2012 AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the ...

2012 AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the ...

2012 AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the ...

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Land surface temperature and snow cover products from <strong>the</strong>Moderate Resoluti<strong>on</strong> Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)are used to investigate <strong>the</strong> sub-grid heterogeneity within <strong>the</strong>enhanced resoluti<strong>on</strong> QuikSCAT/AMSR-E 8.9km grid cells.We expect detailed informati<strong>on</strong> about <strong>the</strong> spring thawprocess, such as <strong>the</strong> differentiati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> soil thaw fromsnowmelt <strong>on</strong>set, will allow us to show improvedcorresp<strong>on</strong>dence between spring thaw timing and <strong>the</strong>seas<strong>on</strong>al switch <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> landscape being source/sink foratmospheric carb<strong>on</strong>.Walker, Anne E.Canadian Advancements in Characterizing HighLatitude Snow Cover Properties Using SatelliteDataWalker, Anne E. 1 ; Derksen, Chris 1 ; Wang, Libo 11. Climate Research Divisi<strong>on</strong>, Envir<strong>on</strong>ment Canada,Tor<strong>on</strong>to, ON, CanadaThe Climate Research Divisi<strong>on</strong> (CRD) <strong>of</strong> Envir<strong>on</strong>mentCanada has a l<strong>on</strong>g-standing research program focussed <strong>on</strong><strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> satellite-based capabilities forcharacterizing <strong>the</strong> spatial and temporal variability in snowcover across Canada to support analyses <strong>of</strong> climatevariability and change and c<strong>on</strong>tribute to enhancedmodelling (climate, numerical wea<strong>the</strong>r predicti<strong>on</strong>,hydrology) capabilities. Scientific understanding <strong>of</strong> snowcover variability and change in nor<strong>the</strong>rn regi<strong>on</strong>s isparticularly lacking due to a sparse c<strong>on</strong>venti<strong>on</strong>al observingnetwork that has a str<strong>on</strong>g coastal bias. This presentati<strong>on</strong> willprovide an overview <strong>of</strong> recent Canadian advancements thathave been made in characterizing high latitude snow coverproperties using data from current satellites and efforts todetermine <strong>the</strong> potential for future missi<strong>on</strong>s such asCoReH2O (Cold Regi<strong>on</strong>s Hydrology High-resoluti<strong>on</strong>Observatory). These include new capabilities generated fromresearch activities carried out during Internati<strong>on</strong>al PolarYear (2007-2009) for snow water equivalent (SWE) retrievalin Arctic tundra landscapes, and <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> a pan-Arctic data set documenting melt <strong>on</strong>set dates for terrestrialsnow cover, lake ice, land ice, and sea ice surfaces from Kubandscatterometer and passive microwave radiometermeasurements. The applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> new satellite snow coverdata sets for documenting changes in Arctic snow cover andimproving <strong>the</strong> initializati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> surface c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s innumerical wea<strong>the</strong>r predicti<strong>on</strong> models will be highlighted.This includes applicati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> suite <strong>of</strong> land cover specificalgorithms developed at Envir<strong>on</strong>ment Canada (suitable forregi<strong>on</strong>al modeling applicati<strong>on</strong>s) and a new Nor<strong>the</strong>rnHemisphere SWE dataset (suitable for global modelingapplicati<strong>on</strong>s) recently produced by <strong>the</strong> European SpaceAgency GlobSnow initiative. GlobSnow SWE retrievals areproduced through an assimilati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> satellite passivemicrowave data, forward snow emissi<strong>on</strong> model simulati<strong>on</strong>s,and snow depth measurements from synoptic wea<strong>the</strong>rstati<strong>on</strong>s. Evaluati<strong>on</strong> with independent reference datasetsindicate this approach produces retrievals with notablyimproved accuracy compared to c<strong>on</strong>temporary ‘stand-al<strong>on</strong>e’passive microwave datasets.Walker, Jeffrey P.The Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiment:Towards Active Passive Retrieval and DownsclaingWalker, Jeffrey P. 1 ; M<strong>on</strong>erris, Alessandra 1 ; Gao, Ying 1 ; Wu,Xiaoling 1 ; Panciera, Rocco 2 ; Tanase, Mihai 2 ; Ryu,D<strong>on</strong>gryeol 2 ; Gray, Doug 3 ; Yardley, Heath 3 ; Goh, Alvin 3 ;Jacks<strong>on</strong>, Tom 41. Department <strong>of</strong> Civil Engineering, M<strong>on</strong>ash University,Clayt<strong>on</strong>, VIC, Australia2. Department <strong>of</strong> Infrastructure Engineering, University <strong>of</strong>Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia3. Department <strong>of</strong> Electrical and Electr<strong>on</strong>ic Engineering,University <strong>of</strong> Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia4. United Stated Department <strong>of</strong> Agriculture, Beltsville, MD,USANASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) missi<strong>on</strong> isscheduled for launch in 2014. This soil moisture dedicatedmissi<strong>on</strong> will carry a combined L-band radar and radiometersystem with <strong>the</strong> objective <strong>of</strong> mapping near surface soilmoisture globally at an unprecedented spatial resoluti<strong>on</strong>.The scientific rati<strong>on</strong>ale for SMAP is an improved accuracyand spatial resoluti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> soil moisture estimates through <strong>the</strong>combinati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> high resoluti<strong>on</strong> (3 km) but noisy radarderived soil moisture informati<strong>on</strong> and <strong>the</strong> more accurate yetlower resoluti<strong>on</strong> (36 km) radiometer derived soil moistureinformati<strong>on</strong>, yielding a 9 km active-passive soil moistureproduct. In order to achieve <strong>the</strong>se objectives, algorithmsneed to be developed and tested using airborne data thatsimulate <strong>the</strong> radar and radiometer observati<strong>on</strong>s that SMAPwill provide. The Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiment(SMAPEx) is a series <strong>of</strong> three airborne field campaignsc<strong>on</strong>tributing to <strong>the</strong> development and validati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> suchalgorithms, providing prototype SMAP observati<strong>on</strong>scollected with a unique active and passive airborne facilityover a heavily m<strong>on</strong>itored study area in south-easternAustralia. This paper outlines <strong>the</strong> airborne and groundsampling rati<strong>on</strong>ale, <strong>the</strong> progress towards producingsimulated active-passive SMAP data sets for a range <strong>of</strong> soilmoisture and vegetati<strong>on</strong> c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s, including a single 3-week l<strong>on</strong>g dry-down period during <strong>the</strong> spring growingseas<strong>on</strong>, and <strong>the</strong> development <strong>of</strong> 1 km resoluti<strong>on</strong> passive <strong>on</strong>lysoil moisture maps for validati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> active-passive retrievaland downscaling studies. Note that <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> authorsdoes not necessarily reflect <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> c<strong>on</strong>tributi<strong>on</strong>s.Wang, GuangyuSustainability and Landuse Pattern ChangeDetecti<strong>on</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Min River Watershed, ChinaWang, Guangyu 11. Faculty <strong>of</strong> Forestry, University <strong>of</strong> British Columbia,Vancouver, BC, CanadaDetecting patterns and change in landuse over time isvery important in determining regi<strong>on</strong>al ecosystem well-being148

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