Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...


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Re-electionThe Company’s Articles of Assoc<strong>ia</strong>tion require that one-third of the Directors, excluding theExecutive Director, retire and submit themselves for re-election at every <strong>Annual</strong> GeneralMeeting (AGM). The Directors who retire are those who have been <strong>lo</strong>ngest in office sincetheir appointment/reappointment. In addition, a newly appointed Director is requiredto submit himself for retirement and re-election at the AGM immed<strong>ia</strong>tely fol<strong>lo</strong>wing hisappointment.The re-election of Directors ensures that shareholders have a regular opportunity tore-assess the composition of the Board. The names of the Directors submitted forre-election are provided to the shareholders to enable them to make an informed decisionon their election.The Director retiring by ro<strong>ta</strong>tion and eligible for re-election this year is named in the Noticeof the AGM on page 124.RemunerationThe Company endeavours to attract, re<strong>ta</strong>in and motivate Directors of the quality requiredto run the Group successfully. The remuneration policy for Directors is proposed, evaluatedand reviewed by the NRC, in keeping with the criter<strong>ia</strong> of moderation. The Companyfurnishes information each year regarding the remuneration paid to the Board of Directorsin the <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong>.Further, the performance-related elements of remuneration have been designed to align theinterests of the Executive Director with those of shareholders and link rewards to corporateand individual performance. The remuneration of the Executive Director, in his capacity ofan emp<strong>lo</strong>yee, comprises a salary, bonuses and other customary benefits as appropr<strong>ia</strong>te.Salary reviews <strong>ta</strong>ke into account market rates and the performance of the individual andthe Company.The remuneration of Non-Executive Directors comprises a monthly stipend and al<strong>lo</strong>wancespaid in accordance with the number of meetings attended during the year <strong>2010</strong>.A to<strong>ta</strong>l of Rs. 14.77 Mn. was paid to the Directors as emoluments for the financ<strong>ia</strong>l year <strong>2010</strong>.Corporate Governance<strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> <strong>Ax<strong>ia</strong><strong>ta</strong></strong> <strong>PLC</strong>| <strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong>41

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