Canadian Centre for Elder Law A Practical ... - Your Legal Rights

Canadian Centre for Elder Law A Practical ... - Your Legal Rights

Canadian Centre for Elder Law A Practical ... - Your Legal Rights


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!person must report the following to the Director who has been appointed by the Ministerof Health:• Improper or incompetent treatment or care resulting in harm or risk of harm;• Abuse of a resident by anyone;• Neglect by the licensee or staff that resulted in harm or a risk of harm to theresident;• Unlawful conduct that resulted in harm or a risk of harm to a resident;• Misuse or misappropriation of a resident’s money.If the following persons fail to report abuse, they are guilty of an offence and may befined up to $25,000 (ss. 24(5)) and 182(2)):• Licensee or manager of a long-term care home• An officer or director of the corporation that is the licensee or manager of a longtermcare home• A member of the committee of management or the board of management <strong>for</strong> thehome• A staff member• Any person who provides professional health or social work services to a residentor licensee.Licensees of long-term care homes must also protect residents from abuse by anyoneand ensure that the licensee and staff do not neglect residents (s. 19(1)).5. <strong>Elder</strong> Abuse and Neglect in the WorkplaceEmployees are protected from work-related consequences. It is illegal <strong>for</strong> someone todismiss, discipline, suspend, intimidate, coerce, harass or impose a penalty againstanother person <strong>for</strong> reporting abuse or neglect (s. 26).6. Confidential In<strong>for</strong>mationProfessionals, non-professional staff and volunteers must normally get consent from anolder adult be<strong>for</strong>e disclosing personal or health in<strong>for</strong>mation.The reporting requirement does not abrogate solicitor-client privilege (s. 24(7)). Subjectto solicitor-client privilege, a person may disclose confidential in<strong>for</strong>mation, withoutconsent from a resident, in order to report abuse or neglect (s. 24(4)).The Personal Health In<strong>for</strong>mation Protection Act (s. 40(1)) states that:A health in<strong>for</strong>mation custodian may disclose personal health in<strong>for</strong>mation about anindividual if the custodian believes on reasonable grounds that the disclosure isnecessary <strong>for</strong> the purpose of eliminating or reducing a significant risk of seriousbodily harm to a person or group of persons.Disclosure without consent is permitted under the above Act (s. 43(1)(f)) as well as theFOIPPA (s. 42(1)(g)) and the MFOIPPA (s. 32(g)) to assist with a police investigation.! "#!

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