Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...

Dialog Axiata PLC | Annual Report 2010 D ia lo g A x ia ta P L C | A ...


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your company concluded the Financ<strong>ia</strong>l Year <strong>2010</strong> having recorded a consolidated ProfitAfter Tax (PAT) of Rs. 5.05 Bn. Furthermore, in addition to perfecting and consolidatingthe multifaceted transformation under<strong>ta</strong>ken by the Company in the previous years, <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong>continued to lead Sri Lanka’s mobile communications sector driving robust outcomes withrespect to subscriber acquisition, network deve<strong>lo</strong>pment and service excellence.Our focus on transformation and excellence extended beyond our core business. In concert,our portfolio of ICT businesses have forged a formula of sus<strong>ta</strong>inable profi<strong>ta</strong>bility, in <strong>ta</strong>ndemwith setting the pace and s<strong>ta</strong>ndard for the proliferation of the very best in converged ICTservices. In <strong>2010</strong>, our market leading Pay TV operation enjoyed four quarters of positiveEBITDA (Operating Profit before Deprec<strong>ia</strong>tion, Amortisation and Impairment) while ourFixed Telecommunication business crossed the milestone of EBITDA positive operations, inthe second quarter of the year.The reversal of a negative trend in profi<strong>ta</strong>bility is often referred to as a ‘Turnaround’. Seededin the year 2008, we branded our determined focus on transformation, as the ‘<strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong>Rebound’. It was our belief that ‘Rebound’ better embodied the power and strength behindthe transformation objectives, and the momentum and buoyancy with which we aimed toreturn to profi<strong>ta</strong>bility through the leverage of our position as a market leader, power brandand national ICT champion. In 2008 and in prospective terms, the <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> Rebound wasa transformation agenda. Today, in retrospect it joins the annals of the <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> Story as achapter of a different kind – bearing indelible testimony to the courage, determination andcapability of the <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> team to fight and succeed in the face of challenging times.The <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> ReboundAs alluded to in my review last year, <strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong>’s transformation agenda applied parallelfocus to the right-sizing and corresponding rescaling of techno<strong>lo</strong>gy platforms, operatingcost structures and organisational capacity. In <strong>2010</strong>, we continued with similar focus andmomentum to rescale multiple dimensions of our business against aggressive time scales.Accordingly, we continued to be challenged to implement simul<strong>ta</strong>neously and on a timelybasis a multiplicity of impactful structural corrections encompassing process, techno<strong>lo</strong>gy,automation and the optimum dep<strong>lo</strong>yment of human and other resources, across ourmulti-faceted business. While performance outcomes endorsed our transformationstrategies, we remained committed to uphold uncompromised, the s<strong>ta</strong>ndards of serviceexcellence, techno<strong>lo</strong>gy leadership and contribution to the nation and economy, as requiredof an industry leader.6<strong>D<strong>ia</strong><strong>lo</strong>g</strong> <strong>Ax<strong>ia</strong><strong>ta</strong></strong> <strong>PLC</strong><strong>Annual</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>2010</strong> |Group Chief Executive’s Review of Operations

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