Prospectus - April 2013 - Pictet Funds Hong Kong

Prospectus - April 2013 - Pictet Funds Hong Kong

Prospectus - April 2013 - Pictet Funds Hong Kong


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The Annex to the <strong>Prospectus</strong> of all sub-funds of the Fund authorised by the <strong>Hong</strong> <strong>Kong</strong> Securities and FuturesCommission (“SFC”) shall be amended by insertion of the following paragraph under the section “Investmentpolicy and objectives”:“The compartment may enter into securities lending agreements in order to increase its capital or its revenueor to reduce its costs or risks.”The Annex to the <strong>Prospectus</strong> of all sub-funds of the Fund authorised by the SFC shall be amended by insertionof the following paragraph immediately preceding the section “Risk management method”:“As these are securities lending agreements, if the borrower (i.e. the counterparty) of securities loaned by thecompartment defaults on payment, there is a risk of delayed recovery (which may limit the compartment’sability to meet its commitments) or risk of loss of rights on the guarantee held. This risk, however, is mitigatedby the solvency analysis of the borrower performed by the <strong>Pictet</strong> Group. The securities lending agreements arealso subject to the risk of conflict of interest between the Fund and another entity of the <strong>Pictet</strong> Group,including the Agent providing services related to the securities lending agreements.”4. Conversion of legal status of <strong>Pictet</strong> <strong>Funds</strong> (Mauritius) Limited and <strong>Pictet</strong> Asian Equities (Mauritius)LimitedFor PICTET– Emerging Markets and PICTET– Asian Equities Ex Japan, the Management Company may decidethat the portion of the compartments’ assets to be invested in India should be invested indirectly through thetwo following companies incorporated in Mauritius:• For PICTET– Emerging Markets, the portion of the sub-fund’s assets to be invested in India should beinvested indirectly through <strong>Pictet</strong> <strong>Funds</strong> (Mauritius) Limited (“PFML”), and• For PICTET– Asian Equities Ex Japan Markets, the portion of the sub-fund’s assets to be invested in Indiashould be invested indirectly through <strong>Pictet</strong> Asian Equities (Mauritius) Limited (“PAEML”).PFML and PAEML are incorporated in Mauritius and are wholly-controlled by the Fund. Following the changeof legal status of PFML and PAEML from “Collective Investment Schemes” and “Expert <strong>Funds</strong>” intoinvestment holding companies, the sections “Investment through <strong>Pictet</strong> <strong>Funds</strong> (Mauritius) Limited” and“Investment through <strong>Pictet</strong> Asian Equities (Mauritius) Limited” in the Annexes to the <strong>Prospectus</strong> inrespect of the two aforementioned sub-funds shall be amended as follows:“Investment through <strong>Pictet</strong> <strong>Funds</strong> (Mauritius) LimitedThe Management Company may decide that the portion of the compartment’s assets to be invested in Indiashould be invested indirectly through a company incorporated in Mauritius named <strong>Pictet</strong> <strong>Funds</strong> (Mauritius)Limited, which is wholly-controlled by the Fund and conducts its advising activity investment and advisoryactivities exclusively for the compartment (hereafter “PFML”) and in particular the advising advisory activitiesconcerning large volume redemptions of the compartment’s shares. Indirect investments are generally coveredby the double taxation agreement (DTA) in existence between India and Mauritius.To this end, the Management Company will use the portion of the compartment’s assets available forinvestment in India to acquire all the PFML shares which will thus be controlled entirely by the Fund. PFMLshares will be issued in registered form only.The exclusive purpose of PFML is to perform investment and advisory activities on behalf of the compartment.The PFML Board of Directors includes:Eric A VenpinJimmy Wong Yuen TienPascal ChauvauxLaurent RamseyChristoph SchweizerThe Board of Directors will at all times include at least two residents of Mauritius and a majority of directorswho are also directors of the Fund.PFML’s advisory activities for the compartment include providing regular information regarding theapplicability of the treaty between India and Mauritius as well as making investment recommendations for theIndian market. PFML also advises in cases of redemptions of the compartment’s shares greater than 20% ofthe net value in order to enable the manager to divest as necessary when faced with large volumes ofredemption requests.The financial statements of PFML will be audited by Deloitte S.A., which is the statutory auditor for the Fund,or by any other statutory auditor established in Mauritius that is an associate of the Fund’s statutory auditor.For the establishment of the compartment’s financial statements and semi-annual and annual reports, PFML’sfinancial results will be consolidated in the financial results of the compartment. Similarly, these reports willcontain a breakdown of the compartment’s portfolio in terms of the underlying securities held by PFML. Inaccordance with the investment restrictions contained in the prospectus, the underlying investments will betaken into consideration as if PFML did not exist.3

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