Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army

Fire in our hearts - The Jesus Army


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FIRE IN OUR HEARTSON THE MARCH<strong>The</strong> night was calm, but the next morn<strong>in</strong>g he wept when hesaw a huge tree sprawled over the lawn.In Birm<strong>in</strong>gham they met homelessness, poverty, violence,addiction and lonel<strong>in</strong>ess. One woman, whom they were seek<strong>in</strong>gto lead to Christ, died drunk <strong>in</strong> bed. <strong>The</strong>y saw afresh, asBooth once did, how an army of Christians must arise to meetthe need. <strong>The</strong> powers of darkness were rampant, the occultran wild, and a great heartcry rose up from these <strong>in</strong>ner cities.<strong>The</strong> evangelists wept at some of the th<strong>in</strong>gs they saw.<strong>The</strong>y saw riots, race-hatred and unrest. We longed for amultiracial church, and were saddened by <strong>our</strong> slowness toreach blacks. Maggie from Liberia was one who found <strong>our</strong>friendship. ‘My life was very s<strong>in</strong>ful,’ she wrote <strong>in</strong> Lifenews,‘and I had reservations about a white church anyway. I madesure I was out when they called, but they caught me unawares!What really surprised me was that they didn’t m<strong>in</strong>dme be<strong>in</strong>g the only black. After that God worked <strong>in</strong> me, and Ibecame like one of the gang. I knew I belonged.’ 79In Brita<strong>in</strong> the harvest was ripen<strong>in</strong>g. We spent eight monthsof mission work <strong>in</strong> central England, on top of a busy work<strong>in</strong>gweek. ‘God is keep<strong>in</strong>g his soldiers fight<strong>in</strong>g,’ we sang from theSalvation <strong>Army</strong> song book, but with such a full programmeand the huge <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> raw converts many of us were gett<strong>in</strong>gworn down.Steve ‘Genu<strong>in</strong>e’, the farm strong man and kiddies’ hero,went through a crisis at this time. Once he had ‘seen the k<strong>in</strong>gdom’,Steve had sacrificed his nice background, Christianambition, and degree, for tractors, straw-cart<strong>in</strong>g, and cattlerear<strong>in</strong>g.He scorned false spirituality, but now had lost his<strong>in</strong>spiration. In his own words, he was ‘the farm slob’. In frus-249

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