grade 9 november 2012 english first additional ... - Ecexams.co.za

grade 9 november 2012 english first additional ... - Ecexams.co.za

grade 9 november 2012 english first additional ... - Ecexams.co.za


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Province of theEASTERN CAPEEDUCATIONSENIOR PHASEGRADE 9NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong>ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGEMEMORANDUMMARKS: 100This memorandum <strong>co</strong>nsists of 8 pages.

2 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong>)INFORMATION1. This question paper <strong>co</strong>nsists of FOUR sections namely:SECTION A: COMPREHENSION (30 marks)SECTION B: LANGUAGE IN CONTEXT (40 marks)SECTION C: SUMMARY (10 marks)SECTION D: CREATIVE WRITING (20 marks)2. Assessment rubrics for summary and creative writing included.

5 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong>)3.10 3.10.1 Alligators were filmed by the National Geographic crew in theswampy wetlands. √√ORAlligators were filmed in the swampy wetlands by the NationalGeographic crew. √√ (2)3.10.2 Fully sealed bee suits had to be worn by the cameramen. √√ (2)3.11 3.11.1 The crew said that American bees were much more tame thanAfrican bees. √√ (2)3.11.2 Jules asks Chris whether / if he is scared of spiders. √√ (2)3.12 3.12.1 Yes, I am bored of the crowded <strong>co</strong>ast in summer.√√ (2)3.13 3.13.1 There will be special offers for <strong>co</strong>uples, families and friends. √√ (2)3.14 two thousand and twelve √ (1)3.15 more √ (1)3.16 season √ (1)TOTAL SECTION B: 40

6 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong>)SECTION C: SUMMARYQUESTION 4Count the total number of words.Allow only 5 extra words if the summary is too long.The rest of the summary after 65 words must be ignored.Make sure that the learner followed the instructions.1. The people of M<strong>za</strong>nsi are en<strong>co</strong>uraged to access the parks freely.2. Local visitors only need proper identity documents.3. The aim is to get M<strong>za</strong>nsi people to know more about the National Parks.4. This campaign by SanParks started in 2006.5. Youth under the age of 16 will have access to parks without identitydocuments.(51 WORDS) (20)TOTAL SECTION C: (20 2) 10

7 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong>)QUESTION 4ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR THE SUMMARYCriteriaMain ideassubtopic,keywordsStructuralorganisation:paragraphingand sentence<strong>co</strong>nstruction.Languageusage:vocabulary,punctuationand spelling.Followedinstructions5 4 – 3 2 17 – 8 5 – 6 3 – 4 1 – 2Able to selectmain idea andkey wordssuccessfully.Able to selectmain ideas andkey words thatdisplay somerelevance.Able to selectmain ideas andkey words thatdisplay limitedrelevance.Unable to selectthe main ideaand key words.7 – 8 5 – 6 3 – 4 1 – 2Able to integrateinformationlogically.Correctsentencestructure.Able to integrateinformationlogically. Mostly<strong>co</strong>rrectsentencestructure.Unable tointegrateinformationlogically.In<strong>co</strong>rrectsentencestructure.Learner isin<strong>co</strong>herent andillogical. Unableto structuresentences.4 3 2 1A wide range ofvocabulary.Language use<strong>co</strong>rrect.Spelling andpunctuationmainly <strong>co</strong>rrect.All of the aboveinstructionsfollowed.Shows a rangeof vocabulary.Some <strong>co</strong>rrectlanguagestructure,spelling andpunctuation.Most of theinstructionsfollowed.Shows limiteduse ofvocabulary.Mostly in<strong>co</strong>rrectlanguagestructure,spelling andpunctuation.Some theinstructionsfollowed.Poor use ofvocabulary, aninability to uselanguage<strong>co</strong>rrectly. Veryflawed spellingandpunctuation.Unable to followinstructions.TOTAL SECTION C: (20 2) 10

8 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE (NOVEMBER <strong>2012</strong>)SECTION D: CREATIVE WRITINGQUESTION 5ASSESSMENT RUBRIC FOR CREATIVE WRITINGCriteriaLEVEL 4 LEVEL 3 LEVEL2 LEVE;1Correctness ofappropriate lengthStructure, tone,style, registerspellingpunctuationUse of LanguageCompleteadherence toformat.Appropriatelength.4 3 2 1Goodadherence toformat.Appropriatelength.Partialadherence toformat.Appropriatelength.Very limitedadherence totopic. Far toolong or short.8 – 10 6 – 7 6 – 5 1 – 2Appropriatestructure andtone. Variationof sentencetypes. Gooduse of languagegrammar,spelling andpunctuationwith few errors.Adherence to topic Completeadherence totopic. Achievespurpose fully.Mostlyappropriatestructure andtone.Completesentences.Fewgrammatical,spelling anderrors.Inappropriatestructure andtone.In<strong>co</strong>mpletesentences.Fewgrammatical,spelling andpunctuationerrors.Completelyinappropriatestructure andtone. Weaksentencestructure.Numerousspelling,grammaticalandpunctuationerrors.6 4 – 5 2 – 3 1Adherence totopic withminordeviations.Achievespurposepartially.Mention thetopic with noadherence toit. Purposenot achieve atall.Completely offthe topic thetopic.Purpose notachieved atall.TOTAL SECTION D: 20GRAND TOTAL: 100

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