Canadian Centre for Elder Law A Practical ... - Your Legal Rights

Canadian Centre for Elder Law A Practical ... - Your Legal Rights

Canadian Centre for Elder Law A Practical ... - Your Legal Rights


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!1. Purpose of this <strong>Legal</strong> ResourceThe following material will:• Introduce the concept of elder abuse• Provide a summary of key laws relevant to elder abuse and neglect• Identify obligations to respond to abuse, neglect and risk• Identify key agencies to contact if you are concerned that an older adult is beingabused or neglected• Outline the relationship between mental capacity and the law in relation to elder abuse• Discuss the impact of professional confidentiality obligations and privacy law on theability of professionals to disclose an older adult’s confidential in<strong>for</strong>mation in order tofollow up on concerns regarding abuse and neglect• Provide a list of resourcesThe <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Centre</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Elder</strong> <strong>Law</strong> (CCEL) has produced this elder abuse legal resource to assistthe following agencies to produce educational materials of relevance to their members:• <strong>Canadian</strong> Association of Occupational Therapists• <strong>Canadian</strong> Dental Hygienists Association• <strong>Canadian</strong> Nurses Association• Fédération des associations de jurists d’expression française• Fédération des locataires d’habitations à modique du Québec• Fondation du centre de santé et de services sociaux de la Vieille-CapitaleThis tool has been produced <strong>for</strong> a diverse audience that includes volunteers with no university orcollege education and professionals with varied education levels. Sections A and B are written inplain language in order to be accessible to most readers. Sections C and D were created <strong>for</strong> theprofessional associations named above.This tool has been designed to apply to abuse and neglect occurring anywhere in Canada. Eachprovince and territory has a unique set of laws that apply to elder abuse. See Section D <strong>for</strong> asummary of the laws in the province or territory in which you work or volunteer.This project was funded by the Human Resources and Social Development Canada New Horizons<strong>for</strong> Seniors Program.This revised edition, published in July 2011, includes revisions to sections 2 and 12 of the tool.! "!

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