2012 AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the ...

2012 AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the ...

2012 AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the ...

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Yo<strong>on</strong>, YeosangAn ensemble-based approach for estimating riverbathymetry from SWOT measurementsYo<strong>on</strong>, Yeosang 1, 5 ; Durand, Michael 2, 5 ; Merry, Carolyn 1 ;Clark, Elizabeth 3 ; Andreadis, K<strong>on</strong>stantinos 4 ; Alsdorf,Douglas 2, 51. Department <strong>of</strong> Civil and Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Engineering andGeodetic Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus,OH, USA2. School <strong>of</strong> Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH, USA3. Department <strong>of</strong> Civil and Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Engineering,University <strong>of</strong> Washingt<strong>on</strong>, Seattle, WA, USA4. Jet Propulsi<strong>on</strong> Laboratory, California Institute <strong>of</strong>Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA5. Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University,Columbus, OH, USARiver discharge is an important element in many aspects<strong>of</strong> water resources management; however, global gaugingnetworks are sparse and even have been in decline. Over <strong>the</strong>past decade, researchers have been trying to better estimateriver discharge using remote sensing techniques tocomplement <strong>the</strong> existing in situ gage networks. Theupcoming Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT)missi<strong>on</strong> will directly provide simultaneous spatial mapping<strong>of</strong> inundati<strong>on</strong> area and inland water surface elevati<strong>on</strong> data(i.e., river, lakes, wetlands, and reservoirs), both temporallyand spatially, with <strong>the</strong> Ka-band Radar Interferometer; thismissi<strong>on</strong> is planned to launch in 2019. With <strong>the</strong>seobservati<strong>on</strong>s, <strong>the</strong> SWOT missi<strong>on</strong> will provide informati<strong>on</strong>for characterizing river discharge at global scales. A key toestimating river discharge via Manning’s equati<strong>on</strong> orhydrodynamic model is river bathymetry. Because SWOTwill measure water surface elevati<strong>on</strong> (WSE), not <strong>the</strong> truedepth to <strong>the</strong> river bottom, <strong>the</strong> cross-secti<strong>on</strong>al flow area willnot be fully measured. Note that <strong>the</strong> SWOT sensor candirectly measure <strong>the</strong> changes in water depth and crosssecti<strong>on</strong>alarea above <strong>the</strong> lowest measured WSE, but absoluteriver depths will not be observed. Here, we focus <strong>on</strong>estimating river bathymetry for retrieving river dischargefrom <strong>the</strong> SWOT using a data assimilati<strong>on</strong> algorithm coupledwith a hydrodynamic model. In this study, we assimilatedsyn<strong>the</strong>tic SWOT observati<strong>on</strong>s into <strong>the</strong> LISFLOOD-FPhydrodynamic model using a local ensemble batchsmoo<strong>the</strong>r, simultaneously estimating river bathymetry andflow depth. First-guess estimates <strong>of</strong> bathymetry were derivedassuming a uniform spatial depth with spatially correlateddownstream variability. SWOT observati<strong>on</strong>s were obtainedby sampling a “true” LISFLOOD-FP simulati<strong>on</strong> based <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong>SWOT instrument design; <strong>the</strong> “true” discharge boundaryc<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong> was derived from USGS gages. The first-guessdischarge boundary c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s were produced by <strong>the</strong>Variable Infiltrati<strong>on</strong> Capacity model, with dischargeuncertainty c<strong>on</strong>trolled via precipitati<strong>on</strong> uncertainty. Havingrealistically described uncertainties in discharge andbathymetry, we evaluate <strong>the</strong> ability <strong>of</strong> a data assimilati<strong>on</strong>158algorithm to recover bathymetry and discharge using SWOTobservati<strong>on</strong>s.You, YaleiThe Proporti<strong>on</strong>ality between Surface Rainfall andVertically Integrated Water and Its Implicati<strong>on</strong>s toSatellite Rainfall RetrievalYou, Yalei 1 ; Liu, Guosheng 11. Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USAThe correlati<strong>on</strong> between <strong>the</strong> surface rainrate and <strong>the</strong>water path is investigated by using <strong>the</strong> Tropical RainfallMeasuring Missi<strong>on</strong> (TRMM) Precipitati<strong>on</strong> Radar (PR) data.The results showed that <strong>the</strong> proporti<strong>on</strong>ality between <strong>the</strong>surface rainrate and <strong>the</strong> water path varies both seas<strong>on</strong>allyand spatially. Specifically, over land <strong>the</strong> proporti<strong>on</strong>ally <strong>of</strong> icewater path and surface rain changes little in <strong>the</strong> tropicalregi<strong>on</strong>s, such as central Africa. In c<strong>on</strong>trast, it changesdramatically over desert regi<strong>on</strong>s and m<strong>on</strong>so<strong>on</strong>-affected areas.In terms <strong>of</strong> spatial variati<strong>on</strong>, it is found that <strong>the</strong>proporti<strong>on</strong>ality between ice water path and surface rainratehas much larger changes around Sahara desert areas. Inadditi<strong>on</strong>, <strong>the</strong> proporti<strong>on</strong>ality between <strong>the</strong> water path andsurface rainrate has also been investigated. It seems that <strong>the</strong>largest difference is between Sahara desert regi<strong>on</strong>s and o<strong>the</strong>rplaces. It is likely that <strong>the</strong> lower part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> rainfall pr<strong>of</strong>iledominate <strong>the</strong> overall total water path. Over ocean, <strong>the</strong>proporti<strong>on</strong>ality between ice (liquid) water path and surfacerainrate also dem<strong>on</strong>strates similar seas<strong>on</strong>ally and spatiallyvariati<strong>on</strong>s. These results indicate that localized methodsmaybe employed under different c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s due to <strong>the</strong> sameamount <strong>of</strong> water path corresp<strong>on</strong>ding to quite differentsurface rainrate.Yu, XuanUsing NLDAS-2 for Initializing IntegratedWatershed Models: Model Spin-up for <strong>the</strong>AirMOSS CampaignYu, Xuan 1 ; Duffy, Christopher 1 ; Bhatt, Gopal 1 ; Crow, Wade 2 ;Shi, Yuning 31. Civil & Envir<strong>on</strong>mental Engineering, Pennsylvania StateUniversity, University Park, PA, USA2. <strong>Remote</strong> <strong>Sensing</strong> Lab, United States Department <strong>of</strong>Agriculture, Beltsville, MD, USA3. Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, UniversityPark, PA, USAAirborne Microwave Observatory <strong>of</strong> Subcanopy andSubsurface (AirMOSS) investigati<strong>on</strong> has been developed forhigh-resoluti<strong>on</strong> in time and space root-z<strong>on</strong>e soil moistureand carb<strong>on</strong> estimati<strong>on</strong>. AirMOSS will build an ultra-highfrequency (UHF) syn<strong>the</strong>tic aperture radar (SAR) that has <strong>the</strong>capability to penetrate through substantial vegetati<strong>on</strong>canopies and subsurface and retrieve informati<strong>on</strong> to <strong>the</strong>depths as deep as 1.2m depending <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> soil moisturec<strong>on</strong>tent. To meet <strong>the</strong> high temporal and spatial resoluti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong>AirMOSS data Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model(PIHM) – a fully-coupled physics-based hydrologic model is

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