Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...

Uncle Hugo's Science Fiction Bookstore Uncle Edgar's Mystery ...


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Miranda must enter a world of dark magic and darker intrigue).............................................. $5.99Campbell, J (Hemry, J) Stark's Crusade (Ethan Stark #3: Reissue; Sent to protect theUS Lunar Colony, Sergeant Ethan Stark and his soldiers werebetrayed by high-ranking officials, and Stark ended up head of arebel organization he never intended to create. Now the US hasjoined forces with its former enemy to insure his destruction)$.7.99Catanese, P.W. The End of Time (Books of Umber #3: Kids; As Hap strugglesto master his unusual abilities, time is running out. Umber's rivalsare threatening to undo all the good he has achieved, and a newenemy with terrible destructive power is approaching the kingdom).............................................. $6.99Cole, MykeShadow Ops: Control Point (PBO; Lt. Oscar Britton of theSupernatural Operations Corps has been trained to take out peoplepossessing magical powers. But when he starts manifesting powersof his own, the SOC revokes Oscar's government agent status anddeclares him public enemy number one). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Cook, Glen Garrett Takes the Case: Old Tin Sorrows / DreadBrass Shadows / Red Iron Nights (Garrett PI #04 /#05 / #06: Omnibus reprint; 3 fantasy novels). . . . . . . $16.00Cox, GregThe Rings of Time (Star Trek: PBO; After a mysterious alienprobe is brought aboard the ship, Captain Kirk suddenly findshimself floating in orbit above Saturn, wearing a 21st-century NASAspacesuit. What just happened?).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Daniel, Tony Guardian of Night (Alien commander Captain Arid Ricimerplans to defect to Earth with his officers and his superweaponequippedstarship; he and his new human allies will have to facedown the forces of a tyrannical star empire). . . . . . . . . . . $13.00Davis, JimGarfield Brings Home the Bacon (Garfield #53: Fullcolorcollection of comic strips).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14.00de Lint, Charles Eyes Like Leaves (Magic is fading in the Green Isles, but mythsstill walk the world. The children of the ancient gods are engaged inone final confrontation, but when legendary creatures wage war, it'sthe ordinary people who suffer the consequences). . . . . . . $15.95Deas, Stephen The King of the Crags (Memory of Flames #2: As the Realmsteeter on the brink of war, the fate of humanity rests on the survivalof one majestic white dragon). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Deas, Stephen The Order of the Scales (Memory of Flames #3:Determined to take back the kingdom, Zafir has seized Jehal's wifeand son as hostages. Desperate to save his queen and his heir, Jehalmakes a tentative peace with the dragons of the north, and preparesto fly against his enemies. But greater danger threatens. Thedragons are awakening from the spells cast upon them. They areDel Franco, Markregaining their native fury - and intent on revenge). . . . . $25.95Undone Deeds (Connor Grey #6: PBO; Wrongly accused of aterrorist attack that rocked Boston, Connor evades arrest by goingunderground, where rumors of war are roiling. A final confrontationbetween the Celtic and Teutonic fey looks inevitable - with Boston asthe battlefield).................................. $7.99Dietz, William C. Deception (Mass Effect: Novel based on the game. Every 50,000years, a race of sentient machines invades our galaxy to harvest allorganic life-forms. Two people who know the truth are desperatelysearching for a way to stop the cycle). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99DiTerlizzi, TonyDurham, David AnthonyKenny & the Dragon (Kids; Kenny is a little rabbit with a bigproblem. His two best friends are Graeme, a peaceable, well-read,cultured dragon, and George, a retired knight and dragon slayerwho runs a bookshop. When the villagers learn there's a dragon inthe countryside, they call George out of retirement. It's up to Kennyto avert the battle)............................... $6.99The Sacred Band (Acacia #3: Queen Corinn bestrides theworld as a result of her mastery of the spells in the ancient Book ofElenet. Her brother Daniel has been sent on a perilous mission to theOther Lands, while her sister Mena travels to the far north to face aninvasion by the Auldek. Their separate trajectories will converge ina series of world-shaping battles). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Englehart, SteveFarris, JohnThe Plain Man (Max August #3: Max pursues two members ofthe FRC ruling cabal to a festival in the American Southwest).............................................. $7.99High Bloods (Battling a rising tide of Lycan rights activist, LALycan Control agent Rawson must carve a path to the top of theLycan chain before all hell breaks loose). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Fforde, Jasper One of Our Thursdays Is Missing (Thursday Next #6:All-out Genre war is rumbling, and the BookWorld desperately needsa heroine like Thursday Next. But with the real Thursday apparentlyretired to the RealWorld, the Council of Genres turns to the writtenThursday, asking her to pretend to be the real Thursday, and travelas an emissary to the warring factions. Her trip up the mightyMetaphoric River reveals a fiendish plot that threatens the veryfabric of the BookWorld). ........................ $16.00Flint, E/Wentworth, KDFrost, P.R.Galenorn, YasmineGarey, TerriGarner, CynthiaGreenberg/Hughes (ed)Guinan, P/Bennett, AHallaway, TateHarvard LampoonHauge, LesleyHobb, RobinHodder, MarkThe Crucible of Empire (Empire #2: Sequel to The Courseof Empire). .................................... $7.99Forest Moon Rising (Tess Noncoire #4: Fantasy writer andCelestial Blade Warrior Tess Noncoire is determined to hunt down ademonic intruder who is ravishing young women, leaving thempregnant, and then returning to steal their babies). . . . . . . $7.99Shaded Vision (Otherworld #11: PBO; It's Valentine's Day andthe D'Artigo women are preparing for the wedding of their friendIris. Then Delilah and her sisters get word that the Super CommunityCenter has been bombed. The evil coyote shifters are back, and theirnew leader has joined forces with a group of rogue sorcerers. Then,just when they think things can't get worse, the demon lord ShadowWing sends in a new front man, and life really goes to hell). $7.99A Devil Named Desire (Devil's Bargain #2: PBO; Sammy(Satan) Divine sets out to prove to his old friend, the archangelGabriel, that when forbidden fruit comes in the form of a woman, itcan be very hard to resist). ........................ $7.99Kiss of the Vampire (Warriors of the Rift #1: PBO;Determined to find out who killed her vampire friend, Nix De LaFuente is shocked when her vampire ex Tobias Caine is assigned tothe investigation)................................ $7.99Westward Weird (Anthology; original stories that open theOld West to new frontiers of sf and fantasy). . . . . . . . . . . . $7.99Frank Reade: Adventures in the Age of Invention(Frank Reade magazines were the world's first sf periodicals,enthralling readers with tales of fantastic inventions andadventures. Now many of the spectacular images from the vintagedime novel series are being reprinted for the first time in more thana century, along with excerpts from the action-packed stories)............................................. $24.95Almost Everything (Vampire Princess of St. Paul #3: PBO;YA; Ever since her father banished her from the court of theNorthern vampires, Ana has been trying to live a normal life. Butwhen the Prince of the Southern Region vampires informs her thatthey're on the brink of war, she accidentally volunteers vampireknight Elias as a peace offering. She's going to need some help to getout of this situation ; Signed copies expected). . . . . . . . . . . $9.99The Hunger Pains (Parody of the popular dystopian novel)............................................. $13.99Nomansland (YA; In a post-apocalyptic future, on an islandpopulated solely with women, a group of teens are tasked withprotecting their shores from men. The discovery of a partiallyburned home from the past introduces them to a world they havenever known, and raises questions about their strict society).$9.99City of Dragons (Rain Wilds #3: The lost city of Kelsingra canonly be reached by flight - a test of endurance and skill beyond thestrength of the stunted dragons. Desperate, they must search thedepths of their ancestral memories for the knowledge that mightsave them. But time is running out for both dragons and theirhuman keepers). ............................... $27.99Expedition to the Mountains of the Moon (Burton &

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