to grips with using it!! I<br />

kept it clean and tidy and felt I was doing quite well but was very surprised<br />

to find at the end that I had taken FTD, with Andy Slade taking<br />

first in class, 2.9 seconds ahead of Tony. The two old foggies can’t<br />

beat the youngsters, at least today!<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 25

Again, I would like to thank all of the marshals for their time and for<br />

Andy Slade for the use of his car park and especially to Brian Benson<br />

for the tests he devised.<br />

Roll on the next event.<br />

Peter Kelsey<br />

Lawrence and Nick Jones on their second event.<br />

Peter Kelsey FTD<br />

Page 26 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Championship Tables<br />

Over the next 4 pages you will find the championship tables for 4 of<br />

the clubs overall championships, featuring what is realistic to fit on to<br />

a page yet still be readable.<br />

Prior to the end of the month I will update these tables to the club<br />

website for all to see, featuring every championship and every competitor<br />

or marshal. Should you require a set of tables please let either<br />

myself or John Sluman know and we will forward a full copy by either<br />

post or email<br />

Pure <strong>Motor</strong>sport<br />

Fast road and racing brake upgrades<br />

Suspension kits including<br />

motorsport applications<br />

Induction kits, carb & throttle body filters<br />

Performance exhausts<br />

Performance clutches<br />

Alloy wheel and tyre packages<br />

Engine conversions<br />

Engine upgrades: Gas flowed heads<br />

Performance cams<br />

Full engine builds<br />

ECU fitting & mapping<br />

Authorised dealers for:<br />

Weber & Dellorto carbs<br />

Jenvey throttle bodies<br />

Emerald ECUs<br />

Newman cams<br />

Recaro seats<br />

Koni suspension<br />

Avo suspension<br />

KW coilovers<br />

K&N filters<br />

Ram-Air filters<br />

AP brakes & clutches<br />

Mintex brakes<br />

Tar-Ox brakes<br />

Magnex exhausts<br />

Milltek exhausts<br />

SRDesign engines<br />

Fitting service on all<br />

products.<br />

Diagnostic capability.<br />

Visit our showroom open 9:00-6:00 Mon-Sat<br />

Suspension set up.<br />

Broadmeadows Garage, Wadebridge<br />

Performance servicing<br />

Tel: 01208 812046<br />

ECU mapping<br />

w w w . p u r e - m o t o r s p o r t . c o . u k<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 27


Beginners 18/1<br />

Valentine 15/2<br />

Feb Scatter 22/2<br />

MERCURY <strong>2008</strong><br />

Aswmc t/a 16/3<br />

March Comus 21/3<br />

March 12 car<br />

April Scatter 18/4<br />

J.SLUMAN 10 18 10 18 16 12 16 20 18 20 10 16 18 184<br />

W.GRIMSHAW 10 16 14 10 10 14 10 10 20 16 16 18 16 164<br />

T.SYMONS 12 10 20 18 20 10 10 18 P 118<br />

J.ELLISON 10 16 10 10 18 14 18 16 O 112<br />

B.PARKER 12 10 18 20 10 18 I 88<br />

L.TURNER (L) 14 20 10 18 10 12 N 84<br />

P.PRICE 10 14 20 16 20 T 80<br />

A.CHANTER 10 20 16 10 20 S 76<br />

D.STEVENS 20 12 10 20 10 72<br />

F.DREW (L) 10 16 10 18 18 72<br />

S.SLUMAN (L) 18 16 16 20 T 70<br />

L.WHITENHAM (L) 14 10 12 10 10 10 O 66<br />

A.HAMLYN 18 10 14 10 12 64<br />

D.WILLS 18 10 14 10 12 64<br />

R.HARRIS 14 10 18 10 12 C 64<br />

R.HOLMES 14 10 12 10 10 O 56<br />

M.WORLEY 16 16 10 12 M 54<br />

L.WILSON 12 10 10 10 10 E 52<br />

M.SWAN 12 10 10 10 10 52<br />

M.VOSPER 18 10 14 10 12 52<br />

C.BENSON 18 18 16 14 52<br />

T.CARVER 18 16 18 16 52<br />

D.SMALE 20 10 10 10 50<br />

D.BENSON 20 16 14 18 50<br />

R.GRIMSHAW (L) 16 16 14 46<br />

J.HUDDY 16 16 12 14 44<br />

A.PEARCE 18 14 10 42<br />

P.NYE (L) 20 10 10 40<br />

J.MOYLE 20 20 40<br />

N.COLES 20 20 40<br />

D.BENNETT 20 20 40<br />

A.BOND 20 20 40<br />

J.LOCKE (L) 12 16 12 18 40<br />

K.ROWE (L) 16 10 12 38<br />

Ken MEAD 20 18 38<br />

J.DINNER 18 20 38<br />

Page 28 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

April 12 car<br />

Werrington sat<br />

Werrington sun<br />

Mid-week T a/t 7/5<br />

May Comus<br />

May 12 Car<br />

G a/t 26/5<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong> Rally<br />

Mid-week T a/t 4/6<br />




Beginners<br />

Valentine<br />

Austin<br />

Barton<br />

S.DREWITT 15 15 15 15 15 75<br />

A.KING 15 15 15 15 15 75<br />

D.KING 15 15 15 15 15 75<br />

V.POPE (L) 15 15 15 15 60<br />

A.TOMES 15 15 15 15 60<br />

Illice HARRIS (J) 15 15 15 15 60<br />

H.BULL (L) 15 15 15 45<br />

M.TUCKER 15 10 15 40<br />

J.LOCKE (L) 15 10 15 40<br />

J.TUCKER 15 10 15 40<br />

P.FORD 10 15 15 40<br />

D.STEVENS 15 15 30<br />

J.ELLISON 15 15 30<br />

J.SLUMAN 15 15 30<br />

S.STEVENS (L) 15 15 30<br />

E.STEVENS (J) 15 15 30<br />

M.COLLIER 15 15 30<br />

C.PEARCE (L) 15 15 30<br />

A.PEARCE 15 15 30<br />

M.WORLEY 15 15 30<br />

F.DREW (L) 15 10 25<br />

M.BULLOCK (L) 10 15 25<br />

A.ADAMS (L) 15 10 25<br />

T.COOMBE 10 10 20<br />

W.GRIMSHAW 15 15<br />

S.GRIMSHAW (L) 15 15<br />

R.GRIMSHAW 15 15<br />

D.SMALE 15 15<br />

C.SMALE 15 15<br />

S.MADDOCK (L) 15 15<br />

S.SLUMAN (L) 15 15 15<br />

A.KENNEDY 15 15<br />

T.BASSETT 15 15<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 29<br />

Ford<br />

Hillman<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong><br />

Renault<br />

Riley<br />

Rover<br />


Sorenson Roadsport 12 Car Rally series <strong>2008</strong><br />

Status<br />

Registered Contender<br />

Austin<br />

DRIVER<br />

P.Price Ex YES 15 t 11 15t 41<br />

B.Parker Ex YES 13 Org 12 13 38<br />

J Sluman Ex YES 10 15t Org 12 37<br />

R.Harris Nov YES 8 13n 10 31<br />

W.Grimshaw Ex YES 9 10 11 30<br />

L.Wilson (L) Nov YES 7 8 15<br />

D.Smale Nov YES Org 12 1 13<br />

A.Shaw Nov YES 11 n 11<br />

L.Whitham (L) Nov YES 1 9 10<br />

M.Worley Nov YES 1 1<br />

A.Hamlyn Nov No 10 9 19<br />

C.Smale Nov No 10 10<br />


A.Chanter Ex YES 15 t 11 15t 41<br />

D Stevens Ex YES 11 15t Org 12 38<br />

T.Symons Ex YES 13 Org 12 13 38<br />

L.Turner (L) Nov YES 9 13n 10 32<br />

J. Ellison Ex YES 10 10 11 31<br />

N.Swan Nov YES 8 8 16<br />

P.Nye (L) Nov YES Org 12 1 13<br />

R.Holmes Nov YES 1 9 10<br />

K.Rowe (L) Nov YES 1 1<br />

D.Wills Nov no 10 9 19<br />

K.Sorenson Nov no 11 n 11<br />

Page 30 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong><br />

Barton<br />

Ford<br />

Vauxhall<br />


Mid-week T a/t 4/6<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong> Rally<br />

Mid-week T a/t 7/5<br />

Werrington take-down<br />

Werrington sun<br />

Werrington sat<br />

Werrington set-up<br />

March Comus<br />

Aswmc A/T 16/3<br />


TOTAL<br />

G a/t 26/5<br />

May 12 car<br />

May Comus<br />

April 12 car<br />

April scatter<br />

March 12 car<br />

Feb Scatter<br />

Valentine<br />

Beginners<br />

Golden Jubilee Championship<br />

125<br />

10<br />

10<br />

15<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10<br />

5<br />

15<br />

15<br />

10<br />

15<br />

15<br />


125<br />

10<br />

10<br />

15<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10<br />

5<br />

15<br />

15<br />

10<br />

15<br />

15<br />

A.KING<br />

120 75 70 65 60 60 60 55 55 50 50 50 45 45 45 40 40 40<br />

10<br />

P<br />

10<br />

15<br />

P<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10<br />

15<br />

15<br />

10<br />

15<br />

15<br />

D.KING<br />

10<br />

O<br />

O<br />

5<br />

10 10 10 10<br />

10 10 10 10<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10<br />

10 15<br />

15 15 10 10 15 15<br />


I<br />

15 15 15<br />

I<br />

5<br />

10<br />


10 10<br />

10 10<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 31<br />

N<br />

N<br />

5<br />

5<br />

A.PEARCE<br />

T<br />

T<br />

5<br />

C.PEARCE (L)<br />

S<br />

S<br />

15 15 10<br />

15 15 15<br />

15<br />

V.POPE (L)<br />

15 15 15<br />

A.TOMES<br />

15<br />

I.HARRIS (J)<br />

T<br />

T<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10<br />

10<br />

15 10 15 15<br />

J.SLUMAN<br />

10<br />

O<br />

10<br />

O<br />

5<br />

5<br />

10 10<br />

L.LOCKE (L)<br />

15<br />

10 10<br />

M.TUCKER<br />

15<br />

10<br />

J.LOCKE (L)<br />

10<br />

C<br />

10<br />

C<br />

5<br />

10<br />

10 10<br />

D.LOCKE (L)<br />

O<br />

O<br />

10<br />

10<br />

15 15 10<br />

F.DREW (L)<br />

M<br />

15<br />

M<br />

15<br />

P.FORD<br />

E<br />

10<br />

E<br />

5<br />

5<br />

10<br />

P.LOCKE<br />

15<br />

10<br />

15<br />

S.STEVENS (L)<br />

15<br />

10<br />

15<br />


Walker Lines <strong>Motor</strong> Sport<br />

Transmission Specialists<br />

Sequential Transaxles & Differentials<br />

Aluminium Welding & Fabrication<br />

Suspension Repairs & Modifications<br />

10% Discount for <strong>Club</strong> Members<br />

www.walkerlinesmotorsport.co.uk<br />

10 Normandy Way<br />

Walker Lines Ind. Est.<br />

Bodmin<br />

PL31 1EX<br />

07971 593994<br />

mike@walkerlinesmotorsport.co.uk<br />

Page 32 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

May Comus Cup.<br />

A rather damp 16 th of May saw 4 crews gather at the Tamar Bridge<br />

Carpark for the Comus Cup set by Tim & Leanne.<br />

The ‘Route’ consisted of visiting various waterfront locations around<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong>. The first stop after the Car park was Saltash Passage, then<br />

down to the Torpoint Ferry where Tim caught us out with a bus stop.<br />

Next stop was the end of Richmond walk for a much needed comfort<br />

break while we where there for both us and the Dogs. By this time the<br />

rain had cleared up and the sun was trying to come out.<br />

Next up was the roundabout outside the Royal William Yard entrance<br />

again Tim had us scratching our heads – there was quite a good party<br />

going on in one of the houses there that was tempting to gate crash but<br />

sadly we moved on to the Dome on <strong>Plymouth</strong> Hoe again he had us all<br />

wandering around looking for answers before a little trip in the car to<br />

West Hoe and the Old Royal Western Yacht <strong>Club</strong> and some more<br />

head scratching.<br />

The next location was meant to be Mount Batten but we visited Jennycliff<br />

first as it was starting to get dark and time was getting short.<br />

From Jennycliff it was down to Mount Batten where we had a little bit<br />

of success before moving on to Turnchapel where we got one answer<br />

despite looking at several….. by this time it was time to make our way<br />

to the finish venue of the Lyneham Inn having missed out on a further<br />

6 locations – we where not the only ones not to get every where.<br />

Many of the missing answers where guessed with varying degrees of<br />

success it must be said.<br />

Once all the teams where back the results where calculated which saw<br />

Chris & Andy in 4 th place, Wayne, Rachel & Sarah in 3 rd , Fran & I in<br />

2 nd place, with John & Stephanie Sluman and Friend in 1 st place.<br />

It is nice to see some of the younger <strong>Club</strong> members taking part in the<br />

events and enjoying themselves. Thanks must go to Tim and Leanne<br />

for taking us something different.<br />

James & Fran, & the Dogs.<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 33

<strong>2008</strong> QUIZ COMPETITIO�<br />

Why don’t you have a go at the questions of the ‘Won’t Cost You Anything<br />

Quiz Championship’. It does exactly what it says on the printed page, as it<br />

won’t cost you anything to enter. Send your answers in by the 11 th <strong>July</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>. Either post or drop off the answers to: - 7, Wentwood Gardens, Thornbury,<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong>, PL6 8TD, or e-mail to atomes@btinternet.com or phone<br />

01752 219739. Good Luck, Alan Tomes.<br />

Questions for June <strong>2008</strong><br />

1. What had it’s 50 th Birthday on June 10 th <strong>2008</strong>?<br />

2. Who has a saying that they have always a foot in the water?<br />

3. What has Peter Ustinov & David Niven have in common & what was<br />

Niven’s claim to fame during WW2?<br />

4. In Greek mythology, what did they call what we would describe as<br />

Heaven?<br />

5. Why are there five Olympic rings?<br />

6. In 1968, who won the Monaco GP & who would have won if he hadn’t<br />

had a driveshaft snap when he was leading & how many cars actually finished?<br />

7. To the nearest 100 sq miles, what is the area of the Republic of Congo<br />

& who are it’s neighbours?<br />

8. How much a week may a War Widow (other ranks) claim for their first<br />

child?<br />

9. Who won the 1989 Galway International Rally & in what car. But who<br />

had to pull over because his oil light came on when he was leading by over<br />

four & a half minutes & in what car?<br />

10. Who won the 1997 World Championship Mens Singles Table Tennis &<br />

who did they beat & by what score?<br />

Stephs Sweetie Quiz—Answers<br />

Thanks to all who sent in there answers. Here are the ANSWERS.<br />

We had Two correct entry's, so well done to :-<br />

The Tucker Family and The Coles Family.<br />

I like Lisa Coles last comment,<br />

"Not too sure if i can eat them all, but hey, I`m prepared to give it a<br />

go"<br />

Page 34 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Sly giggles Snickers<br />

High class thoroughfare quality street<br />

Money making royalty mint imperial<br />

Dark occult black magic<br />

Mother's local mars bar<br />

Clever folk smarties<br />

Various black items liquorice allsorts<br />

Sport for Princes polo<br />

Frankie Vaughan wanted it moonlight<br />

Good children get these treats<br />

Feline equipment kit kat<br />

Garden flowers roses<br />

Assorted girls dolly mixture<br />

Dairy holder milk tray<br />

Arrange marriage partners matchmakers<br />

Edible fasteners buttons<br />

Wobbly infants jelly babies<br />

Talk quietly wispa<br />

Big bus double decker<br />

Gem orchard opal fruits<br />

Spin around twirl<br />

Capital granite Edinburgh Rock<br />

Lorry driver's snack yorkie<br />

100% AU all gold<br />

Istanbul harem turkish delight<br />

Up out there milky way<br />

Even more up out there galaxy<br />

Big cat's pub lion bar<br />

Noisy insect humbug<br />

One who wanders drifter<br />

Musical bard minstrels<br />

It's a party celebrations<br />

Outside meal picnic<br />

Easily blown fuse<br />

Locals from Malta maltesers<br />

Reward bounty<br />

Ten cent pub dime bar<br />

Toothless drink wine gums<br />

Lost them�..? marble<br />

Sweet tooth candy floss<br />

Pub pins skittles<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 35

PLYMOUTH MOTOR CLUB Autotest's<br />

Since the last Spotlamp we have had a grass event at Bere Alston and<br />

also our second visit too the ADE GROUP HQ at Marsh Mills for another<br />

evening event.<br />

These have both proved popular , both with marshalls and drivers<br />

alike , but even for such a relatively low key event , there are arrangements<br />

too be made in advance of the events , sometimes not always<br />

appreciated , we are fortunate that we have a willing team behind the<br />

scenes, thanks go to Alan Tomes for getting he ball rolling so to<br />

speak by applying for the permits , Steve “The Cone” Vickery for the<br />

logistical support in getting these items to and from the venues , Tony<br />

Carver for being the clubs contact with Gerald Venning the farmer for<br />

getting the permission and for the many calls that were required trying<br />

to identify the field we were too use. We are also very fortunate that<br />

we have Team Locke who provide us with computerised results at the<br />

events and are usually on hand to timekeep also. Brian Benson for taking<br />

on the task of making the best use of the area of car park we have<br />

to use at marsh mills and designing some new tests. ALL the marshalls<br />

who turn up , especially Andy and Chris Pearce , Barry and<br />

Kathleen Chapman , Sean Debbie Alex<br />

After the latest visit , it was pleasing to see different drivers having<br />

success at the event , a return to past form saw Peter Kelsey take<br />

FTD , a report from him elsewhere in this mag along with the results.<br />

Jennie Locke heading the production car class , Dan Benson taking the<br />

small saloon class and John Sluman taking the larger saloon class.<br />

Andy Slade showed that it may have been a few years since he last<br />

played around the cones , but it must be a bit like riding a bike , you<br />

never forget, and he put the Clive and Chris Morgan ex ASWMC<br />

Championship winning Mini to great use and won the class , the car<br />

being transported from somerset especially for Andy and Paul Inch<br />

too use.<br />

Page 36 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

<strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong>s<br />

<strong>Centenary</strong> Ball.<br />

Saturday June 28th <strong>2008</strong><br />

Duke of Cornwall Hotel, <strong>Plymouth</strong>.<br />

We are pleased to announce that Tickets are now on sale for <strong>Plymouth</strong><br />

<strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong>s <strong>Centenary</strong> Ball at the Duke of Cornwall Hotel<br />

on Saturday June the 28th <strong>2008</strong>.<br />

The evening promises to be one to remember with Guest Speakers, a<br />

5 Course Meal, Live music, Raffle, and Charity Auction, and a<br />

Disco until 1pm*.<br />

The Menu is now out. There should be a copy with<br />

this newsletter otherwise Down load a copy from<br />

www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk<br />

Demand for this once in a lifetime event is keen so<br />

make sure that you get your tickets early and enjoy<br />

the evening celebrating the <strong>Club</strong>s <strong>Centenary</strong>.<br />

All Tickets are £50.00 a head.<br />

Tickets numbers are limited to 180 and are selling fast so get your<br />

place booked for this memorable occasions soon.<br />

To Book Tickets, or for further details Contact:<br />

Lynn Palmer<br />

9 Edwards Drive<br />

Plympton<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong><br />

PL7 2SU<br />

Tel: 01752 341675<br />

A few Rooms are still available in the Hotel contact Lynn for further<br />

details.<br />

(*Details subject to confirmation). Dress code: Suit & Tie.<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 37

<strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong> <strong>Centenary</strong><br />

Classic Car Run<br />

Barnstaple to <strong>Plymouth</strong><br />

Sunday, September 21 st <strong>2008</strong><br />

As part of the <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Ltd <strong>Centenary</strong> celebrations, we shall<br />

be re-enacting an event from Barnstaple to <strong>Plymouth</strong>. It is believed that<br />

this event was last run in 1949 (possibly as a Road Rally). This one-off run<br />

will be limited to 100 entries and will be approximately 100 miles in length, taking<br />

in various checkpoints and places of interest.<br />

To register for event regulations and entry form (as soon as published), please contact<br />

Mr. David Sharp at 5, Amados Drive, Merafield, Plympton, <strong>Plymouth</strong>, PL7 1TS<br />

or via e-mail at barnstaple2plym@aol.com<br />

Early registration will guarantee you a priority event number and immediate delivery<br />

of regulations etc. as soon as published, approximately 3 months before the<br />

event.<br />

Entries will be accepted on a ‘first come, first served’ basis, but due attention will be<br />

paid to your event registration number.<br />

For updates and news of all the <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong> news, please see<br />

www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk.<br />

Supported by<br />

Page 38 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

Be a Junior Member of<br />


Application for Membership <strong>2008</strong><br />

Annual Membership fee only £2.00<br />

To : The Membership Secretary, Mr Stephen Vickery<br />

90 Cunningham Road, Tamerton Foliot, PL5 4PT<br />

Telephone 07775 882262 Email PMCMembership@blueyonder.co.uk<br />

Members Receive : Junior Membership Card<br />

PMC Baseball Cap<br />

PMC Sticker<br />

Free entry to all PMC events<br />

Annual Party<br />

First year of adult membership free<br />

Applicants Must Be : Aged under 14 years of age<br />

Have a parent who is a full member of PMC<br />

I hereby apply to be admitted as a junior member of the above company. I agree to<br />

observe the rules and regulations of the company and I am aware that junior<br />

membership will not involve me in any liability to pay my annual subscription, or any payment, in the of<br />

the company being wound up whilst I am a junior member<br />

Signature ....................................................................... Date ...................................<br />

Title ............ First Name ........................................ Surname ...................................<br />

Date Of Birth .................................................................................................................<br />

Address .........................................................................................................................<br />

........................................................................................................................................<br />

........................................................................................................................................<br />

Post Code ................................................. Telephone .................................................<br />

Parent/Guardian Name ..................................................................................................<br />

Membership Number .....................................................................................................<br />

Please return this form together with the right fee to the membership Secretary, at the above address<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 39


Application for Membership <strong>2008</strong><br />

To : The Membership Secretary, Mr Stephen Vickery<br />

90 Cunningham Road, Tamerton Foliot, PL5 4PT<br />

Telephone 07775 882262 Email PMCMembership@blueyonder.co.uk<br />

I hereby apply to be admitted as a member of the above company, I agree to observe the Rules and regulations of<br />

the company and I am aware that membership will not involve me in any liability to pay my Annual subscription<br />

and to pay a sum not exceeding £1, in the event of the company being wound up whilst I am a member.<br />

Signature ...... ............................................................ Date ..........................................<br />

Title ............. First Name ........................................ Surname ......................................<br />

Address ......................................................................................................................<br />

...........................................................................................................................................<br />

...........................................................................................................................................<br />

Post Code .......................................... Telephone ..........................................................<br />

Email Address ..................................................................................................................<br />

Joint Member (If Applicable)<br />

Title ................ First Name .................................... Surname ......................................<br />

Email Address ..................................................................................................................<br />

Please Circle The Type of membership applied for<br />



(Family membership is for two or more members of a family residing at the same address)<br />

Please return this form together with the correct fee, to the membership secretary.<br />

Please circle any of the following that interest you<br />



AUTOTESTS 12 CARS MARSHALLING OTHER ...............................<br />

Page 40 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


The Sorenson Roadsport<br />


SERIES <strong>2008</strong><br />


MO�TH .........................................<br />

DRIVER’S �AME ...................................................................................<br />

Address ..................................................................................................<br />

.................................................................................................................<br />

.......................................... Tel. No (Evenings) .......................................<br />

�AVIGATOR’S �AME ............................................................................<br />

Address ....................................................................................................<br />

..................................................................................................................<br />

.............................................Tel. No (Evenings) .....................................<br />

ACCIDE�T!! Contact Name ............................... Tel.No ........................<br />


Car Make and Model ...................................................................................................<br />

Engine C.C. .................. Reg. Number .................... Colour .......................................<br />

Current Cheques/Postal Orders must be made payable to <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Club</strong> Ltd.<br />

Entry Fee £<br />

Membership Fee £<br />

Insurance Fee £<br />

--------------------<br />

Total enclosed £<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 41


I declare that:<br />

1. I have been given an opportunity to read the General Regulations of the <strong>Motor</strong> Sports Association<br />

and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare<br />

that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I<br />

acknowledge that I understand the nature and type of the competition and the potential risk inherent<br />

with motor sport and agree to accept that risk. Further I understand that all persons having any<br />

connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the event are insured against<br />

loss or injury caused through their negligence.<br />

2. To the best of my belief the driver possesses the standard of competence necessary for an event of<br />

the type to which this entry relates and that the vehicle entered is suitable and legally roadworthy for<br />

the event having regard to the course and the speeds which will be reached.<br />

3. The use of the vehicle hereby entered is covered by insurance as required by the law which is valid<br />

for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by the law.<br />

4. I understand that should I at the time of this event be suffering from any disability whether<br />

permanent or temporary which is likely to affect prejudicially my normal control of the vehicle, I may<br />

not take part unless I have declared such disability to the DVLA which has, following such<br />

declaration, issued a licence which permits me to do so.<br />

5. If I am the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor of the driver I understand that I shall have the right to be<br />

present during any procedure being carried out under the Supplementary Regulations issued for this<br />

event and the General Regulations of the MSA. As the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor I confirm that I<br />

have acquainted myself with the MSA General Regulations, agree to pay any appropriate charges and<br />

fees pursuant to those Regulations (to include any appendices thereto) and hereby agree to be bound<br />

by those Regulations and submit myself without reserve to the consequences resulting from those<br />

Regulations (and any subsequent alteration thereof). Further, I agree to pay as liquidated damages<br />

any fines imposed upon me up to the maximum set out in Appendix 3.<br />

�ote: Where the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor is not present there must be a representative who must<br />

produce a written and signed authorisation to so from the Parent/Guardian/Guarantor as<br />

appropriate.<br />

DRIVERS SIG�ATURE .........................................................................................<br />

DATE ................................ AGE (if under 18) ............................<br />

�AVIGATORS SIG�ATURE .................................................................................<br />

DATE ................................ AGE (if under 18) ............................<br />

Entrants under 18 years of age must have this form countersigned below.<br />

"This entry is made with my consent"<br />


Full Name ................................................ Full Name .............................................<br />

Relationship ............................................. Relationship ..........................................<br />

Address .................................................... Address .................................................<br />

.................................................................. ..............................................................<br />

Tel. No. .................................................... Tel. No . ................................................<br />

Signature .................................................. Signature ..............................................<br />

Page 42 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>


With the season now well under way and results now filtering through<br />

too the co-ordinators , the tables are being updated as the events progress.<br />

A great start so far for several members<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Richard Egger ASWMC AUTOTEST CHAMPIO�SHIP<br />

With a slight rest for the competitors , before the new too the calendar<br />

event for this year being put on by Camel Vale on 29 th June , PMC<br />

members are maintaining good positions in this series . Wayne Grimshaw<br />

in his Babcock Marine / Puremotorsport supported Nova 1.4 SR<br />

is in 3 rd place and Tony Carver in his Mini Special is in 6 th place .<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Bridge Tyres ASWMC Hillclimb Championship<br />

With the sad loss, for the time being of Tregrehan , its been a rest time<br />

for some of the speed eventers , hopefully a return to the great venue<br />

near St Austell will be arranged before the end of the year. Current<br />

positions see Neal Coles in his Striker in 4 th Place and Mike Lee currently<br />

in 15 th position.<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Sealed Surface Stage Rally Championship<br />

With what seems a busy start to the year for the rally teams , Gavin<br />

Hearndon has got off too a great start in his Escort and sees him in 5 th<br />

position , with Steve Furzeland hot on his heels in 6 th place. James<br />

Harvey is in 10 th place. The Navigators section sees Yvonne Furzeland<br />

in 4 th place.<br />


With many events being dual Championship , its always worth registering<br />

for both ASWMC and ACSMC so that points are won in both<br />

regions<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 43



With this discipline being more popular further East there are more<br />

contenders scoring , however with mainly west country based events<br />

coming up , Wayne Grimshaw is in a good 3 rd in Class position in this<br />

Championship<br />

HAMILTO� CLASSIC <strong>2008</strong> ACSMC HILLCLIMB CHAMPI-<br />

O�SHIP<br />

Strange how different areas have more popular types of event , but<br />

this not being quite as well supported as the ASWMC or Cornish<br />

Speed Championships , it still provides some very close competition ,<br />

Wayne Grimshaw is maintaining a class leading position here , having<br />

taken Awards in the last couple of years for winning his class , this<br />

series is primarily class based rather than overall in championship.<br />

With rounds at Castle and Wiscombe , the series benefits from some<br />

good local venues.<br />

<strong>2008</strong> COR�ISH SPEED CHAMPIO�SHIP<br />

With two new sponsors for <strong>2008</strong> , the popularity of this series is<br />

maintained, the opening rounds at Werrington Park saw a few new<br />

faces make the trip up to compete. The sad loss of Truro’s great Hillclimb<br />

, for the time being atleast hopefully , and also Predannack<br />

Sprint has seen a bit of a void In the calendar , however , the St Eval<br />

Sprints are proving as popular as ever and <strong>July</strong> will see the Camel<br />

Vale Hillclimb weekend under way at Castle.<br />

The top <strong>Plymouth</strong> registered members who are competing for a NEW<br />

TROPHY put in place by the committee for <strong>2008</strong> for the leading PMC<br />

registered driver in the overall series will be listed in the Spotlamp as<br />

soon as up to date scores are received from the series co-ordinator.<br />

Page 44 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

May Bank Holiday Grass Autotest<br />

Well what a day, the first time back competing in about 12 years, yes<br />

12 years!! I was given the opportunity to take part in the grass autotest<br />

by John Sluman who offered me the chance to double his nova.<br />

Okay so after 2 days of sunshine over the bank holiday I was hoping<br />

for good weather on the Monday, was I surprised no it was precipitating<br />

well. Still after receiving a text from Wayne saying the event was<br />

still on we headed out to the new field at Bere Alston (right opposite<br />

Mike Vospers place).<br />

When we arrived a happy band of volunteers were out placing cones<br />

around the field, all 6 tests laid out it was on to signing on. Here I<br />

could check out the opposition, what became apparent was the number<br />

of youngster’s taking part amongst them 2 females namely Rachael<br />

Grimshaw and Jennie Locke, the 3 lads being Nick and Lawrence<br />

Jones with Christopher Benson.<br />

Then came my class the opposition numbered 7, these included the<br />

oldies (sorry James, John, Mike and Wayne) and the young ones Dan,<br />

Nigel and Jon. Lastly the final special class, here were the aces in the<br />

pack Tony Carver and Peter Kelsey. Also a gent named Chris Damper<br />

who thought it would be nice to drive down from Bournemouth for the<br />

day!!<br />

The other important people on that day were the hardy bunch of people<br />

known as marshals, thanks to Brian Benson, Pete & team Locke,<br />

Sara Grimshaw, Barry Chapman and Kathleen also Sean Drewitt,<br />

Debbie and the tribe.<br />

Onto the tests, being backward John and myself started at test 6, this<br />

was a bit of what was described by someone as the frogs face (its ok<br />

Jen I won’t tell them it was you!!) the first round I go for the handbrake,<br />

yank it as you would on tarmac but oops it’s grass off I go pirouetting<br />

like a ballet dancer. Never mind a bit of opposite lock and<br />

I’m heading for the finish. As I hand the car over to John he has<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 45

laughing because I have a grin from ear to ear which lasted all day.<br />

After doing all 6 tests twice, it was decided we had time to do tests 3,<br />

4, 5, and 6 again twice!! Wahoo more fun, test 3 consisted of 3 big<br />

circles around 6 cones, 4 was a slalom up a row of 4 cone then back<br />

the same way to the finish. Test 5 sorry Jen was described as a slug’s<br />

head, which was a fair explanation. Well in between our runs John and<br />

I helped Jen out navigating on the tests, to my benefit John actually<br />

got lost whilst sitting in with Jen, slowing her down enough that when<br />

the overall results were announced I actually beat the youngsters!!! Ha<br />

oldies rule okay!!!<br />

The winners were in the youngsters category 1 st in class – Lawrence<br />

Jones with Christopher Benson finishing a credible second. Onto the<br />

small car class 1 st Overall was Wayne Grimshaw, 2 nd was John Sluman<br />

(damn couldn’t blame the car then) with 3 rd in class going to Dan<br />

Benson. In the special class 1 st in class went to Tony Carver, the outright<br />

winner taking FTD was James Menear.<br />

To sum up on a wet day 16 competitors enjoyed the competition, 11<br />

people bravely marshalled. All thanks must go to the organiser Wayne<br />

Grimshaw and the owner of the field whose name I do not know. As<br />

for me I haven’t had so much fun with my clothes on for well 12<br />

years! And I’m certainly looking forward to the next grass autotest.<br />

Cheers Andy Pearce<br />

Page 46 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 47

CG <strong>Motor</strong>sport take Silver in Scotland<br />

After the disappointment of the high speed roll on the Pirelli Rally last<br />

month, the Bodmin based rally team of CG <strong>Motor</strong>sport made the long<br />

trip to Scotland to start the 2 nd round of the Tesco 99 Octane British<br />

Rally Championship and C2R2 Cup – The Jim Clark Rally. Matt Cotton<br />

and Anthony Godden headed to the event base of Kelso, still sore<br />

from the bruises and memories of the disaster that was the Pirelli<br />

Rally in April and their first event of the year.<br />

The Jim Clark Rally offers the first of 3 sealed surface events in the<br />

calendar, and is the only closed road rally in the UK mainland which<br />

in itself brings its own challenges to the series for the 300 competitors<br />

to encounter throughout the 2 day event. As with all BRC events<br />

recce is available pre-event, and although most still utilise Paterson’s<br />

Pacenotes which are commercially available, you would be silly not to<br />

take advantage of the familiarly run.<br />

However this means leaving Wednesday to ensure we can sign on and<br />

after a relaxing evening with some fellow competitors, we started<br />

Thursday morning bright and early. A conscience decision was made<br />

to stick with Paterson’s Notes for the longer stages where more time<br />

could be lost, and seek to practice the shorter stages using our own.<br />

Having a maximum of 3 passes per stage allowed us to make fine adjustments<br />

to what we thought was right, although only when competitive<br />

would we be entirely sure!<br />

All that was left for Friday was to recce the remainder of the stages<br />

and possibly make a final pass over the stages we were unsure of.<br />

What became very clear, even with the company Almera recce car<br />

(they really don’t know what recce means thank god) was that the<br />

closed roads of the Scottish Borders were incredibly undulating.<br />

“Bump/kick” was a prevalent pacenote and with the Pirelli accident<br />

due to a nervous back end, it was clear caution would prove the best<br />

plan of attack for the weekend. A quick change back in Jedborough<br />

and we headed back to collect the C2 at Charterhall airfield to drive<br />

out to shakedown. With the stage being non-timed there was no pressure<br />

to perform and not even driven the car on tar before, we could<br />

Page 48 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

use the 1.5mile Macks Mill stage as a good test. The roads were lined<br />

with people, many standing a bit too close for comfort and with the<br />

big jumps lining the stage, an err of caution would prevail on the first<br />

run. The newly fitted Brembo tarmac brakes were HUGE…and wow<br />

did it stop…I will run out of nerve before the brakes will! Sadly<br />

500yrds into the 2 nd pass, over one of the jumps (which we took much<br />

faster!) the car just died and would not restart. Sidelined for 20 mins,<br />

we managed to utilise a kind house holder’s tool kit and re-wired the<br />

faulty cut off switch.<br />

Calling it a day we retired for an early night….but only after a curry<br />

and pint or three!<br />

Saturday dawned overcast and windy but warm, and the early start<br />

saw us head to the first stage of the day. Abbey St Bathans was run<br />

last year, but the Jim Clark organisers had extended the stage to make<br />

the worlds hardest early morning wake up call! 16.5miles of stage<br />

would get us into the groove and we made a very cautious start. So<br />

many things were different for us compared to the Pirelli…we had<br />

grip…we could stop…we could crash so much quicker (if that was<br />

possible)…and I had far less confidence than before.<br />

Cautious is fine, until you look at the times, and realise that returning<br />

C2 Cup contender George Thomas took a massive 1m40s out of us in<br />

just 16 miles. A clean run through SS2 Fogo would see us drop plenty<br />

of time once again, but a team talk back in service would see the way<br />

we would play the rest of the event. A 4 th on the Pirelli was good considering<br />

the roll, but a good solid finish could pay dividends at the end<br />

of the year. Anthony agreed with Dave Gough (TI <strong>Motor</strong>sport team<br />

manager) that we should not push and continue on as we were and<br />

drive our own rally. It was just as well as George and Adam Gould in<br />

the Clio pulled out a massive margin over the next loop of coastal<br />

stages. However SS4 was cancelled in the wake of Guy Wilks fire<br />

which destroyed the £100k Evo 9. A quick re-route (which organisers<br />

cleverly put into the back of the roadbook) and we would head back to<br />

a short service before the Langton/Abbey/Langton/Fogo loop.<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 49

Now this is where we start to have slight issues with the C2`s electrics.<br />

Aside from the shakedown problems (which did not return all<br />

event) the Citroen had decided that it was raining in its little mango<br />

coloured world. The lights were permenantly on, the indicators would<br />

not work (hand signals were used but I forgot what left<br />

was?..anyone?), and most annoyingly the wipers were on…all the<br />

time. This would change every now and again and they would<br />

stop….but start again very soon after, certainly distracting but not insurmountable.<br />

It seemed hitting the rev limiter would help the matter,<br />

and we constantly achieved that! The 185bhp 5 speed sequential<br />

pocket rocket is an amazing drive and I fear only time in the car will<br />

allow us to drive it to its full potential, certainly George Thomas has<br />

shown this in his times so far. The loop of stages before the end of leg<br />

went well and we even kept the same tyres on all day. The Pirelli’s<br />

wear very well and at £155 per cover, it’s a good job. A small spin<br />

after the famous Langton watersplash didn’t detract from the days<br />

events and we headed back to parc ferme in 3 rd position. Out of 7<br />

starters we knew our plan to drive our own rally would prove a good<br />

one.<br />

Sunday would see cloud cover coming in low, and an early start<br />

would not give the sun a chance to burn through. However hearts<br />

sank as we climbed into the car in Parc Ferme. The car was dead and<br />

the battery had discharged itself through the night. A quick bit of<br />

thinking and we jumped the car back to service, and with time tight to<br />

the first stage we elected to keep it running as much as possible. The<br />

Bothwell stage is close to the killer Abbey stage, and we arrived to<br />

find it shrouded in low cloud cover. Anthony seemed to take a while<br />

to wake up with the notes and we backed right off….slightly disappointed<br />

not to use the cloud to gain some time back, but once again<br />

the finish of the event would be the goal. Back to service and a refuel<br />

before the final loop of 4 stages…………<br />

……..disaster would strike just as we left the refuel rig in the service<br />

area. A MK2 who was clearly late for his time decided to come down<br />

the wrong side of the service area on a narrow gravel road…and could<br />

not stop. He managed to slow down enough but hit us with his front<br />

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wing. Luckily the CofC saw the event and gave him a severe ticking<br />

off before kindly checking we were ok and ensuring we had no damage.<br />

Slightly unnerved we headed out to the Eccles stage trying to<br />

banish the RTA from our minds and concentrate on the event again. 6<br />

miles into the stage we came across Irishman Martin McCormack with<br />

a wheel off his C2. This would elevate us to 2 nd overall and I backed<br />

right off over the remainder of the stage. Although when we got to<br />

Leitholm we found we had dropped 15 seconds to the charging Martin<br />

Roberts, and decided to keep on the pace we had been all day.<br />

In the queue for the finish we were parked up signing autographs for<br />

the thousands of spectators that crammed into the Kelso town centre<br />

finish. Word filtered through that we had indeed taken 2 nd and got to<br />

spray the champagne for the first time this year. A great team effort<br />

by all concerned and we were over the moon to have reached the finish<br />

after last months disaster. The result also leaves us in 2 nd overall in<br />

the C2R2 Cup. We still have a lot of work to do however, with<br />

George Thomas finishing a massive 13 minutes ahead…..but to finish<br />

first…first you have to finish.<br />

Next event: Rally Show Chatsworth 7/8 June 08<br />

Next Round: Rally Isle of Man <strong>July</strong> 08<br />

Keep up to date with CG <strong>Motor</strong>sport’s progress at<br />

www.cgmotorsport.co.uk<br />

Tel:01208 851503 M:07870 216931<br />

Email:Mattjcotton@aol.com<br />

<strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong> www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk Page 51

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Page 52 www.plymouthmotorclub.co.uk <strong>July</strong> <strong>2008</strong>

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