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DIGITAL VOICERECORDERDETAILEDINSTRUCTIONSThank you for purchasing an <strong>Olympus</strong>Digital Voice Recorder.Please read these instructions for informationabout using the product correctly and safely.Keep the instructions handy for future reference.To ensure successful recording, we recommend thatyou test the record function and volume before use.EN
Introduction• The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Contact ourCustomer Support Center for the latest information relating to product names and modelnumbers.• Illustrations of the screen and the recorder shown in this manual may differ from theactual product. The utmost care has been taken to ensure the integrity of this documentbut should you happen to find a questionable item, error or omission, please contact ourCustomer Support Center.• <strong>Olympus</strong> does not accept any liability for passive damages or damage of any kind incurreddue to data loss resulting from a defect of the product, repair performed by a third partyother than <strong>Olympus</strong> or an <strong>Olympus</strong> authorized service station, or for any other reason.Trademarks and registered trademarks• IBM and PC/AT are trademarks or registered trademarks of International BusinessMachines Corporation.• Microsoft, Windows and Windows Media are registered trademarks of MicrosoftCorporation.• Macintosh and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc.• microSD and microSDHC are trademarks of SD Card Association.• MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology is licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.• The product was developed based on noise-canceling technology under license from NECCorporation.• Voice Activity Detection technology is licensed from NTT Electronics Corporation.Other product and brand names mentioned herein are the trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective owners.EN2
Table of contentsIntroductionSafety precautions ............................................ 41 Getting startedMain features .................................................... 8Identification of parts ......................................10Display (LCD panel) ..................................................11Power supply ....................................................14Inserting the battery ...............................................14Battery settings .......................................................15Charging by connecting to a computer via USB ......16Connecting the USB-type AC adapter(optional) to charge ..........................................17Turning on/off the power ........................................19HOLD ................................................................20Setting the time and date [Time & Date] ...........21Changing the time and date ....................................22Inserting and ejecting a microSD card ...............23Inserting a microSD card .........................................23Ejecting a microSD card ...........................................24[Home] display operations ................................25Notes on the folders .........................................26About the folders for voice recordings ....................26About the folders for music playback .....................27Selecting folders and files ................................282 About recordingRecording .........................................................29Changing the recording scene [Rec Scene] .............32Recommended settings according tothe recording conditions ...................................33Recording from an external microphone orother device .......................................................343 About playbackPlayback ..........................................................36Searching for a file ..................................................40Changing the playback sound .................................41Setting an index mark or a temp mark ...................42How to begin segment repeat playback .................43Changing the playback scene [Play Scene] .............44Erasing .............................................................45Erasing files .............................................................45Erasing a folder ........................................................454 About the FM radio(WS-813 only)Using the FM radio ............................................47FM radio mode operations ............................... 48Presetting radio stations automatically[Auto-preset] ....................................................49Changing the reception mode ................................50Adding a radio station .............................................51Recording from the FM radio.............................525 Menu settingMenu setting method .......................................53+ File Menu ............................................................55, Rec Menu ............................................................56- Play Menu ...........................................................61. LCD/Sound Menu................................................64/ Device Menu .......................................................65 FM Menu .............................................................67Extract voice portions from file [Voice Detect] .......68Rearranging files [Replace] .....................................69Moving/Copying files [Move/Copy] ........................70Dividing files [File Divide] .......................................72Changing the USB class [USB Settings] ...................73Formatting the recorder [Format] ..........................746 Using the recorder on your PCOperating environment ....................................77Connecting to your PC .......................................79Disconnecting from your PC ....................................80Transfer voice files to your PC ...........................81Usage as external memory of the PC .................827 Other informationAlarm message list ...........................................83Troubleshooting ...............................................85Accessories (optional) ...................................... 88Specifications...................................................89Technical assistance and support ......................941234567EN3
Getting started1Main featuresMain featuress The Built-in Stereo FM tunermeans you can use the recorderas a radio (WS-813 only) ( ☞ P.47).s It supports the linear PCM format,which is capable of recordingsound quality equivalent tothat of CDs (WS-813, WS-812 only)( ☞ P.56).s It supports a wide range ofrecording formats, including theMP3 format (MPEG-1/MPEG-2Audio Layer 3) and the WindowsMedia Audio (WMA) format( ☞ P.56).s You can play back WAV*, WMA,and MP3 format files transferredfrom a computer in addition tofiles recorded by the device itself.This allows you to use this recorder as amusic player.* WS-813, WS-812 only.s It supports high capacityrecording media. Besides theinternal memory, you can alsorecord into a microSD card( ☞ P.23).s A directional microphone featurehas been included that allowsswitching between broad stereorecording and recording with ahighly directional quality(WS-813 only) ( ☞ P.57).s It is equipped with a varietyof features that support audiorecording.With this recorder you can customize avariety of recording functions such as therecording sensitivity to suit the recordingconditions and personal preferences( ☞ P.56).s It has a built-in Variable ControlVoice Actuator (VCVA) function( ☞ P.57).s The Low Cut Filter minimizes airconditioner noise and similarnoises while recording ( ☞ P.57).s It has recording scene setting andplayback scene setting functionsto register the best settingaccording to the use ( ☞ P.32,P.44, P.59, P.63).s It is equipped with the [ CalendarSearch ] function, convenient forsearching for files ( ☞ P.40).s It features a [ Voice Detect ]function, which extracts just thevoice portions from a recordedaudio file, and a [ Voice Playback ]function, which plays back justthe extracted voice portions( ☞ P.61, P.68).s It also features a [ Voice Balancer ]function, which compensatesfor the low-volume portions of arecorded audio file, making themlouder and therefore easier tounderstand ( ☞ P.61).EN8
Main featuress A Noise Cancel function ( ☞ P.61)and a Voice Filter function*( ☞ P.61) cut noise and enableclear audio playback.* WS-811 only.s It features various repeatfunctions ( ☞ P.43, P.62).s You can change the playbackequalizer settings ( ☞ P.62).s You can move or copy filesbetween the internal memoryand microSD card, and within thefolders in the memory (WS-813,WS-812 only) ( ☞ P.70).s You can divide files (PCM*, MP3)that have been recorded with thisrecorder into two files ( ☞ P.72).* WS-813, WS-812 only.s Index mark and temp markfeatures allow you to quickly finddesired locations ( ☞ P.42).s The playback speed and tone*can be controlled ( ☞ P.41).* WS-813, WS-812 only.s This recorder is compatiblewith USB 2.0, enabling fast datatransfer to a computer.s It has a USB charging function(WS-813, WS-812 only) ( ☞ P.16).s It has a backlight full-dot display(LCD panel).1Main featuresEN9
Identification of parts11Identification of parts$%^&678*90!@#2345(q =-)w1 Built-in stereo microphone (L)2 Built-in stereo microphone (R)3 LED indicator light (LED)4 Card cover5 LIST button6 MIC (Microphone) jack7 Display (LCD panel)8 MENU button9 + button0 REC ( s ) (Record) button! 9 button@ – button# SCENE / INDEX button$ STOP ( 4 ) button% 0 button^ ` OK button& ERASE button* Built-in speaker( Battery cover) EAR (Earphone) jack- POWER / HOLD switch= USB connector slide leverq Strap holew USB connectorEN10• Remove the screen protector from thedisplay.
Identification of partsDisplay (LCD panel)4 [Recorder ] mode display:Folder list display441 2 31 Recording media indicator[ l ]: Internal memory[ m ]: microSD card2 Current folder name3 Battery indicator4 Folder nameFile list display1 2 31 Recording media indicator2 Current folder name3 Battery indicator4 File nameFile display45671 2 3890!1 Recording media indicator2 Current file name3 Battery indicator4 Folder indicator, Recording modeindicator, File Lock indicator5 Recorder status indicator[ K ]: Record indicator[ ≠ ]: Pause indicator[ ]: Stop indicator[ • ]: Play indicator[ ß ]: Forwarding indicator[ ]: Rewinding indicator[ N ]: F. Play indicator[ M ]: S. Play indicator[ ]: Change playback tone indicator(sharp)[ ]: Change playback tone indicator(flat)6 Remaining memory bar indicator,Playback position bar indicator7 Icon display ( ☞ P.13)8 Current file number/ Totalnumber of recorded files in thefolder9 Elapsed recording time,Elapsed playback time0 Remaining recording time,File length! Level meter,Recording date and time1Identification of partsEN11
Identification of parts4 [Music ] mode display:List display 1File display1Identification of partsEN12441 2 3When there are files andfolders in the folder1 Recording media indicator[ l ]: Internal memory[ m ]: microSD card2 Current folder name3 Battery indicator4 Folder name, File nameList display 21 2 3When there are only files inthe folder1 Recording media indicator2 Current folder name3 Battery indicator4 File name4567891 2 301 Recording media indicator2 Current file name3 Battery indicator4 Recorder status indicator[ • ]: Play indicator[ ]: Stop indicator[ ß ]: Forwarding indicator[ ]: Rewinding indicator[ N ]: F. Play indicator[ M ]: S. Play indicator[ ]: Change playback tone indicator(sharp)[ ]: Change playback tone indicator(flat)Current file number/ Totalnumber of recorded files in thefolder5 T i t l e n a m e6 Artist name7 Album name8 Playback position bar indicator9 Elapsed playback time,File length0 Icon display ( ☞ P.13)
Identification of parts4 [ FM Radio ] mode display:Radio reception display3456For WS-813:1 21 Recording media indicator2 Battery indicator3 Recording mode indicator4 Preset number5 Tuning frequency6 Frequency bar indicator1Identification of parts[ Ø ]: Speaker muting[ ]: Voice Playback *1[ ]: Voice Detect *1[ ? ]: Rec Level[ û ]: VCVA[ Æ ]: Voice sync[ ù ]: EqualizerIcon display (For all modes)*1 WS-813, WS-812 only. *2 WS-813 only. *3 WS-811 only.[ 0 ]: Low Cut Filter[ ≤ ]: Zoom Mic *2[ % ]: Noise Cancel[ $ ]: Voice Balancer *1Voice Filter *3[ ] [ á ] [ ]: Playback modeEN13
Power supplyInserting the batteryThis recorder can be used with either aNi-MH rechargeable battery or AAA alkalinebattery.2 Insert the battery, observing the= and - polarities.1Power supplyFor WS-813, WS-812:• When charging the recorder, makesure that the supplied Ni-MHrechargeable battery (BR404) is inplace.• The supplied rechargeable batteryis not fully charged. Before usingthe recorder or after long periods ofdisuse, it is recommended that youcontinuously charge the battery untilfull ( ☞ P.16).3 Close the battery cover completelyby pressing down at A , thensliding the cover towards B .For WS-811:This recorder cannot charge therechargeable battery.1 Lightly press down on the arrowand slide the battery cover open.EN14Notes• A manganese battery cannot be used inthis recorder.• When the battery is changed, a AAAalkaline battery or <strong>Olympus</strong> Ni-MHrechargeable battery is recommended.• Be sure to stop the recorder beforereplacing the battery. Unloading thebattery while the recorder is in use maycause a malfunction resulting in thecorruption of the file, etc. If you take outthe battery during recording, you willlose your currently recorded file becausethe file header will not be able to close.
Power supply• If it takes longer than 15 minutes toreplace the dead battery or if you takethe battery in and out repeatedly at shortintervals, you may have to re-enter thebattery and time settings. In this case,[ Battery ] screen will appear. For moredetails, see “ Battery settings ”.• Remove the battery if you are not goingto use the recorder for an extendedperiod of time.• When replacing the rechargeable battery,be sure to use a Ni-MH rechargeablebattery (optional). The use of othermanufacturers’ products can damage therecorder and should be avoided.Battery settingsSelect the battery type to match the batteryyou are using.1 Replace the battery and turn onthe recorder ( ☞ P.14, P.19).2 Press the + or − button to changethe setting.Battery typeBattery indicatorThe battery indicator on the displaychanges as the battery loses power.• When [ ] appears on the display,charge or replace the battery as soonas possible. When the battery hasinsufficient power to operate therecorder, [ ] and [ Battery low ]appear on the display and therecorder shuts down.Note• When a voice/music file is played,depending on the volume level therecorder may be reset due to a drop inthe voltage output of the battery even if[ ] is displayed in the battery indicator.In this case, lower the volume of therecorder.1Power supply[ Ni-MH ] ( ):Select when using the <strong>Olympus</strong>Ni-MH rechargeable battery (BR404).[Alkaline ] ( ):Select when using an alkaline battery.3 Press the ` OK button tocomplete the setting.• If the “ Hour ” indicator flashes in thedisplay, see “ Setting the time anddate [ Time & Date ] ” ( ☞ P.21).EN15
Power supplyCharging by connecting to acomputer via USB3 Make sure that the recorder is instop mode, and connect to thePC’s USB port.For WS-813, WS-812:1Before connecting via USB, exit HOLDmode ( ☞ P.20).Power supplyYou can charge the battery by connectingto a PC’s USB port. When charging, be sureto place the rechargeable battery (supplied)correctly into the recorder ( ☞ P.14).Do not charge a primary battery suchas an alkaline or lithium battery. Itmay cause battery leakage or heating,which may cause the recorder tomalfunction.1 Boot the PC.2 Slide the USB connector slidelever in the direction indicatedby the arrow so that the USBconnector protrudes from therecorder.4 Press the ` OK button to startcharging.• While [ Press OK to start charging ] isflashing, press the ` OK button.5 Charging is completed when thebattery indicator shows [ ].EN16Charging time: approximately 3 hours ** This is the approximate time whencharging the rechargeable batteryfully from flat at room temperature.
Power supplyThe charging time depends on theamount of remaining power and thestate of the battery.Connecting the USB-type ACadapter (optional) to chargeFor WS-813, WS-812:• Before connecting the AC adapter,switch the USB connection setting to[ AC Adapter ] ( ☞ P.73).• Before connecting via USB, exit HOLDmode ( ☞ P.20).You can charge the recorder by connectingit to the USB-type AC adapter (A514)(optional).1 Plug the recorder into the ACadapter’s USB port.3 Press the ` OK button to startcharging.• While [ Press OK to start charging ] isflashing, press the ` OK button.4 Charging is completed when[ Battery full ] is displayed.1Power supplyTo the USB-type ACadapter’s (A514)USB connector2 Plug the AC adapter into the ACoutlet.To the ACoutletNotes• The recorder cannot be charged if the PCis not turned on, or if the PC is in standby,hibernate, or sleep mode.• Do not charge the recorder with the USBhub connected.• Insert the supplied rechargeable batteryand set [ Battery ] to [ Ni-MH ]. If [ Battery ]is set to [ Alkaline ], you cannot recharge( ☞ P.15, P.65).• You cannot charge the battery if [ ]*1or [ ]*2 is blinking. Charge the batteryat a temperature in the range of 5°C to35°C (41°F to 95°F).*1 [ ]: The surrounding temperature istoo low.*2 [ ]: The surrounding temperature istoo high.• When the recorder’s operating timebecomes notably shorter even afterthe battery is fully charged, replace thebattery with a new one.EN17
Power supply1Power supplyEN18• Use the dedicated USB cable. If any othercompany’s cable is used, it may lead tomalfunction of the recorder. Also, neveruse this dedicated cable with any othercompany’s products.• If you would like to charge the recorderusing the [ Composite ] setting, select[ Optional ] in the USB connectionsettings, then connect the recorder to aPC. Selecting [ AC Adapter ] in the[ USB Connection ] display will enable youto charge the recorder ( ☞ P.73).Cautions concerning the rechargeablebatteryRead the following descriptions carefullybefore using the Ni-MH rechargeablebattery.Discharging:The rechargeable battery self-dischargeswhile not in use. Be sure to charge it fullybefore use.Operating temperature:The rechargeable battery is a chemicalproduct. The efficiency of the rechargeablebattery may fluctuate even whenthe battery is operating within therecommended temperature range. This is aninherent nature of such products.Recommended temperature range:When operating the recorder:0°C - 42°C/ 32°F - 107.6°FCharging:5°C - 35°C/ 41°F - 95°FStorage for a long period:–20°C - 30°C/ –4°F - 86°FUsing the rechargeable battery outsidethe above temperature range may result indeclining efficiency and a shorter batterylife. In order to prevent battery leakage orrust, remove the rechargeable battery fromthe recorder when you will not be using itfor a long time, and store it separately.Notes• This recorder is designed to fully chargethe battery regardless of its energy level.However, for best results when charginga newly purchased rechargeable batteryor a battery that has not been used fora long time (more than one month), itis recommended to repeat the processof fully charging the battery and thenletting it discharge 2 to 3 times.
Power supply• When disposing of the rechargeablebattery, always observe the local laws andregulations. Contact your local recyclingcenter for proper disposal methods.• If the Ni-MH rechargeable battery is notfully discharged, protect against shortcircuiting(e.g. by taping the contacts)before disposal.For customers in Germany:<strong>Olympus</strong> has a contract with the GRS (JointBattery Disposal Association) in Germany toensure environmentally friendly disposal.Turning on/off the powerWhen the recorder is not being used,turn the power off to reduce batteryconsumption. Existing data, mode settings,and clock settings are not lost when thepower is turned off.Turning off the powerSlide the POWER / HOLD switch in thedirection of the arrow, and hold itfor 0.5 seconds or longer.• The power turns off.• The resume function remembers the stopposition before the power is turned off.Power save modeIf the recorder is on but is not used for 10minutes or longer (default), the displayshuts off and the recorder goes intopower save mode ( ☞ P.65).• To exit power save mode, press anybutton.1Power supplyTurning on the powerWhile the recorder is turned off,slide the POWER / HOLD switch in thedirection of the arrow.• The power turns on.EN19
HOLDIf you set the recorder to HOLD mode, the current settings will be preserved and all buttonswill be disabled. This feature is useful when the recorder has to be carried in a bag or pocket.This mode can also prevent you from accidentally stopping recording.1Setting the recorder to HOLD modeSlide the POWER / HOLD switch to the[ HOLD ] position.Exiting HOLD modeSlide the POWER / HOLD switch to theA position.HOLD• After [ Hold ] appears on the display, therecorder is set to HOLD mode.EN20Notes• If you press any button while the recorder is in HOLD mode, the clock display lights for 2seconds, but the recorder does not operate.• If HOLD is applied during playback (recording), operation is disabled with the playback(recording) state unchanged (When playback has ended or recording has ended due tothe remaining memory being used up, the recorder stops).
Setting the time and date [ Time & Date ]If you set the time and date before usingthe recorder, recording time and dateinformation is automatically stored for eachfile. Setting the time and date beforehandenables easier file management.When you use the recorder for thefirst time, or when the battery isinserted after the recorder has notbeen used for a long time, [ Set time& date ] will appear. When “ Hour ” isflashing, conduct setup from Step 1.2 Press the + or − button to changethe value.• Follow the same steps by pressing the9 or 0 button to select the nextitem, and pressing the + or − buttonto change the value.• You can select between 12 and 24hour display by pressing the LISTbutton while setting the hour andminute.Example: 10:38 P.M10:38 PM(Initial setting)22:38• You can select the order of “ Month ”,“ Day ” and “ Year ” by pressing theLIST button while setting these items.Example: March 24, 20123M 24D 2012Y(Initial setting)1Setting the time and date24D 3M 2012Y2012Y 3M 24D+ − button9 0 button` OK button3 Press the ` OK button tocomplete the setting.1 Press the 9 or 0 button toselect the item you want to set.• Select “ Hour ”, “Minute ”, “Year ”,“ Month ” or “ Day ” by moving theflashing position.• The clock will start from the set dateand time. Press the ` OK button whenyou want the clock to start.Note• If you press the ` OK button during thesetup operation, the recorder will savethe items that were set to that point.EN21
Setting the time and date [Time & Date]1Changing the time and dateWhile the recorder is in stop mode,press and hold the STOP ( 4 ) button todisplay [ Time & date ] and [ Remain ].If the current time and date are notcorrect, set them using the procedurebelow.3 Press the ` OK button to movethe cursor to the item you wantto set.• [ Device Menu ] appears on thedisplay.4 Press the + or − button to select[ Time & Date ].Setting the time and dateSTOP ( 4 ) buttonMENU button5 Press the ` OK button.• [ Time & Date ] appears on the display.• “ Hour ” flashes on the display,indicating the start of the Time andDate setup process.+ − button9 0 button` OK button1 While the recorder is in stopmode, press the MENU button.• The menu will appear on the display( ☞ P.53).2 Press the + or − button to select[ Device Menu ] tab.• You can change the menu display bymoving the settings tab cursor.The following steps are the same asStep 1 through Step 3 of “ Setting thetime and date [ Time & Date ] ” ( ☞ P.21).6 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button toclose the menu screen.EN22
Inserting and ejecting a microSD cardThe “microSD” indicated in the instructionmanual refers to both microSD andmicroSDHC. This recorder enables you tostore data not only to the internal memorybut also to a commercially available microSDcard.Inserting a microSD card1 While the recorder is in stopmode, open the card cover.2 With the microSD card facing thecorrect way, insert it into the cardslot as shown in the diagram.• Insert the microSD card, keeping itstraight.• Inserting the microSD card in thewrong way or at an angle coulddamage the contact area or cause themicroSD card to jam.• If the microSD card is not inserted allthe way, data may not be recorded onthe microSD card.3 Close the card cover securely.• When you insert the microSD card,the recording media changeoverdisplay will appear.4 To record on a microSD card,press the + or − button andselect [ Yes ].1Inserting and ejecting a microSD card5 Press the ` OK button tocomplete the setting.EN23
Inserting and ejecting a microSD card1Inserting and ejecting a microSD cardNotes• It is possible to switch the recordingmedia over to the internal memory( ☞ P.65).• In some cases microSD cards that havebeen formatted (initialized) by anotherdevice, such as a computer, may not berecognized. Be sure to format microSDcards with this recorder before usingthem ( ☞ P.74).Ejecting a microSD card1 While the recorder is in stopmode, open the card cover.2 Push the microSD card inward tounlock it, and let it eject partially.• The microSD card is visibly out of theslot and can be removed safely.• If you eject the microSD card when[ Memory Select ] is set to[ microSD card ], [ Memory Select ]will automatically change to[ Internal memory selected ].3 Close the card cover securely.Notes• Quickly moving your finger away afterpushing the microSD card inward maycause it to eject forcefully out of the slot.• Some microSD cards or microSDHCcards may not be recognized correctlydepending on the manufacturer or typeof card due to compatibility issues withthis recorder.• See the <strong>Olympus</strong> website for a listof microSD cards that have beenconfirmed to operate with this recorderin conditions prescribed by <strong>Olympus</strong>.The website introduces manufacturers andtypes of microSD cards confirmed to becompatible. Please note, however, thisis not meant to guarantee that microSDcards will operate. Some microSD cardsmay not be recognized correctly dueto circumstances such as changes inmanufacturer specifications.• If a microSD card is not recognized,remove the microSD card and then insertit again to see if the recorder recognizesthe microSD card.• Always read the instructions that comewith your microSD card before using.• Processing speed may be slower withsome types of microSD cards. Processingperformance may also be reduced dueto repeated writing and deleting. If thathappens, reformat the microSD card( ☞ P.74).EN24
[Home] display operationsYou can use the recorder not only as a voicerecorder and a music player but also as aradio * .* WS-813 only.LIST buttonWhen [ Recorder ] is selected:When [ Music ] is selected:The recorder will go into[ Recorder ] mode. You willbe able to record and playback files recorded by therecorder ( ☞ P.29, P.36).1+ − button` OK button1 Press the LIST button repeatedlyto set the [ Home ] display.• [ Home ] appears on the display.The recorder will go into[ Music ] mode, and you willbe able to play back musicfiles transferred to therecorder ( ☞ P.36).When [ Calendar Search ]* is selected:The recorder will go into[ Calendar Search ] mode,and you can search forfiles according to therecording date ( ☞ P.40).* WS-813, WS-812 only[Home] display operations2 Press the + or − button to selectthe mode.When [ FM Radio ]* is selected:The recorder will go into[ FM Radio ] mode, and youwill be able to receive FMradio ( ☞ P.47).* WS-813 only3 Press the ` OK button.Note• During recording, you cannot switch themode without stopping the recorder.EN25
Notes on the folders1The internal memory or a microSD card can be used as the recording media. Voice files andmusic files are separated into folders for voice recordings and folders for music playback thatare organized and saved in a branching tree.About the folders for voice recordings[ Folder A ] - [ Folder E ] within the [ Recorder ] folder are the folders for voice recordings. Whenrecording with this recorder, select any one of the five folders and then record.Notes on the foldersHomeYou can change the modeon the [ Home ] display.RecorderFolder AFolderFile001Folder B002Folder C003Folder D004Folder EBecomes the destination formicrophone recording.RadioFolder200Each folder can store up to200 files.When you record from the radio, the recordedfile will be stored automatically in the[ Radio Folder ] folder (WS-813 only).EN26Note• Files or folders located under the [ Recorder ] folder will not be indicated on the recorder.
Notes on the foldersAbout the folders for music playbackWhen music files are transferred to the device using Windows Media Player, a folder isautomatically created within the music playback folder which has a layered structure asshown in the diagram below. Music files that are in the same folder can be rearranged inpreferential order and replayed ( ☞ P.69).HomeMusicFirst layerArtist 01Artist 02Second layerAlbum 01Album 020010020031Notes on the foldersArtist 03Album 03004200Each folder can storeup to 200 files.Up to 300 * folders can be created under the [ Music ]folder, including [ Music ].* For WS-811: 128 folders.FolderFileEN27
Selecting folders and filesChange folders while the recorder is stopped or during play. For information on the layeredstructure of the folders, see the section entitled “ Notes on the folders ” ( ☞ P.26).[ Home ] displayOperation of the folders for voice recordings1Selecting folders and filesExample:WS-813Folder listdisplayFile list displayOperation of the folders for music playbackFile displayFolder listdisplay(First layer)Folder listdisplay(Second layer)File list displayFile displayWhen [ Music ] folder is selected.EN28Moving through the levels} Return : LIST buttonEach time you press this button, youmove up one level. The 0 button canalso serve as the LIST button on a listdisplay.• If you press and hold the LIST buttonwhile moving in a hierarchy of folders,you will return to the file display.{ Proceed : ` OK buttonEach time you press this button, youopen the folder or file selected in the listdisplay and proceed down one level.• The 9 button can also serve as the` OK button on a list display.+ or – buttonSelect a folder or file.[ Home ] display:This display allows the mode of therecorder to be changed ( ☞ P.25).List display:The folders and files stored in therecorder are displayed.File display:Information about the selected file isdisplayed. The recorder is in playbackstandby mode.
About recordingRecordingBefore starting recording, select a folderamong [ & ] to [ * ]. These five folders can beused to categorize recorded informationaccording to type; for example, Folder [ & ]might be used to store private information,while Folder [ ' ] might be dedicated toholding business information.STOP ( 4 ) buttonREC ( s ) button• [ Rec Mode ] cannot be changed inrecording standby mode or whilerecording. Configure this while therecorder is stopped ( ☞ P.56).• The proper position of the built-instereo microphone for performingstereo recording is over the display. Ifthe microphone is below the displayduring recording, proper stereorecording is impossible because theoriginal sound will be recorded inreverse phase.3 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button to stoprecording.• [ L ] appears on the display.2Recording1 Select a recording folder( ☞ P.26).2 Press the REC ( s ) button to startrecording.• The LED indicator light turns on and[ K ] appears on the display.• Turn the microphone in the directionof the source to be recorded.abcdea Recording mode indicatorb Elapsed recording timec Remaining memory bar indicatord Remaining recording timee Level meter (changes according tothe recording level and recordingfunction settings)ff File lengthNotes• To ensure that you do not lose thebeginning of the recording, verify thatthe LED indicator light or the modeindicator is lit on the display.• When the remaining recording time isless than 60 seconds, the LED indicatorlight starts flashing. When the remainingrecording time drops to 30 and then 10seconds, the light flashes faster.EN29
Recording2Recording• [ Folder full ] will appear when recordingcannot be continued. Select anotherfolder or delete unnecessary files beforerecording ( ☞ P.45).• [ Memory full ] will appear when thememory is full. Delete unnecessary filesbefore recording any further ( ☞ P.45).• When a microSD card is inserted into therecorder, be sure to confirm the recordingmedia as either [ Internal memory ]or [ microSD card ] so that there is nomistake ( ☞ P.65).• If the REC ( s ) button is pressed when afunction other than the record function isspecified, [ Cannot record in this folder ]is displayed. Select a folder from[ Folder A ] through [ Folder E ] and startrecording again.• Processing speed may be slower withsome types of microSD cards. Processingperformance may also be reduced dueto repeated writing and deleting. If thathappens, reformat the microSD card( ☞ P.74).• We recommend formatting the recordingmedia in the recorder before recording( ☞ P.74).For WS-813:• You can record FM radio in [ FM Radio ]mode ( ☞ P.47).• This recorder is designed to be able torecord cleanly and evenly, even whenthe volume of the source sound changessignificantly. However, even higher soundquality recordings can be achieved byadjusting the recording level manually( ☞ P.56).4 It is possible to record dataexceeding 2GB:For WS-813, WS-812:Recording will continue even if thevolume of a single file exceeds 2 GB inlinear PCM format recording.• The data is saved every 2 GB inseparate files. It is treated as multiplefiles during playback.• If the recording exceeds 2 GB, thenumber of files in the folder mayexceed 200. The 201st and later filesare not recognized by the recorder,so check by connecting the recorderto a PC.EN30
RecordingSettings relating to recording[ Rec Level ]( ☞ P.56)[ Rec Mode ] *1( ☞ P.56)[ Zoom Mic ] *2( ☞ P.57)[ Low Cut Filter ]( ☞ P.57)[ VCVA ]( ☞ P.57)[ V-Sync. Rec ]( ☞ P.58)[ Rec Scene ]( ☞ P.59)Sets the recording sensitivity.Sets the recording rate foreach recording format.Sets the directivity of thebuilt-in stereo microphone.This function can reducenoise from air conditions andprojectors and other similarnoises.Sets the threshold level forthe Variable Control VoiceActuator (VCVA).Sets the start level for voicesync recording.Sets recording settings to suitthe recording conditions orenvironment.*1 This function will be fixed to the followingconfigurations while the recorder is in[ FM Radio ] mode (WS-813 only).• [ PCM ]: 44.1 kHz/16bit• [ MP3 ]: 128 kbps• [ WMA ]: 128 kbps*2 WS-813 onlyPauseWhile the recorder is in recordingmode, press the REC ( s ) button.• [ ≠ ] will appear on the display.• The recorder will stop if left on pause formore than 60 minutes.Resume Recording:Press the REC ( s ) button again.• Recording will resume at the point ofinterruption.To quickly check recorded contentsWhile the recorder is in recordingmode, press the ` OK button.2Recording• [ • ] will appear on the display.• Recording will stop, and the file that wasjust recorded will be played back.For WS-813:• When the `OK button is pressed whileaudio is being recorded in [ FM Radio ]mode, the recorder automatically enters[ Recorder ] mode, and the last filerecorded from the FM radio is playedback.EN31
Recording2RecordingListening while audio is recordedIf you start recording after inserting theearphones into the EAR jack on the recorder,you can hear the audio being recorded. Therecording monitor volume can be adjustedby pressing the + or − button.Connect the earphones to the EARjack on the recorder.• After recording has started, you can hearthe audio being recorded through theearphones.To EAR jackChanging the recording scene[Rec Scene ]You can easily change the recording settingsby selecting the scene which best matchesyour usage ( ☞ P.59).+ − button` OK buttonSCENE/INDEXbutton1 While the recorder is in stopmode, press and hold theSCENE / INDEX button.2 Press the + or − button to select[ Rec Scene ].Notes• You cannot control the recording levelusing the volume button.• To avoid hurting your ears, turn down thevolume before inserting the earphonesinto your ears.• Do not place earphones near amicrophone as this may cause feedback.• If an external speaker is connectedwhile recording, there is a risk that audiofeedback will occur.3 Press the ` OK button.4 Press the + or − button to selectthe recording environment.EN325 Press the ` OK button.
RecordingRecommended settings according to the recording conditionsThe recorder is initially set to [ WMA 128kbps ] mode so that you can make high quality stereorecordings immediately after purchase. The various recording functions can be configured indetail to suit the recording conditions. The following table shows the recommended settingsfor some example recording conditions.RecordingconditionsLectures in largeroomsConferences witha large number ofpeopleRecommended settings[ Rec Mode ] ( ☞ P.56)[PCM]: [44.1kHz/16bit] *2[MP3]: [128kbps] or more[WMA]: [128kbps][MP3]: [128kbps] or more[WMA]: [128kbps][ Rec Level ]( ☞ P.56)[ High ][ Low Cut Filter ]( ☞ P.57)[ Zoom Mic ] *1( ☞ P.57)[+6]2RecordingMeetingsand businessnegotiations witha small number ofpeople[MP3]: [128kbps][WMA]: [128kbps][ Middle ][On ]Dictation with a lotof background noise[WMA]: [64kbps] [Low ][Off ]Music playing, wildbirds singing, andrailway sounds[PCM]: [44.1kHz/16bit]*2Set therecordingsensitivityaccording tothe volumebeingrecorded.[Off ]*1 WS-813 only. *2 WS-813, WS-812 only.File names are automatically created for files recorded by this recorder.813_ 0001 .WMA1 2 31 User ID:This is the user ID name that has beenset on the Digital Voice Recorder.2 File number:A file number is consecutivelyassigned regardless of changes in theselected recording media.3 Extension:This is the file name extensionindicating the recording format usedwhen recording with this recorder.• Linear PCM format * .WAV• MP3 format .MP3• WMA format .WMA* WS-813, WS-812 only.EN33
Recording2RecordingRecording from an externalmicrophone or other deviceAn external microphone or other device canbe connected and audio can be recorded.Connect as follows according to the deviceto be used.• Do not plug/unplug devices into therecorder’s jack while it is recording.4 Recording with an externalmicrophone:Connect an external microphone tothe MIC jack of the recorder.To MIC jackCompact Gun Microphone(unidirectional): ME31This directional microphone is usefulfor various types of recording such asoutdoor recording of wild birds singing.Compact zoom microphone(unidirectional): ME32This microphone is integrated with atripod, making it suitable to place ona table for recording conferences orlectures at a distance.Highly sensitive noise-cancellationmonaural microphone (unidirectional):ME52WThis microphone is used to recordaudio at a distance while minimizingsurrounding noise.Tie clip microphone (omni-directional):ME15This small unobtrusive microphonecomes with a tie-clip.Telephone pickup microphone: TP8This earphone-type microphone canbe placed into your ear while you arephoning. The voice or conversationfrom the phone can be recorded clearly.EN34Applicable external microphones(optional) ( ☞ P.88)Stereo microphone: ME51SThe built-in large-diameter microphoneenables sensitive stereo recording.2 channel microphone(omni-directional): ME30WThese highly sensitive omni-directionalmicrophones are supported by plug-inpower and are well-suited to recordingmusical performances.Notes• The built-in microphone becomesinoperable when an external microphoneis plugged into the recorder’s MIC jack.• Microphones supported by plug-inpower can also be used.• When an external monaural microphoneis used while [ Rec Mode ] is set to a stereorecording mode, audio is recorded to theL channel only ( ☞ P.56).• When an external stereo microphoneis used while [ Rec Mode ] is set to amonaural recording mode, audio isrecorded to the L channel only ( ☞ P.56).
Recording4 Recording audio from anotherdevice with this recorder:Audio can be recorded when you haveconnected the audio output terminal(earphone jack) of another device andthe MIC jack of the recorder using theconnecting cord KA333 (optional) fordubbing.4 Recording audio from thisrecorder with another device:Audio from this recorder can be recordedto another device by connecting theaudio input terminal (microphone jack) ofthe other device and the EAR jack of thisrecorder using the connecting cord KA333(optional).To MIC jackTo audio outputterminal of otherdeviceTo EAR jack2RecordingTo audio inputterminal of otherdeviceNoteFor WS-813:• If you are unable to produce a clearrecording with this recorder even afteradjusting the recording level( ☞ P.56), thiscould potentially be because the outputlevel for the connected devices is toohigh or too low. When external devicesare connected, perform a test recordingand then adjust the output level for theexternal devices.For WS-812, WS-811:• The recording level cannot be adjustedon this recorder. When an external deviceis connected, perform a test recordingand then adjust the output level on theexternal device.Note• When you adjust the various soundquality settings related to playback onthe recorder, the audio output signal sentout from the EAR jack is also adjusted( ☞ P.61, P.62).EN35
About playbackPlaybackThe recorder can play back WAV * , MP3and WMA format files. To play back a filerecorded with another machine, you need totransfer (copy) it from a computer.* WS-813, WS-812 only.3 Press the + or − button to adjustthe volume.• The volume can be adjusted withinthe range of [ 00 ] to [ 30 ].STOP ( 4 ) button3Playback1 Select the file to be played backfrom the folder that containsit ( ☞ P.28).2 Press the ` OK button to startplayback.• [•] appears on the display.abcde+ − button` OK button4 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button at anypoint where you want to stopplayback.• [ L ] appears on the display.• Pressing this button stops the filebeing played back. If the resumefunction has been activated, the stoplocation is registered, even if thepower is turned off. The next timethe power is turned on, playback isresumed from the registered stoplocation.EN36a Recording media indicator, File nameFolder indicatorb Elapsed playback timec Playback position bar indicatord File lengthe Recording date and time
PlaybackSettings relating to playbackPlayback through the earphones[ Vo i c e P l a y b a c k ]*1 *3( ☞ P.61)[ N o i s e C a n c e l ] * 3( ☞ P.61)Only the voice portionsfrom a recorded audio fileare played back.If recorded audio is difficultto understand because ofnoisy surroundings, adjustthe Noise Cancel settinglevel.The earphones can be connected to the EARjack of the recorder for listening.• When the earphones are used, therecorder speaker is switched off.[ Vo i c e B a l a n c e r ]*1 *3( ☞ P.61)When playing back arecorded audio file, therecorder compensates forany low-volume portionsin the file.To EAR jack3[ Voice Filter ] *2 *3( ☞ P.61)The recorder has a VoiceFilter Function to cut lowand high frequency tonesduring normal, fast, or slowplayback, playback tone,and enable clear audioplayback.Playback[ P l a y M o d e ]( ☞ P.62)[ Equalizer ] *4( ☞ P.62)[ S k i p S p a c e ]( ☞ P.63)You can select thepreferred playback mode.When listening to music,you can set your favoritesound quality by adjustingthe equalizer setting.The skip interval can be set.Notes• To avoid hurting your ears, turn down thevolume before inserting the earphonesinto your ears.• When using the earphones, do NOT setthe volume too high. Listening at veryhigh volume may lead to hearing loss.[ P l a y S c e n e ]( ☞ P.63)Playback settings of yourchoice can be saved to suitdifferent sound qualitiesand playback methods.*1 WS-813, WS-812 only.*2 WS-811 only.*3 Function active only in [ Recorder ] mode.*4 Function active only in [ Music ] mode.EN37
PlaybackForwardingRewinding3PlaybackWhile the recorder is in stop mode inthe file display, press and hold the9 button.• [ ß ] appears on the display.• When you release the 9 button,forwarding stops. Press the ` OK buttonto start playback from where forwardingstopped.While the recorder is in playbackmode, press and hold the 9button.• When you release the 9 button, therecorder resumes normal playback.• If there is an index mark or temp markwithin the file, the recorder stops at thatlocation ( ☞ P.42).• The recorder stops when it reaches theend of the file. Continue pressing the9 button to continue forwarding fromthe beginning of the next file.While the recorder is in stop mode inthe file display, press and hold the0 button.• [ ] appears on the display.• When you release the 0 button,rewinding stops. Press the ` OK buttonto start playback from where rewindingstopped.While the recorder is in playbackmode, press and hold the 0button.• When you release the 0 button, therecorder resumes normal playback.• If there is an index mark or temp markwithin the file, the recorder stops at thatlocation ( ☞ P.42).• The recorder stops when it reaches thebeginning of the file. Continue pressingthe 0 button to continue rewindingfrom the end of the previous file.EN38
PlaybackLocating the beginning of a fileAbout music filesWhile the recorder is in stop modeor playback mode, press the 9button.• The recorder skips to the beginning ofthe next file.While the recorder is in playbackmode, press the 0 button.• The recorder skips to the beginning ofthe current file.While the recorder is in stop mode,press the 0 button.• The recorder skips to the beginning ofthe previous file. If the recorder is inthe middle of a file, it will return to thebeginning of the file.While the recorder is in playbackmode, press the 0 button twice.• The recorder skips to the beginning ofthe previous file.Notes• When you skip to the beginning of thefile during playback, the recorder stopsat the position of the index mark or tempmark. Index marks and temp marks areskipped when you perform this operationin stop mode ( ☞ P.42).• When [Skip Space ] is set to a settingother than [ File Skip ], the recorder skipsforward/reverse by the specified timeand then starts playback ( ☞ P.63).In cases where the recorder is unable to playback music files that have been transferredto it, check to make sure that the samplingrate and bit rate are in the range whereplayback is possible. Combinations ofsampling rates and bit rates for music fileswhich the recorder can play back are givenbelow.File formatSamplingfrequencyBit rateWAV format * 4 4 .1 k H z 16 b i tMP3 formatWMA format* WS-813, WS-812 only.MPEG1 Layer3:32 kHz, 44.1 kHz,48 kHzMPEG2 Layer3:16 kHz, 22.05 kHz,24 kHz8 kHz, 11 kHz,16 kHz, 22 kHz,32 kHz, 44.1 kHz,48 kHzFrom 8 kbpsup to 320kbpsFrom 5 kbpsup to 320kbps• Variable bit rate MP3 files (in whichconversion bit rates can vary) may not beplayed back properly.• For WAV files, this recorder can onlyplay back those in the linear PCM format.WAV files other than these cannot beplayed back.• Even if the file format is compatible forplayback on this recorder, the recorderdoes not support every encoder.3PlaybackEN39
PlaybackSearching for a file • Dates with recorded files are shownwith underbars.4 Press the + , − , 9 or 0For WS-813, WS-812:button to select the date.3PlaybackYou can search for voice files by the datethey were recorded. As long as you know thedate, you can quickly find a file even if youhave forgotten what folder it is in. It is onlypossible to search for files saved in the voicerecordings folder ( & to * ).LIST button+ − button9 0 button` OK button1 Press the LIST button repeatedlyto set the [ Home ] display.2 Press the + or − button to select[ Calendar Search ].cc Selected date9 , 0 buttons:Move to the previous/next day.+ , − buttons:Move to the previous/next week.• Press the STOP ( 4 ) button to returnto the [ Home ] display.5 Press the ` OK button.• Files recorded on the date selectedare displayed in a list.6 Press the + or − button to selecta file.3 Press the ` OK button.• [ Calendar Search ] will appear on thedisplay.• Press the 0 button to return to theprevious screen.7 Press the ` OK button to startplayback.EN40aba Current dateb Date when a filewas recorded
PlaybackChanging the playback soundYou can change the playback speed andtone * . Changing the playback speed isuseful when you want to speed-listen tothe contents of a lecture or slow down thespeed of a foreign-language phrase that youcouldn’t catch.* WS-813, WS-812 only.+ − button` OK button3 Press the ` OK button.aa Playback speed/ playback toneindicator• Even if playback is stopped, themodified playback speed and toneare retained.31 While the recorder is in playbackmode, press the ` OK button.Limits of fast playbackNormal operation may not be availabledepending on the sampling frequencyand the bit rate of the file to be playedback. In such a case, reduce the speedof fast playback.Playback2 Press the + or − button or the9 or 0 button to make iteasier to catch what is being said.9 , 0 buttons:Change the playback speed.+ , − buttons*:Change the playback tone.* WS-813, WS-812 only.• If you are still having trouble catchingthe words after changing theplayback speed, you can make thevoice clearer by changing the tone.Notes• As in normal playback mode, you canstop playback, cue a file, or insert anindex or temp mark in playback speed/playback tone* modes as well ( ☞ P.42).* WS-813, WS-812 only.• When using the playback speed/ tonefunction, the following functions are notavailable.• [ Voice Playback ] (WS-813, WS-812only) ( ☞ P.61)• [ Noise Cancel ] ( ☞ P.61)EN41
PlaybackSetting an index mark or a tempmarkIf index marks and temp marks have beenplaced into your files, you can quickly finda location you want to listen to when youare fast forwarding, fast rewinding, or cuinga file. Index marks can only be placed intofiles created by <strong>Olympus</strong> voice recorders,but temp marks can be used to temporarilyremember desired locations.Clearing an index mark or a temp mark1 Select a file that contains indexor temp marks you wish to erase.2 Press the 9 or 0 button toselect the index or temp mark tobe erased.3PlaybackEN42+ − button` OK buttonSCENE/INDEXbutton1 While the recorder is in recordingmode or playback mode, pressthe SCENE / INDEX button.• A number appears on the display andan index mark or temp mark is placedinto the file.• Even after an index or temp mark hasbeen placed into a file, recording orplayback will continue so you canplace index or temp marks in otherlocations in a similar manner.3 While the index or temp numberis displayed for approximately 2seconds on the display, press theERASE button.• The index or temp mark is erased.• Index or temp numbers after theerased index or temp numberautomatically decrement by 1.Notes• Temp marks are temporary markings, soif you transmit a file to a PC or move itusing a PC, the marks will automaticallybe erased.• Up to 99 index and temp marks can be setin a file. If you try to set more than 99 indexor temp marks, the [ No more can be set ]message appears for index marks and the[ No more can be set ] message appears fortemp marks.• Index or temp marks cannot be set orerased in a locked file ( ☞ P.55).
PlaybackHow to begin segment repeatplaybackThis function enables repeated playback ofpart of the file being played.3 Press the REC ( s ) button again atthe position where you want toend segment repeat playback.• The recorder continuously plays backthe segment until segment repeatplayback is canceled.REC ( s ) button1 Select a file that has a segmentyou would like to play backrepeatedly, and start playback.2 Press the REC ( s ) button at theposition where you want to startsegment repeat playback.• [ w ] flashes on the display.Note• As in normal playback mode, theplayback speed can be changed duringsegment repeat playback as well ( ☞ P.41).If an index mark or temp mark is set orcleared during segment repeat playback,segment repeat playback is canceled andthe recorder returns to normal playbackmode ( ☞ P.42).3Playback• While [ w ] is flashing, you can fastforward, rewind, or change theplayback speed in the same way as innormal mode to find the end position( ☞ P.41).• If the recorder reaches the end ofthe file while [ w ] is flashing, point[ x ] becomes the end of the file, andrepeat playback starts.EN43
PlaybackCanceling the segment repeat playbackfunctionChanging the playback scene[ Play Scene ]If you register your preferred playbacksettings for the playback scenes, you caneasily select the setting later ( ☞ P.63).+ − button` OK button3PlaybackPressing any of the followingbuttons releases segment repeatplayback.a Press the STOP ( 4 ) buttonPressing the STOP ( 4 ) button releasessegment repeat playback and stopsplayback.b Press the REC ( s ) buttonPressing the REC ( s ) button releasessegment repeat playback, and it willreturn to normal playback mode.c Press the 9 buttonPressing the 9 button releasessegment repeat playback, and makesthe recorder skip to the beginning of thenext file.d Press the 0 buttonPressing the 0 button releasessegment repeat playback, and makesthe recorder skip to the beginning of thecurrent file.SCENE/INDEXbutton1 While the recorder is in stopmode or playback mode, pressand hold the SCENE / INDEX button.2 Press the + or − button to select[ Play Scene ].3 Press the ` OK button.4 Press the + or − button to selectthe playback scene.EN445 Press the ` OK button.
ErasingErasing filesA selected file can be erased from a folder.Also, all files in a folder can be erasedsimultaneously.6 Press the ` OK button.• The display changes to [ Erasing! ] anderasing starts.• [ Erased ] is displayed when the file iserased. File numbers are reassignedautomatically.+ − button` OK buttonERASE button31 Select the file you want to erase( ☞ P.28).2 While the recorder is in stopmode in the file display, press theERASE button.• If an action is not selected within 8seconds, the recorder returns to stopmode.3 Press the + or − button to select[ All in folder ] or [ One file ].Erasing a folderYou can erase files by deleting folders.+ button` OK buttonErasing4 Press the ` OK button.5 Press the + button to select[ Start ].ERASE button1 Select the folder you want toerase ( ☞ P.28).2 While the recorder is in stopmode in the folder list display,press the ERASE button.• If an action is not selected within 8seconds, the recorder returns to stopmode.EN45
Erasing3Erasing3 Press the + button to select[ Start ].4 Press the ` OK button.• The display changes to [ Erasing! ] anderasing starts.• [ Erased ] is displayed when the file iserased.• Locked files and files set as read-onlycannot be erased ( ☞ P.55).• The default folders of the recorder,namely [ Recorder ] (including [ Folder A ]to [ Folder E ] and [ Radio Folder ] * ) and[ Music ] cannot be erased.* WS-813 only.• In the [ Music ] folder, all folders except[ Music ] can be deleted.• If there is a file that cannot be recognizedby the recorder, the file and the folderwhich contains that file will not beerased. Please connect the recorder toyour PC to erase the file.• Replace the battery with a new one inorder to ensure that the battery does notgo flat during processing. In addition, itmay take over 10 seconds to completeprocessing. Never perform operationssuch as the following during processing,as such operations may damage the data.1 Disconnect the AC Adapter duringprocessing.2 Remove the battery during processing.3 Remove the microSD card duringprocessing when [ microSD card ] isselected as the recording media.EN46Notes• You cannot recover a file once it has beenerased. Please check carefully beforeerasing.• When a microSD card is inserted into therecorder, be sure to confirm the recordingmedia as either [ Internal memory ]or [ microSD card ] so that there is nomistake ( ☞ P.65).
Using the FM radioAbout the FM radio(WS-813 only)For WS-813:Radio reception varies substantially depending on where you are using the radio.If the reception is poor, adjust the antenna position or orientation, or place therecorder in a location where a radio signal can be easily received, such as by awindow.The recorder may not be able to receive anFM signal within or close to buildingsConnecting the earphonesThe supplied earphones function as anFM antenna. You cannot receive FM radiosignals if the earphones are not connected.4To EAR jackUsing the FM radioMove to a location where the signalcan be easily received. Inside abuilding, broadcast signals are moreeasily received near windows.• Also note that you cannot receive radiosignals in locations not reached byradio waves, such as areas outside thebroadcast region and areas surroundedby mountains.Notes• Even within the broadcast region, radio signals may be difficult to receive in tunnels orunderground roads, inside or in the shadow of buildings and apartment blocks that have aconcrete structure, and other similar locations. You may not be able to get radio receptionin these locations.• For best reception, avoid using the radio at the same time as a cellular phone, PC,television or other electrical product. Such products may cause noise.• If you use the radio while the recorder is connected to the AC adapter (A514 etc.), noisemay be generated. Always power the FM radio from the battery.EN47
FM radio mode operationsFor WS-813:Plug in the earphonesAdding a radio station to the presetstations:Change the reception mode tomanual reception, and adjust thefrequency. The station you are tunedto can then be added ( ☞ P.50, P.51).3 Press the 9 or 0 button toselect a station.• You can select a preset station.4FM radio mode operations+ − button9 0 button1 Set to [ FM Radio ] mode ( ☞ P.25).• Change the mode to [ FM Radio ].• You can also select a station whichhas not been preset. For details, see“ Changing the reception mode ”( ☞ P.50).4 Press the + or − button to adjustthe volume.EN48• To stop FM radio reception, pressthe LIST button to go to the [ Home ]display. From the [ Home ] display, youcan change to a different mode.2 Presetting radio stations.Presetting radio stationsautomatically:Automatically preset stations tomake it easy to tune. For details,see “ Registering radio stationsautomatically [ Auto-preset ]”( ☞ P.49).• The volume can be adjusted withinthe range of [ 00 ] to [ 30 ].Settings relating to FM radio[Auto-preset ]( ☞ P.49)[ Scan Level ]( ☞ P.67)[Output]( ☞ P.67)Automatically addsreceivable stations to thepreset stations.Allows you to set the scansensitivity for auto preset.Allows you to set the audiooutput of the FM radio.
FM radio mode operationsPresetting radio stationsautomatically [Auto-preset]4 Press the + or – button to select[ Auto-preset ].Presetting radio stations makes it easy tofind your desired station.Plug in the earphones5 Press the ` OK button.• [ Auto-preset ] appears on the display.MENU button4+ − button` OK button1 Set to [ FM Radio ] mode ( ☞ P.25).2 Press the MENU button.• The menu appears on the display( ☞ P.53)• Select [ Cancel ] and press the ` OKbutton to return to the previousdisplay.6 Press the ` OK button again.• [Scanning ] appears on the displayand scanning starts.When [ Preset completed ] appears,the scan is complete.FM radio mode operations3 Press the ` OK button to movethe cursor to the item you wantto set.Note• The preset numbers are automaticallyassigned according to the frequency.EN49
FM radio mode operationsChanging the reception modeIt is possible to fine tune the channelsmanually if the station you are looking forhas a weak signal and couldn't be detectedusing the Auto Preset function.Preset call mode• Press the 9 or 0 button toselect a preset station.a Preset numberPlug in the earphonesa4FM radio mode operations9 0 button` OK button1 Perform Steps 1 through 3 from“FM radio mode operations”( ☞ P.48).2 Press the ` OK button to select areception mode.• If you have preset stations, thereception mode changes at eachpress of the ` OK button.bAuto/Manual mode• Press the 9 or 0 buttonto adjust the frequency andtune to a radio signal (Manualreception).• Press and hold the 9 or 0button to scan through thereceivable radio stations (Autoreception).b Tuning frequency• If you press the ` OK buttonwhile a frequency that you havenot preset is being received,the recorder will tune in to thestation whose preset numberis closest to the frequency thatwas being received.EN50
FM radio mode operationsAdding a radio stationYou can add radio stations from Auto/Manual reception to the preset stations.3 Press the ` OK button.• Up to 30 radio stations can be preset.Plug in the earphones+ − button` OK buttonSCENE/INDEXbutton1 Tune to the radio station youwant to preset.Deleting a preset radio station1 Tune to the preset radiostation you wish to erase.2 Press the ERASE button.• Select [ Cancel ] and press the ` OKbutton to return to the previousdisplay.3 Press the ` OK button.4FM radio mode operations2 Press the SCENE / INDEX button.• Select [ Cancel ] and press the ` OKbutton to return to the previousdisplay.Note• The preset numbers are automaticallyassigned according to the frequency.EN51
Recording from the FM radioFor WS-813:Plug in the earphonesWhen recording from theFM radio:Even if the sound of the FM radio isclear, in certain conditions there maybe cases of electric interference whenthe recording starts.To avoid such a problem, perform arecording test before recording. Also,be sure to record in places with goodreception.4Recording from the FM radioEN52abcdeSTOP ( 4 ) buttonREC ( s ) button1 Tune to the broadcast programyou wish to record ( ☞ P.25, P.48).2 In menu settings relating to FMradio, set [ Output ] to [ Earphone ]( ☞ P.67).• If [ Output ] is set to [ Speaker ], youcannot record.3 Press the REC ( s ) button to startrecording.• The LED indicator light turns on and[ K ] appears on the display.a Recording mode indicatorb Preset numberc Tuning frequencyd Elapsed recording timee Remaining recording time4 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button to stoprecording.• [ K ] disappears and the receptiondisplay re-appears.• When you record FM radio, therecording is stored automaticallyin the [ FM Radio ] folder in the[ Recorder ] folder.Notes• When recording from the FM radio, besure to connect the earphones to the EARjack.• When FM radio is recorded, the file nameassigned to the recording ( ☞ P.33) isappended with a date and time.813_0001_120715_0915.WMADate : [120715] (2012, July 15)Time : [0915] (9.15 am)
Menu settingMenu setting methodItems in menus are categorized by tabs, soselect a tab first and move to the desireditem to set it. You can set each menu itemas follows.3 Press the ` OK button to movethe cursor to the item you wantto set.STOP ( 4 ) buttonMENU button+ − button9 0 button` OK button4 Press the + or − button to moveto the item you want to set.1 While the recorder is in stopmode, press the MENU button.• The menu appears on the display.• Menu items can be set duringrecording or playback.2 Press the + or − button to moveto the tab that contains the itemyou want to set.• You can change the menu display bymoving the settings tab cursor.5 Press the ` OK button.• The display shows the setting of theselected item.6 Press the + or − button to changethe setting.7 Press the ` OK button tocomplete the setting process.• A message appears on the screen toinform you that the setting has beenentered.5Menu setting methodEN53
Menu setting method5Menu setting methodEN54• Pressing the 0 button withoutpressing the ` OK button cancels thesetting process and returns you to theprevious screen.8 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button toclose the menu screen.• If the menu screen is open duringrecording or playback, pressing theSTOP ( 4 ) button allows you to returnto the recording or playback screenwithout interrupting recording orplayback.Notes• The recorder stops if you leave it idle for 3minutes during a menu setup operationand do not set a selected item.• When menu settings are entered duringrecording or playback, the menu settingsare canceled if 8 seconds elapse with nobuttons being pressed.4 Setting menu during recording:Function[ Rec Level ][ Zoom Mic ] *1[ Low Cut Filter ][ VCVA ][ Backlight ][ LED ]SettingTo menu itemoptions4 Setting menu during playback:Function[ Property ][Voice Playback ] *2 *4[Noise Cancel ] *4[ Voice Balancer ] *2 *4[ Voice Filter ] *3 *4[ Play Mode ][ Equalizer ] *5[ Skip Space ][ Play Scene ][ Backlight ][ LED ]SettingTo menu itemoptions4 Setting menu during FM radioreception (WS-813 only):• During recording in [ FM Radio ]mode, only the [ Backlight ] and [ LED ]settings are available.Function[ Rec Mode ][Auto-preset][ Scan Level ][ Backlight ][ LED ][Output]SettingTo menu itemoptions*1 WS-813 only.*2 WS-813, WS-812 only.*3 WS-811 only.*4 Function active only in [ Recorder ] mode.*5 Function active only in [ Music ] mode.
Menu setting method+ Fi l e M e n uVo i c e D e t e c tFor WS-813, WS-812:This function extracts voice portions from arecorded voice file.See “ Extract voice portions from file[ Voice Detect ] ” ( ☞ P.68).F i l e L o c kLocking a file keeps important data frombeing accidentally erased. Locked files arenot erased when you select to erase all filesfrom a folder ( ☞ P.45).[ Lock ]:Locks the file and prevents it from beingerased.[ Unlock ]:Unlocks the file and allows it to be erased.ReplaceYou can move a file in a folder to change theorder of playback.See “ Rearranging files [ Replace ] ” ( ☞ P.69).Move/CopyP r o p e r t yFile and folder information can beconfirmed from the menu screen.When a file is selected:[ Name ] (File name), [ Date ] (Time stamp),[ Size ] (File size), [ Bit Rate ] *1 (File format),[ Artist ] *2 (Artist name) and [ Album ] *2(Album name) appear on the display.*1 When a linear PCM format file has beenselected, the [ Bit Rate ] area displays thesampling frequency and bit rate.*2 When a file contains no tag information,[ UNKNOWN_ARTIST ],[ UNKNOWN_ALBUM ] appear on thedisplay.When a folder is selected:[ Name ] (Folder name), [ Folder ] *1 (Foldernumber) and [ File ] *2 (File number) appearon the display.*1 When [ Recorder ] is selected, [ Folder ]does not appear on the display.*2 Files which cannot be recognized by thisrecorder are not included in the numberof files.• Select a file for which you would like toverify information in advance beforeoperating the menu.5Menu setting methodFor WS-813, WS-812:Files saved in the internal memory or themicroSD card can be moved or copiedwithin the memory.See “ Moving/Copying files [ Move/Copy ] ”( ☞ P.70).F i l e D i v i d eFiles with large capacities and longrecording times can be divided so that theyare easier to manage and edit.See “ Dividing Files [ File Divide ] ” ( ☞ P.72).EN55
Menu setting method5Menu setting methodEN56, Rec MenuRec LevelRecording sensitivity is adjustable to meetrecording needs.[ High ]: Highest recording sensitivity suitablefor recording at a distance or a lowvolume source, such as conferences witha large number of people.[ Middle ]: Suitable for recording meetingsand seminars with a small number ofpeople.[ Low ]: Lowest recording sensitivity suitablefor dictation.[ Manual ] * :The recording level must be adjustedmanually during recording. The level canbe adjusted from [ 01 ] to [ 30 ].* WS-813, WS-812 only.• When you want to record a speaker’svoice clearly, set [ Rec Level ] to [ Low ]and hold the recorder’s built-in stereomicrophone close to the speaker’s mouth(5-10 cm) while recording.• The recording level is automaticallyadjusted when the recording level is setto [ High ], [ Middle ] or [ Low ].Inputting a very loud sound may producenoise even when the recording level is setto [ High ], [ Middle ] or [ Low ].4 Adjust the recording level:For WS-813:1 Press the 9 or 0 button whilethe recorder is recording or pausedto adjust the recording level.• To adjust the recording level, set both[ VCVA ] and [ V-Sync. Rec ] to [ Off ] .• The higher the number, the higher thelevel and the larger the indicator positionon the level meter.• When the recording level is set to[ Manual ], the limiter function is disabled.When [ OV ] appears on the screen, itindicates that the sound being recordedis affected by distortion. Adjust therecording level so that [ OV ] is notdisplayed.Rec ModeThe recorder can record in the linear PCMformat (WS-813, WS-812 only). High resolutionrecording at a high sampling rate and high bitrate equivalent or superior to that of a musicCD is possible. Moreover, the recorder alsosupports the MP3 and WMA formats.1 Select the recording format.[ PCM ]*: This is an uncompressed audioformat which is used for music CDs etc.[ MP3 ]: MPEG is an international standardestablished by a working group of theISO (International Organization forStandardization).[ WMA ]: This is an audio compressionencoding method that wasdeveloped by Microsoft Corporationin the US.* WS-813, WS-812 only.2 Select the recording rate.When [ PCM ]*1 is selected:[ 44.1 kHz/16 bit ]When [ MP3 ] is selected:[ 2 5 6 k b p s ] *1 , [ 192 k b p s ] * 2 ,[ 12 8 k b p s ]W h e n [WMA ] is selected:[ 128 kbps ], [ 64 kbps ][ 32 kbps ] *3 , [ 16 kbps ] *3 , [ 8 kbps ] *3*1 WS-813, WS-812 only.*2 WS-811 only.*3 Monaural recording.• To record a meeting or lecture clearly,set [ Rec Mode ] to a position other than[ 8kbps ].• When an external monaural microphoneis used while [ Rec Mode ] is set to a stereorecording mode, audio is recorded to theL channel only.
Menu setting methodZoom MicThis function can be switched using thebuilt-in stereo microphone from expansivestereo recording to high directivityrecording.4 About the Zoom Mic function:Directivity(high)Directivity(low)For WS-813:• Increasing the value narrows thedirectivity.• Decreasing the value widens thedirectivity, enabling you to record in anexpansive stereo sound.• If you reduce the directivity and widenthe recording range, the recorded soundhas an expansive stereo feeling.Soundcollection(narrow)Soundcollection(wide)Low Cut FilterThe recorder has a Low Cut Filter function tominimize low-frequency sounds and recordvoices more clearly. This function can reducenoise from air conditioners and projectorsand other similar noises.[On ]:Enables the Low Cut Filter function.[Off ]:Disables the Low Cut Filter function.V C VAWhen the microphone senses thatsounds have reached a preset thresholdvolume level, the built-in Variable ControlVoice Actuator (VCVA) starts recordingautomatically, and stops when the volumedrops below the threshold level. TheVCVA feature extends recording time andconserves memory by stopping recordingduring silent periods, which helps playbackto be more efficient.[On ]:Enables the VCVA function. Startsrecording in VCVA mode.[Off ]:Disables the VCVA function. Resumesrecording in normal mode.4 Adjust the start/stop actuationlevel:1 Press the REC ( s ) button to startrecording.• When the sound volume is lowerthan the preset threshold soundlevel, recording automatically stopsafter approximately 1 second, and[ Standby ] flashes on the display. TheLED indicator light turns on whenrecording starts and flashes whenrecording pauses.5Menu setting methodEN57
Menu setting method5Menu setting methodEN582 Press the 9 or 0 button toadjust the start/stop actuationlevel.• The VCVA level can be set to any of 28different values.• The higher the value, the moresensitive the recorder is to sounds. Atthe highest value, even the faintestsound activates recording.aba Level meter (varies according to thesound volume being recorded)b Start level (moves to the right/leftaccording to the set level)• When the [ VCVA ] function is being used,the following function is not available.• [ V-Sync. Rec ]• If the start/stop actuation level is notadjusted within 2 seconds, the displayreturns to the previous one.• If the surrounding noise is loud, the start/stop actuation sensitivity of the VCVA canbe adjusted according to the recordingconditions.• To ensure successful recording, priortesting and adjustment of the start/stopactuation level is recommended.V-Sync. RecVoice sync recording starts when a voicelouder than the voice sync level (detectionlevel) is detected. When the voice becomeslow, recording automatically stops.When voice sync recording is on and theinput level is equal to or below the voicesync level (detection level) for a period ofat least the specified detection time, therecorder returns to the standby mode orstop mode.When [ On/Off ] is selected:[On ]:Enables the Voice sync recordingfunction.[Off ]:Disables the Voice sync recordingfunction.When [ V-Sync. time ] is selected:[1 sec. ] [ 2 sec. ] [ 3 sec. ] [ 5 sec. ] [ 10 sec. ]When [ Mode ] is selected:[One time ]:Closes the file after recording and returnsto stop mode.[Continuous ]:Closes the file after recording and returnsto recording standby mode. If sound issubsequently detected, recording willstart with a new file.4 Adjust the voice sync level:1 Press the REC ( s ) button to startrecording.2 Press the 9 or 0 button toadjust the voice sync level.• The voice sync level can be set to anyof 28 different values.• The higher the value, the moresensitive the recorder is to sounds. Atthe highest value, even the faintestsound activates recording.
Menu setting methodaa Voice sync level (moves to theright/left according to the set level)3 Press the REC ( s ) button again.• The recorder goes into standby.[ Standby ] flashes on the display andthe LED indicator light flashes.• When the input is at or above thevoice sync level, recording startsautomatically.4 Voice sync recording stopsautomatically.• If sound at a volume equal to orbelow the voice sync level continuesfor the specified time, voice syncrecording ends automatically, andthe recorder returns to the recordingstandby mode or stop mode. Everytime the recorder enters standbymode, the current file is closed andrecording continues in a new file.• To stop the recorder during voicesync recording, press the STOP ( 4 )button.• When the [ V-Sync. Rec ] function isbeing used, the following function is notavailable.• [ VCVA ] ( ☞ P.57)Rec SceneThe recording setting can be selected fromthe [ Lecture ], [ Conference ], [ Meeting ],[ Dictation ] or [ DNS ] templates to suit therecording conditions. You can also save arecording setting of your choice.1 Select [ Select ] or [ Register ].[Select ]: From the templates, selecta recording scene that suits therecording conditions. For details,see “ Template settings ” ( ☞ P.60).Alternatively, select a recordingscene that has been customized for aparticular purpose.[ Register ]: You can save up to 3 sets ofmenu settings relating to a currentrecording.• If you select [ Select ], proceed toStep 4.4 When [ Register ] is selected:2 Set the recording settingsaccording to your preferences.5Menu setting methodEN59
Menu setting method5Menu setting methodEN603 Specify a save destination.• You can select the save destinationfrom [ User Setting 1 ],[ User Setting 2 ] and[ User Setting 3 ].4 When [ Select ] is selected:4 Select a recording scene.Template settings:[ Lecture ]:[ Rec Level ] [ High ][ Rec Mode ] [MP3]: [128 kbps][Zoom Mic] * [+6][ Low Cut Filter ] [ On ][VCVA] [Off][V-Sync. Rec ] [Off][Conference]:[ Rec Level ] [ High ][ Rec Mode ] [MP3]: [128 kbps][Zoom Mic] * [Off][ Low Cut Filter ] [ On ][VCVA] [Off][V-Sync. Rec ] [Off][ Meeting ]:[ Rec Level ] [ Middle ][ Rec Mode ] [MP3]: [128 kbps][Zoom Mic] * [Off][ Low Cut Filter ] [ On ][VCVA] [Off][V-Sync. Rec ] [Off][ Dictation ]:[ Rec Level ] [ Low ][Rec Mode ] [WMA]: [64kbps][Zoom Mic] * [Off][Low Cut Filter ] [On][ VCVA ] [ Off ][ V-Sync. Rec ] [ Off ][ DNS ]:For Dragon Naturally Speaking(Nuance Communications Inc.)* WS-813 only.• When a recording scene is selected,recording-related menu settingscannot be changed. If you wish to usethese functions, set [ Rec Scene ] to[ Off ].To check the settings:On the [ Scene Select ] display, selecta recording scene using the + and– buttons, and press the 9 button.Press the 0 button to return to the[ Scene Select ] display.
Menu setting method- P l ay M e n uVo i c e P l a y b a c kFor WS-813, WS-812:You can play back just the voice portionsfrom a recorded audio file. Before using thisfunction, extract the voice portions from thefile ( ☞ P.68).[On ]:Automatically skips silent portions ofthe file and plays back only the voiceportions.[Off ]:Disables the Voice Playback function.• [ Voice Playback ] only works in[ Recorder ] mode.• When the [ Voice Playback ] function isbeing used, the following functions arenot available.• Change playback speed/tone ( ☞ P.41)• [ Noise Cancel ]N o i s e C a n c e lIf recorded audio is unclear because ofnoisy surroundings, adjust the Noise Cancelsetting level.[ High ] [ Low ]: Enables the Noise Cancelfunction. For better sound quality, noiseis reduced when the file is played back.[Off ]: Disables the Noise Cancel function.• [ Noise Cancel ] only works in [ Recorder ]mode.• When the [ Noise Cancel ] function isbeing used, the following functions arenot available.• Change playback speed/tone ( ☞ P.41)• [ Voice Playback ]• [ Voice Balancer ]• [ Voice Filter ]Vo i c e B a l a n c e rFor WS-813, WS-812 :This function compensates for the lowvolumeportions of a recorded audio file,making them louder. It makes soft soundssuch as conversation much more distinct.You can use this function with files saved infolders for voice recordings ([ & ] to [ * ]).[On ]:Compensates for the low-volumeportions of a voice file during playback,making them louder.[Off ]:Disables the Voice Balancer function.• [ Voice Balancer ] only works in[ Recorder ] mode.• When the [ Voice Balancer ] function isbeing used, the following functions arenot available.• [ Noise Cancel ]Vo i c e F i l t e rFor WS-811:The recorder has a Voice Filter Function tocut low and high frequency tones duringnormal, fast, or slow playback, and enableclear audio playback.[On ]:Enables the Voice Filter function.[Off ]:Disables the Voice Filter function.• [ Voice Filter ] only works in [ Recorder ]mode.• When the [ Voice Filter ] function isbeing used, the following function is notavailable.• [ Noise Cancel ]5Menu setting methodEN61
Menu setting method5Menu setting methodEN62P l a y M o d eYou can select the playback mode that bestsuits the type of audio.4 When the recorder is in[ Recorder ] mode:1 Select [ File ] or [ Folder ].[ File ]:Stop after playing back the currentfile.[ Folder ]:Continuously play files in the currentfolder until the last file and then stop.4 When the recorder is in [ Music ]mode:Select the desired playback range:1 Select [ Playback range ].2 Select [ File ], [ Folder ] or [ All ].[ File ]:Selects the current file.[ Folder ]:Selects the current folder.[All]:Selects all files currently in memory.Select the desired playback mode:1 Select [ Repeat ] or [ Random ].[ Repeat ]:Sets to repeat playback mode.[ Random ]:Sets to random playback mode.2 Select [ On ] or [ Off ].[On ]: Sets the playback range to beplayed back repeatedly or randomly.[Off ]: Disables the playback modefunction.• In [ File ] mode, when the recorder comesto the end of the last file in the folder,[ End ] flashes for two seconds on thedisplay and the recorder stops at the startof the last file.• In [ Folder ] mode, when the recordercomes to the end of the last file in thefolder, [ End ] flashes for two seconds onthe display and the recorder stops at thestart of the first file in the folder.• In [ All ] mode, after playing the last filein the current folder, the recorder startsplaying from the first file in the nextfolder. When it comes to the end of thelast file in the recorder, [ End ] flashesfor two seconds on the display and therecorder stops at the start of the first filein the recorder.EqualizerWhen listening to music, you can set yourfavorite sound quality by adjusting theequalizer setting.1 Select the desired equalizercharacteristics.[Off]: Disables the equalizer function.[ Rock ] [ Pop ] [ Jazz ]: Enables theequalizer function.[ User ]: Select [ User ] to save your owncustom equalizer settings. If [ User ] isselected, proceed to Step 2.2 Select the frequency band.[60 Hz ] [250 Hz ] [1 kHz ] [4 kHz ] [12 kHz ]:Select the frequency bandwidthsetting.3 Select the equalizer level.• You can select the equalizer level from[–6] to [ +6 ] in 1dB increments.• The higher the decibel value, the louderthe sound.• To change the settings again, press the9 or 0 button and repeat theprocedure from step 2.• [ Equalizer ] only works in [ Music ] mode.
Menu setting methodSkip SpaceThis function enables you to skip (forward)or reverse skip (rewind) a small portionof the file being played. This function isconvenient for quickly skipping to anotherplayback position or repeatedly playingback short phrases.1 Select [ Forward Skip ] or[ Reverse Skip ].2 Set the skip space.When [Forward Skip ] is selected:[ File Skip ] [ 10 sec. Skip ][ 30 sec. Skip ] [ 1min. Skip ][ 5min. Skip ] [ 10min. Skip ]When [ Reverse Skip ] is selected:[ File Skip ] [ 1 sec. Skip ] – [ 5 sec. Skip ][ 10 sec. Skip ] [ 30 sec. Skip ][ 1 min. Skip ] [ 5 min. Skip ][ 10 min. Skip ]Forward/Reverse Skip Playback:1 Press the ` OK button to startplayback.2 Press the 9 or 0 button.• The recorder skips (forward) orreverse skips (rewind) a set space andstarts playing back.• If there is an index mark/temp mark ora cue closer than the skip space, therecorder forward skips/reverse skips tothat position.Play SceneVoice files recorded in the recorder andmusic files downloaded from a PC can besaved with the playback settings of yourchoice to suit the different sound qualitiesand playback methods.1 Select [ Select ] or [ Register ].[Select ]:Select a playback scene customizedto suit your preferences.[ Register ]:You can save up to 5 sets of menusettings relating to a currentplayback.• If you select [ Select ], proceed toStep 4.4 When [ Register ] is selected:2 Set the playback settingsaccording to your preferences.5Menu setting methodEN63
Menu setting method5Menu setting method3 Specify a save destination for thesettings.• You can select the save destinationfrom among [ VOICE 1 ] to [ MUSIC 3 ].4 When [ Select ] is selected:4 Select a playback scene.To check the settings:On the [ Scene Select ] display, selecta playback scene using the + and– buttons, and press the 9 button.Press the 0 button to return to the[ Scene Select ] display.. LCD/Sound MenuBacklightThe display will remain lit for about 10 (Initialsetting) seconds when a button on therecorder is pressed.[Off ]:Disables the Backlight function.[5 sec. ] [ 10 sec. ] [ 30 sec. ] [ 1 min. ]:Enables the Backlight function.C o n t r a s tDisplay contrast can be adjusted in 12 levels.• You can adjust the LCD display contrastlevel from [ 01 ] to [ 12 ].LEDYou can set the recorder so the LED indicatorlight does not turn on.[On ]:Enables the LED light function.[Off ]:Disables the LED light function.B e e pThe recorder beeps to alert you to buttonoperations or warn you of errors. Systemsounds may be turned off.[On ]:Enables the Beep function.[Off ]:Disables the Beep function.EN64
Menu setting methodaLanguage(Lang)You can select the display language for thisrecorder.[ English ] [ Deutsch ] [ Français ] [ Español ][ Italiano ] [ Polski ] [ Русский ]• The selectable languages differdepending on the region.SpeakerYou can use the built-in speaker when theearphones are unplugged.[On ]:Output sound from the built-in speaker.If the earphones are plugged in, sound isnot output from the built-in speaker.[Off ]:Do not output sound from the built-inspeaker.a Speaker muting indicator (Appearswhen [ Speaker ] is set to [ Off ].)WS-813 only:• This is a different function from[ Output ] in [ FM Menu ]. Irrespective ofthe [ Speaker ] setting, if you have set[ Output ] to [ Speaker ] when listening tothe FM radio, sound from the radio is stilloutput from the speaker ( ☞ P.67)./ D ev i c e M e n uM e m o r y S e l e c tWhen a microSD card is inserted, youcan select to record to either the internalmemory or to the microSD card ( ☞ P.23).[ Internal memory ]: Internal memory.[microSD card ]: microSD card.P o w e r S a v eIf you forget to turn off power to therecorder, it is turned off automatically. If therecorder remains in stop mode for over 10minutes (Initial setting) while the power isturned on, the power will be turned off.[5 min. ] [ 10 min. ] [ 30 min. ] [ 1 hr. ]:Set the length of time that is to elapsebefore the power is turned off.[Off ]: Disables the Power Save function.• If any button is pressed, the elapsed timecount before the power turns off startsover again.BatterySelect the battery type to match the batteryyou are using.[ Ni-MH ] ( ):Select when using the <strong>Olympus</strong> Ni-MHrechargeable battery (BR404).[Alkaline ] ( ):Select when using an alkaline battery.5Menu setting methodEN65
Menu setting method5Menu setting methodEN66T i m e & D a t eSetting the time and date beforehandenables easier file management.See “ Setting the time and date [ Time &Date ] ” ( ☞ P.21).U S B S e t t i n g sYou can switch the USB class according toyour usage.See “ Changing the USB class[ USB Settings ] ” ( ☞ P.73).R e s e t S e t t i n g sThis function returns all other functions totheir initial settings (factory default).[Start ]:Returns the settings to their initial values.[Cancel ]:Takes you back to [ Device Menu ].• After the settings have been returnedto their initial values, the time settingsand file numbers are preserved, withoutbeing returned to their initial settings.Menu settings after resetting (initialsettings):, Rec Menu :[ Rec Level ] [ Middle ][ Rec Mode ][ WMA ] [ 128kbps ][ Zoom Mic ]*1 [Off][ Low Cut Filter ] [Off][ VCVA ] [Off][ V-Sync. Rec ][ On/Off ] [Off][ V-Sync. time ] [ 1 sec. ][ Mode ] [Continuous][ Rec Scene ] [Off]- Play Menu :[ Voice Playback ] *2 *4 [ On ][ Noise Cancel ]*4 [Off][ Voice Balancer ] *2 *4 [ Off ][ Voice Filter ] *3 *4 [ Off ][ Play Mode ] *4 [ File ][ Play Mode ]*5[ Playback range ] [ Folder ][ Repeat ] [Off][ Random ] [Off][ Equalizer ]*5 [Off][ Skip Space ][ Forward Skip ] [ File Skip ][ Reverse Skip ] [ File Skip ][ Play Scene ] [Off]. LCD/Sound Menu :[ Backlight ] [ 10 sec. ][Contrast] [ Level 06 ][ LED ] [On][ Beep ] [On][ Language(Lang) ] [ English ][ Speaker ] [On]/ Device Menu :[ Memory Select ] [ Internal memory ][ Power Save ] [ 10 min. ][ Battery ] [ Ni-MH ]*2[Alkaline]*3[ USB Settings ][ USB Connection ] [ PC ][ USB Class ] [ Storage Class ] FM Menu (WS-813 only):[ Rec Mode ] [ WMA ][ Scan Level ] [ High ][Output ] [ Earphone ]*1 WS-813 only.*2 WS-813, WS-812 only.*3 WS-811 only.*4 Function active only in [ Recorder ] mode.*5 Function active only in [ Music ] mode.F o r m a tWhen the recorder is formatted, all thesaved data, including locked files and readonlyfiles, are erased.See “ Formatting the recorder [ Format ] ”( ☞ P.74).Memory Info.The recordable capacity remaining andoverall capacity of the recording media canbe seen from the menu.
Menu setting method• The recorder uses some of its memorycapacity to maintain a managementfile. For a microSD card, the indicatedremaining capacity is less than the totalcapacity of the card due to characteristicsof the microSD card, but this is not amalfunction.System Info.You can check information about therecorder on the menu screen. [ Model ](Model Name), [ Version ] (System version)and [ Serial No. ] (Serial Number) appear onthe display. FM M e n uR e c M o d eYou can change the recording mode whenrecording from the FM radio. Select arecording mode to suit your purpose.[ PCM ]:The recording rate is automatically set to[ 44.1kHz/16bit ].[ MP3 ]:The recording rate is automatically set to[ 128kbps ].[ WMA ]:The recording rate is automatically set to[ 128kbps ].Auto-presetFor WS-813:Can be operated only in [ FM Radio ]mode.Automatically adds receivable radio stationsto the presets.See “ Presetting radio stationsautomatically [ Auto-preset ] ” ( ☞ P.49).Scan LevelYou can change the scan sensitivity whenscanning for radio stations with auto preset.Select the sensitivity to suit the receptionconditions.[ High ]:Receive radio station signals using highsensitivity. You should normally selectthis setting.[ Low ]:Receive radio station signals usingreduced sensitivity. Try this setting whensignals from unwanted stations arecausing interference.O u t p u tYou can change the audio output of the FMradio.[ Earphone ]:Output sound from the earphones. Soundis not output from the built-in speakereven if you unplug the earphones.[Speaker ]:Always output sound from the built-inspeaker. Sound is not output from theearphones even if you plug them in.• This is a different function from [ Speaker ]in [ LCD/Sound Menu ]. Irrespective ofthe [ Speaker ] setting, if you have set[ Output ] to [ Speaker ] when listening tothe FM radio, sound from the radio is stilloutput from the speaker ( ☞ P.65).5Menu setting methodEN67
Menu setting methodExtract voice portions from file[ Voice Detect ]This function extracts voice portions from arecorded voice file. During playback of thefile following extraction, the silent portionsare automatically skipped.• The voice extraction function can be operatedonly in [ Recorder ] mode.• Extraction of voice portions starts.During the process, the progressstatus is shown as a percentage onthe display.• The process is completed when[ Voice Detection completed ] isdisplayed.MENU button5Menu setting methodEN68+ − button9 0 button` OK button1 Select a folder that containsthe file from which you wantto extract the voice portions( ☞ P.28).2 Select [ Voice Detect ] from themenu on the [ File Menu ].• For details on how to enter the menusettings, see “ Menu setting method ”( ☞ P.53).3 Press the + or − button to selectthe file from which you want toextract the voice portions.4 Press the ` OK button.Notes• When extraction of voice portions ends,the [ Voice Playback ] setting in the[ Play Menu ] switches ON.• If you have selected a folder that does notcontain the processed file, [ Select a file ]appears on the display. Select the folderin which the file has been saved and thenperform the process again.• Voice portions may not be extractedproperly from a file in which youhave recorded the sound of musicalinstruments playing or similar sounds.• Voice portions may not be properlyextracted if the voice level was low (the levelmeter in under -12 dB) and/or the ambientnoise was high at the time of the recording.• The larger a recorded voice file, the moretime extraction processing will take.Before starting extraction, charge thebattery or replace it with a new one inorder to ensure that the battery does notgo flat during processing.
Menu setting methodRearranging files [ Replace ]You can move a file in a folder to change theorder of playback. First select the folder (file)for which you want to change the playbackorder.4 Press the ` OK button.• The cursor will flash to confirm thatthe file can be moved.STOP ( 4 ) buttonMENU button+ − button9 0 button` OK button5 Press the + or − button to selectthe location to which you want tomove the file.1 Select the folder for which youwant to rearrange the file order( ☞ P.28).2 Select [ Replace ] from the menuon the [ File Menu ].• For details on how to enter the menusettings, see “ Menu setting method ”( ☞ P.53).3 Press the + or − button to selectthe file you want to move.6 Press the ` OK button tocomplete the setting.• If you want to move more files, repeatSteps 3 through 6.• Pressing the 0 button withoutpressing the `OK button cancels thesetting process and returns you to theprevious screen.7 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button to closethe menu screen.5Menu setting methodEN69
Menu setting method5Menu setting methodMoving/Copying files [Move/Copy ]Files saved in the internal memory or amicroSD card can be moved or copiedwithin the memory. Files can also be movedor copied between memory.MENU button+ − button9 0 button` OK button1 Select the folder where the fileyou want to move or copy issaved ( ☞ P.28).2 Select [ Move/Copy ] from themenu on the [ File Menu ].• For details on how to enter the menusettings, see “ Menu setting method ”( ☞ P.53).3 Press the + or − button to selectthe location to which you want tomove or copy the file.[ Move to memory ]:Move a file from the internal memoryor microSD card to another folderwithin the internal memory.[Copy to memory ]:Copy a file from the internal memoryor microSD card to another folderwithin the internal memory.[ Move to microSD ]:Move a file from the internal memoryor microSD card to another folder inthe microSD card.[Copy to microSD ]:Copy a file from the internal memoryor microSD card to another folder inthe microSD card.4 Press the ` OK button.5 Press the + or − button to selectthe number of files you want tomove or copy.[One file ]:Select only the specified file.[Selected files ]:Select multiple files.[All files ]:Select all files in the folder.6 Press the ` OK button to move tothe respective setting.EN70
Menu setting methodWhen you select [ One file ]:8 Press the ` OK button.1 Press the + or − button to select the fileyou want to move or copy.2 Press the ` OK button to select the file.When you select [ Selected files ]:1 Press the + or − button to select the file(s)you want to move or copy.2 Press the 9 button to check the file(s)selected.3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the filesyou want to move/copy are selected, thenpress the ` OK button.When you select [ All files ]:When you select [ All files ], all the files in thefolder are automatically selected and therecorder moves to the [ Destination ] screen.7 Press the 9 , 0 or + , −button to select the folder towhich you want to move or copythe file.• File move or file copy starts if[ Moving! ] or [ Copying! ] appearson the display. During the process,the progress status is shown as apercentage. The process is completedwhen [ File move completed ] or[ File copy completed ] is displayed.Notes• The recorder cannot copy when thememory capacity is not sufficient.• The recorder cannot move or copy whenthe number of files exceeds 200.• Do not remove the battery duringmoving or copying. Doing so maydamage the data.• A file cannot be moved or copied to thesame folder.• When operation is canceled duringmoving or copying, only the files forwhich the move or copy process hasalready been completed are saved at thenew location. The move or copy processis canceled for all other files.• Files which are locked remain so evenafter they are moved or copied.• DRM files cannot be moved or copied.• Files cannot be moved or copied directlyunder the [ Recorder ] folder.5Menu setting methodEN71
Menu setting methodDividing files [ File Divide ]Files with large capacities and longrecording times can be divided so that theyare easier to manage and edit.3 Press the + button to select[ Start ].STOP ( 4 ) buttonMENU button+ − button9 0 button` OK button4 Press the ` OK button.• [ Dividing! ] appears and file dividingstarts.• File dividing is completed when[ File divide completed ] appears.5Menu setting methodEN72Only MP3 files and PCM * filesrecorded on this recorder can bedivided.* WS-813, WS-812 only.1 Stop playback at the divideposition.• While the recorder is in playbackmode, press and hold the 9or 0 button to fast-forward orrewind.• It is useful to mark the divide positionin advance by setting an index mark.2 Select [ File Divide ] from the menuon the [ File Menu ].• For details on how to enter the menusettings, see “ Menu setting method ”( ☞ P.53).5 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button toclose the menu screen.Notes• File dividing can be performed only whenthe file list is displayed.• The recorder cannot divide files when thenumber of files in the folder exceeds 199.• Locked files cannot be divided ( ☞ P.55).• After the file is split, the front part of thefile is renamed [ File name_1.MP3 ] andthe latter part of the file is named[ File name_2.MP3 ].
Menu setting method• If a file has an extremely short recordingtime, it may not be divided even if it is anMP3 file or PCM file.• Do not remove the battery while dividinga file. Doing so may damage the data.Changing the USB class[ USB Settings ]Besides selecting [ PC ] (Connect to PC totransfer files) or [ AC Adapter ] (Connect toAC adapter to recharge the battery), you canswitch the USB class to suit your usage.STOP ( 4 ) buttonMENU button+ − button9 0 button` OK button1 Select [ USB Settings ] from themenu on the [ Device Menu ].• For details on how to enter the menusettings, see “ Menu setting method ”( ☞ P.53).2 Press the + or − button to select[ USB Connection ] or [ USB Class ].[ USB Connection ]:Setting for connecting to a PC.[ USB Class ]:Setting for USB class.3 Press the ` OK button.4 Press the + or − button to changethe setting.When [ USB Connection ] is selected:[ PC ]: Setting for when the recorderis connected to a PC and used as astorage device or composite device.Connected as storage or composite.[AC Adapter ]: Setting for when therecorder is connected to a PC forcharging or to the AC Adapter (A514)(optional).[Optional ]: Setting to confirm theconnection method each time a USBconnection is made.When [ USB Class ] is selected:[Storage Class ]: Recognized by a PC asan external memory device.[Composite ]: Setting when connectedto a PC and used as an externalmemory device, USB speaker ormicrophone.5 Press the ` OK button tocomplete the setting.6 Press the STOP ( 4 ) button toclose the menu screen.5Menu setting methodEN73
Menu setting methodNotes• When you first connect the recorder toyour PC as an external storage device,the driver for the recorder will beautomatically installed in your PC.• The PC cannot recognize that therecorder is connected to the PC if[ USB Connection ] is set to [ AC Adapter ].• If the recorder is not recognized by the PCas an external storage device, change the[ USB Class ] setting to [ Storage Class ].Formatting the recorder [ Format ]MENU button+ − button9 0 button` OK button5Menu setting methodIf you format the recorder,all files will be erased and allfunction settings will returnto the defaults except the dateand time settings. Transfer anyimportant files to a computerbefore formatting the recorder.1 Select [ Format ] from the menu onthe [ Device Menu ].• For details on how to enter the menusettings, see “ Menu setting method ”( ☞ P.53).2 Press the + or − button to selectthe recording media to format.3 Press the ` OK button.EN74
Menu setting method4 Press the + button to select[ Start ].7 Press the ` OK button.• Formatting begins and [ Formatting! ]flashes on the display.5 Press the ` OK button.• After the [ All data will be erased ]message displays for two seconds,[ Start ] and [ Cancel ] appear.• [ Format done ] appears whenformatting ends.5Menu setting method6 Press the + button again to select[ Start ].Notes• Never format the recorder from a PC.• When the recorder is formatted, all thesaved data, including locked files andread-only files, is erased.• After formatting, recorded voice filenames may start from [ 0001 ].• To restore the function’s settings totheir initial values, use [ Reset Settings ]( ☞ P.66).EN75
Menu setting method5Menu setting method• When a microSD card is inserted into therecorder, be sure to confirm the recordingmedia as either [ Internal memory ]or [ microSD card ] so that there is nomistake ( ☞ P.65).• Replace the battery with a new one inorder to ensure that the battery does notgo flat during processing. In addition, itmay take over 10 seconds to completeprocessing. Never perform operationssuch as the following during processing,as such operations may damage the data.1 Disconnect the AC Adapter duringprocessing.2 Remove the battery during processing.3 Remove the microSD card duringprocessing when [ microSD card ] isselected as the recording media.• Formatting on the recorder is QuickFormat. If you format the microSD card,file management information is refreshedand the data inside the microSD card isnot deleted completely. When givingsomeone or disposing of the microSDcard, be careful of data leakage from themicroSD card. We recommend that themicroSD card be destroyed when youdispose of the microSD card.EN76
Using the recorder on your PCWhen connected to a PC, the recorder enables you to do the following:• You can transfer files recorded with thisrecorder to a computer, play them back,and manage them by using WindowsMedia Player or iTunes.• The recorder is compatible with WMA,MP3 and WAV * language content.* WS-813, WS-812 only.• In addition to its uses as a voice recorderand a music player, this recorder canalso be used as external memory fora computer by storing data from acomputer and reading it back out( ☞ P.82).Operating environmentWindowsOperating System:Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (StandardInstallation)Compatible PC’s:Windows PC’s equipped with more thanone free USB portMacintoshOperating System:Mac OS X 10.4.11 - 10.7 (StandardInstallation)Compatible PC’s:Apple Macintosh series equipped withmore than one free USB port6Operating environmentNotes• This is the operating environment required for saving files recorded by this recorder toyour PC via the USB connection.• The support service does not cover you if your PC has been updated from Windows 95/98/Me/2000 to Windows XP/Vista/7.• Any failure on a self-modified PC will not be covered under the operational warranty.EN77
Operating environmentPrecautions on using the recorder connected to a PC• When you are downloading a file from the recorder or uploading a file to the recorder,do not remove the USB cable even if the screen is indicating you can. Data is still beingtransferred while the LED indicator light is blinking. When removing the USB cable, be sureto follow the description in ☞ P.80. If the USB cable is removed before the drive is stopped,data may not be successfully transferred.• On a PC, do not format the drive of the recorder. Initialization is not successfully achievedon a PC. For initialization, follow the instructions in the [ Format ] display of the recorder( ☞ P.74).• Folder (directory) names that appear in file management tools such as Explorer inMicrosoft Windows and Finder in Macintosh are different from the folder names that canbe set with the recorder.• If folders or files stored on the recorder are moved or renamed by using a file managementtool in Windows or Macintosh, the order of files may change or files may becomeunrecognizable.• Data can be written or uploaded to the recorder even though the attribute of the recorderdrive is shown as Read-only by the operating system of the PC.• As noise may cause adverse effects on electronics devices near the recorder, unplug theexternal microphone and earphones when you connect the recorder to a PC.6Operating environmentEN78
Connecting to your PC1 Boot the PC.2 Slide the USB connector slidelever in the direction indicatedby the arrow so that the USBconnector protrudes from therecorder.• The recorder does not establish aconnection with a PC if [ AC Adapter ]is selected in the USB connectionsetting. Select [ PC ] in the USBconnection setting ( ☞ P.73).Windows:When you connect the recorder toWindows and open [ My Computer ], itis recognized by the drive name of theproduct. Inserting a microSD card willallow you to use it as [ Removable Disk ].Macintosh:When you connect the recorder toMac OS, it is recognized by the drivename of the product on the desktop. Ifa microSD card is inserted, [ Untitled ] isdisplayed.3 Make sure that the recorder is instop mode, and connect to thePC’s USB port.• [ Remote (Storage) ] is displayed onthe recorder if the USB connector isconnected.Notes• Before connecting via USB, exit HOLDmode.• Refer to the user’s manual for your PCregarding the USB port on your PC.• Be sure to push the cable connector allthe way in. Otherwise, the recorder maynot operate properly.• When the recorder is connected througha USB hub, operation may becomeunstable. In such cases, refrain from usinga USB hub.• Use the dedicated USB cable. If any othercompany’s cable is used, it may lead tomalfunction of the recorder. Also, neveruse this dedicated cable with any othercompany’s products.6Connecting to your PCEN79
Connecting to your PCDisconnecting from your PCWindows1 Click [ ] on the task bar locatedat the lower-right corner of thescreen. Click [ Safely remove USBMass Storage Device ].Macintosh1 Drag and drop the recorder’sdrive icon on the desktop to theRecycle Bin icon.6• The drive letter will differ dependingon the PC being used.• When the window indicating that itis safe to remove hardware appears,close the window.2 Confirm that the recorder LEDindicator light has turned offbefore disconnecting the USBcable.2 Confirm that the recorder LEDindicator light has turned offbefore disconnecting the USBcable.Connecting to your PCEN80Note• NEVER disconnect the USB while the LED indicator light is flashing. If you do, the data maybe destroyed.
Transfer voice files to your PCThe 5 voice folders of this recorder are named [ Folder A ], [ Folder B ], [ Folder C ], [ Folder D ]and [ Folder E ]. Recorded voice files are saved in these folders (On the WS-813, FM radiorecordings are saved in [ FLD_FM ]).Windows1 Connect the recorder to your PC( ☞ P.79).2 Open the Explorer window.• When you connect the recorder toWindows and open [ My Computer ],it is recognized by the drive name ofthe product.If you insert a microSD card, it isrecognized [ Removable Disk ].3 Open the product name folder.4 Copy the data.5 Disconnect the recorder from thePC ( ☞ P.80).Macintosh1 Connect the recorder to your PC( ☞ P.79).• When you connect the recorder toMac OS, it is recognized by thedrive name of the product on thedesktop. If a microSD card is inserted,[ Untitled ] is displayed.2 Double-click the product nameicon on the desktop.3 Copy the data.4 Disconnect the recorder from thePC ( ☞ P.80).4 Drive names and folder nameswhen a PC is connected:Built-in flash memoryDrive nameWS813 *1microSD cardDrive nameRemovableDiskWindowsUntitledMacintoshNotesRECORDERMUSICRECORDERMUSICFolder nameFolder nameFolder AFolder BFolder CFolder DFolder EFLD_FM*2Folder AFolder BFolder CFolder DFolder EFLD_FM*2*1 Recognized by the drive name of the product.*2 WS-813 only• While data is being transmitted, [ Busy ]is displayed and the LED indicator lightflashes. NEVER disconnect the USB whilethe LED indicator light is flashing. If youdo, the data may be destroyed.• WMA format files cannot be played backin the Mac OS operating environment.6Transfer voice files to your PCEN81
Usage as external memory of the PCIn addition to its uses as a voice recorder and a music player, this recorder can also be used asexternal memory for a computer by storing data from a computer and reading it back out.With the recorder connected to your PC, you can download data from the memory to your PCand upload data stored on your PC to the memory.6Windows1 Connect the recorder to your PC( ☞ P.79).2 Open the Explorer window.• When you open [ My Computer ], therecorder is recognized by the drivename of the product.3 Open the product name folder.4 Copy the data.5 Disconnect the recorder from thePC ( ☞ P.80).Macintosh1 Connect the recorder to your PC( ☞ P.79).• When you connect the recorder toMac OS, it is recognized by the drivename of the product on the desktop.2 Double-click the product nameicon on the desktop.3 Copy the data.4 Disconnect the recorder from thePC ( ☞ P.80).Usage as external memory of the PCEN82Note• While data is being transmitted, [ Busy ] is displayed and the LED indicator light flashes.NEVER disconnect the USB while the LED indicator light is flashing. If you do, the data maybe destroyed.
Alarm message listOther informationMessage Meaning Explanation Action[Battery low ] Low battery power.Battery power is gettinglow.Charge the battery(WS-813, WS-812 only)or replace with a newbattery ( ☞ P.14, P.16).[ File locked ] Erase-locked. Tried to delete a locked file. Unlock the file ( ☞ P.55).[Cannot record in thisfolder ][ No more can be set ]Not an audio recordingfolder.WS-813 only:Not an audio recordingfolder.Index full.Temp mark full.[ Folder full ] Folder full.Recording has beenattempted with a [ Music ]folder.Tried to record in the[ FM Radio ] folder.The file is full of indexmarks (maximum of 99marks).The file is full of Tempmarks (maximum of 99marks).The folder is full of files(maximum of 200 files).[ Memory error ] Error in the memory. Error in the memory.Select a folder fromamong [ & ] to [ * ] and tryto record again ( ☞ P.25,P.28).Re-select from [ Folder A ]through [ Folder E ] andrecord.Erase unnecessary indexmarks ( ☞ P.42).Erase unnecessary Tempmarks ( ☞ P.42).Erase unnecessary files( ☞ P.45).This is a malfunction, sogo to the store whereyou purchased therecorder or an <strong>Olympus</strong>service station for repair( ☞ P.94).7Alarm message list[Card error ] Error in the memory.microSD card is notrecognized correctly.Remove the microSDcard and insert it again( ☞ P.23 to P.24).[ Illegally copied file ] Illegally copied file.The music file was copiedillegally.Erase the file ( ☞ P.45).EN83
Alarm message listMessage Meaning Explanation Action[ Memory full ]Zero remainingmemory.No remaining memory.Erase unnecessary files( ☞ P.45).[ No file ] No file.[ Format error ] Formatting error.No files were found in thefolder.There was an error whileformatting the recorder’smemory.Select another folder( ☞ P.26 to P.28).Reformat the memory( ☞ P.74).[ Can't create thesystem file. Connectto PC and eraseunnecessary file ]The management filecannot be created.The file for managementcannot be created due toa shortage of remainingmemory.Connect the recorder toa computer and deleteunnecessary files.[Cannot play this file ] File cannot be played. Incompatible format.Confirm which filescan be played on thisrecorder ( ☞ P.39).[ Select a file ] Unselected File. File is not selected.Please select a file thencarry out the operation( ☞ P.26 to P.28).7[ Same folder. Can’tbe moved (copied) ]Folder cannot bemoved (copied).Attempting to move (copy)into the same folder.Select another folder.Alarm message list[ Some files can’t bemoved (copied) ][ This file can’t bedivided ]File cannot be moved(copied).File cannot be split.Attempting to move (copy)a file to destination folderin which a file with thesame file name exists.Attempting to split a fileother than an MP3 orPCM file recorded by thisrecorder.Select another file.Select another file.EN84
TroubleshootingSymptom Probable cause ActionNothing appears onthe displayThe battery is not loaded properly.Battery power is getting low.Verify that the battery polarities = and- are correct ( ☞ P.14).Charge the battery (WS-813, WS-812only) or replace with a new battery( ☞ P.14, P.16).The power is off.Turn the power on ( ☞ P.19).Battery power is getting low.Charge the battery (WS-813, WS-812only) or replace with a new battery( ☞ P.14, P.16).Won’t startThe power is off.Turn the power on ( ☞ P.19).The recorder is in HOLD mode.Release the recorder from HOLD( ☞ P.20).Low remaining memory.Erase unnecessary files ( ☞ P.45).Unable to recordThe maximum number of files hasbeen reached.WS-813 only:Change to another folder( ☞ P.26 to P.28).No playback soundheard[Output ] in the [ FM Radio ] settings isset to [ Speaker ].The earphones are connected.[ Speaker ] is set to [ Off ].The volume level is set to [ 00 ].The microphone sensitivity is too low.Set [ Output ] to [ Earphone ] ( ☞ P.67).Unplug the earphones to use thebuilt-in speaker.To output from the built-in speaker,set [ Speaker ] to [ On ] ( ☞ P.65).Adjust the volume level ( ☞ P.36).Set [ Rec Level ] to [ High ] or [ Middle ]( ☞ P.56).7TroubleshootingRecording level toolowThis could potentially be becausethe output level for the connectedexternal devices is too low.WS-813 only:Adjust the output level for theconnected devices.The recording level has not beenadjusted.Adjust the recording level and then tryrecording once more ( ☞ P.56).EN85
TroubleshootingSymptom Probable cause ActionWS-813 only:Recording level toohighVoice files are notrecorded in stereoThe recording level has not beenadjusted.This could potentially be becausethe recording level and output levelfor connected external devices istoo high.The connected external microphoneis monaural.[ Rec Mode ] is set to a monauralrecording mode.WS-813 only:Adjust the recording level and then tryrecording once more ( ☞ P.56).If you cannot record clearly evenafter adjusting the recording level,then adjust the output level for theconnected devices ( ☞ P.56).When an external monauralmicrophone is connected forrecording audio, audio is recorded tothe L channel only.Set [ Rec Mode ] to the stereorecording mode ( ☞ P.56).7TroubleshootingCannot find therecorded Voice FileNoise heard duringplaybackSilent portions notskipped duringplaybackUnable to erase thefileUnable to erase thefolder[ Zoom Mic ] is set to the + side. Set [ Zoom Mic ] to [ Off ] ( ☞ P.57).Wrong folder.The recorder was shaken duringrecording.The recorder was placed near a cellphone or fluorescent lamp whilerecording or during playback.WS-813, WS-812 only:The [ Voice Detect ] process has notbeen performed.Switch to the correct folder( ☞ P.26 to P.28).Move the recorder.———Extract voice portions using[ Voice Detect ].[ Voice Playback ] is set to [ Off ]. Set [ Voice Playback ] to [ On ].The file is locked.The file is read-only.The folder contains a file which cannotbe recognized by the recorder.Unlock the file ( ☞ P.55).Unlock the file or cancel the file’s readonlysetting on the PC.Connect the recorder to your PC anderase the folder ( ☞ P.79).EN86
TroubleshootingSymptom Probable cause ActionNoise is audiblethrough the recordingmonitorUnable to set indexmarks, temp marksAcoustic feedback is occurring.The maximum number of marks hasbeen reached.The file is locked.The file is read-only.WS-813 only:If the built-in speaker amps are usedto monitor recording, there is a riskthat audio feedback will occur whilerecording. It is recommended thatyou use earphones as the recordingmonitor.Make adjustments, such as furtherdistancing the earphones fromthe microphones, not pointing themicrophones at the earphones, orlowering the volume of the recordingmonitor.Erase unnecessary marks ( ☞ P.42).Unlock the file ( ☞ P.55).Unlock the file or cancel the file’s readonlysetting on the PC.Cannot receiveFM radio signalCannot rechargeThe earphones are not plugged intothe EAR jack.[Output ] is set to [ Earphone ].WS-813, WS-812 only:[ Battery ] is set to [ Alkaline ].You have not pressed the`OK button.The supplied earphones also functionas an antenna. When using therecorder as a radio, be sure to plug inthe earphones.To output from the built-in speaker, set[ Output ] to [ Speaker ] ( ☞ P.67).When using the supplied rechargeablebattery, set the battery settingto [ Ni-MH ]. Also, avoid using thebattery outside the recommendedtemperature range ( ☞ P.15, P.18, P.65).When using the USB connection,follow the confirmation display andpress the ` OK button.7Troubleshooting[ USB Class ] is set to [ Composite ].Set [ USB Class ] to [ Storage Class ]( ☞ P.73).The PC is unableto recognize therecorder[ USB Connection ] is set to[ AC Adapter ].Set [ USB Connection ] to [ PC ] ( ☞ P.73).EN87
Accessories (optional)Accessories exclusive to the <strong>Olympus</strong> voice recorder can be purchased directly from OnlineShop on our company’s website. Availability of accessories differs depending on the country.7Accessories (optional)s Stereo microphone: ME51SThe built-in large-diameter microphoneenables sensitive stereo recording.s 2 channel microphone (omnidirectional):ME30WTwo ME30 monaural microphonescome in a set with a miniature tripodand a connection adapter. These highlysensitive omni-directional microphonesare supported by plug-in power andare well-suited to recording musicalperformances.s Compact Gun Microphone(unidirectional): ME31This directional microphone is usefulfor various types of recording such asoutdoor recording of wild birds singing.The metal body provides sturdiness andhigh rigidity.s Compact zoom microphone(unidirectional): ME32This microphone is integrated with atripod, making it suitable for recordingaudio at a distance, such as from yourtable at a meeting or conference.s Highly sensitive noisecancellationmonauralmicrophone (unidirectional):ME52WThis microphone is used to recordaudio at a distance while minimizingsurrounding noise.s Tie clip microphone(omni-directional): ME15This small unobtrusive microphonecomes with a tie-clip.s Telephone pickup microphone:TP8This earphone-type microphone canbe placed into your ear while you arephoning. The voice or conversation fromthe phone can be recorded clearly.s Ni-MH rechargeable battery andcharger set: BC400 (For Europe)BC400 comes with an Ni-MHrechargeable battery charger (BU-400)and 4 Ni-MH rechargeable batteries(BR401). This charger can quick charge<strong>Olympus</strong> AA or AAA Ni-MH rechargeablebatteries.s Ni-MH rechargeable battery:BR401High-efficiency rechargeable long lifebattery.s USB connecting AC adapter: A5145VDC AC Adapter for USB connection.s Connecting cord: KA333This connecting cord has stereo miniplugs(ø3.5) with resistance at both ends.Use it to connect from the earphonejack output of the recorder to themicrophone input jack when recording.Converting plug adapters (PA331/PA231)which convert to the monaural mini plug(ø3.5) or monaural mini plug (ø2.5) arealso included.s USB cable: KP-19EN88
SpecificationsGeneral4 Recording format:Linear PCM * (Pulse Code Modulation)MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer3)WMA (Windows Media Audio)* WS-813, WS-812 only.4 Sampling frequency:Linear PCM format44.1 kHz/16 bit *1 4 4 .1 k H zMP3 format256 kbps *1 4 4 .1 k H z192 kbps *2 4 4 .1 k H z128 kbps 44.1 kHzWMA format128 kbps 44.1 kHz64 kbps 44.1 kHz32 kbps 44.1 kHz16 kbps 22.05 kHz8 kbps 8 kHz*1 WS-813, WS-812 only*2 WS-811 only4 Maximum working output:150 mW (8 Ω speaker)4 Maximum headphone output:â 150 mV (according to EN 50332-2)4 Wide band characteristicheadphone output:75 mV â (according to EN 50332-2)4 Recording media:Built-in NAND FLASH memory:WS-813 : 8 GB/ WS-812 : 4 GB/WS-811 : 2 GBmicroSD card:2 GB to 32 GB4 Speaker:Built-in ø 18 mm round dynamic speaker4 MIC jack:ø 3.5 mm mini-jack, impedance 2 kΩ4 EAR jack:ø 3.5 mm mini-jack, impedance 8 Ω ormore4 Input power requirement:Battery:AAA battery (LR03) or<strong>Olympus</strong> Ni-MH rechargeable batteryExternal power supply:USB connecting AC adapter (A514) 5 V4 External dimensions:100.2 mm × 40 mm × 14.8 mm(without protrusions)4 Weight:57 g (including battery)4 Operating temperature:0°C - 42°C/ 32°F - 107.6°F4 Tuning frequency range(WS-813 only):FM radio: 87.50 MHz to 108.00 MHz7SpecificationsEN89
SpecificationsFrequency response4 During recording mode(Microphone jack):Linear PCM format44.1 kHz/16 bit *1 40 Hz to 21 kHzMP3 format256 kbps *1 40 Hz to 20 kHz192 kbps *2 40 Hz to 19 kHz128 kbps 40 Hz to 17 kHzWMA format128 kbps 40 Hz to 19 kHz64 kbps 40 Hz to 16 kHz32 kbps 40 Hz to 13 kHz16 kbps 40 Hz to 8 kHz8 kbps 40 Hz to 3 kHz7Specifications*1 WS-813, WS-812 only*2 WS-811 only4 During recording mode(Built-in stereo microphone):70 Hz to 20 kHz(However, for recording in the MP3format or the WMA format, the upperlimit value of the frequency responsedepends on the recording mode)4 During playback mode:20 Hz to 20 kHzEN90
SpecificationsGuide to battery lifeThe following values are strictly for reference only.4 In recording mode (Internal memory):Built-in stereo microphonesRecording modeNi-MH RechargeableAlkaline batterybatteryLinear PCM format 44.1 kHz/16 bit * 20 h. 15 h.MP3 format 128 kbps 22 h. 18 h.WMA format128 kbps 21 h. 17 h.8 kbps 27 h. 22 h.4 In voice file playback mode (All Playback Mode):Built-in speakerRecording modeNi-MH RechargeableAlkaline batterybatteryLinear PCM format 44.1 kHz/16 bit * 19 h. 15 h.MP3 format 128 kbps 21 h. 17 h.WMA format128 kbps 21 h. 17 h.8 kbps 24 h. 20 h.Earphone playbackRecording modeNi-MH RechargeableAlkaline batterybatteryLinear PCM format 44.1 kHz/16 bit * 22 h. 17 h.MP3 format 128 kbps 29 h. 21 h.WMA format128 kbps 30 h. 22 h.8 kbps 30 h. 22 h.4 In FM radio mode (Internal memory) (WS-813 only):7SpecificationsEarphone playbackRecorder statusNi-MH RechargeableAlkaline batterybatteryDuring FM radio reception 12 h. 11 h.During FM radio recording 7 h. 7 h.* WS-813, WS-812 only.Note• Battery life is measured by <strong>Olympus</strong>. It varies greatly according to the type of battery usedand the conditions of use.EN91
SpecificationsGuide to recording times7SpecificationsEN92The following values are strictly for reference only.4 Linear PCM format:Internal memorymicroSD card4 MP3 format:Internal memorymicroSD card4 WMA format:Internal memorymicroSD cardRecording mediaRecording mediaRecording mediaRecording mode44.1 kHz/16 bitWS-813 (8 GB)12 h. 5 min.WS-812 (4 GB) 6 h.8 GB 12 h. 5 min.4 GB 6 h.2 GB 3 h.Recording mode256 kbps 192 kbps 128 kbpsWS-813 (8 GB) 66 h. 30 min. ---- 133 h.WS-812 (4 GB) 33 h. ---- 66 h. 30 min.WS-811 (2 GB) ---- 22 h. 33 h. 30 min.8 GB 66 h. 30 min. 89 h. 133 h.4 GB 33 h. 44 h. 66 h.2 GB 16 h. 30 min. 22 h. 33 h.Recording mode128 kbps 64 kbps 32 kbps 16 kbps 8 kbpsWS-813 (8 GB) 132 h. 261 h. 522 h. 1028 h. 2043 h.WS-812 (4 GB) 65 h. 129 h. 259 h. 511 h. 1016 h.WS-811 (2 GB)32 h. 65 h.30 min. 30 min.131 h. 258 h. 514 h.8 GB 130 h. 261 h. 522 h. 1027 h. 2042 h.4 GB64 h.30 min.129 h. 259 h. 510 h. 1014 h.2 GB32 h.30 min.65 h. 129 h. 255 h. 508 h.Notes• Available recording time may be shorter if numerous short recordings are made(The displayed available recording time and recorded time are approximate indications).• Variations in the available recording time will arise as there may be differences in theavailable memory depending on the microSD card.
SpecificationsMaximum recording time per file• The maximum capacity for a single fileis approx. 4 GB for WMA and MP3, andapprox. 2 GB for Linear PCM *1 format(WAV).• Regardless of the amount of remainingmemory, the longest sound recordingtime per file is restricted to the followingvalue.Linear PCM formatGuide to recordable number of songsWS-813 : 2,000 songsWS-812 : 1,000 songsWS-811 : 500 songs(At 128 kbps, 4 minutes per song)44.1 kHz/16 bit *1 approx. 3 h. 20 min.MP3 format256 kbps *1 approx. 37 h. 10 min.192 kbps *2 approx. 49 h. 30 min.128 kbps approx. 74 h. 30 min.WMA format128 kbps approx. 26 h. 40 min.64 kbps approx. 26 h. 40 min.32 kbps approx. 26 h. 40 min.16 kbps approx. 53 h. 40 min.8 kbps approx. 148 h. 40 min.*1 WS-813, WS-812 only*2 WS-811 only7SpecificationsSpecifications and design are subject tochange without notice.EN93
Technical assistance and supportThe following contact information relates to technical support for <strong>Olympus</strong> recorders andsoftware only.s Technical Hotline Number in the U.S. and Canada1-888-553-4448s User Support E-mail address in the U.S. and Canadadistec@olympus.coms Technical Hotline Number in EuropeToll free number: 00800 67 10 83 00available for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxemburg,Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United KingdomCharged numbers for the Rest of Europe+ 49 180 567 1083+ 49 40 23773 4899s User Support E-mail address in assistance and supportFor customers in Europe:The “CE” mark indicates that this product complies with the Europeanrequirements for safety, health, environment and customer protection.This symbol [crossed-out wheeled bin WEEE Annex IV] indicates separatecollection of waste electrical and electronic equipment in the EUcountries. Please do not throw the equipment into the domestic refuse.Please use the return and collection systems available in your country forthe disposal of this product.Applicable Product: WS-813/WS-812/WS-811EN94This symbol [crossed-out wheeled bin Directive 2006/66/EC Annex II]indicates separate collection of waste batteries in the EU countries. Pleasedo not throw the batteries into the domestic refuse. Please use the returnand collection systems available in your country for the disposal of thewaste batteries.
OLYMPUS IMAGING CORP.Shinjuku Monolith, 3-1 Nishi-Shinjuku 2-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0914, Japan.Tel. +81 (0)3-3340-2111http://www.olympus.comOLYMPUS EUROPA HOLDING GMBH(Premises/Goods delivery) Wendenstrasse 14-18, 20097 Hamburg, Germany.Tel. +49 (0)40-237730(Letters) Postfach 10 49 08. 20034 Hamburg, Germany.http://www.olympus-europa.comEN-BD3512-01AP1112