Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...


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The international telecommunications services of <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> have delivered significantoutcomes in <strong>2010</strong>. The services offered by the international business delivered 27% growth,contributing significantly to the top line, whilst accounting for 22% of Group revenue. In<strong>2010</strong>, <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> achieved the milestone of 100% G<strong>lo</strong>bal IPVPN coverage, further strengtheninginextricable partnerships with a host of international carriers.Company Financ<strong>ia</strong>l Review<strong>2010</strong>Rs. Mn.2009Rs. Mn.Change%Revenue 37,954 33,189 14Direct costs (20,972) (19,360) 8Gross profit 16,982 13,829 23Gross margin % 45 42 3ppOperating costs (10,303) (21,596) (52)EBITDA 14,455 8,553 69EBITDA margin % 38 26 12ppPBT 7,043 (8,785) 180PAT 6,552 (9,210) 171PAT margin % 17 (28) 45ppNote: Comparatives have been res<strong>ta</strong>ted to conform to changes in the current year’s presen<strong>ta</strong>tion.Revenue has been res<strong>ta</strong>ted to include site sharing income.RevenueThe Company recorded a revenue of Rs. 37.95 Bn. for the year <strong>2010</strong>, a strong increaseof 14% YoY. To<strong>ta</strong>l revenues were bolstered by increased consumption of mobile voiceand Mobile Broadband services, as well, by interconnection income accruing from theintroduction of the interconnection regime in June <strong>2010</strong>. Revenue from Tele-Infrastructurebusiness increased by 48% YoY as a result of Company’s aggressive approach aimed atmonetising its vast infrastructure footprint. International revenue was boosted by the 18%YoY growth in termination revenue due to increased international traffic underpinned by26<strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> <strong>Ax<strong>ia</strong><strong>ta</strong></strong> <strong>PLC</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong> |Business & Financ<strong>ia</strong>l Review

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