Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...


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<strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong>’s direct contribution to the national economy also encompasses inputs in termsof levies, <strong>ta</strong>xes and the collection of Government revenues. In FY <strong>2010</strong>, the <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> Groupcontributed Rs. 6.16 Bn. in <strong>ta</strong>xes, fees and levies to the GoSL. The Group collected a furtherRs. 8.23 Bn. in VAT, MSL and other <strong>ta</strong>xes on behalf of the GoSL remitting a to<strong>ta</strong>l ofRs. 10.44 Bn. to the exchequer during the course of <strong>2010</strong>.The <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> Group prides itself with respect to the contribution made towards thedeve<strong>lo</strong>pment of the country’s human capi<strong>ta</strong>l. The Group is by far, the mobile sector’s largestemp<strong>lo</strong>yer – accounting for approximately 55% of mobile sector emp<strong>lo</strong>yment. <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> alsocontinues to grow the <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> Scholarship Programme which has over the years, supportedin excess of 450 students from across all districts and provinces of the country, throughAdvanced Level and University education.Furthermore, Nenasa TV – <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong>’s flagship contribution to Sri Lanka’s education sector,opens a new vis<strong>ta</strong> in access to education through the dep<strong>lo</strong>yment of satellite broadcasttechno<strong>lo</strong>gy as a dis<strong>ta</strong>nce learning bridge for students from across the island. Nenasa bridgesteacher arbitrage through the broadcast of high-quality curriculum-based education contentsupplemented with a s<strong>ta</strong>te-of-the-art web-based learning management system.As espoused in our Sus<strong>ta</strong>inability <strong>Report</strong> for <strong>2010</strong>, <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> consistently reiterates itscommitment towards ensuring its business operations are aligned to support the ideals ofsus<strong>ta</strong>inability and accoun<strong>ta</strong>bility. <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> is also mindful of the delicate balance that it needsto strike between delivering strong financ<strong>ia</strong>l growth with deve<strong>lo</strong>pment that is ultimatelyequi<strong>ta</strong>ble and sus<strong>ta</strong>inable. <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> sees this challenge as an opportunity to draw on ourinnate forward-<strong>lo</strong>oking organisational culture, to deliver soc<strong>ia</strong>lly innovative and inclusiveICT services.AcknowledgementsIn concluding my review of operations, I would like to thank our customers for their valuedpatronage and <strong>lo</strong>yalty, and our shareholders for their support and encouragement whichwas invaluable in emboldening management with the impetus to steer operations throughand against challenging environments. I would also like to express my sincere apprec<strong>ia</strong>tionfor the support and encouragement extended to us by the Government of Sri Lanka and itsagencies – in particular, the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka, theBoard of Investment, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Mass Med<strong>ia</strong> and Information,the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.12<strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> <strong>Ax<strong>ia</strong><strong>ta</strong></strong> <strong>PLC</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong> |Group Chief Executive’s Review of Operations

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