Anglo Singapore International School

Anglo Singapore International School

Anglo Singapore International School


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Our campus, our teachers and of course our students all have bright prospects in thecoming year. In February a gleeful trio of our Secondary students will be performingat the <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> Association’s musical competition. Jazlina, Binam andJuliana will be competing at Keera-Pat <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong> and all parents and friendsare strongly encouraged to come and support our talented singers. On Sunday,February 7th Windsor Park and Golf Club will host the <strong>International</strong> <strong>School</strong>s JuniorGolf Championship 2010. <strong>Anglo</strong> is proud to be sending three of our finest golfers andinvites everyone to come out and enjoy an afternoon that promises to be filled withfierce competition. The incoming Chinese New Year will be welcomed in with aperformance organized by our Chinese department to be given at the annual Malay-HongKong-<strong>Singapore</strong>an Chamber of Commerce New Year Gala. The invitation is quite andhonor and I’m sure our students will warm the hearts of their audience. Earlier thismonth our Kindergarten students stole the show at Central World during theKidscovery Fair. Shoppers determined to snatch up the post-holiday sales were literallystopped in their tracks when they heard our student’s endearing voices. In additionto our Artistic and Athletic accolades, plans are being made for our students todisplay their Academic prowess at the upcoming Australian Maths Competition.The New Year offers an excellent opportunity for new and challenging endeavors.While tangible steps of progress are certainly commendable it is often our internalchanges that make the biggest difference. The New Year is a time to refresh ourselvesin physical as well as mental matters. In support of this tradition we will be changingour daily morning routines and instituting a time exclusively for a quiet ReadingCulture. Starting this Monday, January 19th students arriving before 7.30 will spendtheir time quietly exploring the literary world. Students and parents alike areencouraged to share any materials they feel could lend positive contributions to thisnew endeavor that promises to lead to more productive and mindful days of learning.I’d like to conclude this letter with a special thanks to all of our dedicated teachers,past and present. It pleases me to announce that all proceeds gained from ourTeacher’s Day Flower Drive will be presented to charity in honor of our teachers whohave committed so much of themselves to giving our students a brighter future.Sincerely yours,Danielle FreedPublic Relations Coordinator2

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